CanadaDenied at POE
Hey codybanks...

Man, I am SO sorry to read this post! Are you saying that you had your K1 approved and that the POE guard denied your entry because of an offense from decades ago? that they changed their mind without first advising you of this?

how is that possible? Is that even correct of them? i'm shocked at this. Wow. i am SO sorry to read this. I really am. That doesn't sound right at all. I'm sorry.

Please keep us posted as to how it turns out for you...

QUOTE (codybanks @ Nov 30 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I tried to enter the US on Nov 27th and got denied.

I was in Secondary for almost 4 hrs and was in confinement the last 2 of those 4 hrs. I was denied because of an offense I had back in 1982, which the person that interviewed me said that he would let it go and if some of you remember, we had to go sit down for a bit, well that was the reason why. Well anyways the CBP said that he contacted the Montreal Embassy and had it changed, so my K1 Visa has now been canceled and I was given an I-601. This really bites, cause now it's going be over a year if it gets approved and I can't enter the US til I get a waiver.

I just sent off an email to Montreal to try and get some things cleared up on this matter, hopefully they'll reply back.

I will give you updates as to how we are progressing.

I hope that everyone else doesn't have this problem at the POE.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-30 23:01:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Aw, I'm sorry to read this. I figured it was going to be something that lingered you know? I know exactly what you mean. I've been here for 5 months though.

Today will be a better day.

Today was a bad day for me - I ranted, I raved about how much I hated being here and how I just can't find the right pocket of friends. I hate the traffic, people's attitudes, people at work, the just wasn;t a good day. My poor husband :(

So almost 3 years later it happens every once in a while. Hopefully tomorrow will be better

lggNot TellingCanada2010-08-06 06:45:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
This has happened to me a couple of times in the PM section. I once wrote a really long, detailed response to Mikey78 and then it got eaten and all he got was an angry, wrote you a long reply, it got eaten, am too annoyed to do it again. Later, LGG.
I have since redeemed myself. What I do know is a ALT + A and then an ALT+C so that I have a copy to past if I happen to lose it. I do this in my email accounts too to prevent the rage of loss of arising. :D

OMG. I wrote a huge response to these posts in the "Fast Reply" section and then hit the "Add Reply" button above it (thinking it was like the "Submit Post" button and I lost it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying:

I'll come back when I can handle rewriting it without any underlying anger. :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-08-05 08:22:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Oh my god!
These two freak me the hell out!

"I'm Hal Johnson"

"and I'm Joanne McLeod!"

Posted Image

lggNot TellingCanada2010-08-02 14:16:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Seriously? I've encountered some good people here and made myself a really awesome friend! It's pretty cool, I'll admit.

It's true and I've met some of the greatest people from this board.

There's nothing more fun than a VJ Canadian get together, first you just understand eachother and what it takes to go through immigration and you can laugh about things back home.

On Canada day i think the funniest thing was this band playing and they yelled out: "Come guys, lets see some audience participaction"

lgg and I just looked at eachother and laughed our butts off, and my husband had no clue why. :lol:

It's the little things that make a whole lot of difference.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-08-02 13:41:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

and Peachy, I hear you on the conservative thing -- I suppose it'd be like living in a small soccer mom kind of area in Ontario? I dunno, it's not so much which country I'm living in, it's a comparison between living in the city and living in small towns-ville. Don't get me wrong, i totally dig it and I'm close enough to the cities that I can get my fix but it sure does take some time getting used to. I feel like an animal in a zoo sometimes.

You are really missing the point of this thread. We're expressing how hard it has been to leave our HOMES behind.

There's no need to take anything said in this thread personally, as people are just expressing how they really about things. Immigration is tough, I am sure you know this. No matter where you go, it's going to be tough. Some people are having a really hard time adjusting. There's no need to come in here and start being abrasive, especially when this has been a really welcoming thread for everyone to express themselves.

