Middle East and North AfricaGoing to the Dentist

Hi all,

My husband never went to a real dentist in Morocco.

Once in Morocco he broke two teeth--yes, opening a bottle with his teeth :wacko: . So, he went to the tooth man in Djmaa al Fna (a big open market in the Marrakech medina). I'm going to try to insert a picture here:
Posted Image

Ok, so a big strong guy held him down while the tooth man extracted his teeth with a pliers--no novicane, no painkillers, etc. He paid the equivalent of one dollar a tooth!

When Simo came to the US, I brought him to the dentist for a broken tooth but I had terrible dental insurance. With insurance, we ended up paying $300 to get a tooth pulled. Simo thought that was highway robbery and hasn't been back until today.

So now he has good insurance, and he went in for a cleaning/evaluation. Needless to say there are some issues. He apparently needs 13 fillings, one of his wisdom teeth pulled and his gums are not looking so good (oh, if only he would quit smoking!)!!

Ugh. I don't know how much this is going to cost us out of pocket, but it sure ain't pretty. We may need to prioritize and do some next year (we may hit the max on the dental insurance for the year).

My thoughts: if you have the opportunity, try to get any dental work done in your habibi's home is MUCH cheaper (though I don't think dentists are very common).


OK--I've got a dental story to share. We decided that we would get Hamid's first teeth cleaning, so we just go into a dentist down on the main drag in Marrakech. She was a young woman, very stylish, etc. Her assistant was also the front-desk woman and very very nice. I figured at least she was young and didn't display a pair of pliars, which Hamid says is the way they do it in Medine and at his hometown.

Anyway, so she cleans Hamid's teeth for $50.00. I have to admit he was brave, hardly ever flinched when she ran the sonic thing. So then she polished them, but never did the dental floss thing. So then (being a teacher) I had to show all of his sisters and him how to use dental floss when we were at his house. It occurred to me why in the hell doesn't a teacher or dentist there show them how to do this stuff???? Like they do in the USA when you are little, right? It is sooo sad that they are not told how to take care of their teeth. Hamid does have the gum issues too.

So, then we decide, ok we will let her fill a FEW fillings (for $25.00 each, mind you). So we end up going 3 times for 14 fillings. And, guess what, she did three or 4 fillings at a time in 15-20 minutes--and that included giving the shot!!! I was waiting for him to scream and jump out of the chair, but again, he was brave. He was sooo proud that his teeth looked so much better. However, his only dental experience had been having two teeth pulled in the lower back at two different times, I am sure he thought this was mild. This dentist, though, said she could not work on the two lower back ones. I am assuming they needed root canals or crowns. So I am trying to get him to ask her dental questions in Arabic when he doesn't know the vocabulary in English and he is getting mad at me for "embarrassing him" when all I am doing is trying to get into. I did manage to figure out a chart she was showing us--I think she was trying to tell us the cavaties were not down to the third level or something.

I'm in the chair over there watching, amazed at how fast she can fill those dang teeth. Then I wondered if his gums were really numb that fast. But I figure if not, I will know soon. So after the 4th visit, we are finished. They really were so nice to us. And of course, Hamid was thrilled with the results.

When I got back to the USA, I had a dental appointment for my cleaning. I told my dentist and his wife and assistant who work there how fast she filled them. Of course, they were horrified. "Did she clean them, did she dry them, did she mix this and that??" Of course, I have no idea how they will hold up. But I look at it as a stop-gap measure until he gets here. And with my dentist's prices (you could eat off their floor they are sooo picky) I just saw dollar signs adding up. I think we will be paying them 100-200 a month for life!! : :(

Anyway, I agree that it is better to have them done there--at least what they are capable of doing. Looking back, I think I would check my Blue Cross/World Access for names of dentists they recommend. But I didn't think of it at that time. I feel so sorry for the people there for their lack of access to doctors and dentists. I think in Hamid's case, he was just used to the pain. The same goes for his ruptured eardrum--they have to live with it and just treat it stopgap the best they can. It is just heartbreaking what some of the people have to go through.....oh well, I will now get off my soapbox... :P
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-14 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaAge difference

Casa has issues with age differences. Several have been returned due to age. However, from what was said, I have to agree with what others have said. It all comes down to how the questions are answered. My SO and I have 7 yrs between us. Not much. But there was no hesitation on his part and his questions were over rather quickly. The posts that I read that were rejected, there had been things said that honestly, would have caused me to question the relationship. Be prepared and be confident in your love and you will be fine. Good luck!

I have to disagree. In teh one year of following petitions through Casa, I have not seen one returned because of an age difference. Yes sometimes an age difference is there, but those petition returned when there i an age difference also had other issues. There have been on VJ more petitions approved with an age difference than denied.

The most common characteristic that returned petitions have appears to be in the length of the engagement/time before getting married after meeting. This, curcumstanially, seems to be the most serious red flag.

Thanks for your input. We have known each other since Nov 2006, went there Jan got engaged and then talked about filing to bring him here. I was going to get married there but too much paperwork that I did not have. Even went to Casa for affadavit of nationality and marriage and received that paper to have. But after finding out what was involved and did not have all, we thought best to try K1.

So now that we have we are waiting for interview time. So I guess he should not tell how much he loves me but just to answer any questions that might reflect our age with something other than that.
What he will say will make it or break it. Any more ideas please respond. Thanks

Hi--Most of you know that Hamid and I have a large age difference. We, too, met in Nov, 2006. I am still remembering the question in Casa about where the SO went to elementary school. I mean, come on, how obvious can you get? They are knowingly asking ridiculous questions to get reasons for rejection--how many American couples could pass this "test"? :wacko:

As I was reading this thread, it occurred to me that Hamid might hesitate as he answers because of English vocabulary questions. He has been speaking English a year, but still has to have some things rephrased occasionally. And he learns fast!!!

We got the NOA2 last week saying our case was being sent to Casaand that he would be hearing from them soon---setting off some real anxiety. I mean, how do you explain why you love somebody? Anyway, I heard that interviewers receive bonus points for rejecting applicants? Anybody know about that?

Keep the info coming, sisters and brothers!! Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-05 09:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaINTERVIEW APPT SET


Hi Terrie--Could I ask if you have any red flags--age difference, divorces, short relationship time???? We are expecting to get our interview packet soon also. I sure do wish you good luck!! Debbie (and Hamid)

hi Debbie--there is an age difference but why would that be a red flag? i am 9 years older than him and really it don't bother either of us. We both have a divorce under our belts and we've been together over a year now. I sure hope that don't stop anything. i don't know what i'd do if he doesn't get the approval besides sell my house and car and go over there to live. This man means the world to me.

