Philippinesanyone have there POE in hawaii?

Tell her NOT to walk as Hawaiian domestic is all the way down to the other end of the terminal.
Have her get the Wiki Wiki bus.

when i flew hawaiin in septmber I think I only had to walk over 3 gates if i remember ???? so they have more than 1 terminal?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 11:42:00
Philippinesanyone have there POE in hawaii?

Meet her in Honilulu and have a bitching "pre honey moon".
When she gets off the international flight she can get her baggage and walk out to the street. Have her ask the guard there where she can get on the "Wiki Wwiki" bus which will take her to the domestic flight for free.
One comes by every 20 minutes or so.
It can be a long walk depending on which domestic airlines she will be flying.

yes it would be hawaiin air
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 11:23:00
Philippinesanyone have there POE in hawaii?

This is what I did too. Ever is flying on the 25th to Hawaii with a 3 hour layover then on to Seattle from there. I got the tix a long time ago for $612.


I was thinking the 23rd or 25th they are asking 790 now
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 10:21:00
Philippinesanyone have there POE in hawaii?
Hello everyone I am trying to decide flights and I am leaning towards hawaiian air ,$15 more but only 1 stop and 6 less hours of travel of San Fran is the poe in Hawaii? I know the terminal is smaller and will be easy for her to go from one plane to the next!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 09:06:00
Philippinesok i know i posted about my space but it is in here visa paperwork????

Agree with the previous warnings bout messing with the packet. The warning is clear..DO NOT OPEN OR EVEN ATTEMPT TO OPEN. "Don't get over excited, Don't lose you head" (willie wonka/johnny depp words of warning to the children after opening the door to the chocolate factory).

Our packet was stuffed full of the various evidence docs we provided. The POE officer even commented.."wow, this is the biggest visa packet i've ever seen!"

Don't worry. You got the visa.

hmm..yes i never open envelop,just only peek...and im happy to have my visa in hand..thank god... :dance: :whistle: thnak u...
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 21:01:00
Philippinesok i know i posted about my space but it is in here visa paperwork????

:P You know what curiosity did to the cat don't you? I wonder what that says about someone...Better not put out any Christmas presents until you're ready for them to be opened next year! :lol:

LOL....that is a great point !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 16:15:00
Philippinesok i know i posted about my space but it is in here visa paperwork????
ok Pam said that she peeked in the slit on the visa and she saw a printout of her myspace page in there???? why would that be there? Would they ask her about it at POE?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-12 11:27:00
PhilippinesFEBRUARY 2010 interviews lets gather up

goodluck =] to us all..soo exciting and nervous ..cant wait to be with our love ones sooon!!!

just think in a few weeks just think of the valentines day you can have
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-01-12 20:34:00
PhilippinesFEBRUARY 2010 interviews lets gather up
i will be calling tomorrow so i assume I will be all over this thread!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-01-12 20:25:00
PhilippinesWhat did you get your sweetheart for Valentines ?

I sent myself....hehe.....i was able to get time off work after my deployment to be able to spend a month with my wife.

that is awesome!!!!! good for you !!!!....I am flying her out that week so I dont know what to do yet once she gets the visa in hand she is comming home!!!!...I hope I will be enought of a gift for her!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-11 09:17:00
Philippineswhy do Pinays
QUOTE (tallcoolone @ Dec 6 2009, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mark&Gladys @ Dec 6 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
However, there IS a difference when it comes to relationships. In general (and there ARE exceptions) white women in the USA have never experienced true hardship. They do not really understand the concept of community and relationships. They often do not appreciate discipline and sacrifice and are very materialistic. They are focused on careers and a new car - not on a husband and family. I am not even saying this is all bad - just reality. But they tend to be spoiled and driven by their careers. Relationships are a distant second for many. Consequently, it is hard for men who want a more traditional marriage and relationship to find a woman in the USA that meets their needs.

