CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Of COURSE you did!!!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 15:54:00
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Oh man, me too! Put a little rum in there I was drooling on myself but I slept like a baby, cold and sniffles and all...

that does sound pretty good actually!

neocitron knocks me out

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 15:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Go Sprails! You can do it!

Add, baby AAAAAAD!!!!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 15:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Neocitron with some honey and rum. It's awesome, try it!

My cold flu remedy is Nyquil and a beer. Knocks you unconcious and you sleep til the flu is gone :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 13:35:00
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I know...
I think we're ready... .

How exciting, lgg! Your interview is coming up!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 09:43:00
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OH but it's Friday! Don't forget that very important detail. That means for some of us, we're off until next Wednesday!

[Good morning everyone. It's another day. :star:
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 09:32:00
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Frankly? So would I, Wyatt. Oh, not your wife but my husband. and you got a Seriously good deal on your ticket, holy geez. There is actually no reason NOT to go...
You did good!

Well, I consulted with my wife and decided to go for it. :D

Some folks will see this as foolish, but...meh. I'd pay $300 for five days with my wife ANY time.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 09:08:00
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I'm not even going to ask what Omniscient Sagebrush Gonorrhea spell is...

I'll opt for banishment, please...

OMFG I just totally supercharged a +2 Mage card that is going to pwn ur level 33 Night Elf Mercenary! Wait til I cast my Omniscient Sagebrush Gonorrhea spell and banish ur lowly Elf to the Stygian Abyss!!!1!1!!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 14:58:00
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lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 13:52:00
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*rolls dice*

Am I a gamer yet????

*waiting for rob and mel to come in and post the 'rolls eyes' smiley*

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 13:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Ha!!! Whenever I say the phrase, OMG, on VJ... or well, my friends on VJ Said that such and such would take this long..."

My husband looks at me like, "####### are you talking about?"
He joined here around the same time I did but has NEVER posted and checked around once or twice tax season last year to get some information.
It's okay... this is MY gig...


I bet most of us post here more than we'd like to admit to our NON-VJ family. :P



I laughed out loud...

Yea and plus I hang out with people from here. He'll be dropping me off somewhere and he'll say: "Who are you going out with again?" and I'll be like: "VJ Canadians!"

And he's all: "Mmmmkay"

And sometimes there will be board drama and I'll tell him as if it is real life drama, except I'll use screen names and it'll sound hilarious but I'll be all serious about it, like this is serious business! It'll sound something like this...

"So and so said this to wyatt and then krikit came in and was like BOOYA and then trailmix was like 'yay calgary and then lgg was all "ribbit" and I was just like: "HOLY CARP!"

and he'll listen to me, but I am sure it'll make no sense.


lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 13:30:00
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I have to say, Jersey Shore FTW over The Hills any day!

That is all...

Haha Exactly, seems they'll do anything to stay relatively famous. With that Hills show getting spanked by the Jersey Shore kids hopefully this will be the last thing that anyone cares about. Pretty soon she'll be on TMZ taking pictures of movie stars or something for money lol

As for the hills, can't say I've ever seen an episode but I'm guessing a 28 year old dude isn't their demo haha

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 10:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Thanks for the coffe, Carla...
Poor little dude -- that's the worst feeling eh? Hope it goes well for you all...

Good morning! In about 20 minutes I have to take Gilbert to the vet. He's being neutered today and getting his microchip. I feel so bad as he's SO food driven and since we got up at 5 a.m. this morning he's not had any food or drink. He thinks I've forgotten! :(

Enjoy your day!

Posted Image

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 10:07:00
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Not a chance on that one! If so, then we, as a species, are pretty screwed, I'd say....



lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 10:02:00
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:lol: love your description!!

And I agree with you whole heartily...

*ummm not the "description" part....*

Yeah, this is true. It's just sad to me though. *sigh*
She should have just taken that money and donated it to Haiti.. at least her soul would have been totally stunning!

I wish I knew her so I could touch her face and see if it feels like jelly... or something.

I bet she can't smile either so I'd ask her to do that too.