Hi Terrie--I have to tell you, after I posted to you, Hamid told me his interview is also set for Sept. 6!!! So our guys will be there together.

If you have been reading posts on this site, you have to know that Casa is one of the hardest places to get a visa for your guy. I am hoping that we both get lucky. But I think it is reasonable as one person says, expect the worst, hope for the best. I asked about your red flags, cuz they are surely gonna be checking you out. On here, large age differences, short term relationships (like less than a couple of years to them) and divorces/children can be red flags. Just giving you fair warning for him to be ready to address any and all of these things.

I can't believe we only have 3 weeks before that date. I was expecting maybe 4-5 weeks. I will be going there on Sept. 21. How many times have you visited your guy?

Hope all goes well for us and for anybody else that is getting ready for those interviews!!! :yes: Keep us posted.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-15 19:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaINTERVIEW APPT SET


Hi Terrie--Could I ask if you have any red flags--age difference, divorces, short relationship time???? We are expecting to get our interview packet soon also. I sure do wish you good luck!! Debbie (and Hamid)
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-15 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaHere I am again...
that I will pass on all your advice to the newbies when the time comes.

Ok, here is the question:
When Hamid goes to the interview, is this appropriate dress? :help:

We talked when I was there in June about what he would wear for his interview. He has no dressy clothes--at least what I would consider dress clothes here. What do you think if he wears dressy jeans, more like dark denim dress pants. He (being a tailor) tailored them to his skinny body, but they sort of flair a little--not tight at all. They don't really look like jeans, more like dark denim slacks. He was also gonna wear a long sleeved white shirt with slim navy blue stripes. And I told him he's gotta tuck it in. They don't exactly dress like my vision of

Anyway, what is the verdict? We are talking about getting like black slip on loafer type shoes. He only has tennies, but has neat black ones. HELP!!! Thanks....Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-15 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaLowest price phone card to Morocco cells?

I was always pleased with and their Global Calling Cards (not the 'Penny-Talk). I think the Morocco rates vary from 18 to 26 cents depending on where/what you are calling, but the service is faboo. You really get your money's worth. Not the cheapest of all rates, but I never lost a cent for bad connections, rounding fees, etc.

Ok, another moronic question from the technologically impaired.... If I have a Verizon plan, can I still use a phone card???? I pay like 5.00 a month to get .50 a minute to Morocco. And where do you get the phone cards? Thanks, Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-16 14:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG--His interview is set for Sept 6!!!!!
Now I feel sick. We only have 3 weeks to get ready. All advice, please, as to what to bring as far as money, forms. Thanks, I can't think straight. I am gonna be there Sept. 21. I can't imagine that he might be able to come home with me 3 weeks later. Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-15 16:14:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion of address for those in morocco
QUOTE (chasnik @ Aug 21 2007, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So realistically if we can get the packet to him we can put the actual address on what goes to the embassy? That might be wiser because I have NO faith in the csc.

Yes, think one says "home address" and one says "present address". We decided to put his Marrakech address on both of those, figuring if anything went to his parents, we would get it anyway. Then the question becomes, will Casa bother to even look at it???? whistling.gif
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-21 19:41:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion of address for those in morocco
QUOTE (chasnik @ Aug 21 2007, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is true...normally Id just call and change the address and be done with it. But we are at almost 8 months since filing now and I dont want anything to hold it up...and its not like I will get a good answer if I call uscis. I could call 8 times in a row and never get the same answer!!!!

We had sort of the same dilemma filling out Hamid's paperwork this weekend. He was living at his parent's house when we filed, but has since taken a job in Marrakech. We decided to put his new address where it says "current address". We figured knowing Moroccan mail, it would get to Marrakech faster than his parent's house, which is in a small town one hour away. However, in your case, since the other address is so close and you are already getting that mail, I sure wouldn't change it now. No telling what would happen then. In our case, we figured if Hamid didn't get the mail, his parents would. Then they would call him immediately and tell him the mail was there. Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-21 18:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help finding Translators in Marrakech...
QUOTE (AmeraMouttaki @ Aug 21 2007, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi - My husband went to a translator in Babt Khala beside the bus station for buses to Casa. Or he said there are some in Sharer alal Assasi area. I think it cost him about $10-15. He could also go to the American Language Center in Gueleiz and ask and they can give him an exact address for someone. If he needs directions my husband said that he could call him. PM and I will give you the phone number if you want. Hope that helps.

Hi--Thanks so much. Hamid is still stuck in Casa deailng with the doctors, by the way, who tell him that they can't give him a copy of his physical tests--still more Casa BS. And, so far, costs more than $200.00. Anyway, he says the translator in Marrakech charges like 10.00 a page. Are you saying that your hubby paid $10-15 for the whole thing, or that much per page? We have like 9 pages to translate and money is getting tight right now.

Anyway, I do appreciate any help you can give us. Yes, he knows where the bus station is. It might be helpful for him to talk to your hubby. Could you please give us his phone number and I will tell Hamid when I talk to him tonight and see what he wants to do. He has to go to the chest xray doc tomorrow in Casa, so he is still there. That might be better to just go ahead and do it all there. I am going to try to get your email to Hamid. Thanks again. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-22 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help finding Translators in Marrakech...
QUOTE (AmeraMouttaki @ Aug 21 2007, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi - My husband went to a translator in Babt Khala beside the bus station for buses to Casa. Or he said there are some in Sharer alal Assasi area. I think it cost him about $10-15. He could also go to the American Language Center in Gueleiz and ask and they can give him an exact address for someone. If he needs directions my husband said that he could call him. PM and I will give you the phone number if you want. Hope that helps.

Thanks so much. Hamid's uncle knows one in Marrakech. If he does not work out, we will call you. Thanks so much!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-21 18:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help finding Translators in Marrakech...
QUOTE (AmeraMouttaki @ Aug 20 2007, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you talking about at the interview? Or translating a document? Let me know as I can tell you places that do translating super cheap (couple dollars) I guess I just need some more info to get you the right person!

Hi--He needs someone to translate his paper documents into English. Thanks for the info. PS--Hopefully from Marrakech. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-20 19:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help finding Translators in Marrakech...
QUOTE (AmeraMouttaki @ Aug 17 2007, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
English translators right? My husband's brother in law is a translator and guide in Marrakech. He speaks English pretty well, he actually translates mostly Spanish but I will ask. I will try to find out the company he works for. If you give me the dates etc. I might be able to help more. He might know someone if he's not able to.

