Middle East and North AfricaNeed Advice Again....
If our fiance visa is denied outright, could we get married and apply for spouse visa???


If our fiance visa is sent back to the USA for further review, what would happen if we went ahead and got married?

We wish now we had already gotten married and filed for the spouse visa instead of the fiance visa.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. BTW, our papers are still in CA, no word since they were sent there the first week of April. Could you please give the address again of where the list is for April filers???

Thanks so much...Debbie and Hamid

PS----I am still in Marrakech til next Thursday when I fly back to TN and having such a great time with Hamid. BUT it was 120 F two days ago...whew

Thank God for fans... :yes:
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-06-26 07:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaBank Accounts for SO
I need to occasionally send Hamid money for things concerning his visa, etc. My credit union will not let him on my account since he doesnt live in my county...duh. SO what are other ways to set up an account? Thanks, Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-02 12:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaApril 7, 2007--I-129 sent to CA from TX
Texas received our Fiance visa 4-7-07 and sent in on to CA then. Shouldn't we be hearing from them....Just call me "WHEN WILL I BE TOUCHED????" :( Debbie (in Morocco for two more days only, damn it...) and Hamid

Edited by dgintenn, 03 July 2007 - 04:48 PM.

MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-03 16:48:00

Has anybody read comments on this site? Talk about bashing Muslim men!!!! I think there could be sites to bash any one of an assortment of people--there are always angry people ready to pounce. Anyway, I just wonder if anyone has read these besides me????? Debbie and Hamid

HERE IS THE SITE: http://www.danielpip.../comments/89653

Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-08 16:36:00
Has anybody read comments on this site? Talk about bashing Muslim men!!!! I think there could be sites to bash any one of an assortment of people--there are always angry people ready to pounce. Anyway, I just wonder if anyone has read these besides me????? Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-08 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's hump day!

today F'ing SUCKS.. still NO sleep..... I am stressed out my mind!!!!!! my husband is pissing me off.... :angry: I keep on eatting when I should be DIETING!!!!!!!!!!! and I hate my job.. I miss my old job :(

I'm jealous--I want my guy here too!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-11 17:29:00
Middle East and North Africawaiting it out...for AP

what do you think? i'm seriously considering going ASAP to go wait with him. do you think it would be stupid to go when he could get the visa at any moment? would you risk it if you had nothing to lose (other than the cost of the plane ticket)

SURE, go if you can. Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-11 17:06:00
Middle East and North Africa6 days after contacting senator....
Good luck-- I wish you well. Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-12 17:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA RELATIONSHIPS

Just wondered, what prejudices have you experienced (or not) from family, friends, or the public, regarding:

Age Differences?

Race Differences?

Cultural Differences?

Religious Differences?

In the USA or in your SO's country?

Thanks, just interested in how you handle these things. Debbie (and Hamid)

THANKS FOR ALL THE INPUT. I HAVE DECIDED TO SAY SCREW ANYBODY'S OPINION AND JUST TRY TO LET IT GO AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS. You can tell I am a control freak--lol. Hamid is the nicest guy I have met, no matter what our differences. So.....I'm just hoping to hear from CA soon--been like 93 days now.

Just wondered, what prejudices have you experienced (or not) from family, friends, or the public, regarding:

Age Differences?

Race Differences?

Cultural Differences?

Religious Differences?

In the USA or in your SO's country?

Thanks, just interested in how you handle these things. Debbie (and Hamid)

PS--Also just wanted to add that Hamid has NEVER given me any reason to doubt him or be jealous, so I am very lucky in that regard. As he says, I don't give my time to other women. :P

THANKS FOR ALL THE INPUT. I HAVE DECIDED TO SAY SCREW ANYBODY'S OPINION AND JUST TRY TO LET IT GO AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS. You can tell I am a control freak--lol. Hamid is the nicest guy I have met, no matter what our differences. So.....I'm just hoping to hear from CA soon--been like 93 days now.

MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-12 17:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA RELATIONSHIPS

there are quite a few posts on this topic in this forum if you do a little search, but, i've had no problems really expect from some immediate family members who think i'm absolutely nuts! i'm sure they will change their minds after meeting my fiance, and seeing him here, adjusting well, etc. but for now, i understand some of their concerns (but not all) about our relationship. their concerns are mostly about our religious differences than anything else....and the fact that he has never been to the US and worries about how he'll adjust here, job accessability, etc.

Yes, I got a letter from my brother today. I had asked him to write a letter of support for Hamid and me---for Hamid to take to his interview. He wrote me a one page letter telling me why he couldn't do that in good faith. Which I understand, but it is sad. He mentioned age difference, education differences, my divorces, race differences, my small town. All of this makes me start doubting, but then I think, naw, I wanna have some fun!!! lol Hamid has never been here either and will probably make lousy money. Then I worry about the younger women chasing him. So it becomes a vicious cycle. But I get back on here and try to get my sanity back. Thanks for the support. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-11 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA RELATIONSHIPS
Just wondered, what prejudices have you experienced (or not) from family, friends, or the public, regarding:

Age Differences?

