K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview..
I think you will be okay you just have to move fast, first finish up the correct affidavit of support (864 with sponsor's signature), attach a letter explaining the situation (signed and notarized by you) along with any documents you have from the IRS and the chart I provided. It is still proof from the organization of her exemption, proof of the policy/regulation that the sponsor is exempt and show proof of her earnings 1099 (SSA) and Retiree Account Statement. This is more than enough proof to show that she makes enough money to sponsor him as stated by the income guidelines for sponsorship.

Good luck and God bless don't stress out now act and fast, he needs the paperwork as soon as possible so if you can afford it use some type of express service do not recommend US postal service or FEDEX they only guarantee express service to the US border. I believe DHL guarantees door delivery, look at Silverberry1331's profile she used express service as well she can give you some insight.

Just keep pushing, relax once it is all over and he has the visa in hand.
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-11-26 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview..
I was reading through the IRS website and found the following link that covers Social Security Income, it maybe helpful in your case: pg 8 has a chart that stipulates who has to file tax returns this along with the sponsor's 1099 form from SSA and a copy of the Retiree Account Statement should be enough to prove she is exempt from filing taxes. Now you will have to get your fiance to be able to understand all this and how it relates to his visa request. He will be the only one talking to the CO or you could send the embassy a detailed email with the chart and and supporting documents.

Chart A—For Most People and at the end of 2010

IF your filing status is At the end of 2010 you were Then file a return if your gross income was at least

Single under 65 $9,350
65 or older $10,750

Married filing jointly*** under 65 (both spouses) $18,700
65 or older (one spouse) $19,800
65 or older (both spouses) $20,900

Married filing separately any age $3,650
(see page 13)

Head of household under 65 $12,050
(see page 13) 65 or older $13,450

Qualifying widow(er)
with dependent child under 65 $15,050

*If you were born on January 1, 1946, you are considered to be age 65 at the end of 2010.
**Gross income means all income you received in the form of money, goods, property, and services that is not exempt from tax,
including any income from sources outside the United States or from the sale of your main home (even if you can exclude part or all of
it). Do not include any social security benefits unless (a) you are married filing a separate return and you lived with your spouse at any
time in 2010 or (b) one-half of your social security benefits plus your other gross income and any tax-exempt interest is more than
$25,000 ($32,000 if married filing jointly). If (a) or (b) applies, see the instructions for lines 20a and 20b to figure the taxable part of
social security benefits you must include in gross income.
***If you did not live with your spouse at the end of 2010 (or on the date your spouse died) and your gross income was at least
$3,650, you must file a return regardless of your age.

The taxable amount of the benefits can be figured on a worksheet in the Form 1040 Instructions or Form 1040A Instructions , or in Publication 915, Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits.

I hope this helps,


MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-11-26 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview..
It seems she does meet the poverty line guidelines for sponsorship.

The situation here is the tax returns, in most cases all pensions are taxable and so is social security if a person makes over $25,000 or more a year. In this case if the sponsor makes more than $25,000 a year between her pension and social security then up to 50% of the money she draws from social security is taxable. I am not sure the situation in the sponsor's case i.e. what is giving her the exemption to not file taxes. I am retired myself and my retirement income is taxable and I have to file taxes at the end of the year, now granted I get most of the money back because I have exemptions (family members) but I am still required to file taxes.

If the sponsor is exempt from filing taxes, I recommend providing some documentation from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or Social Security Administration (SSA) stating why she is exempt. If getting something in writing from said organizations is not feasable then maybe looking up the policies or regulations that stipulate the exemption is something else that your fiance can provide. They just want to see something that either shows the earnings and if she does not have tax returns then a letter attesting to why she is exempt is the best thing he can give them.

I hope this helps, I know this process is overwhelming and we wish everyone going through the process the best resolve.

God Bless,
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-11-25 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview..
It sounds like the CO is trying to work with your husband, keeping the passport is a good sign they did the same with my husband and he got the visa.

