IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat forms do Household members fill out to help sponsor? I-864A?

1) Father fills out I-864, not I-864A
2) If your father meets the threshold on his own, then your mother does not need to fill out an I-864A

This also in my opinion the cleanest way to do it. He doesnt have to do an I -864A just because you live with him. He can do his own I-864 along with your I-864.

Because you are claimed as a dependent on Dad's taxes, you will be in his household count. Be sure and provide some proof of Dad's income like an employer letter because the joint tax return with Mom lumps all income together. They need to clearly see that he earns enough by himself to cover his household + the immigrant.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-05 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Questions (employment history & children)

I am trying to get my husband's DS-230 completed in anticipation of our next steps in the process but have 2 questions:

1. How do you handle breaks in employment history? It says for the past 10 years, but my husband is 25 so hasn't been work age for the entire 10 years. He was also in university for portions of the time. He had jobs along the way (some part time, some full time, some overlapping). Do I just list the actual work experience he has had and not worry about gaps? Or do I need to write "not working" or something like that??

2. And when the DS-230 asks to list "ALL" children, do they mean biological children or are step-children included in that? (The capitalized "ALL" is what i confusing me. I would have thought biological only otherwise.)

And help is appreciated!!!

1. I would make a complete list even if it took adding a sheet of paper if there is more than five. You could use the word "student" and dates for the education gaps of you like that better. It's acceptable to say "unemployed". No effect on visa if that is a worry. But the question says list employment, so listing just the actual jobs and dates is correct in my opinion. If they wanted gaps explained, it would have said so. I don't think it's an issue for a spouse visa however you choose to lst it.

2. The London website says this:

My child is not immigrating with me do I still have to list his or her details on the biographic data form OF-230-I?

You are required to enter the details of every child under the age of 21, including a stepchild from a marriage that was entered into while the child was under the age of 18.

Source: http://london.usemba...q-imm-proc.html
**Note that the OF-230-I is an old name for DS-230, Part I
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-02-11 11:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUK Police record validity?

Hi everyone, it's my first post here, so hello first of all!
I am a UK citizen married to the US petitioner. I am currently still at NOA1 stage for a CR1 spouse visa, but want to get as much paperwork and documents sorted as possible ahead of time. My question is with regards to the police record - how long is this valid for? I'd like to send off for it this month, but just wondered if that's to early? Sorry I'm sure this has been asked before!
Thanks in advance for your help

One year as stated on the London website http://london.usemba..._certificate_uk

Make a photocopy before you mail it off to NVC. The medical people at Knightsbridge will want to see the certificate or a photocopy at your medical exam.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-12 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 & 4
To the UK people:

Read this page, especially paragraph 3. http://london.usemba..._documents.html
Also follow the links given about all the documents for the interview to make sure what you sent NVC is sufficient. CR1s have gotten to their interview and found out they needed a subject access report in addition to the police certificate. Or they got an Oz police certificate without the required fingerprints. Or their I-864 didn't have all the details. Most people are fine, but read all the links in case there is some niggly little thing you didn't send to NVC. The real review of your documentation happens in London so don't assume everything is perfect if NVC passed it on.

On the left size of the same page are links for the medical, courier, security, and I -864 which are useful information.

In the menu bar of Visa Journey you will find Reviews: Embassy. Find London, then read what CR1s have said. They often tell the questions asked. There won't be anything that requires practice unless the hubby doesn't know your name, when you married, and a few simple things like that.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-17 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice check headache

Nich-Nick, elsewhere I read that if someone is not residing in the country they are visiting, but maintains their residence in their home country, they are not necessarily required to obtain a police certificate from the visited country. The examples were workers in industries (such as the oil industry) that cause them to be reassigned away from home for months at a time, people serving on ships registered to different countries, and students attending a school away from home. I do agree that the OP should obtain a police certificate to be thorough and in case questions are raised, but is it a matter of strict necessity in her case and similar cases?

London says countries where you have lived. So I dunno if she "lived" there. And she's kinda vague if it was continuous. Or does her use of "and" mean two visits. I guess if you don't give an address as a place you have lived, then they won't know to ask for a police certificate. But what's proper when you spend 2.5 years in a country and receive mail there? I supposed it could be argued either way. Her choice, but she has the link for how to get documents from Cyprus if that's what she chooses.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-18 11:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice check headache
If you were in Cyprus for 12 months, you need a police certificate. Sounds like you were there 2 1/2 years??
Start now. The UK embassy says it is valid indefinitely as long as you do not return to Cyprus after it is issued.