Race Differences?

Cultural Differences?

Religious Differences?

In the USA or in your SO's country?

Thanks, just interested in how you handle these things. Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-11 17:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon muslims in a Muslim Country..

I am carring this over from the Tuesday thread.. I'm just curious how people Do.. when they go to a Muslim country and start to cover.. I have seen people say this before... that when they visit their SO.. they cover in that country they cover as to not stick out...

are you seriously gonna have to wear abaya's / hijab out there??? your not even muslim. Is it really a requirement? (why does the spelling of that word not look right....)

Ive seen pictures with non covered woman in Saudi

I think unless you are living on a western compound, the abaya is really "necessary."

well.. I have gotten used to being fully covered and dealing with the heat.. and I do mean.. clothes.. abaya.. arm covers.. underscarf and hijab.. all 100 layers :P...

BUT i would think it would be SOOO hard to be a non muslim.. who Never covered.. to then move to saudi.. where in July its 120+ degrees.. where you then have to cover..

Maybe I'll make this a new thread... Since it's not Tuesday anymore :P

I have gone to Morocco twice, am Christian, and did not cover my head. Hamid is perfectly ok with this. The funny things was, his parents had a beautiful djalaba made for me. Hamid and I took pics, but he ran in and put on American style clothes and there I was in the Djalaba. He is fine with what I wear, other than really short skirts, which I am too old to wear anyway. :lol:

We blended in with the crowds in Marrakech where he works. I was sorta shocked at all the boobs and stomachs hanging out of the women's/tourists' clothes there--not much respect. But in Casa in March (I think I was the only white woman there) and in Youssoufia, I get all kinds of stares from the men. Who knows, cuz I'm white, old, or whatever--lol. I wear shorts that come to my knees, no sleeveless anyway (dont wanna expose those ham hocks).

When we were in Essouria (sorry about the spelling) for their reggae music festival, there were all types of folks there. However, the police seem to always be after us. At the airport, if he hugs me, there they are. Then at the music festival, we decided to leave the crowd and go sit at a cafe. I started walking away fast, and Hamid put his hand on my shoulder. The police were there in like 3 seconds asking what he was doing. Not used to that. I told him I guess people will always be looking at us--age, color, cultural differences. We'd better get used to it.

BUT I DO HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU GUYS--Hamid wants meat that is hamal or however you express that. There are several places in a nearby city to buy it. Do you have difficulty adjusting to some of those types of things?
Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-11 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG--WE WERE FINALLY TOUCHED!!!!

Were you just touched, or did you get the approval?? In any case, congrats, I know you've been waiting a long time for some action!

We got the approval--email plus the approval online at UCIS. :D And thanks, mybackpages, you are right--New Hampshire. I was so excited, my mind went blank. Thanks again everybody!!!! Debbie and Hamid :D

PS--And I can't figure out how to update the timeline--I am so pathetically technologically impaired. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-21 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG--WE WERE FINALLY TOUCHED!!!!
FABULOUS NEWS--We were finally touched!!!!! Our fiance visa was finally sent on to Vermont on July 20!!!! I can't believe this is actually moving forward---thank you all you wonderful friends for helping us out on this journey. I called Hamid and I was so excited he could not understand me, so we had to get online to talk. WE ARE SOO HAPPY!!!

Please pray that we make it through the infamous CASA interview process! And let me know what to expect next.

I appreciate all of you sooo much!!!! Debbie and Hamid :dance:
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-21 08:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP!!!!


I'm sorry to hear of your ordeal. Hang in there and know that there are others here who've been through this, and who care and can offer you support. You and your husband have come far, so think of this as just a small pebble in the pathway. You can walk around it. My advice would be to write a letter to one of your state senators (tell them that the matter is urgent) explaining the situation, and requesting that you and your husband be given an opportunity to properly address the CO's concerns and refute their claims as erroneous, by providing more documentation to support your petition and requesting a second interview prior to the petition being returned. I really feel for you. :( My fiance also has an interview in Casablanca coming up soon on July 31, and I am planning to be there. I am already anxious, and after reading about your experienece, now I really have the willies! :unsure:


Hi Iysha--Let me know how it goes. Hamid's interview should be coming up maybe next month. Thanks, Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-22 17:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaI just had an awful thought...
As Hamid gets ready for his interview hopefully soon, I just had an awful thought. The papers he carries with him--those don't have to be original certified copies, such as my birth certificate, etc??? I sent originals in with the K-1 application, but he has a copy of the entire packet to take with him to the Casa interview when it is scheduled. I am also sending him more evidence to take with him, hoping they will look at it (ha ha, yeah, right???) :crying: such as more pics, additional evidence, pics, of my second visit to Morocco, copies of my reservation for Sept. trip, etc.

