
The donor is usually responsible for the gift tax, not the one receiving the gift. Anything under 10,000 is not taxable.,00.html

Thanks so much honey!
Who will be taxing my Parents? The American government? My Dad wired the money in 2010 from his Canadian Account to my American one.

From now on, he will give us the money in $5,000 increments.

Thank you again :)

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-03-26 07:21:00
Hey guys,

I have a quick question.
My parents plan on giving Nick and I a considerable amount of money.
They already gave us about 20K before we bought our house, and I don't know if we will be taxed on that or not.
We are totally reno'ing our new home and they are giving us more.
How do they go about giving us the money without it being taxed?
Can we do it in small amounts?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-03-25 21:00:00

Yes you do, all canadian income made before moving to the US for that year has to be claimed on the state/fed taxes you file with your spouse. Even if you made no income in america, you just don't put any american income. Canadian income = world income which has to be declaired.

Well, if this is the case then we are screwed. Nick put me on his taxes last year even though I couldn't work....he never declared anything I made in Canada prior to moving down here or the unemployment I collected at the end of 2008. He did them wrong last year.

Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite us, we simply didn't know :(

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-04-04 19:22:00
Thank you guys, U&W, you weren't harsh at all. I appreciate your response greatly and you do make many valid points.

The only money I received from Canada in 2009 was EI. I moved here in 2008.
So I don't need to file? Cool.

I'll be sure to declare it on my Amercian Taxes though. Nick and I are taking care of that this week.

Thank you all.

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 01 April 2010 - 08:27 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-04-01 20:27:00
Wow, confusing.

How in the world can the U.S. tax me on money that I got from Canada? What if I just don't declare it here on my taxes I do jointly with Nick? How would they even know? So flipping stupid. I'm not putting that on my U.S. taxes, it's frankly none of their business what I received from Canada.

As for my Canadian taxes, my parents are currently here in the States and I gave him my canadian t4 and he is going to get some advice from a tax friend of his to see what i have to do.

Thanks for all the replies.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-03-31 21:30:00

So I obviously had no income in 2009 but I did get $4100.00 bucks from unemployment according to the T4E slip they sent me.
I called the canadian revenue agency and they gave me some international tax office but the line is always busy?!? The man I spoke with said I may have to declare my American

I'm so confused. Do I have to file taxes in Canada this year? I never got a tax package like I did for 2008 here. Help!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-03-30 08:06:00
Canadaoh oh

It's a separate tax return. Does not need to be filed at the same time as the 2009 return.

Thank you muchly :)
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-04-05 08:12:00
Canadaoh oh

Hi Laura,

You are just going to need to file an amended return (same as you would in Canada). You will need to file the 1040X and include your income.

Thank you hon.
I really know nothing about taxes. My dad always filed them for me.
I'll look into this. Will I have to file them with my taxes Nick and I are doing this week?

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-04-04 22:04:00
Canadaoh oh
What do I do???

Doing our taxes this year, Nick and I have discovered that we made a mistake on last years income tax.

Nick filed his taxes last year and included me on them. He never declared my Canadian income that I made prior to moving to the U.S. nor the Unemployment I collected after I had moved at the end of 2008. Neither of us knew anything about declaring world income........damn.

How should we approach this? Should we contact the IRS telling them we just discovered we made an error last year? I don't want this coming back to haunt us later on. It was a genuine mistake.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-04-04 19:32:00
Canadaoh crap
So I just did the stupid online form for changing my address and noticed after that I put my country of citizenship as United States of America, not Canada.....
I put in my A# and clicked that I was a Perm Resident....
there is no where to correct mistakes....Do you think it's a big deal?

Thanks dudes. Hope everyone is well! :innocent:

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-05-28 15:56:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Congrats on your card Amanda smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-12-15 02:25:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jul 14 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It always feels like..somebody's watching meeeee...

la la la la la laaaa blush.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-07-14 10:13:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
*claps hands* star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-07-13 21:01:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
QUOTE (Mephys @ Jul 9 2009, 02:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Jul 8 2009, 11:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hope it goes well for you gals!!! YAY!!! kicking.gif

luv.gif Hi Laura!

hi star_smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-07-13 20:28:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
Hope it goes well for you gals!!! YAY!!! kicking.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-07-09 00:47:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
I can totally see where Galateia is coming from.
I don't hate it here but this isn't my home and it never will be.

