K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof Of Relationship
Sheesh, I didn't think asking such a simple question would descend into such debauchery ;)

I'm still not sure what I should be 'editing' out of the emails I intend to submit, I read over them twice more last night and still don't see much I personally think would be inflammatory. I ran it past my fiance' and he thinks we should just be ourselves. We swear a lot but that's about it. I can't see how that would be a detriment? People ARE people after all.

Thanks everyone [everyone who's taken me seriously and been kind enough to respond to me with pointed and helpful answers, you guys are great]
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-28 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof Of Relationship
Yikes, can I assume that swear words should be blacked out? This is hard to judge because I, or any proof reader, will have differing opinions on what's inflammatory, you know? I thought it best to just leave most of it as is since I thought blacking out a lot of stuff would defeat the purpose of sending them in the first place? Most of it is just wishy washy love stuff [which I suppose could sicken some, hehe], telling each other about our respective days, and some very vague 'nookie' references usually presented in a goofy, innuendo type way.

You probably don't need this much info, but I'm needing guidance! I don't mind if you guys snicker :D I just want to make sure I'm not sending out stuff that will cause a problem.

Cheers :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-27 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof Of Relationship
Oh god, now I'm worried. What did you mean by be careful? I've read over the emails I'm planning on submitting and there's nothing I can see as being wrong or bad but now I'm wondering if there's some code I don't know about as far as what's contained in them? I think it's just usual couple stuff. Like now I'm thinking should I edit out swear words or references to each other's bodies or anything?

Doesn't it sort of come down to the person reading it and their bias? I sort of thought that it was beyond my control, that one person could receive my case, read our emails, and think we're a typical couple, and someone else could read and think 'They're shocking in their use of language!". You know?

We're not planning a coup or anything, I promise :D

Thanks for any help. :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-27 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof Of Relationship

Just so you know, you only have to provide proof of having met in the past two years with the initial I-129F.

Your flight and train information is great, and the dated photographs are good too, though they are not considered primary evidence. If you can link them to some of the trips together, then that's great too.

What about boarding passes, itineraries from your flights etc? Do you still have access to any of those? Credit card receipts can also put you in the same place at the same time.


edited to add: keep all of your emails, phone bills, letters (yay for you keeping the envelopes) - they can be used later. You have to provide proof of the relationship at the interview.

I forgot to mention I've got copies of his passport stamps and my stamps. I've got itineraries from my trips to London, and his most recent visit here. The photos I have are digital [I'm printing them at a print shop, not on my computer printer] but there are no time stamps. I've got one in front of famous landmark, with coinciding train tickets showing us having gone there together though. I've got all the boarding passes we still had left, covering a good 5 trips together.

Even though it doesn't seem they want the proof of relationship stuff initially, I thought I'd send it in right away anyway, on the off chance it might "speed things up" [I have a feeling that's the kind of optimism only a person just starting out in the K-1 process can have, hehe]

Not a good plan to weigh your petition down with evidence of the relationship at the expense of evidence that is the requirement......evidence of having met within the 2 year period.

Whilst evidence of an ongoing relationship is suggested in the guides, it is really only needed if one has any red flags and/or the beneficiary is from a high fraud country whereby submitting this evidence at petition stage can be beneficial at interview stage as a conof has to have reason that was not known to the USCIS at the time of petition approval in order to deny a visa and send it back for revocation.

Use Q18 to describe in some detail of how you met in the required 2 year period that established the relationship. Then the evidence you submit should support those details. Boarding passes, passport stamps, hotel/credit card receipts, rental receipts if ever lived together etc etc are primary evidence. Photos are secondary which support the primary evidence. What you should be aiming for is creating an image in the minds eye of the adjudicator......a complete picture. Look outside the box for evidence that shows you both in the same place at the same time. Each case is different and you should submit evidence accordingly, not just rely on the standard unofficial list.

I thought the stuff I had was the proof we'd met? Maybe I stated it wrong. I meant for all this stuff to back-up what I wrote in my one-page Question 18 attachment. I tried to stick mainly to facts in my letter, highlighting in bold the dates we were together in the previous 2 years, where, and how long. I thought the phone bills, emails, letters, ticket stubs, passport stamps, and photos would be what would confirm my statements in my attachment? We've got tons of photos of us together, so I figured we'd have more than enough to submit later on.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-27 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof Of Relationship
I've gathered as much stuff as I can think of for the proof of an ongoing relationship for my first initial I-129F petition which I intend to submit next week after making copies of everything. Wondering if it's enough?

