Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

hi nancy
sounds promising since washington has completed all the actions on your case it means the consular officer should put every thing in order before issuing the visa (offiver final review) it is just matter of days i assure you .if you e-mailed them and their response was your visa should be ready shortly it means they printing it the same thing has happened with me good luck oh by the way there is no such thing as officer final review and officer review they only use the term final review to calm down the applicant .

Well that is great to hear Mina. I will call on Sunday since they have not been answering my emails this week and try to see if maybe they have good news for me. When will you be traveling to the US?
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Aya about your question about Egyptair, It is probably the cheapest way to go, but I strongly dislike it in comparison to other airlines I have been on. For example, on KLM each passenger has their own tv screen that comes with games, internet, movies, and music. On Egyptair there is one tv to every 10 to 15 passengers kind of like on Superjet buses in Egypt. When I took Egyptair last month, I was on a 12 and 1/2 hour ride from NY to Cairo and they played like 2 or 3 movies that were super old and to top it off the picture was fuzzy. Also most of the stewards and stewardesses on Egyptair are not very friendly in my opinion. The last thing which I think is the worst is the size of the seats. The seats are not comfortable and you are guaranteed to be touching arms with the passengers next to you. I could go on and on but I think you get the!!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 18:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
OK I dont want to get my hopes up but after calling DOS several times this week I finally got through today. The lady that answered said that the AP from Washington is finished as of today and that the results of the AP have been sent to the Embassy. Does that mean we are closer to getting the visa or can they request more APs?
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 18:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Well I saw in the news while I was in Egypt that they are putting visas on hold because of the Nigerian underwear bomber but I dont how true it is. About the Haiti thing it was just a theory that we were thinking might affect visas worldwide, but if you think it wont that is wonderful. Well I have a feeling that most people who had cases from 2009 will be hearing good news soon because im sure the embassy wants to get the online applications into full swing and the people who filed through the mail out of their way isa. Thats what I am hoping anyway. Aya, my friend who is a female just went to her interview on December 10th and she also still hasnt received her visa yet, but im sure you will be getting it very soon isa.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-21 01:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

I believe I once read that all AP is done in DC. I also wonder if the Haiti law is affecting immigration world wide. I haven't heard from my Congressman since 1/11 and the last time DHL updated was 1/4. There is another holiday at the Embassy next Tuesday for Police Day after two holidays this month already? What next Roller Skate Day? LOL!

For some reason I had read that some AP is checks that the consular officer is doing in Egypt and some of them are results from checks they requested from DC. Can anyone confirm whether this is true or not?? The last time DHL updated for us was also 1/4 which is strange since it usually gets updated every week or two weeks max. The holiday for the embassy is actually on Monday and my husband told me that most people dont even get off of work for that day, but the embassy loves taking off any holiday possible. I feel you on the roller skating day because I feel that every week they are taking off at least one day minimum. When will all of this end for all of us??? I am keeping everyone waiting on a visa or interview in my prayers. ISA this month or next will bring good news to everyone!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-20 20:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
It isnt encouraging but unfortunately it seems to be very true . We have been in final review since Nov 16th. On the day he had his interview which was Nov 9th he was told that he would have his visa in hand before the end of November. Here it is almost end of January and it seems that there is no hope for even a visa this month. I have been wondering if the new law that got passed allowing illegal Haitians to get temporary protection and visas will somehow impact the number of visas that are given worldwide?? Hot guy, I think you will be getting your visa in a few weeks max and definitely not months. Also I wanted to ask, when I call DOS and ask for an update would it possible to ask if the AP is internal or in DC or would they not answer something like that? By the way this is my favorite topic to get on and read!!!
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-20 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
I wonder what is going on with the phone lines with DOS and the Embassy. I also have not received a response to my email to them. Well I just pray that they write back by tomorrow because if not then we will be waiting until at least next Tuesday since the embassy is closed for Police Day next week. This post has been wonderful and motivating to continue through the dark tunnel called AP. Best of luck on your interview AndSam.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-20 10:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
HG that information was very helpful and I have a feeling you will be getting your visa soon isa. I also was told by many people that since we were in final review that we would be getting the visa in 2 or 3 weeks, but of course until now we still havent gotten the visa. I am assuming that when they were about to issue the visa that an AP came up because now when I email them they say mandatory administrative processing. I emailed them about 3 or 4 days but still havent heard back from them. Has anyone written the embassy this week and received an email back from them? Also I called DOS many times today and it kept giving me the message that the circuit is busy. Did anyone have any luck getting through to DOS today?
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-19 18:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
I also sent a recent email to the embassy and am awaiting a reply from them. Flower, it seems we are in the same boat as your husband and you because at first they were saying final review and now lately they have been saying administrative process. About asking for the passport, I think that is something standard that they send out to everyone because they did the same thing with Mounir a few weeks before they sent him his visa. I hope and pray that we all hear some good news soon.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-19 01:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Hey my fellow Cairo waiting club. My husband and I have been waiting two months now and looking forward to the day they request his passport to receive the visa. Currently, we are still "pending the officer's review." Which means AP for who knows how long.

