CanadaIR1/CR1 interviews at Montreal this week and next!
Good luck everyone! Can't wait to read your successful reviews and such... hope you all get some lovely weather in Montreal.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 09:06:00
CanadaIR1/CR1 interviews at Montreal this week and next!
yay! Congrats you guys, this is exciting -- almost everyone that I went through the process with is almost done!
Good luck to everyone -- looking forward to your positive reviews!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-14 14:23:00
CanadaFor those who have been in the U.S. for awhile...
The home sickness hit me like a ton of bricks the first week! I guess because the month or two before I left my friends were rallying around me and we just had so much fun. I miss my full on independence the most -- I HATE having to rely on people, even my sweet, generous husband to do things for me. I am NOT used to that. Even seeing people, Wyatt! I have to get them to drive to me right now as have no license or car or... SSN! But I swear, I'll make it up to you all.

Haven't gained weight as I've said as I have tons of time to go out and hike/run/bike or walk during the day and I do. We also don't keep junk at home and I i cook good healthy meals for us. Not like in TO where I'd drink tons of pints with my friends and eat cheeseburgers, sneak off to MCdoughs and you know... eat like ####### because it was so available.

We do have pizza Friday here at home, we get the BEST Pizza ever from Ledo's. Onion, salami and cheese. Oh yeah.

No job yet. Haven't even begun to look but I am starting to get my website ready as I'm going to see if I can drum up any freelance prospects. Thank you EI from Canada for letting be able to breath a bit while I look for work. You know?

anyway... it's different. I wouldn't change it, but it was a way bigger shock to my system than I'd thought.
But then I have a aweseome weekend of hanging out with my guy and doing stuff and laughing and whatever that I'm like, oh yeah -- otherwise on in Toronto on Saturday night I'd have gone for a pint or two after my second job, had a burger for dinner, cycled home to wait to talk to Bruce on the phone or visa MSN. Being here with him? trumps all.

Sorry for the sunday morning blabber...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-28 09:57:00
CanadaAny early March POE-er's get SSN yet with going to SSA office?
nah, don't feel bad sdw, it is what it is. I'm actually GLAD that they got it right with a few of us. I always get all huffy and want to write a letter -- they do ask for feedback... but really? I'm sure they don't give a rat's butt.
Don't feel bad, sdw... we'll all get it sorted.

I totally agree LGG. Do all or none. Feel bad for you all waiting.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-30 08:02:00
CanadaAny early March POE-er's get SSN yet with going to SSA office?
Yeah, you and biglos from what I recall. Which is great but... they should do all or none not this random b.s. -- just my Very Humble opinion. What's the deal with doing some and not others? It's not a big deal really to get it, I suppose but I just HATE with a passion, people/companies/etc saying yep, we do that/will do that and then they don't. Just take the damn box OFF the form then and let us know right off the bat that we're responsible for getting it.

yeah, yeah, broken record, I know.

I got mine without going to the office. Had to go into the office for my kids and still waiting on theres.

POED March 6 and got SSN the 17.
Went into the office for my kids March 15.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 18:01:00
CanadaAny early March POE-er's get SSN yet with going to SSA office?
I POEd around the same time and I have received bupkas. Got my welcome to the USA letter last week. We're going to the SSN office on Friday. I am annoyed that they get us to 'check a box' and then let us wait like morons for nothing. Just take away that box/option at least this way we know we're on our own from the get go.

Whatever I suppose.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 16:01:00
CanadaCanadian Male - US Female - Want to marry soon!
Lucky you, OBX, we had reasons why we had to go for Ontario. We were going to get married in Montreal which would have been great but there was something about posting the wedding on the doors of city hall for 20 days before and we could just not get it sorted.

But yeah, we could have saved a few months. Oh well, just want to warn anyone else thinking of Ontario.

Glad you got to avoid that hassle, OBX.

Yup, another reason why we chose anywhere but Ontario :)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-31 16:04:00
CanadaCanadian Male - US Female - Want to marry soon!
Hey Pauley...
I KNOW!! What is with Ontario? That 8-10 week wait was so out of control. And the thing with us too, is that my husband was previously divorced SO, Ontario also wanted us to get his divorce decree authenticated by a lawyer in Ontario -- that took a couple of weeks and then it took Ontario about 4-5 weeks to even allow us to get married as in... they accepted his divorce decree as authentic.

