CanadaHi all!!
OH wow! Congratulations!

Yeah, it's been going pretty well. I feel lucky that I got a job about 6 months or so in. Working, driving (HOLY COW!) making friends and just living life. I miss Canada like gangbusters and well, the US is so different but it's going along so. I feel lucky and hard work goes a long way.
Hi to everyone and hope you're all doing well. Doing that removing conditions thing so I'll be hanging around bugging you all for information and such.

Hiyas Igg, glad your doing well. I miss Canada also been busy here with a new little one she will be 5 months on the 10th. Its been crazy here.

lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-08 13:16:00
CanadaHi all!!
Hi flames!!!! And AMP. married life is good, not without its struggles but it's good. I'm working a lot and I've made some friends. Life is good but I still pine for Canada. It takes a long time to adjust.

I have to renew my green card so that's my next immigration move. I hope I get to see/ read some of the folks I know when I was first immigrating.

lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-06 22:57:00
CanadaHi all!!
That would be been! I'm on an iPad and type like ####### on it.
lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-06 21:55:00
CanadaHi all!!
But hi! I hope that all your journeys went well and are going well. I got busy with driving and job searching and then working. Living and making a life here. It's been great. It's ben horrible. But it's mostly ben good. I missed VJ.
I want to be around a bit more. Hope all you guys are doing well
: )
lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-06 21:52:00
CanadaThanksgiving & Black Friday
I totally agree with this 100%! BUT, I am living in fear of the American economy collapsing. I can't tell if it's really that bad OR if I'm just an ignorant foreigner. ;)

Also? If it makes anyone feel any better? I am at work today -- Black Friday. And yes... it' is 7:30am.

^^ Ashen that is soo awesome!! film production sounds really cool and I'm glad you're going after it! It's crazy how the opportunities in this country are a lot different than back in Canada. Don't get me wrong, I love Canada, but there are a lot of really cool advantages to living here to. Esp. in Cali! So glad you are enjoying it.

lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-25 07:26:00
CanadaThanksgiving & Black Friday

Hey there! I agree -- I prefer our version of Thanksgiving but, I do have to admit, I do love hanging out with the hugeness that is my husband's family -- we had a blast yesterday. I am so warming up the US way of doing thanksgiving. Laughs, Games. Football and an great meal.

Im not a huge fan of the shopping, Black Friday thing. I mean, it all seems kind of gimmicky to me and I am NOT getting up early to drag my butt to Khol's you know? Or Macy's or wherever. I'm not. I do all my shopping on line and that's it, that's all! I'm sorry though that your car impeded your BF shopping, that SUCKS !

Wyatt... I'm SO sorry to hear about your wife -- that sounds absolutely brutal -- and to have to go back to work so soon -- she's a real trooper, I'd be beside myself with belligerence. ;)

Hope you all had a great day. Nice to see so many of us back on the boards.
lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-25 07:24:00
You are SO not alone. I've been here for almost 2 years and I still feel out of sorts. Canada will always be my home and in my heart. I'm happy here. So far things are going well. But I love my canada. Always will.

<br />Join the're not alone.<br /><br />Certain forms of technology are excellent nowadays for keeping in touch.  I use Skype with my parents here &amp; there, but mostly just use a calling card to call them. <br />Blackberry has been a great device to send messages &amp; get instant replies from family/friends.<br /><br />It'll take a while, only time will tell how long.  There will always be someone else who went thorugh it, someone going through it, and someone who will go through it.<br />

<br /><br /><br />
lggNot TellingCanada2011-11-21 18:51:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

God, I am a pizza #######.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-23 12:02:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Oh my gawd, that sounds so freaking delicious!

Yesterday I marinated some beautiful pork chops all day and then I grilled them on our new BBQ, a charcoal one as to me, gas makes no sense -- you don't get that lovely grilled taste! I made some grilled potatoes and I also made this dish with pancetta and chopped up brussels sprouts that was delicious. I just chopped those babies up, fried up the pancetta in some olive oil with pepper and kosher salt and some pecan nuts -- it was really, really good. I love brussells sprouts like that.

I have a left over chop so I am going to incorporate it into a brown rice stir fried pork dish -- it was marinated in soy sauce, honey, chilies and garlic anyway -- hopefully it'll be good.

Ooooh, I also made a HUGE batch of oatmeal/raisin cookies -- my favourite and they seem healthier than a lot of other things I could have made.