Scroll way down this page to find out how to get it. http://travel.state....5.html?cid=9162

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-17 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLONDON - Children at Interview CR-1??
They don't need a visa either. They need US passports for travel if they are citizens.

Maybe we need some background here.
Where does everybody live?
Where we the children born?
Did you send three I-130s, one for each of them?

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-21 10:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe got letter from nvc with case file number now what?

hi there
if i'm asking a stupid question i'm really sorry, but on the 13 of this month she recived this letter as we have no idea what to do next she has called the NVC and been told i have to send the ds230 part 1 off but to who and where she has no idea however when i called the US embassey in London i was told there is one more form my wife has to fill out till i can send them the Ds 230 we are both totaly confused at the moment any help you could give us would be gratefully accepted
many thanks ridcully
ps the letter is attchedattachicon.gif scan0024.jpg

London has nothing to do with your case right now so no need to call them. NVC does all your paperwork and assigns your interview. Your forms and documents are mailed to NVC, not the embassy. Ignore what they said. They misunderstood where you were processing

Did you read the letter you posted? It gives you a web address to go find your instructions. The letter gives an address where to mail things. It's going to be real hard to do-it-yourself immigrate with only an iPhone.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-21 15:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling in my maiden name

I was going to ask this question later down the line.

My hope was to marry, come back to UK, send my passport to get changed into my married name around the same time we file the I-130, then I just need to change my bank details. The logistics work in my head but no doubt I have missed something that a knowledgeable person on here can correct me on. You guys are awesome for the advice, would have pulled my hair out by now if it wasn't for here. :)

That works fine. Your passport and bank things do not have to be in your married name to start the visa process in your married name. Or they can be. Either way will not delay or hinder the visa. Many people keep their maiden name passport until it expires, even though they have immigrated and have new married name bank accounts in the US, married name driver license, and married name greencard.

It is cheaper to renew the passport in the UK, than in the US.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-23 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling in my maiden name

we are filing in my maiden name, will this be an issue?  Only due to my passport and documents still being in my maiden name

Are you the British citizen? If so, file in the name you want to go by in your married life. The issue with your maiden name is that your greencard will come in your maiden name. To change the name on a greencard costs $450. The USCIS knows you recently married and will have documents still in your maiden name. That's why there is "other names used" on the forms.

For imternational travel, it is easiest to book the ticket in the name on the passport for airline counter purposes. Also bring a copy of the marriage certificate to show name changes when you travel. The passport checker at Heathrow said they see that all day long, where people have married, but the passport is in the maiden name. He said the marriage certificate solves the name discrepancy. Once you get a driver license, you won't need your passport for domestic travel.

If you don't want to take your husbands name ever, that's fine too. I actually still use my former married name, not even maiden name. Never had a problem with immigration wanting to know why we had different names if we were a "real" couple.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-05-22 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew I864, Part 4, Question 12

I am the beneficiary.
It asks if you are currently on active duty in the US Armed Services,Yes or No.  Above the question in brackets it says: To be completed by petitioner sponsors only.
Does this mean that both my wife (sponsor) and my co sponsor have to check yes or no ?
We are a touch confused by this.

See the Instructions for the form. Last thing on page 4. Totally explained.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-01 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 questions (joint sponsor, domicile, etc.)

Thanks so much for all of this, it's really cleared some things up!
Just double checked the forum where I read about DCF. There was an ILR requirement a few years ago, but you are correct, it's now only 6 months. I don't think we'd be able to go that route, UKBA still has my passport (which has the proof of my legal residence). dry.png

A few comments--

Your I-864 Affidavit of Support must include your latest US tax return or a statement why you didn't file. "I was unemployed in 2012 and earned $0 income, so was not required by the IRS to file a return." So if you do have a $30k job, then you prove your current income with a letter from your employer and pay stubs. The requirement is prove your current income is sufficient. It does not say your tax return has to show sufficient.

If you get a joint sponsor, then Dad will need to meet the income for a household of four:
Dad, Mom, Sister, Immigrant. You are not counted, even if you live with them.