I will use you as example with my apologies. I initially thought your login name was a bit strange for a filipina. Now I see that you are not from the Philippines and it makes more sense to me. In fact, no filipina would use a name like that. They are too discrete, honorable and conservative. If that does not make sense to you then you really do not understand what a filipina is. What do you imagine that most people think when they read your login name? Immediately, I discounted as someone only interested in partying and selfish physical/material pleasures - someone who does not really understand relationships and the importance of family and relationships. That is absolutely typical for most women in the USA and is exactly why most of us appreciate the values, beauty (physical and otherwise) and unconditional love we found in the Philippines.

I nominate this for Post of the Year

Amazing Post, very well stated...............

I second the nomination!!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2009-12-07 08:56:00
PhilippinesI finally sent it in!
congrat!!! and good luck ....haven't seen you around!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-11 08:58:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

yeah, but you wont be on here for a couple of days.(that's what i meant)...that is understandable....hehe

yes I will proabably be in bed recoperating
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-20 23:00:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

good deal...looks like Pam will be with you soon! Congrats! I'm sure you will be MIA for a couple of days when she first gets there.

i would like to but cant get anyone to cover my cases for wednesday so I get her at the airport!!!! try to :devil: :devil: :devil:

then go to the office and to court
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-20 20:47:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

Yeah, been thinking the same thing. Bohol seems like a decent place to spend all that Social Security money and live like a retired king..... oh nevermind, there won't be any of that left in 20 years. :angry:

lol...u r right!!! we have been talking about home restaurants for the family
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-19 12:20:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

LOL I tell you what, I think I'm going to be in the same boat.. Maybe I'll one day reach the deity level on the VJ boards :rofl:

lol...see i figure I will probably be retired when all is said and that time I will be asking people for advice on who retired and moved back to the Phils!!! :whistle:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-19 11:32:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need


You're going to have to keep us kano's going even after Pam gets there.. I remember seeing your posts from a few months ago when you were about to start pulling out your hair waiting on the NOA2. I'm about there brother, it's only been 2 months but it feels like even longer. I got back almost 3 weeks ago from a trip, meeting my fiancee in Hong Kong.. I'm going back on May 1st to meet up with her in Manila and spend a few days in Bohol. My sweetie is so excited to see the tarsiers on Bohol Island :wub:

Congrats and best of wishes to you both!


well I am not going anywhere!!! We still will have the AOS to go through all the way to the 10 year green card so I will probably be here for another 30 years!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-19 08:50:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

When entering the airport the ticket counters are directly in front of you. When I paid this fee I had to go to a central desk, sort of in the middle of all the ticket counters.

The ticketing agent will direct you.

No need to worry about that!! :)

ok thanks shir!!!!! She is just all nervous since she has never flown before !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-18 10:07:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

theres a booth at the airport where you can pay the terminal fee/travel tax

is when you are walking to the terminals or that glass booth in the middle of the floor where the ticket counters are?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-18 08:45:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

Yeah, they got me leaving Cebu last time. I totally forgot about terminal fees and gave my girl every scrap of pesos I had left in my pockets. Then I got to the hallway of PTA...the ONLY way into terminal is by paying that fee...and luckily I had a $20 US bill in my wallet.....the damn PTA didn't have US change..but took my $20 and let me pass..... :angry:

the PTA is at the airport right? is that where we had to pay the 750 pesos?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-18 08:21:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

my hubby got me a ticket thru expedia also and emailed me the e-ticket and all the details. They never ask me any copy of my hubby's cc and it was a straight flight from Manila to LAX for $750 13 hours flight only then he picked me up in the airport and stayed in hotel :) No hassle at POE. God bless you and Pam.

I did get the ticket through expedia !!!!it was the same on line price as hawaiin air but they woulkdnt let me book it on line through hawaiin if it wasnt for me I had to call them and they wanted and extra 25 so I called expedia and got her ticket for the online price, in her name, without the added fee !!!! I am still sending her a copy of the credit card and my id just in case!!! ....better to be safe than sorry !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-17 22:24:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

My situation is a little different since she's flying March 23rd thus lower rate and just from Hong Kong to NYC and that's it... No Phoenix leg... Don't know if they (Cathay) flies anywhere near there though...