I'm making grilled cheese tonight on sourdough with fresh mozzarella and a pine nut/basil pesto with a side of grilled asparagus... it's going to be NOMMY!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-12 10:52:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Oh hey... i'll come over for some of that!!! I swear, I am an awesome dinner guest!

Tonight I'm making dinner for the family as they have adopted us as we wait for the ice to thaw in our house :P

I am making a simple alfredo sauce and toss fresh tagliatelle in it. I am also making chipotle chicken tacos and guacamole salsa.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-09 15:18:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Yah, that thought popped up in my head too!

I'm sorry, I am a simpleton!

male servers with honey balls? :o

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 15:56:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I went out to the Danforth here in Toronto and had awesome Greek food with my friend. We'd dropped off boxes of stuff at the Goodwill first and then went for a drive.

The food was so good -- we had Saganaki -- flaming cheese!!! it was awesome! Who doesn't like their cheese on fire?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-22 10:38:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I totally agree with you, Wyatt... but that whole thing is starting to be a real bummer. Hopes up! Hopes up! OH, nothing. What? Nothing again? Still nothing?
I'd rather live in the abyss of the cranky and such than allow myself to be be let down every damn month!

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 19 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 19 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow! 17 of us waiting on this site alone.
HOly #######!
It's gonna be a looooooooong winter.

Shhhh! Let us get our hopes up!


lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-19 14:05:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Wow! 17 of us waiting on this site alone.
HOly #######!
It's gonna be a looooooooong winter.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-19 13:58:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Yeah, I know this too, CanAmerican -- it's the thought that keeps me going is that we HAVE done (hopefully) the bulk of the waiting. We visit as often as we can -- we're not THAT far away but for me, its' a question of time off from work! For xmas, I'm already into taking days from next years vacation! Day's that I'll probably have to 'pay back' w hen I get get my visa and move, ya know?
I appreciate the kind words and observations -- it really does make it easier...

QUOTE (CanAmerican @ Nov 18 2009, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Regardless of how they schedule interviews, I wish people were given more information about the interview day itself. Im talking about what I've heard about other cases where ppl were asked for documents that were not even listed in the interview invite. It must be so frustrating to wait 4 - 5 months to get an interview only to find out you had to bring in something that wasn't mentioned anywhere. If I wasn't on VJ, I wouldnt have known to bring that darn envelope. It doesn't say anywhere in the stuff that was sent to me with the interview date. If I had not been on VJ and not taken the envelope, I wonder what would have happened??

Anyways, LGG I feel ya. The only reason I didn't feel like it was forever to my interview date b/c I was finishing up school (just graduated in July) and I visited quite often...every time I had reading week, Christmas holidays, etc. But now when I look back and see it took 5 months...yes FIVE months to get an interview from case completion, it's ridiculous. Hang in've made it through the bulk of it's gonna happen any day. Easier said then done, but that's all we can say smile.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-18 11:21:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
SO, does this mean visa approved???
What did they need more financial evidence for? From your wife? The USC?
If you don't mind... please explain, dawg, cuz we wanna know how it went for you and those of us waiting will find this information valuable!

Congrats on getting it done finally!
Were they busy? Did they say there were going to more interviews ever??? Oh... never mind... you have to be focused on yoru own stuff.
Sorry, got all selfish there...

QUOTE (thedawghouse86 @ Nov 18 2009, 10:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Woohoo! I have to send a couple more things of financial evidence, but they kept my passport and he said I'll get the visa once they have that evidence!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-18 10:10:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hey Andylans...
I hear you guys. It sucks and I am SO sorry to hear about your wait.

Check this out --
Sierratango.EP.07/14/09.....--/--/--........07/28/09........--/--/--........-.....08/27/09.....10/13/09.... 47

That couple finished 2 weeks AFTER we did and they got an interview in October. They never really spoke much here or gave feedback and all, so we had no idea if they were some special case or anything. I really think not. This just proved to me that Montreal/NVC really do have their heads in their *ss with this stuff.

Not fair at all to pass someone through SO fast when there are a heapload of people waiting for many, many months.

Sorry about this, I really am. This is the hardest wait that I have ever waited. And I am not a patient person by any stretch of the imagination. This journey? It's taken all of my patience so much so, that I can't even wait normal amounts of time for food to arrive or phone calls.

I exaggerate but you get the picture...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-18 09:48:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Chugchugchug, chugchugchug

That's my train chugging along!