The entire purpose of the Affidavit of Support is to show that someone is taking responsibility for his immediate financial needs when he arrives and that your spouse does not become a financial charge to the state (medicaid, welfare, food stamps). Does the sponsor make enough to meet these needs according to the wages required to sponsor him? If she is solely basing it on social security I am not sure this qualifies as the amount she is entitled to can change as did my mothers if her situation changes (divorce, moving locations, change in medical conditions). Her social security can be viewed as an unstable income.

The only recommendation I can give is make sure whoever you use as a sponsor has a guaranteed income (pension, stable job). I know it is late in the process but it the financial threshold is not met the CO's hands are locked, they can only make a decision based on what they are provided by the petitioner.

Best of luck and hope the sponsor's social security income fits the bill.

God Bless,
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-11-25 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures221 G
I am in the same boat, I am a bit older than my husband and we were approved, however; I did visit him three times before our interview and all our pictures included the family both during the visits and the ones on cam through internet. We clearly proved that I had a relationship not just with him but with the entire family to include extended family (aunts, cousins). I think what did it for us was that his cat really took to me and he showed them pictures of the cat snuggling up to me when I was sleeping.

I actually had practice interviews with my husband and gave him every question I could find was asked on this forum and more. He had everything under the sun covered. We still went through a two month AP period.

Good luck,
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-03 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
Collectively everyone is just saying be careful not necessarily from violence but scams as well. In the end she is a grown woman and noone can make those decisions for her. We don't know the gentleman and we are speaking in general terms of the things that unfortunately do happen to Americans both Muslim and non-Muslim. We do wish her the best outcome and it's not us he will have the interview with that will be his battle to overcome with the consulate.

Side note not everyone from MENA countries are Muslim ultimately everyone has to be careful regardless of religion.
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
I am not a bad guy, if you look at my timeline I clearly posted how my visa case with my husband unfolded but in my responses I am refering to my ex-fiancé. Am I worried for her immediate safety? Potentially, yes it is clearly stated in the State Department post on the consulate link. Women in Morocco have to be very careful hence my advice enjoy your trip but do not compromise yourself. Ironically, I was on my second visit to my ex-fiancé when everything began to unravel and present itself. I enjoyed the rest of my trip at that time since I had my daughter with me i kept a cool head and we came home safely then I cut off all communication.

Not sure what you are referring to as threads but I make plenty of posts to vj members whenever i can assist. As someone that has been there done that I am telling her be careful and get home safely don't create too many waves. My ex did hit his sister and was aggressive with one of the American women that visited him before me. In my case, I am an Army vet my war stories alone scared him and kept him at bay. I am also married to a MENA man and he is in no shape, form, or fashion like my ex but that does not change the fact that scammers and green card seekers are common in Morocco.

Her inquiry really hit home for me because at the time it happened to I was heart-broken but yet I had to keep my head in the game and just get myself home safely.
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
I have to agree with the ladies investigate but don't put yourself in a compromising situation so far from home. Keep yourself safe, take in information, enjoy, but get yourself home safely then decide. A note my daughter just reminded me of his family treated us so kindly as we were the first American to visit them only to find out they treat the two previous American women the exact same way with so much kindness. As far as your fb being on private and he contacted you. I commonly get emails like that and fb is very easy to hack.

Proceed with caution, in the end hope you enjoy the rest of the trip and get home safely.
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
If it will get you the answers you need talk to his ex and ask to see his inboxes. It is perfect timing have him log into fb, yahoo etc. and give you free access. I am still friends with 3 of the women that visited my ex in Morocco. Look on the Casablanca website there is an entire post on scammers and people seeking a green card. I read that and the hair on my neck stood up. I still thank those ladies to this day for reaching out to me and my Network management experience helped me find out the truth. Ask him to take you to a cyber cafe and look around listen to the men talking to women all over the world there is a good reason why those places are always full until 4:00 a.m. Ask him how many of his friends have married Americans or foreigners good gage of what he knows.

If you ever need to talk feel free to contact me.
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
Are you married or just contemplating filing the K-1 visa? You timeline and profile do not match so not sure if I gave you and accurate reply earlier. If you are not married as hard as accepting bad news it maybe a blessing in disguise. Take care of yourself and do some research I have been in your position and wish you the best outcome just look at things rationally not emotionally to make the best decisions.
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
My thoughts are when filing for a K-1 visa both parties have to sign a intent to marry memorandum to send with the visa petition, a copy of his passport, the G325, his birth certificate. The memo clearly states that he is free to marry legally, that they met in the past two years, and that the visa is not submitted with any intent to commit fraud. Lastly that he agrees to marry her within 90 days of arrival in the US and provide two passport pics for the visa. How did all this happen and he did not know what "engaged" and "fiance" meant?

