CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I'll take a kruller!
They taste like Frosted flakes to me. I love that...

Can you stop my Second Cup and get me a large coffee to go with that?

Thanks, Krikit!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-19 13:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I die!
Blueberry is my favourite then cherry, then apple, then peach then....
OH... all pies...
Me loves pie.

QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 19 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 19 2009, 02:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll take some Pie, peachey?
it's my favourite baked dessert...

My dad makes the BEST pie ever. We got apple and blueberry to take home smile.gif

Oh, don't worry *Len* you've got bits... you've got bits!

QUOTE (*Len* @ Oct 19 2009, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Oct 19 2009, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*timbits away!*

mad.gif you are asking for it, yah know???

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-19 13:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I'll take some Pie, peachey?
it's my favourite baked dessert...

QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 19 2009, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man now I want timbits. Maybe Varba and I will go for a drive and get some.

Although I do have half a pan of brownies (from Missa's birthday on Saturday) and lots of pie in my fridge (From last night at my dad's)...


lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-19 13:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I am eating some dark, orange flavoured chocolate. My lovely co-worker got it for me because she noticed that I've been really down lately. That and a card with a bunch of smiles on it.

I thought it was a nice thing to do. Anyone want some chocolate?

Its' my way of recouping myself on the Off topic thread...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-19 13:22:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
@ KF
Ta gueule connard !

QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 19 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 19 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
varba -- you officially rock!!!!!

Well, KF would be please to know that she'll forever be memorialized into Canadian vernacular!

Oh I am. I tried to do the same thing once, but... somehow, I just can't bash on people, even when their situation is different than mine. See, I did things the wrong way, and I admit it. But, I don't go around making myself feel better by picking on them. wink.gif

Edited by lgg, 19 October 2009 - 01:05 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-19 13:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
varba -- you officially rock!!!!!

Well, KF would be please to know that she'll forever be memorialized into Canadian vernacular!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-19 12:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

ha! Nanaimo bars!
I am from the west coast -- uh, Nanaimo actually...
Wouldn't it be weird if we knew each other???


QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Oct 18 2009, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Oct 18 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hope everyone had a great weekend smile.gif

I really love my new job, I was supposed to be part-time until January and they asked me to start full-time in 2 weeks! They said they are happy with me and can see I am a great addition to their team luv.gif Everyone is so sweet and nice there. I was kind of looking forward to part-time for a few months laughing.gif But I'll be happy to be full-time! More money and responsibility, yay!!

That's great!! I'm still loving the fact I'm not working..laughing.gif Course, by spring it may be a different story..

Well, my Nanaimo Bars were a hit today!! Even without the custard powder..*but then, no one here knew any difference..laughing.gif * And I also made some butter tart squares. They turned out good, but for some reason didn't *quite* taste like butter tarts, probably because it wasn't in tart shells. I gotta find some of those or at least the foil cups to make my own pastry. *Ugh...very difficult...I've done it before* The main thing is Tim liked them...

Gotta bring in some Canadian cooking around here...And the fact the Naniamo Bars were founded only an hour away from where I grew up!! smile.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-18 19:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
What is wrong with people?
That poor little guy... that's heartbreaking...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-15 14:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
I love the library. I had to pare down my book collection due to my pending move and it was hard. But I love my books. I love the library...

QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 15 2009, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning all,

Well the snow that has been sitting on the ground here for a couple of days now should be melting shortly! We are supposed to get a high of at least 4 today and then in the teens for the 3 days after that!

We have a library about 10 minutes from where we live, which is really handy, plus saves us buying all these books! I have a book or maybe 2 ready for pick up today yay!

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-15 12:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
@ Mal...

Did you tell her to shut her cake hole? Or no?
lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-13 11:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
That is nasty and hilarious.
I have never had that stuff before but... I was going to buy it for this Thanksgiving to go with apple crumble – I'd made two, one normal and one for a diabetic friend who was there. I figured instead of ice cream, they could have some cool whip. I read the ingredients and promptly put it back as it's made with petroleum products and chemicals.

