K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor or Household Member??

I wonder if someone can help me? I am preparing the next load of paperwork in preparation for the interview stage at the embassy and in preparing the I-134 I am a little confused as to the definition of a joint sponsor versus a household member. My fiance's Dad will be joint sponsoring us but as we would be living in the same house I am not sure if we should have him fill out as a joint sponsor or as a household member whose income you combine with my fiance's. Anyone know??

There's no place to put a household member's income on the I-134. Dad can fill out an I-134 if he wants to sponsor. You're thinking of the I-864 that will be filed with AOS.

Also someone told me you need three years worth of tax returns but I can't see that stated anywhere in the guidelines. Am I missing something?

London will approve with zero tax returns. This thread may be helpful to you. Lot's of London info for where you are now. http://www.visajourn...terview-thread/
Also read the instructions for the I-134 and look at the form. If you have more questions about it and what London requires, ask in that thread. Each consulate is different.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-15 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F documentary proof for foreign interview: passport / birth certificate originals required?

This is fascinating.

But it couldn't hurt to still bring this information along just in case, right?

You can haul as much as you want to the interview. All it will hurt is your back. You may be the first ever of thousands to need that info. We offer what we know about London interviews. It is your choice to believe us or not,and ultimately make your own decision
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F documentary proof for foreign interview: passport / birth certificate originals required?
London does not want --
-copy of I-129F petition (they have the original on file)
-the NOA2 (they know you got approved)
-birth certificate of USC
-divorce decree of USC
-evidence of your relationship (no photos, Skype, love letters, Facebook pages,or travel to see each other)

London wants from the USC --
-An I-134 Affidavit of Support with proof of income. It doesn't have to be proven with a tax return.

Everything else at the interview is about the UKC and the UKC's original documents (plus photocopies of the ones they want back like birth certificate or divorce decrees).

It's been that way for the four years I've followed London and Dan has confirmed it's still the same as of his interview this week.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for fiancé visa

can anyone explain this? it basically says ill need police certificates of my home country or current country of resident for places ive lived 6 months or more. And, 12 months or more for overseas locations... can anyone help?

That is a commercial website. They will not be issuing your visa. London website is the final word for you. I gave you a link to what London says is required in Post #21.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for fiancé visa

I see. I lived there for just over a year working as a flight attendant for their national carrier gulf air. Several months?! I think my partner and I going to speak with a lawyer to figure out best way. I can fairly easily get the criminal record check by going to a ministry in Bahrain - perhaps my employment with the British airline I'm working for now may aid my success (they must surely be aware of the checks we go through for uk airside passes?) - so nick do you recommend a lawyer? Many thanks both of you!

I have not used a lawyer and have not had any hitches for my UK fiance/husband/soon to be US citizen. My thoughts are nobody will be as careful and timely and perfect with my case as me. If you are willing to read and follow directions and fill out forms, you can do it. You'll still be gathering the information but paying somebody else to fill in the forms and do the mailing. A lawyer doesn't get to cut in line ahead of those that do their own. A lawyer or even a senator can't keep you out of additional processing time if London chooses to run your name through extra databases. Some think a lawyer is slower because you give them all the info for the forms and mail to him. His assistant types in the form. It is mailed back to you to sign. You notice typos. You call them to fix it. They mail to you again. You sign and mail back to assistant to put in an envelope and mail. Maybe they don't get around to it as fast as you would like but you can't do anything about it. Then again, if you are terrible at reading directions and hate paperwork, a lawyer will do it for you. Kinda up to you.

Your police clearance will not be needed for many months. Those are presented at the final step--interview. Those are explained on this page along with the other documents that are taken to the interview. http://london.usemba..._documents.html Follow the link given in the police certificate paragraph for more detailed info.

Trust me. I know London. Those red flags mentioned are not an issue. It is not as difficult as it is made to seem. It is all paperwork and not a lot of judging of your past marriage or relationship or ages. If you know how you met, where he works, and where you will be living then that's about as difficult as it gets at the London interview.

If you have a chance to keep working for your current airline based out of the US, then a CR1 spouse visa may be better for you. Why? Because as a fiance, there will be a gap of time after entering the US where you can't work or travel internationally until you get authorization. It's at least 3 months. If you want no gap, a spouse visa is better because you are a permanent resident on day 1 and can work or leave the US immediately.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for fiancé visa

Have you ever seen a case like this where the applicant went through AP? I'm asking cause I lived in a middle eastern country too.