Anyhow, I was just curious about somthing that Ahmed told me about. During his interview he mentioned that the consulate officer had our case and on top of it it had a sheet of paper with the words, YES and NO and nothing else. He said after the interview was done that the officer circled yes and informed him that it would take 7+ months to get the visa. I was assuming the yes means he will get the visa (I could be wrong, it may not mean that at all). I just thought if they signed yes, why would it take so long? Honestly, I don't know.

Like everyone else I am tired of all this and miss my husband. I just want to start our lives together as I know all of us hope for. Anyhow, I pray that we all hear good news soon, inshaAllah.

That is interesting. Ahmad didnt receive any kind of paper after his interview so I dont know if thats a good or bad thing. Why dont they just email and say AP instead of final review because that really makes me feel that they are about to issue the visa. When I was i Egypt I called and a really nice lady answered and I asked her how long final review lasts. She said it depends from case to case and she also told me that we had just been put on final review since December 13th which is very strange to me since I have been receiving final review emails since November. That just makes me wonder if they just email that consular officer review email to anyone that sends them a message.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-18 22:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Thanks for starting this topic. I received email from the Consulate on January 12 saying.......
Dear Sir:

Thank you for your e-mail message.

We received the documents you sent to our office by the DHL. The case is pending the officer’s review. We will process the case to conclusion once that is completed.

Consular Sction

US Embassy, Cairo


This is the same reply that I have received from the embassy week after week. When was your interview at the embassy? I am praying that all our final reviews and APs will be finished soon so that we can be with our SO's in time for Valentines Day.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-18 21:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
This is a great topic that you started. I emailed the embassy yesterday to find out if there is any change in the case status, but I havent heard back yet. I have a feeling that a lot of our cases in final review will be finished by the end of the month isa.
NancylovesAhmadFemaleEgypt2010-01-18 17:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - Pregnant - Should She Tell Him?
When I got married in Egypt the man that married us told me right there you realize that if your husband does not want you to leave Egypt he can make you stay even if you are a American citizen. The way things work in Egypt the man has the power, it would take a lot to work with the Embassy to get her out of there. It is in the marriage contract. If she is in fear then she should go on ahead home and then tell him.
I'm sorry not the man that married us, it was the translator from the Embassy that works for them that translated that for me. So the embassy is full aware of the laws there.

Does this same law apply if she is with child?

Edited by Angel Eyes Yuseef, 29 September 2011 - 12:30 PM.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-29 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - Pregnant - Should She Tell Him?
Agreed, she needs to be using her resources and the American Embassy works for her.

If this is a serious question and a serious concern, she should be inquiring in a serious place - the US embassy or consulate in Egypt - not on a public forum where you will get ridiculously biased and un-informed answers.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-09 11:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt - Pregnant - Should She Tell Him?
If the man wants to remain in Egypt and telling him she is pregnant, might make he want to stay in Egypt more. Cuz it is his country and the baby can be Egyptian. And the Egyptian law is, if he does not want her to leave Egypt he can stop her from getting on a plane. But if they were married in the states I don't know if Egypt will recognize that marriage, so on that I don't know if he could stop her or not. She needs to call the American Embassy to find that out. But every day that she does not get health care she is putting that baby at risk so she needs to act fast and know her rights. But at this point i don't think telling him will make he want to go back to the states. But this is just my opinion.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-09-09 05:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling To Egypt--Questions
Yes wet wipes is the best tip ever. Put them in a baggie and keep them in your purse of pocket and you will stay fresh. I do that every trip, just cuz you never know if a bathroom will have what you need.

