Middle East and North AfricaMSN Chats
Yes there dated and have the users names. I just heard from another person that MSN was useless because there was no chat logs. HMMM

Are the chats dated? Should it matter where they are stored on the computer? Aren't you going to print them out anyways? I didn't send any chat logs when we applied or had our interview. I didn't want anyone to have access to our discussions. I sent a few emails spanning the time we were together instead. I feel like extensive chat logs are overkill and don't prove anything other than you chat online a lot.

I do have a few screen shots, that way they see that we use msn messenger and the pics from our cams. Just verifies things a little.

I sent about 20 pages of MSN chats that we had from Messenger Plus or whatever it's called. We had no problems with them. Sent a couple cam screenshots too.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-09 23:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMSN Chats
For all that has already submitted your evidence for your visa's K-1 or CR-1. I have heard that msn chats are useless since they are sent to your recieved files. I do prefer msn over yahoo, just that the web cam app is better for us and I don't get logged out of msn like I do on yahoo. Has anyone that used msn chats had problems later with uscis, nvc or at the embassy/consulate level.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-09 09:48:00
Middle East and North Africamarried to a egyptian, how do I get through customs
Thanks ladies, I thought it would be really easy. Just had to make sure.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 15:40:00
Middle East and North Africamarried to a egyptian, how do I get through customs
I know, now that I am married to a Egyptain that I do not need to purchase the $15 visa. But what exactly do I do. I need my marriage certificate, that I know. What do I do and what do i need to expect. Any help< i greatly appericate.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 08:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
The guy who touched me was a part of a gang. It was a bad experience, and it was more then one, just did not pay much attention to the 1st 2 touches on the side. Becasue we was in Old Cario and it is not uncommon for the roads to be crowded. But it was at night and not that crowded so after the 2nd time it had my attention. It was men riding by on there mopeds. But when the 3rd guy pretty much reached inbetween my legs it was very obvious. And he almost ran over a man from paying attention to touching me but not letting my husband know. I was like he touched me. And all h*ll broke lose. My husband found him in the store and they went to the street. But at the same time my husband had to ensure my safty. I did not even have a chance to yell or hit the guy. My husband would not allow the guy to come and kiss his forhead, because it was not alright. And by the customs there, my husband can not fight in front of me. But he did push the guy as he was coming in to kiss his forehead. The guy rolled out of the 3rd push and got away. But my husband called the police and a hour later they caught him. He left his moped on the street and hide behind the sofa in the house. But i guess that is the best he could do being high off hash. It was a crazy experience. And my husband felt he did not do enough. He said if i was egyptian he would of sent me in a cab and then took care of business. But we could not do that. But for the most part everywhere we went there was no problems at all. Just that one gang, and i am sure they did not think my husband was egyptian, and thinking that he would not turn them into the police. But they thought

I was never touched, personally. I do know of a few American ladies who have been though. Sexual harrassment is definitely a problem in Egypt.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 17:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
That is what my husband said there just curious. If they are over the line I will take care of it. And ummm he did too.

I would back in a heartbeat! In fact I am having a hard time NOT going back!! Could be just traveling is in my blood.:innocent:

I get stared at all the time. Blonde hair with green eyes. Ever since I was llittle. I have learned when someone is excessively staring at me, just look at them in the eyes and smile and usually they smile back. I was nervous at first in Egypt because I didn't want to cause any unwanted attention to other men, so I made sure I was holding my husband's hand when I smiled back so they knew I was just being friendly.
It just shows me that people aren't being rude, just openly curious. I had to explain that to my husband when he got here to the US that most people think staring is impolite. It is just a culture difference.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 15:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
For me it was worse in Morocco or I just learn to deal with it the 2 times I went to Morocco. And by the time I went to Egypt it did not phase me. But in Morocco they don't touch you. But in Egypt I had a bad experience with touching. Lets just say the guy got arrested.