I've got:

5 pictures spanning various dates over the 2 years we've been together
7-8 phone bills, his and mine, spanning various dates
7-8 emails spanning various dates
2 personal letters I sent to him, w/ envelopes & clear post marks
Copies of all the flight/train ticket stubs we have [most are mine, he lost his], covering about 5 trips we took together

Wondering if I should print out some MSN messenger chats? Is that a good idea?

Plus, is there any certain way to print emails so they are easily recognizable as authentic? I've got printer friendly versions that look almost as if they could be done on a word processor which worries me. The URL is printed across the tops though.

Oh, and I am intending to make full color copies of everything, is that better than B&W?

Sorry I've got so many questions! This is the only place I've got to ask real people who have been through this how to do it the best way. I'm so grateful for any help :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-27 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast Minute Panic
Wow, smurf blue felt tip pen? Hearing that just made me feel so relieved. I guess since this is all so new to me, I'm imagining these government bureaucrats to all be big, hairy ogres that will send back anything less than 100% perfect. I know I gotta calm down. hehe.

Everyone's replies really help so much, I'd be lost without this site! So if it's all acceptable, I am in great hopes that my packet will be sent off tomorrow and I can begin my timeline!!

Thanks so, so much.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-02 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast Minute Panic
For months I've gathered all the evidence I need, researched my heart out, taken the most care I could to ensure my initial I-129F packet would contain all the needed materials in their proper form. Here's the problem...

I went to the copy shop today to do the copying of the whole packet, hoping to send it off tomorrow before Labor Day weekend. This has been delayed so many times so far because of little snafus, and I found another potential one day.

When I went to copy my fiance's G-325A, the bio sheet, it was only then I realized he'd printed it on old paper, yellowish and very light weight, almost the kind used in old typewriters!!! My heart just sank because it's all signed and dated, and my fiance' is now back in England [He filled it out here, I should have kept an eye on him, I swear]

I looked on the USCIS website to try and gain whether this type of paper will be a problem, if they'll refuse it or not for a detail like that. Does anyone out there know? Should I give it a shot as is? Or do you think the best thing to do would be taking another delay on the chin and requesting he reprint, and fill it out anew even if I have to wait another week or so?

Any help would be so appreciated as my stomach is in knots.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-01 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFilling out the G-325A...

You only have to fill out page 1 the others will get filled automatically, saves you all the time repeating all the same stuff 3 more times.

The form is traditionally a 4 part carbon less form so when hammering it in an old smith-corona or IBM Selectric you only type on the top page. They emulated this behavior in the PDF form.

If you are really ####### and want to shine them on you can print on the traditional color papers, page one is white, two is pastel green, three is pastel pink and four is pastel blue. :lol:

I am very ####### and I considered buying all the different color papers, but then I remembered that I'm also cheap, hehe.

Don't know if anyone mentioned it, but each page of the G-325A has a designation at the bottom as to where it will be sent [consulate, embassy, etc]. So if you make four copies of the first page, they will all have the same designation at the bottom so it's probably best to find a way to print all four pages.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-03 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocumentation & Filing Questions

You can reorder the table of contents to match the order, or it can stay the way it is. It is just an inventory of what you sent, no order implied.

About the copy of passport you did it correctly, besides other evidence will just help like copies of receipts dated photos, hotel bills...

Yes you can blank out things of personal nature they just want to see evidence that you routinely communicate, besides print outs can be altered on the computer before they are printed.

The unaltered docs refers to Birth Certificate and Passport.

Thanks so much YuAndDan! :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-03 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocumentation & Filing Questions
I am assembling my I-129F form and packet of documentation [hope to send it out Tuesday!!], with a few puzzling things:

First, I downloaded the example cover letter, and the general assembly instructions. I assembled the packet in the assembly instructions way since it boldly stated to do it in that order, yet the cover letter lists the table of contents in a different order. Which do I use?

Second, my fiance's previous passport was water damaged and had to be destroyed so he could get a new one. I've included copies of visitation stamps and photo pages from both his old and new passport. I wasn't sure if this would be confusing, so on the cover letter I listed "Copies of passport stamps from beneficiary's previous and most recent passport". Is that acceptable or should I just not mention it? Or do something else?