My experience is K1 and London. Yes I have seen it happen at the London embassy many times, most often with people born in India or Pakistan because of a larger number of those nationalities represented in the UK or studying there. Many get cleared in 4-8 weeks. I have no idea if your embassy Paris has such a policy.

AP is generally a huge secret because of national security. Some speculate ties to certain countries by birth or frequent trips or living there can trigger the clearance in extra databases as an option for the consulate. Clearance can take time if there are many people with a similar name for example. If a suspected terrorist has the same name as you or maybe even your father, a little more digging to determine that's not you might take some extra time. Here is a very good article that discusses speculation about clearances. It's not written to fiance or spouse visas but the clearance explanation is very thorough.

I mentioned the AP as a possibility to the OP because she will be going through London. It's not for sure, but only a maybe to be aware of.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for fiancé visa
The only problem I see might be additional security checks after the interview in London and before they will issue the visa because of the middle east connection. Your name might be checked through some additional databases that British born and bred (with no middle east connection) don't go through. It could take several months extra time to complete.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-18 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F and the fiance visa

Thanks guys!! I'm happy waiting to get married until the visa application has been completely processed and approved. She suggested it last night when she called me, because she thought it might help them speed up the process.

It will not speed up the process. I don't know your state but mine has a 30 day validity on a license so it's a useless exercise if your state license has an expiration.

Back when we were first starting,I remember a discussion and link to a newspaper article where a couple had bought a license but decided not to marry. Later they started the fiance visa process. They had a big hassle with their paperwork because USCIS said they were married (knew they took out a license) and a fiance petition couldn't be approved for a married couple. Anyway, they made the newspaper with their plight where USCIS wanted proof that they did not marry and they were finding it impossible to prove a negative.

I had a feeling it would void our current application, but I just wanted my thoughts confirming.

I think your instincts and thought processes are spot on! Weird things happen sometimes to trip people up.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-20 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting Fiance in US!

He told me I should not bring all documentation with me ( the dicumentation you stated above) as it looks like I'mtrying to work and move to the USA.

Your documents were a resume and qualifications to work so I can see how that might be seen as you were coming to hunt for job.

The documents the CBP person who wrote the email listed would have been documents showing you had a job in the UK and your employer expected you back in the UK. And other documents to show you had financial responsibilities in the UK like a lease, utilities, and a bank account. I think your officer maybe meant don't bring job hunting documents. Did you bring things showing you were employed in the UK and had financial obligations? How long was your stay?
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2011-04-04 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting Fiance in US!
This topic is discussed over and over. Out of curiosity I submitted the question on the CBP website two years ago. I got an email response from Andrea at CBP. It's the same advice that's repeated on VJ often.

In order to enter the U.S. while a K-1 Visa is being processed, you will have to convince the admitting U.S. CBP Officer that you are simply visiting the U.S. rather than attempting to enter for immigration purposes before your visa is granted. In order to do this, you will need to provide documents to verify that you have very strong ties to your home country. All of the following documents should be used to accomplish this:

Deed, Mortgage Statement, or Rental Lease Agreement in your name
Utility Statements in your name
Bank Statements in your name
Employment Records in your name
Letter from employer stating that you are expected back to work on a certain date

It is also advised that you have a roundtrip ticket and pack very lightly for a short trip to the U.S. The purpose of this is to prove that you have strong ties to your home country and are not willing to sever those ties by staying in the U.S. past your departure date as mandated on your I-94W Departure Record, or by circumventing immigration regulations.

Additionally, you should be aware that even with all of appropriate documents to verify strong ties to your home country, the U.S. CBP Officer has the final say on whether or not you will be allowed entry.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2011-04-01 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting Fiance in US!

And didnt put one of those white forms in my passport, I wonder why.

I think the Visa Waiver entries are mostly paperless now that ESTA is fully functioning. I know Continental Airlines (now United Airlines) quit passing out paper I-94W forms sometime last summer.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2011-03-31 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting Fiance in US!
I asked the CBP guy at the airport point blank if they had information about fiance petitions on that computer he was looking at. He said NO.

