Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

that's OK Sweetie - just forget it.

I too have been through a bad previous marriage, sick parents etc as I suppose many on this board have, we all have our storys to tell no doubt. I agree that for some this immigration process seems so easy and yet for others it is so hard but that is where the support comes in, always there for each other

What I really like is that you are calling me young.
48 years I am
Thank you very much

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-13 08:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London


I know what you are going through, but trust me it is just as hard for us, I am not young like you, 61 now and all I want is to be with my daughter and grandkids but at the end of the day my beloved dog is suffering and the one thing I do not need is for you to say what you have. Yes it is hard for all of us and what my dog is going through is adding to our stress. You are leaving your son but so am I and my youngest grandchild, to be with my daughter and my grandshildren.

What we are doing is, at the end of the day far more than you are, we are leaving a home we have had for over 20 years, a life we have had and family for over 60 so do not bleat at me. I too leave a son, a daughter in law and a grandchild who is only 2, how the hell do you think I feel. My eldest brother I will probably never see again

At the moment my heart is breaking for a beloved friend, a dog who has taught us to love a walk in the woods, loyalty, faithfulness and above all total love with no conditions, unless you are a dog lover, you would never understand.

I am not ashamed to say at the moment it is so hard, so very hard, to leave all I have ever known, my brothers,my sisters in law, my son and to be loosing my wonderful rotty is devastating, I don't want your sympathy nor do I want to hear you say that what we are going through is less than what we are because trust me it is not

I am so sorry I didn't ment to hurt you.
Guess we are both in a kind of depression and think everybody else are more lucky than we are.
What I want you to know is that I feel a very big quilt in that I leave my oldest son, my brother and my parents. My mom is very sick and I feel so bad that I have to leave her.
But as she said to me.
Sweetie it's about time you shall have a good life and we have seen your coming husband and we love him.
Go to him and be the happy girl we always have wanted you to be.

For 10 years ago I had this bad husband in life, very violent and not good to me.
I had to devorce him.
Back this time I had to say goodbye to my Golden Retriever Lonnie because I wasn't allow to have a dog in my apartment.
I send Lonnie to an instituation for dogs in this hope that somebody would buy her and take care of her.
Will never forget her eyes when I left her there.
It's still printed in my brain and I will never forget this.
So I really know what you are talking about.
I just in a moment couldn't handle that pets can be a way to suffer.

It seems to be for other people an easy journey this immigration thing.
For Mike and me it's a tough time to go through because of my past that I would never believe came back to me.
I feel so quilty that we are not together and was so afraid that I would loose Mike.
But thanks god I told him everything from the start and no surprises.
It's just another step that we have to go through because of me.

I simply don't know how to thank him that he is still waiting for me.
It's more than 1 year ago we have been together.
We aren't able to visit eachother because of work.
Me can't visit him because of won't be allowed at the POE before I have this visa.

More than a year is too much without my man and this is driving me crazy.
Forgive what I said and don't think that I don't know how your feelings are.
But sometimes I think I feel worser because I don't have my man close to me and can't even kiss him.
I don't have love with him.

Famely is another way to miss
I can't compare this missing to the way I miss my man in life.

Sorry again if I was to mean to you.

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-13 03:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

I am so sorry
I can't feel for a dog right now

I gave up my whole life gave up my home my carier my everything Even mig oldest son
Don't come back to me and say that you did alot worser better thing
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-12 14:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
I am so sorry
I can't feel for a dog right now
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-12 14:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

At least it dont take us a decade In mesico they have a time for 6 to one year

I London for us it takes about 15 weeks
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-12 09:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
At least it dont take us a decade In mesico they have a time for 6 to one year
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-12 09:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
I believe we are a little unlucky because of christmas time.
There didn't happen alot this month.

So let's hope it will speed up again now where the staff maybe are finish their vacation.
We are on 12 week now since they submitted our waiver.

Good luck to all of you also. :thumbs:
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-10 11:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Oh god, no update at the list in London this week
It is really depressing :(
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-06 05:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

In all honesty Sweetie I do not know what they do while they adjudicate the cases. I suppose they can do background checks on people, and maybe a number of other things and at the end of the day there may not be very many people actually work in the waiver department so that would contribute to the length of time it takes to complete some cases.