I ache to move home but right now, it's just not the right thing to do yet.
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2010-02-11 15:16:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
Congrats on passing Kathryn!!!

If I had my way...there would be no countries at all.
Just the citizens of earth..... innocent.gif
I am such a dreamer.

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 13 August 2009 - 05:06 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-08-13 17:06:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
How expensive is it to become a citizen? lol
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-08-12 20:00:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
QUOTE (Naked_Smurf @ Aug 12 2009, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not trying to be antagonistic, but I find it a bit disturbing some of the reasons posed here for taking citizenship over remaining a permanent resident. I fully respect anyones decision and passion for their home nation, but why would you actively seek citizenship for a country for convenience? That seems quite disingenuous to me. Maybe I take the citizenship oath a bit too literally, but you are swearing to it when you take the oath.

I seek it for convenience because I really have no desire to be here other than to be with my husband who happens to be American.
I don't hate America or my life here but my heart is in Canada and always will be.

I moved here because at the time, it was the best choice....Since then, my husband was laid off. I am working at a job I love and because of that, plus the fact that we don't want to undo everything we have done immigration wise, we are staying.

I will never see myself as an American but I will always be married to my husband and in that respect it just makes things easier in the long run to become one. Call me selfish or insincere but I assure you, I am not. I am passionately and proudly Canadian and that's how I will always be....even if I happen to have American citizenship.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-08-12 12:04:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
QUOTE (thetreble @ Aug 12 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Why? Don't you think it's enough that we pay thousands of dollars just to immigrate, live and work? What's the difference between becoming a citizen or just being a PR for the rest of your life? In the American Government's eyes, they are still making the same amount off you regardless. laughing.gif It's very expensive to become a citizen and I'm not even sure if I'd have the money at the time.

How much does it cost generally?
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-08-12 11:51:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
QUOTE (Danu @ Aug 11 2009, 11:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is definately one of the reasons I'm thinking about possibly getting mine, as well as the right to vote. The hardship on me comes in that if I get my American Citizenship I automatically lose my German one, so I'm not sure right now what I'm going to do.

That totally sucks Danu. rose.gif
Do what's best for you, follow your heart.
I wish you all the best in your decision making!!!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-08-11 23:35:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
I want U.S. citizenship merely for the convenience of it.

Traveling back and forth will be easier, etc. My hubby and I plan on moving back to Canada in the future so I won't have to worry about starting all over again if later on we decide to move back.

I am and always will be 100% Canadian...I just happen to live in the U.S.....for now.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-08-11 21:49:00
CanadaChange of address???
Thank you very much :)
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-03-23 15:06:00
CanadaChange of address???
I was just wondering if it's necessary to notify the Canadian Government of my change of address. Nick and I purchased a house several months ago and moved. I don't have any ties in Canada I was just wondering if it's necessary.

I called the 1800ocanada number of whatever and the lady was like "Who are you notifying?!?" She really wasn't helpful at all!!

LOL Thanks guys!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-03-23 13:28:00
CanadaHi!! :)
Aww so nice to see some familiar names! :)
Good luck with everyone ROC's!!!

And Charles....HUSH IT! :whistle:

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-03-23 13:26:00
CanadaHi!! :)
I don't know if any of my old friends are still on here or remember me but I wanted to say a quick hello anyway to all my fellow Canadians!
I hope everyone is well!
Nick and I are doing good just waiting for the ROC in April so I should be back on here soon, getting all crazy again! :) Can't believe it's been 2 years already!

Hugs and stuff
xo :star:

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-01-17 15:20:00
CanadaWeather & Road Report
Well I'm in Canada smile.gif Southern Ontario.
So it's snow snow snow snow and more snow smile.gif YAY!
Nick just left for Jersey this morning sad.gif I think there is a bit of snow there but not much! star_smile.gif
Happy Sunday all!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2009-01-11 11:51:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

How are you doing Laura? :)

Hi Moosker, how are you?

