Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life

You are a very lucky woman to have met a man who loves you unconditionally. Many men would have run when confronted with a fiance going through breast cancer and having a breast removed. He truly must love you completely, and is not concerned about your physical being as much as he is loving your "inside" being.

I hope you both have a very long and healthy and happy life together.

You were brought together for a reason and you both sound like very special people.

Good luck and best wishes.

oh my godness thank you so much.
Dont' know what to say

Love Anette

actually i am crying right now because you are so good to me.
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-07 17:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life

You are a very lucky woman to have met a man who loves you unconditionally. Many men would have run when confronted with a fiance going through breast cancer and having a breast removed. He truly must love you completely, and is not concerned about your physical being as much as he is loving your "inside" being.

I hope you both have a very long and healthy and happy life together.

You were brought together for a reason and you both sound like very special people.

Good luck and best wishes.

oh my godness thank you so much.
Dont' know what to say

Love Anette
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-07 17:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
I still wonder why he didn't want to meet another woman
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 11:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
can only say that i am health now and wanna be together with this man hat always make me so happy
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 11:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
Love you for saying this so much
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 11:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life

Sweeties, I really can tell how much love you have for each other. Life is really amazing & full of surprises.. We really never know when the right man will come in our life.. Like you, I am very happy to have finally find the man that completes me, the other half that makes me whole.. Sometimes people can go a bit corny with love but who cares, it is just so wonderful to love someone so much & be loved in return like you always dream of... :thumbs:



I am so glad for you response.
This right man just came into my life so suddenly
He could be anyone
And when he did he was so many miles away from me.
And now we have this problem to be together
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 09:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
I cant thanks enough for all those great response to me
(L) :D
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 09:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
So reason for love an american man I can tell alot about
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 08:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
Mike is very good to me

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 08:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life

Sweetie, you seem very happy and I'm glad that you've found such a wonderful guy to be with. All the best!

I am not this woman who need response on everything
But I really do appriciate your response and thank you so much

Jane I ment to me my support

Sweetie, you seem very happy and I'm glad that you've found such a wonderful guy to be with. All the best!

I am not this woman who need response on everything
But I really do appriciate your response and thank you so much

Jane I ment to me my support

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 08:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life

Sweetie, you seem very happy and I'm glad that you've found such a wonderful guy to be with. All the best!

I am not this woman who need response on everything
But I really do appriciate your response and thank you so much
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 08:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
I can tell everybody. What this man did to me under this surgery nobody could beat,
12000 km away from me and he did constant contact me
He was the only one who send me flowers
Ok my parents and my sons did came to visit me. But anyway
For me it seems to be my lifepartner him my Mike
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 06:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
I met Mike back in jan 2004
In february I had a strange feeling in my left brest and went to the doctor.
I did tell Mike but he was so sure about it was a feeling I just had.
It went out to be very serious and they took away my left breast in marts same year because of cancer.
I was so afraid he would never meet me real life now because of don't see me as a normal woman with only one breast.
I was wrong
He would still see me and the reason for that I know I have met my right man finally
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 06:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
My destany
You are always there to cheat me up ( I love you )
And I know for sure that Mike will be a very great support for me.
I am so happy that my english is not too bad and suppose to be understandable for my livingway in america
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 05:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
I did start this subject up in a wrong place I guess
Had to start my own topic
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 05:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Second chance in your life
I am a woman at 48 and had many bad experiences in my past in my country.

I met my now fiance from the united statets as a coinsidence for 3 years ago.
Felt in love with him and wanna start my life over.
I have 2 sons at 15 and 25.
I just felt in love with Mike and gotta change my life to immigrate to his country because this is the only way to be together so far.
I am giving up my carrier job my famely and the oldest son I have
I only wanna hear about if other people here are going through the same procedure as I do
And are not talking about none sex before marriage. Just kidding.
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-30 05:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)There's Hope
Congrats with your approval.
It's wonderful news to get.

I am desperate waiting for my approval
And will get over excited when I hopefully get it.
Now I am more concerned about what they look at when enter USA.
I hear so much about that people can be send back anyway even the approval.
This makes me worry sick.

Can anyone tell me how it is to enter USA after be approved a waiver I-601.

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-09 02:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

We sold the house last year and now the new people are ready for moving in. We are renting a house on a month to month basis but there is no telephone connection and so I will not be able to get on the internet as much as I normally do, so will not be able to keep a check on things in here.

I will be using a friends computer once a week or so, just so I can keep an eye on the list and to see when we get the case complete. I just hope it is not too long as just about everything we have is going into storage apart from a bed and 2 sofa's, our tv, which we are not taking to the states anyway and some of our clothes. It is not going to be much fun living like that but we have no option at the moment.

