CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Can you call DoS after hours and get your status from an automated message or something?

I thought I read somewhere you can do that...

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-27 18:52:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (rae_and_scott @ Apr 25 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah it's only free if you're in the States and have free long distance (which most cell phones do, and mine does).
Scott also only became eligible for the interview on April 8th. Come to think of it, isn't that your date as well Laura? I dunno, either way, I should get the next date!!! tongue.gif
I think I'm going to call every few days from now on. I really think they could give it to us any day now.

Yep, they opened my file on April 8th and entered it into the system.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 14:55:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (CBR @ Apr 25 2008, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It doesn't cost me anything that I'm aware of to call there. (??) Do you mean because it's a long distance call? Rae, if you had that same lady as me it's a good thing you didn't ask lolol! I have always had nice people too. This one had that "authority gone to the head" attitude. I'm really confused by the spreadsheet as far as waiting for March to clear out. Melusine was march but said her p3 was received April 8th which is only 2 days before mine. I have no idea about everybody else but figured everybody's details are so individual that it was worth a shot calling. I'll probably keep calling on Fridays (or maybe thursdays if snotty lady answers again next week hehe).

I was under the impression that it's not toll's a 202 area code...that's not toll free in my book.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 11:30:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (rae_and_scott @ Apr 25 2008, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Apr 25 2008, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not even gonna bother calling.

Until you guys get an interview date, I won't be a happy camper.


Actually, since it costs for you to call, I think that makes sense to wait till at least March people are cleared on the list.
Hopefully that will be SOON!

Exactly, there is no point.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 10:38:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
I'm not even gonna bother calling.

Until you guys get an interview date, I won't be a happy camper.


~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-25 10:29:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (melusine @ Apr 24 2008, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wow !!! check liz list ! the month of April had been busy !!!!!!!

Holy cow!!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 22:51:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (Toastburglar @ Apr 23 2008, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm with you guys! Just give me a friken date already!!! NVC said they are done scheduling Montreal for May (not much help for you K-1s, I know) but we're still pretty much all in the same boat
this sucks!!!! sad.gif

that's a relief!!!

I was getting worried there. My medical isn't until May 26th.
I want an early to mid June interview.

Hope we all hear something soon!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-24 08:25:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Thanks Guys blush.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-12 16:02:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Congrats everyone!!!!
This is exciting news.
Sorry I wasn't online at all last night...I had a wicked migraine.
I was literally in bed from 4:30pm when I got home from work until 5:20am this morning (gotta be at work for 7)
I'm feeling better though.


~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-12 04:21:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
QUOTE (melusine @ Apr 10 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's soo cooollll !!! we have interviews date kickin in !!!!!!!!
Laura you're the best !

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-10 19:30:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
YAY!! OMG I'm feeling so good now!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-04-10 18:50:00
CanadaNAFTA visa
QUOTE (Canadian_in_USA @ Nov 23 2008, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all,

I am a Canadian citizen and a recently qualified CGA ( certified general accountant ). I got married in September and moved to the US on a K-1 visa. I have now applied for an Employment authorization document and had my biometrics testing on the 17th of October 2008. Waiting for the EAD is becoming very frustrating and I believe that it can take up to 6 months to recieve it.

I was wondering if anybody had information on just applying for work based on a NAFTA visa. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


no0pb.gif It also doesn't take 6 months to get your EAD...more like 3 months and under.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-11-23 16:43:00
CanadaHappy Birthday Carla!
***Happy Birthday Carla!!!***
star_smile.gif All the best for the year ahead!!! star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-11-27 20:33:00
CanadaUnfortunate proposal event
RIP rose.gif
So heartbreaking...that poor man and her family. sad.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-04 20:20:00
CanadaHave you gained weight since moving to the U.S.?
Can't vote for some reason right now but yes...
I have.....
about 15 pounds. Sigh.
I attribute this to sitting on my butt and not doing anything.
We eat pretty healthy, it's just my total lack of movement.

I'm joining weight watchers again.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-07 02:29:00
CanadaWhos going Home for Christmas?
I'm hoping I'll go home for Christmas or just after (at least for New Years!!)...pending my AP!!!! smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-11-24 17:03:00
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Dec 2 2008, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Didn't read through every post here, but I am sorry for their stupidity sad.gif

You may be able to find a post from me back in December or so(not that it matters now) - when I went to apply at the SSN office, the lady specifically told me that I needed to ensure that I was registered at the post office to receive mail at the address I was giving them - I said well of course I receive mail and she clarified that if it's something government related I needed to register myself as an receivee (is that a word???) at that address.

$7 bucks or so at the PO, a short form to fill out.


Wow interesting!!
They never mentioned this to me. Why can't they just be consistent across the board?
Ah well.

