United KingdomUS Embassy goes on sale for £90m
Oooh, I've got to mark this thread so my man can have a look. He swears by the BBC and it's 'sterling rep', I started to believe it too. Mwa-ha-ha! Inaccuracies a-go-go!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 14:09:00
United Kingdomwhat to wear for the interview??
My fiance just wore trousers, a button down shirt, and black shoes. I'm sure jeans/casual is just fine, whatever you're most comfortable in is probably best. Trainers are probably a good idea, one I think my fiance wished he'd gone with after being on his feet for so long :)

I'm sure your interview will go great! The anticipation is so much worse than the actual interview. Good luck tomorrow! Best wishes for that and everything that comes after :):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 13:38:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!
Congratulations :) Mucho good luck with the rest of the journey!! :):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 09:55:00
United KingdomGot NOA2 today
Congratulations and good luck :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 14:50:00
United KingdomFinally!
Hmmm, by the time my fiance' had his interview, our NOA2 had already expired but they didn't seem to care. I sent my updated letter of intent to him but in his interview experience, the woman did not even look at it. His interviewer was focused on all the income/money related paperwork.

Still, I always say just do what they ask, hehe. I've not yet heard of an updated letter of intent having to be notarized, but maybe if they specifically asked for it, it's best to do that? I'd say perhaps if it's not too much trouble to just go ahead and have it notarized, it can't hurt. It just makes me wonder if they don't always check to see if NOA2's are expired, and if they do, they need a notarized updated letter of intent? I might be thinking of all this for nothing though!

These are just my thoughts :) Congratulations and good luck!!!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 09:51:00
I was looking for this thread to pop up! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope you and your honey get reunited soon!!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 13:53:00
United KingdomApproval London Embassy US
Congratulations to you both and best wishes for a speedy reunion!! :):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-06 09:00:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!

What a lovely post, am so pleased everything went to plan and that the reunion was so fantastic! Of course, the most important thing is "have you eaten the cake yet?". Cake is an important part of life and I'd hate to think of it going to waste.... :whistle: :blush:

May you have a wonderful life together! :D

Thanks so much Mags :)

Yeah, we ate that cake! Yellow cake with fudge icing....mmmmh. We had it for brunch the next day, hehe. I'd give everyone a slice if I could.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-06 09:14:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!
What did LisaD say about me not being back here the next day....*blushes*

Everything went great! He landed in Cincinatti as scheduled and got through passport patrol fine. They only asked him to give his index fingerprints, the ones they usually ask him to give upon entry. The officer had a look at his K-1 Visa, and opened the mysterious brown envelope. He only asked a couple of questions, like how we met and how long we've known each other, when we plan to marry, etc. He informed Andy about the fact that we have to get married and file for adjustment of status within the 90 days. He also explained to Andy how to obtain a social security number. Then that was it! Andy said he was a very nice guy.

Customs pulled him aside briefly, Andy said he thought it was just the random "1 in every 5" they pull aside. They were a little curious as to why he had SO MUCH BISTO, hehehe. Andy explained that the copious amounts of gravy granules and Yorkie chocolate bars were for his fiance who could not readily get them here in the states, they seemed fine with that and passed him on.

Then he was off to wait for his connection flight while I informed just about every single living person I know that he'd gotten in without problems [even the cats, who did not seem amused at my excitement]. I wasn't in all that much of a rush since it was 3PM or so and I kept thinking 'He arrives after 7PM". I headed off to get the balloons, which took the party store girl about 20 minutes to inflate for some reason, browsed the store and then went to pick-up the cake. I was just taking my own sweet time, then I noticed it was 5PM and only then did it occur to me "Oh #######, it's over an hour to the airport so that means I have to leave at 6PM". I pretty much sped home, heheh.

Managed to arrange the balloons and put up the 'Welcome Home" sign very rapidly. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to shower, shave my legs, put on my dress, dry and do my hair, and put make-up on within the span of 20 minutes. The whole time I was thinking "Andy is not going to even notice about half of these little details, because he's a GUY", but I didn't care, hehe. The inner Martha Stewart just spurned me on.