Do you think this an Egypt-specific thing? I don't recall there being a lot of staring in Morocco. Even when we took the whole family (my blonde mom/sister/step-father) with us. I mean, people look if you're in a non-touristy area a little bit, just because you stand out, just as they might in any other country, but I don't recall staring. In fact, my husband told me that *I* stared too much at other people when we were in Morocco. Maybe I was Egyptian in a past life.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 15:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
I know the feeling. But i was starred at more in Morocco then Egypt. And when my husband and I would go out they thought he was not egyptian. He is lighter then most. And then when he would turn around and comment to them in arabic, there jaws would drop and say you are egyptian??? ahahahaha. Now my question is have any of you ladies been touched while in Egypt. If you all like to hear my story I will tell. And I mean more then a touch on the side.

I know this has really nothing to do with the subject but you brought up the staring. It's so off putting. I wish Egyptians and other people who have the habit of staring could learn how off putting and rude it is. Makes me incredibly uncomfortable and was one of the things I truly disliked about being in Egypt. I have dark hair and dark eyes but my skin is fair and even with a hijab (used as an attempt to blend in) didn't completely stop the staring. I was on the bus once and this girl nearly got in my face she stared so hard. Some people seriously need an education on manners. I felt like the traveling freak show.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 15:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
I checked flights last night and there all going through germany or the U.K. cuz there the only airports going to Egypt right now. Egypt Air is still coming out of New York. But that is expensive. My hubby said that more flights will reopen on the 22 of Feb. I hate to wait that long but i have bought tickets just days before i went before. lol

In my opinion, go and have a good time. It is always good to keep an eye on your surroundings and if things seem to be tense then leave that area. I think things will be fine. We talk to Tamer's family everyday and things seem to be getting back to normal for the most part. I would love to go now. I took my kids last year and of course people stare but they all welcomed us like we were one of them. I have been many times and love each experience...we had one officer stop us on the way back from Sharm because he said I looked egyptian but my kids did not and he studied our passports (we thought it was funny but thanked him for being thorough and protecting the kids). Best wishes and just check all the flights to make sure they are still on. The airport in Cairo is so much more user friendly since they opened the new addition.

Relax and enjoy your time.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-16 06:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
wow, loved the little girl kissing the reporter. Egyptian ppl are amazing

Harry Smith, obvious american, seems to have had a pretty darn good time -

If we could drop our jobs right now, AbuS and I would be there. We're trying to plan a trip there in March before or after we make umrah.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-15 15:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
Europeans are blonde and blue eyed and fair skinned too. This is how my husband explained things. Egyptians are naturaly curious ppl and stare often, just do not pay attention to it. And yeah egyptians are not thrilled with american goverment but are fine with american ppl we can not help what our goverement does and they understand that. Don't worrie about it. But if you feel safer not to go then don't. I had vacation time planned before all of this and i am keeping it. My husband will not let anything happen to me. He has enough contacts that would inform him if anything was going down. I found most egyptians very freindly towards americans, and even now. All my husbands friends know i am american and are asking when will i come back. Cuz i supported them through all of this and that makes them happy. So I would not worrie cuz your american.

Depends. I am blonde hair, blue eyes and white. For me, right now I would not go. When I went to Egypt in the past I did not feel scared AT ALL. But right now with anti-American sentiment up and things not completely organized, I would not want to stand out as "obviously American".

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-15 14:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
I was a little worried about this too. I have planned vacation time for feb 28 the same day the travel band is set to expire. But i had heard ppl being turned down at the airports and that paris airports was not flying into cario. So those are things i planned on checking today. I do not want to buy a ticket , lets say that will have a stop in paris and they say no. I think that is the biggest obstacle for us americans right now. What countries are flying into Egypt. I am not even sure Delta is flying to Cario now. I need to do a little research.

