CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Congrats, and yay and whew! My fingers were crossed tight for you!


tHANK YOU!!!This goes out to all of you guys for keeping your fingers and toes crossed for me!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Guess what! I called this morning like I do everymorning and the lady whom I spoke with said WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW!!!
YeeHawwww!!!! She even said the letter was mailed out yesturday. Our Interview is February 1, 2010. Now in Oct we got scheduled and then our date was removed and this morning the (lady who was very very nice.) explained to me that Montreal did that to a few people because they were so backlogged and this one should not change seeing as they have mailed out the letter.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-08 11:00:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Good luck to every one!
Fingers and toes are crossed!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-08 09:50:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hi FF, you call the NVC to check for your interview status, unless of course you are Direct COnsular filing then I believe you can call DOS...
Others will correct me if I'm wrong but NVC is your main vein to interview land.

Good luck...

Yes, good luck Americana!!! :yes:

This may be a dumb question but do I call the NVC or DOS to check for interview date status?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-07 16:11:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Good luck, Americana!!!!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-05 09:34:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hi Americana...

My fingers have been crossed for you all this time -- even more so now. You HAVE to be next in line -- it can't be any other way, right?

good luck and fingers and toes crossed for you over here....

QUOTE (americana2009 @ Dec 31 2009, 12:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi I have a favor to ask:
Can everyone here on VJ PLEASE! Cross their fingers for us to get my husbands interview date soon? We've been waiting since July and it just seems like it is forever and ever! I am hoping with some prayer and luck we will be scheduled in February ( or January). I am trying to be patient but I'm not very good at it. I know Montreal is backlogged and short staffed but doesnt it have to be "our turn" eventually? (sorry just venting a little).
My boss has been great and very supportive but even he calls me everyday to ask if we've got it yet. He has to replace me and I have to train the person replacing me. My family from SC is calling everyday asking if we have it yet and I'm getting frustrated I now answer the phone "Hello, not yet" lol. I figure if I have optimism and everybody crosses their fingers for us then surely the power of positive will get us our interview.

Thanks guys, We appreciate it. good.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-31 10:11:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
This really does make me laugh out loud.

QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 23 2009, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-23 20:14:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Is there really this many CR1s finished at NVC waiting for an interview?

Geezus, Montreal needs to step up again.
But... it's almost that time again folks!
End of the month scheduling extravaganza!

Fingers crossed for you guys.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-22 12:06:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Don't I know it...
last festive-festivus of the Toronto celebrating schedule for me. it's late. I'm wiped but that last bit there cracked me up.

i always check on you guys before i go to bed, dontcha know???

*slinks off, tucks self in*

Night all!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-22 00:06:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview


thanks guys... that was awesome.

*walks off*
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-21 23:56:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I"m hoping Americana2009 hears something soon too -- they're only a day apart finishing at NVC...

Good luck, Americana!
and tout les monde!
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-11 15:36:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hey congrats, andylans!! That's awesome. How'd we/you find this out? Is it posted somewhere? Did he/she find this out today? Or when? Just trying to research for my waiting VJ buddies...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-11 15:22:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Good luck to you too and please, wanna go post in Wyatt's Optimism thread? Here too, great but that thread needs to be kept alive by all interviewees...

Good luck and here's to a fast interview for you all.

QUOTE (wmtc @ Dec 10 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so far from my Noa1 to case complete took 96 days, we spent two months in nvc because my lawyer does not believe in EP, Lawyer slowed us down during the NVC process, but I consider fortunate to be done in those timeline. Hope Wyatt/Mal and others get thier interview date ASAP smile.gif . Wyatt we need u to be more optimistic, it going to be a long ride ahead!!! yes.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 21:00:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
You know trails, I was thinking about this just the other day -- we ALL get bunged up on one part of the process or another We were really average at NVC, FLEW though NVC and were delayed at interview time. And all in all? 10 months to process a CR1 is a pretty average to say the least.

And look at Malr, she only spent 9 days at USCIS but was SO held up at NVC for her processing that she's only just started waiting for an interview. So, all in all, it seems to balance out a bit, if I may say. It's easier now to see this now that I'm not so chomping at the bit.

But for as far as I can tell, no one, not a single person has been either held up at every stage or flown through every stage so....
Hope this makes a bit of sense. I'd always told myself that this COULD take up to a year so, the fact is, it'll have taken 10 months and that's not really anything to complain about.