I read on here somewhere that some poor guy actually got grilled on where his fiance went to elementary school and former husband's info. Wonder how many American spouses know all that. The whole thing is soooo infuriating!!!! Anway, we continue to hope for the best...Debbie and Hamid

As usual, all advice is appreciated. This is getting scary... :wacko: Pray he won't get the worst of the worst interviewers....
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-26 19:51:00

Hi everybody--Poor Hamid has been living with a ruptured eardrum that is about to kill him. Now he has infection running into his mouth, headaches, rushing water sounds, etc. I don't know how he has stood the pain this long. He has taken antibiotics and I brought him a strong Z pack from the USA last month. However, it just gets worse. He never complains, so when he told me how bad it hurts, it is time to push him on. He is on his way to Casa now to visit and ear/nose/throat specialist listed on my world wide insurance net.

Anyway, a doctor in March told him he needs surgery, I am assuming to repair the eardrum which he said has obviously been a problem for a long time. However, his father is scared that Hamid won't wake up from the surgery. His dad is not educated and thinks he can just keep taking medicine. It could also be that he knows bad stuff about hospitals and doctors there. I know from reading that the medical care there sucks. Hope I never have a stroke or anything while I am there. Anyway....

So what I am wondering is: Does anybody know good ear/nose/throat specialist and/or hospital that would be able to help him????? :help:

I gave him the name of a specialist in Casa and 3 in Rabat that MY insurance accepts through WorldAccess/which is part of Blue Cross worldwide. I am assuming that since my good insurance accepts these doctors and hospitals, they are the best. Do you think that is a good assumption???? HE HAS NO INSURANCE, OF COURSE, SO HE WILL HAVE TO PAY IN CASH FOR ALL OF THIS. I feel so badly for the Moroccan people for the lack of health, dental care, just basic human needs. :crying:

As ever, I appreciate any and all advice. I am wondering if anybody's SO might have had any experience of this nature. THANK YOU!!! Debbie (and Hamid)

I would trust BCBS. They have never done wrong in my opnion as far as doctor's go. Always had great dr's. They also have to meet requirements to be on their plan.

Thanks, Patiently, I totally agree with you. The problem will be with the cousin who works at the hospital.......I'm sure his family will trust them more than a BCBS doc. I hate to get in the middle of their family, but we will see what happens when he gets back. I'll let you know. I'm sure he will go see this other doctor also in Marrakech.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-30 18:29:00
Hi everybody--Poor Hamid has been living with a ruptured eardrum that is about to kill him. Now he has infection running into his mouth, headaches, rushing water sounds, etc. I don't know how he has stood the pain this long. He has taken antibiotics and I brought him a strong Z pack from the USA last month. However, it just gets worse. He never complains, so when he told me how bad it hurts, it is time to push him on. He is on his way to Casa now to visit and ear/nose/throat specialist listed on my world wide insurance net.

Anyway, a doctor in March told him he needs surgery, I am assuming to repair the eardrum which he said has obviously been a problem for a long time. However, his father is scared that Hamid won't wake up from the surgery. His dad is not educated and thinks he can just keep taking medicine. It could also be that he knows bad stuff about hospitals and doctors there. I know from reading that the medical care there sucks. Hope I never have a stroke or anything while I am there. Anyway....

So what I am wondering is: Does anybody know good ear/nose/throat specialist and/or hospital that would be able to help him????? :help:

I gave him the name of a specialist in Casa and 3 in Rabat that MY insurance accepts through WorldAccess/which is part of Blue Cross worldwide. I am assuming that since my good insurance accepts these doctors and hospitals, they are the best. Do you think that is a good assumption????

As ever, I appreciate any and all advice. I am wondering if anybody's SO might have had any experience of this nature. THANK YOU!!! Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-30 18:24:00
Middle East and North Africainterview summary


I just got home and hour ago. Usama had his interview a few hours after he dropped me off at the airport so I haven't heard from him about it until just now. Here's what happened and I'm so pissed off it's not even funny.

1) LAST Sunday we both went together to the embassy and waited for ONE HOUR before they gave us a number. We were number one. After one MORE hour we asked what was happeneing and they said they forgot about us so they said wait here. We waited another hour (we're up to 3 hours now) and a woman called his name. She looked not too pleased with him and asked him for his papers. He gave them to her and then she said that she needed to look over his file. We sat back down and then after a few minutes she called us back up again. She told him to pay the DHL fee and then to sit down. We did and then after a few more minutes she called us up again and said the consular never showed up to work today and we'd have to come back another time to have the interview. She made it for the 29th at 8am.