Sounds like your way may be the only way since she has no debit/credit card of her own...

I'm trying to get my wife to fly alone cause me meeting her in Manila to fly out together sounds romantic and reassuring but it is also a $1600 or more waste of money.

Told her we could get some brand new furniture or clothes for her with that money.

Told her it shouldn't be that bad... Get in metal flying tube from Manila to Hong Kong and repeat one more time to NYC... In a plane full of Filipino bretheren...

Meet in NYC and fly together to Baltimore...

yeah i had to talk her into it the same way told her we would use the money i saved on my flight for the honeymoon !!!!!

To avoid fraudulent transactions and to protect credit card owners, most airline that I know of, like PAL reserves the right to require that the credit card used in purchasing the ticket(s) online be presented at the ticket collection point, upon check-in or in cases of reissuance, rebooking or refund of a ticket. I used a travel agency to avoid the photocopies and hassles.

If the credit card owner is not part of the travelling party and is unable to present the credit card used, PAL also reserves the right to require the presentation of clear photocopies of the front of the credit card and the valid PHOTO ID of the credit card owner at the ticket collection point, upon check-in and in cases of reissuance, rebooking and/or refund.

It shall be the responsibility of the credit card owner to ensure that the passenger(s) comply with the requirement. PAL reserves the right to deny boarding to passenger(s) or refuse to reissue, revalidate, rebook or refund a ticket for failure to comply with foregoing requirements.

Without prejudice to criminal prosecution under Republic Act No. 8484, PAL may cancel a confirmed reservation or may remove from any flight any passenger if PAL has reason to believe that a ticket(s) has been purchased using a fraudulent credit card.

that is PAL policies !!!! but thank you for all that info!!!! I did book the flight though today
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-17 22:21:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

How about this.... I'm thinking of sending her $900 and having her go online to Cathay Pacific and buy her one way ticket for $845 from Manila to NYC where we meet and fly together to Baltimore...

The only benefits I see is that she is buing the ticket with her own debit/credit card and only has to show her ID at the airport.

Would such a scenario work for you?

lol....i just checked out cathay pacific and they wanted $2023.00 for the trip???? one way listen to this manila to hong kong ...then hong kong to JFK?????...then from JFK to Phoenix!!!!! 34 hours total!!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-17 12:10:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need

How about this.... I'm thinking of sending her $900 and having her go online to Cathay Pacific and buy her one way ticket for $845 from Manila to NYC where we meet and fly together to Baltimore...

The only benefits I see is that she is buing the ticket with her own debit/credit card and only has to show her ID at the airport.

Would such a scenario work for you?

if she had a credit card it would be perfect!!!! hawaiin air is 790.00 gor her trip only 19 hours total
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-17 12:03:00
Philippinesbuying the ticket for Pam to come here what does she need
ok I am getting the ticket tomorrow though expedia....I know she will need the e ticket but I have read (I think) that she will need a copy of the credit card and my ID that true????? Expedia and hawaiin air lines are the same exact price should I just call hawaiin and do it through them?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-17 10:45:00
PhilippinesDoes Fiancee need Bank Account ?
pam never needed one
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-18 10:04:00
Philippinespink slip
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-19 08:46:00
PhilippinesMailed I129K Today
it is the first step of a long and tiring trip but well worth it
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-25 10:58:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

I had IUD for almost 6 years... worked out great.. I took it out December '09 coz me and my husband thinks we're ready to have one.. since my first child is almost 7 years old ...

it only took less than 3 minutes to put it in.. no pain or discomfort..

and its free in your local health clinic. =)

cool...because that is what she wants she has read about everything she wants the IUD ir possibly Nova ring
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 09:10:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!! get the prescription for the birth control pills from Planned Parenthood, or your community public health clinic, or your doctor. Then you take the prescription to WalMart and buy the pills. Planned Parenthood may even provide both the prescription and the birth control pills.

cool I will google it and see what I have in my area
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-22 10:11:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

Condoms are no fun.

