Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
Beth I wish you the best of luck with everything that you have going on.

Sharifah from what they told my husband, it seems that they send the case documents along with the passport through DHL.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2009-11-11 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat
Hello everyone. Hope everyone had a wonderful xmas and has an amazing news years. Our two year anniversary was a few days ago and we went on a mini vacation to celebrate. Time sure flies......I cant believe that its almost 2011 in a few days!! I see lots of people from here are going to Egypt. How exciting!! I miss Egypt and hope to go isa this summer. I know lots of people have asked this question already, but has anyone heard anything from Olivia?? If anyone has her private email or another way I can get in touch with her I would really appreciate it. Please send me a PM if you have any info on her. Have a wonderful week everyone.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-12-27 22:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Consulate review and personal thoughts
Here is my question how does your man know that the others was not approved. After there interviews they are to leave. So the other men must of been waiting for there interviews???? And most of Morocco is of low social economics.

Hi Everyone,

I would like to thank everyone again for all the support. I am just happy that this process is nearly over with. As most of you know, my fiance had his interview on April 13th and was approved without AP. I have a few thoughts about this. First, take a look at my review below:
Interview from April 13th

My fiance's was supposed to arrive at the consulate between 7:45am and 8:00am although of course, he was 10 minutes late. So typical of him. As soon as he arrived, he showed the security personnel his documents which granted him entry. He walked in and waited 15 minutes before the cashier was available collect his appointment letter. The cashier then instructed my fiance to sit down and wait before collecting the visa payment and his completed "DS" forms from packet 3. It took 30 minutes before the cashier called him back. My fiance sat back down again and 45 minutes later, a Moroccan man called my fiance to approach up to a window. The Moroccan man informed him that he had to re-take his passport/visa photos because he was wearing his glasses in them. The man told my fiance to go out around the corner to a Kodak shop where he could take quick passport photographs. My fiance did so and his photos were available immediately. He then brought them back to the man and he told my fiance to sit down and wait until his name is called. After an hour, a Moroccan-American (Presumably) woman called him to another window. She was typing a message into her computer system while she was excused to speak to the consulates new chief consular. My fiance said he looked very young. The woman came back and apologized for stepping away and my fiance replied with "No problem. You're welcome, Madam." She smiled and laughed. She asked for my fiance's translated papers, medical exam, and mobile number. She asked my fiance to sit down and wait and it wasn't until another 30 minutes later than he was finally interviewed.

The interviewer that called him up to the window was a a young, thing, blonde woman with green eyes. My fiance said she looked very young, maybe in her mid to late 20's. She said "Hello, how are you ?" and he said "I am fine, how are you?" she said "Good, thank you." My fiance then said "You're welcome." At this point my fiance told me that she was the nicest interviewer our of all the K-1/CR-1 visas that day. All the other 12 cases were denied and my fiance overheard the other interviewers that were treating the other Moroccan men harshly. So, the interview continues...

She asked my fiance to place his left finger on some security machine and he then removed his hand. She then gave him a paper and told him to write my name and sign underneath it. So of course, he wrote my name. She then asked the following questions:

How did you meet your fiancee?
What do you two have in common?
Why did you fall in love with her?
Did you talk to other Americans online?
When you talk to your fiancee, what do you talk about?
Does she have siblings like sisters or brothers?
Is her brother married?
What is his job?
What does your fiancee do for a living?
Does she go to school? Is she a student?
What does she do for her company?
Is your fiancee Muslim?
Did she convert?
What year did she convert?
So, was she Muslim before you met her?
Are you only interested in marrying a Muslim woman?
What made her decide to convert?
How did you know she was Muslim?
Does she have a family she lives with?
Does she live with her parents?
How old was your fiancee when her parents divorced?
have you talked to her parents?
Have you talked to her parents in person?
What does your fiance go to school for? Is she going for her masters?
Did she finish school?
Did you go to college?
Where is your father?
Do you live on your own?
Where is your mother?
What kind of work would you like to do in the US?
What is your occupation here?

My fiance told me that he had answered all the questions correctly and he was very passionate about all that he told the interviewer.

The interviewer then pulled out a small green ticket with a number on it. She then said "So I am going to issue you a visa to the US and it's only going to take few days to get along with the ministry. We will call you when its ready."
My fiance then smiled and said "Thank you" and she smiled and said "Congratulations!" My fiance then asked her if she needed the proof (emails, photos, phone bills, etc.) and she exclaimed "No, I believe you!"

My fiance then walked out with a huge smile!

The end :)

As I mentioned, he was 1 of 13 Moroccan men who was there on either a K-1 or CR-1 Visa and my fiance was the only one approved. My fiance spoke with all the men there and he found that they all had 3 things in common:

Their English was very poor.
They were marrying women that were significantly older than them.
They appeared to be of a lower socioeconomic status.

My fiance even met a man in there who had tried multiple times to receive a K-1 Visa.

After my fiance's experience, I now understand how popular Visa fraud is in Morocco.