QUOTE (Malrothien @ Nov 17 2009, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's so nice to finally be moving along again! Thanks guys. biggrin.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-17 18:53:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

C'mon Mal... we've been waiting for you to get in the queue with us!
I predict that on Friday you'll get a case complete.

QUOTE (Malrothien @ Nov 17 2009, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay! AVR updated with "Checklist response has been received on November 16, 2009". So it took exactly a week from receipt for them to log it into the system. Here's to case complete soon

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-17 18:46:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
You know what? That would SO rock right out. I would love it. Why the hell not? Do the math for me would you? How many CR1/IR1s do you think there could be in Canada right now? IF there are 15 done on this site there must be about 60 or 70 Canada wide. That's my math...
They could totally do that in a month. If not December, then January. Why not?

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 17 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 17 2009, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ya know... if they did a mass clear out here like they did for the K1s... we'd ALL be getting an interview soon. Just sayin'....

That's what I'm banking on, Sister Leggy.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-17 13:56:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Ya know... if they did a mass clear out here like they did for the K1s... we'd ALL be getting an interview soon. Just sayin'....

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-17 13:18:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Good luck to you! Bring home the gold.
Don't be too nervous, you'll be just fine.

We'll be thinking of you and wishing you well.


QUOTE (thedawghouse86 @ Nov 16 2009, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I leave for Montreal in about 12 hours from now. Wish me luck!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-16 18:20:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hey, there you are!!! Did you see/hear me calling you out? That's so funny...
Hope you enjoyed your trip. I expect to see a date for you on our timeline, toute de suite, okay?

PS. I was wondering, you all... have you seen the list of us who have completed? it looks as though Montreal is going to replace one giant backlog with another... what say you? It just doesnt' look good at all when we STILL have people from June and July waiting....

Anyway, someone who is able to focus a little clearer might be able to answer this for me/us....

QUOTE (americana2009 @ Nov 16 2009, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, We still didnt get ours yet so Im still waiting called DOS this morning and the nice lady said we were ready for our interview just they havent scheduled it yet.

Edited by lgg, 16 November 2009 - 02:44 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-16 14:40:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 13 2009, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Added dates for mast3r12 and updated lonie. Ok, come on, time to get some interview dates in here! Wow this table is getting long, i'm going to edit it soon and just link to the older ones.
I took away my "mock date" it was starting to depress me.

Member...........NOA2......Case# @NVC.....Mailed I-864....Mailed DS-230....RFE....Done @NVC....Interview...DTI
thebradshaws...08/18/08.....08/22/08........09/08/08........09/26/08........-.....11/05/08.....01/13/09.... 72
Rexalite.......09/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/05/09.....05/07/09.... 91
sly_wolf.......09/17/08.....09/24/08........10/04/08........10/29/08........-.....10/30/08.....01/07/09.... 69
ohmy...........11/07/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/20/09.....05/15/09.... 84
Travis&Kim.....12/01/08.....12/04/08........12/27/08........12/27/08........Y.....01/14/09.....04/16/09.... 92
jonesg111......12/22/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/24/09.....06/17/09.... 85
carslo.........01/06/09.....01/12/09........03/21/09........03/21/09........N.....04/07/09.....06/22/09.... 76
Moosker........01/06/09.....01/13/09........01/28/09........02/12/09........Y.....02/25/09.....05/19/09.... 83
OBX............01/20/09.....01/26/09........02/07/09........02/07/09........N.....02/13/09.....05/12/09.... 88
A&M............01/21/09.....01/23/09........02/03/09........02/18/09........N.....02/26/09.....05/20/09.... 83
Argent.........02/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/13/09.....05/26/09.... 74
elsoar..DCF....02/03/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--........N.....03/17/09.....06/18/09.... 93
svirac.........02/23/09.....02/26/09........03/05/09........03/24/09........N.....04/15/09.....06/02/09.... 48
cmls...........03/20/09.....04/07/09........04/18/09........04/28/09........N.....05/08/09.....08/07/09.... 91
SomberCat......03/25/09.....04/10/09........04/17/09........04/21/09........Y.....05/20/09.....08/19/09.... 91
bradleyboy.....04/15/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....05/11/09.....08/12/09.... 93
americana2009..04/20/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/23/09
Avery..DCF.....05/05/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/03/09.....10/13/09....132
Lilsmor..DCF...05/11/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/25/09.....11/12/09....140
andylans.......06/08/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/22/09
LeprechaunSean.06/23/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/30/09.....11/24/09....158
Sierratango.EP.07/14/09.....--/--/--........07/28/09........--/--/--........-.....08/27/09.....10/13/09.... 47
Lyn & Lisa.EP..07/22/09.....08/08/09........08/30/09........08/31/09........-.....10/09/09
La Souris.EP...07/30/09.....08/14/09........09/15/09........09/25/09........N.....10/02/09
sdw..EP....... 08/28/09.....09/08/09........09/12/09........09/26/09........Y.....11/12/09
Edmontongirl...11/02/09..<-date filed I-130

