CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Okay now THAT is a little twisted there, my friend. But I will admit that one of the reasons that I love french fries and even hotdogs as they are both vehicles for condiments.
I adore condiments. Mustard of all varieties, ketchup, relish, mayo, pickles, olives...

you name it, I am there.

But the condiment sammich?

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 11 2009, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 11 2009, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I love it on eggs. Yeah, that's right. Ketchup and pepper! biggrin.gif

Oh, absolutely. I have it on eggs too!

In fact, I've been known to make the occasional ketchup and mayo sandwich when I'm too lazy to make a better snack.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-11 11:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

I love it on eggs. Yeah, that's right. Ketchup and pepper! biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Nov 11 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm so glad other people feel the same way about ketchup as I do.

I go through about a liter a month. I use it on hashbrowns, grilled cheese, KD...and many other things!

It's definitely sweeter in Canada. Less tangy and less salty. The Heinz one at least.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-11 11:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Mmmmmm.... burrrrgggggeeeers!
And ketchup.
and Fries....

Food porn -- I love it.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-11 10:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I make something like a Nanaimo bar for XMas. exact the same except the yellow custard filling is a mint flavoured icing that I may or may not dye green. and the topping is dark chocolate and no coconut in the base, just a nice fudgy brownie.

And I lived in Nanaimo for YEARS... wasn't like we had the Nanaimo bar festival or anything, not that I recall...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-10 10:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Hey guys?
Can we talk about rainbows and unicorns adn stuff now? My lunch is edging its way up my gullet with all this parents having sex talk.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-03 14:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois


That's a little aaaaaawwwwwkwwaaaaard!

QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Nov 3 2009, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Whats with all the porn references?! Yeesh. laughing.gif

Want to know something terribly embarrassing and disturbing? I walked upstairs the other night to get a drink and my in laws were watching a porno on the TV in the living room... ohmy.gif They saw me, freaked out, and turned the channel.

(Hopefully Bill doesn't read this, he might kill me biggrin.gif)

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-03 14:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Action shots...


QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 2 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh well, there went my action shots idea whistling.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 16:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Let us know how that turns out. But, uh, I think we're good without the pics,k?

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 16:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Pah!!!! Nice steamy dump made me laugh out loud! If you're going to go nice and immature, may as well go it old school. But the funniest thought? You, sitting (aka squatting) there with your mag and your roll of TP planting the ole cactus on their porch and their motion detector light comes on!

OH the lolz that would ensure. .

QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 2 2009, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Varba @ Nov 2 2009, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bowflex @ Nov 2 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol The house next door to ours was just bought and I guess the folks were moving in this morning. Only problem was they rented a U-Haul truck and blocked the entire lower part of my driveway so my wife couldn't get out to to go work. She walked over and politely asked for them to move it and they had some attitude about it and asked why she wasn't already at work. I'm going to go home tonight and if it's in any way blocking my driveway I'm going to start some ####### Lol.

I have a friend in the Detroit area who could take care of them for you.

Lol I'm pondering taking a nice steamy dump on their lil porch area if it comes to that, go nice and immature old-school style smile.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 16:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Owning for me. I've never owned myself -- always rented. But I hate other people living close to me -- I hate someone else or others having access to where I"m domiciled...
I think I was born to own a house somewhere quiet...

S'just me though.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 15:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Hey Trailmix? That trip I was talking about was AWESOME!!!! I spent 3 months in South East Asia traveling around by myself. It was the trip of a lifetime -- I get all teary-eyed talking about it because every single day was a joy. Seriously.

I worked my t*ts off for two years so I could save the money and pay all my rent and stuff while I was gone, took a 3 month leave of absence from my jobs and just travelled. It rocked.

And I like how you think -- I would love to be able to use that ticket to fly home for xmas and STAY!
Here's to hoping.

But i'll tell you, I feel slightly better about stuff now that I know that regardless of what happens, at least we've got the important dates coming up booked to be together.

Blah, blah, blah.... I am a broken record...

QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 1 2009, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 1 2009, 09:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pack light! laughing.gif


I think i'd rather do the Hong Kong/Kowloon trip!