I'll talk about the trip at another time since i'm fuming right now.

He went to the Embassy and was called after a little while. I don't have exact miniscule details that I want because the poor thing hasn't slept and has been crying since I left him so I got what I needed for info and then told him to go to bed.

He got a black guy who I guess hated Usama from the start. He asked him if he wanted to have the interview in English or in Arabic so he said English thinking it would look better. Then the guy apparently talked wicked fast and looked like he was annoyed at Usama for even being there for some reason.

He asked how we met.

He asked when we got married.

He asked WHEN WE FIRST HAD SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

####### IS THAT ALL ABOUT THAT IS NONE OF THIS LITTLE PUKE'S BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Usama told him that I was there for the date the interview was SUPPOSED to happen but the guy could have given two shits. He gave him the paper telling him that he needed admin review and that he needs to bring in two more pictures. (he had already brought 4 extras and gave it to him but they wanted two more)

Then he said they'll be in touch in 1 to 2 months.

Never took his passport.

That was it. I'm pissed. I want to complain to someone but I don't wanna fk it up you know??????

plus i'm jet lagged and my ankles look like elephant woman and this post posted too soon so I had to edit all this in.

i hate my life right now.

God, Doodlebug, I feel soo bad for you. Sounds like you were in Casa!!! You are in my prayers!!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-29 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok i'm feeling angry/sad/worried at the same time. Ahmed works in jordan, but Egypt is his home. on july 1 st his visa expired, so since he had been home to visit in two years he decides to go to Egypt for two weeks to visit his family and
re-new his visit. On july 8th Ahmed called me to tell me he was headed to Egypt. I asked him if his family know he was coming. he respoded no that he wanted to suprise them. I tild him it he should let someone know he was coming just in case something happen. We called his brother on three way and he talked to his brother he was coming, but not to tell their mother because he wanted it to be a suprise for her. His brother doesnt't speak much english, but he said hello to me and ask me how i was doing>>>>>>>>anyway back to the story. He told me he loved me and my daughter and that when he got to egypt he woulld or send me a e-mail. he told me that if he had not called in two days to call him he give me his brothers number, he tolld me to take care and that he loved me. That was the last I've heard of him. After a couple of days when i didn't here from him I called his brother just like he said. His brother's wife answers the phone I ask for Ahmed she doesnot speak english she tells me "speak arabic no english" i tried t say may i talk to Ahmed, but she hung up phone. It been three weeks and nothing no E-mail nothing. I called his job in Jordanand they said he shold be back to work on July 30th, but they have not heard from him since he left. Ahmed and I have talked or e-mailed eachother every single day since the first day we met. I'm so hurt/and confused. This guy could not sleep without calling to check on me and my daughter to make sure we were ok, he even would send us money to help pay the phone bill so we could always keep in touch, now I don't know what to make out of this if he has decided to move on that ok, but i just need some closeure. please help me. If there is someone out there who speaks arabic please responed if i could get someone to call his family just to see if he even got there i will feel much better. I"m DYING HERE PLEASE HELP!!!!! :help: :help: :help: :help: :crying: :crying: :help:

Wow, that is bizarre. Don't panic. Just see if he comes back to work. I hope he is ok. BUT if he was at his brother's house, seems to me he would have told somebody to give him the phone when you called. How long has he worked at his job? Let us know what happens, we care about you. Life is strange!! Good luck. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-30 18:17:00
Middle East and North Africaupdate Help me day2 !!!!!!!!!!!

Honey I know it hurts. My first relationship after my divorce cut like a freakin' knife. It's like all the feelings from the divorce came back full force. Just count your blessings that things ended now before your daughter became involved too personally since as much as it hurts us it hurts the kids ten times as bad.

Focus on yourself, pamper deserve it just because you're you! You have a lot on your plate raising a 5 yr old. I know because I was a single mom of two kids less than a year apart. Heck I still am since he's not here yet. It's hard doing this on your own. Focus on this time with your little girl. Those years are precious when they're that age and they grow up waaaaay too fast.

When you have healed you deserve a man who will treat you both like real life! Trust me if I had it to do over again I'd shut the damned computer off and never look back. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband but it's too hard to go through this with someone living halfway around the world especially when you have kids to take care of.

Doodlebug--I know his is off-topic, but did your guy get his interview? What happened? Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-31 19:25:00
Middle East and North Africaupdate Help me day2 !!!!!!!!!!!
Gee, bless your heart that this happened to you. I feel so bad for you. This is indeed a bizarre story. You are right, either he is dead or he bailed on you and went off to his family to start over. I think if he was dead, they would have told you that on the phone---hopefully, somebody would.