The people who encounter the most problems tend to be the ones who come often and stay the full 90 days. Short typical 2-3 week holiday or vacation visits are usually fine.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2011-03-31 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Asset Question
Agree. Leave the assets blank on the I-134 and again on the I-864 if your income is sufficient.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-24 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 supporting docs

My Fiancee does not earn enough to meet the the requirements so i have another person who has filled out the affadavit for me.
I understand my fiancee must also fill out the I-134 anyway, but does she need to provide supporting docs also, even though they do not meet requirements. I cant see the point in this :blink:
Thanks in advance for help.

For London I don't think they require things (including Form I-134) except from the person who will sponsor. Most people tell you to follow the rules of the I-864 where the spouse fills out a form even with zero income. But the I-134 is different and London just wants a sponsor and don't say it must be the fiance. They mention it can be friends or family. It could even be the beneficiary who self-sponsors if he can show he has enough cash saved up. They even give you instructions how a person can write a DIY affidavit of support instead of an I-134. They also don't require a tax return if the sponsor has other ways to prove income. Basically you have to convince the London interviewer that you won't become a public charge either with your own money, your fiance's money, or a friend's or future in-law's money.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-27 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325A

Hello everyone

Quick question just about to apply... very excited and nevous!

With the stating last 5 years of residence, i am from the UK but in new zealand and have been in australia for a yaer traveling around and working i wasn't a resident i was on a working holiday visa do i write this in the address box or just put my UK address?

Thanks any help is appreciatedn :)

I think they kinda want to know where you've been over the last 5 years. Since you were in another country for a year, I think that's significant and should be reported. It also lets them know you will be needing an Australian police certificate by the time you interview.

Note this bit on the London Embassy website about foreign police certificate, particularly Australia. http://london.usemba...ice_certificate

Please note that many countries require fingerprints to process police certificates for immigration purposes (e.g, Australia, Canada, Nigeria). Police certificates completed without the required fingerprints are not valid. In these cases, applicants must not capture their own fingerprints.

Assuming you will be back in the UK for visa processing you'll need to allow some time to get fingerprinted in the UK at an approved police station then order the police certificate from Australia. Could take a while. Or you could find out where to get fingerprinted and order one before you leave AUS. Just a heads up for your preparation because there was a guy who didn't read that fingerprint instruction and his visa was not approved on interview day. He lost some months waiting to get the proper police certificate from Australia.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-30 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name spelling discrepancy

I thought you could pay the fee at the embassy on the day before the actual interview began? Or is it essential to call up and pay in advance?

It's on this visa fees page

K Visa Applicants pay the fee to the Operator Assisted Information Service prior to attending the visa interview. Instructions concerning payment will be sent to you with the appointment letter.

Fee for K1 is currently $350 but a fee reduction was announced.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-31 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name spelling discrepancy

It is actually $240 not $110. There is a reduction of $110 from previous fee of $350

Yes, that's what I meant. A savings of $110 when I said it goes down $110.
Should have said goes down BY $110??
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-30 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name spelling discrepancy
I think they are looking for big descrepancies. Like if your birth certificate says Paul McCartney, but at age 6 you were adopted and your new parents named you Ringo Starr, then you legally changed your name as an adult to Simon Cowell. They would need to see perhaps the adoption certificate showing the change from Paul to Ringo and a deed poll or legal name change from Ringo to Simon.

On another note: Have you called in to pay the visa fee yet? If you wait until after April 13,the price goes down $110.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 30 March 2012 - 11:55 AM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-30 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while applying for K1

how about traveling after you have recieved NOA2??

How is that different than before your NOA1, after you NOA1, or even after you mailed your things to the embassy? The CBP have no information about petitions and visas in process.

My fiance visited after NOA2, after forms were sent to London and after the medical exam. He asked in his cover letter, for an interview that would be after his return date from the US. That delayed the interview about 3 weeks, but the trip was already planned and ticketed.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-21 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while applying for K1

Do I need to bring any extra proof that I am returning home?

Proof of ties to home is a good idea if you are going to make frequent trips.

Will customs be aware of my application?

I asked that question of CBP three different times. Once to the CBP 1-800 customer service number. Twice on different occasions of the agent at the airport checking me back into the US. "What's on that computer? Do you know I have a foreign fiance? Do you know when people have immigrant petitions filed on their behalf?" I was told 3 times that CBP does not have that kind of information.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-15 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChecklist - initial petition, am I missing anything?