Cover letters are optional to provide a list of forms or documents submitted. For a US fiancé visa, there is a letter of intent from each saying they are free to marry and intend to marry withing 90 days of US entry. There is no such letter in the spouse visa.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-05 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy Stepson's I-130
You need to establish the stepparent relationship by showing you married his mother and it was before his 18th birthday. Dont depend on USCIS to find evidence needed in another person's Petition. There is a guide for stepfather here http://www.visajourn...ontent/childpet

Check it out.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-01 23:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 visa fell through; Need help with options please!

Hi, y'all.  This is my first post on VJ although I have been reading the guides and forums for at least a year or two!
I'm hoping some of you who are familiar with the visa process can help me out with a path forward.


I'd go with a visit soon on VWP. Go to the county clerks office and get a marriage license. Wait 3 days and then marry in a simple ceremony anywhere you a park, your backyard, Galveston...nah, already too hot. Or the 3 days can be waived by a judge and they may have courthouse weddings available in a judges chambers. What side of town are you on?

Get your marriage recorded back where you got the license and a certified marriage certificate. Then file. He needs to not stay around for long periods or come back too often so not to jeopardize his November visit with "you've been here waaay too much." Then have your fake wedding as planned. But do speak to your minister to make sure he is okay doing a wedding without a license.

If you wait until November to marry on VWP, then you can't file until then. If you marry soon, a lot of your wait will be over by November. The CR1 spouse visa is much better than a fiancé visa.

All of this is legal by the way. I submit this FAQ from the US Embassy London. http://london.usemba...proc.html#iv036

Edited by Nich-Nick, 06 June 2013 - 07:17 PM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-06 19:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Houston - Your Experiences?
Neither of us or our British guests have ever had anything but nice treatment at IAH. For some reason, I would want my important POE documents turned over on this side of the pond, but Dublin may be just as efficient in getting them to the National Records Center. And Houston changed over to the paperless I-94 the first week of the phase in, so maybe has it down pat by now.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-11 07:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - didn't file most recent taxes

Call the IRS department at the London US Embassy. They will tell you what you need to do.

If he earned less than $9750, he does not have to file. If he earned any money and had taxes held out, he may want to file to get that withholding back.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 17:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - didn't file most recent taxes

Thanks so much Nich-Nick, this makes great sense.
I'd probably rather go with option 1 - but (sorry to be a dummy) when you say "statement", we would just be including a cover letter explaining why he didn't file in 2012 - is that what you mean by statement? Thanks again

No, I am not convinced cover letters don't get discarded in the mailroom. I would write a formal statement and place it behind the I-864 where a 2012 tax return would be placed. I have read what the statement should contain in official USCIS memos but don't have a bookmark. So off my memory and totally made up by me....


In tax year 2012, I spent x months abroad in the United Kingdom and was unemployed while there. My total earnings for 2012 were $5432.10. That falls below the threshold of $9750 for an unmarried person to file a tax return. I was not married until xx-xx-2013 so was single for tax year 2012.

I can not submit a 2012 tax return because I did not file one, nor was I required to file by the Internal Revenue Service.

I certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct.


John R. Smith

The threshold figure is correct for 2012. I just looked it up. You might also want to add info after his name like Petitioner/Sponsor for [name]
Case number xxxxxxxxx

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - didn't file most recent taxes
Katie, I answered that same question last week . Here were my thoughts, modified for you.

You are required to attach a statement to the I-864 explaining why he was not required to file for 2012. See page 6 of the instructions. As far a checking the box, it's a scenario that doesn't quite fit his situation. That's always a problem with forms that are written for the masses.
My thoughts--
1) Check it because you will include a statement in the place of a tax return. A "substitute" of sorts.
2) Check it but cross out "3" and write in "2". Hand write in that space below "Not required to file in 2012. Statement attached."
3) Take it literally and don't check it. I think that runs the risk that they will see that and send an RFE before they flip the pages to find out why he didn't file and he indeed submitted a statement.

Pick one or come up with another idea. I don't have a documented answer to quote from the Dept of State. I would personally go with 1 or 2.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 13:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for CR-1 ... gone bad... ??
It sometimes can take a couple of weeks for them to pick your case back up, then the decision should be immediate. They dont always get around to it the day it arrives by courier, but maybe. I don't expect additional long delays for security with Polish background. You can check online now and kinda get progress. Here

I'm not super clear on what all the status possibilities are because it's a newish thing. I know it may say AP which could just mean it is received and waiting in line, and not the long security AP, so don't freak if you see that. Somebody said theirs changed to "issued" when the visa was printed. Maybe you can check and give us updates on what the status says. When did the courier pick the evidence things up?