It was a risk we had to take, selling the house, with the market the way it has been in the UK for quite a while we could not risk not selling in time. Push comes to shove and Alan gets a denial, we will just have to buy a new house here ;) We are of course praying that that does not have to happen.

it has been and still is a stressful time for us and having to move into another house rather than be moving to the states is definitely not helping, but we will cope :thumbs: no option have we ;)

Anyway, just wanted to let you good people know why I would not be on here as much and to say that as soon as I find out we are case complete I will get back on here somehow and let you all know.

Take care Sweetie, will be routing for you and for everyone else who is waiting for the waiver

Val and Alan

Hi Val and Alan

OMG I am so sorry that I can't talk with you nomore everyday.
Wonder how I can contact you if something should happen.
But I can tell that I did the same for 1 year ago and now only live in a 1 room apartment with a little kitchen. A shower cabin next to my bed and toilet at the outsite hall.
I don't have any furnitures only a little sofa, coffeetable, a double bed, my tv and my pc with internet connection.
Just to save up I did this.
There will be a while in US where I am not allow to work.
I am use to work everyday and still do. Don't like if I cant support with my part to start up a new life together with Mike.

At least you will check once in a while at VJ

Thankyou so much for your attention to me Val. :thumbs: :D


Ok to correct my sayings it's actually since April 2005 I sold out everything and from May same year I was homeless until this little apartment from September 2005 which I live in now.
I still survive :thumbs:


hey how do you actually become a homeless if you're a f us citizen goddamnit? i'm an illegal alien and i have never been one. pls explain

I am not a us citizen.
I am danish and live in Denmark
My fiance is a us citizen and wait for me to get my visa
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-18 02:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

No problem anette, if we can't help each other get through this it will be a sad day. It helps me to help you if you get my drift, keeps me going too :thumbs:

Will always help you No doubt.
I know what you mean with everything.
Please stay in contact with me here and we can talk about everything
I will always be here
:dance: :D

Just an insane feeling and thought came up to me
It takes me 1 hour to fly to uk if you need a gf :D

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 15:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

No problem anette, if we can't help each other get through this it will be a sad day. It helps me to help you if you get my drift, keeps me going too :thumbs:

Will always help you No doubt.
I know what you mean with everything.
Please stay in contact with me here and we can talk about everything
I will always be here
:dance: :D
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 15:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

We will all survive :thumbs: Sweetie, I will be going round to a friends house from time to time to check on things here and the waiver site, if you get yours soon just drop me a pm to let me know and I will pick it up when I can get on line, saying so many prayers for you sweetie that it is very soon now.

Vicky, so good to hear from you and I would not expect you to be on here at all really, you should have enough to do with Chris being with you now :whistle: Hope eveything is going good for you both and that you have had a superb and wonderful Christmas and New Year. Your words have really cheered me up Vicky, even though I know we are now nearly into our 8th week, to hear it said that we have reached the peak, is really good, I am praying that it is not too much longer and we really are on the homeward run.

Keep smiling sweetie, we are all going to get there :thumbs:

I will Val and so good luck to you and Alan too.
I am so excited to hear from you again when result is better in London
I still wonder what we did so bad since we gotta suffer so much.

We gotta keep up our chins as you always tell me to do.

Sweetie Anette :thumbs: (L)

And btw. I can't stop smiling when you type to me.
You are making me so much more with hope
Thank you very much Val

From her sweetieanette
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 14:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

We will all survive :thumbs: Sweetie, I will be going round to a friends house from time to time to check on things here and the waiver site, if you get yours soon just drop me a pm to let me know and I will pick it up when I can get on line, saying so many prayers for you sweetie that it is very soon now.

Vicky, so good to hear from you and I would not expect you to be on here at all really, you should have enough to do with Chris being with you now :whistle: Hope eveything is going good for you both and that you have had a superb and wonderful Christmas and New Year. Your words have really cheered me up Vicky, even though I know we are now nearly into our 8th week, to hear it said that we have reached the peak, is really good, I am praying that it is not too much longer and we really are on the homeward run.

Keep smiling sweetie, we are all going to get there :thumbs:

I will Val and so good luck to you and Alan too.
I am so excited to hear from you again when result is better in London
I still wonder what we did so bad since we gotta suffer so much.

We gotta keep up our chins as you always tell me to do.

Sweetie Anette :thumbs: (L)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 13:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

We sold the house last year and now the new people are ready for moving in. We are renting a house on a month to month basis but there is no telephone connection and so I will not be able to get on the internet as much as I normally do, so will not be able to keep a check on things in here.

I will be using a friends computer once a week or so, just so I can keep an eye on the list and to see when we get the case complete. I just hope it is not too long as just about everything we have is going into storage apart from a bed and 2 sofa's, our tv, which we are not taking to the states anyway and some of our clothes. It is not going to be much fun living like that but we have no option at the moment.