I am not trying to fuel doubt just explaining the process. You can petition him as you were not the one that petitioned him before. The rule is you have to wait 2 years before petitioning another person for immigration if you cancel one previously. That is still subject to the discretion of Homeland Security and USCIS my husband was issued a visa even though I had cancelled a previous visa petition within the 2 year timeframe. Ofcourse, my cancellation was for dissolution of the relationship. In my case as well, I provided information that implicated that gentlemen as a scammer. I did not have to say anything bad about him his emails worked against him. As previously stated Casa is a hard embassy under ideal circumstances much less if he has something noted against him.

Whether he was aware of the petition or not and what it entailed he better be ready to explain it at his interview. Now if you did not mention his previous petition on your petition that too can be viewed as withholding information or misrepresentation of information. First thing they will say is that he was caught lying to you. He is expected to know so much at the interview but how is it that his wife was not aware of a previous petition? I am sure what you are saying is accurate now getting the CO to believe him is a completely different story. He better be well versed in how to explain himself and you not knowing about it before you petitioned him for a visa.

The bad thing is that they do not allow you to attend the interview or they may ask that you both be interviewed separately to compare notes. This keeping it positive I had friends that were denied for less reasons. You need to explain the importance of the entire situation to your spouse and prepare him for what he can expect at the interview.

God bless and rooting for you both,
MIBENFemaleMorocco2011-12-12 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
Thanks again & I appreciate you. It is nice to have our own personal cheerleader here on VJ. All of your support makes a huge difference. Hugs to you!
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-08-07 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
We are set for September 9. I am going & can not wait! Praying so hard. After the 9th I will take your advice & stay off of here. My nerves are already crazy!
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-08-05 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3
Big surprise it as yet to be received. They finally emailed it to me, but I thought we were supposed to send in some of the forms prior to the interview date and then receive packet 4. Of course there were NO instructions. Does anyone know?
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-08-04 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureschild at interview
Spouses & fiances are not allowed inside.
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-08-30 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof for 221(g)
We received a 221(g)which requests, 1. Petitioner's previous living arrangements with ex-husbands, and or boyfriends since 2001 2. Explanation of finances behind trips (4) to visit my fiance. We have now been rescheduled to bring in the proof. As far as my past living arrangements, I have my divorce decree and my ex-husband lives in another state. I did live with my ex-boyfriend until about a year before I meet my fiance. The house I own is in both of our names, as we bought it when we were engaged & I kept it to raise our kids in. He is now living about an hour away with is fiance. I have had no luck getting his name off the deed. I do have a letter from him stating that we have not lived together for many years and that is is living with his fiance in another town. What other proof should I provide? Maybe letters from the neighbors(embarrassing)?

Now on to the more complicated part. I am a college student & am also self employed. I have a co-sponsor (my Mom). My parents have helped pay for a lot of our travel expenses and I have a notarized letter from my Mom stating that. His parents have helped as well, especially when I went back for his Granddads burial. Someone had mentioned that I should downplay his families help as it could be seen that they are buying me. He already told the CO during the interview it is both of our families. In my explanation letter I broke down exactly what was paid by his family, to the best of my recollection. What should we do about this? Also, I used some financial aid/ scholarship funds to finance a small portion of 2 of those trips, as I did some research for my thesis while I was there (International Biz major). Should I include that information as well? Maybe send in my financial aid paperwork and/or a letter from my Advisor stating that it was legit that I used those funds for that purpose? I am worried they will then think I was not truly there to visit him, which was the primary reason for the trips. I feel very strongly that we should be 100% honest about everything. I am just worried how they will view it, as this is Lagos we are dealing with!