Or a attendent wanting a tip for each sheet of paper they give

Travel tip: Keep wet wipes in your bag (pharmacies sell them).

Edited by Angel Eyes Yuseef, 08 November 2011 - 10:44 PM.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-08 22:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling To Egypt--Questions
lol the hole. Your lucky you have not faced it..The only one i seen in Egypt was when we was in Old Cairo in our cousins workshop. Old building there, my hubby asked me if i needed to use it and I looked at him and said your really funny. He knows how i feel about the hole. But every where i went the bathrooms was clean even when we went to al jerza park.

I've been extremely fortunate on my trips. I've never encountered "the hole", thank goodness. The restroom in the airport was super clean, but the attendant was all over me. The only restrooms I had to use in Alex were the one in the library and one in a nice seafood restaurant. All the ones in Cairo that I've been in have been clean too, especially the one at the Golden Stars VIP cinema! That one was first class. I just make sure if I'm going to be at the market (Khan al Khalili, I jokingly call it LiLi Market since I get made fun of for my pronunciation), I use the restroom before I head down there. Lord knows any restroom I find down there is going to be questionable!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-07 21:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling To Egypt--Questions
I did not ever have that problem of nasty dirty bathrooms. And we was all over. Now in Morocco that is a different story. And there, there should be a guide to find the more american type bathrooms instead of that dreaded hole. I hate the hole.

Well on my wedding day at the Ministry of Justice & the KFC in Alex -the restrooms were gross! I had to use the mens restroom on my wedding day @the Ministry of Justice bcz the womens was totally broken down. That mens restroom could not have been cleaned in FOREVER. Seriously gross! & KFCs restroom = eww! The only one that I can honestly say was clean was at his grandparents house where I stayed. Every other one had never been cleaned in ages.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-07 11:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling To Egypt--Questions
I had no problems finding good bathrooms in cairo, just had a problem figuring out which button or knob went to flush it or turn on the water to clean your

Rofl that you took the whole roll of tp! Totally ot but the American embassy has outstanding restrooms. Mcdonalds has pretty decent ones, too. Good restrooms are hard to find in egypt. Someone should make a zagat's style guide to egyptian restrooms. :D

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-07 04:08:00
Middle East and North Africachildrens birth cert.
Being we have 2 months to get all the stuff I knew we were the lucky winner for that day. What blew me away was why my kids birth certificates. But after talking to my lawyer, she said there is ways to get infomation and develop timelines and background history. So i'm just going with it..... The most important thing is I know myself and I know my husband.... It is not for anyone to judge except the Embassy and they will do their job well. Thanks for your encourgement. Cuz some are not so positive..... Thanks

YOUR RFE is one I have seen 3 times from other filers, WORD FOR WORD.............(Typical of the Beneficiary's country) EGYPT..........
You won the daily pick of a FULL RFE that day, just give them all they want, and you will be fine, ITS up the the U.S. Embassy Cairo to be the ones to decide your visa case and if anything they will do the questioning of your past filing if needed. U.S. side only makes sure its a real marriage, no worries Girly, your good!!!!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-02 06:44:00
Middle East and North Africachildrens birth cert.
To my relief i have been talking to a few people that have been through this and gotten this same RFE before and 2 Lawyers. Many get the same basic RFE and there not looking for anything but their required to. Kinda like a test to see how serious you are. Becasue they know that as the months of waiting go by, that a roadblock like this can be more then discouraging. And my friends that have recieved the same RFE all had different types of cases to be older, to same age, to strict religious convictions, and no questionable red flags. Lets not forget some people do not even send in a lot of proof and easly get their NOA2. So most likey I was the lucky number that got the RFE for the day. Or maybe my past visa journey had something to do with it. But my past has nothing to do with my orignal question. Which no one seems to have a answer to it, not even the lawyers. They advise, if they ask for them to just send them I stay buffled but will do it.