Third, the instructions say to black out any personal info on emails, phone bills I'm including, which I did. But the cover letter includes the statement "Copies of all documents are exact photocopies of unaltered documents". But I did alter them by blacking stuff out. How do I get around that one or do I just sign that anyway?

Any help would be appreciated for this nervous attention to detail first timer!! Thanks for your patience and help :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-03 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Document Question
Hola Everyone!

First off, I know that emails and phone bills are pretty much the "Proof of ongoing relationship" but I've decided to include a bunch of that stuff in my initial I-129F packet anyway under that heading. It cannot hurt right? I thought perhaps it would save time and an RFE later. I figure they might just request more info, that's all.

I had a question about the phone bills. I live with my Mom, we have two seperate phone lines/numbers but hers is the only one in the house equipped with long distance. I call my fiance' on her phone, hence her name is on the bills from my side. Will it make a difference with her name being on the bills? Should I not include those? They are the only bills from my side that prove I've called him. I've got a bunch of his from his side though.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-04 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Packet Sent Today!

Welcome to the Twilight Zone. :wacko:

Yes, I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. When I filled in my timeline today, it said something about approximating my adjudication to be in December but I took it with a grain of salt like "Not to be cynical, but I'm not placing any bets on that puppy".

I'm just gonna try to go with the flow and focus on keeping my relationship strong while waiting. I figure, if I pretend we won't be married for another year then I can only be OVERJOYED if this thing comes through by May or June of next year or something. May be a goofy way of doing things, but it works for me.

Unless the approval doesn't come through until we're in nursing homes, then I'll be writing to my congressman for sure...
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Packet Sent Today!

Best of luck to you and hopes for a speedy journey for you and your fiancé(e)! Congratulations on completing that first step - actually letting go of the petition to mail it. Patience and strength to you both.

Thanks from everyone and mucho good luck to you all too! Especially you Eli, I see you've been waiting for so long. Here's hoping the end is near and you'll get your interview any day now, another set of fingers are crossed for you [and everyone still waiting after such a long period]. :):):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Packet Sent Today!
Not an hour ago I went to the post office & sent that I-129F packet off FINALLY! I almost didn't want to, I've worked on it for so long now it almost felt like my labor of love child, hehe. I'm trying to unwind now, relax, and just wait for the powers that be to put this process in motion.

Thanks to everyone here for their help and patience, it's just so good to find an online community full of people going through the same things. It's good to know you're not alone through a nerve jangling process like this.

I'll be keeping up with my timeline as everything comes to pass! [And of course, asking questions which I'm sure there will be more of!]

Thanks loads again everybody :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.

I know there are people that have been waiting a LOT longer than I, but I just got to the point where there are VSC people that sent in their petitions at the same time I did that are getting approved and it's making my stomach turn.

I am SO happy for people getting approved, but I am SO jealous. I feel guilty for being so jealous. I should be excited and giddy for people heading towards their next step, but I can't help but feel resentment.

I just got back last night from Canada, and seeing my Craigory for 4 days didn't help the situation. I'm grateful for being able to see him so often, but at the same time, it makes it harder. Because just as I start to get used to daily life without him, I go visit and I get reminded of how amazingly glorious daily life is WITH him.

Guh. CSC. C'mon now. Give us all a break.

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

First of all, I think it's quite human to feel jealous of the folks who are lucky enough to be getting faster approvals especially from those who have been waiting for so long. I'm sure there are people who would be jealous of you being able to see your guy so often, as I think there are a lot of people who don't get that chance. I think everyone here is in different situations, with different mixed feelings about everything. I don't think you would resent the people who get approved themselves, as much as resenting your own service center for not moving as fast, which I can definately understand.

And I understand how hard it is to flip-flop between having those wonderful times when you can be together, and then having to adjust to life on your own without him, then getting to be with him again, then being alone again. I've gone through the same thing with my fiance'. and it is a strain on the heart to say the least. I think most everyone here would identify.

Right now I myself am trying to focus on the fact that this process is now in motion to end all the back-and-forth long distance stuff, that it's no longer open ended like it was before with no end in sight. I know how hard it can be, but focusing on the positive stuff does help, because when I focus too much on how much I miss him and how unfair it feels that it's not as easy for us to get married than so many others, I just get very sad and then it affects my relationship with my fiance. It's so understandable to have those days of frustration and heartache, just know you're totally not alone.