Like Marilyn said: Calm down! :)

We're all here to support each other.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-07-31 10:34:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Just to add, I don't think that this sort of thing is 'wrong' or worrisome, I think it's pretty normal. If you've been lucky to adjust with absolutely no issues whatsoever, i think THAT is out of the ordinary -- i really do. I can't, for the life of me, imagine someone so guiless as to be able to shift one country for the other on top of a new marriage and immigration and NOT have a moment or two of OMG!

I just wanted to say that -- I think feeling like we all have at some point or even now is totally normal and gives us the motivation to adjust. Hearing that there are others who feel this way is SUCH a bonus.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-07-30 14:31:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
It's true. Nothing worse in the world than thinking, gosh, I must be the only one who struggles with this -- what a loser my friends back home would I th ink I was hearing the struggle this can be so yeah, it's really nice to read that someone understands all this too. It's comforting.

The wonderful thing about this thread, if there can be something wonderful about this topic, is finding that so many of us feel the same. We're all facing somewhat similar feelings and struggles. It feels very uniting.
*hugs all around*

lggNot TellingCanada2010-07-29 16:49:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Hey all... I've been here for 6 months and well, I can relate to a lot of stuff in this post as well. I don't feel like I've lost out or am losing out but I do mourn the life I used to have, my jobs, my ability to go about and do anything when i wanted. I miss the life I made for myself. Making a good one here is very slow going and a lot of work. The thing that keeps me here is my husband and my step daughter. Still yet? Everything is fraught with learning and failing and learning and growing -- sometimes I just want to sit back and not have to think so hard as to what my next step is, how I'll do this or that and such -- back in canada, I had all that stuff done an was happy and content -- I'm working hard to make myself happy and content here but there's a lot of work to be done.

And on that note, having to take the stupid driving test AGAIN as I failed it this morning. My first driving test ever and I failed it. So, there's some more ####### to have to slog through. In canada, where I lived, I had no need or desire of a car or to drive. Making my way here. Lots of work, all the time, ever day. My reward? My relationship is good and it too is work now that I'm in the midst of it every day. worth it, however.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-07-29 12:38:00
How about just keeping things a little shorter and to the point, Ant? Sometimes it's a little much....
lggNot TellingCanada2010-09-28 17:10:00
CanadaMving... where to begin!?!?!
word of advice? Start down-sizing now! 7 months or so before I actually moved I started down sizing -- packing, having garage sales going through all my stuff and getting rid of all the junk -- basically by the time we were waiting for the interview I was ready -- I even started packing up boxes and stuff. Way less stress when you do a little bit at a time and then, by the time you have to go, all you need to do is pack your U-haul.

I used a relo-cube, google it, very VERY handy. they drop off a cube at your home, you fill it at your leisure and then they pick it up and ship it to your American destination. It was around 800 bucks for a fairly large cube. I took none of my big furniture.

Seriously... start down-sizing now. I was one girl in a two bedroom apartment and i had a lot of stuff. A garage sale, many, many trips to Goodwill and places like that droppping stuff off and having a place that took furniture as donations come and pick up my stuff and even on the day of, I ahd a few things I had no idea what to do with.

Start now, make it easy. IMHO.
Good luck to you and hope it all goes well. OH, you need to have your visa before your stuff can cross the border -- your moving company will need a photo copy of it.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-09-29 22:16:00
CanadaWant Credit?
Yeah, that's what we did too -- my husband put me on his Chase card and as soon as i got here I got my own credit card and had a really great credit score based only on that card he'd put me on as secondary card holder. It's pretty great, actually to have a good credit score already -- that's the main thing.

Good luck, Moosker -- hope the house-hunting goes well.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-09-30 18:46:00
CanadaGet Divorced to Remarry in NY State due to ON certificate wait time
We waitied for 9 weeks for our Ontario Marriage certificate. Plus all the other immigration waiting, that's just a drop in the bucket. I'm in the US now, it's all done for now so... may as well just wait it out and get used to it -- you'll get there, promise.