I thought I might arrive late to the airport but I managed to arrive just in time. They were having trouble with the trams from the airside to the terminal, so only one was running with small groups. That whole thing where every tramload I'd be searching faces but didn't see his [I know him well enough to know he's usually the last off the plane and last off the trams though, hehehe]. Finally I spotted him and it was just amazing. Much hugging, kissing, and Zilla giggling ensued, to the point the ushers had to make us move since we were blocking the greeting area, hehehe.

We headed home for celebration. Nothing huge, just the two of us and my Mom, talking to everyone else via phone. Had an awesome dinner of my Mom's BBQ ribs. We didn't even get to the cake after all, we were so friggin' full. We spent a lot of time laughing at one of the cats, who was terrified of the balloons for some reason, ducking and diving every which way. She's a HUGE Maine ####### and usually beats the ####### out of the other two cats as she is the resident bully. To see this mountain lion so bothered by some balloons was rather amusing.

Since then we've just been settling in and saying "Holy #######, we don't have to go back to the airport again for a long time, YOU LIVE HERE NOW!" a lot. It probably won't sink in for awhile since we're so used to our time together being so temporary. It's no mistake that he's here though, as now the sweet sounds of loud, loud snoring are once again keeping me up at night, hehe.

Probably around Monday we'll be sorting out the next details of when to get his SS# and getting him a bank account, etc. The ceremony will probably be in a couple of weeks. I bought a small blue dress to wear, even though we're just doing a quick courthouse thingy, but it needs exchanging first. Another girly detail. Still, it's through mail-order and if they don't replace it soon, I'll just wear a Pirate outfit or something.

So that's the story! He's here and we're mulling over all the AOS paperwork. We're still in disbelief, but it's GOOD disbelief.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-06 08:54:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!
YES!! Just got the call and HE'S OFFICIALLY IN!! Now I'm totally losing it, I'm probably going to be hugging the ####### out of the people in the bakery. Poor guy has a few hours left to hang out in the Cincinatti airport before his connection, but he's got his DS-Lite, hehe.

So I'm off to happily get cake and balloons! *hugs EVERYBODY* I'll post more tomorrow as I'm always up quite a few hours before he is, hehe. *does super disco happy dance*
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 13:57:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!
Thanks everybody for the good wishes! It's about 1:30PM now, and he's slated to touch down in Cincinatti at around 2:15PM. I'm waiting anxiously for the "I made it through Passport Patrol' call, hehe. He should arrive here in Tampa at around 7:45PM or so. I still don't think I'll believe it until I see him.

Just doing last minute preparations at the moment, I'm off after the phone call to pick up some balloons and a cake for a little "Welcome Home" do. He has no idea, so I'm excited. Excited about the homecoming AND a perfectly good reason to have cake, hehe.

My cats seem to know SOMETHING is going on, they're pacing continuously and marking EVERYTHING in the house with their scent glands as if they're like "This is MINE, this guy ISN'T getting MY coffee table and MY pile of newspapers, they're MINE".

Yeah, I'm gonna burst. Thanks again to everybody and I'll be updating!!!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 12:38:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!

I know! I've lived in Florida almost 20 years now and I had no idea. might explain a few things about the people in my town ....hehe

And Mags, thanks for the Cincinatti experience, that's the last thing I'm nervous about and it was good to hear good things. [And your son's comment about school made me smile]

I'm originally from S FLa and spent most of my life I've relocated to northern central FL...and I can say that the more north ya go in FL, the more stereotypically southern it

I hear you, hehehe. I'm in Spring Hill near Tampa and while it's building up, the backwardness of it is the slowest thing to go. After 9/11, all the places in town had the 'God Bless America" on their marquees. There is a strip club nearby whose marquee read "God Bless America - New Ladies Debut Friday!". I guess they were either trying to lift spirits in their own way, or thought to themselves "If we don't let people know we've got new strippers, then the terrorists win!".