It's easy to complain when you're at the stage of the process where you get held up, as I did in the interview process...

QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 10 2009, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Well, as for Sierratango, while it appears that he flew through the process in looking at his actual timeline from start to finish - he didn't really.

He got his NOA1 January 8th - he got hung up there and contacted his congressperson, after that contact his I-130 was finally approved after 7 months.

So from NOA1 to interview, for him - 278 days

Now if we look at lgg's timeline - that same process took 307 days.

So while it looks like Sierra flew through, in fact his application only took 29 days less than yours froggie.

Here is my theory. The fact that he got his congressperson involved might have enabled him to get an interview scheduled quicker - also, since he was doing electronic processing someone was looking at those dates and that might have enabled him to get an interview scheduled a bit faster. Anyway, it's just a theory.

Edited by lgg, 10 December 2009 - 11:21 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 11:20:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
You know, part of me is still a little miffed at SierraTangos zippy flying through the interview process. I know each case is unique and all but it would have been really nice if he/she had come back to give us a bit more information and such. I just wonder how some people are at 170 days waiting and he/she got a 47 day?

Totally inappropriate wondering and such I know but just wondering...

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 10 2009, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Dec 10 2009, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Greenhaus has his/her interview today! Good luck!!!

Oh geez! I completely missed that!

This calls for a thread...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-10 10:39:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I too also think that the way NVC schedules is not so by the book... I think it's a very general guidelines. Hoping with all my toes and fingers that people aren't going to be waiting too long. I have HUGE hopes for February...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-09 16:27:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Ha! I'm saaaaaarrrry, Wyatt...
But that slapping emoticon made me laugh like a monkey!


lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-09 15:58:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Pull yourself together, Wyatt!!!

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 9 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (helvetica_bold @ Dec 9 2009, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After going thru the wait for our interview, my educated guess would be that your chances of getting a Jan interview are likely slim.

DOWN with the dissenter!


lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-09 15:50:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
All of the above, actually!

"One belief popular in folklore maintains that rubbing his belly brings wealth, good luck, and prosperity"

Some site I found on Buddhism

QUOTE (sdhiman @ Dec 7 2009, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 7 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here Kuds, rub my belly for luck!!!! I'm like Buddha!!!! wink.gif


And also? Look at my timeline, you don't want my timeline, friend -- we waited for like 160 days for our interview! I"m really hoping that you all wait significantly less!
Fingers crossed for you.

Rubbing Buddha's belly brings good luck??!! I thought it brought money tongue.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 16:54:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Here Kuds, rub my belly for luck!!!! I'm like Buddha!!!! wink.gif


And also? Look at my timeline, you don't want my timeline, friend -- we waited for like 160 days for our interview! I"m really hoping that you all wait significantly less!
Fingers crossed for you.

Edited by lgg, 07 December 2009 - 03:42 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 15:40:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Yepper, you said it... I'm going in on Monday so I can just get it done and over with. Will let you know how it all goes. Am sort of looking forward to the humongous xray of my lungs though -- that'll be cool.

*hack hack hack COUGH*

QUOTE (sdhiman @ Dec 7 2009, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 7 2009, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll tell you guys all that I get from my interview! And, uh, why is every one so sure that the head dude guy Paul Myer, is going to interview us? Is it because he knows how mouthy LGG is? I will tell you all something though, if my interviewer every said something like, you guys waited awhile or some other gateway phrase, I would put on my best, sweet innocent face and ask well, why DOES it take so long.
After they had approved us, of course.

Thanks for your well wishes, sdhiman. NOt a big fan of medical things and such and am a bit of a stress-induced hypochondraic so I've pretty much convinced myself that, "OH MYGOD!! I have tuberculosis..."

No word of a lie.


You are funny!! I m not a big fan either but dont worry too much, gotta do what you have to do!!!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 15:17:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Dear Paul Mayer... .
Just kidding about the whole quilt thing -- a set of coasters will do nicely...


lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 15:13:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Looking forward as in: Mwhahahahahahahaha, now I'm going to get you, you rascally wabbit OR

Looking forward as in: Wow, what an articulate, exemplary individual -- I am looking to hand-stitching LGG and her husband a quilt of the American flag to welcome her to the USA!!!


I doubt very much that they will know who LGG is. But it is a funny thing to contemplate.