It was a risk we had to take, selling the house, with the market the way it has been in the UK for quite a while we could not risk not selling in time. Push comes to shove and Alan gets a denial, we will just have to buy a new house here ;) We are of course praying that that does not have to happen.

it has been and still is a stressful time for us and having to move into another house rather than be moving to the states is definitely not helping, but we will cope :thumbs: no option have we ;)

Anyway, just wanted to let you good people know why I would not be on here as much and to say that as soon as I find out we are case complete I will get back on here somehow and let you all know.

Take care Sweetie, will be routing for you and for everyone else who is waiting for the waiver

Val and Alan

Hi Val and Alan

OMG I am so sorry that I can't talk with you nomore everyday.
Wonder how I can contact you if something should happen.
But I can tell that I did the same for 1 year ago and now only live in a 1 room apartment with a little kitchen. A shower cabin next to my bed and toilet at the outsite hall.
I don't have any furnitures only a little sofa, coffeetable, a double bed, my tv and my pc with internet connection.
Just to save up I did this.
There will be a while in US where I am not allow to work.
I am use to work everyday and still do. Don't like if I cant support with my part to start up a new life together with Mike.

At least you will check once in a while at VJ

Thankyou so much for your attention to me Val. :thumbs: :D


Ok to correct my sayings it's actually since April 2005 I sold out everything and from May same year I was homeless until this little apartment from September 2005 which I live in now.
I still survive :thumbs:

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 11:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Got to take my leave

We sold the house last year and now the new people are ready for moving in. We are renting a house on a month to month basis but there is no telephone connection and so I will not be able to get on the internet as much as I normally do, so will not be able to keep a check on things in here.

I will be using a friends computer once a week or so, just so I can keep an eye on the list and to see when we get the case complete. I just hope it is not too long as just about everything we have is going into storage apart from a bed and 2 sofa's, our tv, which we are not taking to the states anyway and some of our clothes. It is not going to be much fun living like that but we have no option at the moment.

It was a risk we had to take, selling the house, with the market the way it has been in the UK for quite a while we could not risk not selling in time. Push comes to shove and Alan gets a denial, we will just have to buy a new house here ;) We are of course praying that that does not have to happen.

it has been and still is a stressful time for us and having to move into another house rather than be moving to the states is definitely not helping, but we will cope :thumbs: no option have we ;)

Anyway, just wanted to let you good people know why I would not be on here as much and to say that as soon as I find out we are case complete I will get back on here somehow and let you all know.

Take care Sweetie, will be routing for you and for everyone else who is waiting for the waiver

Val and Alan

Hi Val and Alan

OMG I am so sorry that I can't talk with you nomore everyday.
Wonder how I can contact you if something should happen.
But I can tell that I did the same for 1 year ago and now only live in a 1 room apartment with a little kitchen. A shower cabin next to my bed and toilet at the outsite hall.
I don't have any furnitures only a little sofa, coffeetable, a double bed, my tv and my pc with internet connection.
Just to save up I did this.
There will be a while in US where I am not allow to work.
I am use to work everyday and still do. Don't like if I cant support with my part to start up a new life together with Mike.

At least you will check once in a while at VJ

Thankyou so much for your attention to me Val. :thumbs: :D

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 10:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)nvc packets

Can somebody tell me what Packet 1, Packet 2, Packet 3 etc are on your timelines? We are right now working on the DS-230 Part I and I-864 (we got them at the same time). Any idea roughly how long the wait is until we get the interview?


Very difficult to tell you since every case is individuel :)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 02:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)vienna

:wacko: going crazy here i know vienna is on july cases it must not be good for me because they still havent got to it and it was there july 11 iam a reck over this do any one here have a case in vienna thank you

I know there are somebody here in vienna. Try go back on topics.

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-20 06:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)THIS HAS BEEN HELL
The only advise I can provide for you is to find a way to cope with this and try not to stress so much and I pray that you have a healthy family and your fiance will arrive home soon.

I see this pregnant thing as a hard time to go through.
Since I can't be pregnant and too old already for this I still see my situation as the most difficult than any.
So don't tell that nothing can be worser than what we are all going through.
I met my coming husband back in january 2004 and we still suffer without eachothers company.
Our life have since been on stand by since we can't do anything
But I still ofcause hope everything good for you
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-13 16:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)need advice!!!
I am not sure I can help you because I live in Denmark and was told that the fingerprints will be send together with my form I-601 to London where my case will be decided.
They took fingerprints on me another day after the interview, and the old fashion way with ink.
This cost me $85

After they saw my court record they wanted me to fill out this form, and called this a crime of moral turpitude.
My police record don't show anything since my conviction is 13 years ago.

