Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
I think a lot of ppl will be saying no, too. There not impressed at all.

The Muslim/Christian conflict was made by the former regime long before this revolution, he used that tactic to divide them so he can rule them, i am thinking Mubarak had this country in deep corruption that even though he stepped down, he didn't take with him problems that he got us into for 30 years so it is gonna take a long time to recover from it, but i believe in the Army to run the country and i believe in this transitional cabinet, i am saying NO for the new amended constitution next Saturday, these amendments are like Restoration of a building that has already fell apart.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 11:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
I know actualy what i said. I just got back form Egypt last night. I know actualy what is going on in Egypt. What is going on is not so uncommon. But the police are being extreme to regain control. And there playing christians and muslims against each other. When my husband had to go to a meeting in Alexandria we was told if we were stopped to not stop. Because the police has the escaped prisoners terrorizing ppl so the police and come and save the day. In Cairo the police is being puppet masters. But this is a not a new thing. How well they hide things. Thousands of ppl go to Egypt each year for tourism and do not have the slightest idea what is going on. And us ladies that go and spend time with our DH's may or may not pick up on it and it is not spoken about a lot. Because that is the norm for most ppl. But now the whole world is wiser to what is actually going on in Egypt. There was times my husband said nope were not traveling into Cairo today, it is to much of a risk. A risk for me not him. Because this is almost normal life. Ppl in Egypt are ready to move on with there lives. But were all stuck on is it safe. Well techinaly not really and it will not be for a while. They have a upcoming voting on some changes the police are trying to make. It will not be techincaly safe till the police are controlled. A lot of things are at play right now, that many do not know. But i do not think the poster should be considered childish because he is ready to move on with his life, and get back to normal. Liyba is in worse shape then Egypt ever was and the American Embassy is open there.

I am not sure Angel Eyes realizes what she said.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 10:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
Thanks for telling me i am wrong. But In all honesty i really do not think he is being childish when you look at the whole situation. He is use to the advents happening in egypt like they are now. This is life to have little riots here and there, and the religions not always getting along. We are only aware now because we all tuned in on the Revolution and are now aware too. We see it from a different view point and is dangerous, and to us it is, cuz life is not like that here. But for him it is life, and he is ready for life to move on, But we can not move on. It does not make him childish.

Eh - Wrong. I called one behavior of one specific person childish. You generalized that this is a typical Egyptian mannerism. Not same. Not even close.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 10:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
If that is the way you want to look at it. He was called acting like a child, it is the same.

Generalization !!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 09:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
That is typical Egyptian mannerism. And he is use to the these things going on in Egypt and we are just now getting the jest of how the real life is there.

Someone that opens a thread and tells people to call every day and demand they open an embassy before it's safe to do so doesn't sound suspect to you? You have your opinion and I have mine...I have the right to it. And it is VERY childish the way he expresses himself.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 07:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
I just come back from Egypt last night. And it is dishearting when all these little uprisings keep happening. But untill the police can be controlled and stop working the minds of the Egyptains nothing will change. Lets hope that the upcoming election on some changes the police are trying to do will let the ppl gain a little control there in Egypt. The police in
alexandria are using the escaped prisoners to wreck havoc to gain respect of the ppl when they save them, from the ppl they set out to terrorize them. And in Cairo the police are being puppet masters over the ppl there and causing the trumoil between the christians and muslims. It is so said. Many times my husband and I would set out on bus from El Rehab only for him to get a call of there being shoots fired in the area's we wanted to go, and we would get off the bus go to the cafe and then grab a taxi back to El Rehab. I was actually very frustrated because I could not get out and there is not a lot to do in El Rehab. But .... I love my husband for caring so much for my saftey. But untill the ppl there can see the police for what they are, there will be this little uprisings. It is sad, and for the most part safe, except for these little things. Heck I was in Nasar City on the Journalist Union Building while my husband had a meeting and I watched the smoke of the secert police station being burned and have pictures. Of course we did not know what was going on to a few hours later. Now I really wished I brought home some of the News Papers there we had with the pictures. And that is only the things that are being reported and there is many other things going on under the surface that ppl just do not know about. But different goverments do!! So the American Embassy will open when they want. It makes it hard to see Lybia in a much worse state and there American Embassy is open. But it is all politics.

