CanadaAnt’s 3 years and 3000 posts later...Goodbye, Good Luck, and Thank You to All!
AWwwww... you'll be missed, Ant... but good luck with everything and enjoy your life and your baby!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-26 16:01:00
CanadaGetting Married to a Canadian


Ohhhh...poopy on my cheerios!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 16:14:00
CanadaWhat Happens if Customs is Cranky??
It's true. AS a person who doesn't drive or own a car (yet!) the driving into buffalo is not an option for me. So, AC it is... my ticket this trip was less than 300$ for a one way ticket my first one way ticket ever!!!!

Yeah, like Krikit, I always fly FROM the States. I drive down to Seattle then fly out from there. Costs me half as much. My flight from Vancouver to Montreal was $545 CDN after taxes. Compare that to the flight I (stupidly) canceled last week from Seattle to Baltimore for $218 CDN, after taxes.

Canada only has two National airlines, which really allows them to gouge you. And then there's the ridiculous taxation on airline tickets up here...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:58:00
CanadaWhat Happens if Customs is Cranky??
Hey... how do you guys avoid the BIG airlines??? I find that Air Canada is the only airline I can take from Toronto that goes direct into BWI...
But frankly, they've been pretty good to me this year and I can't complain too much....


am looking forward to having options open up to me regarding flights in the US...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:04:00
CanadaCanadian Girl Trying to Figure out Best Options
Word on that as a self proclaimed flamee on occasion. I appreciate people's honesty and points of view a lot... heck, it's great reading!

Also, saying your bit and being open make for a way better e-friendship than not.

:lol: What the heck are you talking about Zans!

There are no special priviledges for popular posters here (do you mean people that post a lot??), well not that I see. Each time we hit that reply button we all open ourselves up for a nice old flaming :thumbs:

I am glad you decided to go ahead and hit reply!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 18:59:00
Oh I sure will, Reven...
I'm not really sure how it's going to go, to be frank BUT, it's an hour long flight though she and I will be going through secondary to process my visa and such. I am planning on buying a spray bottle of a cat pheromone that I'm hoping might get her to relax a bit. I feel bad for her -- she's in for a bit of rough go as once we get her home, we have to introduce her and my husband's cat. Oh yeah... i predict some fur flying.

Am reading up on how to do that at the moment. Will keep you posted if you're interested...

Tell us how your kitty handled the flying!

Two years ago, I wanted to fly hubby's two kitties from Chicago to Seattle but he was really concerned with their ability to handle flying. So we opted to do a road trip across instead--yup, costed a boatload of moola. Fun, but I would have preferred the 4-hour flight vs the one-week road trip.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 13:51:00
I bet you get it today, Biglos -- it would make sense. BTW, got an update form CP letting me know that the item was delivered successfully! OF course I know this already!
Keep us posted, Big... it's very exciting, to say the least!

Yea on the way to Montreal there was a lady with a baby pitbull in her bag on the flight, I thought that was awesome.

My packet is in Richmond this morning! Might show up today!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 11:55:00
Oh my gosh... it's so true!!!

Time to count the sleeps! :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:06:00
I am flying with Air Canada... I also booked my kitty her spot on the plane too -- they let you fly with your cat in the cabin with you (in a carrier of course) but I have to be the only person with a cat on the flight so.... just booked her in this morning.

Very exciting. I know you're a little blue about leaving Florida and all... but Maryland is really gorgeous...

I'll let you know which date we're flying up! It has to be booked through the relocation company so my husband is coordinating that. Who are you flying with?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:00:00
Really eh? I booked it last night -- February 26th! I find that sort of synchronicity charming!

Wheeeeeee! Congratulations!! We'll both be heading to that neck of the woods at the same time. We have our house-hunting trip coming up then.

Well, I think so too -- I interviewed last Tuesday, Biglos on Wednesday and the packages were sent out on the Friday...
Dunno if t hat's a constant but it matches what I've heard...

When I talked to DOS that is what they told me that all mail goes out on Friday afternoon.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 09:51:00
The relief is palpable, to say the least -- I am not even a bit upset that those scam artists took 1.50$ from me for the sign on deliver -- would have cost me 6$ to go to the post office and back!
So there, CP!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 19:01:00
Thanks commies Nagi and Melr....

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks RobandMel...

i feel ridic now for fretting so hard about it...
Oh well.. it is kind of a big deal.

congratulations lgg :)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 18:30:00
I know, it's a relief as I was worried about taking all these HUGE steps for me and then having a problem with its arrival or whatever.

Big relief....

Yay!!! Now you can just concentrate on your big big move!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 18:22:00
Well, I'm buying my one way ticket tonight so... I plan on doing my POE on the 26th of February. A week after I have my last day of work.