Hey wouldn't it be funny if you got an interview in early December and you used the flight to move to the U.S.! hmmm!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-01 12:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
So... after all my research and stuff trying to get my butt to MD for Xmas via all sort of other modes of transportation I just ended up buying a very, very cheap ticket from Air Canada to Washington DC and from there, I, LGG, am going to take Washington PUblic transportation to where my husband works. yes. yes. I am. I figure, if I'm going to be without wheels for the first while there and I'll be living there, I sure as hell should figure out how to get my a** around.
Husband would pick me up BUT I am going to do it myself.

"sides if i can get myself from Hong Kong airport to Kowloon on public transportation, then I sure as hell can do it in Washington where the signs are in English.

I got a great deal on my ticket. It was 400$ return, direct from Toronto. The ticket to BWI is still close to 800$ so...

I was also thinking too, wouldn't it be 'hilarious' if I just got my ticket for xmas and NVC schedules us an interview for December??? Hilarious.


lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-01 11:37:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Yes odd and yet, strangely..... familiar!

QUOTE (charles! @ Oct 30 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 30 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I must discuss your avatar with you!

yeah something is odd about it. whistling.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-30 17:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I must discuss your avatar with you!

QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Oct 30 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you want some neat pumpkin designs, try Pumpkin Glow. I really like the M1 Abrams Tank (PDF) pattern, but my wife doesn't. tongue.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-30 15:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Lucky YOU!!!
Tegan and Sara!
I'm envious!
have a great time, Sprails...

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 30 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I am about to close up shop here at work because I am going up to Amanda's stomping grounds to see Tegan and Sara! I am SO EXCITED!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-30 12:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
*opens up Halloween bag for Trailmix's candy*

Edited by lgg, 30 October 2009 - 11:54 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-30 11:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Hey all..

Thanks for cheering my up today...

Off to the Camptown races now...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 15:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Hey all you Bowel Obstruction-ists...

Did you happen to notice the ads on the top of this page?


Well... here you go.... literally, I guess...

Natural Laxative Solution
Try Senokot today for natural overnight relief!
Suffering in Silence?
Frequent Diarrhea? Bloody Stools? Then you must read this
Bowel Obstruct'n Surgery?
There is another option. Adhesion Therapy Reverses SBO in Five Days.
lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 15:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

*slowly puts hand up*

QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 29 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah that would be akin to having lunch and stumbling in to a message board with tmi .... oh hang on tongue_ss.gif

I wish someone would start a tmi thread - gross stuff you want to post that doesn't warrant a whole thread, that kind of thing - anyone game??

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 15:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
And I really mean that!
But, sorry to have to say this, Holy Sh!t, that made me laugh!!!

QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Oct 29 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 29 2009, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Um, sorry but #######??????

How'd bowel movements manage to get snuck in here??????

Examining bowel movements or doing CPR? laughing.gif

Several things. First, time delay. By the time I start to type and multitask there is a time delay. Second, Dr. Oz pushes reading bowel movements and CPR. An easy one is black tarry stools signify bleeding. Third, many people have strokes and heart attacks due to pushing too hard because they are constipated.TTF!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 12:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Aaaaaaah, that part never sunk in 'til now! While I sort of hate and envy you a bit for that, I feel like it's probably a good thing that I"m so busy with work at he moment -- I'm also hoping to be able to collect EI while I'm in the US for the first little while so -- that means I can't quit my jobs until a month or less before I leave so... .

Post up a storm, Wyatt -- you are hilarious!


I was laid off a few weeks ago, hence all of my posting on here lately. The timing of being laid off NOW is horrible, since there's no real incentive to find another job when I know I'll be gone in 2-4 months. I feel guilty being on EI, but it just makes the most sense for me in my situation.

Oof...that sounded like a pull-down of the thread, didn't it? wife is flying up for a brief 2.5 day visit tonight. biggrin.gif Yay!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 12:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Um, sorry but #######??????

How'd bowel movements manage to get snuck in here??????

Examining bowel movements or doing CPR? laughing.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 12:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Get back to work, Wyatt!!!!


Oh wait... me too then.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 12:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Excellent idea!!!
I enjoy that sort of humiliating public display of participation!


QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 29 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it would be more fun if it was the YMCA... at least get some audience participation out of it.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 12:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Oh wow... did I EVER have that image racing around in my head a la the Bee Gees video but of course the machine was there
too, keeping up the beat.....


Maybe if you danced on said person's chest to the beat of Staying Alive, that could work, no?

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 29 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I do the staying alive dance while doing compressions??? Is that possible or will I need both hands?

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 12:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Oh my god, I think at that point i would just army crawl on my arms to the street and flag myself a cab to the emergency!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 11:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
You made me laugh out loud at work!!!

Now.... defibrillate me!! Toute de suite!

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 29 2009, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love that my work has a defibrillator and no one knows how to use it. I just started randomly asking people today if they knew how to use it and no one knew. One even said: "Well I think there's instructions in there"

Yea because you know, when someone is laying there without a heart beat it's always good to sit down and have a good old read with the instructions first.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-29 11:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Ah sh`t! Welcome to my office world!

But, I am NOT on face or twitter or anything like that so...

Don't freakin' poke me unless you want my boot in your butt!


QUOTE (wowswift @ Oct 23 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lolol i like this (if you watch at work, keep it low, a couple bad words, not too bad though)

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-23 17:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I had the BEST French onion soup of life last night -- it seriously made me weep a little. Everythign about it was perfect -- in with the regular cheese, Emmantaler It hink, they'd sprinkled just a touch of blue cheese...
it rocked...


QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 23 2009, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 23 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tim Hortons now has French Onion soup and it's really good smile.gif

My son would love this! French onion is his fave!

Omg crazy bride brought in MORE stuff today! I am going to take a picture of it before I leave... she has the UGLIEST monetary gift box I have EVER seen. Will post stuff later! laughing.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-23 13:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Oh wow, that's the side of the coin to be on for sure!
Did you get yelled at today? I hope not.
If you want to be yelled at, I can help you out as I am feeling a little ranty and am starving to death.

lemme know....

QUOTE (Varba @ Oct 22 2009, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 22 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning Trail mix and everyone!

I thought it was Friday today when I woke up. I am sad and upset to report -- it is not.
I have one more day...


I thought today was Wednesday when I got up, so bonus for me!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-22 10:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Dear Rob and Mel...
You suck. ANd I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Envy... pure envy...

QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Oct 22 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 22 2009, 07:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning Trail mix and everyone!

I thought it was Friday today when I woke up. I am sad and upset to report -- it is not.
I have one more day...


With my schedule, it's friday for me (I have tomorrow off) kicking.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-22 10:41:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
Morning Trail mix and everyone!

I thought it was Friday today when I woke up. I am sad and upset to report -- it is not.
I have one more day...


lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-22 10:36:00
CanadaI am REALLY sorry to post this here
WEll I see you link and raise you this one. It's about collecting Canadian EI while in the USA

EI while in the USA

Oh and TM, that Wiki seems to be blank to me? Do I need to sign in?
Sorry, I has a stupid today!

QUOTE (Dan and Ali @ Dec 8 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You've already received the answer to your question but I just wanted to add that the longer you've paid into it and the less you've collected means more weeks of benefits smile.gif Check out this link:


lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-08 15:27:00
CanadaI am REALLY sorry to post this here

Ah, good to know Holliday. I bet a lot of people just plain don't know that this is available to them.

Thanks for your info. We should really set up that EI wiki, that would be helpful. Trying to crawl though all the t hreads on the EI thread is painful...
I started at about page 30 and still got all stuffed up and confused.

Maybe when I've got some idle time in the US, I'll set it up for you all.

QUOTE (Holliday @ Dec 8 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Shortly after you move (as soon as possible), you should fill out the EI application online. Even if you don't have your ROE by then, you can still fill out the form and submit the ROE later. You'll receive some stuff in the mail (probably within a few weeks) including a form you have to fill out and mail or fax in. They'll request a copy of your visa, which shows them that you're allowed to work, and your ROE (you have to submit the original - unless your employer has submitted it online) and some other stuff, but it's not too complicated at all. For the record, my employer just marked "quit" on my ROE (even though I asked repeatedly for them to specify WHY I quit, but oh well) and that didn't cause a problem with applying for EI.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-08 15:12:00
CanadaI am REALLY sorry to post this here
Okay, that's a deal, La Souris... happy to help out.
I would be THRILLED if it all went down adn I was able to. I don't see why not, I have paid into it since I was 15 -- it would be nice if they made my life easier in a work transition sort of way. Thrilled.