I once spent an hour in Chiefland which is more up north, and it was an experience I don't want to relive again. Most of the establishment signs were hand painted, and most were misspelled. "All Refridgerators On Sale" and so forth. I'm not trying to say all of Florida or all of the South is this way, but there are just those places that make you want to shower upon leaving them, hehe.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 14:33:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!

Only one more day to go for me, Andy flies in tomorrow night! He comes through Cincinatti, and I hear tell it they're giving away chocolates and everything [though, maybe just to pretty female K-1 holders like FeatherB, but we can hope, hehe]. I'm so excited. Going to give him a huge welcome home meal with homemade BBQ ribs and my Mom's potato salad. W00t!

In other news, I was finding out all the stuff about our next step, making plans for the marriage. We're going to do the quickie at the courthouse first, and save up for a bigger wedding up the road when we can put something together. The county requires that we read the 'Family & Marriage Law" handbook & county marriage info before we can apply for the marraige license. I read over it, it was very interesting. Most interesting was that same sex couples cannot marry in the State Of Florida, but FIRST COUSINS CAN. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Of course you can marry your cousin! But not if your cousin is the same sex, because....well that would just be gross" *Zilla shudders*

The irony is that they would prefer us to go in for a weekend long 'Marriage Preparation Course" before getting the license, if we do they will knock $20 off our license fee and we won't have to wait the 3 days it takes without it. I think we're going to skip it and wait. Don't know how much they're qualified to teach us about marriage preparation with laws like that, plus I think the K-1 process is marriage preparation enough!

Wonder how they 'prepare' first cousins for marriage? "Your respective Uncles may soon be the Grandfathers of your children, not everyone has a 'Great Uncle Grandpa' and we need to talk about sensitivity issues......"

*more Zilla shuddering*

Congrats, woman!

I live in FL and I didn't know first cousins can marry!

How gross!

I know! I've lived in Florida almost 20 years now and I had no idea. might explain a few things about the people in my town ....hehe

And Mags, thanks for the Cincinatti experience, that's the last thing I'm nervous about and it was good to hear good things. [And your son's comment about school made me smile]
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 13:56:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!

YAY another happy reunion!!!

BTW feather's actual POE was JFK - that's where she got the Hershey's kiss. Her connecting flight was into Cincy.

Awe man, no chocolate in Cincinatti! Still, as long as they pass him through, we don't need chocolate, hehe.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 10:52:00
United KingdomFiance Flying Home Tomorrow!!!
Only one more day to go for me, Andy flies in tomorrow night! He comes through Cincinatti, and I hear tell it they're giving away chocolates and everything [though, maybe just to pretty female K-1 holders like FeatherB, but we can hope, hehe]. I'm so excited. Going to give him a huge welcome home meal with homemade BBQ ribs and my Mom's potato salad. W00t!

In other news, I was finding out all the stuff about our next step, making plans for the marriage. We're going to do the quickie at the courthouse first, and save up for a bigger wedding up the road when we can put something together. The county requires that we read the 'Family & Marriage Law" handbook & county marriage info before we can apply for the marraige license. I read over it, it was very interesting. Most interesting was that same sex couples cannot marry in the State Of Florida, but FIRST COUSINS CAN. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Of course you can marry your cousin! But not if your cousin is the same sex, because....well that would just be gross" *Zilla shudders*

The irony is that they would prefer us to go in for a weekend long 'Marriage Preparation Course" before getting the license, if we do they will knock $20 off our license fee and we won't have to wait the 3 days it takes without it. I think we're going to skip it and wait. Don't know how much they're qualified to teach us about marriage preparation with laws like that, plus I think the K-1 process is marriage preparation enough!

Wonder how they 'prepare' first cousins for marriage? "Your respective Uncles may soon be the Grandfathers of your children, not everyone has a 'Great Uncle Grandpa' and we need to talk about sensitivity issues......"