Hi--[his interview is Sept 6. Thanks, just let me know asap. I appreciate it. Debbie

QUOTE (dgintenn @ Aug 18 2007, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AmeraMouttaki @ Aug 17 2007, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
English translators right? My husband's brother in law is a translator and guide in Marrakech. He speaks English pretty well, he actually translates mostly Spanish but I will ask. I will try to find out the company he works for. If you give me the dates etc. I might be able to help more. He might know someone if he's not able to.

Hi--[his interview is Sept 6. Thanks, just let me know asap. I appreciate it. Debbie

PS--It also says it must be a "certified" translator.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-18 10:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help finding Translators in Marrakech...
Thanks you. We only have three weeks to get this together. THanks, Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-16 18:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaASKING THE EXPERTS IS THE BEST....
Hi everyone. We have our interview Sept. 6 in Casa (I know, I know....) Anyway, I would like to ask if we have filled out the correct forms, as I know there has been some discussion before about some forms being obsolete, yet they still send them. Here is what we have filled out so far, plus Hamid has a question.

1. For DS-230 Part I and Part II (dated 07-2004)--4 pages filled out in English on the computer, then printed.

2. Form DS-157--1 page (dated 01-2004)--Written in French, filled out by hand in English by Hamid cuz we can't find a French download that will let us type in the anwers. Then we will copy it on the computer to have a copy for us.

3. Form DS-156K--1 page (dated 03-2006) and says "PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETE!" Filled out on the computer in English and then printed.

4. Form DS-156--2 pages (dated 09-2004) which also says "PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETE"--Filled out in English on the computer and then printed.

5. DS-157--1 page (dated 07-2002)--Filled out in English on computer, then printed. This is the SAME form as number 2 above, one in French, one in English. We are filling out both of them.

ALSO, IT SAYS AN ORIGINAL OF MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE. He has a copy in his notebook of mine, but the original is with the papers sent from NVC. However, I am sending him another original, but you know how the mail is in Morocco...geeze... crying.gif

Are there any forms missing? Are there any more that we should have? I seem to remember somebody saying that Casa once asked for an obsolete form.

We are going nuts with this, but we are only less than 2 weeks away from the interview.

And, for others' info, the physical was well over $200.00 and the doc would NOT give Hamid a copy of the results. Said he had never had to do that before. So Hamid will call in a few days and make sure the results are there. He DID find a translator in Marrakech, if anybody needs the man's address, around 100dh a page.

I can't tell you how important all of you are to us in this process. WE COULD NOT DO THIS ALONE AND WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE VJ'ERS. THANKS FOR ANY AND ALL HELP!!!! Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-25 12:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaASKING THE EXPERTS IS THE BEST....
QUOTE (anitacastillo @ Aug 26 2007, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't see any mention of the Affidavit of Support(I-134).

Good Luck!!

I put that in his notebook with the copy of our original papers. Should I take it out and have him keep it with this other stuff? Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-27 06:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaASKING THE EXPERTS IS THE BEST....
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Aug 26 2007, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Debbie -

Glad to hear that he found a translator. If nothing else, he might try to get that immunization sheet after his interview? (not sure how fast he was planning on coming). But tell them I will be moving to the US and need a copy of immunizations to complete the immigration process in the US, as i will not have access to the copy you forwarded to the consulate. I know she gives them - youssef has his!

Thanks for the info!! I am going to tell him when I talk to him to tell that dang doctor he has to have the immunization sheet. He said the doctor refused to give him any copies--said he sends them to the consulate. I will tell Hamid to ask again. This was a French male doctor from the list.

It would be sooo nice if he could come back with me mid-October when I come home. But, realistically, I know that won't happen. It is soooo sad and depressing. Both my senators and my congressman are sending letters to the consulate before his interview--hope this will help, but they say they have no power over them. We will see.

Thanks again....Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-26 08:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaASKING THE EXPERTS IS THE BEST....
Hi everyone. We have our interview Sept. 6 in Casa (I know, I know....) Anyway, I would like to ask if we have filled out the correct forms, as I know there has been some discussion before about some forms being obsolete, yet they still send them. Here is what we have filled out so far, plus Hamid has a question.

1. For DS-230 Part I and Part II (dated 07-2004)--4 pages filled out in English on the computer, then printed.

2. Form DS-157--1 page (dated 01-2004)--Written in French, filled out by hand in English by Hamid cuz we can't find a French download that will let us type in the anwers. Then we will copy it on the computer to have a copy for us.

3. Form DS-156K--1 page (dated 03-2006) and says "PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETE!" Filled out on the computer in English and then printed.

4. Form DS-156--2 pages (dated 09-2004) which also says "PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETE"--Filled out in English on the computer and then printed.

5. DS-157--1 page (dated 07-2002)--Filled out in English on computer, then printed. This is the SAME form as number 2 above, one in French, one in English. We are filling out both of them.

ALSO, IT SAYS AN ORIGINAL OF MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE. He has a copy in his notebook of mine, but the original is with the papers sent from NVC. However, I am sending him another original, but you know how the mail is in Morocco...geeze... crying.gif

Are there any forms missing? Are there any more that we should have? I seem to remember somebody saying that Casa once asked for an obsolete form.

We are going nuts with this, but we are only less than 2 weeks away from the interview.

And, for others' info, the physical was well over $200.00 and the doc would NOT give Hamid a copy of the results. Said he had never had to do that before. So Hamid will call in a few days and make sure the results are there. He DID find a translator in Marrakech, if anybody needs the man's address, around 100dh a page.

I can't tell you how important all of you are to us in this process. WE COULD NOT DO THIS ALONE AND WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE VJ'ERS. THANKS FOR ANY AND ALL HELP!!!! Debbie and Hamid
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-25 12:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmail from Casa -come get your packet
QUOTE (love my Nour @ Aug 28 2007, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today I received an email from Casa, because they will not give out information on phone. It says have your fiance come to the Embassy to pick up packet and attached is 3 doctors names to make an appointment for medical.

Now, he lives in Tangier which is about 5 hours ??? I think by train or bus. He has to be there between 1 and 3 Monday through Friday.....His interview is September 13th...................mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Now he works 12 hours at night. So should he wait to see if packet comes before he tempts to go to Casa or just take off from work and go. They mailed the packet on August 16th............And he has to have medical too. So that means another trip to Casa?????????????