Thank you for reading my review. Please feel free to let me know what you think!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-04-16 07:13:00
Middle East and North Africamarriage in casa
If you can get all the papers you need translated before you go that will save time. But i had a firend who get married last month. It took her 3 weeks. The courts were on strike for a few days. And have a lot of money for making things go faster. And maybe just maybe it will happen in 3 weeks. When my friend got married she was with a group that had been at it for 2 months. So really think this out and see if this is what you want to do. If this is your first visit it can be looked at as a red flag. Wish you luck
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-01-15 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy
[quote name='Cleocatra' date='16 June 2010 - 01:50 PM' timestamp='1276710617' post='4007691']
Hi Norielorie. I'm not familiar with your case going through the Moroccan consulate or your prior love so I don't really have any comment there. As far as pursuing an Egyptian man who is abroad all I can say is like most of us here we love who we love. If love is far away and not local then we're going to follow our hearts and that should not be held against us. When I decided to pursue my relationship with my Husband I heard every word of caution there was to be heard in the beginning. When I told them we were engaged I got my ear chewed for the next nine months but I wasn't going to be deterred from what my heart wanted no matter how scary or how ever it seemed to others. It's my life and my choice and eventually they all came to respect it but it took time.

As far as Egypt goes I know that while it has some similarities it's a very different country from Morocco. Many of my friends that have lived in Morocco and Jordan and then lived in Egypt consistently prefer their experiences in Egypt. I don't know all their reasons why but they give many different reason for it. That's not to say that many SO's involved with mena men and women don't prefer their SO's home countries to the other mena countries they may have visited. Many of them were fellow students in foreign exchange programs who spent considerable time in each countries, 6 months to a year or more. These aren't all friends that were involved with MENA men or women either.

As for the US consulate in Egypt I've been going through the process with them for the past 3 years and finally my dh is here and we're filing AOS. It took us 2 years and 8 months from filing to visa in hand. Our case is somewhat unique in that dh was taken into the Egyptian military a little under a year after our marriage for 16 months of compulsory service. The Embassy was willing to work with us and held/delayed our K3 for that time until his release in April/May of 2009. I've known 8 other women this also happened to with their SO's; 7 of them are here on VJ.

You may want to ask what his military status is because that can be a complication. As we wives have discovered there is no exemption from mandatory military duty in Egypt under the emergency law that was placed in 1952, and it was renewed just last year. There is a popular myth that circulates there that if an Egyptian man is married to or engaged to a foreigner he will become exempt from his mandatory military service for reasons of national security and this come to find out is not the case at all.

There are exemptions however for single sons, those that are studying in college until the completion of their degree are exempt, those over the age of 30 who avoided service have to pay a fine, and those who have a medical excuse are exempt. Sometimes when a man goes to sign up to serve they will tell them they don't have to serve at that time, that the military doesn't need them, they may not give the reason why they don't need them but it's if the military has already reached their quota of men they can handle for the time being. However, they can still be called up till the age of 30. Those that don't have to serve are truly the lucky ones. If they get out of the country on an school exempt like studying abroad make sure they are still in school and filed their paperwork before they left the country they are studying in because once they enter back into Egypt the military can take them for their service. It won't matter if they have a foreign wife and children in the other country. If the paper work isn't in order they are theirs. Also if they have completed their school and are under 30 expect them to serve if they go back to Egypt, if they are over 30 and completed school they will have to pay the fine. Those that have served their military time are also still on call for up to 21 day service for the next 9 years after their release. So anytime they go back to Egypt in the next 9 years after service they may be called to serve for 21 days. If they are called for one of these 21 days of services while out of the country and they go back to Egypt they may show the military they were out of the country when they were called up and then everything is ok.

The Egyptian consulate used to be a ####### shoot and it still is in some ways. Just like every consulate they factor in the red flags, the age gaps, the level of knowledge of the culture, geographic, language, religion, how the families take it, and the prior petitions filed within the country or at another consulate. It used to take years for processing visas. With the change of procedures in 2007 it seems they have become more efficient. I haven't heard that the K3 was no longer being accepted at their consulate. It could be because of the CR-1/IR-1 processing time becoming more efficient and with the change in procedure announced Feb 2010 regarding the I-130's & I-129F's at the NVC level regarding K3's.

You may proceed with the K1, CR-1 or DCF. They are all taking about the same amount of time. It depends on how much money you want spend in the long run and if you want to have a wedding in Egypt or in the US. The fees for filing petitions for each path will be the same as the fees for the prior consulate you dealt with. The fees to get married in each country vary considerably from what I've read so far. To get married in Morocco seems more complicated and expensive but their weddings seem so elaborate and beautiful with the henna and the many dress changes. If he's a business man as you say and travels he may exhibit a sort of MENA man/Egyptian pride and wish to pay for all the immigration fees and marriage fees himself. My Husband did that and many other Egyptian SO's I know from women on here have done this as well if they were able to.