But, either way, if he is going to be this irresponsible, you will be better off in the long run without him. With a young child, you need a stable man who will treat you well. It's true that time will heal you, even though now that sounds like a BS saying....

The sad truth is that this world is full of crazy ### people who just can't handle committment. But you sound like a wonderful person who deserves a special guy.

You are in my prayers that you get over this heartache!!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-31 19:17:00
Middle East and North Africa49 Days and Counting...

I'm on the countdown again....49 days til I get to see Hamid again. Staying 3 weeks again this time. I am sooo lucky to be on year-round school where I can see him more often.

Is anyone else going to Morocco around Sept. 21??? Lucky me, during Ramadan.... :whistle:

On another note, our papers are off to Casa with worried hearts. Hopefully, we will hear soon when his interview date is. Didn't sound good for Iyisha, God love her heart. (Hope I spelled her name correctly.)

Anyone else turned down at Casa today? Debbie (and Hamid)

If you need adaptors and stuff like that buy a used on on ebay. thats what i did.Its so much cheaper than buying new. I am off to TUNIS, TUNISIA on Saturday at 11 and will see Mohamed at around 2 the next day. I did not have time to go to algeria this time and will go again in December while we wait for the I130 to go through. Cheers. I am also wondering if there is less AP in Algeria due to fewer I130s going through there than Morocco. It seems as if there are not that many delays with Algiers. There are just not alot of algerians marrying americans I guess

We had no trouble finding adaptors in Casa and Marrakech for my hairdryer. However, we blew up my fan from USA--too much power I guess (tee hee). Ended up buying one at Marjane. Anyway, so far, the hairdryer keeps on working with the adaptor. And as far as Ramadan, he says we will sleep all day and stay up all night. It will make for an interesting trip and see how we deal with all this. Debbie

Please say a prayer as Hamid has eardrum surgery on Tuesday in Casa. He is truly scared and his parents are petrified that he will die during surgery. None have ever had any kind of surgery before, but I hope and pray that ll will go well. He must have this to keep from losing all his hearing in that ear. I appreciate all of you!!!
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-05 13:12:00
Middle East and North Africa49 Days and Counting...

My SIL's have wash cloths so maybe it's just something that's always been missing in the hotels you've stayed at? I personally just use a scrubby thingy (i forget the name of it but you put the shower gel on it and it exfoliates while you wash) that I always bring with me. Maybe bring your own linens?

Have fun you two while you're there! It will certainly be festive with it being Ramdan and all. Be sure to take tons of pictures! I love seeing pictures of how the rest of the world celebrates Ramadan.

I have the same thing with washcloths. Bought some for his parents' house and where he lives. Luckily the riad has an American toilet and a handheld shower, and so does his parents' home. I have yet to figure out how to download a pic for this site--always says "too large" so if you can tell me how, let me know. Thanks, Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-05 09:11:00
Middle East and North Africa49 Days and Counting...

I wish I could go too, but I'm done my going to Morocco.... at least for this year... and frankly, he should be here. The only problem is - no visa. Wow, almost two months in Morocco, I wish I could do that! But I'd miss the toilet and real shower too much :jest: :jest:

Can I ask why you think they turned you down? Other than they are CASA!! lol I appreciate any info. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-04 19:37:00
Middle East and North Africa49 Days and Counting...
I'm on the countdown again....49 days til I get to see Hamid again. Staying 3 weeks again this time. I am sooo lucky to be on year-round school where I can see him more often.

Is anyone else going to Morocco around Sept. 21??? Lucky me, during Ramadan.... :whistle:

On another note, our papers are off to Casa with worried hearts. Hopefully, we will hear soon when his interview date is. Didn't sound good for Iyisha, God love her heart. (Hope I spelled her name correctly.)

Anyone else turned down at Casa today? Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-03 19:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASA's Computers Down Today (Interview Rescheduled)

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick heads up on my fiance's interview this morning. After waiting there for 2 hours outside the Consulate with other interviewees, an African-American woman (whom he said was very nice) came out to announce to everyone that they would not be doing any interviews today, due to the computers being down, and she apologized for the inconvenience and told them to come back at the same time on Friday, or to email to reschedule. In lieu of the fact that he traveled all the way from Fes, and is now in a hotel, I did email them to request if he can go in tomorrow or Thursday, instead. So inshaAllah when we find out some news, I'll post again. Hope everyone's enjoying their week. :star:


Well, being the suspicious person that I am of Casa, I have a question.... Just cuz the computers are down, why does that impact a person having an interview? Is it me, or does Casa seem to lurch from one dismal week to the next with no end in sight? Why can't they give those poor folks their interviews???? They should have everything they need for an interview right there in their grimy little hands....and, of course, the fiances have all that stuff right in their shiny hands, but, then again, the interviewers won't bother to look at that......

