Philippinesim home...

Congratulations! Gen and I hope to share the same story in the next couple months! You are almost local to us so if you take a wrong turn near Albuquerque, look us up.

sounds like a plan my messanger is on the profile page it me up i am sure we will be doing some road trips
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 11:49:00
Philippinesim home...
baby po....I dont need anything as long as I spend the day with you and the kids that is all I will ever need ok!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 10:27:00
Philippinesim home...
:dance: :dance: :dance: yeah...hello happy now with a safety trip...thank with charlie now..charlie and i will happy together,,,thank u guys for having u here posting message to calm charlie down while im on the air... :) i really like the i am starting for a new environment. and new life with charlie..we are going to get married soon..oopss...for the next month charlie celebrating his bday,i dont know wat will i me guys...i want charlie to get him happy... :unsure: ...thank u..godbless all...
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 22:35:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

true, but the NVC controls the destiny now once I get everything sent to them. Of course I will send it express from alaska when I get back....I will just have to do a coverletter for each package and fill out the 864. All I can hope is they will not want my 2009 tax return as I'm not sure if the document I have to certify Mhay's passport copy will satisfy the IRS so she will get an ITIN. I will have to get some tax advice when I get back....a lot of changes in my life in the last year.

scott dont worry I am sure everything will be fine since you were serving they cant be blind to that !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 08:32:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!
i still cant get used to someone wanting to do everything for long does that last for????? also hopp where you from? .....the cutest thing is when I came home from work she was hungry but couldnt cook anything since she didnt know how to use it !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 20:44:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

Congratz, Charlie! I am still getting used to have the little woman here myself. She makes me feel like a million bucks with her on my arm at the mall. Makes all the waiting and paperwork shuffling worth it!

She's cooking up some pancit bihon fresh and hot as I type.

Look out Vegas, here we come!

Posted Image

when u heading to vegas????
we were talking about going up there for a weekend since I used to go all the time she wants to go to see the lights!!! just want to see the tables !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 20:39:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

Yeah, Mhay is telling me that if I cant find a cheap ticket for myself, that she could travel alone. the thing that sucks is I will only be able to get about 2 weeks off to come get her because of my job in alaska, right now we are shooting for the last week of may and beginning of june. I think it would be a an act of GOD to get us an interview in April.

You never know I had it in my head she would be here in april but look what happened ....just keep plugging
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 10:45:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

yeah, the first time I left mhay was when I left korea and she was still there....second time was right after we got married (left 3 sept after getting married on 29 august) i have to leave again after being here almost a month. At least this time shouldnt be very long. I just hope ticket prices start coming back into check so I can come back here to pick Mhay up to be with me.

yeah i know what you are talking about !!!! I wanted to fly out there for everything but couldnt afford it at that time with my buisness in the crapper because of this economy!! you do what you have to do !!!!......I can tell you if she has to fly alone really dont worry pam was scarred but she made so many friends on heer 2 flights and she said that her point of entry was so easy all they did was ask what type of visa she was on and asked her who I was and then they said welcome to america and gave her the date we have to be married by or she has to go home!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 10:25:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

Yeah the stuff I have to send to the NVC is because of the Spouse visa. I will add you to my YM. I cant wait for all the headaches to be over! It is only a short way off. Enjoy the time you have with your future wife! I have to leave here in a couple of days :(

got the that sucks I hated leaving the last time I left her
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 10:17:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

It's good that all the waiting is over now. Take some time and relax with Pam.

We will be a couple of months behind. Just got a pass on the medical. Sending the stuff to the NVC next week when I get back from the PI.

that is great!!!...I know pam cant wait !!!!! but can I ask what do you have to send to the NVC? Is that because of the CR-1? BTW my yahoo is charliedefelice@yahoo when u are onlive and want to chat with her send me a message I get them on my phone and I will have her get on if she is not already on !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 09:36:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!
ok I am back thanks for the laughs Dain,duplantijj & Jared what a feeling to have here here now!!!! just so u everone knows My computer was working and when she was not in bed "sleeping" hehehehe.......she was online with all her family and friends from home so I couldnt get near it!!! but wow I forgot what it was like to have someone in bed with me I think I rolled over on her a few times las night!!! .........I must say though the weirdest thing was not sitting infront of the computer for hours talking to her on line .....just having her in front of me able to actually touch her is the best felling of all!!!