Thanks everyone for your support and kind posts. We went yesterday and I finally got on Nick's bank account! WOO!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-08 15:12:00
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Dec 2 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Laura, long time g/f! smile.gif

I'm sorry you had such issues. sad.gif

We also put Russell's name (now our last name) on the mailbox in case of any confusion because he was living here most of 2007.

I think the SSA worker also recommended it to us when we went to apply. At least it's sorted for you now. I hope everything else is well with you.

Hey sweets! smile.gif
Wasn't that nice of the SSA worker!!!!! Wish mine had...I never even thought of it.... unsure.gif
Oh well!

Are you ready for the holidays? smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-02 14:32:00
Thanks guys. blush.gif
It sucks we all have our own stories of being held up and frustrated....sigh.
At least we are in it together!!!! =)
As per the advice given here...Nick is getting my name added to the box.

QUOTE (sweet_peach @ Dec 2 2008, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ive got one for you.

My now husband came here Oct 17th. We waiting 2 weeks and went to he SS office on the 31st to apply for his SSN.
The SS office told us that they wouldnt be able to issue him a SS card because his name was spelled incorect in the system. Ok - so I sat there for a minute, puzzled as to how his name could be spelled incorect with all the papers / I94 etc had his name on it. Well come to find out it was misspelled by them not adding a space in between his last name. - his last name is el Kadery. They had it spelled Elkadery. So now its Dec 2nd and we have been back to the SS office two more times and no one has been bright enough to put a space between the el and the rest of the name.

Oh what fun - fun - fun....

I'm sorry! What a crappy situation all because a human error. sad.gif
I hope they resolve it quickly for you!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-02 14:22:00
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Dec 2 2008, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I can tell you the exact same thing happened to my mail - because its my husband whose name is associated with this house. None of my mail addressed to me came to this address for 6 weeks. Finally a job I had applied for called to say, we sent you a letter - it got returned do we have the right address?

I went to the postmaster and told him all the mail missing (my SSN, cheques, possibly GC) and he said he'd look into it. It seems that our mail lady didn't recognize my name when delivering the mail so she decided to return it all when it was coming in. wacko.gif

I finally went to the SSA and got my number mailed but that hasn't arrived yet either so I went back to the office to get a new card issued. Hopefully that one will be here in another week. But like you she gave me a number that I can use until the actual card comes.

Sorry girl - this process can be so frustrating at times. rose.gif

You know that really sucks. sad.gif

Nick and I have been living here for almost 6 months and we still get mail for three previous tenants of this apartment...and yet I've had dozens of things delivered here in my name..and I've spoken to the mail lady personally and she had lived in Ontario too!!!
She knows I immigrated here, she knows my name....perhaps the day my SSN was delivered it was a different person.

Oh well.

QUOTE (BH45 @ Dec 2 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I noticed that my name has been written inside our mailbox cause I kept my name. Now whether Larry or the postman did this, I'm not too sure. There was no problem when my SSN was delivered. Then again, all states are different.

Sorry about the mess up Laura.

Thanks sweetie <3 It's all good now, just had to rant a bit and tell others to watch out for this.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-02 13:36:00
QUOTE (SonoranSongbird @ Dec 2 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, maybe they left off the apartment number when they sent the first one! If that happened, the postman might not be able to figure out which box to put it in without seeing your name on it.

Like you said, the problem is solved so it doesn't matter. I was just curious because I'd never heard of an address being in one name or another, that's all.

I thought that too but the way our addresses work is that we are 58 blah blah Court..that's also our apartment number, 58.
My neighbors address is 59 blah blah Court, and the next neighbour 60 blah blah Court...and so on and so on. Each of us has our specific addresses and the number is actually the apartment number so there's no confusing which apartment the mail goes to.

I've never heard of mail coming to a specific name either.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-02 12:28:00
QUOTE (SonoranSongbird @ Dec 2 2008, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you have a post office box? Or do you live in an apartment where someone from the apartment complex distributes the mail to the individual boxes?

In any case, that is very frustrating, and I'm glad that you at least got it fixed even if it took a while.

We live in an apartment and someone delivers the mail to specific boxes. Nick's name is inside our box but I get mail here all the time. It may just have been that the mailman looked and saw Nick's name in the box and my name on the envelope and decided to return it.

Who knows.'s over now and at least I have my number.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-02 12:18:00
QUOTE (Zee Bee @ Dec 2 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't understand about the address being under Nick's name and not yours and needing the c/o.

I don't either....
You don't go to the post office and say "So, this person lives here and this person and this person...."
Registered mail is registered mail. If it can't be delivered they leave a card and you go and pick it up with some ID.
It makes zero sense.
They are this secure on delivery but yet 1000's of employees have access to my number in their computers along with my address?

