Middle East and North AfricaCASE COMPLETE
QUOTE (CasandraYounes @ Nov 9 2009, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats....glad to here that the mistake was taken care of

YAY! It is always so nice to log into the NVC website and get the login fail. I remember how happy I was when I got the login fail message.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-12 01:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlease Pray for my best friend
I will definitely keep your friend in my prayers, but I am so glad to see that she is doing better.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-04 00:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello MENA
Hello and welcome to VJ!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-13 13:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvise on how to handle the separation?
It is hard and it does get sad. We have been going through the visa process since February and we are still not done. One positive way to think about it is that since your case is filed and you have gotten the receipt you are one step ahead of some people that have yet to file or are still preparing their documents. Another positive, in my opinion, is that even though it is hard to be away from your SO it does make you appreciate one another one and you will cherish the time you are together more than other people that havent had to suffer through being apart. What has kept me going is by trying cut back on what I spend and saving money to plan trips to go see him to be able to break up the time apart. If that is not an option for you right now then it is always good to be around friends and family whose company you enjoy. Before you know it the time will start to move by and later on when its over you will look back and be able to smile when he is with you. Also its not a bad idea to maybe take up a new hobby that interests you or a class at your local gym. I have been keeping myself busy by completely throwing myself into work and my classes and on the weekends I always try to make plans so that I dont sit at home being depressed. Hope your days fly by and you get your hubby with you soon. Take care.

QUOTE (Vanessa1 @ Nov 11 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,

I apologize at the beginning if I end up sounding like I'm whining too much. I know everyone is going through a similar situation, but I am finding that I am just not handling it well. I haven't seen my husband since the end of July and I am finding it more and more difficult to get through the days. I have a good job, good family, and our relationship is doing well, so there's nothing major to be upset about...well, other than spending my first year of marriage away from my husband. I feel bad talking to friends and family anymore because there's just nothing they can say or do that gives consolation. My husband tries to be strong for me and tells me to try to not think about it so much, but I'm finding it difficult.

I have read lots of stories here that scare me about the Moroccan embassy and how they send applications back to start over. I think that's what ended up sending me over into this mood. I feel so out of control of my own life and I'm not used to that. I mean we took our time getting to know each other, making sure there was a good, solid friendship first and we fell in love and decided to marry. I just don't understand why everything has to be so complicated. I've waited my whole life to find someone as wonderful as Omar and he's perfect for me. So just because he's not American or I'm not Moroccan, why does it have to be this hard? We want to start a family, start a life, and all we seem to get is more obstacles in the way. It seems each week I'm learning about another step, another fee, another excuse why this process will take longer and keep us separated. I just want my husband to come home. It killed me to get on that plane and leave him to come back to work and I just don't know how much more of this I can take.

Again, I apologize for the serious downer that this post is but I just don't know who else to turn to. I don't want to spend all of the precious time my husband and I have together (online or the phone) with being sad, so I put on a brave face for him most of the time and try to focus on the positives...and there are so many! I know I am a blessed woman. I guess that's why this is so hard. And my family and friends just don't know what to say. Don't get me wrong, they are wonderfully supportive, but how is it that everyone gets through this? What have you done to deal with these emotions and try to keep the hope up and live your life while you wait? Any advise would really be appreciated!

NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-12 01:47:00
Middle East and North Africainterview November 16
Best of luck to everyone having their interviews. Special shoutout and prayers going out to you and your husband today Sharifah!!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-15 23:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot Interview Date :)
Congrats on the interview date. That is less than a month away!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-14 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed your prayers please !!!
Your soon is in my problems and I will pray for his quick recovery. Take care and keep us updated!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-20 01:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaDHL TRACKING
Hi. I havent been able to track by email. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and best of luck to everyone waiting.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-22 23:55:00
Middle East and North Africahow i get specifically details which causing AP
Hi Mounir. I am in exactly the same position as you, but the only difference is that what was missing for me was the case file from NVC. I called the embassy today and they said they still have not received the papers from NVC. The papers were sent on the 16th of October so I dont know how it hasnt been received yet. The guy at the embassy told me that they jsut received new boes on Thursday the 19th and that they will be opening them in the next few days and he told me to call back in about 2 days to see if there are any new updates. Have you tried calling them instead of emailing? I had a lot more success and obtained a little bit more info when I called instead of emailing. Best of luck and isa all our visas will be processed soon.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-22 19:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy thanks giving and EId moubark
Kol Sana Wenta Tuyib Mounir. Inshallah we will all be with our families soon. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Eid to All!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-26 18:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Monday all MENA
I know exactly how you feel. I have also been feeling really down lately. Hopefully inshallah everyone that is waiting will hear some news in the next coming weeks. All we have to do is be patient, but I know for myself that it is easier said than done. Keep me updated and PM anytime Mounir.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-30 19:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
Tammy I completely understood what you meant about Alex. I thought everything you wrote about Egypt was really nice. If you need any cheap airline sites or phone number let me know. Take care!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-24 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
I was not saying that what anyone said is WRONG. I dont expect for everyone to agree with me, but last time I checked it is a free country and I think I am enititled to discuss they way I view Egypt. Either way I do not want to go back on forth with anyone. I have a life outside the "online" world. So go ahead and continue writing to your hearts content, but I on the other hand have better things to do then bash others to make myself feel better.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-23 23:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
QUOTE (me_4_musa @ Nov 23 2009, 09:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NancylovesAhmad @ Nov 24 2009, 06:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But if some people seem to insist that Egypt is so dirty and nasty then that is fine by me.

Well gee thanks for your approval. rolleyes.gif

I wasnt giving anyone my approval. I was just trying to word things as nicely as possible, but since you wrote a smartass comment I will write what I was really thinking. If some of you insist that Egypt is so nasty and filthy then dont go there!!!!!!!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-23 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
I am glad you had a good time in Alex Tammy. I agree that it is a nice place to live and vacation IMO. I would know since I am Egyptian and have lived in Egypt previously for years and years. I am living in reality and not just on "vacation" land. But if some people seem to insist that Egypt is so dirty and nasty then that is fine by me. I really dont know too much about Aswan or certain parts in Cairo, but I do know about Alex and its really not as bad as some are trying to make it out to be. Either way welcome back to the US Tammy!!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-23 22:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
QUOTE (Ihavequestions @ Nov 23 2009, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nawal @ Nov 23 2009, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know. My gf helps run an animal rights group there and one of our very good friends is a Vet. The stories I have heard make my heart sink on top of the fact that it makes me sick to my stomach! sad.gif

In Aswan I saw a so rabid the foam was dripping on the sidewalk dog, a dead horse laying on the side of a city street, and multiple dead cats. Eeeeeeuuuuuu.

Oh wow that is awful. I have never been to Aswan. I had no idea it was so bad there. Guess its a good thing I have never been there. LOL
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-23 18:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
Well I dont think Egypt is by no means clean, but I also do not think it is filthy even far away from the beach. I think some might find it to be filthy in comparision to places in the US. I guess I am just partial to Alex. And I am not just saying that because it is my hubby's home because it is also my home. Both my parents are Egyptian so I guess I am too...LOL. I do know that there needs to a major overhaul in sanitation all over Egypt, but nonetheless I love Alex so so much. Shoutout to everyone from Alex!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-23 14:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaBack from Alexandria, Egypt
I dont think that Alexandria is filthy at all Ihavequestions. And I have been to Port Said many times and didnt find it to cleaner than Alex at all. I think Alex is so great because of the fresh air and the beach especially walking on the beach at night. I miss Alex so much and cant wait to go back again.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-23 00:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaI don't know whats going on ?!!
HG I know how you feel. I am also in AP and I completely understand how you feel. It is so frustrating to not know exactly what is going on with the case. I wish they would give more specific timeframes or even some more details. On a positive note, I think that if they were going to deny you they would have already done it. I think that the case is just in Administrative Review and that you will be hearing something very soon isa. Even though time seems to move so slow when you are waiting for something at least we can take comfort in knowing that one day we will be able to look back on this and smile when we are with our SO's.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-08 04:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot the visa wooopp wooooooopp
Congrats. That is woderful news!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-08 16:15:00
Middle East and North Africafinally i got it
Congrats on the visa!!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-11 01:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
Thanks Betsy. I really hope we get it in the next few days. I am praying for everyone waiting on a visa as well.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-12 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
Anyone else written to the embassy during the AP stage and gotten the final review email??
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-12 03:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
[/quote]The first interview they did not keep his passport and we were put in AP for just about 6 months.Then came the home visit about 4 months into AP, and just around the 6 month mark of AP he was called in for a second interview where he was told he was approved. He submitted his passport and it was stamped that day ( according to the DOS ) and the passport with visa arrived a week after that.