So my question again, why can't they conduct an interview without a computer????? If I seem insensitive, I am toward :whistle: Debbie (and Hamid)

PS--Tired of thinking that one person sitting in Casa can impact my life forever....where is the justice????? :dance: (That's not me dancing, that's me pitching a fit.... :D
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-31 18:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaDe-Nile Is More Than A River In Egypt....

Hi Everyone,

Driss had his interview today with the infamous blonde woman, and he was denied. :crying: I am kind of sketchy on the details as of now, but I am investigating what went wrong. They had all the proof of relationship, notarized letters from family, photos, etc. and it was scanned so they had it before the interview. Apparently, they kept his passport after the interview, and gave him the 221g stating that the petition would be returned. Later today, they called him back and told him to come pick up the passport. His interview was in English and he said he understood her well, and he said that she understood all his responses, clearly. Basically, from what I have ascertained thus far, the Consular Officer was satisfied with all of the evidence of relationship I gathered and we nearly got an approval, but something went wrong during the interview, and she told him "I'm confused." He asked her "Why?", so that he could clarify any potential issues and she responded with "I'm sorry your petition is being returned so you can ask USCIS any further questions." :no: He said that a friend that he met 2 weeks before while getting the Medical at that Dr. Khadija's office, also got denied, along with a host of other people today. There were lots of people there, and most got denials. He also said that even though his interview was scheduled for 8:00am, they didn't see him until around 2:00pm. He faxed me a copy of the 221G and I faxed it along with a letter to the Senator that helped us before. Other than that, I don't really know what else to do, but I do need to coordinate with others like Kiya and Limah and the rest of the unofficial "returned petitions task force". :help:
Thanks to everyone who gave advice, support, and direction throughout the process.

Best Regards and Have a Great Weekend,

Hi Everyone,

Driss had his interview today with the infamous blonde woman, and he was denied. :crying: I am kind of sketchy on the details as of now, but I am investigating what went wrong. They had all the proof of relationship, notarized letters from family, photos, etc. and it was scanned so they had it before the interview. Apparently, they kept his passport after the interview, and gave him the 221g stating that the petition would be returned. Later today, they called him back and told him to come pick up the passport. His interview was in English and he said he understood her well, and he said that she understood all his responses, clearly. Basically, from what I have ascertained thus far, the Consular Officer was satisfied with all of the evidence of relationship I gathered and we nearly got an approval, but something went wrong during the interview, and she told him "I'm confused." He asked her "Why?", so that he could clarify any potential issues and she responded with "I'm sorry your petition is being returned so you can ask USCIS any further questions." :no: He said that a friend that he met 2 weeks before while getting the Medical at that Dr. Khadija's office, also got denied, along with a host of other people today. There were lots of people there, and most got denials. He also said that even though his interview was scheduled for 8:00am, they didn't see him until around 2:00pm. He faxed me a copy of the 221G and I faxed it along with a letter to the Senator that helped us before. Other than that, I don't really know what else to do, but I do need to coordinate with others like Kiya and Limah and the rest of the unofficial "returned petitions task force". :help:
Thanks to everyone who gave advice, support, and direction throughout the process.

Best Regards and Have a Great Weekend,

Hi Iysha--As one who will be going through this soon, I an sooo sorry. I expect the same, but will be astonished if we get a miracle. Why am I not surprised that this has happened ONCE AGAIN in Casa??? Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-03 17:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many interviewers are there in Casa?
I was just wondering how many people are there conducting interviews in Casa? I have heard of three: an African-American youngish woman, a blonde Caucasian woman, and a man of unknown identity (just trying to be politically correct, which is BS, but what the heck????) :whistle:

If I am reading correctly, seems the blonde one is the hardest to deal with????? Let's just hope they don't read these posts!!! lol

Any advice on dealing with any one of these folks? I am signing this "Anonymous" hee hee.....(like that is gonna help) :wacko:

And as for the post about jealousy, I met and passed by lots of different women in Morocco. Many passing by women seem to be giving me the "I loathe you" look. I am a very friendly person, just smiled at them. And there were lots of others who smiled back. My SO was taken aback by my openly friendliness, especially to the men, whom he advised me would look at me as a "hooker" if I was sooo friendly. He said, and I quote, "I have seen lots of American women, but not as friendly as you." Which he didn't see as a GOOD I think on my first visit, I was the only white woman in Casa as this was during off tourist season, so I got lots of looks, yeah from men, smiles, whistles, air kisses, winks, etc. And in his small hometown, I must have been the town oddity. It seems we were always passing by the high schools when they let out and they would follow us--boys and girls. The girls were curious, the guys were giving me the once or twice over. And the little kids would follow along behind us. I smiled at them, they smiled back. I bought some of the kids around where he lived chalk and stuff--felt sorry for them cuz they had nothing to play with. Can't help that teacher in me coming out.