No ####### your stomach was a mess -- that stuff is poison. I'd go with the whipped cream route. Diabetic friend ended up having ice cream anyway...

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 13 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I was a kid... - none of these stories ever end good by the way - the "when I was a kid" ones. laughing.gif

BUT when I was a kid, I ate a whole tub of cool whip... it was at thanksgiving and my cousin brought it down to the basement where we were playing with two spoons and he had like 3 bites and then ran off to do something else. Well, I just kept on eating it.... until the entire tub was gone. After I was finished I was SO sick, but didn't want to tell anyone what I had done. So it was time for dinner and I was literally laying on the floor moaning and groaning, and no one knew what was wrong with me. I started bawling and told my mom that I was dying and that my stomach felt like it was burning. She brought me to the hospital right away thinking I could have a pendicitis or something. I was freaking out because it hurt so bad. But I never actually admitted to eating the entire tub of cool whip.

Soon after we arrived at the hospital and were sitting in the waiting room my aunt came in with the empty tub of cool whip in her hands and said: "Is this what's killing you?"


lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-13 11:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
What? Wait? Big Bird's not real?

What a way to bum a girl out!!!


QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Oct 2 2009, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought it was a fictional character! ... like big bird. tongue.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-02 14:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
That's awesome! No, I wouldn't stay somewhere due to just the paperwork either. You were lucky, you guys got to be together for the process. That's great, Calgary, eh? You missed the Stampede this year.

I feel almost lucky that I don't have to worry about the importing the car shenanigans. On the other hand, I am going to be one of those newbies who will be learning to drive/have/maintain a car for the first time ever. And honestly? I am not that young. :|

Good news for you and yes, being happy is the key, regardless of paperwork/money and cars and such...

QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 12 2009, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It wasn't that much of a hassle really. We were both living in Canada - so that wasn't a big deal and so basically it is just money and paperwork - plus, I would never stay somewhere just because I did the paperwork laughing.gif

No big deal to move back - my Husband is already a Canadian PR - so that's cool - of course the process of moving is a hassle and it is a much bigger hassle importing your car to Canada than it is importing a car to the U.S.

We are moving back to Calgary.

lggNot TellingCanada2009-07-12 10:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois

Really? After all the hassle of getting there? Oh, but I guess now that it's all done, you can go back and forth and such right?

Wow... may I ask whereabouts in Canada?

Now I'm curious as to all the semantics involved in that...
but you sound happy about it so that's what counts.

QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 12 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh and, we are moving back to Canada in a few weeks smile.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-07-12 10:01:00
CanadaCongrats, Americana2009!!
OH man that is AWESOME!!!!

Congratulations, Americana2009! That was a hell of a wait and thank goodness you're on your way!

Best of luck to you...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-08 10:59:00
CanadaI-134 questions and one about immunizations!
I was schooled in B.C. as well and they didn't have my records. So... I had a titre test done and then had all my shots updated. Way back in the summer just to save myself the hassle when medical time came around. I'd suggest you do the same -- just get them all done, and be totally up to date. just make sure the issuing doctor gives him his yellow vaccination card to show the panel doctor that he is, indeed up to date.

it was a pain in the butt getting a titre test and then all the shots but they're free and it doesn't hurt to be boostered.

I'd suggest go and getting them done. Save yourself the hassle.

Best of luck...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 21:07:00
CanadaUnemployment Questions
Oh yeah? I am going to go back and read it again -- I had not thought this information woudl be on it.

Bad, LGG, BAD!!!!


I sent you a PM about this lgg!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 13:19:00
CanadaUnemployment Questions
but the EI threads are very rarely looked at and I'd like to figure this out ASAP:

I have two jobs, one full time ( the big money maker) and a second job that's part time on the weekends.

