Philippinesstarting the AOS

Congrats on the wedding!! We're down to our last 2 weeks until we are together again. I cant wait for more talking on the computer!

Also, yes I would do the forms in her married name if she wanted it changed.

Thanks!!!!....yes it is weird having her here and not talking on the computer!!!....It took a while to get used to being able to touch each other every night instead of doing the "CAM" thing.....LMAO!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-24 12:04:00
Philippinesstarting the AOS
ok downloaded all the forms I put her married name on it? or her maiden name ?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-23 11:16:00
Philippinesstarting the AOS

Don't forget to include the check. Is it still $1010? Ouch!

Yeah I got that one!!!!.....slap in the butt!!! our reply "THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!!!"

Don't forget to sign all necessary forms!
Ouch, ouch! :crying:

I planned on doing the forms this weekend!!!! it as many as all the forms we had to fill out the first time?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-23 09:58:00
Philippinesstarting the AOS
ok ...hello all my brothers and sisters!!!! now I am starting the AOS this week !!!!! YIPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! what things do I have to do that some people simply forget to do???????? Do I have to make an appointment for a doctors appointment here?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-23 08:22:00
PhilippinesPhillipino Fiance
rick good luck this place (VJ) is great trust me I think I put the people here through a ringer and they still will help anytime you need it!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-29 11:06:00
PhilippinesGot my visa...( But i have problem)
CONGRATZ..GODBLESS.HAVE A SAFE TRIP..... :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-29 18:29:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
wow what was he thinking!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-06 09:11:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
good point!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-04 08:15:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill

Okay, Chuck and Spam. What do you care? Why does it matter to you so much? You like lawyers, or something, cuz they are the only ones that will profit from crying over spilled milk. :wacko:

WOW!!! you are on a roll today !!!!....I just read your recent posts and it seems like you have nothing good to say to anyone!!!!...I know it is a forum so you can voice your opinions so go ahead and just be the malace person you are being today.....I will also answer your comments about lawers, since that is the field I am in I guess the answer is YES I like lawers !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-30 09:47:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill

Here's a little off-topic political joke I got:

A $50 Lesson

I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats,were standing there, so I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? '

She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'

Her parents beamed with pride.

'Wow...what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds,and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house. '

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ' Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work,and you can just pay him the $50? '

I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'

Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

Yeah I am used to being screwed by now...almost 15 years in the military will do that.

lol!!!!!.....I just forwarded that 2 about 20 people !!!! wouldn't last a week picking asparagus. :lol:

lmao...I am in Arizona all I need is for "someone" to do the yard work when it is 115 outside I will not last durring that!!!

I say let the Illegals girls that are pretty and skinny stay in the USA.

As for the rest of them, I saw round them up and ship them out ASAP......

I agree buit they would need places to stay!!!...any voluteers?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-30 08:32:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill

This is a very touchy subject, first of all I am happy for Arizona, I am by heart patriotic and I am not white I am of Filipino origin. My family migrated here to the UNITED STATES the LEGAL way back in the early 1900s. For fairness with everyone else, including all the members here that is going thru the immigration process legally, I believe if you are not LEGAL then you need to get out, its as simple as that. I can go on and on and on, I pay my taxes, served my country but yet at times I see that the illegals are getting a better deal then me. For me It does not matter what is your race, whether you are Canadian, MEXICAN, Filipino or whatever, if you are not legal then its time to get out of the UNITED STATES.

it is not just the arizona laws it is the pardon that Obama wants to give all the illegals that are in the country right now!!!....there are people here in VJ that have been on this site for over 5 years and have done it right and legal and paid all that money to the GOVERNMENT and they are the ones that are really getting screwed!!!! All I would like to know is what will we all feel when this passes (which it will!!!!) when we have all been through the heart aches and tears, which....lets be honest we have all shead durring the stressfull times the government has put us through durring our journey's, what is our Government trying to tell us?????.....Maybe "Sorry I know you did the right thing but.... duck you for doing it the way that we wanted you to do it we are going to pardon all these people who snuck in and took jobs from people who deserved them?????"....
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-29 19:54:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill

Considering I have spent thousands of dollars and I am still waiting almost 1 year and not approved, its extremely clear as to why we do I have lots of illegals. Can you blame them?

The united states was founded by people that wanted to come to the "new world" everyone here, has immigrant roots. (unless you are 100% native american)

So, I guess it was ok for the white people from england to come over in hopes of a new and better life. But not anyone else ?

What would you do if the native american indians told us all to get out , and said we were illeagle ? Would you go for that?

I understand what you are trying to say ....however because we have decided to do it the right way we should not be punnished and the 3 million illegals should not be rewarded when they broke the law and we went through our government process the correct way. It will undermind the process which we were founded ....If we were in mexico per their government laws if somone is an "illegal" they will hunt them down (article 67 of the ratified constitution of mexico) .......

Our constitution requires us to be law abiding citizens of good faith!!!!! which we all are since we are all on this forum,doing things the right way (legally)!!!!