How does that sound, am I missing anything ?

Thanks! Claire

Proof that you are a US citizen?? Or he is.

Go over this list http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide

Edited by Nich-Nick, 03 April 2012 - 12:32 PM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-03 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of Address in the Future

Does this affect all that has been done with the application for the fiance visa?

Not really. Everything that was filled out was true at the time of signing. If he still lives in NY when you fill out your DS forms, then put the current address. If he has a new addess by the time you interview, tell the interviewer or take a revised form for him to switch out. File for AOS using your new HI address and all paperwork concerning AOS will go to Hawaii, not NY. There's nothing from your K1 visa that gets mailed to the address you put on the embassy forms, so I wouldn't worry about the future addess.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-04 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMore questions regarding my divorce decree!

I'm pretty sure no one has 'decrees' here in England at least I've never heard of it

In England the final divorce document is called the Decree Absolute. Yep there are decrees over there.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-04 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about which visa we need

Do you have any idea how long it could take to file through him having family members here? I'd like to let my boyfriend know how long it could possibly take if we went that route, because he feels that's the better way to go, although I feel the fiance visa is the easier, quicker route. Also, what other reasons would it be better to go the fiance visa route? thanks for any extra info

Getting back to this question that was never answered or some misleading answers were given about how long the petition takes. It's availability of a visa that takes a long time.

If it was his father who lived in the US, then an approved I-130 petition would only get him a place in line waiting for a visa. There are only so many visas available each year in the category of adult unmarried son/daughter. Right now (April 2012), the people who have made it to the front of the line to get a visa have been in line since April 1, 2005 if Dad was a US citizen. If Dad was a permanent resident, then the ones at the front of the visa line got there January 15, 2004 or before. Since your boyfriend does not have an immediate relative (parent) in the US, there is nobody that qualifies to bring him here, so the times don't apply to him.

There is no numerical limit on visas for fiances or spouses of US citizens(you). He would not have to line up and wait for years for a visa to become available. It will still take 2-3 months after the petition is approved to process the paperwork in London for that immediately available visa. You can start now and petition him as your fiance (I-129F). Or you could marry him first and petition him as your spouse (I-130).

The basic fees

Spouse route = $738 + £259.50

$420 (USCIS) I-130
$88 (NVC) Affidavit of Support fee
$230 (NVC) Immigrant Visa fee
£35 ACPO Police certificate
£210 (Knightsbridge Doctors) medical exam
£14.50 (DX Secure) Courier fee

Fiance route = $1650 + £259.50

$340 (USCIS) I-129F
$240 (Embassy) Visa fee
£35 ACPO Police certificate
£210 (Knightsbridge Doctors) medical exam
£14.50 (DX Secure) Courier fee
$1070 (USCIS) Adjustment of Status/Work Authorization/Advance Parole

Edited by Nich-Nick, 09 April 2012 - 08:28 AM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-09 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 VISA - When I am granted with the visa, can I fly back, restrictions!!
My guess is you won't have an AP travel authorization by mid December unless timelines shift dramatically for NOA2, London interviews, and Advance Parole. So you should decide what's most important--attending the family wedding or getting to the US asap to attend your own wedding.

If you get a visa in October, you don't have to use it for 6 months. You can remain in the UK until after the family wedding. Have your fiance fly over and attend with you. Then both of you fly back to the US together. Bonus: if she packs lightly, you can use her luggage allotment to bring more of your stuff over. Bonus2: The stress of timelines will be off your shoulders.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Planning

What experiences can anyone share about planning and basically guessing when it will be held.

I've been around long enough to see people miss their wedding, lose money on plane fares, get in a major stress when it didn't look like their calculated plans were going to happen. Timelines are like a rollercoaster and it could reach the top by the time you get to that step.

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Could we be more confident about booking a date when the NOA2 comes through?

No, not really because stuff happens.

You should create a VJ timeline, as well as start preparing for what happens in London by reading this pinned thread London 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-12 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Timeframe

New to this forum so excuse what might appear to be a silly question.

Does the 5 month processing time frame that the Vermont Service Center quote include the initial filing of the petition to the visa appointment date or is it 5 months until they forward the paperwork to the visa center. We filed at the beginning of February 2012 & my plan is to go to the USA at the end of June on my 90 day visitors visa & return to the UK for my interview. I was wondering if it was likely that i'd get any indication of a visa appointment before i go.