*more Zilla shuddering*
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 10:26:00
United KingdomImported Foods Site!
Do you know what I hear? "England? Do they even have a cuisine?". So I make a toad in the hole or sticky toffee pudding to illustrate that "Yes, they DO", hehe. I friggin' love toad in the hole, it's perfect for ANY meal [with Bisto...mmmh]. I can't count how many times I will just make a muffin tin full of Yorkshire puddings,make up some Bisto and just eat THAT for an entire meal.

I've got a whole bunch of U.K. food sites bookmarked on my other computer, maybe I'll post all the links sometime. Each site has varying degrees of availibility but I'm so obsessed with getting the food I want that I'll shop between all of them for the best prices. They vary so much, as in one site will offer a Mint Aero for $3.50 and another will offer it for $2.50. I'm sick because I'll literally sit there for ages clicking between sites to compare. I swear, the cheaper I can get an Aero over here, the better it tastes.

I do have a British food store nearby and I feel lucky. Since my honey is from Westcliff On Sea and the owners are from Kent, they will knock loads off our total. I think they are understanding about my worrisome Bisto addiction...
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-12 11:58:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....

:blush: Well .. I just knew that by posting my worries would help me out! lol! Sure enough, today I received my passport, visa in it, and that mystery brown envelope! lol! Typical right? I'm so happy now - theres nothing stopping me - I'm off to be wit my baby a week today! Thanks for all the encouragement and to Oath - I'm sure yours will arrive any day now! :D O yea and they never did text me!!

LOL, isn't that always the way? The moment you give in to the worry and ask is the moment it gets there! hehe.

Who cares though, IT'S THERE! YAY! Congratulations and I hope your reunion is a joyful one [as I'm sure it will be!] Keep us posted!! :):):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 13:40:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
Don't worry, it's coming :) Andy's passport w/ K-1 wasn't delivered until a week later. For us, it DID feel like "Of course they're not going to send it UNTIL we get worried", hehe. That just seems to be the way it goes!

Did they set it up where they said you'll receive a phone text from the courier the day before he/she is slated to deliver it? If so, definately prepare to stay home all day or have someone stay home all day to receive it. They texted Andy that it would be delivered "Between 9AM and 6PM". He woke bright and early at 9AM, and the courier arrived at [I am not kidding] 5:56PM!!! Hopefully you'll get a better courier though!

It's on it's way!! I hope it gets to you soon :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 11:57:00
United KingdomTreats!
Here's one, but their prices are a bit steep [still, it's all there. Revels, chocolate Orange, etc]:




More [I think these prices are among the better ones]:


Even More: [I think they are looking to raise their prices since the pound is kicking the dollar's a$$ right now, hehe]


Sorry if these are repeats from other threads.

LisaD, I don't know how much it varies from county to county, but I'm in Florida and I can get Terry's Chocolate Orange in Walgreens. Maybe they've got 'em where you are? It's sooooooo good.

As of right now I've got a fresh stockpile of Yorkie bars, Revels, Minstrels, and Turkish Delights I'm guarding like Fort Knox, and a rather large supply of Bisto containers I've stacked proudly into a tower on the counter until I make room to fit them in the cabinets. I have too much time on my hands...
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-12 12:36:00
United KingdomAnne Summers
G = G-Spot [That was such a cheap one, but I didn't think 'Gallbladder' was very sexy][Or is it?]
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 11:17:00
United KingdomInterview approval last Friday ^_^
Congratulations! Wishing the best for your future together :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 11:13:00
United KingdomK-1 Visa arrived this morning
This is one of those posts that gives me a warm happy feeling :) Congratulations to both of you and I hope you have a wonderful reunion and life together :):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 09:12:00
United KingdomOver the Moon
I'm with Maven, these are the best posts :) Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful reunion :):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 10:45:00
United KingdomThe Passport Situation
It sounds like you two have been through a lot [thanks to that ever delightful embassy]. I'm glad it's over!! Congratulations!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 09:15:00
United KingdomWhat to take as a hostess gift?
I had a hard time too, figuring out what might be cool to give that was unique from the states. I admit, I do often give food related things.

