Canada10 months to citizenship. I am going to do it.

I sometimes feel like doing that at Burger King when I don't feel like standing in line for my Whopper!!! Watch them pickles fly!!


My uncle who traps, I remember being a kid and going up to visit my cousins and you'd never want to go to the basement because there's be dead animals hanging upside down... and giant hooks and everything. My uncle is such a backwoods type of man. I remember driving with him in his truck and there were all these cars on the side of the highway looking at a moose in the swamp. All these tourists were snapping pictures of this majestic moose and my uncle gets out and grabs his gun from the back of his truck and shot the damn thing!!

People were HORRIFIED! And he looks at them smiled and said: "Well you can all come over for dinner if you like" I remember just ducking down in my seat and wanting to just crawl into a hole and die... just until all those people left.

He's just your typical northern small town native.

He took me fishing once when I was 12 and we were sitting in a boat and I was happily fishing and all of a sudden he grabs his gun and starts shooting into the water. I like fell off my seat and was down on the floor with my ears covered wondering what the hell was going on!! Then after he's done he says: "I get tired of waiting for them to bite"

He's such a character... I have thought about writing a book about him.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 13:17:00
Canada10 months to citizenship. I am going to do it.
Did someone say trapping beavers???

Makes me thing of the balling thread !

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 12:33:00
Canada10 months to citizenship. I am going to do it.
I don't look down on you at all -- you have your opinion is all...
I respect someone who can hold their own with their opinion no matter how fvcked up it is! Again, I kid...

I am going to be both, I figure it's old world language and it's a symbolic round of verbiage used to signify a pretty important event. So, I'm going to proudly be dual. I love my Canada and I will love my America.

My opinion, no need for clashing...

lol nev, no worries, i'm used to being looked down on in this forum :rofl:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 11:54:00
Canada10 months to citizenship. I am going to do it.
That's my plan too, Brad...

I don't see too many cons, to be honest with you... you get to retain your Canadian passport -- in fact, you'd be considered dual... .
You can work in security level jobs if you so desire... .

I don't see too many downsides to that...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 16:22:00
CanadaKraft dinner is our national food!
I know, warlord, I know... .

I'm a sucker for ketchup -- i love it on fries and Kraft dinner and eggs. Yep .There you go...

Yep you are the Kraft Mac and Cheese type person I was refering to. I just can't understand killing the cheese taste with ketchup. I can maybe see some people like it spicy, but ketchup just totally blows my mind...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-15 13:50:00
CanadaKraft dinner is our national food!
Was totally JUST going to say this...

Man, now I really want some Kraft Dinner...
Is it sick that I can eat the whole box all by myself?

Yea moose and kraft dinner.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-15 11:22:00
CanadaKraft dinner is our national food!
OH man!!!

This thread is AWESOME!!!! I love it so, so, so very much...
Oh dudes, I also LOVE Mac and Cheese but it has to be the Extra Creamy one. With Tabasco and ketchup. That's right.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-15 10:54:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
i love her to bits -- she's an old girl now, I think she's like 16 now!

Oh such a cute kitty! :luv:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 20:04:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
oh my GOD!!! People are insane. Just insane. I can't even imagine imagining that....
If I were that flight attendant I would have freaked my cheese out on that person/people...

Some people, indeed....

don't worry huggles, I won't be entertaining that idea ever!

Cute kitty lgg!! :)

Whatever you do, don't let the cat out of the carry bag and allow it to walk around the plane! Sounds stupid but I was on a flight once where someone did that. I looked up and saw a cat walking on the back of someones seat! A few seconds later an attendant came by and basically freaked out and scolded the owners. Some people! :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 20:02:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
Oh my gosh, do I ever know it. It's going to be longest flight I've ever had in my life with here going "meooowwwr' in that deep mad kitty voice. I'll just grin and not a lot, I think...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 12:37:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
You are awesome! Thanks for that info -- and yeah, it's just a soft laptop bag, like the regulations allow....

Oh and here's a pic of the infamous Georgia...
I think she's the sweetest thing that ever did sweet....

Hey lgg!

