CanadaOff Topic Forum...
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-10 10:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Mephys @ Dec 10 2007, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Dec 10 2007, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

AWWWWWWWWW Sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll see you in the evenings right??? I wish you all the best with it honey

Thanks babes. I will try to come in sometimes, but at night it's a little harder since I want to spend as much time with my hubby as possible. I won't disappear, but I think I will be gone from OT that's for sure whistling.gif No more time for this ####### tongue.gif Just Canada forum until my removal of conditions in 2009.

well at least we won't lose you completely!
I'm excited for you!!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-10 09:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Dec 10 2007, 09:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


QUOTE (Mephys @ Dec 10 2007, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>'s my last morning with you guys sad.gif I am starting my new job probably tomorrow.

AWWWWWWWWW Sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We'll see you in the evenings right??? I wish you all the best with it honey

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-10 09:16:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (flames9 @ Dec 10 2007, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

GOOD! good.gif LOL I didn't think so!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-10 09:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 10 2007, 12:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Dec 9 2007, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got 7 mysterious bites on my arm (all in a cluster)...

first I freaked out and thought they were fleas but upon proper inspection of our pup... seems unlikely.
Ol's dad seems to think it looks like a spider's doing..

any ideas?? unsure.gif sad.gif huh.gif

Sounds like a flea to me. Haven't had to deal with them since I moved back to Canada, thankfully, but they are wily little creatures. I mean it could be a spider, but that seems unlikely.

But they may not even be on the doggie, they may have wandered in with him and then jumped ship. In New Zealand I often had to battle them and I never had a pet over there.

I agree with Trailmix, sounds like fleas. Sometimes they can be sooo hard to see (they are so flipping fast!) *BUT* they usually don't bite humans unless they are unable to feed from their source of food (unfortunately your pup) so...unless you have a major infestation, it could be spiders.
EW! Do you know I read somewhere that we swallow like 10 spiders a year in our sleep?! I doubt it's true but you never know!

QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Dec 10 2007, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
g'morning all.

Morning Charles rose.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-10 08:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Mephys @ Dec 8 2007, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK I can have a good night....

She just replied to my e-mail and she got the stand.... kicking.gif

Phewwww whistling.gif

We're gonna have a christmas tree good.gif

That's good news!
Just be glad you weren't the person who tried to buy a car off of Craigslist from some thief who asked the buyer to bring CASH ($20,000) to some random location to pick up the car. wacko.gif When the stupid idiot buyer got there, the "seller" beat the ####### out of him and stole his money (duh, really?) blink.gif

Some people just don't use their heads!!!

Have a wonderful time setting up the tree!!! smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-08 06:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Dec 7 2007, 06:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning. Thought I'd offer the first cup of coffee today before moving onto the threads. Gene's coming home today! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Carla rose.gif

Woo hoo Carla!!!! rose.gif
Thanks for the coffee smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-07 06:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I love snow luv.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-12-04 22:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Aaralyn @ Nov 3 2007, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is totally random, but I had to share.

My amazing, wonderful Canadian sent me a huge can of Timmy's!! good.gif kicking.gif I brought a can home with me, but it somehow all diasappeared! whistling.gif *giggle*

Just another reason I love him soooo much. He feeds my addictions... wait.. that doesn't sound too good. devil.gif

laughing.gif good.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-03 13:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 3 2007, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tinker @ Nov 2 2007, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wedding on the 20th cancelled, changed to the 27th....nope someone else has a wedding, changed to Nov 3rd.. well, a close friend of his and everyone that was invited died Wed, funeral is on Nov 3rd.....soooooooo....


Please don't invite me to your wedding, Tinker. laughing.gif

laughing.gif woah..everyone?!?!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-03 10:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Thanks for the heads up Cassie, I'll make sure I just bread flour for bread and regular flower for the other stuff...
You guys are the best smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-02 16:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (MarilynP @ Nov 2 2007, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Butter Tart Squares

1/2 cup softened butter
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 - 1/2 cups flour

Cream together butter and sugar and then blend in the flour. Pat into a 9 by 9 inch square pan. Bake for 5 minutes at 350 degrees.


1 - 1/2 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup melted butter
2 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup raisins

Combine the filling ingredients. Pour over base. Bake until set for about 20 to 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Fantastic Marilyn, thanks!!!!

