CanadaMontreal denied!!!
AW... i'm sorry Dalene... that's a huge bummer. But it at least sounds like it's all fixable. I am sorry though that you have to go through a touch more waiting though... IT does strike me as odd though that they'd want you to give up your Canadian PR card...

I'm sorry, just a little more time and it'll get done, right?

Chin up!
lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-24 12:28:00
Canadapsst, I got my driver's license today (for the 1st time ever) at 26 :)
Hey, congratulations!

And pssssst... at almost 40, I too will soon have my very first valid drivers' license. I lived in Montreal and Toronto for my valid driving years -- never needed one.

:)Posted Image
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-18 10:48:00
CanadaPOE @ Sweet Grass, MT
Ali! Congats, lady! So glad to hear from you and hear that all went well! Welcome to the USA, sistah!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-25 06:59:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
I just saw this Moosker! When he added me to his card, I didn't have a SSN, and he didnt use my SIN either. Little late to this question but that's what was done/not done.

They asked for mine.

When he first added me to his card, I was still in Canada. Now, with my own card, it's all mine and nothing to do with him so yeah the took all my info of course. Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me or whatever if you have any other questions.

Quick question LGG - when your husband added you on his card, did he provide your social with it? My hubby just added me, but they didn't ask for my social.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 14:12:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
Nope, I'm not employed yet but they did want to see our joint tax returns from the past two years. I dunno, It's a mystery to me. I had already assumed that being a secondary card holder would have zero impact on my credit score -- this is just one of those odd things that worked out in our favour?

For once.

Are you employed? I wonder if that makes a difference. Once I found a full time job and had direct deposit regularly, I think that also helped me get a credit card. I mean, I know LGG isn't employed yet, so that might not be it... but maybe the combined family income needs to be above a certain number?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 10:56:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
sam and ben, I would check another branch of your bank or something, the woman we had on Saturday at our bank was super nice and seemed to care that she was helping us out. not sure if that has any impact but it sure would feel less crappy if I'd been denied.

But it's true, you should be able to establish some credit and if worse comes to worst, then you can have your husband co-sign for you until you've established some credit and such.

Good luck, eh? keep us posted as to how it goes,okay?
My webbed toes are crossed for you.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 08:09:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
yeah, same here. My husband has a very high credit score and great credit rating/long standing. We is also probably much older than the average newlyweds so, that might play a factor too. Posted Image
We've had a long time to establish credit and such...

I did the same thing as LGG and have no problem. My husband added to 2 of his Bank of America cards with high limits. When i checked my credti report after being added they were both on there, so they were both reported to the credit bureau. I was then approved for a Capital One card shortly after and then another Chase card with a high balance shortly after that.

My husband also has an above excellent credit score. We just bought a car and the interest rate was insanely low, and it wasn't the promotional APR either, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. He's had a credit card for a long time, over 10 years... that could be it too.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 07:30:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
another option too, is that before I was approved for this CC, the lady at the bank said that my husband could co-sign a card for me. It would still be my card, establishing my credit but he would co -sign it to make the bank feel at ease, i suppose. It's worth a shot. I also had a really good chat with the lady who helped us and she was all about ensuring that i got a card to help establish my credit.

so, i hope it works out. Maybe your husband could co-sign your CC for you and then that'd be the first step to gaining US credit?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 07:25:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
Geez, sorry Sam and Ben... NO, it's not just you -- just some weird stroke of something.

I'm sorry about your credit dilemma... wish I could say something really useful.

Haha, of course. It's probably just me.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 22:02:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
The original card was a Chase card...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 21:59:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
Thanks huggles, I think it was just some good planning ahead and luck combined.

I don't think so, huggles as his CC company required nothing from me. He added me and I didn't even know until he gave me a card when I was visiting. they never asked for a SSN or anything BUT we were already married so... not sure if that is a necessity.

That's awesome lgg! Now you don't have to start from the beginning like so many people do.

I'm going to assume that this plan will probably only work for CR-1's? Would a credit card company let you add your fiance(e) as an authorized user on your card? I'm not really sure.

Sorry sam and ben but not reporting 'us'? as in sometimes they do report the secondary and sometimes they don't?
Just curious... and like i said, I think it's just pure, simple luck for sure.

I was added as a fiancee.

It's definitely not an issue of good credit on hubby's behalf, as we just had his checked when we bought me a car and it was excellent. Apparently it's just an issue of Chase not reporting AUs to the credit bureaus... Some do, some don't, so says the research I've come across.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 21:50:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
I can see that. I also should state, that for the new card that I'm getting that's all in my own name, we had to show the bank our last two years of joint tax returns and such.