Lastly, should I go to his interview? I would like to to provide moral support & my family has offered to help us again. The CO stated he is convinced we have a bona-fide relationship, but I am worried none the less. Again, this is Lagos...I fell that my Fiance would feel a lot better if I am there. But since they are already questioning our finances maybe this will cause further damage? Any input is greatly appreciated.
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-10-02 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is SMART Core or ICE mean ?

So you have also received emails from them since you are going through Lagos as well?

There was no interview date in the email. As a matter of fact, they did not even write anything in the email. There was simply a image of the DOS seal where writing would typically be then there was the two attachments. As far as emailing Lagos, well I have already done that 3 times and still have not gotten a reply. So much for the Consulate saying they reply to emails within 72 hours. And the last time I called the DOS to see if my case had been logged in Nigeria they advised me NOT to flood the Consulate with emails to be patient and call them, the DOS, instead so my name is not remembered at the Consulate in a negative way cause that may cause me & my fiance problems down the road.

Just curious, did the State Department actually tell you that your name could be remembered in a negative way. or this was your impression? Let us know what they say there. I think there was just a mistake in your email, because usually the blank page is a note which is the invitation to the interview.
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-10-14 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is SMART Core or ICE mean ?
That is who all the emails from Lagos come through, I would assume it is a database system. Usually an interview date is included with those emails. I would email them and ask for you date or call State Department, and ask them. If you do email make sure you don't reply to those, but use the regular email. I believe it is, you can check under the embassy information here. Congrats by the way!
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-10-13 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1: Red Flags Lagos !

According to statistics here: http://travel.state....stats_4582.html

30999/32288 K-1s in 2010 were approved the first time through (96%). 979 succeeded on appeal. Only 301 were rejected.

I wonder if they have it broken down by post. I have looked & looked but never found. For example, 2000 people applied for K-1 in Nigeria; 100 were approved... Have you ever found more detailed?
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-09-26 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1: Red Flags Lagos !

I hear so many different things about interviews in Lagos. For example One CO asked the interviewee why hadn't they done the introduction? So I am just confused as to what they want. Its like damned if you do and damned if you don't. :wacko:

They are trying to trip you up usually. I have heard they often tell you the visa is approved, go away for a minute, come back then ask that or whether they had paid bride prize yet. Then they will say oops sorry, start over again with CR1!
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-09-26 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1: Red Flags Lagos !
Maybe we can add to the VJ lingo. NOA 3 can be the big approval! As in they FINALLY got the VISA kinda approval!
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-09-26 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1: Red Flags Lagos !

What is NOA3, not in our lingo. Read the VJ site for information.

Seriously, what is he hurting you? I am pretty sure poster was not posting this information for you personally.
jenkatxFemaleNigeria2011-09-26 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnsure plans while on K-1 Process

This is misleading. Yes, you can work if you file your I-765 as soon as you land in the US and receive the EAD. However, it is not worth paying $380 for an EAD that is only good until your I-94 expiration date (90-days from your POE). You can file for AOS ASAP and send in the I-765 (EAD) and I-131 (Advance Parole) with the I-485 and the fee for the EAD & AP is waived.

This Information is correct. And for a K1 Visa the SSAN Application you can check the Box Legal Alien Allowed to work. There is a statement on the Visa Journey website that is incorrect. Tha may be causing the confusion.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-27 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnsure plans while on K-1 Process

This is incorrect. K-1 is NOT authorized to work. A K-1 needs an EAD to work.

Regarding a post a few up, the AOS fee is $1070, and EAD and AP are free if filed along with it.

RM 10211.530 List of Documents Establishing Lawful Alien Status for an SSN Card
K1 Visa, when applying for a SSAN will check the box, Legal Alien Allowed to work, K2 is Not allowed.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-27 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnsure plans while on K-1 Process

My fiance can't stand waiting for my visa to be released. He's mailing the application this week everything looks okay, still just finishing things up.

He wants to spend Christmas and even months here in the Philippines until I get my fiancee visa, would that be okay? Does he need to be physically in the US to anticipate any mail or notification from USCIS?

We are planning to get married in San Francisco, CA, because I have relatives there that could help us get married, (my grandfather and uncle can lead the ceremony, he lives in Cleveland, OH), should we anticipate extra paperwork or a little problem if his residence and the wedding venue are on different States?

