K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestoched TODAY
the more they look at it, the better the chances, that they actually work on it.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-18 09:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi don't know what have to do
It helps to read the guides first, it can give you a good idea of what you need to do. Then, if you still have questions, you can post them here. everything you need to know at first, is in the guides or the forum overviews. Once you post a most specific question, you will be able to get a better answer
germangelFemaleGermany2007-07-02 21:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 forms signatures (everything except the DS156)
I think that's right! And if they want DS230 Part 2, don't sign that either.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-18 13:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVery Confused.
That's CSC! SO you will have to check their time lines
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-18 13:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVery Confused.
texas has been transferring petitions to California for a long time now.
I guess they don't have capacities or something..
You want to look at CSC processing times.

Good luck!
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-18 13:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPackage 3, should i of attached this?
you should be fine with taking them and even if they want them before, they will simply write you and ask you to send them.
Don't freak, most times you take the pics to the embassy, I'm sorry I didn't go through London so I can't give you a for sure.

You'll be fine!!
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-18 13:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSealed package from Warsaw embassy after visa
there is nothing to be filled out. The envelope includes the medical results and name check etc.
DO NOT OPEN IT under any circumstances!!
I think what the guy said was that she has to file AOS once in the US.
They will take the envelope at immigration and keep it.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-01 20:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about co-sposor I-134
WE didn't need one, only for I-864!!!
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-13 20:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Visa Evidence of Family Relationship
Do you have to send that stuff in?
I had to bring the affidavit and photos to my interview and they just looked at them, didn't keep any of them.
If you are afraid, copies should be fine but make sure they are good ones.

Double-check if you need to send that stuff in or just have it ready for interview, please!

Edited by germangel, 11 May 2006 - 05:00 PM.

germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-11 17:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview in a week...
only one police cert per country so he is set!

Good luck at the interview, Frankfurt is pretty relaxed so no sweat
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-15 07:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview in a week...
does he have his German police record? He will definitely need it. You don't get one for different cities, only for the country, if that's what you are asking.
If he doesn't have his police record yet, however, he will not be rejeted in Frankfurt, they will give him a green paper saying what is missing and he has to give it to them as soon as he gets it.

I didn't get if he has it from your post or not so I'll tell you how to get it:
Go to the city (Standesamt) where you live and tell them you need a "polizeiliches Führungszeugnis", they have you sign a paper and send it in. After about 10 you'll get your certificate.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-14 21:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionco sponsor
If the income is not sufficient she needs a co sponsor, there is no way around it. Unless she has assets, which means money in the bank, a house, stocks etc that are worth enough to make up for the lack of income.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-15 07:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEvidence of bonafide marriage
You are fine, Lorelle, they probably won't even ask for all of it.
You have enough evidence to assure your visa, I'm sure of it!

Less than 3 weeks, huh? I bet you are getting all excited!!
I wish you good luck and I'm sure everything will turn out perfect
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-16 07:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionok ANOTHER try
Thanks, Isabel! Hope you get something soon and don't have to worry bout your apartment.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-07-08 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionok ANOTHER try
you will get the checklist, DS 230, DS 156 and DS 157 and info about the medical and such.

oh, and a copy of the affidavit of support, I think
germangelFemaleGermany2006-07-08 08:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling frankfurt
just don't hang up! Or it will start from the beginning. I have waited long times for them to call. Unfortunately, they aren't too good with emails at Frankfurt so calling is always better.
Put it on speaker and do something else while you wait.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-07-27 02:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre Originals Needed at the Interview for the K3 Interview of the USC
originals and certified copies are needed of Birth Certificates of both petitioner and beneficiary, Marriage Certificate and any Divorce Certificates from former marriages. If you want to keep the original, you might wanna make additional copies or send certified copies to begin with as they will keep the original if you just have it.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-08-22 20:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBeneficiary's Ability to speak English
my entire interview was in english, but I don't know how that works in other countries.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-08-22 20:11:00
USCIS Service CentersOh yeah !!!
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-28 19:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Wo sind meine Verbündeten aus Deutschland???????????
gern geschehen, Milka, wie ich sehe hat's geklappt! Hoffe, die Forms haben dich nicht mehr zu sehr geärgert und du hast die nötige Info irgendwie hingebracht.

Danke nochmal für den Tip mit der Timeline, German Angel.

LG Ilka

27.4.klingt gut, ich glaub auch nicht, dass das Interview davor sein wird.

Deine Timeline kannst du in deine Signature eingeben. Dazu gehst du einfach auf "My controls" rechts oben an jeder Seite und dann auf "edit signature". Dort gibst du dann einfach deine Daten ein und voilá!

ja, die Fragen sind manchmal schon sehr hart. Wenn ich nicht so ein Fotoalbum-Fanatic wär, hätte ich das mit den Länder in den letzten 10 Jahren kaum beantworten können. Aber da muss man sich hinsetzen und überlegen. Die 1 Stunde für die Form ist echt ein Witz!!!

Viel Glück trotzdem, lass dich net unterkriegen!!

germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-05 12:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Wo sind meine Verbündeten aus Deutschland???????????
27.4.klingt gut, ich glaub auch nicht, dass das Interview davor sein wird.

Deine Timeline kannst du in deine Signature eingeben. Dazu gehst du einfach auf "My controls" rechts oben an jeder Seite und dann auf "edit signature". Dort gibst du dann einfach deine Daten ein und voilá!

ja, die Fragen sind manchmal schon sehr hart. Wenn ich nicht so ein Fotoalbum-Fanatic wär, hätte ich das mit den Länder in den letzten 10 Jahren kaum beantworten können. Aber da muss man sich hinsetzen und überlegen. Die 1 Stunde für die Form ist echt ein Witz!!!