I plan on baking a lot of my own stuff when I get down too...I love making bread from scratch (my Grandma taught me) and so I'll be doing that and I'll totally be trying this recipe!!!

Carla, that is so crappy about the chocolate...not that I plan on sitting around eating chocolate all day laughing.gif but still..I'll miss it. I don't like Hershey's either...ew!!! dead.gif

Krikit, you should TOTALLY do that!
I'd drive to you and buy you out!!! LOL wink.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-02 08:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 1 2007, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yes thats precisely what i wanted too.

a green mint aero.

Oh I have to feel the bubbles melt. sad.gif I can taste it.

I'd mail you some!!!!! Can you do that? Mail food? Nick had never heard of butter tarts...ever..he had his first one when he came here in March...He loves them..I wanted to mail him some....

LOL every time we go in to the grocery store when I'm down in NJ he always looks in the bakery, pouts, looks at me and says "See, we suck, no butter tarts sad.gif" LOL

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-01 16:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 1 2007, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am insanely craving an AERO bar!

They dont have them down here sad.gif

Aero mint are orgasmic.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-01 16:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Nov 1 2007, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Nov 1 2007, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeremy + Kristy @ Nov 1 2007, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 1 2007, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mmmmm. Aero and Coffee Crisp bars. I tried a KitKat here but it was awful. It didn't taste anything like a KitKat. bleh

I had my first Canadian Kit-Kat yesterday, and I could tell the difference, but I thought it was quite subtle.

I'm going to have to make sure I grab some Coffee Crisp and other Nestle ice creams when I move Kristy over here.

What is the difference? smile.gif blink.gif lol

Quality of chocolate.. plus additives like High Fructose Corn #######...

US Chocolate sucks a#*.. but then I'm biased smile.gif

Ah thanks! LOL
Man, you guys are candy experts!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-01 15:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Jeremy + Kristy @ Nov 1 2007, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 1 2007, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mmmmm. Aero and Coffee Crisp bars. I tried a KitKat here but it was awful. It didn't taste anything like a KitKat. bleh

I had my first Canadian Kit-Kat yesterday, and I could tell the difference, but I thought it was quite subtle.

I'm going to have to make sure I grab some Coffee Crisp and other Nestle ice creams when I move Kristy over here.

What is the difference? smile.gif blink.gif lol
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-01 15:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 1 2007, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just went and read that. It was sickening. I surely hope that guy gets a ban for that. What an a$$.

Where is this post? whistling.gif I need some excitement today...soooo bored!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-11-01 11:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 30 2007, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awww. Thanks guys. I'm normally able to shake it off, but I guess I'm being a bit sensitive at the moment. I probably just need a hug. blush.gif


~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-10-30 15:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (NavarreMan @ Oct 15 2007, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I might even own an Anne Murray album or two!!! (NOT)

GOD NO!!!! protest6wz.gif
Oh good, you said (Not) I feel better now oops8rh.gif

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 15 October 2007 - 10:27 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-10-15 22:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
That dress is to die for!!! So completely beautiful! wub.gif

Just wanted to say..there are some real jerk off's on this in particular!!! mad.gif ..none in our little Canada board but I just wanted to say that...
LOL I guess you will always have one or two rotten apples in the bunch. Such is life.
I feel better now! dead.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2007-10-15 09:26:00
CanadaLong, Strange Journey
I read your post shortly after you posted it but was on my way out and was unable to reply until now.

First...((((((((((((DANTE)))))))))))) Sending you big hugs!

I am so sorry about the loss of your Mom. Going through this process is so stressful and to have something like that happen during this time or any heart goes out to you. May she rest in peace.

As for your interview, don't sweat it. You are on an amazing website. VJ prepares thousands of couples for the interview and has so much information about what the procedure is and how the interview is conducted.

My interview this past June went so well, literally stress free. It was more stressful getting to Montreal than it was the actual interview.

Go over the checklists (Many people have posted them all over this site) and just be prepared. If you want to read my interview review, just click on my timeline, it's there.

I wish you so much luck and a quick reunion with your love. This ride is crazy, long, hectic and amazing.
I cherish my husband every single day, I know how hard we worked to be together and I tell him how thankful I am for him all the time.