Um, no- it's still not totally safe in Egypt:

Let's hope for your sake that the CO's who work at that embassy don't read VJ, and if they do, that they can't figure out who you are. Putting your need for a visa over the lives of others makes you suspect. And rightfully so.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 07:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaImmigrating from Syria
I do not know much as of syria. But my question would be why would he bring it up that it would get him out of military service unless he wants to use her for it. And yes women do get used a lot to advoid military in many countries. And if she does not use the internet much how does she communicate with this man?????

Assalamu Alaykum And Hello!

I have an american friend who is currently communicating with a man from Syria.
She wants to marry him but is unsure as to how the Immigration process works.

He is due to begin his 2 year military duty and he tells her that marriage to her will allow him a way out of doing this duty. Is this true? Would she have to go to Syria to meet him or could she meet him in a third party country such as Turkey?

She plans to work in the UAE and then return to the US in the future. She is currently in the Uk,


Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-24 22:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
I got my written statement done, and I am waiting on my husband to finish his. It is the one and only chance to explain anything and everything. They can look at the evidence all day long and not say hmmm. But the words from the heart, so i fully agree and will be sending ours in with our packet.

And I know this is just your petition and not an RFE, but I'm just saying that I think the letters are really important and I wish I would've had them in my original packet. Anyway, we've already talked about all of this. I'm sure everything will be fine ;)

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-05-01 17:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
I decided to keep it simple as possible. I other proof that i am adding is the basics i know they will ask for like pics, phone records and a few chats. I am not going to mention the other, only put it on the form. And surely I will have my husband prepared for every thing and anything. That is all i can do and let it go from there. Once i have the few papers I need from my husband, I will send it, finaly.

Wouldn't the RFEs come from USCIS and not Cairo, specifically? I would worry more about the interview than the petition stage if you're concerned about how your fiance will be treated in regards to Cairo. And like others have mentioned, you should be somewhat concerned about the prior petition. Make sure your fiance is well prepared to answer ANY question regarding that past relationship. God knows what kinds of questions they'll ask about that. You're at the USCIS stage right now and they pretty much approve anyone at the initial petition stage. Just follow the directions carefully and send in your petition. I would include affidavits from your family and/or friends as well as the affidavits your fiance has gotten. What you're going to need to be more worried about is the interview. You've got some time in front of you to worry about that part.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-05-01 10:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
From watching and observing. I have seen ppl get a RFE and then they want affidaivates from family and close friends in Egypt. And that we did not have a wedding celebration for many reason's. I am just hoping that will not bring up a red flag. I have wrote my written statement, and explained why. But this is not up for me to decide and I think that is the hardes,t is ppl that don't know you are making all the decisions for you. So I thought if 1 of our witinesses would write a affidivate that might help help. But I don't want to provide to much and them think i am trying to hide something either. So I am trying to keep it simple.

The affidavits that I included in our application were from people who knew of the relationship here in the US. I included one from my supervisor, my married daughter, a coworker and a close friend.
Just to show evidence that it was a real marriage and that my family/friends/boss knew about it.
I don't know if it helped or not but I didn't have any problems with getting it approved.

I didn't realize that you have filed a petition previously for a different person, so I completely understand you getting all your paperwork prepared.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-29 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
To be honest I wished my nervousness was from having a denied petition before, but it is not. And my husband knows everything about that relationship.So that is not a issue at all. My questions comes from the fact that in the last 4 months or so there has been a lot of RFE's and/or women talking about there own. Weither they came from lack of papers that is indicated on the instructions or that there was red flags. It is just that RFE's hold up the petition and I would rather keep the hold up time on the AP that almost everyone gets in Egypt. I don't believe there is anything wrong with being informed and have a game plan as that is why we come to VJ in the first place, to get oppinons and experiences.