My future father in law loves jams/preserves and I found many unique varieties in the food section of:

They specialize in selling hard-to-get items from the 50s and 60s, but also sell some really unique jams, preserves, chutneys and candies [though they won't ship their chocolate items in the hot months]. They also sell some wicked delicious Vermont maple syrup that was a hit. I love all the retro stuff they have.

I've brought a lot of stuff over from:


My fiance's family LOVES mango chutney and they sell a very delicious one. They have some interesting dressings, plus some yummy dessert sauces.

Oh yeah! Southern goodness:

They have some of the most wonderful cookies I've ever had [the key lime coolers are legendary] and they go great with tea! The benne wafers and Georgia Peach cookies are also excellent.

I think most who have posted are right about the books, they're a great idea. I tend to hone in on interests I know my hosts/friends have that I can perhaps find an American slant on. Like, my father in law is a trainspotter and fossil hunting fan, so I got him books centering on the history of the American railroads and archaeology in the States. Another friend I have loves Sindy dolls and fashion dolls in general, so I brought her a book on the history of Barbie with lots of pictures. I give regional cook books from time to time, but only when I find cook books with 60%+ recipes including ingredients that they can easily find in the U.K. or easily substitute [which can prove difficult at times].

I hope you find the perfect gift! Have a lovely trip :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-12 11:25:00
United KingdomUpdates From Zilla
Thanks everybody for your thoughts :)

Mr. Zilla is doing okay. They got him in for surgery this morning since there was actually some bone loss from the infection & they wanted to nip that in the bud. It was such a shock, since Andy just got looked at by an NHS dentist right before he left England. They took loads of X-rays but they didn't tell him a thing, and this infection didn't come about in the few weeks since he's been here. Andy wasn't all that surprised since he said the NHS tends not to do ANYTHING they don't have to if it costs. We're just glad my dentist caught it.

They extracted three wisdom teeth that were problematic, and they said he's young enough that the bone loss should grow back on it's own. He's all sedated with his ice pack now, happily watching a PBS interview with Jeremy Paxman. Got lots of yogurts, puddings, & nutrition drinks for him to enjoy over the next few days, hehe.

So depending on how things go, we might have the ceremony the week after next. We're anxious to do so since we want that marriage certificate on it's way ASAP. We shall see how it goes and I'll post piccies once we do!

Man, seems like there's lots who have faced teeth problems upon coming here. Is it the copius amounts of sugar in the American diet or bad NHS dentists missing things? Or both?

Flutter, I hope you feel better soon! I hope everyone facing nasty needle wielding dentists feel better soon!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-16 11:57:00
United KingdomUpdates From Zilla
I thought by now that I'd be posting about the marriage, but we've hit a snag.

Not a big one though. We've got the marriage license, it was so unbelievably simple. We just went into the clerk's office, filled out one quick form, and our license was issued. They didn't need his SS# or anything, they didn't even ask to see his K-1 Visa or anything [We've worked so hard for it, we want to use it for more things! ]. There was a three day waiting period since we turned down the 'marriage preparation class' they offered, and I thought it would mean driving all the way back three days after filing. Turned out they just handed the license to us, we just couldn't use it for three days. W00t! Saved me a car trip!

We thought we'd get married as soon as we could but then Andy started having these strange pains in his jaw. It got a little swollen so I rushed him off to my dentist. Turns out he's got a huge infection, and his wisdom teeth are impacted! Now we're deciding whether we'll just run and get married as he clears up the infection before surgery, or if we'll wait until afterward. It's going to depend on how well I can move my schedule around to clear a day for the ceremony before surgery. I hope I can do it. Though, we agreed that if he's got a swollen face in our 'first wedding' pictures, it might be rather funny.