Timeline page for 2007 and 2008 interviews Montreal: link

CR1/IR1 interview letter: link

DTI - Days between completion at NVC and interview
DCF - Direct Consular Filing - EP - Electronic Processing

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-13 14:03:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Thanks TM.... I love it... I'll let you know if/when that changes...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-12 16:43:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Em... I'll take your old 24th then? Kthnxbai...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-12 16:02:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Member...........NOA2......Case# @NVC.....Mailed I-864....Mailed DS-230....RFE....Done @NVC....Interview...DTI
thebradshaws...08/18/08.....08/22/08........09/08/08........09/26/08........-.....11/05/08.....01/13/09.... 72
Rexalite.......09/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/05/09.....05/07/09.... 91
sly_wolf.......09/17/08.....09/24/08........10/04/08........10/29/08........-.....10/30/08.....01/07/09.... 69
ohmy...........11/07/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/20/09.....05/15/09.... 84
Travis&Kim.....12/01/08.....12/04/08........12/27/08........12/27/08........Y.....01/14/09.....04/16/09.... 92
jonesg111......12/22/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/24/09.....06/17/09.... 85
carslo.........01/06/09.....01/12/09........03/21/09........03/21/09........N.....04/07/09.....06/22/09.... 76
Moosker........01/06/09.....01/13/09........01/28/09........02/12/09........Y.....02/25/09.....05/19/09.... 83
OBX............01/20/09.....01/26/09........02/07/09........02/07/09........N.....02/13/09.....05/12/09.... 88
A&M............01/21/09.....01/23/09........02/03/09........02/18/09........N.....02/26/09.....05/20/09.... 83
Argent.........02/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/13/09.....05/26/09.... 74
elsoar..DCF....02/03/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--........N.....03/17/09.....06/18/09.... 93
svirac.........02/23/09.....02/26/09........03/05/09........03/24/09........N.....04/15/09.....06/02/09.... 48
cmls...........03/20/09.....04/07/09........04/18/09........04/28/09........N.....05/08/09.....08/07/09.... 91
SomberCat......03/25/09.....04/10/09........04/17/09........04/21/09........Y.....05/20/09.....08/19/09.... 91
bradleyboy.....04/15/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....05/11/09.....08/12/09.... 93
americana2009..04/20/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/23/09
Avery..DCF.....05/05/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/03/09.....10/13/09....132
Lilsmor..DCF...05/11/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/25/09.....11/12/09....140
andylans.......06/08/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/22/09
LeprechaunSean.06/23/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/30/09.....11/23/09....158
Sierratango.EP.07/14/09.....--/--/--........07/28/09........--/--/--........-.....08/27/09.....10/13/09.... 47
Lyn & Lisa.EP..07/22/09.....08/08/09........08/30/09........08/31/09........-.....10/09/09
La Souris.EP...07/30/09.....08/14/09........09/15/09........09/25/09........N.....10/02/09
sdw..EP....... 08/28/09.....09/08/09........09/12/09........09/26/09........Y
Edmontongirl...11/02/09..<-date filed I-130

Timeline page for 2007 and 2008 interviews Montreal: link

CR1/IR1 interview letter: link

DTI - Days between completion at NVC and interview
DCF - Direct Consular Filing - EP - Electronic Processing


lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-09 11:41:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Can you please give us some information? TEll us the date that you completed at NVC and when you got your NOA2...
otherwise we can neither commiserate with you or help you...

QUOTE (andylans @ Nov 5 2009, 10:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm still waiting patiently for my interview. They said it would be a November interview date. I haven't heard anything yet and they have not replied to my emails.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-05 10:09:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Well, not to be a debbie downer or anything...
But since this is the third or fourth month in a row now, I'm pretty sure that I can predict that they are done scheduling the CR1s already.