Um....I'm feeling a bit better, these waves of homesickness are very strong sometimes and fade others. It's summer, we have some projects on the go for our house (a new deck and fence) and that's positive and something to look forward to but it still feels like a big waiting game till I'm able to apply for citizenship so we can move back.

Nick says that he will miss his family and part of him doesn't want to leave, what are we to do?

He wants to keep this little house if we move to Canada and rent it out and then if need be, we can move back. He says we should switch it up every few years....yeah right, if we were independently wealthy maybe! lol

I don't know what's going to happen.....only time will tell.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-07-07 11:33:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

Nasty drivers here though. Holy moly! If one more woman in her mini van tries to stare me down I'm gonna have to ... I dunno ... stare right back. And try going to a concert around here, people are so aggressive and rude -- I don't get it. Awhile ago I was at a show at a small venue and this woman kept pushing me until I said, "You know where you're trying to stand? Well, I'm already standing there." She got all huffy. Only in NJ (and some parts of Pennsylvania). My husband tells me to get my Jersey up, but the Canadian in me just rolls her eyes.


I know exactly how you feel. I can't believe the aggression from some of these people. I see a lot of it from customers at my job with their armies of screaming kids. Maybe they get all their anger cause they have to drive around in their gas guzzlers in the god awful traffic each day and pay 12,000 a year in property taxes. I don't know.

Everyone back home is like "oh how nice it must be to live so close to the City, I'd drive in all the time"

Yeah right, 13 bucks every time you cross the bridge plus people who would kill you with their vehicle if you drive the speed limit. I just don't get it. lol :bonk:

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-06-08 18:57:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

It's weird to have a good home and a good marriage and yet to not be completely happy because something is STILL missing. People think you should always be happy - it's hard.

It's like postpartum depression all over again... you got this wonderful baby but you can't stop crying.

I can honestly say that having two amazing Canadian expat friends has helped me a ton - we get together every now and then and just talk and it's such a relief - I always leave feeling like a weight is off of me because I am not alone and I am not the only one who thinks spelling "cheque" as "check" is just plain wrong. ;)

PS: I'm from South Jersey... we get the nitwits down here too.

Girl, I miss you!

Hang in there sweetie <3 Life is so difficult!
Nick and I talk about maybe moving somewhere neutral, like, Vermont....just to get away from Jersey but then I'm like, why should we both be away from our families. If we move from here the only logical place would be back to Canada near my family...and then maybe years down the road from that, we'll come back.

Sometimes I'm so
Yay for South Jersey Nitwits! ;)

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-06-08 18:52:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

"...My hair's mostly wind,
My eyes filled with grit
My skin's white then brown
My lips chapped and split
I've lain on the prairie and heard grasses sigh
I've stared at the vast open bowl of the sky
I've seen all the castles and faces in clouds
My home is the prairie and for that I am proud…

If You're not from the Prairie, you can't know my soul
You don't know our blizzards; you've not fought our cold
You can't know my mind, nor ever my heart
Unless deep within you there's somehow a part…
A part of these things that I've said that I know,
The wind, sky and earth, the storms and the snow.
Best say that you have - and then we'll be one,
For we will have shared that same blazing sun." - David Bouchard

It's something I guess we feel to the depth of our souls.

So beautiful! I'm not from the prairies but I can relate to this!!!
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-06-08 18:49:00
CanadaExtremely home sick

Yep. There is definitely no rationalizing it. It just "is". No one can do anything or say anything to make it somehow less of a heartache for me. I'd like to think I've accepted it "for now" but that I can't accept it as my forever.

Hi sweetie, it's been so long since we chatted. You are in Monclair? I'm in Teaneck!

I feel extremely comforted knowing you are in the same state and know what I face each day. People here are so angry, I work in retail, which I have basically since I started working and this area has made me really despise working with the public. I use to enjoy my jobs and now I dread going to work simply because the people are so awful. There are glimmers of hope here and there but never have I seen more people abusing the system, theft, violence and anger.

