IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 checklist
I wanted to make a note in case anyone else reads this that the NOA2 is not required at NVC for the AOS or IV I found out , but should be brought to the consulate interview just in case
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-11-11 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 checklist

- birth certificate - Do they want the original(which is not in English) or a translated legal true copy or both?!
- marriage certificate - I hope a true copy sice the US court house didn't give us the original to begin with!! :bonk:

It's a certified international BC that he got from the city hall in the town he was born in and NVC said that was acceptable, it's in both dutch and english. My husband mentioned something about not even having an original BC in the Netherlands

um I have the true and original copy of the marriage certificate that was signed in my possession so thats the one I plan to send , I had sent a certified copy to USCIS

Don't forget to write the information on the back of your photos....ah, all the details :bonk:

Thanks I'll remember!
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-11-10 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 checklist

I already finished putting together the AOS packet it's complete wanted to say thanks again to those who helped me with parts of it =)

Here's what I have for the DS-230 packet wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything

NVC Cover letter with Barcode

Personal coversheet

DS-230 Part I and II (part I only signed)

Birth Certificate of “Beneficiary" (original and copy)

Passport biographic page of “Beneficiary" (copy)

Marriage Certificate (Original and copy)

caught something that I forgot to put on my personal checklist to go in my packet which was the NOA2 hardcopy which I'm still waiting for in the mail...
Two Passport style Photograph’s of "Beneficiary"

as far as obtaining a police record I'm going to call NVC about it because applicants cannot obtain one in the netherlands so going to see if thats something we need to initiate or if they request it automatically.

I also found out that the consulate requests the police certificate without us initiating it so I don't need to worry about it.
I'm pretty sure this is all we need based on our case, but if you see something that should be there and isn't lemme know~

Jen and Geert

Edited by Jen and Geert, 10 November 2010 - 02:04 PM.

Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-11-10 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 checklist

looks good Jen but I would include another copy of the passport bio page as you need to send additional copies of all civil documents.

you mean another copy of the copy of the passport bio page? hmm
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-11-09 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 checklist
I already finished putting together the AOS packet it's complete wanted to say thanks again to those who helped me with parts of it =)

Here's what I have for the DS-230 packet wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything

NVC Cover letter with Barcode

Personal coversheet

DS-230 Part I and II (part I only signed)

Birth Certificate of “Beneficiary" (original and copy)

Passport biographic page of “Beneficiary" (copy)

Marriage Certificate (Original and copy)

Two Passport style Photograph’s of "Beneficiary"

as far as obtaining a police record I'm going to call NVC about it because applicants cannot obtain one in the netherlands so going to see if thats something we need to initiate or if they request it automatically.

I'm pretty sure this is all we need based on our case, but if you see something that should be there and isn't lemme know~

Jen and Geert
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-11-09 13:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
Yes only a few Photo's are off by only a day or 7 hours, so it's not that bad, but thanks just needed some reassurance.
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 15:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
Just when you think you did everything right you find something that you forgot meh ><

I checked over my I-130 many times before I send it off, but realized that some of the dates I listed on our photographs are a little off. On back of photo's I listed Date, Place, Description I wanted them to be as accurate as possible.
(Husband had forgot to change time on digital camera so it put picture dates in Netherlands time which is 7 hour time difference from here Central time USA) Most of the dates looked okay but a couple that were taken in the afternoon ended up getting the date for the next day so I missed the mistake. I can take screenshots on computer of these times to show the mistake, so should I worry about this and when would be a time to do something about it? I just wouldn't want it to cause a problem in the future.

Jen and Geert
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

Welcome and best of luck on your journey. VJ truly is a great source of support; I wouldn't have survived the process without it! :)

Thanks :star:
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

Welcome!!!! Posted Image This site has been a life saver for me through this process I also mailed my I130 recently (4/15) so we´re on the same boat. Just read as much as possible to keep u inform about the process and try to make out as fast as possible. Best Wishes.Posted Image

Thanks, Hope all goes well with you also =)
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

Welcome aboard! Wishing you a swift and hassle free journey. :D

Thanks :innocent:
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

Welcome to VJ :star:

Wishing you a speedy process through it all. Goodluck :)

Thank you :D
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

Hello! Welcome - and I'm getting ready to mail off my I-130 package today ... feeling nervous but confident - THANKS TO EVERYONE HERE AT VJ! Ive found a fountain of knowledge here and will be updating my timeline soon! :)

Good Luck!
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

I like "He's still not here? What takes so long?"