They've done this for 4 months now. Schedule between 4 and 6 (on this site) at the beginning of the month ( or at very end of the preceding) they tell the rest of us who call "oh wait until the second or third week and we'll be scheduling them then". They never end up scheduling any more. Because then they turn and start scheduling K1 interviews. Last month was awesome for the K1s, they got cleared right out which is freaking great. Doesn't look like they're doing that for the CR1s. There are still end of June, beginning of July cr1s waiting.

#######... this is so fvcking shitty. I know, tell me to wait blah, blah, blah but this is the fourth month that they've enacted like this. They're done. I bet you a dollar there won't be any more CR1s from this site scheduled. They tell us to call back mid month as they're preparing to schedule for the NEXT month even, you know? I've seen this happen for four months now. It's ridiculous.

I really don't want to be right but it's starting to be a real drag getting all excited and not just for me but what about Americana2009? And IHEARTNVC? GREENHAUS? They all finished in June/Mid July. IF they don't get one, we won't get one as we finished mid August.

These people at the Montreal consulate svck balls.
This is just my theory -- I would love to see it disproved.

And I wanna know, is there a reason that they're leaving all the CR1s to sit? WHy don't they clear us all out too? Is it because we can work right away? What? There has to be a reason that on this site alone they can schedule 22 K1 interviews compared to liek what 6 CR1s? C'mon...

Anway. it's just a real friggin downer to read back and see this pattern and know, pretty much, that we're done for another month.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-04 14:05:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
THanks guys! Believe it or not, I am rooting for all of us. It is insane that we're all waiting 5-6 months for a danged interview. They did a HUGE publisher's clearing house of K1s last month -- I am really wondering why they aren't for the CR1s? There's less of us too...
Rooting for you guys too... .
BTW, calling the NVC always, always upsets my stomach and I'm not even kidding about that...

QUOTE (Lyn & Lisa @ Nov 4 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with you Lgg. I've been sitting on the side lines reading all the posts, I didn't want to reply to them because it is futile. I've stopped calling the NVC because you can't have a straight answer, especially if your in EP. You always have to tell them that. I don't understand the software they use on their computers. Must be back in the DOS days. good.gif

Anyway I'm rooting for you in the background Lgg...

Hi there...
Canadian Police certs are good for a year from the date that they are drafted. No sure why you'd have submitted one to the USCIS as it was not necessary but regardless. They cant' be over a year old.
Let us know about the AOS stuff as that sounds puzzling to say the least. Good luck and I hope it gets cleared up good and fast for you.

QUOTE (mast3r12 @ Nov 4 2009, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
okay so I just called NVC, they sent me an email for RFE two days ago which I never got.. I asked the CS to resend it and I still haven't gotten it.

So on the side I asked her what the RFE was for and it was two things:

1) Police Certificate
2) AOS Part 5 and 8

Now the police certificate, does anyone know how old it can be? If I submit the one that I submitted to the USCIS is that not good enough?, or do I require a new one? How old can a police certificate be before you're required to get a new one and send that?

As for the part 5 of AOS, its basically counting the family members, and its done correctly... Part 8 requires the signature that is infact PRESENT. So I dont know what they would want.

Darn it!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-04 11:27:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
OMG... tell me about it!

You know what else is totally sucky? Just called the NVC and it sucks to have them say, "we haven't started scheduling yet..." Uh, well yes you have as I am seeing it with my own eyes, you b*stards.
It's one thing to have to wait so long but calling those guys is a lesson in futility.

They think we're idiots of this I"m sure.


lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-04 11:03:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
S'true, Wyatt...
Relativity is relative though! wink.gif
As I said above, it's a crappy thing that they're doing to all of us whether we wait 50 days or 150 days so...
I hope EP DOES get you a quick interview. But regardless, it's all apros pro of nothing as it's Montreal that needs to get it's head out of its collective butt...


QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 3 2009, 09:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, it's tough for someone in your position, Lgg. I don't think anyone on here would think it's anything less than shitty and unfair that you have been waiting so damn long just to get an interview date.

But even having said that, it's all relative -- a fifty-day wait still feels like an eternity to those waiting fifty days, you know? If doing EP gets me a quick interview date, I'll be happy...which isn't to say I won't also feel it's really a terrible way for Montreal to do things, with the feel of queue jumping etc.