What is going on with them? Do they think people have money to go back and forth for stuff like this when they need the money for visa, medical and trip for interview there?

Washington says they didn't see anything for his medical and to wait a week before interview?????????? I just don't get it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

Time is drawing near........................ what to do? And his passport has not come yet either.

Hi--Sorry I took cough syrup and meds, fell asleep last night and didn't hear the phone--been really sick. Anyway, if I were you, I would have him call and make appointment with doctor (call me for number), then on same day before that appointment, pick up the papers in Casa to take to doctor with him. That way, at least he won't have to go back to Casa again for doc appointment. Make sense? (Probably not, knowing how discombobulated I am right now...) For now, go ahead and start filling out the papers such as the 156, etc. I can give you list of those that you can download on internet.

I ended up calling the doctor this morning in Casa--saying when they answered "Can you speak English???" and the doc saying "Do you speak French????" tongue.gif

After all that, I finally got him (the doctor) to understand that he MUST give Hamid a copy of his immunization for his visa. So he said he would....thank God!!!! Hamid will just have to pick it up the day before his interview. We are almost finished filling out papers. NOW, the fun part, he has to go through all our info and make sure he is ready for that interview.

This is making me eat like a dang horse!!! I find myself going "Where in the He** is the chocolate?" So far, he is calm and recuperating from that surgery he had just two weeks ago.

24 days and counting til I'm there again!!! And the scary/exciting part is that we will hopefully KNOW the results of the interview and begin planning what is ahead--whatever the outcome....EXPECTING THE WORST, HOPING FOR A MIRACLE!!! unsure.gif
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-29 12:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhen is it going to end?????
QUOTE (doodlebug @ Aug 30 2007, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nervously Waiting @ Aug 30 2007, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, now, let me review this cuz I know we are gonna end up in the quagmire known as the black hole. wacko.gif

AP=means that you passed the interview (ha, that is a good one) and that SO's name has been sent to USA for FBI check????? And that unless your SO is a psycho terrorist, etc, you will eventually be given your visa, it may just take days/months/years/centuries????

AR=means that you didn't pass the interview, BUT your visa wasn't just thrown out, but that your papers are being sent back to probably California to be put at the bottom of the pile to "wait to be reviewed"????? And now I am hearing, the visa will probably end up being canceled, cuz, poor things, they have too much work to do???? Hey, didn't we just hear that fees were increased to cover more help????

That is incorrect. If you are in AP or AR you have passed the interview. If you do not pass the interview your case will be outright denied and they will tell you as much and send the file back to USCIS in the USA.

SO then if you don't pass the interview (No, sorry, I don't know the exact date that my fiance took her first step, and sorry, I don't think she ever mentioned the exact second, minute, hour, day that she graduated from middle school, and sorry, I just can't seem to remember what she said about what exact shows she watches on television and what times they are on and what days they are on....blah blah blah.... whistling.gif

ANYWAY, sorry I got carried away there in interview Hell innocent.gif

.....Back to the question. Let's just say on the distance chance that a person does not get "past" their interview, what paper do they hand him? And what does it say? AND when it goes back to USCIS, does it get "reviewed", shredded, or what???? AND, how long do you have to wait to re-apply? Thanks..... devil.gif
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-30 19:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhen is it going to end?????
QUOTE (allousa @ Aug 30 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've posted this info before...but seems like a good time to post it again....

Our congress Rep that helped us to get our file out of the local CIS office and on to NVC (9 months WASTED just sitting in local CIS office), was somewhat helpful in getting the file to Casa. However, she did tell me that once we went into the FBI background checks (which is what AP is), that this is where we would be waiting the longest. It's actually not CIS that is handling the background checks but Homeland Security. According to her, their information systems are so outdated that in some cases, background checks are being done by old fashioned phone calls and on foot! When I hear about how much dayum $$$$ is going to Homeland Security and then I hear ####### like this...

Just thought I would give you guys a heads up. smile.gif

OK, now, let me review this cuz I know we are gonna end up in the quagmire known as the black hole. wacko.gif

AP=means that you passed the interview (ha, that is a good one) and that SO's name has been sent to USA for FBI check????? And that unless your SO is a psycho terrorist, etc, you will eventually be given your visa, it may just take days/months/years/centuries????

AR=means that you didn't pass the interview, BUT your visa wasn't just thrown out, but that your papers are being sent back to probably California to be put at the bottom of the pile to "wait to be reviewed"????? And now I am hearing, the visa will probably end up being canceled, cuz, poor things, they have too much work to do???? Hey, didn't we just hear that fees were increased to cover more help????

SOL=Sh** Out of Luck=hee hee=means they hated your SO at the interview, don't believe a word you say, and are gonna throw your papers somewhere in some vast pile that will never be seen again???? wacko.gif

I have to say sorry for being so sarcastic, but dang it, I just resent somebody sitting in Casa deciding my future and whether or not I will have to spend all of my hard-earned money running back and forth to Morocco to prove to some wacko who really doesn't care that I love my fiance.????

Let's start a new requirement: All Americans that want to get married must pass the same standards as us. The sound you hear is the shuffle of papers being thrown into the garbage cuz nobody could endure the wait and pass the requirements..... whistling.gif

Anyway, one week til our interview and I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Then, I'm off to Marrakech on the 21st of September--can't wait to see my honey......Sorry for droning on, but it's been a long day.... blush.gif
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-30 14:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere is that giant list of who is waiting for interviews???
Just interested in how many more people have been interviewed, etc. in Casa...
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-02 07:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenied vs. Refused
QUOTE (Driss & Iysha @ Sep 1 2007, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I totally sympathize with you, and have a great deal of empathy because we went through the same thing, recently. Actually, DOS gave me the same line, that the visa was merely "refused" for further Administrative Review/Processing, but I got an email from the Consulate in Casablanca on Aug. 27 and a letter from the Senator confirming that our petition will indeed be returned, and they even provided me with the registered number of the diplomatic pouch that it's going to be sent it. All you can do is your best, by faxing in rebuttal/appeal letters, giving more supporting info./docs., contacting senators and congressmen, having family and friends fax letters of support, etc., which I did promptly and meticulously, but once they've made up their minds, it's pretty much a done deal. If you filed at CSC like we did, there's not even a chance for a rebuttal, as the case will mostlikely merely be closed since the petition's approval period would have probably expired by the time it reaches USCIS again. It's a double-edged sword, as it's good that there's no fraud marker to contend with, but all your efforts are gone down the drain because you aren't even given a chance to appeal. So then (correct me if I'm wrong, Limah, Kiya, or anyone else with experience regarding denials), you can file a 601 waiver to do another K1 petition, wait the 2 years to do another K1, or get married then start over with a K3 or CR1 (only if your K1 is cancelled and you do NOT receive a NOIR/NOID, in which case you must address that issue first). I try to look at the positive aspect of every situation, and evaluate what I learned, and then contemplate how to effectively utilize that new awareness to my advantage. This whole thing has ironically made my relationship even stronger, because the adversity is a test of the elasticity, strength, and resilience of the bond you have with your Significant Other. It it's destined, nothing can get in the way of true love, and you WILL be together, eventually. It's a lesson in patience and adaptability. Take it as a growing experience, and also find comfort in the fact that the next time around, you will be so much more prepared and knowledgeable. I know it's difficult, but try to chin up and don't let Immigration evaporate the joy from your life. It just requires a change in plans, and an altering of your perspective. You can get through anything, when you are focused and have harmony within your spirit. It gets easier after the first few weeks. I'm off to Morocco September 10-October 13; I scored an entire month off from the office! kicking.gif Best of luck, and have a great weekend.