Thank you.

5 months is a USCIS goal to approve the petition. To see some real-time data of everybody on Visa Journey who keeps up a timeline, explore this page

Your own timeline has an estimated date range of petition approval based on the compiled data of all timelines. Your estimate will change if things slow down or speed up. It's a mathematical calculation to give you a ballpark date range based on averages of real people.

Looks like you're due for approval around the time your 90 day holiday in the US starts....exactly the time you need to be in the UK sorting your visa application and medical exam. But you can get your application forms in before your petition approval expires, then complete your other things in early October and hope for a November interview.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 13 April 2012 - 03:06 PM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-13 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 questions.

DS230 HELP!!
I have a K1 visa in the process and am about to complete the DS230, I have a child who is a US citizen, we registered her birth abroad at the London Embassy. She has a birth certificate, American passport & social security number and she will be moving with me.
Technically she will be moving at the same time as me, but not on the K1, she is a US citizen. This may sound silly but it's really confusing me. Do I have to name her on the 'packet' paperwork?

I would list her on #29 and #31a. If you feel the need to explain, then do #31a like--
Mary Kay Jones (traveling on a US passport)
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-17 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 questions.

Also still have a few questions remaining for this thread and if anyone else would like to join in towards what was already mentioned.

The best place for your further questions is in the UK forum in this thread>> http://www.visajourn...terview-thread/ Have you read it yet? It is London specific for K1s.

My suggestion:

1. Mail asap DS-230-Part 1, Form DS-156 x 2 copies, and DS-157 x 2 copies, DS 156K. Forms only with nothing else. Gets you in the queue.
2. Make medical exam appt. Take police certificate so they can see if you have had any drug or alcohol related arrests which might indicate something they need to address for the mental health/addiction section of the evaluation.
3. Mail DS-2001 when you have every document in hand needed at the interview. As per the website instructions include a cover letter giving date of medical, intended marriage date, and email. This lets them know you are ready to interview.

DS-156k says "The following documents must be attached ...." They will be "attached" (put in the file) at the interview when you hand them over in person. That's how London does business.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-03-19 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting majorly baffled as to how to assemble our I-129F package?

Payment stapled to the cover.

I wouldn't staple the check either.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting majorly baffled as to how to assemble our I-129F package?

I can't imagine getting a RFE for too much evidence so what the heck...! Starting to get excited and look at venues now! Lol thanks everyone! X

I can imagine too much might make it hard to find the actual items required to approve. And I can imagine a 3 inch (or even 2 or 1 inch) thick application being pushed aside in favor of a simple one they can adjudicate quickly.

"Ugh, this one is so huge, I think I'll do this smaller one first."
"OMG, I think I'll leave this dictionary sized one until next week."
"I've got a quota to meet. Not going to tackle this Jumbo Jack this week."

As far as assembly, the USCIS gives their own guidelines here General Tips on Assembling Applications for Mailing
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 timeframes and lateness for the UK
You haven't done anything wrong. What you're doing is fine, even the medical in May if you're not in a hurry. They aren't going to reject you over any of this so be calm.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-17 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 timeframes and lateness for the UK

We always planned for him to come to the US in Aug or September no matter what, so we were going with the four month timeframe, and as the process went along, I had assumed that they kept anything open that was in progress during that time even if it went over the time limit. I had read some things about that here that seemed to suggest the consulate kept things open if there was evidence it was in motion. It wasn't till last night it suddenly hit me that it might not work that way!

They generally do and I don't think it will be a problem. Asking for an extension is just something to do if you're worried about it. Only costs you a stamp for some peace of mind.

I'm more confused now as he did fill out a DS-2001 and mailed it with his packet. So I assume they're thinking he's ready to go and has had the medical? I thought the form packet had to be sent first thing, then the medical was scheduled next.

You can send DS-2001 with the other forms. They won't give an interview until his medical results arrive at the embassy.

We'll see tomorrow if he can get a medical sooner than later (I said before April is up to him). And if possible if they have a slot, we can go to the interview in May then if we can get it for that week.