Hi, I seen your post and wanted to give my opinion as I am an American wife here in Cairo with my husband. I have been here since January 11th, and obviously here from the beginning of th revolution. I had the option to leave with the evacuations, even I was supposed to leave the beginning of february, but I am still here. I am still here because I wanted to share this time with my husband and his family and friends as a new dawn breaks in Cairo. It is true that while Mubarak was still in office we could not go out and do anything, everything was closed early and the curfew was going on. To be honest I dont care that I couldnt go running to see the pyramids or go do touristy things, I am here to be with my husband. Now things are calming down sooo much and life is resuming. Even we have been out to dinner and when Mubarak stepped down we even webt to Tahir square to dance and celebrate with the people, we took so many videos and pics to mark this moment in history.For the rest of our lives we will have this memory of sharing this together. So my advice, come on sister and enjoy this time here!!!! :dance: Really it is such a beautiful time to be here and to share with your love! A time neither of you will ever forget! If while your here you need a fellow American to talk to or meet for coffee or tea please feel free to leave me a note! Best wishes, and have a safe journey!


That is great news :dance:

Rest assured, you are not crazy...I myself would go right now if I didn't have to provide 2 weeks notice for schedule changes to my employer, so I will be heading over March 4th...As Amber and Mithra have stated, I would just avoid the touristy places and go simply for the time to spend with your fiance..You will still be able to go out and enjoy yourself for dinner or walks...Although there is still much that needs to be sorted out over there, this is an amazing time to go and experience the atmosphere and celebratory mood...just remain aware of your surroundings and situations as you would anyway and enjoy your time together, it is sooooo important and make sure you document it well...believe me, it can't hurt for future purposes...The American school I worked at over there evacuated during the protests and they resumed school last week and in full effect tomorrow, all the foreign staff have husband is now going home again everyday and back to his second job which is with an American company that also temporarily shut down so life is returning to "normal" and now is when they need people to start coming back..I suspect you will have a great time visiting your guy and can't wait to hear about your trip on your return...

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-15 14:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt Travel Warning
I am leaving on Feb 28 to go to Egypt. I am taking Lufthansia and having been watching the arrivals coming through Cairo International Airport. in the last week I have not seen any Air France flights come in. The only ones coming in from Paris is Egypt Air. But the Lufthansia are keeping all flights going to Egypt. And it was not really expensive. And another lady left the end of last week for Egypt and had no issue's. You might want to think of a different airline to go through. Delta is not going to Egypt either but offering tickets for over $2,000, go figure.

I've been reading that other countries are lifting their travel restrictions to Egypt. I am hopeful that our State Department will follow suit and soon! I have heard that everything is back to normal there with the exception of the midnight to 6am curfew and the stock market closure. The stock market should reopen next week.

I had to postpone my trip again since things were still a little heated on my travel date, so my new date of travel is the 10th of March. I am very excited because Air France has FINALLY stopped rerouting Cairo-bound flights (from Paris) through Beirut. This means my layover in Paris will now be 2 hours as opposed to 15 hours... Thank goodness for small blessings.

My real hope is for the embassy to get back to normal operations so that those of you waiting for interviews and visas can start seeing some progress again! Also it'll be better for my conscience if my trip could be somewhat sanctioned by our State Department rather than:

"The U.S. Department of State continues to warn U.S. citizens to defer non-essential travel to Egypt."

Keeping my fingers crossed!! Also would love to hear from those who are there or who have trips planned. Getting very very excited again about going. The feeling of apprehension is fading... Wish I could speed up the clock. Two more weeks!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-24 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaCome on State Department!
The warning is only a precuations. I am leaving tomorrow to go to Egypt. The only thing is Delta not flying there right now. So I am taking i different airline. But i am going, and nothing will stop me. And sure my friends and family are scared for me, and I appericate it. But you live life only once. And if you do not put your self in a dangerous situation, which I am sure you will not. You will be fine. I am so excited to be back with my husband. And in little then 48 hours i will be in his arms.:dance:

I am trying so hard to be patient in awaiting the announcement from the State Department that they've dropped the travel restrictions to Egypt, but not a peep so far. I just heard that we've got 2 US Senators in Cairo as we speak, so obviously they felt it was safe enough to travel. The Egyptian people are launching some grassroots efforts to promote tourism there, which the country's economy desperately needs. Let's just all cross our fingers and hope for an announcement soon!