We joked that we could tell people he pi$$ed me off before the ceremony and I beat him up. Our future children looking at it going 'Dad, why is your face all messed up?", and Andy going 'Well kids, this is what happens when you make your mother mad, this is why you should always do what she tells you".

We'll see what happens. So if you see me post a wedding picture of me and someone faintly resembling Rocky Balboa after a prize fight, you'll know why. hehehe.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 09:33:00
United KingdomIs London now on a Go Slow?
w0000000000000000000000t!!!!!!! I was so glad to read that update, congratulations! *raises cup of coffee in cheers* I hope time passes fast now and you guys are reunited before you know it :)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 08:49:00
United KingdomIs London now on a Go Slow?
Man, I feel your pain. I'm a compulsive worrier too and I hated how vague & inconsistent the embassy is. I didn't WANT to get all worried, but they have so many rules and such little information to give, that it was hard for me sometimes not to worry about whether I'd done everything correctly, and if the time that was passing was due to a heavy workload on them, or because I'd messed something up.

I didn't mess anything up and I'm sure you haven't. The embassy is processing all your stuff in good time, it's just they don't have the courtesy to keep you informed about it!! Grrr!

Don't worry! *hugs* Time is passing right as we speak and your day will come soon!!

I'll be watching for updates!
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-16 12:08:00
United KingdomAngry Customer....
I'm crying laughing right now. I haven't seen it before so thanks for posting! God, I love disgruntled customers with good vocabularies. Ah jeez, *wipes eyes*
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-18 09:32:00
United KingdomPilotless police drone takes off
People get annoyed with me when I mention how quickly we're all turning in to Orwell's 1984, but there it is.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:38:00
United KingdomJust a thanks
No thanks needed! We're all in this together! You've posted loads of stuff that's helped me too :)

So excited to hear you're on your way, keep us updated! Congratulations and I hope today is everything you hoped it would be!! Best wishes :):):)
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-16 13:04:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
I noticed the Pulp Fiction reference, I just didn't come back to the thread until today :)

My friend was a vegan for about two years. He'd complain about how much of a problem he was having with iron deficiency and anemia, while at the same time lecturing me about 'subhuman cattle ranchers & their practices' and all the damage I was doing to my body because of my meat eating. I lived with that for two years. Then he went up to New York only to come back and tell me he'd of course gotten himself some NY pizza. I said "Vegan pizza?". He said "What's a vegan?".

Like the protesters who decided to blockade a field of cows to 'save them', only to get trampled by a stampede they set off. It's the most delicious thing of all.

Honestly though, I don't have a problem with veggies or vegans if we can all mutually respect each other's choices and go about our business. I'll gladly prepare vegetarian meal choices at my gatherings and make them delicious, all I ask is that it's okay to tote a burger along with me when I go over their houses.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-15 09:08:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
I might be wrong, but I'm assuming their change probably has something to do with their bottom line, it being cheaper for them in some way. That seems to be the most common reason companies pull that kind of thing. They're always going to cater to the majority though, it's gonna come down to the cost effectiveness of their move.

It's that pesky majority rule. I'm a carnivore but it doesn't make much sense to me either, since EVERYONE can eat the vegetable rennet based things but not everyone can eat the animal rennet. Unless it has some massive effect on taste, I think it is rather stupid. Again though, I'm betting it's because it's cheaper for them to do so somehow.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-14 10:58:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed
Alan, if there is a reasonable bone in your body, can you look back at my original post?

If your problem truly is this pesky "American Nationalism", have you listened to anyone who was trying to assure you that it's not as epidemic as you seem to think it is? There ARE blindly patriotic MORONS who don't take issue with our country and it's policies because they are afraid, don't want to think, and do have that mentality that 'America is the best in the world and nobody can mess with us!!". No one is disputing it. What we're trying to tell you, if you really want some sort of comfort, is that it's NOT the majority. You seem to be steadfastly stuck on certain experiences you've had thus far with a small circle of people.