I'd like to remind everyone that this Heidi Montag... *stares at watch* her 15 minutes are just about up... she will either become a porn star or start sagging in about 2 years. She won't be able to afford to keep this up. :)

Oh no wait, I bet she'll make another album... hmm yea she won't be able to afford to keep this up.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
*eats cookie, wipes large, sandbag nose and scratches smallish, sagging #######*

Meh, I guess to each his/her own.... it's a sad state of affairs if you ask me...
Truth is, if you don't feel like you have something to add -- that's a problem and at 23, we're all still grappling with what is what... it only gets better from there -- wish I knew her so I could make this promise...

It's pretty much true...

Well I guess I'd want to try to add something to my exterior if I felt I couldn't offer anything else... I mean I think that's where Heidi is coming from. Bland and talentless but trying to make it in Hollywood.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Damn right! Snooki rocks what she's got! That girl is freaking HILARIOUS!!!
This heidi chick? She's rocking nothing but some bad mo-jo and serious self-esteem issues...

She's no snooki thats for sure. :rofl:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Tooooootally off topic...
But is anyone else a little wierded out by this? Girl's only 23 years old. How effed up is that???

Posted Image
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:33:00
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You'll be fine, Krikit but if I know you as I do, even as an online person, I'm sure that you're going to be SO missed...

Okay, off to the hairdresser. I hate getting my hair done. Oh well. I guess I'll break the news to her too. lol. Ciao.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Huh-wha?? ^

^^ ya I have done that for my son.

Remember the purple and green ketchup too? Do they still make that?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 15:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
YOu sound a little like Dr. Seuss here, Rhi.....

I think I've had it with egg talk -- I'm about to blow some chunks.

Funny thing? I love eggs -- just can't think or talk about them too much....

I dont really care for eggs.
I like them boiled, pickled, deviled... basically still in their whole form.
I dont eat fried, scrambled, etc. I think I ate too many scrambled eggs as a kid.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 14:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh me too...
I actually can only eat scrambled eggs or fried eggs where the yolks have been deflated. I had a thing for soft boiled in egg cups with toast dippies but every once in awhile I'd realize what I was eating and gag reflex would kick in.

It all reminds me of the time I was in Laos and they eat these fertilized egg (Khai Luk)... Yeah. Google it. It's puke-tastic. I puked in the Mekong river watching a friend eat one...

*wanders off to be sick*

How about yogurt? "Yes, let's eat a bacterial culture!"

I have to admit, while I typically love eggs, sometimes I almost gag when I eat poached eggs, just because I think of what exactly it is I'm eating... :dead:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 14:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh yeah, I concur and I am an ardent carnivore but organ meat and blood sausage?



lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 13:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
isn't it made with coagulated blood???

I have to say I SO enjoyed that show! I watched the whole thing and it was hilarious! Some guy puked because his eggs were underdone. Those brits are a hoot . I recommend it -- it was totally entertaining --I found that i didn't give a bag about what they were cooking but watching them interact was awesome...

But don't take my word for it. I know tons of people who like it. :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 10:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Come Dine with Me. It's a super great show that I'm so digging. 5 strangers meet up and take turns cooking meals for one another for a prize. IT's a British show and it's awesome. Watching them try to cook all this fab stuff and having tons of mishaps is totally awesome.

OH and I have NO interest in Black Pudding...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 20:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I prefer jam myself...

I just dropped a piece of buttered toast on my cat. She is none too pleased. If she could type this would be in the vent thread no doubt.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 20:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh ew...
little early on a lazy sunday morning for that!

Okay, in lieu of fr***ky, I will say, ever so delightful, mmmmmkay?

People need to stop saying freaky <_< (at least until I get this song out of my head lol)


lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh hi all, fellow marylanders! I am actually gunning for late February date -- gotta be outta my place here in Toronto by the 28th.

This is SO exciting...

And Krikit, I'm feeling a little bit like Dorothy in the W of Oz too...
I kinda like it, it's freaky in that good, exciting way...