And the end WILL come! Just hang on and before you know it, all this pain will be a memory when you start your new life together!

Good luck for the future! :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance' Visiting During K-1 Process
It's only been a little over a week since I sent off my I-129F and I'm keeping my spirits up about what lies ahead. Still, I read story after story and figure my fiance' and I are in for a very long haul.

Here's my question, to which I've read many conflicting answers when it's been posed before.

We want to spend Christmas together with my family here in the states this year. Is this even possible?

I've read that all he'll need to do is enter, acknowledge he's going through the K-1 process but just be prepared with proof of ongoing ties back in England, I.E. proof he's still employed and will return to work, his return ticket, etc. Then I've also read that this is entirely untrue, that it's not possible.

I've looked for information online that answers this question 'officially' but can't find any. Does anyone know where I could find some answers?

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-15 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of meeting - too much, not enough, decisions decisions!

I was really nervous when I sent in my I-129F too, juggling all the documentation over and over.

Like the others have said, they seem to be looking for evidence you've met in person in the past two years, to back up Question 18.

I sent 5 photos, and on the backs in felt pen I clearly wrote who's in the picture, where it was taken, and what date.

I also sent all the ticket stubs from trips together that I had, as well as copies of passport stamps from both his passport and my passport.

I didn't have access to credit card receipts or bills, but I've heard many say that if you can present credit card receipts or bills from BOTH of you, showing you two in the same place at the same time, it's pretty good documentation too.

Still, I think the photos clearly labeled, the ticket stubs, and the copies of passport stamps are probably the best stuff to include.

I've gathered emails, personal letters, phone bills, etc. for the future when the interview comes and they want proof of an ongoing relationship. My fiance and I are thinking ahead and making a point to send each other personal hand written letters while we wait since every little bit helps. So start saving for the next step, it could get here at any time!

Hope that was helpful and mucho good luck to you two!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-16 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresand Photos...
Hola again Bruce,

I think I can safely say I'm part of that ####### retentive club whom dissect every aspect of this with as much precision as possible. Not that it means I'm any more qualified to answer questions! This is just what I did...

A LOT of people don't have time stamped photos, including me. Mine were all digital and unstamped, but I had read in a few places it's best to get them printed from an actual copy shop instead of a home printer, not EXACTLY sure why but that's what I did. I took them into Kinkos on CD, got them printed, and labeled the backs myself. Who's in the pictures, location it was taken, and the date.

I carefully chose pictures from certain dates to correspond with the ticket stub/passport stamp/itinerary copies I submitted.

I labeled all the pics, put them in a plastic baggie, labeled the baggie as to how many photos were included and that they were pictures of us. I affixed the baggie to a standard sized piece of paper and put it in the packet.

I tried to follow instructions to the letter, but really, it seems they can request an RFE for just about anything, you never know. Just follow instructions as well as you can and try not to worry too much. If you've got clear photos and you clearly label them, you should be good.

And again, with all the concern about the factual correctness of replies, this is just an opinion and an example of what I personally did. :) GOOD LUCK!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-16 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting During I-129F Process
I get the impression that it will be fine, it really is just that fear of screwing up something this important.

I would think it would be a good thing to acknowledge the pending K-1 visa? Rationally [not that anything in the K-1 process seems all that based in rationale sometimes] I would think it would be obvious that we weren't intending to get married while he's here at Christmas, because that would make no sense if we've filed for the K-1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he'd just get kicked out immediately if we got married without the K-1, right?

I would think it would appear more of a risk if we HADN'T filed already. I might be wrong though.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-08 04:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting During I-129F Process
Hola Boiler - So you're from the U.K. and visited the U.S. during the K-1 process? Did you bring proof of ties back in England, and if so, what? Did you acknowledge the K-1 or did you just tell them you came for a different reason? [tourism, shopping, etc.]?

Also, my fiance has one of the new fangled passports with the little tracker/antenna chip thingy in it. Haven't heard from anyone who came through with one of those yet.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-08 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting During I-129F Process
I've posted about this subject before, I apologize for posting again but I'm desperate for some solid answers.

We're trying to find out whether he can visit me here in America for the holidays while our I-129F is being processed.