IF I were to quit the BIG job during the week sooner, for the same reasons, to relocate to be with spouse and the smaller job later, which ROE would they look at OR
do they just want to see that I've logged the right amount of hours and made a certain amount of money over the years?

I am not sure how this works. I will probably stay at both jobs until the same time but part of me almost wants to ditch the big job a little sooner.

Not sure if I'm being clear here and if not, I'd be happy to clarify if someone were able to help/answer my questions.

Thanks so much,
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 12:31:00
CanadaWho's Going to be in YVR During 2010?
I like it!

Will be using it.

It's Fark My Life. Like when you have a "ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" moment.

Get with the program, people!


lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 12:00:00
just wanted to wish you guys good luck and happiness -- i always am charmed by your posts and your photos -- especially of your beautiful wedding dress!
Happy to hear that all went well and that you made it just fine!

Keep us posted of all the other stuff you guys make it t hrough.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-07 16:06:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
You're a real sweetie, thanks a lot!

No problem..Glad to be of help there..
Lol..Just speaking from experience, that's all..:)
(By no means I'm a lawyer..and if you need to consult one, by all means to such instead...;)...)
Good luck redirecting your mail and good luck with your journey too.


lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 18:05:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
Wow, Ant, you are one wealth if information!!! wow... .

Thanks everyone, I think I'm just going to redirect to my friend's place for about 3-6 months...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 18:54:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
NO kidding, eh? I think they want to penalize us for leaving canada! ;D

Well, I'm going to make up for it with cheaper groceries and lip balm!

Not. Kidding.

No kidding!!!

I also had mine forwarded to family in Canada. It cost me $40.95 for 6 months. I would just check in weekly to see what I had received and then picked it up whenever I was back to visit. It would definitely be less expensive for you to have your mail forwarded to family/friends and have them mail it to you periodically in bulk.

Boy nothing about this process is cheap!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 11:46:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
Yeah, I think I might get my best friend to do it for me. I don't expect too much but it'd be nicer than wondering what came my way that I may haev missed and I don't trust my landlord to get it to me should it come....

I won't be spending the 200$ though...

I still think, if you have a friend or family member you can redirect the mail too, then you should do that. It MAY be cheaper.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 11:22:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
Yeah, i think i'm going to do that. Also, upon further research, I found I could do a temporary change of address to the US for 3 months for 75$.... i'll see how much address changing I get done.

I think when I moved down here, i just changed my addy to my parents in SASk. 99% of it is junk anyhow.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 10:57:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
Yeah, I have done it within Canada before too and as I recall, there wasn't quite the same extent of... WTH???
Hmm, I may just be very prudent about changing my address with folks then -- I don't get a ton of mail anyway so I figure I'll just do it the old fashioned way....

Well at least there you all go, if you want to do a mail change with Canada post for the US, it'll be 200 bucks!

When I worked at the PO in highschool it was only $30. But, that may have only been within Canada.

I just changed my address with all of the important places and the rest I figured was junk.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 10:30:00
Canada200 Dollars?????
I was just doing some pre-planning/organizing and thought, hey, I'll check and see if i can do a mail transfer with Canada post to catch the mail I might miss once I move.

Holy mackerel! they want 196$ to transfer my mail from Toronto to Maryland for a year.
I was a little sticker-shocked and can't tell if that's extreme or not. I can't imagine what I'd get in the mail that would warrant that expense but....

What did you guys do? Did you do this?

Just wondering and am still in shock...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 10:21:00
Canadaphotos for med. exam-CDN size or USD size?
When you get them done in Canada like at Superstore or Shoppers Drug mart, you can specify that they do them to American Specs -- it's what I had done with all mine. Oh, and they really do need/use all 3 for the medical.

Good luck!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 10:22:00
CanadaNS woman denied entry
Yah right, eh? Hoping to get help to cure her of her glaring ignorance, maybe!

"Manna said she has contacted a lawyer and is hoping to get help."