I work for an least I do for a few more weeks! I just sent off a flight to Florida in fact, and I just wanted to assure you that you can bring your laptop and your cat. Just be sure your laptop is in a laptop bag, not a back-pack style bag, and don't pack any clothes into it either!

Attached Files

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 12:31:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
OH my god. that made me laugh out loud!

lgg you need to get your cat one of these:

Posted Image

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 12:09:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
You get back here, Missie!

Um, then ixnay on the aggybpantsbay...


Which reminded me of this program I was watching last night. It was called something like....locked up abroad?

Anyway, the first one was 2 American girls who were locked up in a prison in Peru for - i'm not sure how long - 3 years I think, for trying to import cocaine - I believe it was planted on them though (I missed the first part of this one).

The second one was a British guy who worked in the financial district and decided to go travelling. He agreed to carry gold in to Nepal from India, in a jacket that had big pockets (yes, there is some connection here haha). Needless to say they all got caught, again I can't remember how long he ended up staying in that Nepalese prison.

Then there was an American guy who decided to ride his motorcycle around Columbia and surprise! he got kidnapped. He was pretty wily though and refused to eat and pretended to be bleeding and eventually his kidnappers turned him over to the red cross.

<wanders away>

Hmmm, I'll keep you all posted -- once I call Air Canada and find out the information, I'll post if for anyone else who my be in mine and kitty's shoes.

Ooh, she knows i'm talking about her, she's sleeping on her blankie and just looked up at me like, "whatchyoo talkin' 'bout Willis?"

forget it then, we don't want you (or kitty) to get arrested for being armed and dangerous!

Yeah, I would call Air Canada :)

Take care Lgg and kitty :luv:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:41:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
Pffft Kitty wig!

Yeah, I imagine ole Georgie is not going to be impressed with any aspect of this voyage -- if I wore her as a wig, I'd have to say goodbye to mah face and the top of head....
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:27:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
Allo, Souris...

Well, I'm not what to do, I guess I'll call air Canada, it's a short flight but geez, what a pain the butt, really. I wish I was coherent enough to understand those regulations. If those things are NOT considered carry on, does it mean that they're not allowed or is that a list of bring it on board, people?

buy baggie clothes today and start sewing big pockets!

or train your cat to stay on your head, pretend it's a wig.

Seriously, I'm sorry about the added stress of improvised security procedures (F)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:26:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
Oh wow, that is SO cool. Thanks so much for that -- what an easy fix. IT seems that Georgia is NOT considered a carry-on item. Good news and thanks for that...

You're a peach...

I do hope I'm reading that correctly, as in I AM allowed to carry her on as well as my small computer/purse bag that looks like it matches the picture they've shown. Just wonder if I'm allowed to carry both.

I think I may have just confused myself...

Edited by lgg, 17 January 2010 - 11:23 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:21:00
CanadaNew travel rules!
i am a little worried about my move -- I am flying to the US once it comes time for me to POE.... with the new regulations, with bringing only one bag, what am I going to do? I am planning on flying with my kitty, and I don't want to check her, obvs but am I really going to have to check my purse, rather, my laptop bag that acts as my purse. It will have my phone, laptop, passport, wallet and all my very important things in it... this is so far my only real stress and I'm not sure what to do now?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 11:14:00
CanadaJust wanted to say Thanks
Americana! So now you can really tell people that you have an interview...

Each and everyone one on VJ are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

PS: We actually got our appointment letter in the mail today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 15:50:00
CanadaJust wanted to say Thanks
Well, we all get told to read the friggin instructions at some point or another...

Well Canadians certainly aren't the BEST people in the world, but we do ok.

I found VJ around about the time I was sending in the I-864. Pushbrk told me to read the friggin instructions. So I did :lol:

So umm, thanks pushbrk :hehe:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 15:44:00
CanadaJust wanted to say Thanks

DITTO! Group ((HUG!))!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 13:47:00
CanadaJust wanted to say Thanks
Ditto on all of the above -- you guys all pretty much rock and to be frank? I would NEVER have known about the EI thing, nor would I have been able to have all my little queries and stuff answered so well. you all paired with research have made a daunting task a little more bearable.