BCP are great. Just take them in the morning or night like a vitamin pill or after brushing your teeth. The first or so she might be a little moody--man, I threw some temper tantrums, but her body will adjust soon to the extra estrogen. No smoking though, and I assume she's under 35.

yes she is 24 in a few weeks we can just go to walmart and ask for them for the perscription?

If it's only for a month, just pull out pornstar-style. Or use a condom (and still pull out, those things are just as effective as pulling out)

Just make sure you always pull out. Don't combine with rhythm and there's only a 4% chance of pregnancy.



What do they call people who practice rhythm method for birth control??


lol...thanks dain u just put alot of thoughts into my head!!!! lol

Edited by charlie&pam, 22 February 2010 - 09:37 AM.

charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-22 09:37:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

Wow...$9 per month for the pill is a great price! That's a lot less expensive than the 60-70 rubbers per month Charlie would need. ;)

OMG !!! I just really laughed so hard when I saw that !!! that is great !!!!

Your local planned parenthood can get the prescription for free, then the pill is between $9 (walmart generic, $12 Walgreens and $15 at other places)...

ok ....we were talking about an IUD ...can u get that from planned parenting? since it will be 30 days for the pill to take affect then will be time for the wedding ....then i can get her on insurance anyway

Edited by charlie&pam, 22 February 2010 - 12:52 AM.

charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-22 00:51:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

Go to Planned Parenthood and get her a prescription for BCP. Walmart sells pills for $9.

see that was what i was looking for somw real advice not what all others are saying !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-21 21:23:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

LOL, you laugh at this.. But I have a feeling my May is going to be wanting 3 kids in a row.. She's already planning on getting me one of those baby slings to carry the kids around in.. We saw a really chubby baby in Davao and she informed me that she doesn't want to carry a heavy baby and it would look much cuter if I carry em'... :wub:

This will be me...
Posted Image

FROM PAST EXPERIENCE ....I can tell you those slings are great!!! get one !!! u will be so happy they comfort......and u will have him/her with u and get a bond going
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-21 21:21:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

I had to be blunt on this one.. But if you're agreeing to having 5 kids (blessings).. How old do you want to be when the youngest is heading off to college..... :P

Don't wait too long if you can afford them now..

charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-21 21:19:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

Use self controll or protection, but if God provides you both a blessing then let it be.

so u mean to tell me u could use self "control" whne ur wife came out to be with u forever ???? If you say yes then I say " BULL-######!!!!!"
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-21 21:17:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

If you agree with her having 5, why not? Pills or condoms are available. I think, your insurance may cover her birth control prescription. You can inquire about this. However, about me I'm not using anything. We've been trying for four years. :devil:

sorry u have been trying for so long !!!!! If u were near me I could give u a name of a real good doctor to help that !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-21 21:15:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!

Charlie...what do you mean by may!?! :whistle:

ok bad choice of words that is why i said read between the lines !!!

Charlie, just get a vasectomy, will you? :whistle:

I would but she says that she wants 5
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-20 22:58:00
Philippinesa question for the guys here that have there loved ones with them now!!!
i know this might be a little bit of a hot topic but I was curious....please read between the lines on this question......we have talked about waiting a couple to 3 years till we start having kids .........uuuuummmmmm.....I know I can get her on my insurance when we get married (that is in 6 weeks) ......beside the obvious there any type of program or a service that she can go to to get a thing she may need before that so she doesnt get prgo right away? Please dont blast me for this question!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-20 21:01:00
Philippinesim home...

Congratulations! Gen and I hope to share the same story in the next couple months! You are almost local to us so if you take a wrong turn near Albuquerque, look us up.

sounds like a plan my messanger is on the profile page it me up i am sure we will be doing some road trips
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-02-26 11:49:00