Congrats!!! What is the POE?

Better have warm clothes ready!! She will be cold.

point of entry .......yes I did but she was cold when she first got here but last night she was fine
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 09:33:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!
Thanks for all the replies dorry I wasn't online earlier I had a couple come over the house to take me out to eat because they knew I was so nervous - would forget to eat!!!! I am sitting at the airport her flight is delayed (of coarse!!!) I will try to answer some quesations.......yes the house is clean (my friends were laughing at me about it) be cause I was obsessed with cleaning it!!! Lol.....why do I need a towel? Omg - am looking out the airport window and the plane just pulled up!!! Talk to everyone later
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-24 01:51:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

I'll tell you its unexplainable! ;) when i saw my husband at the lobby of the airport he have a huge smile on his face but instead of giving him a hug and a kiss i bite him just to make sure he's my husband cause he's wearing his ACU uniform that time :lol:

lol...that is a great idea ....I should have her pinch me to make sure I am not dreaming !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-23 11:19:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

congrats, the day has finally come!! We just did the first day of the medical. I will be sending the 230 package and AOS next week.

that is great !!! U both will be together before you know it !!!

Congratulations! May God will bless her trip and the union of you and her together...She will be fine....

Just get ready and prepare for her coming......Yeheyy...... :dance: :dance: :dance:

(Pls. dont forget to give her some surprises,hehehe)

I wont forget I just dont know how I will react when I see her walk through the gates !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-23 09:34:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!

blessings in your new life!


thank you!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-23 08:49:00
PhilippinesPam is in the air!!!!
well she is on her way left at 5 am this morning!!!! Please pray for a safe trip !!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-23 08:40:00
PhilippinesMrs Confused & Tired
wow....this is a touchy subject since it seems his exwife is exactly like mine !!!!!......I have 2 kids with her and she cant say anything nice about me to the kids or about Pam to others she has brain washed so many of my old friends with the whole "mail order bride" story and loves to lie to try to make herself look better !!!! She even went as far to say this week that she doesn't want Pam alone with the kids!!!!.......My advice is that, and please dont take this the wrong way, he has to get some balls and stand firm and talk to her about it......It is joint custody for a reason....he should start to keep a journal of all the things she says and does that is harmfull (emotionally) to him, you , and the children so when the time comes for a custody hearing (which unfortunatly it will) he has the dates and examples for the judge on what type of actions she was doing, so he can show what type of person she is ....It is unfortunate but most american girls after a divorce want to see there ex's misserable and not in love!!!...In your case it is worse since she couldn't have kids and you gave him the thing he always wanted....... him having his own child from his sperm!!!......I know what you are going through so if you want to talk pm me ok?

Edited by charlie&pam, 26 February 2010 - 08:53 AM.

charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 08:50:00
PhilippinesVISA RECIEVED!!! YAY!!!
congrats !!!! when do you plan on leaving ?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 09:38:00

Thank You!

Its been awhile since my last post, was able to read all your response. Thank you for expressing your advice and sympathy that in some way it made me feel better. It made me realize also that I need more myself to love before the other half. Id like to say that your posts guys made me stonger and that I need this marriage to work and not just sit and cry in one corner and that i need to do things that will make him realize also my worth.

Recent news that i heard from him is the friend is in prison now for 6months. Dont know exactly why but she has ticket of driving without license, used other names and others. As of today we are bit fine however, i can sense that his treatment with me has been changed differently he doesnt greet me in the morning or even kiss me. I could careless, if he treats me that way fine.