Not to mention, you're a fine, hilarious and awesome group of people...

Group hug? who's in?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 13:27:00
CanadaQuestions for Packet 3
oh, okay... it's a little different then, I believe you bring your documents with you but a K1er can chime in.
Um, I grew up in B.C. as well and was told by my former school board on Vancouver island that they destroy immunization records after 7 years. So, I had to go have an antibodies titre test done and then had all my immunizations boostered. It wasn't so bad. I had the MMR, TdAP and had my Hep A and B finalized (not needed but I got it anyway).
You may have to do that if you don't have your record. OH and when you get your shots boostered, make sure the doctor you go to gives you yoru yellow immunization record, you'll need that for the Panel physician...

Good luck...

Oh sorry, I forgot to specify its a K1 Fiancee visa

The coversheet does say not to send the original documents, but send the checklist indicating that you have obtained the documents listed

I dont suppose anyone would happen to know where I can track down my vaccination records, I grew up and lived in B.C. until about 10 years ago when I moved to Ontario. I just havnt had a lot of success with B.C. so far.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 16:18:00
CanadaQuestions for Packet 3
For part II, You DO need to fill it in BUT you cannot sign it -- it will be signed at the interview.
I'm assuming you're doing a CR1 visa application? ARe you doing Electronic processing or regular? If Regular you have to send in all original documents except for your passport which you will bring to your interview.
But they need your original long form BC, marriage certificate, police record and such... make two copies of everything to keep...

hope this helps... anyone chime to add anything else...

Hey All,

Just got my packet 3 and Im working on it now.

The instructions on the coversheet say to complete and return the forms listed: DS230, Part I

But there are 2 pages Part I and 2 pages Part II, and on Part II it says:

"This form (DS-230 Part II), together with Form DS-230 Part I, constitutes the complete Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration."

But I definitely do not need to fill out Part II?

Also the packet says on the attached checklist to indicate that I have obtained the listed documents, It doesn't say to send the checklist items though, I assume those are for the interview later then?
I had to order the long version of my birth certificate, and renew my passport since it would expire in 2 weeks anyhow, both should arrive in a couple of weeks, would It be ok if I checked it now and sent the checklist back in before those items arrive in the mail to me?

Oh, Also, I should wait until my interview date is issued before trying to get my medical exam, correct?

thanks for the help!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 16:05:00
not an option, my friend. Just way too busy with work and stuff and the drive is like 9 hours each way. With the flight, renting, gas, driving and such. It actually works out to be the exact same price.
Plus it just strikes me as SUCH a hassle to plan all that out. I'd rather just one hassle it on my end and let that be that.
He can have the cube show up at his doorstep and work it from that end til I get there...

I dunno Froggie... Having your hubby fly up, renting a U-Haul trailer and driving down sounds like a better option for you, in my opinion. Cheaper at least. You'd only have to pay for the truck itself and gas... You can return a U-Haul truck at your destination.

Might be worth looking into if you don't have TOO much stuff to ship.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-07 10:58:00
Oh cool... if you guys have any reviews and such regarding these guys, that'd be awesome. I'm going to be reserving a single cube from them, they quoted me almost 900$ but frankly? that's the best I could find and it is what it is, right?

This way they come right to my place, I pack it up and they deliver it to the US and it gets unpacked. It doesn't sound too bad. If anyone else has any other suggestions or whatever regarding this or perhaps another method, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks everyone.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-07 09:56:00
CanadaAdvice/Answers please
Oh man, i thought it was the other poster who was asking about vaccinations and such from BC...
I had a brain fart there for sure....

Gregbu? It'll go by faster than you think, for the both of you...

You have a wife and filled an I-130, which sounds like a CR-1 to me! Your timeline is fine. Lgg is just confused :P

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 22:35:00
CanadaAdvice/Answers please
Oh whoops! I'm sorry... I was thinking of another poster! Sorry -- you're good.
But I stand by my theory that this place is great for information and support.

CR1 -- you are correct -- my apologies...