I really wish I could help you stop worrying yourself so much sweetie, it should not be much longer for yours now, please try to think positive and always look on the bright side :whistle:
They may update again this Friday, let's hope so and I will keep my fingers crossed that yours either gets case complete or goes under review, at least you will be moving.


Yes i really believe that they must update this week.
Really need to see some changes :)

Don't know if you saw this member who was approved at the interview with 1 CIMT without a waiver I-601.
Must be a new rule or they will maybe get a problem later.
So in fact I am glad that we are taking this problem now instead of enter the US and have this risk to be send back again when adjusting the status.

But again if they allow people to have 1 CIMT then I will be approved in London.

yes I saw that Sweetie and many people were more than surprised at it as it is the first they have heard of this happening apart from a case last year and he was denied entry at Dublin. So all in all I think it is better that you go through this process, rather be safe than sorry rather than having been told that you were Ok to go an then get turned away at point of entry. I do not know if the couple concerned were Ok at the POE, one can only hope they were.

Lets hope for Friday Sweetie :thumbs:

Yes baby LOL :thumbs: ;)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 09:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

Our waiver is finally in London and on the list. It took less than three weeks to get there from Stockholm. Submitted on November 20 and on the London tracking list December 8.

Hi Angela

Our waiver submitted on October 19 and on the list on October 23.
Let's hope something will happen this week :D

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 04:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London

In all honesty Sweetie I do not know what they do while they adjudicate the cases. I suppose they can do background checks on people, and maybe a number of other things and at the end of the day there may not be very many people actually work in the waiver department so that would contribute to the length of time it takes to complete some cases.

I really wish I could help you stop worrying yourself so much sweetie, it should not be much longer for yours now, please try to think positive and always look on the bright side :whistle:
They may update again this Friday, let's hope so and I will keep my fingers crossed that yours either gets case complete or goes under review, at least you will be moving.


Yes i really believe that they must update this week.
Really need to see some changes :)

Don't know if you saw this member who was approved at the interview with 1 CIMT without a waiver I-601.
Must be a new rule or they will maybe get a problem later.
So in fact I am glad that we are taking this problem now instead of enter the US and have this risk to be send back again when adjusting the status.

But again if they allow people to have 1 CIMT then I will be approved in London.
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 04:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
I am at the list in London as pending now 11 weeks

After reading all the post from this topic I still wonder how they look at the individuel cases since some are denied.

What are they doing about a conviction?
The conviction can't be changed no matter what.
So I wondered what they are doing before making a desicion.
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-02 05:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill


Oh dear I am really so sorry to hear those bad news :(
I hardly can't say anything right now.

Completed dosn't mean approved. It's just a decision in the case.

Anette (F) (F) (F)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-08-15 14:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

Hope that you hear excellent news soon, we went from pending to complete without going under review (we are parents by the way and we immigrated through our daughter who became a USC) London told us that the 601 department would just make us jump through a few hoops and then we should get the approval by the 12th week

12 weeks to the day practically, it came through and we have now been here 6 months and loving every day !!!

London can seem really slow at times, I remember as does Annete that some weeks they did nothing at all and then all of a sudden, approvals came flying out the door.

Hope it is really soon now for you both too be back together

Anette , so good to see you again and to know that all is well with you both. Don't get on here very much now, not enough hours in the day for us,

Good luck to you all :thumbs:

Hi Munchkins.

So nice to see you too :D
Sometimes I think about how you are and can't forget our time together in here when we was waiting. It was for sure a very tough time.

Hope also you are fine with your famely.
I an back here again because of my waiting again for the greencard. But at least we are together now :thumbs:

Anette (L)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-08-14 07:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

I can tell you that I was stuck in this in London for an extra 3 weeks because of christmas time last year. They where not working hard the last 2 weeks in december. Actually somebody told me that this department was closed down the last 2 weeks.
I can imagine that there is something with vaccation time in july and the reason for not many workers.
Hope for better speed in august for you :thumbs:

Thanks for your reply :thumbs: ,can someone get me a job in that embassy,sounds like they holiday more than they work. I just wanna come home to my wife and kids,here is hoping that something happens soon

I really understand your pain since I have been in the same waiting situation and it's so frustrating. :huh: (F)

Are you on the list pending or under review? And for how many weeks have you been on the list?