You may look at this thread: Cairo Final Review Club for more specific consulate information. It's a beast to sift through but you may get a feel for what some of us have to go through. The most challenging part of the process for most of us is the black hole of AP/AR. It seems to average 5-6 months but it may be shorter or longer. Some have waited for over a year on the K1 process while others have gone through very swiftly. Same for the CR-1. There aren't many DCF's on here anymore so I can't say how they are processing now. They used to be about 6 months or less processing time. They also seemed to have a higher rate of success if you were able to live there in Egypt for 6 months or more and have an in person relationship with your SO. I'm not sure how that would work out if your SO travels a lot or if you are able to live there.

Thanks you for all the info. Do not have to worry about the Military part. My guy is still in the military, for now. At least untill we decide what we are going to do for now. And you are right we can only follow our hearts. I did not think this was going to happen. But he is the most incredbile man i have every met. So we will see where this takes us.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-16 23:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Norie, I also live in TN. Where in TN are you? I agree with you on there not being many options as far as foreigners here in TN. But there are actually quite a few single Arabs where I live. Maybe if you dont live too far from here we could meet up. PM anytime you want and we can discuss it further. I am also married to someone from Egypt, which is the consulate you were asking about. He got here about 4 months ago. His AP in Egypt was about 2 and 1/2 months. Almost everyone out of Egypt gets AP but some have gotten lucky and gotten in the visa in one to two weeks. Hope to hear from you soon!!

I live on the east side of Tennessee. Like 8 hours from But it is cool to know someone else in Tennessee.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-16 23:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Perhaps as he travels he could do the visiting?

Especially as it sounds that the area you live in may be culturally challenging for him.

I have thought about that too. And i am going to encourage it too.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-15 08:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy


I guess I can see your point if you're interested in mostly Mid Eastern men. Although, yes there are loads of Mid Eastern men in the US, very few are interested in divorcees with children. That is unless they don't already have their paperwork in order and are here on a student or work visa. Those men usually aren't as picky and may be looking at what they can gain much like men who are still living in their home countries.

I agree with msheesha, be sure that you can prove that no monies are changing hands. Be very prepared to prove you and your potential Egyptian suitor have only the best intentions with each other.

I'm very glad to hear that you plan on taking things slow. I agree that emotions like love and infatuation can cloud judgment big time. It happens to the best of us.

Thank you. I would do everything different from the last time. I did not even expect another relationship, just i knew i had hurt him. And wanted to make sure he did not hate me. I never excepted what happened, would of happened. He is a busy man, and travels a lot. So slow it has to be. lol Besides it takes time and planing and money to go abraod to visit. But most of all I am worring about my self more then anything. I am going back to school and get me back on track. What happens ,happens.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-14 09:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Another thing to be very careful about is any suspicion that you are doing this for monetary gain. I'm not suggesting that you are, but as has been written, the CO's can be skeptical and jaded. They may look at your going from one consulate to another (when the first one didn't work out) and question your motives. I don't imagine they'd believe that you can't find any Egyptians or Moroccans here. If you're willing to fly to Morocco and Egypt to meet someone, they might figure it'd be much easier for you to fly anywhere in the US and meet a Moroccan or an Egyptian, etc. who is already living here. I imagine there's some diversity in Chicago, which seems like a quick flight from Tennessee. So, you and/or the new guy would need to be really prepared for that line of questioning by the CO.

That is not a problem, because when the CO's see the the review from the other consulate they will think that man was using me. So that is why i am asking. I stayed with that man till the very end. But that was reason for asking these questions. Just want to be prepared for anything. And the very reason why i am not jumping into anything and taking my time. Besides i don't have the time or money to be jetting off around the states either to be meeting men. And i know how much the CO's read every detail of the chats sent in as evidence. The very first chat would explain every thing.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-14 09:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

I'm very sorry you were mistreated and I'm glad you decided to get out of an unhealthy relationship.

Like msheesha, I find the statement that men in the US don't "turn you on" strange. You can find all types of men in the US.

After going through such a rough time both with the former fiance and the Moroccan consulate, I'm unsure as to why you would want to go through such an ordeal again. Egyptian men are very charming, or rather they can be. I'm married to a charmer (when he wants to be, lol). Just be sure that this time you take more time to really get to know the man and make sure he's the One. Like another poster stated, visit a few times before making an ultimate decision to go through another visa journey.

The Egyptian consulate in Cairo can be difficult and AP can be long but they don't deny as much as the consulate in Casablanca. I can't say which visa is best or "easiest" as we've seen all types of turn outs here on VJ. We've even seen a denial recently which I've never read about here in the three years I've been a member. I do hope that you plan on waiting at least a year or so before filing again just to be on the safe side.

I do not want to rush into anything this time. Been through this once before. As far as the US men thing. Where i live hill billy ville literaly (mountians of tennessee) there is not many men that interest me. But there is many mexicans. Done that already, have a beautiful chicano son. If i did not already know this guy for some time, I would not even consider it. My ex hurt me a lot, but did not break me.