Hi -

We got married in late August. I no longer have any remaining patience for the Ontario wait time to get a marriage certificate and would like to "remarry" in NY State so we can get the certificate more quickly. Do we need to get divorced in Ontario before we can legally do this?


lggNot TellingCanada2010-09-28 20:03:00
CanadaReceived welcome letter and SSN
Wow brock and sdw, that was fast! I wish mine would get here! I'll have been here for 3 weeks as of this Friday! I am now thinking that I am one of those lucky schlubs that just NEVER gets the SSN and has to go in and apply.

Oh well, i guess it is what it is, I wish i'd get it though, I need to get my drivers' stuff taken care of and open up my own bank account.

Congrats to you guys! both of you waited for a long time for stuff so I really should not complain at all.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 09:06:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hey Pauley and all you other card senders...
Just wanted to say that the lovely Kathryn sent me a postcard as well, despite not being my original sender! Just wanted to say that I was very touched and it made my day. What a lovely, sweet, generous thing to do and I appreciate it.

Thank you Kathryn! it was from Georgia and it was a nice surprise!

No word on the original card, but Kathryn sent a nice additional card to replace it (the way I read her note, she wasn't the original sender for my card). Thanks so much! :D

Edited by lgg, 24 May 2010 - 04:30 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-24 16:29:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Hi Ashen....
Not your fault lady, you did an AWESOME job putting it all together. You rock. I just am not a fan of not doing what you say you will -- if you can't, simply don't say you will. Saves a lot of running around and such.

It's a postcard, no big deal. I'm a horrible type A/B hybrid.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-14 17:33:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I never got a postcard from the first postcard exchange --- it was kind of a drag. so, I'm not in for anymore. I figure if you sign up for something you should do it, ya know? I, as well as most of the others, sent out a postcard by the date.

Anyway, have fun with it -- I generally really love stuff like this -- the xmas gift exchange was absolutely smashing!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-14 15:54:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Oh cool! I was JUST wondering what happened and if you got it! yay!

I hope it's not a secret!
Is it?

I'm glad as i was just thinking... what the? I haven't got one yet.

I received my post card yesterday and sent out mine today. Fun, fun, fun!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-23 13:39:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I sent mine out on Thursday!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-17 07:11:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Sending mine today! It's not the 'theme' but it's pretty nice?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 06:53:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
I just wanna send a postcard with a Hai on it or something... I'm not really into all the fancy-schmancy verbosity-laden theme-driven schemes.

Can I just send a post card?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-01 19:31:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Sorry, but where's this list/address that we post to? SOmetone needs to quote it or something -- put it in their signature for a bit.
Tell me where to go and I'll give the pertinent details!

I also like the idea of writing VJ names on the post card as well, Ant. :thumbs: I'll give all necessary info with the contact info.

Also, re: themes, I think an EARTH theme for April's upcoming Earth Day would be fun. So anything landscape/nature/flowers related. This one should be easy :) And for writing... hmm... Write anything, but you have to use the word 'sun' at some point in the postcard. :star: lol How's that? B-)

For anyone interested right now, here's my list as of this morning (This is the most updated list, I'd been hearing from people throughout the day yesterday, so I will post a new list tomorrow, just so this thread can focus on ideas, and not lists!):
Dan and Ali

Need info:
Christi and Ian
Wyatt's Torch

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-01 13:40:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
*twists Wyatt's arm*

Cool, can't wait!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-30 15:05:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Add me too! I like stuff like this -- it's a fun, inexpensive thing to do to boost some VJ moral!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 16:13:00
CanadaElectronic Processing
we're all good. No gut churning here!


QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Oct 26 2009, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alrighty. Just found out that the payment for the IV Fee has cleared (late in the day, oddly enough...I've been checking every couple of hours, but it cleared at around 8:00PM EST...), and so I have just sent off the DS-230, the barcoded cover sheet and all the related documents.

My fingers are crossed that this all goes the way it should.

The waiting is going to be the gut-churning part...but then again, isn't it always?

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-26 21:12:00
CanadaWedding Details
Okay... I have the Friday afternoon get-me-outta-heres!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-11 16:13:00
CanadaWedding Details
I know, silly rabbit!
I was making a joke...
^ winky = joke!