If he gets the medical soon, I would suggest a new DS-2001 with cover letter sent the day of the medical. They do ask for a cover letter with it stating date of the medical, date of wedding (if known), and email address. Also ask in the cover letter for an interview during the week of [dates you will be there] because his fiance will be visiting from the US and would like to attend with him. They sometimes try to accommodate if you have a particular reason. They aren't going to be able to do it on short notice, but if he gets on with it, then maybe a late May/early June date would be feasible because he would be asking well in advance.

Every time we seem to get a handle on this, a new round of confusion happens!

Have you read this thread?? That's where you should be asking London questions.
London 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread--Let's organize the info/questions into one place
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-17 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 timeframes and lateness for the UK
Well you're a rare one indeed not wanting to push the visa through. He could have had one by now. Or he could get a medical appointment for next week and you could go to the interview with him instead of the medical in May.

To answer your question. No, Knightsbridge clinic won't inform the embassy of pending appointments. He will notify the embassy when he is ready to interview with the DS-2001 and requested cover letter. You also do not have to notify them of the appointment. If you want to cover your bases--

  • Write a letter to the Immigrant Visa Unit address (where the forms are mailed) asking for an extension of the I-129F Petition approval. I have a few problems with the letter you proposed but they will know what you mean.
  • Write a new updated letter of intent like in your I-129F packet for him to take to the interview since your petition will be expired. You can write it in May when you're there.
Neither has to be notarized.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-17 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Expiration Date

Hey… we have a quick question about the Expiration date on the NOA2… It "expires" June 28, 2012… so does that mean that my fiance' has to have his interview by then and return by that date for it to remain valid? Or is it just a date that we have to apply for his K1 visa in London? Any help would be awesome! Also…. If anyone has had their interview in London can you pay for the K1 Visa when you go to your interview or does it need to be paid by a USA Credit card? Thanks again :)

Just get the application forms submitted so they don't think you abandoned the visa and it will be okay. This thread in the UK forum will give you London specific info for a K1 visa http://www.visajourn...terview-thread/
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-19 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCurrent I-129f ok to use??

Hi just wondering if the I-129f forms on USCIS are good to use, just that it states expires 2/29/2012 in the top right hand corner.

Don't really want to fill everything out and send those if they are going to change or update.

Thanks in advance

That's not the expiration date. It's a date for review by the Office of Management and Budget.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-20 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 CO SPONSORSHIP - NEED HELP

@ gary and alla: thanks for your reply, so the paperwork i mentioned (i.e reference letter from my work, my payslips, my bank statement is required or not?) if required, in addition i-134 from my fiancée's mom is sufficient for affidavit of support right? or there should be two forms one from my fiancée and one from her mom???

Nothing from you unless you have a considerable amount of cash and want to sponsor yourself. Your job and salary are in the UK and won't continue in the US so they don't count.

London wants a sponsor. They will accept an I-134 from your fiance's mother. You don't need one from the fiance if she has no income.

Try this page http://www.visajourn...united-kingdom/ explaining Evidence Which May Be Presented to Meet the Public Charge Provisions of the Law.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending in packet 3…. without a birthcertificate...

So…. What do ya'll think….

I think ya'll should--

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-21 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice clearance

Is it true that police clearnace certificate issu date should be within 30 days before Interview. I am december filer. Hoping for petition approval any time. I live in U.K and need police clearance from India too. was thinking of applying indian clearance now. Not sure what to do.
Any advice?

Read what London says, especially the Note: at the bottom http://london.usemba...ice_certificate
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-21 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMultiple Criminal Convictions..?

The maximum penalty for the 2 convictions was £6000, I was fined £1500 which I paid.

Will the consular officer take the time to look over it all thoroughly and check the aggregate sentences or will he just deny and suggest a waiver.. that's my worry.

I don't think you will be denied or need a waiver. I've known CMITs approved without waiver in London. Be prepared to discuss it and show documentation of the record/fine. The additional processing isn't to review police records. It's generally for people not born in the UK especially India and Pakistan. Or Muslims with ties to other countries. That is about US security and terrorism.

I suggest you get all the documentation you can from the courts while you're in the UK and hang on to it. When/if you apply for US citizenship, it will come up again. Darren (Brit) who started K1 same day as us, became a US citizen yesterday. He had to get some additional records from the UK concerning an arrest when he was 12 years old to provide with his application.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 21 April 2012 - 08:03 AM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-04-21 08:02:00