I just want to take things slow go and visit next year. See how he really is. If it will take severaly trips, then that is only better to get to know him too. But i want to be prepared, and say hey there is things that need to be done. And not be unrealistic. With my ex i felt like a teenager going through the whole love and emotions. I don't want to do that again. I have rules, and know what i want and do not want. And personaly i want to see what he is willing to do for me too. Sorry last time i did it all, not this
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 22:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

This is the thing I did fight after the denial. I called senators, hired a lawyer. They sent the petition back to the US. A returned petition takes 4-6 months to get back to the US. And then takes at least 16 months to even be reviewed by the USCIS. But guess what one month after is was back with USCIS. They already reviewed the petition. Decide to not extend my petition or allow me to submit new evidence. So yes i did fight it to the very end. It was USCIS decision in the end. The lawyer was more then shocked they reviewed it so fast, and decided that the emergency visa's for Hatiti is the reason for the fast review and just clearing there desks to take care of the emergency. So what you want me to do. In the mean time i was with a man that had lose lips and seemed to enjoy to hurt my feelings and take advantage of me. All of you are so concerned about my children. Well they hated to see there mom cry almost every day. Because the man that supposdly say that he loved her, mostly hurt her. And that left a really bad taste in there mouths. All of you are concerned about my not fighting hurting your all's chances of future visa's, but could care less why the relationship ended.

I think women that stand up for them selfs and not let them selfs be walked all over should be praised. Becasue there is many women used every day and called love to use them for visa's and green cards. I deserve to be treated with respect by a man i love.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

It's hard to understand your comment about men in the US not "turning you on". There's a lot of diversity in the US. Egyptians, Moroccans here in the US also.
You say that the denial in Morocco was 7 months ago, but weren't you interested in fighting the denial after that? Seems like you posted things after the denial about fighting the denial, etc. So, it would be less than the 7 months from ending one relationship to asking about petitioning someone else. So, I'm sure you can understand how annoying this all sounds to those of us who are fighting to have our loved ones here with us - especially knowing that the situation you described is one that causes co's to be more skeptical and cynical about our relationships.

This is the thing I did fight after the denial. I called senators, hired a lawyer. They sent the petition back to the US. A returned petition takes 4-6 months to get back to the US. And then takes at least 16 months to even be reviewed by the USCIS. But guess what one month after is was back with USCIS. They already reviewed the petition. Decide to not extend my petition or allow me to submit new evidence. So yes i did fight it to the very end. It was USCIS decision in the end. The lawyer was more then shocked they reviewed it so fast, and decided that the emergency visa's for Hatiti is the reason for the fast review and just clearing there desks to take care of the emergency. So what you want me to do. In the mean time i was with a man that had lose lips and seemed to enjoy to hurt my feelings and take advantage of me. All of you are so concerned about my children. Well they hated to see there mom cry almost every day. Because the man that supposdly say that he loved her, mostly hurt her. And that left a really bad taste in there mouths. All of you are concerned about my not fighting hurting your all's chances of future visa's, but could care less why the relationship ended.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 22:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Also, on one of the forms (maybe the biographic), one of the questions asked is who have you petitioned for in the past. I imagine the consulate in Egypt would look very closely at your past petition for the Moroccan guy.
Have you met the Egyptian guy in person?

I am more then sure they will look closely to who i have petition for in the past. I actually have know the guy a long time. But not met him, and have no plans to, till at least next year. But this gives me more time to get to know him and have a plan of action if we get to that point
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Not to get into your business of your previous relationships, but the embassy in Egypt can be quite tricky too. If you read up on some of the past interviews that people have had, you can see this and decide for yourself.
As for going for another visa journey, it is really up to you if and what kind of visa you want your love interest to go after. All I can say the more visits to Egypt and showing a real relationship with him will help with any VJ you decide to go with.

Thank you for your kindness. I do plan on researching the best i can. I just had heard several things from being on VJ for a long time. I am only thinking about things at this stage of the journey. NO one knows what happened with my other realtionship, or when our relationship ended. I just want to be prepared if i decide to go this route.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 21:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Oh definitely, I can see how this would affect the CO's opinions/decisions on relationships going through the various consulates. Relationships like all of ours go through a lot of scrutiny as is, being wishy washy about who you "love" from one month to the next sure doesn't help.

Let me make it clear i have no desire to get serious at this point. Can not even make a trip to met him if i wanted to for at least a year. And then and only then would i even consider making a decision. As going through this already, I know what to except and adda adda. No where in my post did i say i was going now to have a serious relationship. I only asked about options, if i only choose to go this route in the later future. I did not judge you.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 21:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

Not to be harsh...but your K-1 was just denied right before mine. And you swore he was such a good guy. Then after a brief visit, he wasn't what you wanted. My suggestion is before you decide which visa to apply for....try to get to know the guy. Visit a few times and make sure of what you really want. Maybe take some time to yourself first. This is very serious....the rest of your life stuff. But I do wish you the best whatever you ultimately decide.