Wow...if I get a March interview date, then I'll be moving down there at the same time as you're moving UP. I think Lgg is planning an early March arrival too!

Very cool.

So in Carla's absence's your coffee -- contortionist-free, but with a dash of regionality!

Posted Image

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:37:00
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Word on that Krikit...

It's totally typical. It's part of the charm. :hehe:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 11:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
OMG, LOVE that coffee mug and I would love to check out that cafe!

Thanks for the coffee -- it's time for another cup... .
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 11:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
OH yeah, I totally did and then I bonked myself on the head!

Oh c'mon, you lol'ed and you know it!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 14:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

As opposed to the Sudoku knife that requires you to line up all of your food in an intricate, though logical way before you cut it.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 14:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Yeah, Sprails and Mal...
I actually did not start doing anything with my eyebrows until I was about 24. I actually didn't even start shaving my legs and stuff 'til then!
I was a bit of a hippy wild-child!

But I realize that if I keep my eyebrows trimmed, I never have to wear any makeup which is fine by me!

I used to pluck my eyebrows when I was about 14, but I almost ruined them permanently. So, meh. lol

Edited by lgg, 12 January 2010 - 12:49 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 12:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I love *shrug*
I can actually see you doing it when you write it...

I don't do a thing to my eyebrows. *shrug*

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 12:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh ####### and here I am talking about eyebrows and exfoliation! The thing is, I'm not even that much of a girly-girl! Just a woman of the world, ya know!!! ;)

:crying: - finally, someone who gets me.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 10:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I agree about well trimmed/shaped eyebrows. With that done, you can get away with not wearing much make up and the face and eyes look well kept and bright. I always keep my eyebrows well groomed and shaped. I'm lucky, they're naturally nicely shaped and I just go in with the tweezers and clean them up once in awhile.
That and exfoliation!!!!

I also heard that waxing is bad for the skin cells around your eyebrows -- the wax just doesnt remove unwanted hair, it also removes skin so over time, your eyes will lose elasticity and droop. Not so sure if that is the real explanation to it. Anyway Ive always had mine threaded but I have yet to find one who will do it beautifully here.

I personally think trimming/gromming one's eyebrows is the fastest, easiest way to brighten up one's face. It does get expensive as I have to do mine every month or two -- they just dont remove the unwanted hair, they shape the brows and trim the length of it too.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 10:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
dear Minnew...

It is because we are evil...

in that delicious way, of course...

Me too :crying: Christmas wasn't quite the same without them.

Why is it that everytime I am hungry the OT thread is talking about I really want Dominoes Pizza. There breadbowl pasta wasn't too bad!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 19:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh yeah, they're hard to cut, i know how to take the peel off like a pro and then I spear it with a big fork and then shave off the 'flesh' with a super sharp knife. And then I suck off the mango off the pit. I actually usually eat it as fast as i've peeled it.

I have one sitting in my fruit bowl right now. it's gonna be ripe soon!

It's funny you guys talk about mangoes... I remember buying one and not being able to eat it because I couldn't cut it properly. :(

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 19:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Oh no. I am going to be a Marylander soon too, please don't say that! I am hoping to have access to as much fruit there as I do here.

I loves me some mangos...

Oh well, I will make do. I tend to stick to apples, bananas, grapes and oranges but mangoes are my FAVE 'exotic' fruit.

What I will definitely miss is the different kinds of fruits I have access to in Toronto. I cant find good mangoes or star fruits or lychee in Maryland :( And if I do, they are sooooooo expensive...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 19:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Ukrainian? I'm half Russian and grew up on cabbage rolls and stuff like that. I, uh... I don't like that kind of food, actually...
But I do love cabbage and sausage and beets....

in terms of missing foods food from Canada? I don't know yet, I won't know until I get there, to be honest... I won't know until I'm craving something adn realize that its unique to Canada....

Oh wait to your first US health insurance bill to come in, you'll miss Canadian healthcare. :crying: :yes:

I've been craving pyrogies and true Ukrainian cabbage rolls lately. Home in one month and I am going to pig out.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 18:47:00