I know nothing about this and to the person that asked, it was as simple as adding me as a secondary card holder. Nothing more complicated than that so...

I think we hit a patch of good luck, good timing and a lucky loophole. I also agree, it's stupid that they can't get our canadian credit reports.

Few yrs now, maybe 4,lol that suzie orman financial guru chick stated Credit card companies were getting rid of that loop hole--gaining credit by piggybacking onto anothers credit card, but they haven't yet!! One has to use the proper WORDING when it comes to being on another persons credit card! I can't recall what it is. Sorry, not much of a help,lol

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 21:40:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
not sure how it works at all, Sam and Ben but my husband has a really good credit score and has for years. We were surprised at the bank too as I had not expected to get a score, never mind a 'good' one. But the lady working with us said that yes, in fact, it was a direct 'piggy pack' on my husband's good credit -- it bled over onto my name/score as well.

I would just suggest that if the USC spouse has a good credit rating, put the non-USC spouse as a secondary card holder, i was expecting to be rejected by Target and Khols and everywhere but now I'm establishing some good ole LGG USA credit.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 21:35:00
CanadaObtaining credit in the US
Hey there... just opened up a new bank account this Saturday and while were doing so, the woman did a credit check on my SSN and name just to see -- I had a credit score of 794 or something like that -- shocking as I've only been in the US for 6 weeks or so.

It turns out that a year or so ago when we first started our Visa journey, my husband put me on one of his credit cards as a secondary holder. He only used it to travel and always paid it right off. Thus, my credit score. So, i applied for my own visa card and was approved for quite a high amount. I could NOT believe it.

So, for those of you early in the process or just starting, get your USC spouse to put you on their CC as a secondary holder, it could establish some US credit for you.

One of the easier things I had to do here.

Just thought I'd pass this on.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 20:09:00
I just wanted to chime in and say chin up, lady! We were all here with you at one point. I remember writing this HUGE lament about not being with my husband and step daughter and bawling my eyes out at work while i was writing it. It was such torture but then, we got our interview and it all sped up and scared the ####### out of me once it was all rolling. You'll get there and it'll be worth it. I promise. It may not seem like it now and it sucks, I know but you'll get there. We have ALL complained about Montreal and it's lack of progress. Our process took about 10 months with no RFEs or anything. Perfect, clean files. We waited like 160 days or thereabouts for our interview and that was agony .

Good luck to you, it'll happen and we're here to listen while you wait.
best of luck...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-25 17:51:00
CanadaChange my name or not??
yeah, I did that with my beav...

KIDDING!!! geez...

Speaking of brows, I totally accidentally waxed half of mine off last month with a 'home-kit' and I have had all of this time to fix it.... but I just keep them like that now... because I like the confused looks I get....

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-25 19:25:00
CanadaChange my name or not??
Pfffft! Here I thought you guys were having fun without me!

No we were talking about brow jobs... waxing, tweezing and all that fun stuff.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-25 18:09:00
CanadaChange my name or not??
Did someone say blowjobs???
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-25 14:01:00
CanadaChange my name or not??
I took my husband's last name simply because I wanted to. No feminist dialogue, no slave trade, no matching of consonants and vowels. I just plain wanted to. I figured it didn't need any justification and those that would judge me because of it are jerks and as unforward thinking and closed-minded as those that they so deign to preach against.

It was no honour-bound notion, no tradition-laced motivation -- i did it simply because i was free to do so and that is what i did.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-25 12:39:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
You did the exact right thing, Sprails. I think at a certain point in our lives we have to ditch the bo-ho thing and take onus for ourselves and and such. I don't have a lot of friends like that, per se, but I have a few friends that could do with a good bout of emotional growing up. I think when you have a family and such, you have to put these things first and not run around skipping off to places with no real set plan or anything.

you know the story Sprails, but my best friend ever wanted me to jaunt off to NYC with her when I first moved to the US on my Visa. Like I hadn't even been here a month yet, I had no jobs and no money coming in nad I was kinda beside myself with a little panic and not settled at all. But she was like, let's go to NYC and party and who cares about money and such. I was kinda like, I cannot do it. It was just wrong and i wasnt' ready. Didn't go on the trip and the friendship went down the crapper after that.

I can sympathize Sprails... as you know... it's kind a the same thing, people have to grow up and get out of the me-me-me mentality.

You did the right thing by saying no. You really did.

I have a group of friends from back home, who haven't quite grown up yet. They still like to party all of the time and go from job to job and are still acting like they're 19. The thing is, they're in their late twenties. I still talk to them, say hi on facebook, but thats about it. I don't hang with these people... but have known them for years.