I'm all packed, gotta book the pod and well... moving forward!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 18:20:00
Good thing I paid for signature upon delivery -- it was crammed in our mail slot! Oh well, dont' care, it's here, it's all good, it's beautiful and next step!!! POE!!!

It took less than a week and the tracking was not that on the ball but don't care. It's here!

Thanks for letting me vent about it. I iz happy now!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 18:14:00
CanadaFrom hotel dauphin in montreal and a bit nervous LOL
Very, very good news for you! that is awesome and i'm really glad it worked out -- I know you were stressed and almost resigned to a rejection -- this is awesome.

Best to you and your wife...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 18:39:00
CanadaFrom hotel dauphin in montreal and a bit nervous LOL
Congrats, Choch!! That is awesome news!
Good to hear and good job -- sleepless night for nothing, eh?

will write a review in time need to get some sleep. No celebration yet maybe some sleep ,we drove home right after the interview. it was only 5.5 hours but still just pooped!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 16:15:00
CanadaFrom hotel dauphin in montreal and a bit nervous LOL

Wishing you goodluck!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 11:41:00
CanadaWhat This Thread Needs is More Kittens
Here's a pic of my Georgia-cat...

I posted this somewhere else here but I think this thread is more appropriate...

She's about 16 years old and just a sweet little muffin. Naps, eats, cuddles and well, that's about it. She's a doll.
Hopefully she'll be getting her visa soon too in a few days.

Attached Files

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-21 13:22:00
CanadaWhat This Thread Needs is More Kittens
Oh wow... what cutie pies those guys are!!!!

Nope, no relation!
We got Mojo first, then about 8 months later, we got Charlie.
They bonded right away and now they are best of friends :)
Posted Image

We adore them!!!

Thanks! :)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-21 13:20:00
CanadaWhat This Thread Needs is More Kittens
I have a cat named Georgia! She's the BEST! I'll post a pic of her when I can find one. She's 16 years old. Sweet, chubby, chillaxed and my sweet little fur-friend. I really do dig her quite a lot.

I also call her:
Muffin and

lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 15:57:00
CanadaRoasted Groundhog
Yeah, I'll have a sammich, thanks. Cole slaw on that little sucker too...

I'm tired of winter. As I write this, yet another dose of sleet and snow is expected here in MN over the next couple of days.

That darn groundhog had to see his shadow yesterday. Ticked me right off. So, in order to honor the little rodent in an manner appropriate and befitting him - given his dire prediction - I say we have a virtual groundhog roast today.

Anyone have some Bar-B-Que sauce?


lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-03 10:57:00
Canadaannotation: Blanket Waiver 212(G)(2)(A)
Well, I would have just sent you the bill for my dry-cleaning after I'd puked all over myself with fear and panic!
So there missy!

:hehe: <<<<< yourself!!!!

This thread could have been so much fun, but you sensible people ruined it !!

Something along the lines of:


Wow, I am glad you mentioned that annotation. I have seen a couple of people post about this before and it can have serious consequences when you are being cleared through the POE.

Basically it means that you have been granted the visa, however the POE personnel need to give you extra screening to ensure that you are in fact a genuine immigrant and do not have a fradulent marriage.

Of the two that posted only one was denied entry to the U.S. - I hope those people will add to this thread. Good luck :thumbs:

but noooooo :hehe:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 16:11:00
Canadaannotation: Blanket Waiver 212(G)(2)(A)
Oh yeah --she's under the wire about her wicked (and I do mean wicked) sense of humour!

For some reason I would have NEVER thought TM would post such a message :) She always has the best possible sensible advise for everyone, didnt know she had a funny and evil side to her :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 15:58:00
Canadaannotation: Blanket Waiver 212(G)(2)(A)
Well, I would have just sent you the bill for my dry-cleaning after I'd puked all over myself with fear and panic!
So there missy!

:hehe: <<<<< yourself!!!!

All in fun...

This thread could have been so much fun, but you sensible people ruined it !!

Something along the lines of:


Wow, I am glad you mentioned that annotation. I have seen a couple of people post about this before and it can have serious consequences when you are being cleared through the POE.

Basically it means that you have been granted the visa, however the POE personnel need to give you extra screening to ensure that you are in fact a genuine immigrant and do not have a fradulent marriage.

Of the two that posted only one was denied entry to the U.S. - I hope those people will add to this thread. Good luck :thumbs:

but noooooo :hehe:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 15:25:00
Canadaannotation: Blanket Waiver 212(G)(2)(A)
I figure it's because I was too old for the HPV or I gave a verbal declaration of having had chicken pox . Not worried about it, just curious is all..

yeah mine had the same thing

Yep. Identical to that. It was also on my record of vaccinations sheet too. Okay. Cool. just wanted to make sure that mine wasn't unique in that regard.