I've totally been asked that one before too. :bonk: people really don't know much about the process and I didn't know how naive I was till I become overwhelmed with an information overload, not to mention the fact that me and hubby are procrastinators but so happy to have started this today.

Welcome and I don't think you will have much problem with the whole I130 process.

Thank you :yes:
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey

Welcome to VJ! It does help to have people to talk with, without having to explain the whole process!

Yes I know how that is everytime I talk about immigration to friends/family/other I usually just say it's compliacated it's too long to explain it, >< when they ask about how it going.
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 14:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey
Thanks Wyld Blue and Bernie C.

I've known about the website for awhile, but only just made an account today, I wanted to wait till I started
the process.
We're sure to need help along the way for sure thanks!

Glad to see another Netherlands couple too hehe.
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 13:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew to Visa Journey
New to Visa Journey!
We took a big step today starting our Visa Journey and feeling happy,anxious,nervous hoping that everything will go smoothly but will try to be prepared for anything as we've done as much research as possible. We hope that it'll be easier on us having this website to visit and to see other people going through the same thing as us. Wish us luck =)

Did anyone else just recently start their journey also if so post here if you want,we'd like to hear about it.

-Jen and Geert :star:
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-04 13:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion

WAC means you case went to CA office;
VAC means it's in Vermont.

I don't know about the 1 digit though.

I read something about the number on a check is a payID or something like that and can't be used like a receipt number, but could be used to get it if you called don't know this for 100% sure. I just don't feel like calling as long as I'll receive my NOA 1 this week. I was just wanting to get updates at uscis website, oh well thanks anyways :) .
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-16 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion

My NOA1 was sent on the day my check was cashed. If you have a copy of your check on your bank's website and if you can see the back of the check you can get your case number before NOA1 comes to you. There should be a number on the back of the check that starts with WAC or VAC or something similar followed by 10 digit number. Add 1 to that number and that's your case number. That's who mine worked.

One more question if the case number is the same as the receipt number it the (add 1) to make it 13 characters apply to all receipt numbers or is it differen't depending on where you filed or located?
Thanks for your advice!
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-15 18:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion

My NOA1 was sent on the day my check was cashed. If you have a copy of your check on your bank's website and if you can see the back of the check you can get your case number before NOA1 comes to you. There should be a number on the back of the check that starts with WAC or VAC or something similar followed by 10 digit number. Add 1 to that number and that's your case number. That's who mine worked.

I only counted 9 on the back of the check did you count the (Add 1) as the 10th digit? Is the case number the same as the receipt number? I just wanted to check this would really help out if I can sign up for updates now =)
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-15 18:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion

my NOA1 came about 7 days after mailing my application. dont worry wait 'till next week u will get ur NOA1 for sure.....

Thanks! I can wait heh XD
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-15 18:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion

no need to worry, as soon as they generate ur receipt #, u'll get the NOA1 in mail. by next week hopefully u should get the NOA1 in mail. make sure the info on ur NOA1 is correct. good luck

If I understand you right that means that since they cashed the application fee they will be sending the NOA 1 regardless?
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-15 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
USCIS Cashed the check I sent with my I-130 application and it posted on May 11 on my bank.
Does this mean they will be or already have mailed an NOA 1 are they allowed to delay sending the NOA if something is wrong with the application or will they mail me the NOA 1 regardless and if needed they would request for more information later if needed?

(although I hope I don't get an rfe =/ since I'm pretty sure I did everything right, but there's always a chance I suppose).

I'm anxious to get signed up for updates is there a way to contact a person and ask for a receipt number or anything I can do at the moment while waiting?

Jen and Geert
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-15 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPassport question!

He can get new passport when he's in the USA, as well, by applying to a Netherlands Embassy in the USA.

Didn't know for sure about that one either, it'd be useful when that time comes along. Thanks for the tip =)
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-23 00:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPassport question!

Does the netherlands not give old passport back to them like in the US? It would have stamps in it but just no longer be valid. I would ask about that first before renewing it. Once in the US they will have to get it renewed when it expired anyway (through the embassy of their country). I would look into that first since he still has five years on the current one.

They might I just wasn't sure, but will look into it I just hope they wouldn't give any trouble about keeping it they could make it invalid I assume.

Thanks for the tip =)
Jen and GeertFemaleNetherlands2010-05-22 16:58:00