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-09 12:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for CR-1 ... gone bad... ??

I will really appreciate any thoughts or pointers... 
My husband had his interview in London few days ago, HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE experience, more like an interrogation.... Was sent home without approval with request for more evidence specifically: emails + facebook emails and pictures from 2011.  He got a label for courier with our case number on it and was asked to include his passport with the mailing. 

My concern is that if we send them what they want/asked for will they approve his visa? Is there anyone who had similar experience?  
There was no 2nd interview scheduled, they kept everything he had with him, medical went fine, he was given his passport back with the piece of paper of what they need him to mail - emails and facebook emails (proof when we started communicating) and pictures from before we got married.  
We are mailing everything this week, including a cover letter.  Is there anything else we should include?  
Any replies will be greatly appreciated.

My thoughts--
It is extremely unusual for an interview in London to go that way. You have red flags from just growing up together. Old family friends often try to use each other to benefit their grown children's immigration. Then you met, married, and separated fairly quickly.
If your nationality is other than white English/Scot/Welsh then more so and further delays may be coming with security checks. Can you elaborate if you have family ties to the middle east, India, Pakistan or a Muslim background?

The officers are experienced in reading people. The roughness and intimidation is an attempt to rattle one that they have a sense is questionable. I've never known a second interview in London. Provide your evidence to overcome your red flags, and they will make a decision.


I think that's really heartless that the guy couldn't understand about your mother. I'm sorry about your situation with your mother.

Heartless? In general, we document constantly for immigration. They don't just take our word that we are a US citizen, got married, have no disease or addictions, make enough to support an immigrant, had our immunizations, etc. So if Mom Is the reason for no visit, then document her terminal illness as evidence.

I am not trying to be rude, but lay out how it likely is. If you are a real couple, you will get the visa when they see your 18,000 communications.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 09 June 2013 - 10:49 AM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-09 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChild Interview

Hey guys :) I was wondering if someone could clear this up for me?...Does my child who is 10 years old, have to be interviewed?
Thanks in advance

This is what the London website says http://london.usemba...proc.html#iv057

Does my child need to attend the immigrant visa interview?

All applicants registered for immigration as the spouse, parent, child under the age of 21 of a U.S. citizen are required to attend the Embassy in person for a formal visa interview with a U.S. consular officer. Persons under the age of fourteen who are deriving status from an immigrant, fiancé(e) or Kii petition filed on behalf of a parent or are applying for a derivative V visa and are applying for the visa at the same time as the parent need not attend the interview.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 30 June 2013 - 05:55 PM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-30 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWrong signature on one of the G-325A forms
Meanwhile get him to mail a copy he signs so it's ready to return to them if they send an RFE.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 14:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiary change of address - still at NOA1 stage
Deleted. Forgot you were CR1.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 01 July 2013 - 03:03 PM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 15:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I apply for a CR-1 visa whilst on a Q1 visa?

Really?! That's fantastic. I was envisaging having to say goodbye for 8 months after having lived in the same city as him for a year, which would have been horrible. So would I just complete the process the exact same way, indicate on the I130 that I arrived on a Q1 visa and want to go through the London Consulate, and they sort out the rest? 
Thanks for your help - I'm so glad I found this forum. 

Your time for London should be shorter than that. For a CR1 visa there is the I -130 petition timeline with USCIS. Once approved, it transfers to the the Dept of State at the National Visa Center (NVC) also in the US (New Hampshire) where visa application forms, your documents, and his affidavit of support will be submitted. It takes a couple of months to process. Then NVC issues you an interview date in London and sends the file to the embassy. Before the interview, a medical will be scheduled by you at the clinic in London. It takes 3-4 days for the results to be couriered to the embassy, so you want to plan the medical visit to be in advance of the interview date enough so they have your results and all is in order for interview day. That means don't plan the medical for the day before the interview or they will not be able to give you a visa decision at the interview.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 07:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusbands interview tomorrow-question (London embassy)

The $165 New Immigrant Fee can be paid anytime after receiving the visa up to a year.  The paper telling you how do do it will say it needs to be paid before the immigrant leaves but that's not true.  However it needs to be paid via US bank account or credit card. 