One of these friends has decided to come to the states and then email me and ask if he can come "stay" with me until he gets settled. He's doing this all from NYC.

Umm no. You can't. Settled? How are you going to get settled? I live in NJ, you can't get anywhere without a car He doesn't have a visa, he just came here... and thinks everything is going to be okay and he can work under the table... ####### he was thinking, I'll never know... but again he never "grew up"

Where I live is a home, with a child, a dog and a husband. It's not like some squat where people can just come stay and live.

I felt sort of bad, but was more insulted that he would even put me in such a position to have to say no, or to even assume he could just come live with me.

Oh and he's a recovering heroin addict... just in case someone wants to come in and call me a b1tch for acting this way.

It just reminds me that I have really outgrown these friendships I formed when I was a teenager. None of these people outgrew their teen years... they went on to become really messed up people.. and I don't even get it. I can't wrap my head around it anymore. So I deleted a few of them from my fb and decided that they're not really friends and it was the memories that I was holding on to.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-06-05 11:20:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Word on that! There were days when I was like COME ON, let's get this going but all in all, it was fine. I enjoy my time aong an doing my thing and I'm sure my husband will appreciate some time to himself at some point too!

but yeah, the AOS thing. I don't want to get into it but it kinda needs to be revamped, me thinks.

You and me both! :lol:

My MIL keeps inviting us down to the shore on weekends and I have been trying to convince HIM to go. :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-06-04 08:51:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Is TJ Maxx like Winner's in Canada?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-28 10:11:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
*knock knock knock*

that sucks, man! I hear you (get it???) I think i am thisclose to going to the doctor myself -- my cold is all but gone but I still have some serious sinus issues as in, they're so clogged I need a spray like otravin or something and then I'm fine. WTH?? Don't get sick for years and then get a cold that will not go away. nothing bums me out more than not being able to breath.
Oh, and your ear infection, that bums me out more.

I have an ear infection. It sucks.

On the bright side, I literally called the doctors this morning and didn't expect to be seen right away but they did, so I left work, went to get some meds and then came back... but now I'm feeling even worse... there's so much pressure on the left side of my head. I know it'll start to get worse before it gets better and he said it will take a day or two for the medications to kick in, but this sucks.

Also I can't hear #######.


lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-26 17:15:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
ahhhh... so you're chilling together. That's cool. I just love movies and good TV. My new fave TV show is Breaking Bad -- is the freaking best!

We're usually on the computer.
We would play games together if I wasn't on a netbook.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-21 15:18:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
What??? Oh my gosh, to me that is the epitome of chillin'... we're on the couch, had a great dinner, kitties are asleep at your feet and we put a movie on. If I dont' like the movie, I read or surf the net, same with him but it's just really super nice to be all relaxed and hangin' out together. I love it. I love watching movies and stuff with him.

What do you guys do?

My husband and I don't watch movies.
Are we weird? :P

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-21 15:04:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
So.... no 4 glasses of wine with me tonight?

It's Friday. I'd be excited but I have to get up at 5:00 am tomorrow to drive my little eager boy to Atlantic City for a hockey game. I hate AC hockey parents, they're pretty much nuts. Rude, loud and obnoxious. News flash... none of our kids are going to make it to the NHL.. it's just a game.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-21 09:16:00
CanadaHow long...
Oh... I vaguely remember that... tell me again so I can freak out about that!

the earliest you can expect your passport is Friday. Tracking might work later in the evening today if they have already placed the visa in your passport and Canada Post picks it up this afternoon. In the meanwhile you can entertain yourself by reading about my passport drama in one of the posts :) At least I made Post Canada pay for my Express Envelope :dance:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-27 10:16:00
CanadaHow long...
in the mail with your EXpressPost envelope? I am checking my tracking number and still yet? Nothing. A little premature I know. The thing is, and I will probably sound a little nutty here but I was thinking of giving notice today at work and for some reason, was hoping for a sign that my passport/visa was on it's way -- lest the consulate changed their mind about us or something.. :blush:

Thanks everyone...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-27 09:53:00
CanadaUrgent Question for CR1
Okay... just wanted to list what they sent....
keep in mind, I sent in an exact duplicate of everything we filled out so...

The cover letters for the DS230 and the AOS
Section 1 of the DS230, Section 2 of the DS230, the unsigned one, as I'd signed the other one and she took it back.
All my originals including Police cert and my husband's divorce decree... the barcoded document cover sheets, my extra answer sheets, like explanation of 3 jobs all listed as current and the number of times I was in the US...

Umm, so to my rational mind, most of which I think I have misplaced, this seems to me like they're just clearing extraneous paper information via ME... I think i have nothing that they need as they have everything there as well.