Nagi I didnt realize that you had such a rough road at the Cairo Embassy. Well im so happy that your hubby is here now with you and that you are completely done with the embassy. I am just waiting for some movement on DHL so that I can do a happy dance. Thanks for sharing your info Nagi.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-10 22:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Dec 10 2009, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, we had emailed about a week before and my husband had received his visa and I had gotten the response a few days afterwards.

Well thats great that he had already gotten it, but I guess that goes to show that the Cairo embassy is so unorganized. I am praying that we hear something in the next few weeks about my hubby's visa.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-10 19:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
Nagi, was your husband told he was approved after the interview or was he put in AP? I am just curious in case there might be second interview to follow the one my husband already had.

Please if there is anyone else that was written a "final review" email from the embassy join in so we can all better understand possible timeframes for the chaos in Cairo.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-10 12:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Dec 9 2009, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe something hopeful for you to hear but we got that email from the embassy after my husband had his visa in hand!

They sent you a final review email after the visa had been sent already? Well that gives me hope that maybe we only have a few weeks to go. You never know with the Cairo Embassy.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-10 00:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
Thanks to everyone who shared your info with me thus far. I have been checking DHL everyday but there are still no movements. It says "Scheduled for Delivery as Agreed" which is the same message it has said since the day of the interview. Isa maybe there will be some changes next week. If anyone else could provide their dates between "final review" and "visa in hand" I think it would be beneficial to a lot people.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-09 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinal Review Email from Cairo Embassy
Hello everyone. Well I emailed the Embassy on Dec 5th, 2009 and I received a reply today that stated:

"Dear Madam:

Thank you for your e-mail message.

The case is pending the officer’s final review. We will process the case to conclusion once that is completed.


Consular staff"

I know that there have been several people that have received this type of email. I was wondering how long after receiving this "final review" email did you receive the visa? And if you havent received the visa yet when was the last time you might have received an email like this? I really appreciate any information you guys could share with me. I am really debating over whether I should go visit my husband or wait it out. Thanks in advance to any replies on this topic.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-08 22:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat do their emails REALLY mean?
See Sharifah. I really feel that your case is moving right along and that you are out of AP. YAY!!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-12-11 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt cruise to CAN knockouts!!!!!!!!!

just wait Mohamed and everything will be ok isA , they will issue your visa sooner or later and you know that ... i am still in the officer's final review and it has been 40 days now since then with no news .

nancy, it's my first time to hear about that mandatory adminstrative reviews actually , i don't know what is that means wife was here too in november and they didn't let her in to talk to any body :S did you ask anyone about the meaning of mandatory thing?

Well I am assuming that is the same thing administrative processing. I emailed them this weekend and I am waiting on a reply to find out if there are any updates. Hopefully we will both have our visas soon isa.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-18 02:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt cruise to CAN knockouts!!!!!!!!!

any news about your final review ,nancy??

any news about your visa, hot guy??

I actually went to visit in hopes of going to the embassy myself and seeing if it would help, but they would not let me inside to discuss the case. The case was in final review until about January 6th and then this week when I emailed they wrote back and said that the case is now in mandatory administrative review so I really dont know what to think anymore. I am praying for the best.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-17 20:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt cruise to CAN knockouts!!!!!!!!!
Go EGYPT!!! I am so happy that they are doing so well. Do you know when the next match will be?
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-16 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWonderful Tuesday!
Congrats Bajih and so excited for you Jackie!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-19 22:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould We Send the Consulate an Updated Bank Statement?
I agree with INGT and Dis that there is no reason to send it unless they request it. Good wishes being sent your way for a speedy visa in hand!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 01:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts An Approval! Visa Received!!
Congrats!! That is wonderful news.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-20 18:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP Tracker for MENA
I dont have the link but if you just type AP tracker at the top of the page where it says search it will bring it right up.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Caturday MENA!
Isa he will clear immigration with no problems and be reunited with Jackie in the next few minutes. So happy for you Jackie!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-23 18:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur AP Update - day 38 news - embassy called hubby
Zahra, that sounds like great news. Isa your husband will have his visa in hand next week.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 18:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe time has come!!
Congrats and wish you a wonderful life together!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-25 17:23:00