My visa was denied back in October. I revisited to save a unsavable relationship. You and I discussed only the minor issue of our relationship. I have 2 years of bad experiences. I only asked a question to think about my options if i decided to go this route in the future. Nothing set in stone at this point. My previous relationship really had nothing to do with my question I askd.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 21:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

I agree. If you were in a relationship not too long ago then why not just take some time to enjoy single life and time with your kids. If you are still not over dealing with the US consulate in Morocco and ready to jump into another serious relationship, this might just be a rebound phase. Give yourself time, moreover, give your kids a break. Good Luck!

Wow, not a serious relationship. Just started a new adventure. Just asking about my options if i decide to futher my relationship in the future.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy

I hate to be judgmental or sound judgmental but do you think it's a smart thing to go from one international love thing to the next? You were just dealing with the Moroccan consulate not two months ago, now you want to know how hard of an embassy Egypt is? I'm really confused. It's as if men were interchangeable like a pair of old socks. I'm not only confused but I find this very disturbing. I normally don't get involved in this sort of drama on this board but I'm really, honestly disturbed by the quickness of this. Not only that but I noticed in your profile you have children, is this something you want to put them through again? Is that healthy? I know this is none of my business but since you did ask this on a forum I'm going to comment. Are there not any men in your local area you can meet instead? Or even in the US? I have a feeling you are impatient and maybe a local man would be a better way to go?

Well that is a good question and I am not offended. As it may sound like jumping from one thing to another, you don't know anything about my previous relationship. And our visa was denied back in october. So there is 7 months. My relationship was very rocky for the last year and half. So when he started pushing me away, the feelings kind of just left too. And as i stated i just started this relationship and i have not decided on anything. I am just asking questions to make a valid decision in my and children future. If local men in the USA turned me on i would of never dated abroad in the first place. I was just asking a question to be prepared. Not even going to met this man for at least a year. But i can be aware of my choices.

I agree with 'je veux ton amour' , why are you even thinking of jumping to another so soon? I have had issues with the Moroccan Consulate, but we are not giving up.. When couples "jump around" like you apparently are thinking of doing, this adds a bad mark for those of us dealing with Morocco and your actions can make it harder for those of us who do have real love and want a life together! Whether filing a K1/CR1, is not a matter to be taken lightly.. I hope you will think your situation through and as mentioned maybe you should just find someone close to home..

Havn't jumped around. As I already stated. I was thinking about this, and was only asking a question. My decision with my relationship of my previous Moroccan had nothing to do with the visa or process or being denied. It had every thing to do with him and how he treated me.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 21:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew to experience's of Egypt's Embassy
I feel a little odd. I have had most of my experience's with Morocco's consulate. And they have done a lot of changing.

But anyway, I have abandan(spelling) my dreams and unreal expectations of Morocco. I know that already filing for a visa can make other visa's harder in the future.

But my real question is I know that Egypt is a really hard Embassy. But as many of you have gone through this experience already, i was hoping you could clear my confusion. I am not going to jump into anything. Just fact gathering.

I not sure what would be the best way to go on a visa there. I know K-1 is a good choice. But I have heard that Egypt has done away with K-3 and only doing cr-1/ ir-1. So that is confusing. And I am just not sure what to expect on any of those visa choices.

For the most part I just want to meet my old friend that has turned into the best thing for me. And if marriage is the best that will be decided later. If fiance is a good option that will be good too. I guess i just want general opinions on each visa and experiences.

Thanks in advance

Edited by norielorie, 13 June 2010 - 09:54 AM.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-13 09:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

Not to throw a wrench into things but honestly, I'd be nervous about the push for marriage and the talking to an attorney already. This would make the wheels in my head spin out of control. Especially considering what you've already been through in the past 6 months. I hope he realizes you may still be vulnerable from the last relationship. I know you've known him for awhile but this is only online, correct? Knowing someone online even for years is nothing like knowing someone in real life.

That being said, we got married about half way through my visit. I was there a month that time.

Ohh i forgot, the whole attorney for him . Deals more with his job, more then marriage and yadda, yadda. As i mentioned before he is risking a lot to be with me.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-30 13:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

Not to throw a wrench into things but honestly, I'd be nervous about the push for marriage and the talking to an attorney already. This would make the wheels in my head spin out of control. Especially considering what you've already been through in the past 6 months. I hope he realizes you may still be vulnerable from the last relationship. I know you've known him for awhile but this is only online, correct? Knowing someone online even for years is nothing like knowing someone in real life.

That being said, we got married about half way through my visit. I was there a month that time.

At this point is a idea. The whole money talk is my visit there. And the things we will do. I am taking my daughter with me. So we want to make sure to do a lot of things that will entertain her. And i want to get a feel for him too. After the first time i visted the last guy, i ignored the feelings i had. I see where that got me. And with the other i was not nearly as advanced as i am with this one. It was like pulling teeth to get information about him. This one sings to me, jokes, talks with my kids, sometimes more then He spent hours on video chat for my daughters birthday. All the party guest's got to meet him.