How can America be so epidemically nationalist and bullheadedly so, if on a regular basis I gather with people who enjoy discussing what problems American policy has [both foreign and domestic], problems with our media, the apathy of certain groups, etc. etc.? Talking with people whom, while they love where they live, can discuss that our government is not always kind to other countries, and can be somewhat of a bully in it's policy making sometimes? We also discuss bad policies of other countries as well, does that automatically turn us into bullheaded nationalists?? I'm not defined by the country I live in, I had nothing to do with the fact I just so happened to be born here. I DO live here though, and I'm living under a certain government that is capable of both very good things, and absolutely awful things. Who isn't? Show me a country with an 100% clean and dandy record in terms of policies or culture and I'll congratulate you.

If what you're expecting is to be 100% embraced and accepted for your outlooks, anyone would tell you that's unattainable, no matter where you go. Would I like it if the blindly patriotic groups who act like the rest of the world only exists in relation to America were less? Sure I would. Do I think it's the majority? No, I don't. Do I think I can't find the same mentality in other countries, The UK included? No, I don't. I can find it anywhere. You don't have to 'blend in', it doesn't have to come to that. Still, I get the feeling with all that you've posted that you're looking for 100% approval, and will not tolerate otherwise. You're playing the role of victim very badly. You're not a victim just because you came across a handful of idiots who force their flag-waving on everyone else.

There's more out there for you to find if you really want to. Your experiences are valid, it's just I wish I thought you could break yourself out of them to see a bigger picture. I can't sit here and agree that "Because these particular people I've met are scarily nationalist, it means the whole country is that way and I'll never feel peace unless I pretend I agree". It doesn't have to be that way. Stretch out and meet new people, visit the coasts. You don't have to be a flag waving, "AMERICA IS THE BEST" sort of person to live here happily. You have the discretion to make your choices as to whom you discuss what with, and I think you might find a lot of friends if you don't decide who and what they are before they even open their mouthes.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 12:09:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed
She got the idea that you're provacative just for the sake of it? Where on earth??? That's just unbelievable.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 11:48:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I laughed quite hard when I read that.

Yeah, me too! ;)

I third that. He's not a creature of reason. I DO have a very strong sense of irony, and it's the irony of his apparent expectations of everyone else in the face of what he doles out that is quite funny. It also makes me feel just a tiny bit sad, but then I remember that I'm not the one marrying him.

Already married chucky - next time praps ?

Maybe there's hope for us Alan, but I guess you'd have to see whether or not I'm out of my depth in England first. Are there qualification forms I can fill out to make it all easier? :D
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 11:05:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I laughed quite hard when I read that.

Yeah, me too! ;)

I third that. He's not a creature of reason. I DO have a very strong sense of irony, and it's the irony of his apparent expectations of everyone else in the face of what he doles out that is quite funny. It also makes me feel just a tiny bit sad, but then I remember that I'm not the one marrying him.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:57:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

We have a clue to his upbringing... his own mother condones the behavior of soldiers who were on trial for raping a young girl in front of her family, then shooting them all and setting fire to them... "Support at all costs".... hmmmm.

But then at the same time, argues against our 'patriotism'???

Seems a bit bi-polar to me...

I have a feeling he's going to jump on that one any minute now. I believe it was his American mother-in-law who intimated such.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:33:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I clearly saw he was winding people up last night in the 'Mexican' thread. This today? I think this is what he honestly feels...and he's voicing it all the while keeping the wind up possibility as a 'HAHAH SUCKERS!' tool that he'll whip out later in attempt to 'show us' all how superior he is.

Plus, I'm enjoying this!

Me too! I don't know, the way I see it is that there's always a chance a guy like this is ACTUALLY open to debate rather than winding people up. It doesn't look like he is, but everyone else has said interesting, thought provoking stuff so who's the loser really? It's an interesting topic, even if the person who orginally brought it all up isn't really contributing thoughtfully after all.
TheZillaFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 10:26:00