I have noticed that other countries sometimes do everything another way and so much more waiting time on everything.
Forgive me if this is not an answer to your question

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-20 05:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Are waivers needed for K1 applicant who was denied entry and later denied a tourist visa?
when you talk about code in passport.
What does a code 8 cri .... means?
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-24 22:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)

Uh oh.... wait... I don't understand. I was refused a tourist visa to the US last May 2005 cuz I told the immigration people honestly that I wanted to see my fiance and his family. They gave me 214(B) refusal letter and said that I should get a fiance visa instead. They also said I did not have enough proofs that I would come back instead of being an illegal immigrant there. Will I have a problem at the interview? I still have the 214(B) letter.

I don't see a problem at the interview.
You were honest and wanted only to get a visa to visit him.
This time they sended me back at the POE I honestly didn't knew that I couldn't visit my fiance on my normal passport untill our case with fiance visa was done.
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-05 03:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)

takes another half year to go to this proces
I started with I-601 late june to fill ot papers and the documents.
London who is taking care of this submitted this in october

From this october I can look forward to ar least another 3 month.
Havent seen my baby in 1 year and only for a week Then after it's a year again
Sorry for being so sad But i am

I ment a year before NOT after
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)

takes another half year to go to this proces
I started with I-601 late june to fill ot papers and the documents.
London who is taking care of this submitted this in october

From this october I can look forward to ar least another 3 month.
Havent seen my baby in 1 year and only for a week Then after it's a year again
Sorry for being so sad But i am
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)
takes another half year to go to this proces
I started with I-601 late june to fill ot papers and the documents.
London who is taking care of this submitted this in october
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)
I am sorry but not always good to be honest
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)

That REALLY sucks! Are they saying that you hid something from them when you got the tourist visa, or what? I wouldn't have offered up info about your fiance if they hadn't asked specifically. It kills me the piddly reasons they will find to prolong this already long and difficult process.

I was stupid and unknown thought that I could tell I should visit my fiance.
They sended me back right away
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)

Hey everyone. I'm joining all of you here now. First it was the K1 forum, then the NVC forum, then the Embassy forum... now the 221g forum, sadly.
So I had my interview on Jan 2nd and got a 221(g). The Consular Officer said he wants more evidence about a trip I tried to go on. I tried to go to the US on a tourist visa, in November of 2005, and did not mention David at the time. So now this came back to bite me in the a##. I'm so frustraded that it's not over yet. All I want is to fly home to be with my baby.
Now I have to call them and schedule an appointment so I can hand them all I have about this trip and then, hopefully, get my passport with my visa!
Any story, advice, help, word... is more than welcome! I just need to talk and hear from people going through something like this. Actually, I think I just need a shoulder.

I hope all of you reading this can get your visas soon. (F)

You just met the right person :yes: Me, and the only one who is active on this place

I don't know how to start.
But I can't visit my baby either because I came in last time with no visa only my pasport and they send me back
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Had my interview and got a 221(g)

Hey everyone. I'm joining all of you here now. First it was the K1 forum, then the NVC forum, then the Embassy forum... now the 221g forum, sadly.
So I had my interview on Jan 2nd and got a 221(g). The Consular Officer said he wants more evidence about a trip I tried to go on. I tried to go to the US on a tourist visa, in November of 2005, and did not mention David at the time. So now this came back to bite me in the a##. I'm so frustraded that it's not over yet. All I want is to fly home to be with my baby.
Now I have to call them and schedule an appointment so I can hand them all I have about this trip and then, hopefully, get my passport with my visa!
Any story, advice, help, word... is more than welcome! I just need to talk and hear from people going through something like this. Actually, I think I just need a shoulder.

I hope all of you reading this can get your visas soon. (F)

You just met the right person :yes: Me, and the only one who is active on this place
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-04 16:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG,OMG,OMG

Congratulations, both of you!! I look forward to seeing the approvals!

Oh yes and thank you so much
We are still not sure and the reason I now are such a nervous break. LOL

Sweetie (L)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-26 12:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG,OMG,OMG
I remember that it took 10 days for London to recieve my file from copenhagen
So I gues the same time back.
So it's should be about now

Thank you all for this chear up on a chance to be approved.
Can't forget that Munchkins and I have taled so much together and get the news the same days.
How cool :thumbs:
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-26 11:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG,OMG,OMG

Val for god sakes

How can we be so lucky same day (L)

CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE, my fiancee and i thought you were the one that was completed on the 17th, weird that you didnt make last update!!!

Have you tried calling the embassy? You should be able to find out the answer on approval by calling them at their standard number especialy since you have been complete since the 17th.

I had the same thoughts just now.
But I guess they are closed now for the weekend dammit
It's 10 days ago and should reach copenhagen by now.
Maybe I will get a letter tomorrow from copenhagen
I am really so confused LOL
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-26 11:36:00