QUOTE (thetreble @ Dec 2 2008, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You asked for advice on wait times, we gave it to you. It took me 13 weeks, and Nevada about the same. So we wanted to put your mind at ease when you said you had not recieved it yet.

I'm not going to apologize for the advice, and you aren't a stupid idiot either. All you can do is go forward. Little things like this happen all the time, especially in this state. You aren't getting the most competent staff. Unless you've had to pay outrageous medical bills because you weren't on Nick's insurance, I wouldn't worry about what could have been.

You can't go back so just go forward. Now you have your number so if you want to start looking for a job or apply, you can! Life is full of this stuff. Think positively!

Hon...I'm not asking for an apology at all and it's not your fault!!!
I just wish I had listened to my own instincts and gone in and checked...that's all. Nothing against you guys for trying to help me out at all.
I am thankful for all your advice.

=) Things will be okay.

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 02 December 2008 - 12:15 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-02 12:15:00
CanadaDo you take people's laundry out when you're at the laundromat?
QUOTE (flames9 @ Sep 19 2008, 05:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Back when I lived in the apartment, if I saw the dryer was complete with someone elses cloths, i woul dwait a few min then take thier laundry out and FOLD it

I think I would do the same.

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Sep 19 2008, 07:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Sep 19 2008, 05:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Back when I lived in the apartment, if I saw the dryer was complete with someone elses cloths, i woul dwait a few min then take thier laundry out and FOLD it

Haha when I lived in an apartment in Canada I forgot about my laundry and went down to get it, and it was nicely folded on the table. laughing.gif

LOL That is hilarious! I wonder if the person was folding it like "Oh, this is nice, this is nice" or if they were like "GRR, W T F!!!" LOL

so cute!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-19 07:44:00
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Sep 16 2008, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cats are a great way to get rid of roaches! My uncle who lives in a Toronto highrise got a cat and basically got rid of a lot of the ones he had in his place. Let your cat eat them, it may be gross but it is honestly a great way to keep the population down.

Plus i hear they're high in protein. hehehe.

There's not much I could He was so quick with it...he was like a huge monster...and all I heard was *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* laughing.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-16 11:28:00
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Sep 15 2008, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am even more afraid of centipedes, honestly I have passed out because of those! I scream and I cry and I one time...okay promise not to laugh? One time I called the fire department because there were 3 in my tub, this was back in Canada, living in a smaller town. Of course the fire department told me that they didn't deal with insects laughing.gif

I didn't know what else to do.

I'm not laughing....honest..... innocent.gif

LMFAO laughing.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-15 22:20:00
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Sep 15 2008, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay.. so i cleaned the apartment from TOP to bottom tonite. Hubby kept asking me "what's gotten into you".. This freaking THREAD that's what!!!!!!!! laughing.gif

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Sep 15 2008, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
omg I lived in a roach infested apartment in Toronto once! It was NASTY! I mean nasty! One time a smaller roach crawled inside my ear and the sound of that will ALWAYS haunt me. I went to the doctor the next day and she got it out and it was very small but it was so rank!

They are nasty! And you're lucky that you only have seen a few, my apartment was INFESTED, like tons! I'd buy a jug of roach killer every week and my bff was the Orkin man and even he couldn't get rid of them because it was in a building. You'd hear them clicking at night and I'd sleep with the light on, and if I opened a drawer to get something, you'd see them all scurry around. Ewww!

I gots the heebie jeebies.


wow.gif That is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.. you would HEAR THEM???? *shudders*

That reminds me of that show "Dirty Jobs" where that guy goes around and hows you really gross jobs. He was fumigating a trailer house I think it was, this place was literally the draws, thousands of them all over the ceiling, walls, inside everything. I almost barfed.

This is what ours look like, they are the german ones and they are quite small.

Gross, Gross, Gross.
I'm glad we haven't seen anymore...but watch..I'll see one now or something...AH! lol

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-15 21:12:00
I had never even seen a cockroach till I came to Jersey.

We had (have) two kinds in our apartment. Smaller, almost baby ones and ones that were a little bigger. Nothing scarily huge though, I would vomit.

We weren't infested by any means, I think I've seen maybe 8 total since I moved in over 2 months ago. A couple in the kitchen and like 2 in the bathroom and they only come out at night.

We put those roach trap thingy's out and I cleaned, cleaned, CLEANED, sprayed all the baseboards and every crevice I could see with Raid. We also had the place fumigated. Our landlord has a dude coming pretty much monthly at no cost to us so that helps. I haven't seen one in a few weeks so I'm feeling pretty good. I think it also helped that we got our landlord to fix the leaky faucet in the tub, that was attracting them I think.