There are days I literally would move in a split second if I could. There are days when I would get into my car, pack up my kitties and leave, with or without Nick.....that's how I know it's bad.

I push on simply knowing that I'll be able to return home and my trips there every few months make it doable.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and frustrations too....Neither of us are alone.

xo ~L

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 08 June 2011 - 06:47 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-06-08 18:46:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I just want to thank everyone for their kind and supportive words.

So nice to see some old, familiar names on here :)

I know I'm not alone and it's comforting to know there are people across the U.S. who know exactly how I feel and ache for the same thing.
After I posted this I went into the living room, sat down with Nick and asked him honestly if he would go when I got citizenship and he answered yes. We talked about keeping our house and maybe renting it out. We talked about maybe going back and forth every few years...who knows.

I feel good knowing that he supports it. I feel pressure from my parents constantly about moving back, that doesn't help either but I can understand their pain. I am so close to my family. This will be a long wait till citizenship but it's good to know I have people who I can vent with and make the wait tolerable.

Thanks again. xo

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-06-01 08:02:00
CanadaExtremely home sick
I just have to write this out and send it into the universe because lately, I've been struggling very much with living in the U.S.

I've been here almost 3 years. I'm in the middle of applying for my 10 year green card. I have a home with my husband, we are in love and happy. I like my job.

Something is missing. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss the feeling of being home in Canada. When we visit and we cross the border and I see that "Welcome to Ontario" sign, my heart and soul sighs with relief.

I want to move home after I get citizenship. Is that wrong? I just feel that, I'm married to an American. I'm sharing my life with him. His family is here and who knows, 20 years down the road we may want to live here again. All I know is that my entire being wants to be back in Canada.

I feel conflicted. Nick supports this and he says that we will go but I don't know if he really means it.

I feel so lost.

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 31 May 2011 - 08:27 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-05-31 20:26:00

Yes 3 yrs minus 90 days (you can apply as early as 90 days before the 3rd anniversary of the GC) since the first GC (also must be married 3 yrs, but your 3rd wedding anniversary is obviously before your first GC :) )

Thanks muchly! :dance:
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-07-19 23:59:00
Congratulations you guys!!

Stupid question (sorry to be asking it in your thread too but), when am I eligible for naturalization? Is it 3 years from the date my first temporary green card was issued, or is it one year from when my 10 year green card is issued, I get confused!

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2011-07-18 00:30:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
QUOTE (T.O_2_FL @ Feb 26 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LOL cheque is the classic one! Whenever I e mailed the payroll department (that's in the U.S), I'm always typing cheque....LOL they must think I'm weird!

Weird is awesome!!!!
Kraft Dinner FTW!!!! good.gif

laughing.gif Nick just called it crappy dinner! aww my babes is taking after me!!! wink.gif

Edited by ~Laura and Nick~, 26 February 2008 - 01:34 PM.

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-02-26 13:33:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
QUOTE (AnewKINDofFEELIN @ Feb 26 2008, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not really a pronunciation issue, but I always laugh when I see "cheque."

laughing.gif crazy canucks! wink.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-02-26 12:30:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Feb 26 2008, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 25 2008, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was also made fun of for using the word "Expiry date"
They use expiration date...I've always used Expiry. blink.gif

Wow, Laura. I just noticed you have some Tori Amos lyrics. That is one of my all-time favourite songs. I've been to see her in concert a few times. She is absolutely amazing.

She's my all time favourite artist.
I will have a whole room dedicated to her when Nick and I get our own place. It will be my Tori room! LOL
She gets me by.
I've seen her a few times in concert as well. I have to agree with you!!! Brilliant!!! smile.gif

~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-02-26 11:11:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
QUOTE (Earmuffs @ Feb 25 2008, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (T.O_2_FL @ Feb 21 2008, 08:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Canadian: Pop

American: Soda

I asked for a Pop once and my Fiance laughed and said something along the lines of 'you want to get shot?'.....LOL

not true...

i know a lot of americans that say pop..

Yes, that's true, some states do say pop smile.gif
~Laura and Nick~FemaleCanada2008-02-25 17:19:00