Happy holidays and pre-congrats on your interview, I'm sure you will pass with flying colours.



~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-16 15:34:00
CanadaPop Vs. Soda Debate
QUOTE (Reba @ Dec 16 2008, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what wink.gif

I had a friend from Port aux Basque Newfoundland that called everything Pepsi, even if she wanted a ginge rale, she'd ask for Pepsi.

See that's totally messed up. Bet she was getting the wrong pop constantly. wacko.gif

Pop will always be pop to me. blush.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-16 13:26:00
CanadaPop Vs. Soda Debate
WOW a map! LOL

I've known many people in the South who call all pop "coke" How do they know what they are talking about.

"Hi, I want a coke"

"Ok, green can, blue can, red can, brown can"

"uhhhhh Green"

"Ok, it's not cold though"

W T F They could save so much time!!! "Hi, can you get me a 7up?"

Weird. blink.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-16 13:22:00
CanadaConsidering Abondoning it all
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Dec 18 2008, 04:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Brad, I'm sure you've considered this, but what about "couples therapy?" Considering the amount of work, time and effort (not to mention love) that's gone into the entire process, I'd strongly suggest looking into a psychologist -- for the both of you. Moving to another country and then going to "living together" from "visiting every so often" is a major change. Marriage can be difficult enough without the strain of immigration and adjusting to a new environment.

Husbands and wives argue and more often than they'd like. Usually (but not always) these conflicts are over relatively unimportant things. My wife and I tend to think alike in many ways, but there are some aspects in which we completely disagree. She's far more liberal than I am. While I would never call myself a Republican, I am very conservative on some issues (most notably in the area of finance). Couple this with the fact my wife can be quite sensitive and I'm not (hardly a surprise there, right? wink.gif), there's bound to be some misunderstanding and arguments.

I don't know the details of your marriage; however, I do know that over 60% of marriages fail due to communication issues. Maybe this isn't a problem for you and wife, but I'd seek outside help. Family and friends aren't objective and while we may mean well on here, we've only heard one side of the story and lack any other insight into your life.

If you absolutely feel that your marriage can't be saved, then yes, the best thing to do would be to leave the United States. However, I'd give this some serious thought. Once you leave and are gone beyond the limitations set by USCIS, you'll once again become a visitor (even if you and your wife do reconcile).

and I third it.

The first year of marriage is by far the hardest (take it from me, I really really know)....then pile on all the moving and immigration stuff....super hard.

I wish you much luck the end you have to do what is right for you.

Best of luck with everything. rose.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-18 17:52:00
CanadaHappy Holidays!!!
Can't sleep.
It's the wee morning hours of Christmas.
I hope everyone's day is wonderful.
Enjoy family, friends and loved ones.

Merry Christmas all blush.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-25 02:39:00
CanadaDeclare Engagement Rings :S
Put that sucker on and walk on in.

Congrats smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-01-03 14:12:00
CanadaBrand New Day
Many congratulations!!!
I know you'd do well!!!! kicking.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-20 13:29:00
CanadaDeclaring Jewelry
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Nov 25 2008, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

R officially proposed on Thursday and brought the ring across the border and didn't claim it at all smile.gif

I can't stop looking at my ring either!!! Hehehe

Congrats honey!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-11-25 11:52:00
CanadaDeclaring Jewelry
Wear it and go on across the border.
I wear a lot of jewelry and never once was asked if any of it was a gift.
It's on you, it's your personal property, You won't have to declare it.


~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-11-25 11:50:00
CanadaBeer Thread
Bleh beer dead.gif but my dad *loves* Sleeman's honey brown...I wonder if you can get Sleemans in the states? hmm....
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-07-12 20:47:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 14 2008, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow that santa is so cute! What did nick make it out of Laura? What a nice gift smile.gif

He uses a clay called Sculpey.
The inside of the snowman is tin foil so it's not so heavy (Trial and error with that one) and then the rest is just the clay.
You bake it in the oven and it gets hard smile.gif

He is making a bunch for a friend of ours. She's a teacher and is selling them for $10.00 each.


~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-14 21:17:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (LindaB @ Dec 14 2008, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope this works, this is the first time I have used Photobucket.