My fiance and I both have been trying to track down solid answers on this, he even called the U.S. embassy in London. They refused to give any straight answers, the whole sort of "Don't quote me on this" type thing.

They told him he is welcome to try, but that as soon as they swipe his passport, they will see he's the beneficiary of a pending I-129F and may refuse him entry even though his country part of the Visa Waiver Program [they said this even after he told them he'd be bringing proof of ties to England like a letter from employers, proof of obligations, return ticket, etc] . Apparently, on the fear that he and I will marry while he's here.

This is what confuses me, because as far as I can tell he'll need a social security number for us to get married anywhere, and if he doesn't have one, it's not possible ANYWAY. This kind of thing is starting to make me nuts because of how many of these restrictions and rules they have, with so little documentation or HELP for people.

Has anyone from the U.K. visited their fiance during the process? What happens?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Just wanted to add that I did look through the forums, but found mainly people discussing visiting while going through the K-3, not the K-1, process.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-08 01:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 PETITION APPROVED!!!!
Congratulations!! Best wishes for the rest of the process!!! :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 00:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!!!!!!!
WOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Congratulations, you must be so relieved and overjoyed!! I'm seeing so many approval messages today! It's awesome! *does super happy dance* Best wishes for the future :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED NOA2!
GIRL!! I just came on to update my timeline and saw you got your NOA2 as well!! W000000000t!!!! Congratulations!! THIS IS AN AWESOME CHRISTMAS BAY-BEEEEE!!!! [This is your swearing pal from MySpace btw, hehe].
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved & Questions
I'm still stoked about getting my NOA2 today, but something occured to me. My fiance' is here with me in America right now, his return ticket is for January 7th, 2007. Does he have to go home right away or can he stay? I searched the forums but can't find a related question. Anyone know? [Man, I hope he can stay for Christmas & New Year but I suppose if it would endanger the rest of the process, we could take the momentary disappointment] Any help appreciated :) Thanks loads! [still doing the happy dance!!!]
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Appproval!
Yay!! Congratulations to you both!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED NOA2 ...WHoooohhhhhhhooooooooooo
YAY!!! Congratulations!!! :):):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED NOA2 ...WHoooohhhhhhhooooooooooo
YAY!!! Congratulations!!! :):):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 for me too!!!
I can't believe how many approvals I'm seeing!! Congratulations!!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOT MY NOA2!!!
Hey everybody!! I just had to report that today in the mail came my NOA2!! My fiance is actually here for the holidays so we got to celebrate the good news together!! We thought we'd be waiting all the way through January!! Lotsa tears, lots of screeches of happiness, and good cheer. We know it's not over yet, but this was one brilliant Christmas present!!!

I just want to thank you all again for all the things everyone has posted to help me during this process [and thanks for the future help too]. For everyone still waiting, I understand how unbelievably painful it can be at times and I'm hoping you all get your approvals soon too. Happy Holidays to everyone!!! *does happy dance*
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-07 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOngoing relationship
I was panicking about the same sorts of things because I was desperate to have my British fiance' here for the holidays but found it hard to find anyone to give me straight answers as to whether or not it was okay for him to visit while the K-1 process was going on. I called about five different numbers [a total of about an hour and a half on the phone] to try to find help. The following number is where I finally spoke to someone who gave me answers:

National Visa Service Helpline (202) 663-1225

I believe it's a Washington D.C. number so be prepared for long distance charges! It's sort of a pain, you have to wait through ages and ages worth of menus and long informational recordings, but eventually you'll have the option to speak to a visa specialist directly. They answered all my questions.

They told me that since my fiance is from a country part of the Visa Waiver Program, it should be no problem whatsoever for him to visit here while the petition is being processed. My fiance is here right now, his point of entry was Atlanta. He had no problem in Atlanta, he said he was here to visit his fiance and they didn't even question him about it. Not to say all points of entry are the same, nor officers. I'm just saying in our case, it was fine and he's here now. Having your fiance come with proof of ties back in her own country is always good just in case. Letter from employer, copy of lease, etc.

I'd say call the number and get the info from them directly. I know it eased my mind to hear it from an official place and have that peace of mind.