Here is a quote from our estimed former president teddy roosevelt from 1907 and we should still stick by his thoughts and words today!!!!! it is:

"in the first place we should insist that if the immegrant who comes here in good faith becomes an american and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the persons becomming in every facet an american, and nothing but an american......there can be no divided allegince here. Any man who says that he is an american, but something else also, isn't an american at all. We have room for but one flag, the american flag, We have room for but one language here, and that is the english language..... and we have room for one but sole loyalty and that is the loyalty for the american people."

But getting back to my original point, for me to have to pay money to do things legally, then those who come after me they should be heald to the same high standard!!!...since it is unjust to charge me and not charge others....and what I am saying even though I understand your plight I am speaking to those who have alredy completed this process. That we should be entitled to our money back and my question is why are we being shaken down while criminals get a free pass????????????????
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-29 15:44:00
Philippinesso what do we do when Obama pushes through the imigration bill
If our President gives citizenship to the illegals, should we have a class action suit to get our money back since we did things the right way? What is my VJ's family views?
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-29 12:13:00
congrats Kevin !!!! now just get her here the stressfull part is done and over!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-06 08:44:00
our prayers are with you!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-05 08:18:00
Kevin...I think you are doing the right thing!!!!.....I know that you must know that a doctor in the phils if they came to the states would only be a nurse here it is a good chance of a mis-diagnosis.....Why I feel strong about this is that late last year Pam's brother had lymphnoid cancer and they waited way to long to start the chemo treatments and he passed durring them ......So let the real doctors at ST. Lukes see if they can tell she has it!!!....what is the worse case senerio? If she has it you know you will have to wait the 6 months if not she will be in your arms soon!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-29 11:26:00
kevin I am so sorry to hear this!!! my heart definatly goes out to both of you!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-28 08:58:00
Philippinesneed some

I think my fiance received her visa.....does it come in a brown envelope with the passport outside it? (All of course in a plastic fedex type bag)


Also the brown envelope is not to be opened right?


During the interview they took her birth certificate.....will she be getting that back or should she get another one?

I want to book the flight online .....can I e-mail her the ticket? will there be problems with this?

charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-06 11:45:00
Philippinesneed some

I think my fiance received her visa.....does it come in a brown envelope with the passport outside it? (All of course in a plastic fedex type bag)

Also the brown envelope is not to be opened right?

During the interview they took her birth certificate.....will she be getting that back or should she get another one?

******about bc,they took up my bc too but they never give it back to me,they did put it in envelop"visa"so u need to get another one...CONGRAts :thumbs: :thumbs: have a safe trip..GODBLESS

I want to book the flight online .....can I e-mail her the ticket? will there be problems with this?

charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-06 11:42:00
Philippinesneed some
hi ...I did the same thing as johnny but went through Hawaiian Air ...CONGRATS!!!! now bring her home!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-06 08:58:00
PhilippinesMarried today in Hawaii
Congratz to both of you guys...may the GODBLESS your relationship...have fun this week end... :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-07 19:42:00
PhilippinesShould we call USCIS???
this happened to me and Pam the NVC they probably have you under admistrative review ....they never told me that it was like that until I asked them straight out....NVC held it for 3 weeks ....god bless and good luck!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-23 08:19:00
PhilippinesAccompany my Mom
it depends on your mom situation.... :) GOODLUCK to your mom...
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-09 22:25:00
PhilippinesRetiring in the Philippines is a quick question???? are the laws the same for owning property as it is for owning buisnesses where I can only own 10% where the rest would have to be put in either Pams name or a family member? :wacko:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-02 10:50:00
PhilippinesRetiring in the Philippines
same here
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-03-30 22:05:00
PhilippinesWhat are the documents to be prepare for the fiance petition interview
yeah..i agree... :thumbs: goodluck to both of you..GODBLESS..get the PINK girl... :D
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-14 16:13:00
PhilippinesHave now CFO certficate n stamp..!!>> but still hve 1 question me plz...:P


they will know from the paperwork that he fills out!!!!....if they catch him lying it might not be good!!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-27 15:39:00
PhilippinesHave now CFO certficate n stamp..!!>> but still hve 1 question me plz...:P

i am new here and curious about the CFO seminar. i am from davao and i want to prepare or to have some ideas on how to do it when our time comes. :yes:
i wonder if i can do all of it the day before my flight to US? to save trip
do i need to stay in the hotel for a day or so to do it? cos i will bring my luggage during the seminar :(
and i am little confuse about the Visa fee that you gonna pay before the interview, where are you to pay it in advance?
thank you and God bless..