QUOTE (Peachey @ Dec 7 2009, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 7 2009, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll tell you guys all that I get from my interview! And, uh, why is every one so sure that the head dude guy Paul Myer, is going to interview us? Is it because he knows how mouthy LGG is? I will tell you all something though, if my interviewer every said something like, you guys waited awhile or some other gateway phrase, I would put on my best, sweet innocent face and ask well, why DOES it take so long.
After they had approved us, of course.

Thanks for your well wishes, sdhiman. NOt a big fan of medical things and such and am a bit of a stress-induced hypochondraic so I've pretty much convinced myself that, "OH MYGOD!! I have tuberculosis..."

No word of a lie.


It's because he's mentioned you to some K1s that got interviewed, saying he was looking forward to interviewing you.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 15:07:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I'll tell you guys all that I get from my interview! And, uh, why is every one so sure that the head dude guy Paul Myer, is going to interview us? Is it because he knows how mouthy LGG is? I will tell you all something though, if my interviewer every said something like, you guys waited awhile or some other gateway phrase, I would put on my best, sweet innocent face and ask well, why DOES it take so long.
After they had approved us, of course.

Thanks for your well wishes, sdhiman. NOt a big fan of medical things and such and am a bit of a stress-induced hypochondraic so I've pretty much convinced myself that, "OH MYGOD!! I have tuberculosis..."

No word of a lie.


lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 14:57:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Well, one never knows with those guys, really... but I have found from my ardent watching, that they usually schedule a batch and if a few days have gone by, it generally means that they are done though, they do say that they schedule into the second week of the month which we aren't at yet so... .
I figure the next batch'll be for February dates. Would be happy to have my theories proven wrong, though.

QUOTE (sdhiman @ Dec 7 2009, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No one else posted about CR1 interview for Jan....Do we assume Montreal is done scheduling already?

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 14:21:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Well, yes, I suppose it is as I have never had a child so....

But yepper, you hit the nail on the head. I feel like now my life is no longer on hold, it's revving back up to move on ahead and I can plan and question and prepare and that is what I like to do....


QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 4 2009, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 4 2009, 04:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You go though all the agony and stuff and then when it's 'delivered' you're so damn happy you forget about anything painful?

This is folklore!! laughing.gif

But! yes that makes sense - you now have a date to plan for, you can start planning your move. As we have all said so many times, it's not even so much the waiting as the not having any idea when you will get an interview.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-04 11:44:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Wow, for the first time ever, i am not thrilled with my setting a record! HA!!! Just my freaking luck. Know what? Now that we have a date, I so don't care. if that makes any sense at all. Like all my anger, frustration and whatever is all gone. I guess it's like childbirth, mebbe?

You go though all the agony and stuff and then when it's 'delivered' you're so damn happy you forget about anything painful?

it's early. I gotta go to work. I'm rambling...

QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 4 2009, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I certainly hope so.

174 days for hisgirl, 167 for lgg - those may be in the near record wait times for VJ - let's hope they are starting to catch up.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-04 06:57:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Oh my god!!! Baby Sea Otter!!!!!

The sea otter is one of my all-time favourite aminals!!!!


Thanks, Peach....
What a cutie!!!!

QUOTE (Peachey @ Nov 30 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For Lgg

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 16:35:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Well... I have a career ahead of me at the chicken farm then! Looking under the feathers of all the baby chicks to see if theys mens or womens...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 16:20:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview


Like you guys didn't wonder!!!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 16:12:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Um Varba???

I want to kiss that Hedgehog on his little furry face.

I have a question though...

Um, that thing between his little feet... is that, uh, his little hedgehog peen????

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 16:07:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Oh holy GOD, Varba! That Hedgehog is possibly the cutest thing ever! Geezus... made my DAY!!!!

You and Peachy rock! I have to tell you, if I didn't have the understanding and kindness of my VJ buddies... this would be a definite black hole of despair.

You guys are great...

That picture is awesome!

QUOTE (Varba @ Nov 30 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Varba @ Nov 30 2009, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 30 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a theory about all this. But I don't think I'll post it lest I get in ####### from the very sensitive Montreal consulate as apparently those poor, hard-working folks with their very well-run system can't be called out on the fact that this actually is a horribly system, in need of an upgrade and is thu, just plain infuriating to have to deal with.

I'm hoping for you, even if you're dejected right now!

Oh, well that was the "dejected" cute picture. The "scared and frustrated" cute picture may be found below.