I hope this was helpful, & good luck!!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-08 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Relationship Proof

Hi guys my name is Yamilet and Im a new member,

The reason im posting this topicis because i have ben with my fiancee for a little bit over a year now, and i want to start filling out the I-129F documents. The only thing is this. The proof? I wanted toknow if these couple of proofs where good.
He lives in the dominican republic.

1. in 2006` i went to go see him 3 times. I have my passport stamped with all the entrys and outgoings and the boarding passes

2. Since the dominican postal service is horrible we only write letters to each other when i head over there and im ready to headback, So we have both 3 letters of each.

3. I have over 50 pictures of us toghether, kissing, slepping, eating etc.,

4. I have no emailsjust because he lives in a small town where computers are not available and to use the service he needs money and he dosent really know howto use the computers well.

5. i dont send him money because he refuses too` just because his mother sents him.

6. I have over 100 pre-paid calling cards that i have used during thpast months to call him.

7. He has the receipt of the wedding rings hehad bought.

8. He has receipt of 2 flower arangements he had bought for me`, one for the day he proposed and 1 formy birthday,.

Please i would love all feedbacks, and comments. Thanks

You sound like you are in pretty good shape so far. They're mainly just looking for proof that you two have met each other in person in the past two years.

Copies of the passport stamps and copies of the boarding passes are excellent.

You can submit 1-5 photos of you two together, preferably from different visits with him. If they're not timestamped on the photo itself, don't worry. Just take a felt tip pen and write on the back: the date it was taken, the location it was taken, and who is pictured. I'd choose ones where you can clearly see both of your faces. If you have any of you two together taken with famous landmarks or well known tourist spots in the background, those are also rather good.

You can also include copies of the personal letters [including a copy of the envelope with the date stamp], copies of the wedding ring receipts, etc. I listed these things under 'Proof Of Ongoing Relationship" on my cover letter, even though it's not entirely necessary. I did it for my own peace of mind, and I didn't get any RFEs [Request for Futher Evidence].

I don't think the phone cards will do any good unless you have some sort of statement reflecting that there were calls made from your number to his number or vice versa.

You should be in good shape for now, as far as I can tell. Good luck on your journey!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-18 11:37:00
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][b]Hello, everyone. I'm new here and the first thing I have to say is that this site is a godsend! Thanks in advance!

I haven't filed my I-129F yet, but am about to. I read over all the IMBRA stuff and I think I'm pretty on top of it but wanted to make sure. My fiance' and I met through, which is a FREE dating website. Neither of us paid a dime to exchange our first messages to each other. I mentioned this in the Question #18 attachment, stating in bold letters that this service is free of charge. Did I do the right thing? Thanks loads :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-27 13:51:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?

Haha I just got out the credit card and ordered me some minstrels, weetabix, galaxy, cadburys, salad cream, ah bisto gravy granules and what else? oh yeah, custard:-D

Oooh, maybe some Angel Delight and Chocolate HobNobs too!! Or Patak's Mango Chutney! Or maybe even some Wine Gums and Flake!!

Damn, I'm hungry...
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-18 11:51:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss the most from the UK?
My guy isn't here to live yet, but I know for certain it's only going to be a DAY before he mopes going 'I want BBC news!". Not that I blame him, I did appreciate how British news anchors actually speak to you like you're a thinking human being rather than a five year old who needs coaching [ala most U.S. news programs]. I think he will very much miss 'proper' pronunciation too. To this day we have go-rounds about it. "Wrath is pronounced 'ROTH!' Not 'RA-TH!!" He tells me, hehe.

I'm not from the U.K. of course but I spent so much time there, and miss so much stuff myself. The big jugs of concentrated Ribena, the king of all purple goo. M&S tea biscuits, chocolate cake rolls, & walnut whips. The fact that you can catch buses or trains ANYWHERE, not just in the big cities. Awesome curry take-out [it's rare here, I've had to learn to cook curries myself]. Prawn crackers!! Minstrels, Mr. Kiplings [he is a god!] and Jaffa Cakes! Irn Bru and how friggin' good it is at helping hangovers. Guy Fawkes day and how you hear firecrackers for a whole week! Cornish pasties! Mulled wine available at stands during Christmas. LUSH stores located EVERYWHERE. Man, I could go on [You can tell I'm hungry, hehehe]

I'm hoping I can keep some traditions of comfort alive for Andy when he gets here. I've learned to cook proper Sunday roasts with parsnips and proper Yorkshire puddings, as well as curries and fry-ups. We're totally going to celebrate Guy Fawkes day and have Boxing Day as well. I even got him an electric kettle so he doesn't have to use my old fashioned stove-top one when he needs his cuppa, hehe.