So, tons of waiting right from teh get go. So I recommend that if anyone is thinking of getting married in Ontario, especially if the USC has been divorced before... don't do it -- you will die of the waiting.

Oh and yeah, we waited almost the full 10 weeks for our marriage cert to arrive. I am so curious as to why Ontario takes that long to register? All done and stuff now but when it was going on, geez...

We opted for the CR1 as it just seemed to make sense and such...

Shouldn't make a huge difference which country, though we experienced a slight slowdown after getting married in Ontario, as the Ontario Office of the Registrar General apparently takes up to 10 weeks to register your marriage certificate, and so you'd have to wait that long before applying for it for the first petition. In hindsight, we may have been able to get our certificate more quickly in New York state; I don't know for sure.

If asked (which you almost certainly will), always truthfully answer the border agent as to what is your purpose for entering the country. Neither US Customs and Immigration Service nor, I believe, Customs and Immigration Canada need any special notification that you're entering the country to get married. Remember, too, that if you get married in the US, you, as the Canadian, will need to return to Canada for the application process; you cannot remain in the US the whole time, though temporary visits are permitted.

Edited by lgg, 31 March 2010 - 03:55 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-31 15:52:00
CanadaI dream of VJ

QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Nov 2 2009, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But you were still pretty cute wink.gif

extra awkkkkwwwaaaaard! tongue.gif

QUOTE (lgg @ Nov 2 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh uh... Awwwwwwwwkwwwaaaaard!
I'll try but I am NOT making any promises. If I told my husband about these, he'd be like, hmmmmmmm, do tell!!
Then I'd have to remind him that in VJ land I am an oblong headed amphibian!
Sorry, huggles...

QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Nov 2 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a dream last night I was in Sesame Street... And kermit the frog was there? But it wasn't really Kermit, it was Lgg! laughing.gif He was talking to me like Kermit, but he kept telling me his name was Lgg even when I argued with him. Then he started talking about waiting at Montreal to prove he wasn't really Kermit? So weird. There was more to it but thats all I remember.

Lgg darling, kindly stay out of my dreams! tongue.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 13:47:00
CanadaI dream of VJ
Oh uh... Awwwwwwwwkwwwaaaaard!
I'll try but I am NOT making any promises. If I told my husband about these, he'd be like, hmmmmmmm, do tell!!
Then I'd have to remind him that in VJ land I am an oblong headed amphibian!
Sorry, huggles...

QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Nov 2 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had a dream last night I was in Sesame Street... And kermit the frog was there? But it wasn't really Kermit, it was Lgg! laughing.gif He was talking to me like Kermit, but he kept telling me his name was Lgg even when I argued with him. Then he started talking about waiting at Montreal to prove he wasn't really Kermit? So weird. There was more to it but thats all I remember.

Lgg darling, kindly stay out of my dreams! tongue.gif

lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-02 13:34:00
CanadaSongs that got you through the rough times

But a chacun son gout, I suppose, eh?

Seriously, someone posted the song Hey There Delilah by the plain white tees? I'd rather get stabbed in the eardrum than listen to that song. That band should be sent to prison for their crimes against society.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-03 08:48:00
CanadaCR1 Interview, March 22nd, 2010
Congratulations again, sweetie! So happy that you're done and moving on! Can't wait to hear all your tales of moving to and being in the USA....

now it looks like our whole group has moved on and have got our visas! Remember when we were waiting for our I-130s to be approved? Seems so long ago!

Good luck to you and with everything else you need to do!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 10:23:00
Canada4 years later....Time flies by, indeed!

I heart the tart...