Ultimately, the blame falls on the Montreal Consulate. Any quick turnaround for anyone is a bonus, but it's also profoundly unfair to those waiting several months.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-03 09:34:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

It's okay, NO WORRIES !! Pre coffee, pre work WTFs! I know, it's so easy to get all panty twisted in this game. It was just a suggestion. Don't worry about me, I'm not really upset and especially not at my fellow Canadian CR1 comrades, so... just venting... just frustrated with this crazy waiting process we all have to go through. It is such a bummer.

I wish you luck, we'll all get through this...

~sips coffee, chills out~

No no! Reread what I said, I didn't mean it in the manner you said it as. I was giving an example of the possible outcomes because there was a member who had done the electronic processing, and he or she got the interview date very fast. Now he or she didn't state how or why or anything, but it could even be that they got it expedited who knows?

I didn't mean to get you upset, I know everyone's waiting for a long time as I said people have been waiting since June and July, and frankly i'm not holding my breath.

I doubt we'll get an appointment faster than everyone else anyways, it makes no sense because in the end they'll print the forms out and it'll sit in a big fat pile at the consulate. No biggie.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-03 07:55:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Ya know? I wish you guys doing the EP processing TONS of luck and such, like I wish us all tons of luck and maybe i'm cranky, its' the morning and all.. .but it really annoyed me hoping you get your interview in 50 days or bypass the others waiting due to this.

Some people have been waiting for 150-180 days for their interview -- hearing you talk about how you'd like to get it done in 50 days or less, which would mean bypassing people who are waiting, is irritating. To say the least.

How about having that conversation in a Private message or a thread dedicated to that rather than on the thread dedicated to people waiting for their interviews?

Just a thought. I wish no ill will but I'm pretty sure if I read this and though, ugh, they'll bypass all of us waiting, I'm pretty sure others thought the same thing.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-03 06:55:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
No worries, sdw...

QUOTE (sdw @ Nov 2 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks LGG

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 10:06:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Member...........NOA2......Case# @NVC.....Mailed I-864....Mailed DS-230....RFE....Done @NVC....Interview...DTI
thebradshaws...08/18/08.....08/22/08........09/08/08........09/26/08........-.....11/05/08.....01/13/09.... 72
Rexalite.......09/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/05/09.....05/07/09.... 91
sly_wolf.......09/17/08.....09/24/08........10/04/08........10/29/08........-.....10/30/08.....01/07/09.... 69
ohmy...........11/07/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/20/09.....05/15/09.... 84
Travis&Kim.....12/01/08.....12/04/08........12/27/08........12/27/08........Y.....01/14/09.....04/16/09.... 92
jonesg111......12/22/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/24/09.....06/17/09.... 85
carslo.........01/06/09.....01/12/09........03/21/09........03/21/09........N.....04/07/09.....06/22/09.... 76
Moosker........01/06/09.....01/13/09........01/28/09........02/12/09........Y.....02/25/09.....05/19/09.... 83
OBX............01/20/09.....01/26/09........02/07/09........02/07/09........N.....02/13/09.....05/12/09.... 88
A&M............01/21/09.....01/23/09........02/03/09........02/18/09........N.....02/26/09.....05/20/09.... 83
Argent.........02/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/13/09.....05/26/09.... 74
elsoar..DCF....02/03/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--........N.....03/17/09.....06/18/09.... 93
svirac.........02/23/09.....02/26/09........03/05/09........03/24/09........N.....04/15/09.....06/02/09.... 48
cmls...........03/20/09.....04/07/09........04/18/09........04/28/09........N.....05/08/09.....08/07/09.... 91
SomberCat......03/25/09.....04/10/09........04/17/09........04/21/09........Y.....05/20/09.....08/19/09.... 91
bradleyboy.....04/15/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....05/11/09.....08/12/09.... 93
americana2009..04/20/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/23/09
Avery..DCF.....05/05/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/03/09.....10/13/09....132
Lilsmor..DCF...05/11/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/25/09.....11/12/09....140
LeprechaunSean.06/23/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/30/09.....11/23/09....158
Sierratango.EP.07/14/09.....--/--/--........07/28/09........--/--/--........-.....08/27/09.....10/13/09.... 47
La Souris......07/30/09.....08/14/09
SDW (EP)...... 08/28/09.....09/08/09........09/12/09........09/26/09........Y.....--/--/--
Lyn & Lisa.EP..07/22/09.....08/08/09........08/30/09........08/31/09........-.....10/09/09

Timeline page for 2007 and 2008 interviews Montreal: link

CR1/IR1 interview letter: link

DTI - Days between completion at NVC and interview
DCF - Direct Consular Filing - EP - Electronic Processing

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 09:49:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
When I had mine done, I had them check both my maiden and married name. This is what the NVC told us was necessary.
Hope this helps a bit.
I think now that you've done both, you're fine.