Yah, good luck, lmao! The lawyer will just tell she was inadmissible due to immigration laws.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-08 10:04:00
CanadaNS woman denied entry
Man there have been people on this site who have been treated a damn site WORSE. Like way worse than this woman.

Just bad reporting is what this is. Placating and abiding by the dumbing down of the general public. Propagandizing the news headlines du jour and hoping that the general public doesn't notice the lack of facts or verification of events and such...

you know... the usual...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-07 16:17:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Sam and Ben!!
Darn those damn dilly-dally-ers!!!!

Hahaha. Look at the guy in the background shivering in your first picture. :lol:

Congratulations Sam! You look lovely. :luv: I tried to get down there in time for the wedding but my husband was dilly-dallying and I didn't make it. :angry:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 10:32:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Sam and Ben!!
Awwww! Congratulations you guys!!! You look great, albeit cold, and glad to hear that it was a good day!
Best of happiness to you both...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-10 09:36:00
CanadaA Solemn Announcement
I am so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to to talk/vent or express here any time you wish.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 16:02:00
Canadaandylans and Justcheckin...
HOpe you both had tons of luck and we'd love to hear your results and feedback!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 13:28:00
CanadaToronto Medical - for NON-Torontonians
I think that what happens is, i'm hoping, is that w hen you go back for your results, and they're all okay, they give you the results in a SEALED envelope that cannot be opened by you. You then pass that on to the person who conducts your interview and there is no need for another set to be made. They also give you a notice that you get to keep for your records -- your vaccinations and such.

As far as I know, and I'd like to be corrected if I'm wrong, but you really have no need to obtain another transcript of this procedure. I may have to do it again once I go for my 10 year green card but I'm not sure as of yet.

not very helpful, was that?

quick question since my medical is next monday.

do i need to ask the doc to make copies of any of the forms for me for my AOS? i'm a tad confused about the vaccinateion i693 ds-3025 etc.. I mean..i dont get why some ppl have to see a panel physicial afterwards to get a transcription? i thought everything in the medical envelope was all i need for a k1? or am i just confused and mixing up multiple processes? lol.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 16:45:00
CanadaMontreal February Scheduling...
Dear Kballtex...
I hear you on that, when I was interview hunting and would get declined, that phone call ALWAYS made me cry. At my desk. At work. Like a lot...
Sorry to hear that...

No dice on an appointment for February. Just got off the phone with NVC. I really should stop calling them during the work day, they really have a way of screwing me up for the rest of the day.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 13:01:00
CanadaMontreal February Scheduling...
Wow, they really cleaned up some, eh?

Congratulations to everyone!

It's so exciting!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-11 18:02:00
CanadaSent package to Montreal...fingers crossed!!!
Best wishes, BRock... I hope it all goes fast for you.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-15 11:24:00
CanadaHi :)

Get outta here, Charles!!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-12 13:40:00
Canada10 months to citizenship. I am going to do it.

I sometimes feel like doing that at Burger King when I don't feel like standing in line for my Whopper!!! Watch them pickles fly!!


My uncle who traps, I remember being a kid and going up to visit my cousins and you'd never want to go to the basement because there's be dead animals hanging upside down... and giant hooks and everything. My uncle is such a backwoods type of man. I remember driving with him in his truck and there were all these cars on the side of the highway looking at a moose in the swamp. All these tourists were snapping pictures of this majestic moose and my uncle gets out and grabs his gun from the back of his truck and shot the damn thing!!

People were HORRIFIED! And he looks at them smiled and said: "Well you can all come over for dinner if you like" I remember just ducking down in my seat and wanting to just crawl into a hole and die... just until all those people left.

He's just your typical northern small town native.

He took me fishing once when I was 12 and we were sitting in a boat and I was happily fishing and all of a sudden he grabs his gun and starts shooting into the water. I like fell off my seat and was down on the floor with my ears covered wondering what the hell was going on!! Then after he's done he says: "I get tired of waiting for them to bite"

He's such a character... I have thought about writing a book about him.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-14 13:17:00