So I will throw out another stereotype, the friendly southerner, which I swear to God is true. I keep trying to explain this to my SO, but he just doesn't understand that women can be so open and friendly as to hug and kiss guys, other women, and sometimes strangers. But if you have ever been in the south, you will know this is true.

Anyway, his family was wonderful to me, so open and accepting (and not looking for money and help, thank you very much). When I approached the age thing with one of his sisters, she just kept saying, "No problem, no problem. We are happy for him." So I am going to believe my SO when he tells me that his family only wants him to be happy with whomever he falls in love with." And I am the lucky one!!!

AND, just for the record, my SO was never deceptive about the fact that he is poor, but wanted to find a life mate. AND when I tried to give him the business about being lots older, he says, "What is the problem? I like you, you like me and you don't look that old" His former gf was lots older than him too, so I am thinking he just likes older women. Also, his friends were super friendly to me, a little overly friendly, if you know what I mean. Several tried to email me "to talk." I think they were jealous as to the fact that they wanted a fiance/gf too, not necessarily from America or whatever. They were all looking for future wives cuz they all think marriage is the greatest thing in the world. Anyway, enough about all of this....just a few thoughts. AND also wanted to say, none of his friends and/orfamily think age and weight are defining factors about somebody's love.... :whistle:

Edited by dgintenn, 07 August 2007 - 07:18 PM.

MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-07 19:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa
Casablanca, in Morocco. ;) I imagine Egyptians would go through Cairo.
girl 37FemaleCanada2006-09-28 09:57:00
Middle East and North Africaso what did you wear....

Actually they've changed that. This is per British Air, though it depends on where you're going. This is for those exiting London going on to an International destination...

Got an email from British Airways with this info tonight:

Dear Ms. X,

The European Union, including the United Kingdom, has adopted new security rules that permit the carrying of liquids, gels and pastes in limited quantities through airport security in passenger hand baggage. The changes will be effective from November 6, 2006.

This new policy applies to all passengers on all carriers who are departing from or transferring through any EU gateway, as well as those departing from or transferring through Albania, Kosovo, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland. This means the same policies apply for any customers travelling from or through any of these countries.

These new rules bring the EU policies more closely in line with current policies for US- and Canada-departing flights, and ensure that customers transferring on British Airways flights in the UK will be able to carry liquids, gels and pastes in limited quantities on board to their final destination.

Liquids must be held in individual containers not exceeding 100ml (approximately 3.5 fl. oz.).

Liquids, gels and pastes that may be carried onboard include shampoo, creams, hair gel, hair spray, suntan lotion, toothpaste, liquid or aerosol deodorant, perfume, cosmetics such as mascara and lip gloss, water and other drinks, soups and syrups. Other items of similar consistencies may also be carried on board.

All liquid, gel, and paste containers must be carried in a clear plastic zip-top or re-sealable bag that does not exceed 20cm x 20cm (8 inches x 8 inches) or one-quart capacity. Each passenger will be permitted to carry one of these re-sealable bags. Items must fit in the bag comfortably and the bag must be completely closed.

At the airport security search, the plastic bag must be removed from the cabin bag and x-ray screened separately.

For more information on this policy, along with other baggage information and information on duty-free goods, please visit

Yours sincerely,

William B. Harford Jr.
Senior Vice President Commercial, Americas

girl 37FemaleCanada2006-11-03 00:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlright, lets see it!!!
Awesome! I'll try to register & post some this weekend. :thumbs:
girl 37FemaleCanada2007-01-23 00:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlright, lets see it!!!
:( Now I wish I'd taken pics of the feast I prepared for friends on Friday: Persian rice & lentils with a tadeeg, tagine Zrodiya, spanakopita, dolmas, M'hencha, etc.

Are foreigners allowed in the Sultan's Kitchen? I have few good recipes to share.
girl 37FemaleCanada2007-01-23 00:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS WITH APRIL 1ST OR 2ND WEEK NOA1

Hi guys...just wanted to see how many of us here are March filers with April NOA1s that are dated between or close to April 12 and April 20. Most of our fellows here that have NOA1s during the first week of April have had approvals already or their NOA2. My NOA1 was on April 12 and still no touches or any updates at all and I would like for those who fit in this category or timeline post here and know what are your status now. Let's help each other out and pray for each other and wish everyone good luck.