Hmm...we were married on August 20, 2009, do I still need to change something?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 22:21:00
CanadaAdvice/Answers please
well, it looks like you're going for a CR1 visa according to your timeline! :)
It's a K1 fiancee right? that's your first change. Don't worry, it seems a little daunting and stuff now but you'll be fine and seriously? This site is amazing for support and information.

Just change your timeline to reflect your correct visa type and I think you're good...
best of luck to you, eh?

I think I filled that in correctly. Please tell me if I missed something.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 22:14:00
CanadaAdvice/Answers please

I guess your options are to wait?
I don't know what else to tell ya.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-18 21:44:00
CanadaTaxes for 2009?
Excellent! Thanks lady... just checking. It just popped into mah head and i wanted a VJ verification...

They are due April 15th :)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 20:31:00
CanadaTaxes for 2009?
I'm getting into preparation mode for next week -- my husband hasn't done his taxes for the 2009 year yet, they're not going to want t hem are they? They're not due 'til march 1st, right?

Just wondering if someone could let me know. he's going to bring some more pay stubs from this year so...

Thanks guys...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-17 20:27:00
CanadaK1 Interview on Thursday!
Good luck! Let us know how it went, okay?

Thanks so much guys :) And good luck to those that have yet to do their interview :) I'll let you know how it goes! I'm lucky enough to spend a few nights in Vancouver, havent been there in about 15 years so I'm really pumped :)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:50:00
CanadaK1 Interview on Thursday!
Oh thank you, Ali!!! That made me feel better. Me, staring like a deer caught in the headlights, him *pinch* LGG, Wake-up, damn-it!!!

Same here! My fiance will be with me there and I am also paranoid that HE will draw a blank and it will look like our entire relationship is a big farce.

In conclusion ... I think our fears are normal :P hehe

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:32:00
CanadaK1 Interview on Thursday!
I know I'm a CR1 but I think I can honestly say, you are NOT nuts and EVERYONE goes through this.
You'll be fine.

I keep having this horrible fear that they'll ask me a question and I'll sit there like a dumb-dumb totally drawing a blank regarding something I know!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 13:18:00
CanadaCredit options for us Canadians
Hey Trailmix...
I think I read awhile back that you belong to CIBC? My main account is with CIBC and I want to keep it as it has all the nitty gritty attached to it that I want -- I don't recall so excuse my asking again, but were you able to easily give them an American address for your accounts? Was it all okay? I'm going to have to shut down my PResident's Choice account which is too bad, it's a great system but oh well....

Thanks for the info you can PM me if you prefer..

That's interesting about American Express, they didn't ask me about income - probably the most important thing is that you must have had your card for a year or more - then maybe it's not an issue.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-20 10:46:00
CanadaCredit options for us Canadians
Yep, I hear you...
My credit rating in Canada is perfect.... oh well. I wonder why? I mean, I guess I know but you'd think they'd at least Equifax it just to see....

I just want to say...I share your pain. I've got impeccable credit in Canada, and knowing I'm likely going to have to start from scratch in the U.S. is VERY disheartening. :(

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 21:12:00
CanadaTaxes 2009
Oh, consider this a bump as I don't know the answer! Just wanted to say hello!
I'm sure one of the tax experts'll chime in here...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 19:21:00
CanadaTaxes 2009
hi Mikey!!!

It's all starting to fall into place now-- by this time next week I will know for sure that I have my visa and stuff. WOOOO!

Sounds like you're doing well and that is great!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-19 18:38:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
Hmmm, yeah that would be really sad, actually. It's too bad. On all accounts. I really hope she and her family are okay.

Your receipient was also Avery's SS - we haven't heard back from her at all since December - there is something afoot there and I think it's more a case of being in a situation rather than anything else, the actual person is a sweetie and would never hurt someones feelings without good cause.

I have tried emailing her again to see how she is doing and got no reply, but if I hear from her I will let you guys know :)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-21 12:58:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
Yeah, I know... but still...
NOt cool... and the cookies sounded amazing...

Eh, it is what it is. I enjoyed putting mine together anyway, so oh well.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-21 09:13:00