He has asked a lot of difficult questions, and i have asked a lot of questions to you. And there is a lot more then what i put into on here. But the first time we devoted a lot of time too us, before i ran away from him. And yes i left him cuz he loved me and at the time i was going through a divorce and just not use to beig loved. The first chat we had that was 7 hours long we talked about a lot. There is just a lot of info that i can not put out here. But this relationship is just not him and me, it is my kids and my mom too. They all talk alot, and even when i am at work. I know how easy it is to get wrapped up in all of the excitment. He askes a lot why i am not excited like he is. Well i am reserved and watching. And lets just say with his job which i can not go into detail on, he is risking a lot to even be with a forgein women.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-30 13:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

With all the running around and the procrastinating (my husband is guilty unless someone (me) puts a fire under his #######) and the traveling back and forth to Cairo (if the person doesn't live there)it could very well take two weeks. If you count the week it took for the marriage papers to get authenticated or recorded or whatever then translated then authenticated again which my husband had to travel back to Cairo to do, it took about 2 weeks. But the actual getting married part took a day. It's all the other stuff that takes time. Other stuff that you don't necessarily have to be there for. Your husband could send you your copies of the original (they give two copies to you) and the translation. If you're ####### like me then you'll stay and make sure the translation is done correctly. :) Nothing is done correctly unless I'm there supervising, lol. :P

I have to admit I like to be in charge and make sure things are done right. My fiance is pretty presistent too. I guess that is the leader in him , and in charge of a lot of people all day The best part is he lives in cario, so that will be a little easier. And he is talking to his lawyer too. He is already like, so lets figure out how much this is going to cost so we can be ready. :PI am like ok, but can i take breath first.. lol. But if we can get it done in the first few days i am there, the better i will feel. Get it done and enjoy the rest of the time.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-30 12:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

I had my authenticated divorce decree, birth cert. and passport with me. My husband had his national ID.

I would bring along copies of all immigration paperwork to fill out with your future husband while you're still in Egypt. Decide which visa you want to do and have all paperwork filled out and signed but not dated. Also, get a couple sets of passport style pics of your future husband to use for immigration. I wish I would have done that, it would've saved us a lot of time and expense!!

Oh, you will need to have, I believe, (5) passport style photos of yourself and your future husband for the marriage papers. Have these done in Egypt prior to heading out to get married. Wish I'd have known that, too. We were really running that day. Photo places are all over the place in Cairo esp. near the US embassy.

Thanks that is not a lot of paperwork at all... It takes more in Morocco, and a lot longer. The guys there are telling him it will take 2 weeks to get married. I told him i will find out for sure, i have my
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-30 10:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

No, I didn't translate anything as far as my documentation.

Good that will save a lot of time. I know I need my divorce papers and birth certificate and passport what other papers will i need?
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-30 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

This sounds about right if memory serves.

Norielorie, as we discussed, my husband and I were married in one day. We started out early in the day, this is key to getting it done same day. The translation and other authentication processes do take about a week but you need not be present if you have time constraints. Just be certain that your future husband knows the correct spellings and other info, in English, to make sure everything is accurate. We didn't have such information when we got married but with a little asking around and baksheesh we got the job done. :) Make sure you have a CERTIFIED copy of your divorce decree with you when and if you get married in Egypt. I'm not sure if this still has to be done but my certified copy was then sent to the Secretary of State of my state then to the Secretary of State in D.C. This authentication may also be done through the Egyptian consulate, I believe.

Do i have to have any papers translated. I read in the embassy page and it did not look like i did. But this day has been a emotional
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-29 21:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

Thanks for bringing that up Crossed Fingers. I've seen on VJ in MENA several cases I can think of like that so far.

The first case off the top of my head was a USC with Morocco the first time. He was denied and she moved there. She eventually died there from medical problems beyond their control. The same Moroccan man surprisingly ended up with another USC on here like a year later. They were approved and he's here now. She is no longer on this site so I can't say what the status of their relationship is.

The second case I can think of was a USC married to a Palestinian. She petitioned for him to come here and was approved. They divorced after 25 years of marriage and then she married a Moroccan with a large age gap. They were approved and he's here now.

Another case I know of was a USC woman married to a Jordanian. He was approved and got here. They divorced after their AOS was denied and now she's married to an Egyptian in the process of bringing him here. There was another case just like hers prior and both men she filed for were approved and came here and the second guy beat her and they are divorced now just like the first one.

Another case of a USC woman married to a Jordanian got divorced shortly after receiving the 10 year green card. A year later she met and married another Jordanian was was approved to come here but after filing AOS they were not approved but not denied and their relationship is in limbo at the moment.

I know another case of a woman married to an Egyptian man and lived there with him for 30 years. They divorced and she met and married a much younger Egyptian man and filed DCF. He was approved and they are both here now.

I know a naturalized USC who's been married twice and petitioned twice two Moroccan men. The first came here and didn't work out and the second came here and did work out and now he's up for naturalization himself.

Another case I know of is where a USC woman petitioned for an Egyptian man to come here and discovered during the process he was a fraud and engaged to another woman on VJ at the same time or overlapping time of their engagement. He was denied of course. Now nearly 2-3 years later I see the same woman on here and she has met and married a Moroccan and petitioned successfully for him to come here.