No idea why they want your children's birth certificates. I was referring to Betsy's question about whether or not your case requires more scrutiny, and your response to that as attributing the inquiry to just little tricks they play.
It seems that a petitioner with two petitions close together would be a case where there is more scrutiny. At least one would hope there is more scrutiny in such a case. Your characterization that their request for more information/evidence as being a "little trick" seems incongruent with the reality of your history of petitions. That was my point.

Edited by Angel Eyes Yuseef, 08 November 2011 - 10:53 PM.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-08 22:51:00
Middle East and North Africachildrens birth cert.
So you don't know the answer to the question???

Nothing to do with 2 petitions in a couple of years for two different guys? No?
Just the "little tricks" these pesky immigration officials play.....

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-08 12:37:00
Middle East and North Africachildrens birth cert.
I seen others with this same RFE most times there is one thing missing or one thing is questionable and they send out the whole bona fide marriage RFE. The little tricks they play. I have seen the birth certificates things before many times, just was wondering what it has to do with this visa process and if anyone knew for sure.

Sounds like they are fishing for information. I am guessing there is something they are suspicious about and trying to find out some answers. Is your case such that it would require scrutiny?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-08 09:30:00
Middle East and North Africachildrens birth cert.
It plainly says they want birth certificates of all children. And this is not the finicail part.hmmmm

They want birth certs for the petitioner/beneficiary's children, not children by previous marriage.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-08 06:39:00
Middle East and North Africachildrens birth cert.
Ok VJ'ers I have yet another dorky question. I am wondering why USCIS would want the Petitioner's childrens birth certificates. I could see if the petitioner and beneficiary had a child/ren or if the beneficiary had children. But what does the petitioner's children from another marriage have to do with their petiton for a visa??
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-11-07 21:56:00
Middle East and North Africajust another silly question....
In your opinion what is the best way to front load. It is just really overwhelming, so how is the best way...

Getting any type of visa is not easy.

As far as your yahoo chats and other chats, it depends on your conversations. What are they about? i.e. don't send them chats that say a lot of "I love you" and "You are my moon" this type of thing. Do your chats have discussions of you planning a future together? Planning to have children? The CO is looking for a "bonefide relationship" and want to see proof of this. Both of you should know alot about each other.

When the case arrives at the embassy/consulate the CO reviews it prior to the interview, which includes the documentation that was included with the petition. They will question the beneficiary on this information. It is possible that the CO will have made their decision before the beneficiary arrives for the interview based on the information provided with the petition.

Front loading if done correctly can have a positive outcome, but front loading done incorrectly can be very detrimental and result in a visa refusal at the interview.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey! You are off to a good start asking questions and gaining knowledge about the process.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-13 20:09:00
Middle East and North Africajust another silly question....
Sorry to hear that!!

Nope....not easy at all. Not easy at all. :no:

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-07 21:19:00
Middle East and North Africajust another silly question....
Easy as in not needed as much stuff. Less issue's, unless you been red flagged. The fun part is at interview for Morocco. I take it maybe your's was not so easy by your comment!

LOL :lol:

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-06 23:18:00
Middle East and North Africajust another silly question....
Affidavits from your parents seem to be really important to them.

I'd emphasize quality over quantity, personally. If you have some evidence that you really want to make sure the CO sees, include it. If you have red flags and you feel like you have evidence that does a good job of addressing those red flags, include that. I question sometimes how much front loading really helps, or whether it's appropriate in all situations. I mean, probably 90% of the long distance couples have thousands of pages of chats and emails and phone bills and hundreds of photos from their trips, right? I do think that affidavits are valuable, especially from your side of the family or from your friends.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck! (F)

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-04 09:33:00
Middle East and North Africajust another silly question....
This is true, front loading can actually flag you. By making them think are you are trying to over state certain things. Send bascis unless they request for more. RFE's are dreaded but they have them for a reason. Most times it is the marriages that get the most RFE's.


Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-04 05:02:00
Middle East and North Africajust another silly question....
The question is to front load or not. Since it is a K-1 it is a easy visa. You only need the basics for this visa, like emails, snail mail, chats maybe some written statements form friends and family. Now if you 2 were married that would be a different story I would front load that thing like none other. If for any reason they think they need more evidence they will request it. But K-1 are pretty simple... But that does not mean the interview is to simple. Ohh and make sure you have pictures.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-04 05:00:00
You are paying a notary fee that is all. Becasue the form has to be notarized for the Egyptian minastry to except it now. Not a big deal.