I still don't know If I will like it in the OH after marriage. I cannot work for 2 years and that's extremely boring for me. OH is very cold and I can't handle coldness and boredom at the same time. Can I move back to the Philippines after marriage and still waiting for adjustment of status?

Also note that K1 Visa holder can work BASED on your K1 Status!!! You will NOT be required to show an EAD. All this info is on this site! Good luck to you.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-27 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnsure plans while on K-1 Process
You should apply for an advance furlow. Though travel is limited it is possible to travel in cases of emergency. The main thing to remember is that the cost to apply for a Green card is $1000! Don't get surprised by this.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-27 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnsure plans while on K-1 Process

My fiance can't stand waiting for my visa to be released. He's mailing the application this week everything looks okay, still just finishing things up.

He wants to spend Christmas and even months here in the Philippines until I get my fiancee visa, would that be okay? Does he need to be physically in the US to anticipate any mail or notification from USCIS?

We are planning to get married in San Francisco, CA, because I have relatives there that could help us get married, (my grandfather and uncle can lead the ceremony, he lives in Cleveland, OH), should we anticipate extra paperwork or a little problem if his residence and the wedding venue are on different States?

I still don't know If I will like it in the OH after marriage. I cannot work for 2 years and that's extremely boring for me. OH is very cold and I can't handle coldness and boredom at the same time. Can I move back to the Philippines after marriage and still waiting for adjustment of status?

You can work as soon as you get a Social Security number. Remember once you get here you'll file for a Green card and that will be $1000 as soon as you arrive. You'll have a social security number soon after and you can work then. Only travel outside the U.S. will be limited for 2 years. That is the Green card processing time. But once you marry, file for the green card right away and you can begin working!
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-27 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 papers: Photocopy or Original?

Some folks here got an RFE for not sending letters/forms/documents that that doesn't show their original signature.

My RFE was due to not sending the entire divorce decree. I sent only the page with our names and the County clerk stamp. The RFE stated "The divorce decree was missing pages". My advice is send every page of the divorce decree, mine was 20 pages long.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-27 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow can I avoid getting a RFE?

I am applying for a K1 visa and i want to make sure I include all the needed information to avoid getting a RFE notice. If any of you got one please tell me why.

I don't know if you have divorce(s) but I was advised they only needed the pages with the names, signatures, County clerk stamps, so that's what I sent. We recived an RFE stating : Pages appear to be missing from the divorce decree. When I sent the response I sent all 22 Pages.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-05 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA copy of the letter from the Bureau of Consular Affairs, it has your CASE number on it.
Hello all: We received our NOA2, have gathered all our required documents, paid the Interview fee at BPI, getting CENOMAR, etc. We are now waiting for the letter from the Bureau of Consular Affairs, that has our CASE number on it.

How long did it take before you received that letter?

JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-11 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere the hell is the A # ????
It is on our NOA2 above the Beneficiary's name. Ours came from Vermont.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-11 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file I-129F for K1 Visa - USCIS Link?
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-13 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling nervous

To all of us who are going through this process.. How did yall feel when your spouses/future spouses is at the embassy getting their interview ? I don't know about yall.. I do feel more nervous than I ever have in my life. Part of it is being anxious and other part is being worried too.. :unsure: I guess it's all normal ? She is in Manila and I wish I could be there with her.

Hey where are ya'll in Arkanasas? I'm in Fort Worth, Texas.

We're just coming to that part. We got the NOA2 on October 3rd and still don't have the MNL (NVC) Number. I'm excited and a little nervous too. Holler at us when you she gets done!
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-14 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOSTAL SERVICE UNRELIABLE

Hi. I sent a letter to my fiance in the philippines via postal service and she never recieved it. After waiting for over a month she went to the p.o. and tried to collect it herself. However it is long gone and no where to be found. It made me think. If I have to send important papers/documents how should I do it? Use an American company like Fed-ex or hire a courrier? I know there is scan and then email option but there are so many papers. She would be charged for each page she has to print. I have never sent a PDF file before. Not sure I know how. My next concern was when time for her to get her packet from the Embassy how will she get it if its mailed? She'll need that to follow the directions and schedule her medical and interview. Then, the visa; it gets delivered. I heard they use some courrier service called 2go or something. So hope no problem there. Just want to know what others have done in this matter. thanks VJ MEMBERS. DAN