Warm Regards,

Hi again Iysha--Sorry to see that your petition ended up getting sent back to the good ole USA. crying.gif


Let me ask a couple of questions. If our petition is refused, Hamid and I want to go ahead and get married the quickest we can. What would be the best way to do this? How long does it take for them to cancel officially the K-1? Can we cancel it ourselves if the petition is sent back? And please tell more about the CR-1????

Please don't tell me we have to wait a year and a half or more to even start over. crying.gif He**, I'll be on SS by the time this ####### is sorted out. Wish I could just retire now and go live there with him instead of wasting all of this time..... Anxiously waiting for advice.

MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-02 07:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Muslim
QUOTE (mybackpages @ Sep 4 2007, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Americans do learn geography. The US miliatry invades a country, americans learn where it is. whistling.gif

OK, back to the topic of stereotypes. My SO has said more than once that he has heard that American wives always have boyfriends. My answer is: American husbands have girlfriends too. There are jerks all over the world. And I'm guessing some Moroccan wives and husbands do the same, just not so in your face with it.

The point is, if you are committed to one another, NOBODY looks for another person.

And he also said, which broke my heart, "Do you think people will try to hurt me because they will think I am a terrorist?" He is really sort of scared about that.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-04 18:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Muslim
I think I can top all of these.

They will kidnap you and sell you as a sex slave!!

By the way, I am 56 years old, so I told them they would probably be looking for younger women for that!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-03-31 08:23:00
Middle East and North Africa3 Upcoming Interviews in CASA on 9/6/07
QUOTE (monnik @ Sep 4 2007, 05:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW! Good luck to the 3 of you.

Here's another good luck bear (internationally known as Teddy, the tattered old bear)!!!

Thanks so much for all the good wishes!!! For an update, my SO is now sitting in Casa (well sleeping probably) nervously awaiting his interview on Thursday morning. Luckily, his good friend traveled there with him for moral support. I talked to him today and he says he has been practicing and going over his questions getting ready for Thursday. We are hoping and praying that there will be a good outcome from the interview. He had eardrum repair surgery just 3 weeks ago and is still healing from that. He really hasn't had time to rest, but I guess that can be a good thing--less sitting around thinking time.

It is very scary in some ways to think that Thursday we will know which direction we will be going in. I am heading to Morocco on Sept. 21 for my 3rd visit of 3 weeks--wish I could have been there with him for the interview. However, I have this sort of fantasy that I will be able to bring him back with me, but I won't let myself think about that because of the reality of the Casa consulate. Sometimes I think I am more nervous than he is, although he is trying to keep cool for my sake.

I do have a question: If we are denied, can we cancel this visa soon, get married, and apply for the spouse visa? I read that article from that lawyer, but that couple had not canceled their finace visa. My SO does not understand why this visa process is so long and complicated, well, neither can the rest of us now that I think about it.

I will keep you updated and try to remember to tell him not to forget the questions they ask him so we can all benefit from this. Thanks again for all the support!!!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-04 18:11:00
Middle East and North Africacontacting your senator or rep for help, was it helpful ? pros/cons
QUOTE (chasnik @ Aug 26 2007, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I went to our congressmans office the first part of July. At that point the aide got a canned response about the congressional inquiry, but last week I sent her another email and she called me and contacted someone she knows here in the Atlanta office who she says can see whatever the CSC is doing. I havent gotten an email back, but I did have two touches on my case, so I know someone at least looked at it before they put it back in the black hole. I say it cant hurt to contact them,and yes I did sign the release. They are public servants and supposed to be here to help!!!

Hi--What is the status of your case on your timeline? Just interested in knowing, since we are similar to yours. Thanks, Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-26 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-07-31 18:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Abuse Poll~~Please keep in MENA

Hi Everyone,

With all the speculation going on lately, I think some hard numbers would be helpful.

The poll is anonymous, so please answer truthfully.

You can choose all types of abuse that apply to you.

You can answer the poll without adding a comment.

The poll is asking about committed relationship/spousal abuse only.

Hey Peezey--Never had to deal with this, thank God. I let em know beforehand, they lay a hand on me, I'll kick their butts!!! Actually, I wouldn't ever do physical stuff, but it never hurts for them to think that. I have a .38 left over from an ex hubby that I am gonna learn how to shoot, so I'm thinking Hamid will not try anything too cute. Not to make light of this, but I let him know beforehand, we don't hit and all that #######. Hope all is going ok with Dee. It will be interesting to see how this poll turns out...there are lots of abusers out there, men and women. Thanks for doing this. Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-08-16 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaAir plane ticket
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Sep 17 2007, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks, J, you always got my back--lol. True, plus I want to come back early. I am looking at flights. Dang, some are 1500 per person. Still looking. Best one is cheapoair so far. D
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-17 17:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaAir plane ticket
QUOTE (doodlebug @ Sep 17 2007, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone know if a 4 hour layover at JFK is enough? unsure.gif If not and the cheapest goes through there again what is the minimum that you'd feel comfy with?

Along this same line, I have a round trip ticket to Marrakech leaving this Friday and coming back Oct. 21 going through Amsterdam. However, it looks like he may be able to come back with me. However, does not originate flights out of Morocco. So I need to change my flight and get him a one way ticket to fly back with me. Would you suggest going to a travel agency once I get there? Call NWA or Air Maroc? Try to do it online? OR

Also, I probably need to come back through JFK so he can get the temporary work permit, so I can start paying off these bills!!! lol

So, advice Please????
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-17 17:08:00
Middle East and North Africadid you change your name?- for the mena girls
QUOTE (doodlebug @ Sep 10 2007, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For the ladies, when you married your mena man, did you change your last name? I know this topic has already been done in the past but I'm too tired right now to look it up. lol.