We didn't pay a fee for that part but that was back in Jan. 2006. We paid for stamps and stuff before getting married but there wasn't a fee for the permission paper. I'm surprised they're charging so much now.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-20 23:47:00
If u still want a islamic wedding you can still track ur records. Since the church is not standing today, can go to the local catholic church. They can help you track ur records. And it is faster now they can do it all online now.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-15 15:39:00
Aha!!! that is something we need to If a islamic marriage then yes proof would be needed. But marriage in egypt through the embassy so easy.

I got married at the embassy too. Didn't need any papers at all to show what religion I was. But maybe she is talking about having an islamic marriage?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-15 10:16:00
Egypt does not follow all Sharia law. I married there had no problem did not have to show proof only say verably i was christian at the time. That is it and it was done. There more woried you have all your stamps and all information is correct on the papers.

If you marry in Egypt, you must prove you're part of a monotheistic religions: christian, jewish or muslim. It is Sharia Law. If you have been baptized or had your first communion, try to get that. Ask the embassy about it. The peers I know that have married in Egypt are muslims, therefore it was seamless to get a 'certification.'

That I am interested in knowing too. And then there was talk of Sharia law, now she will be really scared.

I too married in Egypt and wasn't required to have a certificate of religion. Who is asking for it and is it a new requirement?

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-15 09:11:00
I maried in Egypt and did not need to provide proof of my religion they just ask christian or muslim. That is it. So don't stress over it. But if it makes you feel better to you provide a baptism certificate, the church that baptised you will have that paper for you, all you have to do is call that church. I was catholoic. But you will not need it.
Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-08-15 09:06:00
Middle East and North Africabest service to send Doc. to Egypt
He lives in Cario. I have to say when i went to Alexandria it was way more organized there then

Where does he live? My husband lives in Alexandria Louran. And as I said I think the post man is used to his address cause I sent him probably over 40 cards weekly. So, regular post just costs me 3 stamps!!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-28 18:53:00
Middle East and North Africabest service to send Doc. to Egypt
I have not ever had postal mail delivered that fast for I had not had a problem with fed-ex, except they can not find his address and we had to call them to give directions to deliever. Post always seems to take almost 3 weeks. Where fed-ex is 4 days on ecomony rate. But the rates is enough to make me kill

I do not choose to get a receipt. My letter does not go through any declarations. As I wrote I just send it regular mail and he gets is within 8 to 10 days. I found when I sent using fed ex or priority mail that it actually takes longer because of the customs having to look at it and scan it. So, I choose to send regular mail and I have not had any issue with lost mail. It gets to him safely.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02011-12-28 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaLadies of MENA currently in Egypt?
My hasband asked me to not come till after the elections. He is positive it will be more crazy then what it is right now. And it may require 2 elections. And I am thinking more of., it will be end of June or beginning of July I am not going to leave the flat cuz it will be hot to do

Hi ladies (and gentlemen),

Wanted to pop in here and see if any of you are currently in Egypt. I'd like to plan a trip, but it seems a little nuts there right now. Opinions?

Thanks, all!

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02012-04-30 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaTLC ( the learning channel) being 70 & pregnant
Ummm... instead of figuring out what is good or right. Think of it from a childs point of view. Parents with health issues are hard on children. Maybe the child at a young age may become resonible of taking care of them in there teenage years. The child don't have a choice. My mom is not in perfect health and she helps me a lot with my children as I have to work . I can say for a fact my teenage son and almost teenage daughter has a big impact on her blood pressure. And she is in her early 60's . There is no way I would even ask my mom to keep up with a infant or toddler. Not that she is not capable, but out of respect.

You'll are comparing your comments to maybe what has happen to your parents, but older health issues for woman have come a long way. Yes, an older woman can die but would you base your decision on doing what you want to do on the unknown factor.

Based on your ideal answers, an older woman shouldn't even get married at that age, nor should be be caring for her family. I have new for all of you'll who hasn't had your first child, an older woman would be able to do it better than you at an younger age. What they will have over the younger age is wisdom and experience. Raising children requires these 2 assets more than energy or good health.

Handicap woman have children.

Angel Eyes YuseefFemale02012-05-02 16:39:00