I know exactly the feeling you're talking about. And I'm truly sorry that you have had to put up with it this long.

I know it doesn't help much, but know that Peachey and I are hoping for you.

It's your turn soon!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 15:27:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Aw... thanks Varba! It's not the dejected, it's the fact that it's starting to get a little scary and infuriating! It feels like it's never going to come. I'd even be thrilled if they cleared out all the rest of the June/July finishers. The fact that they're just plain not doing any is starting to get scary to me.
It really is.

The fact that they don't post dates and such like the USCIS, the fact that they tell us nothing is just odd and mean and disrespectful....
But thanks. I still have hope but gosh... c'mon now you guys in Montreal...


QUOTE (Varba @ Nov 30 2009, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 30 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a theory about all this. But I don't think I'll post it lest I get in ####### from the very sensitive Montreal consulate as apparently those poor, hard-working folks with their very well-run system can't be called out on the fact that this actually is a horribly system, in need of an upgrade and is thu, just plain infuriating to have to deal with.

I'm hoping for you, even if you're dejected right now!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 15:11:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Oh wow, I apparently can't speak english any more!

... it is a horrible system, in need of an upgrade and thus, just plain infuriating to have to deal with...

Sorry, 'bout that...

QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 30 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a theory about all this. But I don't think I'll post it lest I get in ####### from the very sensitive Montreal consulate as apparently those poor, hard-working folks with their very well-run system can't be called out on the fact that this actually is a horribly system, in need of an upgrade and is thu, just plain infuriating to have to deal with.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 15:05:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I have a theory about all this. But I don't think I'll post it lest I get in ####### from the very sensitive Montreal consulate as apparently those poor, hard-working folks with their very well-run system can't be called out on the fact that this actually is a horribly system, in need of an upgrade and is thu, just plain infuriating to have to deal with.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 14:46:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
You know why, Huggles? because you're a sweetie! Any extra fingers crossed is a good thing!
I also think that number could very well be for the year or whatnot.


QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Nov 27 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 26 2009, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're on Wyatt! Bring it on!

ANd what??? There really are 700 people waiting?! GTFO! that can't be right, can it? I would say maybe a couple hundred but 700 people in Canada waiting for a CR1 sounds crazy. Right? RIGHT???


I was thinking that they probably meant 700 people waiting for interviews in general, weather it be a CR-1, a K-1 or whatever. That would make a lot more sense, no? I think that if it included all "immigrant" visas (I say "immigrant" because a K-1 isn't technically an immigrant visa, but it is treated as such) 700 would probably be about right.

Don't ask me why I'm hanging out in the CR-1 thread... tongue.gif I've actually been looking every now and then, because I want to see you all get interviews here soon! I have my fingers crossed.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-27 14:48:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
You're on Wyatt! Bring it on!

ANd what??? There really are 700 people waiting?! GTFO! that can't be right, can it? I would say maybe a couple hundred but 700 people in Canada waiting for a CR1 sounds crazy. Right? RIGHT???

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-26 20:16:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I'm hoping by 'bunch' they mean the 16-18 that are hanging around on this site!!!

But, not to be meh about it, Blitz, but I'll believe it when I see it. People'll say anything to get someone off the phone, I think...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-26 16:48:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hey, thanks BLitz... hope it's true, eh?
Good on you for giving us the heads' up.

Thanks TM, I was pretty certain that I'd read/seen that before but I just wanted a refresher. Thanks for your patience.

*pats puppy on head*


QUOTE (Blitz @ Nov 26 2009, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called NVC yesterday to confirm that my case had been complete. He told me that it was complete and I just have to wait for my interview date. He said they were scheduling a bunch of interviews in January. I know that I am not going to get an interview in January since I just recently completed, BUT I thought those of you who've been waiting for months (i.e. Igg) would like to know! Fingers crossed!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-26 16:20:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I sort of want to kick that laughing pup right now. It's like it's mocking us!!!!

I kid. I KID!!!!!! I would never, ever in a billion years do that.

Hey Trail... question for you, i was reading on another thread that they base your interview on your 'priority date' and NOT your date of completion at the NVC. IS this true, do you think?
I'd thought that for regular CR1/IR1s that the priority date really had no bearing?
Just a question for you.

ANd again, totally kidding about the puppy...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-26 15:04:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
happy Thanksgiving to you too! And to everyone else!

QUOTE (americana2009 @ Nov 26 2009, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-26 10:45:00