Lol wow. That is certainly cool! Posted Image

You just don't realize how much time flies when you're having fun Lol Posted Image

Oh wait this is immigration! It's not fun at all! Posted Image

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-09 11:19:00
CanadaTransferring Currency
thanks a lot! I just set up my account this afternoon and yeah, they are super friendly. I scanned in and emailed all the documents and it's all good -- I'm just waiting for for final email telling me it's all set up and a go. The reason i did it as I'd given my husband a cheque for some stuff and he went to his bank (the bank he's been going to for like 15 years) and they reaaaaaaalllly did not want to cash my little Canadian cheque and then they were going to charge him like 20 bucks and have it wait for however long. I figured this was easier and such.

Thanks a lot for the info, it seems fairly cool so far. If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM or whatever and I'll let you know how it goes.

Cheers Flames...

yep used to be its own company, but last yr was bought out by Western Union! I ran by their head office in Victoria many times! Super friendly staff--even though trailmix did have a unsatisfactory encounter! They will walk you thru the transaction if so required, but it is very easy to do and u see the rate they are giving you, so you can 1) accept it, 2) cancel the whole trade and walk away,lol, or 3) hit the refresh button and it may get better, or it may get worse,lol, so one can almost make a game out of it!!

Takes a bit to set up the account. As you have to send them some info, ie ID (drivers license, birth cert, passport) and banking information. YOu can do that by Snail mail, fax or what i did, Scan and email it in. They have a secure email addy. As well they will PHONE YOU at a time you provide, just to ensure it is YOU and not someone trying to scam you!! All very easy to do, so easy, a guy can do it! I send $ both ways, I like to send $ to my Cdn acct when I head back home. A transaction normally takes 3-4 BUSINESS days. As long as you do it electronically (EFT) it is FREE!! They do offer a wire service, where the $ gets transferred very fast--how fast, i don't know as I have never used it, but I think they charge $15 for that! Some of the initial set up may have changed since they were bought out by Western Union. I think it is a handy service to have, even if you dont plan on using it that much! if ya have any questions, feel free to send me a PM and I can help walk you thru the set up or a transaction.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-09 15:14:00
CanadaTransferring Currency
What's the name of that site that you guys have used to transfer Canadian funds into an American account or whatnot?
Thanks a lot... the name totally escapes me and I can't search if I don't know the name!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-09 12:08:00
CanadaIs this normal?
Well, I'm not that worried about anymore -- it's fine, it'll get here it's just freaking ridiculous. I just hope that it doesn't get lost so that they can charge me 300$ for a new one! Now that would make me 'laugh' and by 'laugh' I mean vomit.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-13 13:57:00
CanadaIs this normal?
Yeah, I have heard that ROC isn't so bad.

Got my second welcome to the US letter today! Those guys is funneh!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-13 11:42:00
CanadaIs this normal?
Thanks OBX, you're a real card.

I know, I know... must start collecting evidence of a bonefide marriage!

They just like to pat themselves on the back every time they do something :)

Your card will be arriving soon....then you can move on to collecting evidence for will be here before you know it. :rofl:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-13 08:22:00
CanadaIs this normal?
PFfft! You are ALL right. Yeah seriously, i just find myself thinking sometimes, really? Really? and yeah, I cannot wait to take that oath and just be done. Not looking forward to ROC, that's for sure.
Thanks ladies, you're the best.
And despite this whole journey being fraught with stress and b.s. and shenanigans, it sure its worth it.
Good luck to you in all your stages of immigration and life in the US.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-13 06:41:00
CanadaIs this normal?
Well, I checked on line using my SRC number and FINALLY a few days ago it said card production ordered! Cool! That was about a week ago? Today, I check and it's back to post production activity and that they've mailed a notice saying that they've approved this 0S 0155A.

is this normal? Can they not just send me my card? it's like they're freaking ridiculous on purpose. I know I don't 'need' it but I'd like to just have all my stuff.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-12 22:14:00
CanadaCould someone please double check our map? Vancouver consulate & Working Medical
OMG!!! Wyatt!

*waves like mad*
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 20:54:00
CanadaMoving items via UPack
Yeah, ABF is SUPER accommodating. Would recommend them for sure. I had them do door to door for me and it was 800$ The online quote was how they figured it out.