Hey, does anyone know what the time frame has to be like? I expecting to give 2 weeks notice at both my jobs and then about a week after that, move to the USA. So, I'll be applying about a week after I have my last day(s)... does that sound about right?

Will keep you posted as to all, La S...

QUOTE (La Souris @ Dec 8 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 8 2009, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
SO sorry guys, I have an EI question but A) Hardly anyone is up there to answer and cool.gif it's really hard to find anything related to CR1 visas and collecting EI .

I am afraid now that it's not possible?
I read that K1s need their EADs and such but what does a CR1 need and can I do it?

I remember asking all this months ago but since then and all the other stuff that's passed, I forget what to to or whatever. I"m going to quit 2 jobs here about a week or so before I move to the US stating that I quit both in order to relocate to teh US to be with my spouse.

So, if anyone can answer these questions for me, mainly, am I eligible, then I will go back to the EI thread and figure anything else out I need to know.

Sorry guys.

And Thanks,

You're my guinea pig, I mean, lab frog... you test it and let me know what to do? ok? tongue.gif I think you have to be able to work to get it... but, I'm not sure how to prove it to the Canadian agency. I'll read the answers with attention and bookmark this subject. Merci smile.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-08 15:09:00
CanadaI am REALLY sorry to post this here
@ Malr...

Frog Muffin! I sound delicious!

Thanks lovey and dear Trailmix... you guys rock. I was just wanting to get all this stuff organized in my brain. Oh, asked TM already but when you say, check off Relocation, this is pertaining to the cards and whatnot with the EI people,no?

Gotta say, I am going to organize myself timewise and such so that this is a distinct possibility -- it would really make transitioning easier.

I understand now about the EAD, it's not applicable to the CR1s.

Thanks again you guys.
I'll lurk around the EI thread now.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-08 14:53:00
CanadaI am REALLY sorry to post this here
That is not an answer to my question in any way, shape or form. But thanks all the same.
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-08 14:45:00
CanadaI am REALLY sorry to post this here
SO sorry guys, I have an EI question but A) Hardly anyone is up there to answer and cool.gif it's really hard to find anything related to CR1 visas and collecting EI .

I am afraid now that it's not possible?
I read that K1s need their EADs and such but what does a CR1 need and can I do it?

I remember asking all this months ago but since then and all the other stuff that's passed, I forget what to to or whatever. I"m going to quit 2 jobs here about a week or so before I move to the US stating that I quit both in order to relocate to teh US to be with my spouse.

So, if anyone can answer these questions for me, mainly, am I eligible, then I will go back to the EI thread and figure anything else out I need to know.

Sorry guys.

And Thanks,
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-08 14:41:00
CanadaI need a Tourtiere Recipe
That's a nice little recipe. It's hard to find a good one as most french maman's just get them from their heads!

Will PM you the Ketchup Maison specs. It too is a fly by the seat of your pants sort of thing... as normally, you'd preserve it, as in can it, but I make it stove top like a chutney, it cooks for the better part or the day though, jsut so you know...
it too is very open to interpretation.

Edited by lgg, 04 December 2009 - 02:03 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-04 14:00:00
CanadaI need a Tourtiere Recipe
I LOVE tortiere. I made a whole pile last year. This is my fave recipe but it's better as you tweak it to your taste. I use this one as a guideline but a tortiere is as different as every family.

I always add more clove and lots of onion. ANd I make a homemade ketchup maison for it. that is like a tomato and onion chutney but en francais! It's sweet and sour-ish and great with your tortiere. I make that from my head but I'd be happy to give you a low down for it if you like. It's simple.

Torteire Recipe

I always make my own crust and I also skip celery as I hate it. I'll put a little dash of celery salt instead. I like a half pork and half ground beef myself. My dad used to make it with venison and pork mix. Really good.

Edited by lgg, 04 December 2009 - 01:42 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-04 13:41:00