QUOTE (Rhiann @ Dec 11 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
January 28th, the day after my wedding laughing.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-11 16:10:00
CanadaWedding Details
Oh! What's happening January 28th???


you guys'll be awesome... you'll have a good day and just carry on to enjoy yourselves.

Like Sartre says... .
l'enfer c'est les autres
(hell is other people)

QUOTE (Rhiann @ Dec 11 2009, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel so bad for my fiance.
He just got beat down by his mom for not including her in the planning.
This whole wedding is turning into a bunch of assumptions.

She assumed he knew that she wanted invitations, she assumed that he knew she wanted to help with the wedding planning, now my poor fiance is all beat down because of all these things he was supposed to know.

I don't know if it's the Chinese culture or not, but this is crazy. It's not hard to ask about things.
She also assumed that he would know stuff about the wedding. This was before my visa interview, he couldn't have told her anything.

*sigh* Is it January 28th yet.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-11 16:04:00
CanadaWedding Details
aw... thanks for sharing your day with us! what an awesome feeling, eh? I totally agree with you on the " of the best memories I will every have in my life." Statement. It's pretty magical, eh?

We got married at the courthouse too and the feeling of everything happening all at once was kind of like a dream.
it's lovely that you have a good supportive family and such and it sounds like you guys had a blast.

Congratulations and here's to a lifetime of remembering that gorgeous feeling the day you married your person.

all the best to you guys,

PS. In terms of the ring talk, I didn't want an engagement ring and we got matching white gold bands. i love my wedding ring. I wanted something simple and easy to wear and it's a simple piece of jewellery that i'll have to problem wearing every day. I don't normally wear jewellery so...

QUOTE (darkchilde794 @ Nov 27 2009, 11:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The hunny and I just got married last Wednesday!

It's hands down one of the best memories I will ever have in my life.

I picked my engagement ring -- actually found one I liked online, sent the link to my husband and he bought it. It is a 1/2 carat, three stone ring with tiny diamonds flanking the big stones. I chose a wedding band that matches the ring, so it has several small stones on half of the band. My rings were pretty expensive, but I really want a nice ring and am really happy with it.

My husband though just wanted a 20 dollar stainless steel ring tongue.gif *shrug* Its what he wants, he was super happy with it and he loves it. I kind of wanted him to buy a more expensive ring but he said he'd rather spend the money elsewhere, and I said, "whatever you want honey". And he is really happy with it.

Anyway, we just did a normal circuit court wedding but it was really beautiful. The judge was soooo nice, she let all 16 of my guests and photgrapher enter, even though fire regulations stipulated that we can only let 12 guests in. We were married under a nice, white arc with flowers on it. Both my husband and I teared up while exchanging our vows.

After the event, my mother-in-law threw us a beautiful appetizer/champagne toast. She and my father-in-law ordered us a very beautiful two-tiered cake and had h'ordereves. Shortly before dinner, we had our "toast" and everyone in the room (except the future WIL) said something super nice to us.

My mom then took us all to the restaurant where my husband and I had our first date for dinner. By that time, both he and I were ready to pass out because of exhaustion, but we had a wonderful time.

A few weeks before marrying (and interviewing!), we booked a room at Aloft for our wedding night. We paid about 80 dollars for the evening, which I think was pretty decent for the hotel -- the hotel was spectacular. It was soooo awesome. Anyway, Im glad we did that because that was the first time we really had "couple" time since the "wedding week".

And tomorrow, my mom and MIL are throwing us a reception. I believe over 60 of our family members are coming. Im really excited.

My husband and I are both very fortunate to have very supportive families. We couldn't have afforded to pay for any of the "mini celebrations" for this week. We had originally just planned to go to the court house and go to dinner. I'm really glad that our families stepped in, because I will always look back to this day/week and remember all the love and happiness that embraced us on the day we got married. To this day, the fact that Ive been married hasnt sunk in yet (I HAVE only been married for 2 days hahahaha), but I wont forget the things that happened to commemorate this event.