I'm struggling on what to do. I currently have my ex's name and want to obviously get rid of that but I don't know if I should take my husband's last name or my maiden name. helpsmilie.gif

Same with me Doodlebug, can't decide if I want to do alllllll of that paperwork...again.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-09-10 16:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaFirst, Let me apologize for disappearing....
Hi friends, the former DJTNDOG here. I had to change my identity and disappear on here because a former friend of my SO had been harrassing us and I didn't want him to mess up anything when we were so close to getting our visa.

The good news (and truly a miracle, we are convinced), is that my SO GOT HIS VISA!!!!!!! We were truly and utterly in shock. I had to change airline tickets, get him one (2700.00 one way, which sucks--my entire ticket was 1000.00) and get all of this together in a short time.

I think I left you guys after he had his interview scheduled. I want to share all of this to help others, so if I repeat or whatever, hope you understand. His interview was scheduled, he got his physical, and got to Casa. The bad part is during this whole time, he had just had eardrum repair surgery and was running back and forth to Casa and is just now recovering. Anyway, here goes:

We are still not sure who he had the interview with. He described the men and women there as not being Moroccan, perhaps Syrian for a couple, with different accents from him. He also said none of the interviewers were really blonde, so I am not sure who his was. This is what he said:

His interview was scheduled for 8:00 a.m. His good friend went with him, and they spent the night in a fleabag hotel. Both got some kind of cooties, but that is a story for another Anyway, he went over there at 7:30 and was called in. He said there were about 35 people in the room. He was told to give his papers to a woman whom he described as mean, like the milatary. (I am using my own words and some of his as to what he meant.) He said she was rude to all of them, like she had power over them and wanted to show it off.

Then he sat down. Two others went before him. One was a woman. He couldn't hear much of what was said, but he thinks the woman was lying and caught in her lies. Something about she told the woman that she talked to her fiance every night, then changed her answer when the woman questioned her. She left upset and mad. He said he thought maybe the main thing was what the person said had better match up with what is on the paperwork in front of the person that is conducting the interview.

Then a man went for his interview. My SO wasn't sure what happened there, but the man also left upset. Then it was his turn. He said the woman was very nice, very respectful, and that he could understand what she said. My SO has been speaking English about a year and we had practiced the questions and talked about the answers. So he was prepared for what she might ask. He had to ask her to repeat a couple of times, but had no trouble answering. I am going to list the questions on another post so that people can read those separately. Anyway, she talked to him about 15 min. He said she typed while she asked him, but she managed to look him in the eye a lot. He thought she was trying to see if he was lying. Then at the end, she said, "Everything is ok. We will call you next week." Of course, he didn't ask if he was gonna get his visa or anything, so I was freaking. His interview was on a Thursday. They called the following Friday. Asked him to come in on Monday and bring his passport. Back to Casa, which is a 4 hour bus ride from Marrakech, by the way. Then when he gave them his passport, they told him to come back tomorrow. I said, Did you ask them why? No So the next day, he went and they gave him his passport.

I had planned already to be there for three weeks, leaving the US on Sept. 21 and to return Oct. 13. But I had to change my ticket, add him to my flight, etc. All in a short time.

So, now he is here with me since Saturday. Of course, being Ramadan, it has been different than we had planned. BUT he is doing great. We applied for his SS#, went to a couple of job prospects. But he has to learn how to drive and we have no bus service from here to Knoxville, where the sewing jobs are that he wants. We have found two places that sell halal meat, etc, in Knoxville, gone to the mall (Don't take me here again, just go His biggest adjustment so far is that he has trouble understanding what is said, so he wants to begin English classes immediately. They offered some from May for free through our local college, so I am hoping they will offer more soon. We have talked to his relatives, he plays lots of Algerian music, chats on internet with his friends, etc. But he is sort of quiet, I think, cuz he is sooo hungry all the time and it has been 3 weeks of Ramadan. I will keep you posted as we go along. As I said, I will post the questions he was asked on another entry. I was totally surprised that the interviewer was nice to him, so I can't complain too much about that.

I have no clue as to why we got our visa and others did not. I know several people with similar issues whose papers were turned down. I can only speculate why, but that is for another time.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-10-05 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy SO's Questions during interview...
QUOTE (lerry&luisa @ Oct 6 2007, 12:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nervously Waiting @ Oct 5 2007, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here are the questions that my SO was asked. It has been a few weeks, so I hope I can remember them all. They will not be in the right order, I am sure, but you will get the idea.'

First let me tell you that we had some red flags: big age difference (27 years), my 3 divorces (last one being July, 2006 but had been married 22.5 years and he is the one who left unexpectedly) , relationship since Nov., 2006. We have no children, so that was not an issue. I had visited him for 3 weeks in March, then 4 weeks in June, with plans for 3 more weeks in Sept. I also realize that not many people can go that much, but I am a teacher at a year round school with that schedule. However, the cost has been hard to cover. Now we are gonna have to work to pay off my skyhigh VISA card. Anyway, as to why we got ours and others didn't, I have no idea. My SO was not nervous going into the interview as he expected to get turned down. The thing I would change would be I would have made a much longer letter addressing all of those issues on our initial application. Sometimes I wonder if they don't care if the poor guys leave. My SO did not make much, etc. I also included the form about my income, can't remember what it is called. I kept sending him things to add to his booklet, but they never looked at them.

Here are some of the things I did: As soon as we applied for the K-1, I contacted my two senators and my congressman, signed releases and sent them a lengthy letter explaining our relationship and Casa's reputation. So they knew what was going on from the beginning. I was soooo very lucky to hear back from all of them with supportive statements. So I called/wrote all of them before his interview and all three wrote emails to Casa saying they were taking an interest in this case and to let them know the outcome. I wrote a detailed 3 page letter addressing all of our red flags and telling them how we would work these out. I included details of all of my trips and stated that I had tickets for the next trip already. I was going to send this with my SO, but my congressman's secretary ended up sending it with her email right before his interview. This might have helped, but who knows? I sent him additional pics and such to add to his packet. Right before his interview, I printed page 1 of all of our Yahoo IM's. She did look at a few of those, but not at the pics.