Hi ya, this is Skyesunset's Scottish Wifey from North Dakota! Today we have good news ( I think?) I will never be sure until I wake up next to him! LOL! I looked today at the I-601 site and it says we are "completed" and in blue. We skipped over the "under review" stage which is rather scary as maybe they didn't approve it. Has this happened to anyone? He hasn't received a letter yet, do we ring them? The said it was completed today on August 10th, so do they send out a letter afterwards? I truly appreciate all the support you have given my Darling husband....if we would have known about this site earlier, like 2 years ago, we certainly would have taken an active part! Hope after we are all settled, we can show some support to others! Thanks so much! Georgie :thumbs: :dance:

Hi Wifey.
Yes we didn't see eachother a long time either.
About 1 and a half year.
And ofcause it is good news you will get :thumbs:
I can't wait to hear it :dance:

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-08-11 12:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

I can tell you that I was stuck in this in London for an extra 3 weeks because of christmas time last year. They where not working hard the last 2 weeks in december. Actually somebody told me that this department was closed down the last 2 weeks.
I can imagine that there is something with vaccation time in july and the reason for not many workers.
Hope for better speed in august for you :thumbs:

Thanks for your reply :thumbs: ,can someone get me a job in that embassy,sounds like they holiday more than they work. I just wanna come home to my wife and kids,here is hoping that something happens soon

I really understand your pain since I have been in the same waiting situation and it's so frustrating. :huh: (F)

Are you on the list pending or under review? And for how many weeks have you been on the list?

Anette Thanks Anette..Today brought the good news that my case was completed,I was in pending this time last week,but today i jumped to the completed column...I am excited and its been 9 months since i last saw my wife in ND,its been a helluva journey and now it is done... I will pray to god for some positiveness :D

Congrats so much with the move to completed :D

Yes some people are moving to this rigth away because they maybe have completed it before they updated the list which they use to do every friday.
After I was completed it took 1 week after I heard about my approval. So I wish you very good luck the next few days. :thumbs:

I also first knew this site after being through the situation with form I-601. Now I can't stop coming buy once in a while.

Very good news indeed (F)


Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-08-11 12:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill

I can tell you that I was stuck in this in London for an extra 3 weeks because of christmas time last year. They where not working hard the last 2 weeks in december. Actually somebody told me that this department was closed down the last 2 weeks.
I can imagine that there is something with vaccation time in july and the reason for not many workers.
Hope for better speed in august for you :thumbs:

Thanks for your reply :thumbs: ,can someone get me a job in that embassy,sounds like they holiday more than they work. I just wanna come home to my wife and kids,here is hoping that something happens soon

I really understand your pain since I have been in the same waiting situation and it's so frustrating. :huh: (F)

Are you on the list pending or under review? And for how many weeks have you been on the list?

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-08-09 11:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)London at a standstill
I can tell you that I was stuck in this in London for an extra 3 weeks because of christmas time last year. They where not working hard the last 2 weeks in december. Actually somebody told me that this department was closed down the last 2 weeks.
I can imagine that there is something with vaccation time in july and the reason for not many workers.
Hope for better speed in august for you :thumbs:
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-08-08 16:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Just a little advise
QUOTE (jerricho @ Oct 25 2007, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations. I hope you and your new husband have a happy life together. kicking.gif

Thank you very much for that happy message. biggrin.gif
I really feel that I deserve to prove that I just needed Mr Right and finally found him overseas good.gif
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-10-25 10:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Just a little advise
Hi all

I am just approved on my AOS Interview here in California.

Since I have been through this extra hoob by filing an I-601 waiver I really know what you guys are going through. And I can't stop going back once in a while to see how everyone is doing in here.

That's also the reason I am typing now about my experience.

I went through my AOS Interview for 2 days ago and even I back in January this year were approved in London on my I-601 waiver I was scared in as hell how they would look at it later on my further journey to get a greencard.
I discovered that it is better to deal with all this I-601 waiver stuff from the beginning before you land in USA and maybe need to deal with this after starting your life over here.
So please. If you need this waiver then don't ignore it. The officer told me that he was happy to see that I was approved before I came, because then they would never touch this case again.
That was my big concern if they would concider it again.
Somebody in here have told me before that I didn't had to worry. But was not really sure about it.

I think also that you guys need to hear my conviction story.
It is a very stupid story that I would never believe should be brought up again in my life. Especially after so many years are gone.

