CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
you should probably resign.

so I finally heard back from the lady I work for today after I sent her the email yesterday.... in the email she seems upset because I didn't give them much notice but in the email she sent me yesterday morning she asked if I thought I would be able to work up until the surgery .. :unsure:

she also said if she thought I would be returning after my surgery... I am not sure if I should or not.. it isn't really fair for them to find temporary care for about 2 months and then have me come back...

and I kind of would really would like to find a job that is closer ...

I have no freaking idea what to do... I really don't want to deal with this right now though.. I have other stuff on my mind...

I do know that the last few months have been challenging for them with me not being very reliable...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-23 17:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
This is actually a very valid point.
your friendly neighborhood oddball.

Now? You didn't before?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-20 14:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
lol! lol! lol!

Damn you, you made me snort salmon.
you're right, that could be John Edwards!

in other news... i just ate a whole tin of salmon. It's this fancy boneless, skinless kind and it's like eating a really nice salmon filet. I had that sprinkled with dill for lunch. It was really good but I feel like a bit of a weirdo now.

I thought it was john edwards,lol

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-20 13:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I think if you were pregnant, you'd wanna EAT cookies for the past two days!
From what I hear, yo....
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 13:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Why??? :dead:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-17 10:13:00
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To Sprails...

You're a strange animal, that's what i knooooooooow!!

To huggles!
CONGRATS on the job! That must be so exciting! insurance, eh? hmmmm... maybe this is a whole new adventure for you!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-16 15:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh hello fellow adjust-ee... well, you actually have a much harder task that I do finding a home and all. When you say go back to Canada, you mean just for a visit, right? Yeah. s'what I thought. ;)

In LGG news, I am running like MAD here! I used to be a hard core runner -- like every day for about an hour or so and then when I moved to the area I lived in in TO, my motivation was robbed by living in a dirty, congested part of the city. Living here, with the clean and forest and pretty has brought back my motivation and I am running nearly every day again. I was worried it would hurt getting back into it but its' been a lot easier and it's made me feel very healthy.

AND... I got my green card in the mail today! It's SO cool -- not green though but I am very happy to have it and now I feel like I'm done waiting for a while with this stuff and then I can move onto ROC when it's time.

i wasn't very patient with all this stuff so I thank you all for letting me vent.


Darn! I wish I'd read this thread before I'd had my coffee!!!!!!!

So. I am bored out of my mind in this place. Due to the commute, my husband is working longer hours, then passing out on the couch to make up for the lack of sleep. I am sick to death of looking for somewhere to live to pass the time so I have decided to go back to Canada on Monday. Only four more sleeps. Yay!

I AM in the burbs!!! Are you saying this is the cheapest they get?? It's like being in Canada! I don't want to pay Canadian prices in the US of A!! Posted Image :hehe:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 11:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hi Reven! Glad stuff's going well and a big hello to you too and that's what I been saying! Just live and be happy -- it's not only the best revenge -- it's the only revenge!
Nice to see you.

Dang, been so busy with work, baby stuff and immigration (going to Montreal in two weeks!) that I barely have time to drop by VJ.

Just wanted to say HELLO!

The best revenge to miserable people in your lives is to pay them no mind and live out your own life as happy as you can be. Doesn't even feel like revenge. :-)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 18:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Open bar + LGG= fiasco like you would NOT believe.

I tend to try every single mixed drink known to mankind. I had a very bad experience with the Peppermint Patty one wedding.

Not good.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 10:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Agreed and agreed.

#######. Ive seen pictures of you and you are very pretty. They wouldnt have said that if you actually were ugly. That is just catty b1tch talk.
So out of line.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 10:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
People are SUCH aholes. Really. Just makes me want to sequester myself away and not deal with that sort of b.s. What is wrong with people.

I do NOT advocate doing things to be vindictive and I am NOT perfect and mess up a lot, I am good with egg on my face and would never say anything like that juts to be mean.


I have never had to deal with that kind of stuff on my wedding, but I had things said to be on and around my wedding that hurt.

When I went for my last dress fitting, yea my dress was a little tight, and my MIL said: "You'll have to get liposuction before your big day" that really hurt my feelings.

Then on my wedding day, I was jokiing around with the photographer and asked: "Did you get my good side?" and my husbands grandmother said: "Do you even have a good side?"