Regardless of whether we get an announcement or not, I will be heading to Cairo myself on the 9th of March. It's a *great* time to visit the tourist spots since the crowds are mostly non-existent. I've been to all of those spots before, but I might just have to make a couple of trips out to the pyramids anyway! The laser light show was fun in a ridiculously silly sort of way, might opt to check it out again while it's not crowded.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-27 22:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaAt long last - exciting news!
I am so happy that you are coming to a end to your immigration process. And a very much deserved Congratulations.:dancing: :thumbs:

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-24 12:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrip to Tunisia
Have a safe trip and really enjoy your self.

I will be leaving March 28 to travel to Tunisia for my 3rd visit. I am so excited to see my fiance again since it has been 8 months. I have to admit to being somewhat nervous with all of the conflict going on in that area. I am trying to focus on how happy we will be to see each other again!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-23 08:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East Conflicts, Where are we heading ?
You are total right to have your opion. But on this subject I agree with Samoray. Our eyes for the most part has only been open to what is really going on with the world. But I do not believe there will be another Iran. That was years ago, and Iran believe's in a whole different way. Many countries are not stable, but that does not mean they will not obtain there objective. How would you remove leaders that have ruled for decades?

I believe these countries who are fighting for their freedom and escape from oppression are dooming themselves.
What they want and what they will get are not the same. They want freedom and democracy (they say) but I believe they
will get the same thing the Iranians got after their revolution.
Worse oppression than they've ever endured before, less freedom than they had before.
Christians in those countries will now be persecuted and killed as is already happening in Egypt.
I don't believe this is the end of the world, but I believe it is the begining of Revelation in the Bible.
Read Revelation and its like listening to the headlines on the news.
There is only One who can save us and his name is Jesus.
We won't escape the tribulation but we can end up in Heaven.


Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-21 21:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East Conflicts, Where are we heading ?
Unstable countries may or may not be a sign of end of times. Just that history repeats over and over, the end has been called upon for thousands of years. No one will know for sure. But all times is a good time to have god/allah in your life and to live life the right way.

Even the devil believes in God. It is easy to say one believes in God, but it is another thing to live a holy life and follow all of God's commandments, in which He says.. THOU SHALL NOT KILL, also He says TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. THERE IS MUCH EVIL IN THIS WORLD AS WELL AS PEOPLE DOING EVIL AND CLAIMING IT IN THE NAME OF GOD, THIS IS JUST A SIGN IT IS THE END TIMES WE ARE LIVING IN.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-19 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East Conflicts, Where are we heading ?
I know and by the end there will be more, be sure of that. I just pray that these ppl get what they want in the end. Inshallah

Look at the countries that are not stable now, Seems like the end of the world

Posted Image

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-19 11:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East Conflicts, Where are we heading ?
I don't know what is the future for all these countries. It is sad and a good thing all at the same time. Most of these countries have had regimes that have been in place for a long time. My husband opinion is it is something that has to happen for these ppl to move on with the rest of the world. But just sad to see all the death. But any great movement, was not without death, and if it is for something you believe in, it just might be worth it. Just my opinion.


I was sitting watching the news yesterday, and nothing is good happening any more, people are being killed in libya, civilians being slaughtered in Yemen, People are trying to start their own revolution in Iraq, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, needless to say the turmoil in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and all across the middle east, bearing in mind that these revolts will affect not only the middle east but the whole world, is that a sign for something bigger ? where are we going ? what future is awaiting us ?