My son's dad did back in 1994 cheated on me and sneaked out to be with another woman.
When he left me for her I was very mad and angry and went to his camper to pick up my stuff.
I litted a candle which I forgot to blow out.
Next day the police came and arrested me telling that I had burn his camper down to the grown.
My sons dad believed I did it on purpose.
He throwed me to the court and I was convicted for arson.
I payed a fine for the courtcase and they put me under 2 year probation where I couldn't commit another crime. If I did I should serve 5 month in jail.
It was a bad time for me since I am an innocent and decent woman.
But the american embassy in Denmark concidered this as a felony and I had to go through this extra waiver form I-601 through London and there they luckywise approved me 4 month later.

When we went to our AOS Interview for 2 days ago.This officer was in chok about my conviction. He said that it was a mistake that I had to go through all this for a famely based problem on privat ground.

I hope this story can help you a little bit.
I was just unlucky to meet a very aggressiv officer on my K-1 visa Interview. But now I know for sure that this case is over in my further journey to stay in USA

Best luck to all
Anette heart.gif
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-10-25 09:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)About our Records
QUOTE (alejandrito01 @ Oct 24 2007, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
unsure.gif when I go for my appt. will they check and see if I have had any tickets in the US or mexico? and if they ask for my record how or where i can get it, thanks

What appt are you going to?
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-10-25 09:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP really is the worst part of the whole process
ok maybe I am stupid. But what does AP means?
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2009-09-05 03:38:00
United KingdomJabs at local doctors for medical
ok I only needed 2 shot with a month between.
Should pay for it as well.
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 11:21:00
United KingdomJabs at local doctors for medical

Has anyone else had to pay for a vaccination at their local doctors, i just rang mine after putting in the form a few weeks ago, and have got told that i might have to pay for some of them, as they are not required for the uk.Also how long does it take roughy to go throught the whole lot as i wanna be booking my medical.cheers.

Those that weren't required in DK I should pay for at my local doctor

The time of this depends on which vaccinations you need.
Some of those needs a few visits by the doctor
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 06:03:00
United KingdomJabs at local doctors for medical

Has anyone else had to pay for a vaccination at their local doctors, i just rang mine after putting in the form a few weeks ago, and have got told that i might have to pay for some of them, as they are not required for the uk.Also how long does it take roughy to go throught the whole lot as i wanna be booking my medical.cheers.

Those that weren't required in DK I should pay for at my local doctor
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-03 05:59:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
Is it because of his accent like Sean Connery :lol:
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-26 15:04:00
United KingdomIs a lawyer worth the money
QUOTE (william_wallace @ Oct 25 2007, 07:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Me and my fiance are still deciding whether to get a lawyer for the K1. We wont be applying for the K1 untill im divorced which should around end of January 2008. If it was just a straight forward K1 with no red flags we would do it ourselves no problem. At the moment i am still married to a US citizen and applied for AOS on the VWP in Feb 2006. Yep i know, dumb thing to do but mistakes are mistakes and ive learnt from them. Were just worried that this may cause a problem when we apply for the K1. Can anyone recommend a good immigration lawyer in the US? Going by what ive seen on the forums they dont have a good track record.


I would recommend you to use a lawyer. As I can read your case is a little bit confusing and needs a third eye who knows the immigration rules. unsure.gif
I can't recommend any lawyer for you ,since I live in California and very much to far away from you
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-10-25 18:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues

I loved Copenhagen - I've been there a few times. My friend began studying Danish as soon as he got there, within 3 years he was reasonably fluent.

It would be very nice to be walking around Tivoli this time of year...

uhh when I see somebody is typing about my country I am all excited. :dance: It's not so often here.
Gramma in danish is very close to English actually. I know it because I can speak german too and know this is a kind of difficult.
So after 8 years it was possible to speak danish? Yes if you really want to learn something everything is possible :D

OMG now I am getting high hair on my arms LOL
Yes Tivoli is very beatyful in summertime.
Actually I am not from Copenhagen, but from Jutland as we call the country side. I am 3 hours away from Copenhagen :D
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-26 12:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues

My roommate from University moved to Denmark 8 years ago, and managed to learn Danish. As and adult, it isn't impossible. A mix of formal courses and casual converstation is the best approach.

Rosetta Stone is fine for building vocabularly, but I find it less than useless for studying a language
with a wildly different grammar from your native one. If you spoke French and were learning Italian, I could see it being more useful.

Most important thing - don't give up. Learning Russian is not that hard, and the more you learn, the more useful it will be. I wish I had studied more seriously sooner.