Another case I know where a USC woman petitioned for an Iraqi man to come here was denied and then less than a few months later she met a Moroccan and petitioned for him to come and it was a success.

So I guess we can pretty much say if you were denied on a case before it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be denied on another case you petition for. Lots of people do it and have success. It all depends on the circumstances and it can be a ####### shoot sometimes.

Thank you so much and crossed fingers. It is on indivdual bases. And reasons for denial are many different reasons. And reasons for leaving our SO's are for many differences. I just want to become fimilar with this and make friends with women with egyptian men. I learned so much from my first relationship, that this time i know what i am looking for. And i can guage things a lot different. This man i have known for a long time and he has proved his love lover and over. I have no doubts. Just fingering out what the best move is. Thanks again.

I think there have been a fair number of "repeat petitioners" on VJ, in both MENA and in other regions. I don't know whether they have had a tougher time on the second (or third!!) petition. Perhaps some who are still active on VJ can weigh in and advise Norielorie on how they are trying to overcome it? I imagine the opposite situation - where the foreign beneficiary is the one who has previously tried to get to the US with a different American SO - is probably a much bigger red flag, although still not insurmountable. I agree that it's a hard road to get through some of these consulates in any circumstances, though, and this certainly won't make it any easier. Best of luck!

Thanks a lot. A much needed relief today.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-29 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

Whether you take personal responsibility for the situation or not, it will be held against you in your next venture into the visa process. I'm guessing the CO at the consulate in Egypt won't go for you passing the buck onto the Casa CO and your ex. Just a guess though. Maybe I'm wrong. Good luck with it.

Lets agree to disagree. I am just trying to figure out what i am going to do. I know what is against me. And passing the buck, no, it is not like i could do the interview for him. I see it as they are the last step to see the things we sometimes did not pick up on. I am gratful that things turn out the way they did. And only a few people know the whole story. But i am not the first to do this and i am sure i will not be the last. It is all how you put your eveidence together, to prove your relationship. This was not planned by any means, but sometimes life just happens. And I just want to be aware of all options and i choose to not go into things blind and learn about them later like i did last time. The first was turly a learning experience.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-29 13:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

I'm aware. I figuring the best route. The denied visa was not me, but on the CO and the ex. But i know where your coming from.

Besides i would be using a lawyer. And there would be more then a year past . In time those negatives start to deminish.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-29 12:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt

Just a heads up, if you're interested....
A denied/failed visa application in Morocco AND a marriage in Egypt with a new man, also met on the internet may be two red flags combined that make a HUGE red flag in the new visa process. Just some thoughts. Take them or leave them.

I'm aware. I figuring the best route. The denied visa was not me, but on the CO and the ex. But i know where your coming from.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-29 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the steps to get married in Egypt
I am curious about the exact process to get married in Egypt. Some say it can take a day to a few days. And i realize there is a few places you have to go to get papers and then there is stamps. I am curious of the exact process and what papers are needed and what the stamps are for. And what it cost's. And to be honest i do not better people to ask then the one's that have been through it.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-06-29 11:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust passport or passport/visa to travel in egypt

The easiest is getting it at the airport for $15USD. I just traveled this past April. Once married, your visas to enter Egypt are free when you show your marriage certificate/paper.

Have Fun! I'm jealous...wish I was going back again. "Insha Allah" next year.


I can not wait i am so excited and nervous at the same time.

Just so you know, they generally do not allow anyone inside the airport for pickups. Most people have to get met outside. There's a line for visas that's very easy to find.

He has a friend that works at the airport. But i am not sure how that will work. I have talked to ppl that have been to that airport said it is easy to get around. Plus i can read pictures, i know they have english too.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-09-09 23:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust passport or passport/visa to travel in egypt

pics do it no justice. :dance: we will go back there

My faince is working there now.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-09-09 20:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust passport or passport/visa to travel in egypt

You're welcome!

Just FYI, you could alternatively send your passport to the Egyptian consulate that serves your area and they will stamp it for you but that's a pain. I did that the first time I went because I didn't know I could get it at the airport.

Thanks but i a not even sure where the closet egyptian consulate is to me. The airport will work. I think i will be having someone meet me at the plane, seems to know lost of ppl
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-09-09 20:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust passport or passport/visa to travel in egypt

i can tell u that I( us citizen) and my ukrainian fiance(e) purchased the visa on the ground upon arrival at the airport in sharm el sheik. it was i think a whopping 12 dollars :thumbs:

Wow Sharm el Sheik I have seen pics from there. Thanks for the info.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-09-09 19:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust passport or passport/visa to travel in egypt

Yes, you will need a tourist visa. You can get one at the airport there. It used to cost $15 USD. It's good for 3 months.

Awesome, that is a relief I can do that. Thanks so much.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-09-09 19:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust passport or passport/visa to travel in egypt
OK I am trying to figure out for sure if i need a tourist visa to go to Egypt. This is the first i have heard of it. And the is not very clear on it. It is saying yes, but says you can get at the airport and another part says have to obtain it before entering. So now i am massively confused. Where do i get one.