QUOTE (redmen99 @ Oct 30 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CanAmerican @ Oct 30 2009, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was going through the photocopies of my paperwork(s) Ive submitted and I was looking at my criminal record search. Turns out I had only had the search done for my maiden name (which is what is on my passport and all ID's) but not for my married name (which is on the Visa application as well). So I went and got ANOTHER criminal check done JUST IN CASE. So Im hoping this covers everything. I just went to the local police station and it says it searches the National Repository for Criminal Records in Canada.

Can someone tell me if I'm ok for the criminal check now?

Also, I lived at a different address for about 2 years (within the same province) during school. Do I have to get a check from that municipality as well?

I think as long as it is Canada-wide you are fine. My husbands form says


I hope that's what they need... It took almost a month to come in... Stupid Durham Regional Police.... whistling.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-30 14:48:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 27 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Updated! And again...

Member...........NOA2......Case# @NVC.....Mailed I-864....Mailed DS-230....RFE....Done @NVC....Interview...DTI
thebradshaws...08/18/08.....08/22/08........09/08/08........09/26/08........-.....11/05/08.....01/13/09.... 72
Rexalite.......09/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/05/09.....05/07/09.... 91
sly_wolf.......09/17/08.....09/24/08........10/04/08........10/29/08........-.....10/30/08.....01/07/09.... 69
ohmy...........11/07/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....02/20/09.....05/15/09.... 84
Travis&Kim.....12/01/08.....12/04/08........12/27/08........12/27/08........Y.....01/14/09.....04/16/09.... 92
jonesg111......12/22/08.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/24/09.....06/17/09.... 85
carslo.........01/06/09.....01/12/09........03/21/09........03/21/09........N.....04/07/09.....06/22/09.... 76
Moosker........01/06/09.....01/13/09........01/28/09........02/12/09........Y.....02/25/09.....05/19/09.... 83
OBX............01/20/09.....01/26/09........02/07/09........02/07/09........N.....02/13/09.....05/12/09.... 88
A&M............01/21/09.....01/23/09........02/03/09........02/18/09........N.....02/26/09.....05/20/09.... 83
Argent.........02/03/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....03/13/09.....05/26/09.... 74
elsoar..DCF....02/03/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--........N.....03/17/09.....06/18/09.... 93
svirac.........02/23/09.....02/26/09........03/05/09........03/24/09........N.....04/15/09.....06/02/09.... 48
cmls...........03/20/09.....04/07/09........04/18/09........04/28/09........N.....05/08/09.....08/07/09.... 91
SomberCat......03/25/09.....04/10/09........04/17/09........04/21/09........Y.....05/20/09.....08/19/09.... 91
bradleyboy.....04/15/09.....--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--........-.....05/11/09.....08/12/09.... 93
americana2009..04/20/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/23/09.....?
Avery..DCF.....05/05/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/03/09.....10/13/09....132
Lilsmor..DCF...05/11/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..06/25/09.....11/12/09....140
LeprechaunSean.06/23/09..<-date filed I-130.--/--/--........--/--/--..sent pkt3>..07/30/09.....11/23/09....158
Sierratango.EP.07/14/09.....--/--/--........07/28/09........--/--/--........-.....08/27/09.....10/13/09.... 47
La Souris......07/30/09.....08/14/09

Timeline page for 2007 and 2008 interviews Montreal: link

CR1/IR1 interview letter: link

DTI - Days between completion at NVC and interview
DCF - Direct Consular Filing - EP - Electronic Processing

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 08:39:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Pffffft! Subtle!

Fine, fine... back on topic.

OH and maybe if you or some of us would actually get a damn interview we could fill this thread up with joy instead of idle chatter. ya know?
I know. I'm hilarious.

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Oct 27 2009, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That herring was kind of a reddish colour...

Edited by lgg, 27 October 2009 - 01:05 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-27 13:04:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Hey Can...
I think they're good for a solid year...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-27 12:58:00