The first picture is of all the gifts, a great bath set from the Body Shop, some wonderful Lindt white chocolate truffles, and the cutest snowman ornament that Nick made. The next one is a close up of the ornament and of course the next one is the snowman on the tree. Thanks again Secret Santa Laura (of course Nick too)




OH YAY!! You got it!!!!!!!

That shay bath stuff is really mild so I hope you like it.
Nick makes ornaments...I'll post a bunch of more of the ones he's made. smile.gif

Happy Holidays!!!!

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 14 December 2008 - 09:19 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-14 21:15:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 13 2008, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We can, I think the group is getting anxious to share though laughing.gif

What does everyone think? I don't think it's important to post them all at the same time, but waiting doesn't bother me either, so opinions? smile.gif

Whatever everyone thinks...I just don't want them to feel left out.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-13 10:55:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 12 2008, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is lovely!

You were supposed to wait until Monday! Bad Cat!

Can we do it later?
I don't think my secret santa will get theirs on time..can't we wait a little closer to Christmas? sad.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-13 05:29:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 11 2008, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Dec 11 2008, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 11 2008, 06:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Dec 10 2008, 08:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok mine was finally delivered, I was worried that it got lost in the mail or something...

I got the gift Marilyn!! I haven't actually seen it yet, but my fiance opened it and told me about it.

It's a fan. To use when I'm sweating my ####### off in his non-airconditioned house... haha... what that the reason behind it??

I'm sending mine off tonight - sorry to my person, I just haven't had a chance to get to the PO!

did he actually open the gifts inside? I had everything wrapped... tongue.gif

Really???! He said it wrapped in brown paper, so he opened it because he thought it would have Xmas wrap under it. Perhaps you just used a fan box and he didn't actually open the box?? Is that what happened? Haha.

Okay I confirmed... he didn't actually open the box... he just thought it was a fan!

So I'll actually get him to open it tonight on webcam so I can see it smile.gif

Hahaha, I totally misunderstood!!

BHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This made me bust a gut!!!!! laughing.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-11 14:59:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (BH45 @ Dec 8 2008, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK....I gave in and opened my Secret Santa gift. I was feeling kinda down cause I hadn't heard anything bout my AP.

The music box is beautiful and note cards are wonderful. As I was putting them on my computer desk, I noticed I had an email. I opened it and found that my AP documents were mailed today.

So between my secrect Santa gifts and that email, I've been smile.gif and crying.gif for the better part of the day. When I spoke to my daughter earlier and sang "I'll be home for Christmas....", she was like really, honest, for sure...and I said as long as those documents arrive in the mail before the 23rd when we plan on leaving, yes Kelsie - I'll be there. I heard my sister in the background say.."Now I have to go buy 2 more gifts." laughing.gif

When I read you had gotten your AP approved I was so thrilled...I literally yelled at Nick "KELLY GOT HER AP! KELLY GOT HER AP!"
I bet it feels so good knowing you'll be able to go home for Christmas and see your baby girl.
Congratulations hon star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-08 22:32:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Dec 8 2008, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow that was fast! And you're welcome! I was happy when I got your name.

It made it in one piece then?

It sure did! smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-08 19:20:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
YAY I got my secret Santa gift....
Thank you Nevada!!!!!
The bell is lovely and I love the salt and pepper shakers!!!! smile.gif TY!!!!!

I sent my secret santa gift out this morning! smile.gif wooo!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-08 15:00:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (thetreble @ Dec 5 2008, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You have to wait for the pictures Laura! laughing.gif But the eating part was cadbury fruit and nut bars which Kathryn knows I love so much.

Laura, you never told us how me how your biometrics went.

It went very well. I was in and out of there in 15 minutes.
I think I wrote about it in the Sept filers thread.

Can't wait for the pictures!!!

I still haven't mailed out my gift...sigh. I have it all ready just have to make my way to the post office.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-05 17:45:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (thetreble @ Dec 5 2008, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I got my gift a few weeks ago since my SS was so incredibly fast! It was Kathryn! I loved my gift to bits and I can only post pictures of 50% of my gift because I already ate the other half... innocent.gif

ooooo Nice!
What did you get?!??! smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-12-05 12:26:00