Anyway, here are the questions as I remember them:

1. What is her full name?
2. Where does she live?
3. Where else has she lived?
4. What does she do for a job?
5. Where did you meet her? She wanted to know the name of the site.
6. Why did you go to that site? (His friends told him about it,)
7. Did you talk to other women? (A few, but not after I met her.)
8. Why did you choose her? He took this opportunity to talk about the stuff we had in common, such as hobbies.
9. Do you talk on the phone?
10. When did you meet?
11. When is your mother's birthday? He told her he wasn't sure, but that he could call his mother and ask her. She said no. But then she asked him if he knew that she was the same age as me (lol). He said yes. She asked him what her mother thought of that, if she was surprised. He told her no, that she loved me, had no problem with that and that here are some pics of us together. But she didn't want to see them. He told her that his family had no problem with that and that they loved me.
12. Where will you get married? He said USA, but she asked "Church or mosque" he said her home.
13. What does your family and her family think of the relationship?
14. How many divorces? Why and when was she divorced the last time?
15. What is last husband's name?

At the end, she looked at a few of our chats. I had sent page one of all of our chats up to that time. But she didn't look at any pics. Anyway, he said she was very nice to him, which totally surprised me.

Hope this helps others. We are doing great, making plans, rushing around. I will keep in better touch in the future, promise. biggrin.gif

Hi, thanks for the info..did they ask you all of these questions in a private room or in front of everyone in waiting area.

QUOTE (lerry&luisa @ Oct 6 2007, 12:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nervously Waiting @ Oct 5 2007, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here are the questions that my SO was asked. It has been a few weeks, so I hope I can remember them all. They will not be in the right order, I am sure, but you will get the idea.'

First let me tell you that we had some red flags: big age difference (27 years), my 3 divorces (last one being July, 2006 but had been married 22.5 years and he is the one who left unexpectedly) , relationship since Nov., 2006. We have no children, so that was not an issue. I had visited him for 3 weeks in March, then 4 weeks in June, with plans for 3 more weeks in Sept. I also realize that not many people can go that much, but I am a teacher at a year round school with that schedule. However, the cost has been hard to cover. Now we are gonna have to work to pay off my skyhigh VISA card. Anyway, as to why we got ours and others didn't, I have no idea. My SO was not nervous going into the interview as he expected to get turned down. The thing I would change would be I would have made a much longer letter addressing all of those issues on our initial application. Sometimes I wonder if they don't care if the poor guys leave. My SO did not make much, etc. I also included the form about my income, can't remember what it is called. I kept sending him things to add to his booklet, but they never looked at them.

Here are some of the things I did: As soon as we applied for the K-1, I contacted my two senators and my congressman, signed releases and sent them a lengthy letter explaining our relationship and Casa's reputation. So they knew what was going on from the beginning. I was soooo very lucky to hear back from all of them with supportive statements. So I called/wrote all of them before his interview and all three wrote emails to Casa saying they were taking an interest in this case and to let them know the outcome. I wrote a detailed 3 page letter addressing all of our red flags and telling them how we would work these out. I included details of all of my trips and stated that I had tickets for the next trip already. I was going to send this with my SO, but my congressman's secretary ended up sending it with her email right before his interview. This might have helped, but who knows? I sent him additional pics and such to add to his packet. Right before his interview, I printed page 1 of all of our Yahoo IM's. She did look at a few of those, but not at the pics.

Anyway, here are the questions as I remember them:

1. What is her full name?
2. Where does she live?
3. Where else has she lived?
4. What does she do for a job?
5. Where did you meet her? She wanted to know the name of the site.
6. Why did you go to that site? (His friends told him about it,)
7. Did you talk to other women? (A few, but not after I met her.)
8. Why did you choose her? He took this opportunity to talk about the stuff we had in common, such as hobbies.
9. Do you talk on the phone?
10. When did you meet?
11. When is your mother's birthday? He told her he wasn't sure, but that he could call his mother and ask her. She said no. But then she asked him if he knew that she was the same age as me (lol). He said yes. She asked him what her mother thought of that, if she was surprised. He told her no, that she loved me, had no problem with that and that here are some pics of us together. But she didn't want to see them. He told her that his family had no problem with that and that they loved me.
12. Where will you get married? He said USA, but she asked "Church or mosque" he said her home.
13. What does your family and her family think of the relationship?
14. How many divorces? Why and when was she divorced the last time?
15. What is last husband's name?

At the end, she looked at a few of our chats. I had sent page one of all of our chats up to that time. But she didn't look at any pics. Anyway, he said she was very nice to him, which totally surprised me.

Hope this helps others. We are doing great, making plans, rushing around. I will keep in better touch in the future, promise. biggrin.gif

Hi, thanks for the info..did they ask you all of these questions in a private room or in front of everyone in waiting area.

THEY ASKED THE QUESTIONS IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. The interviewer was behind the glass window and he was in front of it. I don't see how they could even hear each other. He said there were about 35 people in the room.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-10-06 10:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy SO's Questions during interview...
Here are the questions that my SO was asked. It has been a few weeks, so I hope I can remember them all. They will not be in the right order, I am sure, but you will get the idea.'

First let me tell you that we had some red flags: big age difference (27 years), my 3 divorces (last one being July, 2006 but had been married 22.5 years and he is the one who left unexpectedly) , relationship since Nov., 2006. We have no children, so that was not an issue. I had visited him for 3 weeks in March, then 4 weeks in June, with plans for 3 more weeks in Sept. I also realize that not many people can go that much, but I am a teacher at a year round school with that schedule. However, the cost has been hard to cover. Now we are gonna have to work to pay off my skyhigh VISA card. Anyway, as to why we got ours and others didn't, I have no idea. My SO was not nervous going into the interview as he expected to get turned down. The thing I would change would be I would have made a much longer letter addressing all of those issues on our initial application. Sometimes I wonder if they don't care if the poor guys leave. My SO did not make much, etc. I also included the form about my income, can't remember what it is called. I kept sending him things to add to his booklet, but they never looked at them.

Here are some of the things I did: As soon as we applied for the K-1, I contacted my two senators and my congressman, signed releases and sent them a lengthy letter explaining our relationship and Casa's reputation. So they knew what was going on from the beginning. I was soooo very lucky to hear back from all of them with supportive statements. So I called/wrote all of them before his interview and all three wrote emails to Casa saying they were taking an interest in this case and to let them know the outcome. I wrote a detailed 3 page letter addressing all of our red flags and telling them how we would work these out. I included details of all of my trips and stated that I had tickets for the next trip already. I was going to send this with my SO, but my congressman's secretary ended up sending it with her email right before his interview. This might have helped, but who knows? I sent him additional pics and such to add to his packet. Right before his interview, I printed page 1 of all of our Yahoo IM's. She did look at a few of those, but not at the pics.