The affidavits that I included in our application were from people who knew of the relationship here in the US. I included one from my supervisor, my married daughter, a coworker and a close friend.
Just to show evidence that it was a real marriage and that my family/friends/boss knew about it.
I don't know if it helped or not but I didn't have any problems with getting it approved.

I didn't realize that you have filed a petition previously for a different person, so I completely understand you getting all your paperwork prepared.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-29 10:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
The denial has nothing to do with it. Just I know that Egypt is tuff too. And i really do not want a RFE. Has nothing to do with anything prior, just want to be prepared. Wow...

Are you just anticipating these problems because of your prior Moroccan fiance whose K-1 was denied?
If so, you're right to anticipate problems. Your application may be looked at with harsh scrutiny. Good idea to line up your ducks.

He is well aware. But really has nothing to do with with this visa and me wanting to be prepared. Were assuming. And this is the first time I have even thought about that visa, in months.

Aaaaah ....that explains alot. Yes, the scrutiny on your husband will be more intense. Your husband, if he is a different dude than the one you started this dance with, needs to prepare logical responses to questions about your previous relationship with your ex-fiance.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-28 19:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
That is why ppl get RFE's on affidavits. There looking for certain information so that just not anyone can sign a peice of paper. Like the ppl i have writting affidavits; is one was our witness when we got married and has personal expereinces with us that others can verify. Since my husband and 4 other friends have started a free organization, and I have been involved in it and in pics that is posted on facebook. Some of these affidavits are written by ppl that are close and in this organization which are more credible, and can be verified by many sources.

We didn't send in any affidavits either. It's a suggested way of showing marital ties but it's not mandatory. Honestly, if I worked for USCIS I wouldn't take affidavits into consideration. Anyone can sign a piece of paper saying they know two people are a married couple. I esp. wouldn't trust anyone on the beneficiary's side.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-28 12:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
I am not really worried about the paid part. Just as i said before i have compiled information and I want all my basics covered. I really want to advoid any future problems of thinking of everything before there is a issue.

The suggestion of sending in affidavits from 3rd parties is on the instructions for the I-130.

I would think the affidavit would have to be notarized whereever the person writing the affidavit lives. Don't you have to sign the affidavit in front of the notary?

As far as getting paid for marriage - I don't personally know anyone who has gotten paid for this but I have heard of it happening. I don't think it's any more common in Egypt as anywhere else in the Middle East or elsewhere. I'm not sure why the OP is so worried about being perceived as being paid for marriage. It's an odd thing to be worried about. As far as I know, the Cairo consulate doesn't check that sort of thing out unless they see something suspicious. Not to be mean or anything but Egyptian or other MENA men don't seem to have a hard time finding American women to fraud without paying them. Not only that - the men usually get compensated not the other way around. Talk about having your cake and eating it too.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-28 12:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
Thanks everyone. Now waiting on the husband to get the affidavits from a few friends that know me. They need to be notirized, with his will they need to be notirized there or can i get that done here??
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-26 21:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
I re-visited the forms again, so let see, just keep it simple from what I see. And let me see if I have this straight.
I need to provide:
1.marriage document and translation
2. divorce decree
3.Passport photo, within the last 30 days from petition date
4. G-325a for both of us, signed and dated
a. any jointownership
b. or joint lease at same residency
c. co-mingling of financial resources
d. Affidavits by third parties that know me or my husband and our relationship and marriage, given details to support this.
e. any other documents that can show on-going marriage, such as chats, phone records, emails, passports stamps of trips, bank stamentments if wanted to show proof of buying ticket, and broading passes,

What I did not see was me showing proof I was a u.s citizen, like birth certificate or copy of passport...hmmmm.