What do you think ?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-19 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaEffects of many visits?
I think the more visits you get the better off you would be. And your lucky that you are able to see your SO so much. The only drawback i can think of. is if you have children. But if you don't then nothing to worry about.

The children part, there concern might be when do you spend time with them. And since i am just getting back into VJ I have lost track of a lot of the ppl on here and there families and relationships.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-30 08:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaDELTA SAYS MOROCCO IS PART OF EUROPE?!!!
United airlines and Luthansia was good to me. United only allows 1 bag in the states but for international travel 2. As this is the policy for Lufthansia too.

I think it really depends on your baggage claim agent. I had one try to charge me for a second bag last year on my way home from Egypt and when I told them politely that I was under the impression that I could fly with 2 bags for no charge, the agent took my second bag free of charge.

That being said, this was a year ago and the airlines are really strapped for cash now more than ever. I wouldn't doubt that they'll fight tooth and nail to get every penny they can out of you. I just had a horrible experience with Delta (KLM, Air France) and I will do my best not to fly those airlines my next trip to Cairo, but right now the choices are kind of limited!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-23 08:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
I know new protesting to keep the revolution alive. But i asked my husband why and he was i don't know really. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact no new political parties are ready. And i think they think things should go faster too. I do admire there determination though.

Wow! I posted this 2/22 and here we go again with no solution :(

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-07 08:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
That is usually when they work best, under pressure.

CNN says they have 4 business days for their decision, Woe! That's not much time is it?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-22 10:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
I would love to know too. My husband said most money just went back into the military, sad, sad, sad

What I would be interested to know is...What did Mubarak / Government do with the 1 Billion Dollars per year that America gave to them? It must be nice to control that much money and still not be able to see the needs of your people. What close his eyes like it's not there? I guess he only chose to see what he wanted to see. As that is the case for many governments :(

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-09 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
I read in a article about his finacle wealth actualy started when he was in the military himself . That he had bought small property's, how he did it i am not sure. But as president you can make very good fincial deals and sponsor new building contracts and make 20% and over time that adds up espically when your in a poistion to sponsor a little money to make a lot of money. So this is rather easy to do in his poistion, as he is in a trusted poistion. And you would be surprised what our own presidents do, there just not in office long enough to be so corrupt, as that shows over time. But there was a reason why we limited our own presidents to only 2 4year trems. Sure i believe that he should of used that fincal gain to help his own country, or made deals like that, that would of benifited the country and the ppl by producing jobs. But hey if a country is doing well then other countries will not give you fincial assaistance that you can pour back into the military. There is a reason why the military in Egypt is Dubbed of the Best. Of course this is just my opinion and based off other egyptains i have the plesure of spending time with, and what i read.

I've read the EU is freezing his assets there!! :dance: I think they also conficated his private jet in france or his family's jet. :rofl:

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-02-09 07:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
I finaly got ahold of my husband, I have had a little trouble with that. But he told me that my in-laws and there familes have gathered in my FIL flat to keep every one safe. And that they live in front of one of the major squares that ppl have roited. And 3 men were sitting in a car and they just started to shoot ppl, and one of the army had to kill them to stop them. I really hate this.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-01-29 19:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
Yea this is very serious, I got a email from and they said the embassy is open only when there is not demonstractions on in the areal, when there close to the embassy there closed. And for all americans there to stay low for now and follow the rules. And as always there is the emergencey number to help ppl.

Hate to rain on any parades...but I am sure that the consulate won't be working on any type of visas anytime soon. With the scope of the protests growing all the time....there's more pressing matters at hand. Think all we can hope for is that people stay safe until this situation gets resolved. Visas will have to wait for later down the road I think.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-01-29 11:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
I have been in contact with my husband through out the day via cell phone. Just pray that this settles down soon. And it will not do any good bash the president, all sites are monitored for this.

You can watch Al Jazeera in English on your computer at

They have good coverage of the situation.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-01-28 14:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt
Yep all of egypt is without internet and it is possible they will lose phones before it is all over. So sad that it has to happen this way. I was just happy i got to hear my husbands voice.