Anyway Ive only had time to skim through the past threads, so I dont really know what the current "topic" is. But if you and your fiance have the opportunity to really celebrate this event, do so, even if its simple as going to dinner after or getting a hotel room for the night. I thought that we would save the celebration for 2011, when we'll have our ceremonial event then. But we wont be married in Aug of 2011 because we would have been married in 2009. And I am sooo happy we celebrated the day we made things official the way we did!!! smile.gif

Oh, it feels weird saying "husband" when in the past few months, Ive been writing about him as the "fiance"...

Oh yeah, so if I sound a bit wonky, Ive been operating on 6 hours of sleep since Wed... tongue.gif

Edited by lgg, 28 November 2009 - 09:41 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-28 09:39:00
CanadaWedding Details
Ah... merci!!!

Oh that kitteh is scaring me! My cat i such a teddy bear, I can't imagine her ever chomping on me like that.

But hey, when you've had enough b.s., you have enough, right?

QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 1 2009, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Florida has no requirement for witnesses. smile.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-01 13:14:00
CanadaWedding Details
question for you guys...

Don't you need to have a couple of witnesses present while you get married? not sure where you'll be getting married but we needed that here. I had my two best friends and their spouses at my wedding and my friend brought her camera and snapped a gazillion pics. Turned our really well.

So, if you need witnesses, maybe furnish one with a camera?

Good luck to you guys.

QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 31 2009, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys have such beautiful pictures!

Question, for those of you having small (just the two of you) or strictly legal weddings, how are you going about with pictures? Hiring a photographer, or bringing along a friend?

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-01 12:55:00
CanadaIn this thread we post pictures of Llamas.
deeeeeeelish!!!! almost as tasty as unicorns. I save the horn for last so I can make some sparkly soup.

Posted Image
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 11:42:00
CanadaIn this thread we post pictures of Llamas.

Of course I'm kidding, Bern!!

*hides llama chop from bern...*
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 10:23:00
CanadaIn this thread we post pictures of Llamas.
And so yummy with butternut gravy and some horseradish!!!

mmmm, mmmmmmm!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 10:17:00

For $2000 bill on an asthma attack, I'd expect to at least get a courtesy reach around :rofl:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 11:49:00
So they could deny you entry at all? Which would be better I suppose as you wouldn't compromise your standing with the US, right? BUT, if they do let you in, you might risk your standing with the US?

It doesn't sound worth it to me but it's your decision and I hope it works out for you.

I did make an appointment up in Ohio for next Thursday... so I won't know for another week, but at least it's something. I can't really see why they wouldn't stamp my passport... it's not like they need to approve me, I've already been approved..

In any case, I'll bring along all of my paperwork just in case and hope for the best. :(

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 10:19:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
I agree with this. I am very adaptable as well and moving to be with my husband will sit very well with me. I'll miss my friends and such for sure and I will always be a Canadian and love Canada but I made a choice and I will make the best of it... there is something good everywhere ,I'll make it my job to find it.
I really do wish you all luck and such -- I mean no disrespect but I guess I just hope that as adults we can find happiness where we happen to end is all as where we end up is where we've decided to be.

I agree. One of the reasons I decided to move to D.C. rather than my wife moving to THIS area is that I know I'm better suited to adapting to new environments than she is. That's NOT a knock against her at all. It's just that my temperament is such that I enjoy big, sweeping changes and fresh starts. Hers isn't. I guess that has to be a major factor in all of these immigration decisions -- one's personal level of adaptability to a new country.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-12 13:09:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
You don't wear panties?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-12 10:14:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not
Wow. You really should take some stock into what you want and where you're going if you're starting to drink in the morning.

No offense? but I'm tired of people living in a first world country with enough food and shelter and love complaining so bitterly when there are others who have none of the above.

Wow. I just want to say that I find it shocking. How bad can it possibly be that you can't find any happiness or joy where you are? There is some everywhere ESPECIALLY where t here is food and shelter and love. Go and find it and stop putting Bailey's in your morning coffee... American, Canada I am reluctant to offend either side as there is good in both.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-12 00:15:00
Canadato become an american citizen or not

Think she's actually talkin about the USA

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-11 11:51:00