We have a cat as well and at night I put his water and food away so that it won't attract any of them. He ate one once...ew! It was by the garbage that I left by the front door to put out the next morning so it must have gotten in and was attracted by that....Mojo ate it...*gag*

I felt soooo humiliated and disgusted when I saw them and Nick was beside himself..the first night we saw one he was like "That's IT, pack up and move" LOL

That's what apartment living is like I guess, cause you never know how clean your neighbours are. I know you live in a house but you never know I guess. I would get your place fumigated and make sure that the dog food is securely sealed up and what not.

Don't worry hon rose.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-15 12:38:00
CanadaOhh! Have interview date!!!
Congratulations sweetie!!!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-19 22:36:00
CanadaBoard Names VS Real Names
You can call me Laura wink.gif

lol laughing.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-22 12:40:00
Canadamoving to US
Remember it takes years to become a U.S. Citizen, Wis-can. You don't just move on down and bam, you are one.

If people from Canada opt to become U.S. citizens when they are able to apply for it (3 years of being a permanent resident) they will be dual, unless they renounce their Canadian citizen (who the heck would do that anyway)

The OP needs to read up on what their provinces regulations are and if they will be covered even if they don't live in that province for a number of days. I'm suspecting probably not.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-26 09:39:00
Canadamoving to US
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Sep 25 2008, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Would you be able to get health insurance through her employer? Might be a bit expensive, but less expensive then outright purchasing the medication or having her be unemployed in Canada.

Definitely a tough situation.

This would work but remember it may take some waiting time to get on it.
I live in New Jersey and I applied for my SSN almost 6 weeks ago and I cannot get on my husbands medical insurance without a SSN. So I'm here, not covered.
Hopefully where you are moving it's quicker, some get a SSN within 2 weeks and under after applying. (Wait approximately 2 weeks after entry then go to your local SSN office and apply)

I would stock up on meds before you move just in case you have to wait a little longer. If you can get on your wife's insurance without a SSN, all the better.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-25 16:10:00
Canadamoving to US
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Sep 25 2008, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You cannot keep residency in 2 countries. Either you move to the U.S. and become a U.S. resident and forfeit your Canadian benefits like your health benefits or you stay in Canada.

Sorry sad.gif

SD is correct sad.gif

Is there any way your wife can move to Canada?

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-25 15:51:00
CanadaNew Jersey Driver's Licence and Plates
How about the don't ever signal when you change lanes, turn or basically do anything in your car state???

The people drive insane here!!

The cops are everywhere, they are bored as HECK!

Maywood is literally a mile by a mile and they have a little town paper, the police blotter is flipping HILARIOUS! "A suspicious man was seen sitting in his car on the street, when police were called to investigate they discovered he was waiting for a friend".

It goes on and on and is such a great laugh! LOL

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 24 September 2008 - 10:50 AM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-24 10:49:00
CanadaNew Jersey Driver's Licence and Plates
QUOTE (Gypsyangel @ Sep 23 2008, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It would have been nice if somewhere they said that you needed a green card. On the MVC web site, it says that an I-94 is a 4 pointer.It doesn't say anything about a green card. But, we all know reality differs depending on who you talk to, etc.

Laura, I think you're ok on your Canadian driver's licence. They didn't say anything to me today.

Thanks honey
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-23 21:27:00
CanadaNew Jersey Driver's Licence and Plates
QUOTE (thetreble @ Sep 23 2008, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You need a green card in NJ to get a license.
You can scrounge up as many points as you want, but you have to have either a US passport or a green card to get a DL. They put this system in place because they had so much DL fraud in NJ. They will not give DL to visa holders.

wow, I did NOT know
fun fun, can't drive for sometime then...

Can I drive with my Canadian license???

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-23 18:38:00
CanadaSomeone's Having a Birthday On Saturday.

I won't be home for your birthday so I'll send you a wish now.
A wish for a year full of happiness, joy, laughter and love.

You are a woman full of light and love and I'm so very proud to call you my friend.
You make me smile and you are always there for me whenever I need a shoulder.

Happy Birthday to a one of a kind lady who is class through and through.
Love you so so much Granny wink.gif You are awesome!!!!


~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-26 06:43:00
CanadaIf it wasn't for immigration
I know that Nick and I would still be married regardless, I just don't know if we would be married as quickly as we did but to be together and not wait it was our only option.
This is my second marriage and there wasn't much time in between but I know he is the one I was suppose to be with all along.

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 23 September 2008 - 06:33 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-23 18:21:00
CanadaGoing to Canada
Hope you have a wonderful time!!!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-09-25 16:55:00
CanadaKeeping in touch
My heart goes out to both of you.
Stay strong rose.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-08-12 12:40:00