Viel Glück trotzdem, lass dich net unterkriegen!!
germangelFemaleGermany2006-03-30 10:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Wo sind meine Verbündeten aus Deutschland???????????
hab gute Erfahrung mit Frankfurt gemacht. Einfach walk-in, ohne Termin. Ich würde aber auch einfach den Termin in München behalten und schauen, ob's passt. Man kann nie sagen, wann das Interview ist. Hast du denn schon alle Dokumente zusammen?
Viel Glück either way
germangelFemaleGermany2006-03-29 16:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)DS 230 - welche Dokumente muss ein deutscher Antragsteller mitliefern?
ditto. Nur Kopie vom reisepass (persoenliche Info) auf den ersten 2 Seiten
germangelFemaleGermany2006-04-25 09:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)question about the police certificate
I didn"t know there were different kinds. i just went to the Buergerservice and asked for it and they sent it after about a week. It worked just fine. It's called a polizeiliches Fuehrungszeugnis
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-23 21:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Heiraten
Soweit ich weiß, kannst du, da du ja legal in die Staaten eingereist bist und dich auch legal dort aufhältst, einfach AOS (Adjustment of status) beantragen. Bin mir nicht sicher, ob du deinen Status als Praktikums-Visums-Inhaber behalten musst bis zu einem gewissen Zeitpunkt oder nicht. Denn dein Aufenthalt basiert ja auf dem Visum, und wenn du kündigst, könnte dein Status sich ändern und du könntest nicht mehr legal sein, was dann auch das AOS ausschließt. Also nochmal ganz sicher gehen, was du da genau machen musst.
Viel Glück und Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Verlobung.

P.S. : Evtl solltest du das ganze nochmal auf englisch in einem der anderen Foren posten, viele Leute haben hier nen Plan, können aber kein Deutsch. Da kriegst du sicher mehr Antworten. Evtl im Adjustment of Status Forum.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-05-27 06:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)studieren in USA
danke danke für die Info, hab mich mal umgehört und meine Ausbildung wird wohl nicht angerechnet, und das mit dem Abi müssen sie erst mal schauen. naja, man wirds sehen, danke trotzdem schon mal.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-08-18 09:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)studieren in USA
Hi ihr,
wollte nur mal kurz fragen wie das so ist mit studieren in USA mit deutschem Abi.
Rechnen die das an auf Studienzeit oder muss man ganz von vorne anfangen?

Hatte eigentlich vor, hier zu arbeiten, hab in Deutschland ne Ausbildung zur Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin gemacht, aber bilingual heißt hier in Oklahoma nur Spanisch. Was könnte ich denn mit dem Beruf so machen, weiß das jemand? Gilt der als Associates oder wie oder was??

germangelFemaleGermany2006-08-08 08:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Apostille for Germany from US
if you got married or were born anywhere else but in Germany, yes you need an apostille.
If you were born and married in Germany, get 2 beglaubigte internationale Geburtsurkunden and 2 internationale Heiratsurkunden and it will be enough. If you wanna get 3 just to be sure, get them. I got 3 and got one more for our documents.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-08-29 09:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hartz4 und Auswanderung
Erzaehl doch wie das laeuft mit Hartz IV und dem Auswandern. Might be helpful for some others.
germangelFemaleGermany2006-03-21 10:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hartz4 und Auswanderung
Erzaehl doch mal wie du das gemacht hast. Damit andere wissen, falls sie das gleiche problem haben
germangelFemaleGermany2006-02-28 10:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Guten Tag!
When you go on "my Portal" up on the top of the screen, you can see all posts by German members. And you have options to check out who is from there and all that. Welcome to VJ
germangelFemaleGermany2007-07-29 11:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Interview waiting time for Germany?
As a US citizen, you are allowed at the consulate at any time. So if you would like to join your fiance or spouse, it shouldn't cause a problem at all.
germangelFemaleGermany2007-08-09 07:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Interview waiting time for Germany?
I got my interview for K3 within 2 months, and for CR1 within 2 I think. Check out my timeline for details
germangelFemaleGermany2007-07-14 12:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Calling Germany Mobile Phones
I think it is more expensive but at least you don't have to worry about your phonebill since everything is pre-paid!
germangelFemaleGermany2007-09-06 18:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Calling Germany Mobile Phones
try out a phonecard from I'm not sure what the rates are for cell phones, but I can call land lines for about 1 cent per minute.
germangelFemaleGermany2007-09-03 14:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)I 129 F
Klasse, dass das jetzt endlich los geht für euch 2. Ich glaube, wir haben den SCheck auch einfach mit ner Büroklammer angeheftet irgendwo.
Alles Gute und viel Glück, dass das alles so klappt, wie ihr euch das vorstellt.
germangelFemaleGermany2007-09-16 10:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)85 Euro fee at Frankfurt per applicant?
I used a stamped receipt from the bank to show that I paid. They really want to know they got their money!
It should say in the instructions when to pay this fee.
germangelFemaleGermany2007-09-11 10:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German and American couples
I bought Canadian Nutella at walmart and it takes pretty much like German nutella. Hurray, who would have thought Walmart is actually good for something for once.
germangelFemaleGermany2007-08-20 19:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German and American couples
na das klingt ja spassig! Muss glatt mal schauen, ob ich das wo herkrieg zum Reinhoeren!
germangelFemaleGermany2007-08-03 22:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German and American couples
hihihi, that would be fantastic!!
germangelFemaleGermany2007-07-29 11:46:00