Again Thank you....

sorry to hear that sounds like what my exwife used to do that is why she is an ex!!!.......try as hard as you can only you will know when it is over or it can be salvaged .....My heart goes out to you
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-01-12 20:29:00
Philippinesi need some explanation here

hey - yer welcome - now steam me some dumplings, d@mmit ! ;)

u wanna come over and eat on wednesday???? lol
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-22 00:54:00
Philippinesi need some explanation here
darnell hit it right on the head!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-21 21:24:00
pam put down for visa and had no problem
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-02 08:29:00

i just would like to know if a late birth registry is still a big deal for the USEM .Ive had my late registry of birth 2008..i wonder if someone has the same worry as mine?

sorry i am a little confused what do you mean by a late birth registry? expain it to give us more detail maybe we can help
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 08:39:00
PhilippinesNeed help K-1 visa
yeah..that's good..good done for k1 already here at arizona with my fiance,were done almost 5-6 months processing...GODBLESS :thumbs:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-04 17:19:00
PhilippinesWife approved but
######!!! I AM REALLY SORRY TO HEAR THAT!!!!! I hope it is something simple !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-05 20:03:00
PhilippinesWife approved but
it is possible...congrats in advance!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-03 12:25:00
Philippinesk1 visa approved!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-08 15:33:00
Philippinespictures of having met in person

Hi all...
I'm just worried and confused about some things right now. Need your help again guys.

1. My fiance visited me only once (April 2008). My question is, is it ok to bring to the interview our pictures together even though they were taken more than 2 years ago?
2. My fiance has been temporarily laid off from his job since December 2009. We don't know when he's going back to work. Should we wait till he gets back to work before setting up an appointment at the embassy or just go on with the interview? And if we do go on with the interview, he doesn't have any recent pay stub :(

Thank you. Your replies will be highly appreciated.

honestly and i may be wrong but I believe he needs to see you within 2 years maybe I am wrong but I know you will get your answers here!!!! Good luck on the rest of your journey !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-08 10:22:00
PhilippinesMarried life is great

Did you get any stares when you were in the Philippines ? When I was there people were always staring at me because I'm white.

The funniest of all was when I went to the beach on Christmas with my fiancee and her family. People stopped eating and talking and were looking at me. But the funniest of all was people wading and swimming in the ocean. They stopped swimming or whatever and just stood there staring at me when we walked down the path. I was the only white on the whole beach.
People often yelled at me "Hey Joe!" when I was going down the road in the town.

I guess people's stares in the Philippines are different ? I got used to it. I know they are just curious stares because there's very few whites where I went. :)

I'm sorry some people are rude where you are when they have no reason to behave that way.

Really everyone is the the USA is from another country but for the american indian..

LOL...I know what you are talking about !!!....In the province where Pam lived I was getting so many stares I told her we should charge 5 pesos for every stare and It would pay for our weekend in Baguio
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-08 10:15:00
PhilippinesMarried life is great
well lets be honest here.....We all knew going into the relationships that there would be some people that dissapprove!!!!!.....My personal experience is with my own family ....with my ex wife she was 1/2 mexican and 1/2 american indian and once they found out they stopped talking to me also they have never seen there 2 grandkids....So there are people like that all over you just have to realize that the only thing that matters is what is in your own heart and how you feel....also this happened on Saturday to us ....we went over to one of my sons friends house to meet the parents to ask if it was ok if the kids went into the pool, since they were bugging us so much to do it, (they are Mexican) .......well long story short they thought Pam was mexican when they realized she wasn't they were appologizing and said that with the features she has she looks like it!!!!......Also with us being in Phoenix it seems that every other couple you see is a "mixed" couple so we really dont get the stared like other areas.
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-08 09:16:00
PhilippinesQuestions about online Filipina sites like FilipinaHeart and CherryBlossom.

It is pretty interesting. So far every girl that I've asked about this during chat has indicated that it's not a problem. Even girls who put in their profile that they want a "God-fearing" man. So it's good to see. :)

I'm not sure if I want kids to be honest. But I'm still willing to consider it.

well with me and pam she is a born again and we have another friend who married a filipino and she was mormon ....religons are religons...My Pam knew I lost my faith years ago and she still accepts me for who I am and I also let her do all her religous stuff with no problem as long as there is no preaching to my ears!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-10 13:27:00
Philippinesmanaging Finances

Thanks, see Everyone is right as we did not discuss this previously. I agree with you on the vows. We are now one. So figured our two checks are also as one and thats the reason I didn't feel there was a need to discuss it before hand. Every time I want to talk to her about it she says that I'm her slave to pay the bills. I tell her its not like that and I'm not the only who uses the house, electric, phone ect. and we both need to work to pay down the debt especially since we want to have kids. I know before we always said what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. so we kind of did talk about it in a way just not in detail.