I just have to say I admire all of you who have come from another country to begin a new in a whole new place. I'm sure you're just like Andy who says 'I will miss the U.K. but if I were to stay, I'd be missing you more so it's more than worth it" but I know it's still a big transition. I really admire it because I don't think everyone can. I hope you're all loving your lives here with us Yanks :) [and I hope you all have ways to get those comforts from home when you need 'em too]
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-18 02:54:00
United KingdomIn Case You Don't Go Into OT
This is the sweetest thread ever, I don't think it's soppy. It's things like this that lend so much comfort when you're going through this process, knowing other people know EXACTLY how hard it is to be apart from the one you love. It's such a rollercoaster sometimes, it's always good to know there are others on that train with you. Thanks for posting it, it's lovely.

Man, banger sausages. I'm lucky enough to have a British food shop nearby, so we've got all the makings of a good fry-up when the pangs strike. It's like working out a drug supply network or something, hehe. We can get some stuff over here, but it's like I've got 'suppliers' in the U.K. waiting for the late night phone call of "We need a shipment of Yorkie bars and Tetley teabags STAT! Hook us up, we're dying here". It's those little things in life that really do it.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 23:13:00
United KingdomMedical Tomorrow :)

It's truly amazing just how quickly things are going, but just how impatient I am getting along the way :grins:

My medical is tomorrow. I know all will be fine, but I'm getting pig-sick in case there is something there that will hinder the Visa process. Does anyone know if they tell you if anything is wrong? Or do you find out at the Embassy?

Still waiting on C to send me the I-134 of her and her co-sponsor. Hope to have them by the end of next week so I can send off my checklist.

Then I wait for the interview! Looks like it takes around 2 months from the sending of the checklist to the interview date at the moment. Wow, our July-planned wedding looks like it might actually happen!

We are making such good progress with the I-129F :)

I can't wait to be with my honey again. This is such a long time apart :/ I'm so glad we get to speak each day on Skype. I wouldn't wish this distance on anyone :/

You might see my fiance' there, he's got his medical tomorrow too, near Knightsbridge.

I know what you mean about how fast it starts going. After all this time it's moving faster than ever but it's also making it more like 'Grrr! We're almost there! Come on, come on!!".

Mucho good luck to you on your medical and then your interview! I hope the next weeks fly by for you and your sweetie :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-20 07:30:00
United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?

Since you say he is shipping books it might be worth looking for a company that charges by volume rather than weight.

Yes, so far we're sticking with companies that ship by volume. I checked IKEA online to see how much it would be to get the desk shipped here from the closest store, and the IKEA shipping/handling is more than the desk itself! I've gotta call them to see if they're joking, but if they're not it's almost $300. Might be more cost effective to ship it after all. Freakin' IKEA. They've been talking about bringing a store to Tampa for ages now but they're not doing it.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 23:44:00
United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?
Whoa, 04/20/78 ey? That is weird! I've gotten the Hitler connection so many times I can't count. People card me and it's like "Do you know you have the same birthday as Hitler?", then they look at me as if that automatically makes me a Nazi. I'm like "DUDE! It's just a coincidence!", hehe.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 23:40:00
United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?
Thanks everybody for their thoughts and taking the time to post :)

We're rethinking the IKEA desk, weighing out the cost of shipping as opposed to getting a new one here. We don't have an IKEA nearby and it would have to be shipped here from Georgia so we're working out the cost differences. I know it sounds like a silly thing, but we love this desk.

He will be making a fresh start in a lot of ways, he's leaving loads behind. When it comes to CDs, Books, and DVDs though, we're collectors and fanatics, so we'd like to have our 'complete collection' even if it sounds a bit goofy, hehe.

We were just wondering if there were any options we hadn't thought of, your replies have been really helpful. We're working to bring the costs down, I'm sure we'll find a way. I know it's just stuff in the end, but I think some of it's important for him to have here so it's like there is some of himself here too, so when he's making his new home here there's that sense that it's some of his things here, not just mine. I hope that makes sense :)

Thanks again for your thoughts and feedback. Oh, and by the way, your kitties are beautiful!!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-16 22:39:00