He reached his mom at his grandmothers landline. It was great to hear her voice but when I asked her if she was ok...she said No Tamara I am not ok, its very bad here, its very bad. :(

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-01-28 01:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo protests are back
I really feel sorry for the ppl of egypt. Because there, it seems to have a lot of " you rub my back and I will rub your back" which means the corupt stay corupt with help. That is why my husband is trying to help the ppl there with a new free organization. That offers free training sessions. The ppl have to help them selfs 1st to be able to move forward.

I think the Government and the Military don't actually go forward unless people go out and protest, i think they are always late in their announcements cause it's been three months almost since the beginning of the revolution and they have just announced yesterday that they're taking these officials to trial which is really really late cause these former officials probably hid all their assets or transferred it to another country in a different name or whatever and they had a lot of time to do that.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-08 22:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo protests are back
Change takes time. But I would be surprised if the protesters get what they want this time. So how do you feel about all of this your self??

Several hundreds of thousands are protesting today Friday, April 8, 2011 in Tahrir square demanding the prosecution of former president Hosni Mubarak and his regime, these demonstrations are coming despite the announcement of charging some Officials of the former regime of corruption and using their positions to expand their fortunes.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-08 06:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
Igot some pics of me with his family at there home and our apartment. And i have pics of our dinner party too, with our close friends.

angel eyes, did you include pics of you and him with his family? Pics always do help.
Amr and I are not having "wedding" ceremony, but are planning a reception dinner and 2 dinner parties later in the 2nd week when Im there with family and friends. And of course will take lots of pics at our apartment and his familys homes too.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-15 22:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
Believe me I will. Showing proof of a bonafied marriage bothers me. But my imediate family and his family and a lot of friends can write statements and I can explain why we did not have a wedding. So I am sure we can do it.

I hate that RFE :angry:, it delayed us for three months

Angel, follow the steps everyone offered so you can avoid any delays

Good Luck

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-14 20:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
I will be pm'ing you, and thanks a lot.

First off, congrats and good luck to you as you begin this process....luckily you are in a great place here, so many times I've been lost or at my witt's end about things :bonk:and found much needed help and support from my fellow members...
During this initial phase(I130 petition) you will not need copies of his passport however you will need 2 passport size photos of him and yourself to send with the petition and the g325 forms.
Your current passport with you previous name is fine as long as you have your other identifying documents that prove you are the same person and of course the copies of your entry/exit stamps along with ticket or receipts would be good to send.
I will come back to #3, as for the children's birth only need to send the certificates for children you have together, at this point it is not necessary but as others have said it will add to your proof of bonafide marriage so why not go ahead and send them off.

* I have saved my response to #3 and 5, specifically because I did receive an RFE specifically addressing these items...and I had sent in a very good and detailed original petition package with what we and everyone else thought was the "kitchen sink" of evidence...of course anyone who read my post about my RFE probably agrees that it was almost entirely based on the idea that my husband had previously been here in the US, but I digress...:whistle:I am copy/pasting exactly what they asked for in regards to these two areas:

As for #5, I wasn't specifically asked to provide a list of relatives and their contact information however as you see above they did want notarized statements from these people as to why they did not go to Egypt and/or attend a wedding you may want to go ahead and get these type of statements and send them in with your petition just to save yourself a potential RFE down the road...also affidavits from your family here are very useful in establishing in their mind that you have a legitimate marriage and your family here not only is aware and supportive but also new of your relationship prior...they want to see that you didn't "rush" into anything, feel manipulated and that you have family support.

When I sent our petition I really felt like all of our tons of hard evidence was more than enough and in a lot of cases I've seen it would be, but apparently it depends on the CO reviewing the case and whether or not they are more impressed with subjective proof such as statements of people's feelings and atitudes and your reasoning for doing or not doing things...if I had to do it all over again, I would definitely go ahead and write up descriptive narratives for every aspect and send in from the beginning because not doing that has delayed approval of our I130 by at least 2 months.