And thank you for making a good thread. :D
I think it's very importent to share these kind of things since we all first know what we should have done sometimes too late.
So very good to share before and after situations


uhh when I see somebody is typing about my country I am all excited. :dance: It's not so often here.
Gramma in danish is very close to English actually. I know it because I can speak german too and know this is a kind of difficult.
So after 8 years it was possible to speak danish? Yes if you really want to learn something everything is possible :D
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-26 12:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues

Once again I wish to thank everyone for their thoughts. I suspect the 'ideal' approach depends largely on the individual and is an amalgam of different portions of everything written here, by everyone!

Thanks for the definition of 'declension' - you saved me having to look it up. I'm not very far into Rosetta Stone yet, but have already noticed this about the Russian language. Rosetta Stone can be frustrating in that nothing is explained - you just look at pictures and written text and listen to spoken Russian and start figuring things out through trial and error, but the roots of the various forms of words have been relatively easy to spot so far.

My current nemesis is the word for 'bicycle'. My pronunciation of this word reminds me very much of Rob Schneider's attempted pronunciation of 'hippopotamus' in the movie 'Big Daddy'.

I honestly don't think I'm trying too hard to learn Russian though. It is important to me and when something is important to me I go after it with everything I have. That's how I found and won Natasha, after all. I may learn Russian from a 'fancy book larnin' perspective but at least I'll be able to communicate. Colloquialisms and vernacular will come later through normal conversation.

And thank you for making a good thread. :D
I think it's very importent to share these kind of things since we all first know what we should have done sometimes too late.
So very good to share before and after situations

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-26 11:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat Are Your Experiences With Language Issues
Hi Kevin

I am from Denmark and married to a USC.
And amazed about your interest of learning you fiancee's language to be able to communicate with her and famely. :thumbs:

When we waited for my K-1 visa to be approved I started to learn my husband a little bit danish.
Then I suddenly realized that maybe it was better that I first of all would study more English in order to emprove my skills before moving to USA and start my new life. So I took a course in Denmark.
It seems to me to be more importent that I have a good way to communicate with my husband and the americans and also to be more secure when the time comes to apply for a job.
First I thought that my tourist English was enough for me over here. But I can tell it is not.
So I started on another English course on our local library here in USA to learn more the american terms and how to behavior my English language when being with american people.

It is very importent that your fiancee is not feeling isolated and only dependent on you.
Even more importent it is good for her child to emprove the English too.
My son at 16 years old had less English in school in Denmark and now he is the person who have to graduate someday and are forced to study very much to even understand and answer the questions in his new school.

After we arrived here in USA we are now more relaxed to learn my husband our native language.
And actually easier for him now because he can read our bodylanguage sometimes and able to understand us anyway.

This is ofcause only my opinion, but I couldn't resist to tell you about our story about the language barrier there for sure will be not only now for you and her, but in the coming future too.
Don't wait or delay anything in hope about that it will be easier when she just arrive in your country.

Very much good luck to you with everything. (F)

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-25 11:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Denmark
Hej her fra Danmark

Jeg er en dansk kvinde der er ifærd med at emigrere til USA pga min amerikanske forlovede.
Det er en lang og sej proces jeg er igennem da jeg for 13 år siden havde en dom og gør sagen aldeles uudholdelig at komme igennem.

Det ville være dejligt hvis jeg herinde kunne møde nogle danskere og udveksle erfaringer omkring alt dette.

Ser frem til at høre fra jer.



I am a danish woman and about immigrate to USA because of my american fiance.
It's a very long and tough proces to go through since I for 13 years ago had a conviction which does the case extreamly unbearable to go through.

It would be very nice if I could meet other danish people inhere to share experiences about all this.

I am looking forward to hear from you.

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-15 06:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)HAPPY NEW YEAR


In about 6 hours I can say the same to you
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2006-12-31 12:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hi from Denmark
Hi all

I am just approved in London after filing form I-601. :dance: :dance:
So happy like never before.
In a certain time on this journey I was about loosing hope
But now everything is ok and no worries nomore.

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-01-28 09:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Danish and American couples
QUOTE (okspider @ Sep 2 2007, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just saw this post! I am American and I love my Dane!!! Does anyone know how consulate in copenhagen view joint sponsors? Are they strict? Anyone know? I am currently unemployed have been for awhile. I have a co-sponsor but I know some consulates are pretty strict! THANKS!