The reason I was asking if its the Filipino culture is because she feels so strongly about this. and she tells me thats how it is over there.

each person has their own beliefs with their family ...but i honestly dont think that is how it Pam knows we have to take care of us and our family first before we can splurge on other things that are personal ...there will be a time and place for that but try to have her understand that once the bills are paid u can go out and travel and enjoy things more so you can enjoy life better together
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-09 15:59:00
Philippinesmanaging Finances
john, I will throw my 2 cents in here ......You have to open the lines of communication better u know like all of us when they get tampo it is very hard to reverse but when u both are like that you will not open up to each other like a couple should.....u both have to sit down and talk about it no matter how hard it is ...u have to make her understand that u are a family and need to talk to make things work out ....I know it is hard but it has to be done!!!.....also I hope you are using a different account so she doesn't see this thread and it makes things worse .....once u get her to understand I know she will see where she is comming from and u can see where she is comming from and come to a very happy medium !!!...Good luck to you john !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-09 15:51:00
PhilippinesThank you!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-14 21:12:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa Approved
great news!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-19 07:19:00
PhilippinesWhat makes you say, "I am happy to have him in my life."
I really thankful to GOD bec. my hubby was so not looking perfect life the most important is u are happy together no matter what happen,no matter what your life going on"simple life is ok for me don't get stress too much for thinking a lot ok?"IM HAPPY TO HAVE HIM IN MY LIFE !!!!
I like the way he is,
"Mapagmahal specially he really loves kids"WOW...
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-25 14:33:00
PhilippinesComedy or truth ?

I'm with Charlie.. It's all in good fun.. Nobody got hurt, just letting out a little steam...

Hey Charlie, how's the married life treating ya?

the wedding isnt till the 18th of april but I have all my friends telling me it is good to have the old Charlieback again since I am not stressed out and smiling all the time again...I wonder why I am smiling all the time!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-23 09:59:00
PhilippinesComedy or truth ?
wow..people chill out !!!! To the OP keep it here with us u know we joke around all he time so keep them in our forum!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-22 09:56:00
Philippinesfor the guys!! How do YOU deal with Tampo?

Hahaha odd post.

What about understanding that you are likely going to be testy with each and giving each other some psychological space. Any time any one person in the relationship is irritate for whatever reason, isn't it best to not engage in anything that'll escalate a seemingly small issue or problem and wait until you're both in a positive frame to talk about things. There is little point in having a knock down quarrel or argument because of frustration and anger.

It's just conflict, not rocket science. Conflict resolution skills 101. And while not always easy to do, I believe in going hard on the issue and easy on the people as a general philosophy. We tend to go hard on the people and the issue can get obscured and things get personalized...

Or you can move out of the house for a while hahahaha .... :rofl:

Don't take this the wrong way ...I know you are after a canadian but Tampo is a social thing and how they act when upset ...they will not yell or argue in this state before giving answers like that you should look into what it is that u are responding to...

Is it your tampo, or is it her tampo? :whistle:

I dont get Tampo because I know when we get to go to bed we make up !!!Tahoma I love how you always bust my balls !!!

Fill her purse up with Benjamins and tow her to Wild Horse Pass. Or, make a reservation with Talking Stick and be the first guests when the resort opens next month.

When are you working PM me so we can make arraingments to come down!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-27 17:04:00
Philippinesfor the guys!! How do YOU deal with Tampo?

Right! LOL.... next week I might be there at your house again lol. I love being adopted for a day :thumbs:
and so another solution in dealing with the tampo? talk to me. HAHA I'm kidding. And oh, deleting the myspace account wasn't a bad decision :P Oh no I'm getting too nosy :lol:

yeah I .....we love adopting you!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-27 16:57:00