My RFE was quite extensive and having gone for infopass appointment I got a lot of insight as to how best to respond so if you or anyone else wants to contact me I will be happy to pm you my personal contact and share my RFE as well as how I responded. I realize it's helpful to a lot of people but I try not to post too much personal info on the public forums.
Good luck to you and please feel free to contact me anytime.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-14 19:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
Thanks Sam, Samy and I thank u.

Hi Angel

For starting the process you will need the following

1. form I-130
2. form G325A ( one for you and another for your husband )
3. Copy of original marriage certificate (Arabic)
4. Copy of divorce certificate/certificates, if you or your husband was married before
5. Copy of your passport ( doesn't matter with new or old name )
6. 2 passport size pictures of you and 2 of your husband
7. Proof of bona fide marriage, might include but not limited to

a) affidavits from relatives or friends that know both of you describing how they know about your relationship
b) pictures of you together
c) property or bank accounts that has both of your names
d) anything else that would establish that you had and have an ongoing bona fide relationship

Any documents that are not in English has to be accompanied by an English translation

Good Luck

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-14 19:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
no when we got married it was the day i was leaving, so no time. And the 2nd time i went was right after the revolution, and even though it appeared normal, it was not. And my huband 1st order of business was protecing me. And there for while the fghting between the 2 religions was bad. My in-laws came to us to spend time with us, because it was safer where we was. So gather and planning a wedding ceremony was not on the top of the list, and ppl there was still nervous.

And they aprove of our marriage, my husband and sister in-laws seen a softer and nicer side to there mother when I was there.

Did his/your family not accept your marriage because of religion? If so you might want to address this with your petition.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-13 22:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
I thought #5was a little weird too. But my friend from Morocco got a RFE and that was one of the things they wanted. Not sure what that has to do with our visa petition.

1.) Nope.
2.)If you send a certified copy of your birth certificate, you don't need it. It'd still be good to send in copies of the entry/exit stamps to Egypt, but in that regard, the name change doesn't matter.
3.) A written statement is fine, getting it notarized is not needed.
4.) Birth certificates of any children aren't needed, but if you have kids together and both your names are on it, this serves as proof of a bonafide marriage, not unlike shared bills and such.
5.) I have never heard of this. I have heard of relatives giving affidavits swearing to knowledge of the relationship, but never just a list of names and numbers.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-13 20:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1/IR-1 Visa
Over the last 6 months I have been trying to document as much as I can, for the things I need for this visa. I am finaly to the point I am trying to put this together, and now I have questions.

1. Do I have to have copies of my husbands passport?
2. I have not had my passport with my changed name yet. I have only traveled on the old one. So do I need to get my new one and have it copied too before sending in the petition?
3. I did not have a wedding party after we got married, as i was leaving the same day. The 2nd time going back I did not either, because it was after all the protesting and it was just more difficult with all the fighting between the religions and family just being cautious. So do I just do a written statement to explain this and have it notirized???
4. Do I need to send in birth certificates of my children or only children we have together?
5. Has any one sent in a list of realitives here in the states with address and phone numbers, this was in a RFE I seen. If you have why is it important?

Any help is greatly apperciated. Thanks

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-04-13 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican Embassy in Cairo should be opened now!
I think a lot of ppl will be saying no, too. There not impressed at all.

The Muslim/Christian conflict was made by the former regime long before this revolution, he used that tactic to divide them so he can rule them, i am thinking Mubarak had this country in deep corruption that even though he stepped down, he didn't take with him problems that he got us into for 30 years so it is gonna take a long time to recover from it, but i believe in the Army to run the country and i believe in this transitional cabinet, i am saying NO for the new amended constitution next Saturday, these amendments are like Restoration of a building that has already fell apart.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-03-17 11:52:00