We haven't had anything lost yet but the Philipinne post office has been slow without fail. It's not cheap either. I sent her a large package that took almost 2 months and a letter that took 1 month. I used FEDEX for the documents she needs for her Embassy Interview. Hope that helps.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-12 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding ceremony here in the philippines

HI everyone,

Does any of you guys thought about having a wedding ceremony with your fiance at your own country first before leaving, after getting your K1 visa? Is that possible? Me and my beloved Fiance thought about doing it...

I think it's commom to have an engagement ceremony, it's even a good time to take pics for the packet. As long as it's an engagement ceremony.

We plan to marry here in a small ceremony here in the states then we'll have a wedding in her faith when we go back.

Edited by Joandjo, 14 October 2011 - 10:32 AM.

JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-14 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 (Use Original Copies?)

Greetings everyone. New user here. My love and I are about 45 days out of our NOA1, and been a bit anxious about our NOA2, and the process once we get started.

I've been researching the I-134 and pre-filled some of the documents, queried the bank, asked my employer for a letter of verification, and all the other steps. Whew! Of course I want to be well prepared early, to make the process as smooth as possible for her.

My question is, for paystubs, tax documents, bank statements, etc. is it acceptable to use copies? Or, should I provide originals for her to bring to her interview? What did you do? I'm depending primarily on employment, as I'm in my first year of a career job and don't have major savings or a beautiful income history for taxes.I thought it would be easy to get the bank statements - but, they can't provide over than 3 months at the branch, over the phone they said they can't "simply provide a deposit history" but can essentially just print a longer history of my account (re: statement re-prints).

The letter from your employer should be original signed.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-14 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you use a lawyer

Just a quick question to the group. Did you use a lawyer and would you again ?

I did use one. He way overcharged me ( in hindsight). All he did was review our application to see if we made any errors. Looking back at the K-1 process it is so simple and straight forward, knowing what I know no I would do it myself. I don't plan to use a lawyer for AOS.

I didn't use an attorney but we used someone to guide us and paid them. I think it was worth it. We never even considered an attorney.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-17 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!

We received our NOA2, dated October 4. I've been checking to see if NVC has received it for several days now. I sent an email, and just got a response saying they have received it, and our petition is undergoing additional processing, and we will be given further instructions after processing is complete. So, I called and spoke to a live person at NVC, and I asked her if each petition is handled like this, or if it is something specific to ours-she said she has no information on that subject, and she could not answer any questions about that. If any of you have had this happen to you at NVC-please post! I am hoping someone can reassure me that this is normal procedure :help:

I called and got my case # (603)334-0700. Just have USCIC Notification #, Name and DOB of Beneficiary and Sponsor. They gave me my case number (I am the sponsor). In the case of the Manila embassy I was able to schedule the interview on line.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-20 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer VS Visa Journey

i want to make sure i do everything right, but have found most of my info here on visa
i consulted a laywer and he will charge 600+340 to pay us application fee. thats allot of money.

has anyone done this k1 application by themselves?

if you used an attorney any recomendations on one?

I would never advise someone against using an attorney for anything if they can afford it. We used someone who has alot of experience with this process and was also a family friend of my fiance (in fact we met through him). I come here often and have met like minded couples through this process.

We consciously didn't choose to use an attorney.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-10-18 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship for K-1 Interview.

I have a question about proof of ongoing relationship for K-1 interview.

Here is what I have

1. Google chats
2. Skype logs
3. Calling Cards - I am using calling cards to call my fiancee, and talk to her at least twice a day. Unfortunately calling cards don't track the number you call as there is no billing nothing. Is just reciepts will suffice? Or what should I do?

Any other suggestions please.

I agree that calling cards are Too expensive. We use a StarTech service and there's really no good proof of how much we talk per day. I have a couple of suggestions:
1.Use a long distance service once or twice a week for the records just for a short period of time.
2. Use old fashioned post cards and letters.
I didn't see anyone else offering a suggestion.
JoandjoMalePhilippines2011-09-21 12:42:00