If any would like to add to other useful suggesstions for (e) other documents to show on-going marriage, that would be useful. But I am going to to try to keep it simple, and if I get a RFE then I will deal with it. But would like to advoid that.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-26 10:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
I think i ask these questions, because I have been on VJ for a long time and over time i remember what ppl have had requested in RFE's and things like that. And I have read over the instructions and the guidlines here. So when I see ppl say they needed this or that, it makes me nervous. But thank you so much.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-26 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions for the CR-1 visa
To be really honest I am getting really nervous about having the right evidence, and there is no hard and set right evidence. So I have 2 questions:

1.I know that when you get married they want bank statements 2 months before and after to show you was not paid to get married. But do they want the same thing for each trip or just proof showing how you paid for that trip??

2.Do I send in the letter from my employer with the orignal petition or is the step for NVC or the interview part? And when are the tax returns/transcripts needed?

I am a bundle of nerves, I really want to get this right the first time.Thanks for any and all help!
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-26 06:39:00
Middle East and North Africacairo embassy
I was online when Roberto Powers did that 1 hour online and we could ask questions. They are starting the new interviews in May and NVC are aware of when there starting them and they will be schedling them in June. So there should not be anymore mixed up information.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-05-10 05:51:00
Middle East and North Africaproof of ongoing relationship
I agree with

more proof the better! cant have too much proof- but they may deny with not enough! :thumbs:

Well calling is expensive for him, so i have more proof of him texting me then calls. I do most the calling.hmmmmm

We only communitcated by phone and that was never a problem for USCIS or the embassy. I didn't send the text records. I sent my phone bills showing that we text one another.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-05-24 21:18:00
Middle East and North Africaproof of ongoing relationship
I have just one last question. I am using my phone records as proof. But should i also use my sms records(text) too??
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-05-24 10:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor Getting Married-- What Do I Need?
My husband had no problem renting a flat before we was married. He did take care of that before I got there. Most men will say my wife is coming and they do not question it. And the second time I came and we was married they did not ask to see our marriage contract. Now hotels that is a whole different story and why most rent flats. Really i can help you out in all of your questions just personal message me

I guess I'm just hoping that living with him 24/7 in Egypt, for a couple of months during his summer vacation, will add up to a lot more time spent together than dozens of visits... He wants to rent a flat while we are there, and stay in it with me from July through August. But its still debatable if he can sleep there with me, until we are married. He was thinking until the wedding, he could stay the night at his parent's house, and see me all day, every day, since he will be off work in the summer. Because some of the people there require that you show a marriage certificate before you can rent a flat together, or rent a hotel room together. And a flat for me, for 2 months, is cheaper than a hotel for 2 months.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-06-01 08:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor Getting Married-- What Do I Need?
It is not always a red flag to marry on the 1st trip. Each case is indivdual. Knowing him for almost 4 years is in your favor. You do not have to be in Egypt for 10 days either before marriage. But know that at step of the process they can denie you. If the Egyptian forgien ministry does not feel like approving that paper then they will not that day. But most time's it is so easy you can leave me a personal message and I would be glad to go over it with you.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-05-31 18:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaIncome-- Will They Combine Mine With His?
Yeah the ladies are right, about the customs of S.A. . You say now you would be willing to do what it takes to be with him. But you have not been in these types of countries yet. You have not been in a country that the only person that can speak to you is fiance or husband. You get very lonely. And being fully covered does not stop men from flirting or being down right mean to you. As these actions are very common in these countries. Will you be able to live, where you do not have a lot of rights. And the fact is what if he is totaly different and you live there and decide you want to leave, you can only leave if he says you can. Ohhh and if you marry in Egypt they make it clear when you get married that you can only leave if your husband allows it. Maybe a K-1 visa would be best, there easier and if you get denied , you can start the visa process the a day after that NOA1 expires. See if you can find groups on FB or yahoo of american women that live in these countries and/or start looking into women laws of these types of countries.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-06-02 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaPassport stamps need to be translated?
No they do not need to be translated. The only things that needed to be translated is the papers like the police report and things like that .

Dear MENA members,

Did you translate your passport stamps that are not in english? In Morocco, the passport stamps are in Arabic and French (not English). Do these need to be translated from Arabic/French to English for the embassy? Did you translate your non-English passport entry/exit stamps?


Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-06-25 23:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaUsing an e ticket at Cairo Airport
Both times i left out of egypt they accepted them no problem, did not even look at them Even most travel agency's do e-tickets now. So tell him to not worry. And if they have a problem with a ticket, they are very good at soving it even if it takes 5 different ppl to solve it and walk you to your gate. I only had good experiences. The 1st time i came in my husband got the terminals wrong and i came in the new one not the old and i had to relie on there customer service booth and no problem they were very helpful and made all the tours ppl leave me alone till my husband came to where i was..

Hi, Has anyone here from Egypt bought your airline ticket online and used the itinerary/eticket at the Cairo Airport? Hany is afraid of doing it this way, he's afraid they won't accept that he bought his ticket online and that they won't accept itineraries. He's been checking travel agencies and they're over priced and the price at the airport is outrageous. Please advise. Thanks :)

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-07-12 09:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou all are not going to believe this!!!
Wow that is amazing. And congratulations. Big big party in Egypt today. I hope others have as easy time as you 2 did and I hope that my husband and I can have this same effect.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-07-21 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Journey of Love
I want to get to the part where tap shoes are needed. lol. i want my husband with me. And thank god they do not hold that info against us.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-07-31 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Journey of Love
You sound a lot like my case also. I had met my husband years ago and we went our seperate ways for different reasons and I had went on to a visa journey I wished i had not taken. But that is all in the past and my future is my husband who loved me all the time. Nice to meet you and if you like to talk outside vj just pm me. Good luck.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-07-30 09:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaConfused a little on the co-sponser. urg
Ok that would make sense, just a little overwhelmed a little

The case where you can have many joint sponsors is when a family is arriving say your sister her husband and 2 kids . Then you can get one joint sponsor for each person. You don't have to find someoen that can take on the entire family unit.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-20 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaConfused a little on the co-sponser. urg
The USCIS page is so which lead me to this question.

Joint Sponsor

A joint sponsor is someone who is willing to accept legal responsibility for supporting your family member with you. A joint sponsor must meet all the same requirements as you, except the joint sponsor does not need to be related to the immigrant. The joint sponsor (or the joint sponsor and his or her household) must reach the 125% income requirement alone. You cannot combine your income with that of a joint sponsor to meet the income requirement.

Where is says they must meet the same requirements as the petitioner made me wonder if they must support both familes or only there family and my husband!!

no you can't have as many joint sponsors as you want, there is a limit. they only have to cover their own family + the benificiary.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-20 12:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaConfused a little on the co-sponser. urg
At one point i really thought I had this co-sponser thing figured out. But unfornatly I do not think I do.

I am aware I can have as many co-sponsers I want. But at least one of them must provide the things needed. So here is the question. Does the co-sponser have to be able to provide support for my family and there family together. Or only there family and my realitive. I am thinking that support has to be provided for both families.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-20 11:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo more Visas issued at airport in Egypt
I think it is a more of a international security issue right now. They are having a lot of issue's with Isreal. And Egypt is really a very private country on this stuff, so think of it as a saftey issue. I am sure they hated to do that, cuz they depend on tourism for much fincial support.

I read on Egypt Daliy news. you can not get a visa upon entry anymore.
I called my Egyptian consulate and they confirmed it, you have to get your visa from your local Egyptian Consulate before you go. Fee is $20.00, bring passport and 1 passport picture with you. If your married to a Egyptian national. bring wedding cert, and there is no charge for Visa.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-09 11:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaWondering what is our best option......
Student would be best, but i would not offer the information he has a fiance in the U.S.A. or they will think you are using the student visa as a easy way to get him a greencard. And he would be denied.