I may not be drop dead gorgeous or a hot tamale... but I am comfortable in my own skin. They are not, and it shows through their comments and how much they focus on things like weight and looks. That's their misery though. I gained 40 pounds since I have lived here... so what. I'm happy.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 10:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Yea my husbands family will go to a wedding even if they don't like someone. They'll complain all the way, and get up and leave early and then complain afterwards, judging everyone who was there... I really don't get that. If I don't like someone, I won't go. Why go and be miserable? I can't put on that fake front of "Aww I'm so happy for you" if I'm not.

I went to his cousins wedding, and him and his family don't get along with them too much. I wasn't really in the loop on all the drama as it had been going for years before I was in the picture. Well when it came time to leave, none of them even said goodbye to his new wife. I just thought was really petty. She didn't do anything to them. Then they went on about how fat she was. I just thought... why did you guys even show up? I guess it "looks" good, but as an observer, I was kind of floored at the things that were said at our table.

And I imagine the same things were said at our wedding by his cousin and his family, because that's what they do, they bicker back and forth, and they left our wedding early too. Like going to these weddings was a chore for both parties. Lame. Drink, dance and have a great time. Leave the drama at the door.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 09:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
hey congrats, Kimbear on the wedding! Sounds awesome and kudos to you for doing all the cooking.

Krikit, no words but I'm sorry to hear that house hunting is a bummer and that you had to raise your budget by 100k I almost choked on my coffee when I read that.

Darkchilde. Your WIL sounds like a real b*tch. seriously. Not a cool person -- sorry you have to deal with that nonsense.

I had no rehearsal dinner, we only had 4 people at our wedding -- and I almost died when i read "keep it at 1k" I think our wedding cost that.

But that's us and well... to each his/their own.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-13 08:14:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
god Joyce, I so wish you lived near me! I would totally take you up on this! I would like to learn to drive really soon but my husband works all day and stuff. I suppose I could hire someone but I hate that, I enjoyed my husband's approach better and such.

I have to get this done and soon so... i may just have to hire someone. I wish it were you! I bet we'd get along great and accomplish that goal sooner.

Wish I could have somehow knew you..

I taught my late husband how to drive...and he was 38 at the time!! Plus, it was on a standard! :o I tried to talk him into letting someone else teach him, but he said "no" he wanted me. I actually found it one of the easiest things to do. I love teaching people how to drive!! I should have pursued that as a

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-12 08:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hi there, we went to Westminster and the people were pretty cool --oh, except for the guy in charge of giving the theory test -- he was an amazing d-bag. I was SHOCKED at the driving test. I am pretty sure that in Toronto they take you out into the street and even a highway?

I will do this, juts need to get myself all learned up!

3 times, eh? This makes me feel a little better --- I will keep an eye on that sharp turn.

Lgg, where did your hubby take you? Frederick is my most favorite MVA as most of the folks there are pretty decent. And the road test in MD is not really a road test, but a little obstacle course :P You won't be leaving the premises. I failed the test thrice because of a stop sign!!!! It was a super duper uber sharp turn and if you are even an inch over the white line, they fail you! But the rest of the test is easy :)

Huggles I hear you about leaving the house, it sucks being at home all the time especially if your hubby works long hours! Just keep at the job search. Its a tough economy, lots of people are having a tough time, but hopefully the economy will start picking up *cross fingers*

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-11 11:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hi Sprails! That all sounds awesome! It's kinda cool though that he gets the American AND the Canadian!
Chin up Huggles, I found that the time after graduation was the hardest but things will work out and you'll find yourself somewhere that you want to be.

In other news, I got my licensing stuff done yesterday at the MVA... since my permit had been expired for more than a year, I had to take the test all over again, the theory test and I'll have to take a driving test soon. The good news is.. is that I am NOT considered a rookie driver and once I take the road test, I will have a complete and full Maryland license. Most 'new' drivers have to go through the graduated system. I won't have to. So, that's another thing accomplished.

My husband took me out driving yesterday and it's not too bad but I need time to just get used to the muscle memory of driving and such. and we watched soem kid take his road test, easiest thing I ever saw. No kidding. it's in a parking lot, basically and they just parallel park and a few other things. I probably could have done it yesterday but I wasn't feeling brave enough.