On my vaccination supplement there was a checked box that said something like, "applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver" then there was another one that said something like "vaccinations not age appropriate" and then it had the 212(g)(2)(a).

Is that something similar to what yours says? This was forever ago so the wording might be a little messed up. But, Its not a problem, it just means there are vaccinations you aren't required to have because of age, etc. like you thought. There aren't any actual waivers to fill out or anything.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 14:51:00
Canadaannotation: Blanket Waiver 212(G)(2)(A)
I googled it and I think it just means that due to age or whatnot, I wasn't eligible for some of the vaccinations? Just want to check into it. I doubt it means too much as I have my visa and it looks like it's good to go, just never heard of anyone else mentioning this?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 14:45:00
CanadaThanks guys...

Yea I found my ex's wife and she weighs like 300 pounds... I've been smiling ever since.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 13:37:00
CanadaThanks guys...
Hmmm, that's a VERY good idea, Reven...
Smart and thanks for sharing...

Igg, you know what I do with people who are acquaintances? I create a list of them and put restrictions on this group (i.e. limited access to my profile, pics, etc) and when I update my status (I rarely do BTW), I exclude this group.

So why do I keep this people around?--ever bump into them in a party or on the street?'s nice to have a FB database on them so you can remember their names and what they do (for work or interest) during these idle chats, LOL.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 13:11:00
CanadaThanks guys...
ha!! that 5% of iffy is the high school people that I barely know!!! Everyone else I consider a 'friend' e-friend status or not... they are people I like.

I wonder how many of your VJ FB friends are feeling kind of insecure right now. LOL

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:49:00
CanadaThanks guys...
Well, that's just weird, right? People are funny. So far, 95% of the friends on my list are really my friends. Couple of high school people there that I barely know anymore just on a whim but really?
People are funny...

Yeah. I've unfriended people lately who I don't have regular contact with. I might continue that trend shortly. Frankly, I don't care about what's happening with some guy I barely talked to in high school, or some co-worker from two jobs ago...

I think there are MANY people out there who pride themselves on how many Facebook "friends" they have. I'm certainly not one of them!

dont unfriend me pls.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:44:00
CanadaThanks guys...
Exactly. I don't want someone whom I've never met having access to my stuff. She can look over my nephew's sh oulder if she's that interested in a perfect stranger's life. I think I'm going to be very liberal with rejections of people I don't know of don't want to have access to my stuff... why not?

Lgg...I've rejected more people than I've friended. No joke. I never intend offense to those I don't's just that they're usually people I don't know very well and never will. That, or people who I know "professionally" or knew through former associations I'm no longer involved with etc.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:34:00
CanadaThanks guys...
Oh PS...

MY 20 year old Nephew's girlfriend sent me a friend request yesterday... I have never met this girl, she's 20, I have no desire to have idle chitchats with people I don't know so...

I declined it. Is that rude? Am I going to internet etiquette hell?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 10:05:00
CanadaThanks guys...
Hey there mstangie...
I missed this earlier... my visa arrived yesterday and it took 6 days, including 2 weekend days to get to me so... not so bad... .
Canada Post tracking is horrible though...
I think I fall within the 'normal' range of things, most people took between 5 and 7 days...
Hope that helps.

I never saw it posted, but did you ever get your visa in the mail? If so how long did it take it to get to you?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-02 09:36:00
CanadaThanks guys...


"CRACK'book has won over yet another innocent soul!!! :devil: BWA HAHAHAHA

seriously..add me as a friend!!! :thumbs:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 14:04:00
CanadaThanks guys...

LOL, not much a facebook user...but writes up a storm of updates...hmmmmm. ^_^

Igg, sent you a friend request. Welcome to FB!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 11:21:00
CanadaThanks guys...
Ya know? I think I might too...
I is embarrassed about my condemning of it for this whole time!

I love facebook :D

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 10:56:00
CanadaThanks guys...
HA!! I'm all about the former, my friend!

Yep...if you treat it like a self-updating Rolodex, it's great. If you treat it like it's a party-house, full of all your friends and acquaintances, maybe you need to reconsider. ;)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 10:27:00
CanadaThanks guys...
It's odd but I agree with both Krikit AND Wyatt...

I just see it saving me the dilemma of, I miss those guys but I dont' want to send a billion emails, we'll see... I think it'll be a good tool to keep myself in the fair loop if I choose and such...

Facebook is The Evil.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 10:22:00
CanadaThanks guys...
I decided to join FB since I will be leaving all my buddies soon, and now I'm like a monster!!! I blame you guys for planting the seed in mah brain!
Thanks Sprails and Wyatt...

that being said... I actually now see how it can be a usefull thing to keep in contact with people but not have to write a billion emails a week to do so...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-02-01 10:15:00