Anyway, here are the questions as I remember them:

1. What is her full name?
2. Where does she live?
3. Where else has she lived?
4. What does she do for a job?
5. Where did you meet her? She wanted to know the name of the site.
6. Why did you go to that site? (His friends told him about it,)
7. Did you talk to other women? (A few, but not after I met her.)
8. Why did you choose her? He took this opportunity to talk about the stuff we had in common, such as hobbies.
9. Do you talk on the phone?
10. When did you meet?
11. When is your mother's birthday? He told her he wasn't sure, but that he could call his mother and ask her. She said no. But then she asked him if he knew that she was the same age as me (lol). He said yes. She asked him what her mother thought of that, if she was surprised. He told her no, that she loved me, had no problem with that and that here are some pics of us together. But she didn't want to see them. He told her that his family had no problem with that and that they loved me.
12. Where will you get married? He said USA, but she asked "Church or mosque" he said her home.
13. What does your family and her family think of the relationship?
14. How many divorces? Why and when was she divorced the last time?
15. What is last husband's name?

At the end, she looked at a few of our chats. I had sent page one of all of our chats up to that time. But she didn't look at any pics. Anyway, he said she was very nice to him, which totally surprised me.

Hope this helps others. We are doing great, making plans, rushing around. I will keep in better touch in the future, promise. biggrin.gif
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-10-05 19:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS - Morocco specific question
QUOTE (mybackpages @ Nov 11 2007, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaL @ Nov 11 2007, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some of the terminology used in this thread is pretty poor. Sorryif anyone takes offense to this however, so much of the verbiage is incorrect, and being that this thread also now shows up under google searches, corrections need to be made (of course there is probably some that could be corrected of my reply as well, which is why the AOS forum is best for this kind of post)

Thanks for catching all this. I must have mis-typed and/or just assumed the OP typed the correct form number.

The DS 3025 is the vaccination supplement to the medical that the applicant should request a copy of from the panel physican during the medical exam. This form states clearly that a copy of the form should be given to the applicant. This form is then taken to the civil surgeon to complete the medical supplement form of the I-693 as required for K-1 applicants.

The supplement form to the full medical has been referred to as 1-693a on VJ many times. I just pulled the form and it does not have this label that I could find.

The form might state this clearly, but they obviously don't follow the guidelines. Hamid was given no "forms" that were numbered, even after I called the doctor (that Casa requires). He was lucky to be given a copy of his shots, such as it was.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-11-11 11:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS - Morocco specific question
QUOTE (sereia @ Nov 9 2007, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks everyone! i'll give the local civil surgeons in the area a call to find a good price! biggrin.gif i'd rather not risk sending in the form from morocco in and get an RFE.

Hi--Hamid and I are in the same problem. I ended up calling the doctor that gave him his physical in Casa. The guy gave Hamid a paper that looked like a prescription pad paper and on it it looked like he had listed two shots. That was the only paper he had from the doc, other than a tiny chest xray. He brough this to the USA with him.

SO this week I sent it to the civil surgeon that everybody here recommended on VJ in Austin, TX. Sent $10. with it. Talked to the nurse on the phone--she was wonderful. She says they have a 24 hour turnaround time. SO I am hoping I get the right form back quickly. I will keep you posted. His name is Dr. Lee, I think. And I think you can find his address and phone number on this site. If not, email me, I will dig it up for you. I left a message on the phone and the nurse called me back that day.

When I get this paper, we will have everything we need to file his AOS. By the way, he arrived Sept. 29, we got married oct. 8. What about you? Talk to you soon, Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-11-11 00:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Nov 18 2007, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks LaL for the moving checklist!

I have to call my internet provider and make sure I get my service up quick after I move. If not, I will be sitting in front of someones house with a wireless router to log on laughing.gif

J rose.gif

Hi Jackie--Where are you moving to? Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-11-18 17:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAny advice
QUOTE (sunrise17 @ Dec 1 2007, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank u for ur advices, i will call DOS then i will email Casablanca and tell them about what DOS said to me, i wish get what am looking for.
thank u MENA for any help and advice and if any one had same situation about case K1 before, plz let me know

I got the same letter about the Washington checking his name. They called 10 days later and he got his visa, so don't give up hope!! Debbie
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-12-05 19:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Complications
QUOTE (Nervously Waiting @ Dec 21 2007, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sunbird2013 @ Dec 19 2007, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I need help/advice again. This time things are more complicated. As stated in my post a few weeks back, I went to Morocco in November to visit my honey. Well, to make a long story shorter, I came back with a present I didn't know I had, I'm expecting our baby. Wow. We were not planning for this. Now here is my/our dilemma. We did plan on getting married someday, but not this soon. Obviously we will have some proof of a relationship now. LOL I just don't know what to do. Should we apply for the K-1 and hope he makes it in time for the birth? Should I go there again while I can still travel, get married, file spouse visa form, and hope he makes it in time for the birth? I just have a feeling things will be denied because of how quickly things have happened. I am just confused on the best course of action. Any advice on which way is best, spouse or fiance visa in this case?

Hi, as a long term teacher, I can't help but ask how long you have known this man and how well you know him. I will give you the same advice I give to my students: Always be prepared to take care of yourself and any children you may have by yourself. I think that sort of sums it up. I hope you have a good job and are able to make some well-thought-out choices as to what is best for YOU and the BABY. Is this man a stable guy? Hard worker? Nice supportive family? How old is he? How old are you? Does he have a history of responsibility????? What is his reaction to all of this? How about his family--how do they feel? Everybody puts on a good face while "dating," we all do, but living with somebody is totally different, especially from a different culture. Is he a very strict Muslim? Does he have some good education/training that can help him once he gets here?

Pregnant women (at least Moroccan women) that aren't married are not treated very well in Morocco. I hope you are a strong woman and can keep it together through the upcoming months.

I don't mean to sound negative, just realistic. I do wish you the best and hope everything turns out well for you. Be good to yourself and we love and support your decisions.....D

PS--I went back and looked at your profile. I see that you are both in your 30's, so that helps. Do you have other kids? Are your parents supportive of you? All of these things you need to consider.
MarriednowFemaleMorocco2007-12-21 20:05:00