Steps down and it felt good to get my little Maryland crab license.

The thing is, is that I am a new driver -- I have never taken a road test before and I have never had a full license. This will be my first. I'm just glad that once I take that road test, I don't have to worry about any sort of graduated licensing.

We drove up to Rochester and back yesterday to get my son. I'm so happy he's home. It's hard for me when he has to go to Canada, but I guess that's the downside of moving to a new country, you still have to share your children with family back home. :P It's very important he still go there though and visit my mom and his great aunties and uncles. We're going to go out today and get him some new hockey skates for spring leagues. He's very excited to be playing this season because he's on the same team as some of the Philadelphia Flyers kids.

Edited by lgg, 11 April 2010 - 09:20 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-11 09:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hehehehehe! YOu are just simply rocking the american dream!

I got my SSN number in the mail today! One week exactly from the date we applied and my Green Card had production ordered on it a few days ago so I expect that in the mail possibly next week.

haven't really applied for any jobs yet as for me? I have to drive first. I suppose I'll be getting that done soon. Yay! Can't wait.

But I did vamp up my resume and am currently building my website so I can use that as a digital portfolio and well, baby steps for this girl unlike Wyatt who's giant stepping all over the place

Wyatt, you are my beacon for success, that's for sure.

I'm still amazed that I've been here exactly four weeks, and I'm already working, have my green card, SSN etc.


lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-09 11:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Yay Wyatt, you really are rocking the USA thing, eh? Geez. I can't even get a damn Green card or SSN sent to my house!

This is awesome news -- you give me hope! I am actually in the midst of redoing my resume and stuff as we speak -- it's been awhile, that's for sure.
Congrats Wyatt and congrats Huggles -- hope you get a job soon too!

I got the job!


I've got a brief orientation and walkthrough later today, then it looks like I'll actually be starting tomorrow morning! :o

I'm a little on the fence about some aspects of the position, but it IS a significant job with a high-profile arts organization, so I'm not going to complain. I'm just grateful that I was able to get a job so quickly, and on the arts side of management / administration to boot! :D

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-06 15:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hmmm, my post, it disappeared! But I loved Superbad and all the Wes Anderson movies -- i thought that they all rocked! I especially loved Rushmore...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-05 17:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
lol! I don't know why, but Elderberry just makes me freaking laugh out loud! and yep, I concur! I would go for more of the kindred weirdo than not! it was super nice to see an internet friendship forged out of the trials and tribulations of this harrowing process come to fruition in real time.
Super nice and Wyatt is certainly as charming and funny and just plain fun as he seems on the board. But don't let him fool you when he tries to say that sometimes people mistake him for pompous -- that description just did not enter my realm of thought once during our lunch and coffee! I think Wyatt wants to be pompous but is not, in any way, shape or form. I kid, I kid...

The interview was yesterday at 3:30. :P

Two of my references have emailed me to say that they were contacted, with one of them saying, "She said you sound like a great fit for the company." So I suppose that's a good sign. :)

In other news, I drove out to Elderberry, Maryland and had lunch with a certain amphibian from VJ today...and it was utterly delightful! She's just as charming, witty, hilarious and just plain awesome as she comes across on the VJ board. Her, I and our spouses will get together for dinner one of these days too. So's true that not everyone from the internet is a weirdo. Or at least, if they are, at least some are kindred weirdos.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-01 15:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hey huggles... that sounds weird to me but who knows, right? If it were me, I'd be like... um... no. Is the 'interview' Friday day or night, if it's at night I'd be all heebie-jeebied out. Let us know how it went if you do it, k?

Don't give out your bank account info, k?

Yeah I don't even know! I applied through Craig's List and it didn't give the company name, which is pretty standard, but I basically don't know anything about the company. No name, no address, just a job description. It's an administrative position in their processing and billing department according to the add... This apparently it just a preliminary thing, like a phone interview, but I've never heard of a yahoo messenger interview.. weird. But, I'll do it anyways and if it seems suspicious I just won't give out any detailed information.

In better news I just bought row 3 tickets to see the Avs play Anaheim tonight. I got a really good deal, so there was no way I could not buy them! :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-31 16:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
SO jealous!
have fun, mah dear...