So... I'm not going to harp on any longer BUT I do hope that if someone else finds this, they will take some solace in the fact that it's not just them...

Thanks a lot guys..

Edited by lgg, 28 January 2010 - 05:24 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-28 17:24:00
CanadaUrgent Question for CR1
Well, I'll let you guys know what I find, right now in my mind I have all the originals signed in my folder!!

Man, this process has made me an ever bigger worry-wart than normal.
thanks everyone for your kindness and patience -- I appreciate it a lot.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-28 14:01:00
CanadaUrgent Question for CR1
Well, it seems that a lot of people got their AOS stuff back but we got DS-230 stuff back. I really, really wish someone else had this happen to them, or knew something as I was not prepared for this as it is not mentioned anywhere else.

This really sucks. I am very worried now about whether or not there is going to be an issue.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-28 13:45:00
CanadaUrgent Question for CR1
After our interview we were given back all my original documents... HOWEVER, I also have the DS230 with me as well. I did sign the second portion of it and gave that back and I don't remember right now for sure if I have that too! I sure hope not! I did send in an exact duplicate of everything, and I don't know what they gave us back.

I am very worried now as I don't know if this is going to cause a delay. So, if anyone who has done a CR1 interview recently can chime in, I would very much appreciate that.

Thanks so much,
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-28 11:30:00
CanadaMy interview experience
Well, congrats for getting to the next step right? Shouldn't be too hard to get those few little things they need -- hope it doesn't trip you up too much and that it all goes well!

Keep us posted!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-29 07:34:00
CanadaGood Luck Today Biglos
Good luck, Biglos!

You will rock the house down!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-27 11:52:00
CanadaWoking Medical Services in Vancouver
OH yeah, I had a freaking boatload of stuff with me! Better safe t han sorry I thought. I had everything with me save for my brain -- I was addled as heck afterward. Seriously...

Oh, so you DID take it to your interview?

Hmm. I wonder if I should. With my luck I'd be the first case where they'd actually ask for it. :rolleyes:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-29 10:58:00
CanadaWoking Medical Services in Vancouver
Well, that's what I meant, silly!!! It's not like I carry it around like a light sabre or anything!
But yeah, I sorta knew that they don't normally take it but I figured I am bringing any and all things just in case, cuz you never know!

Having it tubed like that made it a lot easier to carry around...

You're actually keeping it and carrying it around? Hmm!

You didn't happen to take it to your CR-1 interview, did you?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-29 10:24:00
CanadaWoking Medical Services in Vancouver
Yeah, I got a checklist of my vaccinations from my Toronto Medical as well. Oh, tip for you all, if I may? I keep my chest x-ray rolled up in an old Xmas gift wrapping tube, but to the length needed. Makes it safe and WAY easier to carry around...


Meh. It was really no big deal...all very perfunctory. Women have it much worse when it comes to doctor's visits, so a mere pat-down of the package is just a very trivial thing, really. It's just another body part, to a doctor.

Yeah. It's moments like those where you realize how great VisaJourney is. I was pretty much just quiet in the waiting room, listening to some of the misinformation being spouted by a few people. But again...what good would it have done for me to point out the problems now? Clearly they're all one step away from their interviews, so I just stayed mum. It was quite hard not to say anything when I heard the one guy say "Yeah, but I can't visit the U.S. during the process, so my wife always has to visit ME." He'd also mentioned earlier that he was using a lawyer...which is probably why it has taken him three years. :whistle:

It's not a full encapsulation of the records -- just a vaccination checklist and confirmation, by the looks of it. I didn't look closely at it before I wrote my review (which was one of the first things I did as soon as I got home...wanted it fresh in my mind for you folks). The sealed envelope to be opened by the consulate is quite thick -- I'd guess at least five pages in there. I'm naturally VERY curious about what info is enclosed, but alas, I'll leave it sealed!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-29 10:20:00
CanadaWoking Medical Services in Vancouver
You are puffy hearted!

:lol: !!!!

You're like my favorite person!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-29 09:10:00
CanadaWoking Medical Services in Vancouver
HA! I had thought the exact same thing. Exact! and made a comment about it on here and was thusly corrected....
Me too, girl, me too...

great minds? Anyone? Anyone????

great review, Wyatt! You should be a writer or something! ;)
When she was man handling you, did you tell her to stay away from Wyatt's Torch????

Sorry... I go now...

I thought it was like: "Walk-in" but a play on words or something... :blush:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-29 07:32:00
CanadaAnt’s 3 years and 3000 posts later...Goodbye, Good Luck, and Thank You to All!
AWwwww... you'll be missed, Ant... but good luck with everything and enjoy your life and your baby!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-01-26 16:01:00