United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I clearly saw he was winding people up last night in the 'Mexican' thread. This today? I think this is what he honestly feels...and he's voicing it all the while keeping the wind up possibility as a 'HAHAH SUCKERS!' tool that he'll whip out later in attempt to 'show us' all how superior he is.

Plus, I'm enjoying this!

Me too! I don't know, the way I see it is that there's always a chance a guy like this is ACTUALLY open to debate rather than winding people up. It doesn't look like he is, but everyone else has said interesting, thought provoking stuff so who's the loser really? It's an interesting topic, even if the person who orginally brought it all up isn't really contributing thoughtfully after all.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:26:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I suspect this is all a windup that you guys need not take so seriously.

It's like VJ summer of '05 all over again!

What is taking it too seriously? [<BTW, that's totally an honest question, no sarcasm I promise :)]I don't know about anyone else, but I'm enjoying the debate and input while having some delightful coffee and editing my blogs in between, hehe.

I wonder if the OP thinks I'm loading my shotgun? hehehehehe
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:18:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I found many an ignorant Brit while living there.

You are going to have a hell of a time living in America.

You will find ignorant people everywhere - even in the white house

>>You are going to have a hell of a time living in America <<<

Sounds like another threat - I know I will have a great time with all your cheapo currency haha !

see what I mean about the underlying simmering violence ? it's runs through so many replies - you are all there with your hot pokers just aching to get at me for saying that GENERALLY Americans are not receptive to the slightest flaw in their country being pointed out...
That is all I am saying and all I have said - and it raises you all to such fury !
Collective paranoia or what

Are you reading the replies? Methinks you are picking and choosing. There's a bigger picture here.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:13:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

You know, it's the whole 'how do I dumb myself down to blend in?' mentality that I find oh-so-infuriating.

I think he's already dumb enough. :devil:

I nominate David Bowie's "I'm afraid of Americans" as the theme song to this thread :D
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:10:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

'Good ol boy territory', hehehe. Wisconsin IS a tough one. I had a Welsh friend who, to be fair, found it very hard to deal with people in Wisonsin when he visited a friend there. He too had expressed 'fear' of sounding 'too smart'. He spoke of people who were confrontational if he used 'big words'. I don't think this is ALL of Wisconsin, there are just those 'good ol boy' territories. They're in England too though! That's what puzzles me a bit. Why is it so shocking to find here when it's found EVERYWHERE? I've actually BEEN to Harrogate [Knew a guy they called "Nobby", it would be hilarious if you knew him] and I met quite a few people who were bugged by me talking about foreign cinema, and modern art stuff. Still, I didn't walk away thinking Harrogate was uncultured or anything of the sort, not by a long shot. Of course not.


Harrogate, uncultured? STREWTH! Harrogate is snobbish as all hell, and you have to have some serious bucks to afford a house there. I worked in Harrogate for three years and the people there were very eager to discuss cultural matters. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

See! There you go! I had no idea that Harrogate is supposedly snobbish and stuff. The people I met worked in hospitals doing hard jobs, me talking about art and all this stuff seemed to irritate the hell out of them the whole time I was there. Still, I didn't walk away thinking this small group encapsulated Harrogate. Even you saying it's snobbish as hell wouldn't stop me from checking it out again. hehe.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:01:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Carolyn is a fiery readhead but quiet as well and a thinker underneath- and the most European thinking of any American I have ever met. She dislikes dubbleyer intensly, but if she didn't I would be ok with it - and she can give me a tolerant discussion without identifying me as an 'alien' and the 'anti-american enemy' to be stubbed out


What the hell does that mean?

Oh, and sounds to me like you live in 'good ol boy' territory. If that's what you're basing the whole of US on, you are so mistaken it's not even funny.

'Good ol boy territory', hehehe. Wisconsin IS a tough one. I had a Welsh friend who, to be fair, found it very hard to deal with people in Wisonsin when he visited a friend there. He too had expressed 'fear' of sounding 'too smart'. He spoke of people who were confrontational if he used 'big words'. I don't think this is ALL of Wisconsin, there are just those 'good ol boy' territories. They're in England too though! That's what puzzles me a bit. Why is it so shocking to find here when it's found EVERYWHERE? I've actually BEEN to Harrogate [Knew a guy they called "Nobby", it would be hilarious if you knew him] and I met quite a few people who were bugged by me talking about foreign cinema, and modern art stuff. Still, I didn't walk away thinking Harrogate was uncultured or anything of the sort, not by a long shot. Of course not.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 09:55:00