Hi all, just stopping in to say HELLO. Because I just know you've all missed me.. :P

Going to Baltimore tomorrow to bring my mom to the aquarium.. I could stand and stare at jellyfish all day long.

My moms having a real good time though, she loved D.C. and couldn't believe that you could just walk into the museums. So ya... good times.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-30 11:16:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh man, the bread from yesterday tasted SO bad. So, so, so bad and I am not that fussy an eater.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 18:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Good luck to you Wyatt and Huggles! Hope you both hear back and potentially get these or other jobs you want. Man, I feel like a slob, I have done NO job searching at all yet. Like zero. Zilch. Nada. But, I have to get driving and car thing sorted out first so... yeah.
I am going to start looking into freelance stuff soon and see if/what I can drum up.

But good luck to you guys, my fingers are crossed.

Speaking of jobs...I'm just about to apply for a job that fits me to a T. It seriously does. Not only am I perfectly matched from an administrative standpoint, it's also a job where my musical background is a major benefit. It's out in Reston, which is about twenty miles away...but the job is really perfect for me. I'd gladly go the distance for it if I get it!

Fingers crossed...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 16:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Guys? I have been wanting to bake bread since I got here and yesterday, I baked some oatmeal molasses bread that turned out like #######! Not only was it slightly underdone but it had a horrible, bitter taste to it. it was gross.

Today, however, I decided to try a little simpler recipe and made potato bread. It turned out awesome. I don't think it's the best loaf of bread out there and not the best that I'll make but I'm getting there and at least this bread is edible. i also made some oatmeal raisin cookies, any one want some? I guess while I'm not working, I'll open up LGG's Baked Goods or something.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 16:16:00
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Hey Flames I have NEVER rolled up a rim -- I kid you not I was thinking about that the other day.

Nev! Yay for your mom being here! :D

It's been super cold the past few days here, I can't imagine that the blossoms would be out in full glory for like at least another week. I think that my lavender has died since it got so freaking cold the lats couple of days. Now that is sad to me.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-28 11:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Wow. That site ROCKS!!!!
Good job, Wyatt...

Well I know what I'm getting YOU if I get you in Secret Santa this year...

By the way, you guys DO know you can order those, and other Canadian fare online, right?

You can thank me later.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-27 10:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Yo gangstahs? I just totally ripped the seat of my pants wide open! Maybe we should stop talking about cream filling for a bit, k?


They used to just be called 'flakie', but they changed it in the 90's sometime I think.

It's nothing like a toaster strudel.. that cream.. is like the god of creams. Get your heads out of the gutters... :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 11:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
*bends from waist and vomits*

Okay, good. I'm glad they're not honeymoon suite mattress scrapings, packaged up for Canadian consumption.


lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 10:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
What? Wyatt? Really? Nev... explain the passion flakie! I don't know what that white cream is in the middle but have you ever had a petroleum product taste that delicious??

*not lewd...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 10:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Wow... totally forgot about Passion Flakies! God, those are SO over processed and whatever but they are GOOOOOOD!!
So good.
So, so, so good... .

I think I am going to miss Kraft Extra Creamy KD. It's the only kind I could eat. We have amy's organic here but, uh. No go...

Nope, vachon is a Canadian company! :( I know! Lets cry together! :tear:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 09:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
LolPosted Image amazing! what about lay's ketchup chips? are they available here? Posted Image

I haven't been able to find them! Posted Image

BUT, on the other side of all these coins, I find grocery shopping here in the US, the WOW!!! Posted Image

Everytime we go my husband's like, "Come, ONNNN!" because I want to look at everything, read all the labels and such. And he's like Posted Image...

I also have to say, the selection of organic and natural products here is HUGE, the selection is wonderful and the pricing far better than I have ever seen in Canada and I lived in Toronto. You lose some, you gain some. I haven't missed a thing yet since i've been here but I'm a step up these days. I didn't have a car in Canada so my grocery shopping was always very limited but now... we can go and load up the truck with everything we need all in one shop! This is new and awesome for me. and I Posted Image it a lot.

Oh, and yes, I have been reading all the labels as there is no HFCS allowed in the house. Not too often anyway but we tend to buy all organic and such so that's easy to avoid!

Posted Image

I'm starting to discover the culinary differences between Canada and the U.S....

Premium saltine crackers are NOT the same as Premium Plus in Canada...

Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder is NOT the same as Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder in Canada...

We've already established that Mac & Cheese is different, but I thought that Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese Dinner might be close...but no, no it's not. The cheese packet is actually thick, oozing, liquid cheese that you mix in... :wacko:

Organic Heinz Ketchup is quite close to the Canadian one though...and when you read the label on the back, you see that it's a product of Canada. No wonder! It's not identical, but close enough that I can tolerate it. :)

Don't get me wrong. Some things are better down here too. I'm just starting to miss a few of my Canadian faves! :(

Okay, I totally overused emoticons in this post.

There should be an emoticon quota...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 09:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Ew. Just ew, MrsCat... I was going to get some lunch but i think I'll wait. I was thinking of hitting you up for a crumpet to be honest.

Have a good trip, to the Toon, Flames! That sounds like fun, actually -- I don't like Tim hortons but I love me some Second Cup, I tell you...

Can anyone give me a brief lesson on the multiquote thing? I tried to quote flames and MrsCat but failed...

Ugh, why would anyone clean an ultra dirty toilet with rubber gloves that have a feather boa trim?! Seriously, if you're gonna put your arm down there, do you really want cling-ons to the feathers. :dead:

I am bored. Chris is working nights and the cats don't feel like tea and crumpets. . . . . .

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 11:41:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
You're welcome, Bern! It's a little nerve wracking but you'll be SO happy once it's done -- promise.

I know right? 3 more days. I'm so nervous! Thank you LGG <3

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 11:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
You're going to be just fine, Bern...
One more step close, mah dear...

I had my medical today, everything went well. :)

I just need my results now and hope that it's satisfactory. :D

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 19:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Your joy makes me squishy!

Oh and riding on the coattails of that? Me and husband had a great dinner and he took the day off tomorrow and we aer going to totally hang out.
I too am enjoying myself and feeling very comfy, content and excited about what's to come..


I just gotta say...

I'm SO ridiculously happy to be here right now! Man...I haven't been this happy / contented in a VERY long time! I just went out and had a cigar on the balcony...enjoyed the Virginia sunshine and 70+ degree weather...looked out over the lovely Holmes Run Parkway and just felt this sense of serenity! I mean, I've still got a lot of stuff to take care of, and there are financial and logistical stresses to deal with...but I'm totally having a zen moment right now. Almost blissful! Just had to share! :D

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 21:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
What??? Is this the Sara that waited for over 2 years for her I-130 to be approved? If so, that is sad, sad news.
Sad news regardless but if its that particular poster -- heartbreaking.

To be honest..i dont know how they survived over 3 years without seeing each other. :( I remember at one point sara was talkinga bout how she got a mail from Hilary Clinton..i thought for sure at that point they would get the visa.but after her interview in November they were put into AP, and i guess the waiting was almsot killing her. IIRC she had some medical conditions which would not allow her to fly either. So very very sad. People who try and do things the correct way and get punished, like just is so awful.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-10 20:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Me too! Gangsta Wyatt...

Keep us posted, okay?

haha! Im picturing one of those gangsta cars with hydraulics or whatever they are.

From what I read in other posts too, your dad sounds sweet. He will miss you!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-09 11:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Freaking LOLZ!!!! Nev, you're killing me!
Ahole koalas -- i am so cute, come pet me but NOOOOOOO, they freaking reek of eucalyptus. That stuff REEKS!!!
not cool, koala, not cool to be reeking like a giant cough drop.


Koala bears?? Omg! Don't even get me started on them. They resemble a 90 year old man... and why do we call them bears? They're freaking marsupials! Trying to call them bears doesn't really give people the right impression, bears are all cute and stuff, koalas are freaks!!

If I were a dingo, I'd eat their babies!

Edited by lgg, 08 March 2010 - 06:38 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-08 18:37:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
This made me laugh quite hard. out loud. By myself.
Thank you...

Hells ya.

I don't know how many times I have gone to the aquarium hoping to find my way in to their tanks just so I could give one of them a good swift smack on the head, or stuff a ping pong ball in their blow hole.

But after seeing the cove... I just felt they already get enough of that from the fishermen. I'll lay off them and move to koala bears.

yeah, they're kind of jerks, eh?


Those koala bears just give you the evil eye.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-08 17:42:00