Salaam Everyone! Just wanted to throw a question out to get some opinions. My fiance lives in Egypt. He has been saving money and planning for years to travel overseas to finish his Masters Degree, even before we met. He had his choices (now that he is finally ready to pay for it all!) narrowed down to France, UK, or USA. Because I am here in the US, he would really like to just come study here to make it easier on all parties involved. He would be here about 2 or maybe 3 years, then we plan to relocate permanently back to Cairo. Do we even need to bother with all the K1 or CR1 mess (because it IS a mess! I have been watching so many people in their long and frustrating journeys!) since he doesn't need/want a green card? Is just doing a student visa his best bet? Also, does the fact that he is engaged to a USC blow his chances of getting a student visa anyways? What do y'all think about the situation?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-13 22:34:00
Middle East and North Africatourist visa
Sweety look in the guides one of the minuses of I-130 or the CR-1 visa is most likely not granted a visit to the spouse
Separation from family may be longer than if filing for a K-3 Visa (or K-1 visa for a non-married fiance). The applicant will most likely not be able to enter the US while their IR1-CR-1 Visa is being processed.
That is from the guide page. It would be great if our spouses could join us on a tourist visa till there visa is done. But all visa are looked at like intenet to stay, that is why there is a cruel process. You could try but I hate to see you waste the money on this for a denial that could effect any future and the upcoming interview for this visa. And with the things going on in Egypt right now there looking at all cases, as ppl want to escape there life there. All of these ladies now the pain of being lonely and missing our husbands/fiances. Feel free to contact me if you like. Just talking to ppl in the same situation helps a lot.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-07-11 21:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMandatory AP- Jordan
Wow, I can understand how that is hard. And expensive. I know I spend a lot just for me to go to Egypt. And of course I have children that would love to travel with me. But with school for the kids and me working, there is no time or no Hang in there it will all work out.

Honestly it just has been so hard making the trips overseas... like I can only go for a few months during school breaks and even then my dad wont let me go alone (or stay with my family over there) because of people talking etc. so when i go i have to have a parent with me and it is so expensive like renting a car and cleaning our house, electricity water etc... literally every time i go we spend over 10K at least... It just sucks because i went from seeing him every day when i lived there to like only having a few months in december or the one point i went for 1.5 years without going to amman... and i am kind of over amman anyways like most of my friends and classmates from back then are like out of the country now, and life goes on... so i spend most of my time just waiting for him to get off work, or with my cousins who are like younger then me... im just sick of Jordan in general and want him by me now... He was at my HS graduation and I really want him at my college grad :'(

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-29 23:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMandatory AP- Jordan
At the USCIS level there not through checks, where AP the FBI does the back ground check. Oh believe me I understand the wait, it really puts stress on the best of relationships. I am not sure my husband is going to make it and we have not got our NOA2 yet. But I have faith we will make it through ok. Just make sure he is prepared for that interview ;)

lol it is the waittttt im so sick of waitinggggg! Especially because he is supposed to be with me in my brothers wedding!!! Like I said waiting seriously not worried about anything but time...the wait is absolutely horrible...honestly i dont get it dont they do background checks in the USCIS anyways?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-29 13:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMandatory AP- Jordan
I am not sure about Jordon. But it is a middle east country so I am pretty sure he will have to go through it. May I ask, what actually you are worried about in AP?? Is it the extra wait or your afraid they might discover something about him or what??

Does that mean he will have to go through AP? is there any way i can find out ahead of time?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-29 13:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMandatory AP- Jordan
Well since you know him so well there is nothing to worry about. It really is not that bad, just time comsuming.

This SUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKSSS :( and I know he isnt...dude hes my highschool sweetheart lmao... not like I dont know him...

You depress me :( seriously... all this time and i find this out NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW! :(

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-29 05:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMandatory AP- Jordan
AP is not really that bad, just time comsuming. When our men live in high risk countries it is to be expected. It is just a background check, and depending on how common his name kinda depends on how long it can take, but not always. They have there reasons for AP even if it is a pain in the butt for us. I rather know my fiance/husband was not a bad man. That would be devasting to find out later IMO.

So i have been hearing a lot about AP in Amman...and it is really freaking me out my Fiance's interview is on Monday... so is it true? Is going through AP mandatory in Amman? My fiance is 25... I really hope he doesnt have to go through AP... I will be devastated... seriously.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-29 00:42:00