Plz help me. I am running out of time before i go.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-09-09 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMena Advice on tourist visa's after marriage.
Thank you, I am starting to lean towards going and visit again

I don't believe a tourist visa would work. They are for usually good for 5 years, but can only stay in the States for 6 months. They surely would not believe he would come and go every 6 months.

Good luck in your process!

Jackie (F)

He is from Egypt and I starting to lean more towards another visit. Think I will email the embassy and see what kind of reply I will get, I know something generic. But curious

We don't know what your husband's country is. But it really doesn't make much difference. MENA men very rarely get tourist visas when they're NOT married to a USC. Being married to a USC makes his chances even slimmer. But it's up to you.. Good luck ;)

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-12-05 10:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMena Advice on tourist visa's after marriage.
I had posted in the tourist visa section, for this question but I think the mena ppl would know better and have more experience with this. I have had mixed answers on if you can get a tourist visa after being married or if is just so darn impossible. So does anyone have any experience with our spouses being able to get a tourist visa after marriage.

My husband says to me "maybe we should try for a tourist visa, it would be cheaper for me to come there then for you to fly and invest the money in that trip for just 2 weeks and I can get to know all my kids instead only 1 or 2 becasue it is so expensive." Sure in therory this is great logic, but who knows what the Embassy will think. And I am very well aware of the requirements of this type of visa. But were just trying to figure out our next step before we file. If the odds are against us then i will go back and visit. With all the new changes going on with immigration and all, I rather feel that i have the proof there needing.

So anyone have any experience with this??? And thanks in advance
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-12-04 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaInfo received today from DOS re: K1 returns
This is actually something I have expereince in. Before I got married to my wonderful Egyptain Husband, I was with a Moroccan man. We too was denied in Oct of 2009. The pouch does not even leave Morocco for a month or 2. And it generaly takes 3 to 4 monthd before NVC recieves it. And then takes a month for USCIS to recieve that. Now, they use to review the K-1's but don't seem to now. My lawyer wsa shocked that they did not review it. It use to take 18 months once USCIS had the file to review it and denie it or request more info. But with-in the month of recievig it they denied it. And I had another friend and her's was denied after recieving it.

The best thing about K-1 is you can refile a year after your NOA1 date. But you really need to talk to a lawyer to see if you can get idea's of why they denied you at the consulate, because refiling will be a 50/50 again and if there denied a second time... that is not good for your future. So another trip is most likly in order again, and a serious free consulatation is in order. My lawyer could not figure out why we was denied we was the same age and all, and our red flags were low. But we were guessing his english was not that well and he got hung up on there trick questions. I hope this helps.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02010-12-23 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaAm just beside myself
This lawyer was a real peice of work. But I had a lawyer that did immigration on the side that gave me a 30 minute call about his opion on Arabian men. And then told me that i can come and pay him $150 a half hour to learn more about my scandalous life. Proud to say I did not need his services. But i am not sure what your fincial situation is, it is not my business. But I have learned that since there not living with us and there income does not interwine with ours. That is is a lot easier to say that yes i am married but seperated. It is just a legal term but legal and means his fiances do not overlap with yours anymore. I have learned this through my finacel lawyer. Maybe this can help you.

I contacted a lawyer today for some advice on my finances......and I was just taken so off guard....we were on the phone for about 20 minutes....and this is no exaggeration when I say that about 17 minutes of that phone consult was about how once my husband comes here and gets his greencard, that he is going to divorce me, and use me for everything I got. I can't believe a consult that was supposed to be about my finances turned out to be him telling me that I need to leave this marriage. He started asking me how long we were together, how we met, if he was muslim, where he was from, who's idea it was to get married, if my family or friends knew about this marriage...the list goes on and on....he made a comment that I must have heard all of this from friends and family, and I said actually, no, because I have a lot of support from them.

He proceeded to say that it boggles his mind that nobody in my family or friends have told me to run from him. He told me he has been practicing law for many years, and has seen it all. So he kept saying his advice would be to leave him, because the whole situation stinks to high hell.

Then, after all of this, he told me two conditions upon hiring him...1: that he is very casual when he is out of the courtroom, and 2: that if I hire him, he will be blunt about how he feels about my situation, and will continue to tell me to run, run the other way!

I don't think I have ever been so utterly humiliated. At this moment, I am feeling embarrassed, shut down, and like a fool...I just wanted to share this, because I don't want to tell my husband about this.

I have to add that after he found out where my husband was from, that is when he really got on how he wants me nothing for the greencard...when he told me how shocked he was that my family didn't stop me from marrying my husband, I told him my mom was an immigrant, and that they are very open-minded...he then proceeded to say that he was an immigrant also, from england. Then when asking me if my husband sends me money, I told him money can't leave morocco unless under very strict circumstances, he said that he doesn't know international law well, but that was the most fishy and ridiculous thing he has ever heard...

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-01-04 23:27:00