Adding on to that...the new immigrant fee is a charge by USCIS to get the greencard issued in the US. The embassy and visa are Dept of State and thus the embassy wouldn't collect fees the USCIS (Dept of Homeland Security) assess. They are separate bureaucracies.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-08 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusbands interview tomorrow-question (London embassy)

I thought we only had to pay for delivery of the visa. There's another $230 we have to pay after the interview? It's for a cr1 visa

You are correct. You paid for the visa at NVC. The courier is £14.50 unless you want to pay more to have it arrive in an early time slot during the before 8am, instead of anytime during the day.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-08 12:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam Advise,Mental Health,UK

Hi im wondering if anyone could give me some advise I've got the medical exam coming up in London and have some concerns.
Just to briefly explain ,When i was younger,i was a victim of abuse which cause some mental health problems  i self injured quite extensively and scarring is still very noticeable so i guess i will have to explain it.
I have been fully recovered from my mental health issues for a good time now and i have no reason to believe it would happen again.  initially i wasn't too worried about this being a issue. However i read the Medical questionnaire and it raised concerns for me, i don't no how much to disclose ? Its a issue of the past not the present so do i have to?
If anyone has had any similar experiences and can give me some advise of how to proceed i would be really grateful, just want to get this right.

Here is a review from a UK member that was positive
Lynndy38 http://www.visajourn...tors/?p=5929051

You need a letter from you GP that says the magic words that you are "no longer a threat to yourself or others, nor will be in the future".

Somebody recently had a Knightsbridge exam and had a letter that was a little more vague. They were referred for a psych exam before Knightsbridge would complete their results forms and send to the embassy. I can't think of the name and I did search around for it.

Previous Uk persons are AngelBlu or Angel_Blu (some version of Angel and Blu)
Queen of Blades is a current poster and her doctor was supposed to write the letter with the phrase that seems to work. Her medical is coming up. She has scarring too.

This document explains what the doctor at Knightsbridge is charged with to determine mental status.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-14 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPost of Immigration afterwards...

So I looked back at the stamp, and it just says ADMITTED JUN 15 2013, then with the handwriting "CR-1 Jun 19, 2015) mention of I-1551, or Green Card....

CBP Passenger Service Manager
Atlanta Hartsfield - Jackson International Airport Linda Fuller (404) 765-5800

Call and ask your questions about the form and stamp.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 10:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to bring to Port of Entry (other than sealed packet)

Hello! Congrats! Please write his opinion in the POE of Seattle! I am travelling next week with my k-1 visa :D
Also people : where do you give the envelope? Do they take you in another line/place to look at it or the normal customs?

Many airports have a separate area/room to open the envelope and process the visa entry. It's to keep the lines moving for the rest of the folks without immigrant envelopes. Click on POE in the light blue menu bar at the top and find your airport. People will describe what happens in Seattle.

Edited by Nich-Nick, 16 July 2013 - 09:52 AM.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 09:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to bring to Port of Entry (other than sealed packet)

So my husband and I will be reunited (and it feels so good!) on Wednesday (TOMORROW!!!)  and I want to know if there is anything other than the obvious that he needs to bring with him when he goes through the port of entry (seattle).  Obviously he needs his passport and the sealed packet but is there anything else?  Thank you :)  

That's all he needs. He will fill out a customs form on the plane along with everybody else. He will not fill out an I-94. That went automated in May.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to enter USA

When I used to visit my fiance, I was asked to show proof of return ticket and where I worked be wary of 'random decision to remain'.  

Good point. As with any visit on VWP, the traveler should have a return ticket, and proof of ties to home, and suitcases packed that look like someone on vacation, not moving.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to enter USA
It's about the "intent". If you enter the US as a tourist/visitor but your intent is to immigrate, then you have fraudulently used the VWP to circumvent immigration procedures. If you present yourself at the airport Immigration control and they ask "what is the purpose of your trip?" and you answer "I came here to stay because my wife lives here and have no intention of leaving when my 90 days are up", you will probably be put on the next plane back to the UK. That would not be proper use of VWP.

If you come to visit your wife with the "intent" of returning to the UK, but make a random decision to remain and file for adjustment of status, then you could be approved.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 10:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while waiting for I-130 / CR1 approval
Yes you can visit. There is a pinned thread full of experiences in the K1 visa forum. It applies to people on the spouse visa path too.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 22:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCivil union in England, but apply for marriage visa for America?