hi girl...about s cfo ung sakin naman the day my flight i went to cfo in the morning then hapon naman ung flight ko,so my time p ko nun s umga,,,wen b flight mo?
about naman s visa fee s bdo k mgbayad bgyan k nila ng form ng ds 157 the fill out mo un,dapat tama lahat ung pg fill out mo same with ds 156 huh?anyway GODBLESS :thumbs:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-04-10 15:45:00
PhilippinesWhat would be considered alot of money in the Philippines

hahhaa! I tease her about it a lot. While she's been there in Manila she's done a little shopping for the kids back home. Both her brothers are ready to choke her - "It doesn't take 2 hours to buy a pair of tennis shoes!!" Cheapass..LOL

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :wow: :rofl: :wow: :rofl: :wow: :P
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-17 12:18:00
PhilippinesWhat would be considered alot of money in the Philippines

I'm really lucky I guess. I have the cheapest wife on the PLANET I think. "omg baby, no way, that's too much", "I don't need clothes there, I have clothes here already" (I should let her try December here in Kansas with the clothes she has "already" :rofl:)

kevin are our wives sisters???? story here when she came she only brought 1 bag with her ...her sisters got all of her clothes because she had a full waredrobe when she got here ( with the exception of jeans because no man can pick out the style and fit of them and she only asked for money once and a while due to paying for the internet cafe bill!!!! And also Pam syopped working before we met so she had no money !!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-17 11:50:00
PhilippinesI'm relieved

Of course the money means nothing to most of us going through this process and as for the time, when your wating for USCIS also seems to go slowly giving everyone lots of time to spend doing whatever makes them happy. But where I disagree is what it accomplishes. You and I both know that you will be stressed about the medical until the second day at St Lukes when they are sent upstairs for their immunizations. There are a myriad of reasons St lukes finds to put people thru additional processing. From xray, to tattoos, scars, even annulments. But if it made you happy for now, more power to you. I hope everyone passes and St Lukes stops the nonsense.

I would have to disagree with that point I was not stressed at all when she went to St Lukes because I already knew everything was ok
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-17 20:33:00
PhilippinesI'm relieved

Pre-exams are a complete waste of time and money. It does not matter what other Dr's say. The only thing that will matter is what St Lukes says. There is no arguing with them, and no appeal to their findings. As others have said, the best advice is to just get the physical at St Lukes as soon as you can upon getting your MNL case number.

well that may be your view of it being a waste of time....but for the $25.00 it cost It is well worth it just for the somple fact that u will have one less thing to stress about ...of coarse they (st lukes) has the final say but if your fiancee is not stressed and worried when she gets there is is well worth it !!!!!

and of coarse that is only my opinion !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-17 11:38:00
PhilippinesI'm relieved

Ever since the beginning I have been worried if my ole lady would pass the physical, well her physical is in a couple of weeks and to end the agony of wondering if she would pass her physical I had her go to Cebu since she is from Hilongos, Leyte and I heard that a majority of doctors suck a55 over there so Cebu would be the better place to take her own independent physical. She got x-rayed and the whole nine yards and passed, now I know that when she goes to St. Lukes she will pass as well. What a relief...............wooohoooo

I had Pam do the same thing and it such a relief I know the feeling you have....It feels good to have 1 less thing to worry about !!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-14 08:36:00
Philippineswhat filipino food is your favorite

There's so many! Pinakbet, dinuguan, daing na bangus. I miss those dishes because you cannot get as fresh as in Philippines.
Adobo, kare-kare, sinigang...I can make that here with no troubles. But the other dishes required certain fresh ingredients (i.e. dugo), which are more difficult to find here in the States.

What dishes do you miss?

waahhhh...hey sis we have a same fav. huh..i really love pinakbet,dinuguan,sinigang and adobo,mostly i can cook was adobo chicken and pork my hubby really like it..hehehe.. :dance: :dance: im pallning to cook pinakbet bec. we have asian store here near in our place....
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-19 19:43:00
i got my POE at is easy,just give your envelop they will look it and some interview...that's all,i took it in 15mins...have a safe trip girl..GODBLESS
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-19 23:24:00
PhilippinesHow long does it take for wife to adjust to US Time
jared how was the trip???
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-12 09:02:00
PhilippinesHow long does it take for wife to adjust to US Time

Tell your wife to avoid taking naps during the day it will help with the transition.

There's also sleeping aids at the health store that you can buy I think its called melatonin.

Exercising will help also and sun exposure.:thumbs:

wow you can get her in the sun?????? Pam is at the point she is saying she got too dark!!! doesnt understand that the girls here will die for her color ...she still doesnt believe me about tanning booths she thinks i am lying about people wanting to do that!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-10 23:34:00
PhilippinesHow long does it take for wife to adjust to US Time
lol.....didn't you know it is there national pastime to sleep!!!!!......these girls need 10 hours of beauty sleep a day!!!! That is why they look so good!!!
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-10 14:16:00
PhilippinesHow did your fiance propose to you in the Philippines?

^^^ :lol:

and we wont even talk about the food poisoning!!!!! lol
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-17 20:27:00
PhilippinesHow did your fiance propose to you in the Philippines?
lol...yes my bum still hurts.. :rofl: :rofl:
charlie&pamMalePhilippines2010-05-17 19:37:00