Hi Okspider

I am not sure this will be easy for you when unemployed.
I am the Dane and the embassy in Denmark is American and dosn't have other rules because it is in Denmark.

My American husband should show his income for 2005 and 2006 to show that he could support me.
I don't think it's enough that a sponsor shall do this alone.
They are at the american embassy in Denmark as strict as other places.

I am looking forward to see what will happen.

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-09-03 09:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Danish and American couples

We are a Danish and American couple.

We just found out that our package was sent to Denmark. Now we are waiting for the interview. :o
Nice to knowing from the other Danes going through this experience. I (the American)have already been to the American consulate in Denmark/Copenhagen and everyone there seemed very nice and helpful. Hope all stays that way for the interview for my fiance'.

Good luck to all,

Hi Myla.

I am so happy to see you here. :yes:
I went ofcause also to the interview in Denmark and they are very nice.
What I can tell is that they are very fast with their procedures on everything.
I wasn't approved at the interview though since they needed me to do an extra hoop through London because of an old conviction.
But after this approval it took them 3 days to mail me the visa :D
There's no waitingtime on anything.
When is your husband's appointment?


Hi Anette,

We don't have the appointment yet. The NVC said everything was sent on June 27th.
Off topic...How do you like American candy? It's terrible next to Danish candy. I miss all the sweets I experienced in Denmark. I might have to send away for some so my soon-to-be husband doesn't get too homesick :P


It's funny you are saying this because I can't eat candy over here. Everything is too sweet for me :D I miss my strong danish liquorice hahaha
Ask your fiance if he knows what I mean :D
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-11 09:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Danish and American couples

We are a Danish and American couple.

We just found out that our package was sent to Denmark. Now we are waiting for the interview. :o
Nice to knowing from the other Danes going through this experience. I (the American)have already been to the American consulate in Denmark/Copenhagen and everyone there seemed very nice and helpful. Hope all stays that way for the interview for my fiance'.

Good luck to all,

Hi Myla.

I am so happy to see you here. :yes:
I went ofcause also to the interview in Denmark and they are very nice.
What I can tell is that they are very fast with their procedures on everything.
I wasn't approved at the interview though since they needed me to do an extra hoop through London because of an old conviction.
But after this approval it took them 3 days to mail me the visa :D
There's no waitingtime on anything.
When is your husband's appointment?

Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-07-11 08:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Danish and American couples

Hi all :)

I thought I would start this post with Danish and American couples because I see there is a few here and never at the same place.
From the beginning I was very confused about everything and especially because every country have different rules and sometimes difficult to get the legal papers and other documents.
At this point I can maybe be helpful from Denmark.

I am the Danish person and our status now is applying for Adjustment of status.
So maybe I can be helpful about some questions you may have from your beginning of this journey.

I took my 16 year old son with me on a K2 visa and didn't expect we would have any problems to enroll him in school.
I can tell alot more about this if anyone should be in the same situation.
It is not as simple as it seems.

I hope really that some of you will join my post and share your experiences.

With best love and luck to your all
Anette (F)

Danish person here too, i think its a wonderfull idea with this post! moving on a k1 to the us on the of july!

Hi Angerman

Very nice to see you :thumbs:
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-06-29 14:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Danish and American couples
Hi all :)

I thought I would start this post with Danish and American couples because I see there is a few here and never at the same place.
From the beginning I was very confused about everything and especially because every country have different rules and sometimes difficult to get the legal papers and other documents.
At this point I can maybe be helpful from Denmark.

I am the Danish person and our status now is applying for Adjustment of status.
So maybe I can be helpful about some questions you may have from your beginning of this journey.

I took my 16 year old son with me on a K2 visa and didn't expect we would have any problems to enroll him in school.
I can tell alot more about this if anyone should be in the same situation.
It is not as simple as it seems.

I hope really that some of you will join my post and share your experiences.

With best love and luck to your all
Anette (F)
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-06-29 10:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dual citizenship question - marrying my Danish fiancee
QUOTE (Mr and Mrs Bird @ Sep 3 2007, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am danish and have lived there all my life (48 years) and the last half year with my american husband here in california.

There is alot different rules in Denmark than in US.

I can show you this website which is very good for your information.

New in Denmark

Good luck
Anette rose.gif

Danish citizen
Mr and Mrs BirdFemaleDenmark2007-09-03 09:37:00