Same here, April 7--heard that papers were sent to CA--that's it and it is now July 3....Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-03 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview time for MARCH filers

I think I will have to avoid this topic for now since I am a March filier and don't even have my NOA2 yet! This topic will just make me jealous to read until I'm at that point. But still, good luck to all the March filers out there that are at this point already... :whistle:

Don't worry as I am sure you will get NOA-2 net week :) believe me :) I was like you when didn't get NOA-2 when many people with NOA-1 dated as ours got NOA-2 already, but now I am relaxed ... so I am sure you will be with us next week :)

I am in a similar boat as him. I filed mine at the end of March, and I am just waiting for the NOA-2

Same with us. We filed late March but are considered first week of April filers. Not a peep since the papers arrived in CA. Debbie and Hamid

Dear all March filers what do you think if we can talk about a process after NOA-2 here- I mean our thoughts, feelings, experience :blush: The end of our journey is coming :dance:

HI, Well, I filed at the end of March, received the NOA1 on April 10th and now we are in our 91st day of waiting, waiting, waiting. My fiancee lives in Morocco and we are ready to get married. I haven't been touched at all and was wondering why not. If you call the USCIS they don't know anymore than going online and checking the status.

Can anyone give me any input on all this?


Same with us. I am hoping we dont get stuck in la la land waiting a year for review or something. Hamid is having a hard time understanding why we just cant get married...
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-06-29 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL Filers!!
We applied March 30, so we're almost April filers! Debbie (U.S.A.) and Hamid (Morocco)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-04-02 19:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaDumb Question, but Forgive Me Please
Hi One and All--

I have a really dumb question. Every time I try to download a pic for my profile (or whatever you call it), the computer says it is too big. I never have that problem anywhere else. Sorry, I am a computer novice even after many years. :help:

Also, I just want to say thanks to all the folks on this site who spend all this time helping other people get through this nightmare. Hamid and I will have to go through Casa for his interview--and I'm already worried sick about it. I'm afraid I don't hold out much hope for us due to several red flags. :crying:

Does it matter if the fiance is willing to sign a prenup? (And, yes, I did see the comments about prenups, but trust me, after being taken to the cleaners by an exspouse whom I totally trusted, ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't hurt to have one.) He is willing to sign anything and would just as soon I move to Morocco. However, I can't due to job obligations, at least for a few years. I probably should have put this comment under that RED FLAG topic that somebody so graciously started. I have heard from several people already and totally appreciate all of your support.

Also, other questions. Does anybody know anything about health care there in Morocco, other than it sucks? Are there enclaves of Americans who have joined together to get good health care in some city there? Are there jobs in American schools for teachers? If so, what cities? What cities are recommended for decent living?

I did see that Texas received my packet last Tuesday, but Hell, they haven't even cashed the check. I appreciate any and all advice given. I am immediately starting to collect more evidence of our relationship. And I will be making my second trip in June for a month. I spent three weeks there with him and his family in March and had a wonderful time.

It is so sad that a few people in Casa can totally destroy people's lives. If we get turned down, how long does it take to get an appeal going? Also, do people usually get their visas on the second go-round? We are willing to take as long as necessary to be together, but this is just totally outrageous!!! If we are turned down on second appeal, does it help to get married in Morocco and then apply for a spouse visa?

Anway, thanks for letting me vent. I keep thinking THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE, but apparently that is not the case in Casa. Let's keep praying that the people there see the light and let us be together with our loved ones.

Prayers to one and all, Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-04-07 16:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Moroccan
[quote name='dgintenn' date='Mar 31 2007, 09:34 AM' post='811668']
Hi--As you can see, I an new here. I just sent in the I-129 to Texas. However, after reading and such, I am worried about our age difference--he is almost 29, I'm 56. Do you think we will be denied his fiance visa because of this?

I just returned from Morocco after a wonderful 18 days, by the way.

I would just like advice and moral support as we go through this eternal maze. By the way, what does "touched" mean?

I appreciate any and all advice and moral support!! Thanks in advance, Debbie (and Hamid)


PPS----Another question. Hamid wants to get married in Morocco in June. Then we would marry again in the USA. Would we have to apply for a different visa after marrying in Morocco? Or could we continue on with the fiance visa? Please advise....
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-03-31 09:05:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
QUOTE (Brettanne @ Dec 18 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (J.W. @ Dec 18 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's a recent pic of her.

She's adorable, wish i can pick her cheeks. energy.gif

frosty - Malapit kna din, after new year sandali nalang yan mabilis na araw ngayon. After mo ako na yeheey! excited na ko. good.gif

Thanks sis...All babies here are all adorable. Good luck on your labor.... smile.gif
J.W.FemalePhilippines2009-12-18 16:04:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
Here's a recent pic of her.

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J.W.FemalePhilippines2009-12-18 11:48:00