My fiance' is moving from Kingston, ON (where they have a terminal almost around the corner from his house) to Battle Creek, MI which is about 500 miles. The terminal on the receiving end is about 30 miles away but I can borrow a van to move the things that far that I couldn't take over the border. The quote was $631 plus $17 for "brokerage" fees when my fiance' actually called and talked to the people. Very reasonable. If we used the relocube, it would be a little over $1000 for the same distance. Since we are trying to save money, we figured we would use the terminal-to-terminal delivery in stead of the door-to-door delivery.

We used the online quote "creator" and then my fiance' followed up with a call and even a visit to the local ABF to ask if he could bring his things in on a Sunday (when they are closed). They were willing to work out an "open" trailer" that he can put a paddle lock on and then on Monday do the paperwork and put their paddle lock on.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 06:48:00
CanadaMoving items via UPack
Wow. I hit some huge lucky streak there I tell you. I had my relo-cube picked up and about a week before I left. I had no issues but i think that was just a stroke of good luck!
Did not know about that and wasn't told by the guy/company either.
Dodged some trouble there!

I also used ABF Upack, a Relo cube and it was great and the company was awesome. It cost me about 800$ to do the entire move with one cube but that was not bad at all....

I would recommend them for sure.

Edited by lgg, 13 April 2010 - 01:40 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-13 13:38:00
CanadaPippy, the Begging Kitty
God! it's so sad! Every time my husband's cat walks my georgia, she bristles and hisses and then gets misplaced anger syndrome and swats at either of us! When she's upstairs (which is a no-Georgia zone) she's all sweet and nice and a super cat. Georgia would be totally cool with her but this cat antagonizes Georgia every time she walks by. You'd think she'd learn that georgia is good sharer. They both use their litter boxes, the both eat out of their bowls. It's this weird thing. I figure it's gonna be like this forever.
Oh well.... just hope that Comet learns that when she makes Georgia upset, Georgia swats her in the face or head. She's missing some serious fur there.
Posted Image

Good luck with your aminals, Ashen... I hope they work it out.

haha Pippy is cute. Thanks Kathryn!

lgg, your cats sound like mine. :( Kitty is NOT liking Finnegan at all. I am sad.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-12 10:23:00
CanadaPippy, the Begging Kitty
HA! yep, sounds like -- man... they HATE one another -- it's too bad, I wish they were best buds...

Awww Kathryn! LOL!

Lgg -- sounds like your two cats are like me and the WIL :D

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-11 16:23:00
CanadaPippy, the Begging Kitty
That is awesome. in my cat news, or mews, I guess it would be... the two cats STILL hate each other. A lot. Like a real lot. My cat is super chill and sweet and just hangs out and sleeps and stuff. The other cat is just a b*tch. Everytime she sees my cat, she hisses and growls adn just acts mean. I think that my generally docile Georgia gets mad at some point and swats this other cat in the head. Comet has tons of patches of missing fur. I had NO Idea that my 16 year old Georgia had that in her.

I think there there is nothing we can do. the two are never in the same room and when they are, it's amazing the sounds and fighting that happen. it's so sad but neither of them are leaving either.

So... it's me 'begging' for them to not really hurt each other.
( that because I am happy that Georgia is here and petty content but sad that she has to punch Comet in the face once in awhile because comet is a biotch)
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-11 11:21:00
CanadaK-1 March Interviews !!!
hey!!! Congrats to all you K1 couples! Wow, Montreal really has picked up the pace! Glad to see it!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-01 07:51:00
CanadaQuestion on Custom House
Hi Redman99

I joined them about a week or so ago and did my first transfer! It was easy and fast and they're very good and helpful. They charge no fees save for any sort of bank exchange rate. It's not bad at all.

Go ahead and set up an account -- they are super friendly and good to do business with. Good company and yeah, Western Union bought them a few months back.

They still charge no fees.
let me know if you have any other questions, I JUST did this so it's still fresh information.
Good luck and go for it.

and yeah, I agree with Flames on anything. I've only done one transaction so far but will do more over the next while. I am just very impressed with how nice they are and how helpful this service is -- I just didn't have time or brain power to transfer my money to the US.