Thank you! I'm definitely checking that out now.

You don't qualify for that (Direct Consular Filing) because you don't live in the UK. You live in the US. That post is all wrong.

If you want a CR1 spouse visa, which is better than a fiancé visa--

He visits you on VWP. You marry in your state that allows it. He goes back to the UK. You start the process with the spouse petition. When the visa is granted, he enters the US as a permanent resident allowed to work and get a driver license immediately or travel internationally. The time the spouse process takes is similar to the time a fiancé visa takes. With a K1 fiancé visa, he is stuck for a number of months in the US waiting on work authorization, and travel authorization.


K1 route = $1650 + £294.50

$340  (USCIS) I-129F petition
$240 (Embassy)  Visa fee
£45  ACPO Police certificate
£235 (Knightsbridge Doctors) medical exam
£14.50 (DX Secure) Courier fee
$1070 (USCIS) Adjustment of Status/Work Authorization/Advance Parole

CR1 route = $903 + £294.50

$420  (USCIS) I-130 petition 
$230 (National Visa Center)  Visa fee
$88 (National Visa Center)  Affidavit of Support Review fee
£45  ACPO Police certificate
£235 (Knightsbridge Doctors) medical exam
£14.50 (DX Secure) Courier fee
$165.00 (USCIS) Immigrant Fee 

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! When - medical appointment and interview date?
I agree with the above if you want a second confirmation of what to do.
Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 22:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot visiting while CR1 process ongoing

We've had a total of 107 days spent together since meeting in person in 2011.

You are fine then for the London embassy. They don't get into proving the relationship much.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 17:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot visiting while CR1 process ongoing

Howdy all,
I've been reading a few threads where not visiting your spouse during the CR1 process is a major red flag and a cause for denial of the visa.
I'm not planning to visit my husband and he isn't planning to visit me during the CR1 process. Firstly because we want to save our money, secondly because we don't want to deal with the stress of the border until we have the visa.
I'm from the UK and am white British. Is the above a total non-issue for me and just an issue for MENA and high fraud countries?
Thank you.

May be an issue for the folks that met, engaged/married, all in the same trip and never went back. So in essence they have seen their spouse in person a week or two total. Evaluate your meetings and time together against that. Then explain your finances if they ask why.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 17:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
I would put N/A for the employer since it says "if not shown above". Or put -Listed above-

For the address repeat the address with no end date. Or put -Listed above- in the address field.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow much time before you HAVE to enter the US once approved

We are just trying to plan for as much as you possibly can when it comes to this stuff !!! Once you go through EVERYTHING and you get your visa approved how long do you get before you have to enter the U.S. ? 

The embassy in London where your visa will be issued--
The visa "use by" date will be 6 months from the MEDICAL DATE, not the interview date or visa printing date.

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 07:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864A help

Tax: wife was earning in the UK up to July 2013 but had not filed us taxes since she moved to UK in 2002. IRS allows rectification of simple delinquent taxes with a no jeopardy filing of last 3 years, plus last 6 years FBAR if greater than $10000 in accounts in any year. She quit work in July 13. Taxes are properly filed by CPA and full schedules are in hand. Joint sponsor covers financial requirement. My income is UK earned but I will be moving for non-res tax status in UK as of 2014 new tax year. So, she files I-864. Zero income. My income is on it but may not count as UK earned. No I-864A requirement at all. Send. Hello visa.

Your guys rock (I believe the Americans say).

The only reason you would want to get your income counted on an I-864 is if you didn't have a joint sponsor. Then you would need proof from employer that you will continue in that airline job from the US. That is just too much bother to document when you have a willing joint sponsor.

As for wife, the concern is her current income. She is currently unemployed. In part 6 of the form--
4. X Unemployed since 07/??/2013
5. My current individual annual income is $0
10. My current annual household income is $0
13. X
13 abc. Get the numbers off line 22 of the tax returns. They don't have to match her current income or anything else.

Part 7 assets--you can list the assets if you want, but then you need to attach proof of those assets. It's not going to allow her to be the only sponsor so not really needed because you have the joint sponsor.

Now I have a question. Did the embassy give you a phone number of how to send your document and passport back to them? I ask because calling the old number for DX, they say they don't do that anymore since the embassy switched over their courier procedure. Can you share what you were told about sending your missing documentation to the embassy?

Nich-NickNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 07:00:00