Edited by lgg, 18 April 2010 - 04:45 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-18 16:42:00
That is some awesome good news! Congratulations! Let us know when it comes in the mail, okay?
Such good news after such a long wait.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 11:07:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Whew!!!!! Holy #######, I am so relieved for you!
Congrats and get out there and get married!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-20 17:48:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Kayla, my heart goes out to you, as you know.

Here's what I wonder though, the consulate in Montreal is sending you a VERY, VERY important document within an important document you would think that after an approved interview THEY would also write down the tracking number on your file just in case of b.s. like this. It's a very important document inside an already important document. I mean, yes, would should right it down as well but shouldn't part of the onus be on the consulate? How hard can it be for the to write down the tracking number right on our case files so if it gets lost, both sides can track it? NO? Is that asking too much?

anyway, as someone who wrote down the tracking number right at the interview and was in such a state, I could have written down anything, I think it should work both ways for such important materials.

Good luck, Kayla... keep us posted.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 13:16:00
CanadaVisa has been printed, but not mailed.
Wishing you tons of luck, Kayla... I can only imagine how stressful this must be for you guys .
My fingers are crossed that you get the info that you need or even better, that your visa just shows up in the post.

Good luck...

Annnnnddddd...he can't find it.

He was going to the post office closest to him to see if they had it and sent it back, but then he checked his bank account and there's a receipt number on his transaction list for that purchase. So he's going to return to the one he bought it from and see if they can look up the receipt and reprint it for him.

I'm crossing everything I've got for this to actually work.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 09:20:00
CanadaOMG... And she thought I was lying!!! **You're SO gonna laugh!**
Yeah, I find that people are like, "what? you can't just go and live there? But we're Canadians!" I've never really been that frustrated by it, most people don't know the first thing about immigration so, I I keep my explanation short and simple...
lggNot TellingCanada2009-12-09 10:28:00
CanadaKeeping Bank Accounts & Credit cards after move to USA?
I bank with CIBC and PC and when I left Canada, PC made it VERY clear that i could not have an American address with them. That's fine. CIBC on the other hand was more than happy to accommodate my american status. I have my CCs with them as well as all my bank accounts. It's hasn't been a huge problem really. I use Custom house to transfer funds to the American account and if I have to cash a cheque, I pay a small fee and have it held for about a week here.
But as far as I know, presidents' Choice was NO american address. Canada only.

Don't you have your answer then?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-21 16:01:00
CanadaBleach in the usa
I read that as "get the stink out of my husband's underwear..."

I suppose my brain is awonk. I have never used bleach but I use Oxyclean. I remember a friend in grade school whose mom used bleach and it made her sports socks weak and she'd pull them up and rip the stripes right off them! Happened twice and cracked me right up.


Always used oxyclean, find it works a lot better than bleach, same says my mom too shes a big fan of oxyclean. I find it really helps get the odd stink out of my husbands uniforms too lol...

we just mix the oxyclean with the TIDE HE and its good to go! (I prefer method products tho.. cus they are better for the environment!)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 22:11:00
CanadaPOE wishes!!!
Good luck to you! After waiting SO long, this must be the best day ever. Hope it all goes well.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-26 22:05:00
Aw... your story made me tear up! Glad you made it safe and sound! Good luck with the rest of your journey and hope you and your daughter enjoy being home soon.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 15:01:00
CanadaThe Canadians-in-D.C. Area Get-together Thread!
The only dates I know so far that I can't make it are the 17th of July and to the next weekend as we're going to the beach. I will have to ask my guy if he'd be up for it --and will keep you all posted.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-11 11:23:00
CanadaHotel/Visa Interview Review
congrats, Reven sounds like quite a day! Glad that you're all done and really cool that they accommodated your birth schedule.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 20:08:00
CanadaMontreal denied!!!
AW... i'm sorry Dalene... that's a huge bummer. But it at least sounds like it's all fixable. I am sorry though that you have to go through a touch more waiting though... IT does strike me as odd though that they'd want you to give up your Canadian PR card...

I'm sorry, just a little more time and it'll get done, right?

Chin up!
lggNot TellingCanada2009-11-24 12:28:00