Canadano PMs
Thanks, dc... yeah, it's all of those things, a little bit of this and a little bit of that -- I know for a fact that until I learn to drive I won't have that feeling of complete independence and I need a little bit of that for MY routine.
Thanks so much and of course... we WILL meet up at some point and hang out -- no doubt about that...

My situation is a little different because I lived in MD for a bit with the hubby then moved back to Canada. And in some ways, having moved around so much, Ive never really felt at home and this will be my first ever real home. However, I did miss my independence the first few weeks I was there. I missed making decisions without considering his POV, I missed getting in and out of the house on my own, I missed my own pay check :P Of course I missed my family in TO and I truly miss my friends -- I doubt Ill ever make such great friendships like from home, but being with my hubby offsets most of those longing feelings.

My friend, its gonna be tough for a bit especially if you live in the country without any means of transit. But once you get your set of wheels and explore your new hood, its gonna be better. Right now it feels like more of his home but not quite your home. But you will make your own routine, you will find your own niche, you will start to forge your own schedule and it will start feeling like home! Just hang in there! And we can always meet up for some good coffee if you need to vent. And I am more than happy to show you around town! (At least my parts of MD... yours is foreign to me as well!):)

Sorry bout your cats though. Maybe give them more time to get used to... its only been a few weeks :)


lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-14 17:22:00
Canadano PMs
For you TM, anything!
I've already been yacking to Wyatt about some of this stuff as we are buddies!

Thanks a lot to everyone who commented -- it feels a lot better knowing that i'm not the only sappy fool feeling these things -- it has surprised me to no end that I have even cried a few times about the things I left behind. it's so weird considering how happy i am with my husband and how we are here but again... he was never a question, you know?

But Kathryn41, thank you SO much for your feedback about the adjusting and the cats -- invaluable. I'm just surprised to feel this way as I have never, not once, felt homesick before especially since I am somewhere that I consider home...
But you all know what i'm talking about and that is more valuable than you all realize.
I think I might also go and get my haircut now!


PM to lgg: Background needed on this pls and ty.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-14 17:19:00
Canadano PMs
Bern, COOL, you're going to interview soon -- very exciting -- if you need a hand with anything let me know, okay?

La Souris, Bonjour, ma belle... sorry for being so un-chatty -- just getting used to actually living here. It's a lot harder than I'd thought, for the first time in my life, I am suffering from some home-sickness, who knew???

Wyatt? you already know what I think...

Nev? Where you be, sister?

to everyone else, hey, hope you all had some good coffee... I really feel the loss of that hour, it should NOT be almost 4pm right now -- i am off to go have a late lunch/early dinner with some friends here in MD... I just wanted to ask all my Canadian friends here this, the ones that are living in the US with their spouses/spouses to be now... have you ever felt homesick? it's so odd I don't miss one thing per se but I miss my routine and my jobs and my friends and the 'thing' that is Canada I suppose -- I am THRILLED to be here and my husband and I are awesome and he rocks but I never expected myself to feel this way and I realize that acclimatizing is a little more work than I had thought.

I do love living where I do though for the first time in my life I actually want/need to drive -- can't wait to get that done. I love the woods and the trees and the quiet here. I love our house and being here and I can't wait to get everything else on the go but first? I have to get my license and a car and then I can go from there.

I LOVE that my cat is here -- she's adapted so well to the her new couch under the window. She and the other cat are NOT friends at all -- in fact, I think the other cat mortally hates me for bringing my cat here. She won't let me pet her and she meows at me with such urgency and then swats my hand away when I try to pet her. :( At least my old lady cat is semi-happy.

So... that's a little PM for all my friends here. Hope you're all doing well too.

Edited by lgg, 14 March 2010 - 02:43 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-14 14:38:00
CanadaGood luck to all the Canadians with interviews this week!
Good luck to you guys!!!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-08 13:56:00
CanadaDouble Checking Everything!
Good luck, bern!

you're going to be just AWESOME!! Fingers and toes crossed for you that all goes well. it's nice that your MIL is going with you.
Keep us posted.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-14 08:42:00
I used a Upack Relo cube and those guys were just great and so easy and reliable. Just an FYI for you and if you have any questions, PM me once they're back up, okay?
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-16 19:15:00
Oh my GOSH!! That is SUCH good news, Ali! I was really happy to read that this evening!
You're such a sweetie, so good to read that you guys are back to being on your way!

Posted Image

Edited for repeating myself like 4 times!!! Wha happened????

i blame the new set up...

Edited by lgg, 16 March 2010 - 07:12 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-16 19:11:00
CanadaHappy St. Patrick's Day!

i am making potato soup in honour of St. Patrick's Day!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-17 09:31:00
CanadaNot digging the new look
Bear and Lion are adorable! I am feeling HUGE envy at their obvious getting along-ness! I have been following your advice though and doing the playing and the treat thing -- I walk around the house with a pocket full of cat treats. I also ordered some Feliway online from Amazon. I got the room diffuser and the spray for 25$ all together. Thanks for all your advice, K...

Re: the new site, all this change all at once stresses me out!!!! ;) I'm sure it'll grow on me -- I don't get the rating of the post thing or for that matter, the rating of us as member? I am neutral at the moment and not sure how that will change in the future.

I miss my old avatar but apparently it isn't available here so I had to find something that I could resize and use instead. So - meet Bear and Lion! I might try some other ones as well - but I really did like my old avatar :( ( not that I don't like Lion and Bear too! :D )

You're safe, VJ isn't going to change every 2 weeks nor for a much longer time after that! This is basically a software upgrade to the next version and there are a lot of new features. It has taken Captain Ewok a long time to get the site to where he could migrate it over and there is still a lot to be done. He is still tweaking problems and features so if you have suggestions go to the Site Discussions Page and add them there. There is so much information for him to handle all at once that he might not realize a certain issue is an issue unless it is brought to his attention.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-16 10:01:00
CanadaForm DS-230
Hi there...

I put Highschool, 8-12, college, University I and University part II I figured before that was not necessary.
Good luck to you...
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 14:18:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
Thanks a lot... husband and I have decided to go this coming Friday -- if it's not here by then, chances are good it isn't coming so... that's the plan and I've filled out the form and will bring my visa and birth cert...
Thanks all.

http://www.socialsec...nline/ss-5.html download and fill it out just in case! And bring ur passport. Best to get to the SSN office BEFORE it opens,as they tend to be busy places.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-21 17:20:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
Aw, you're such a sweetie! what a nice offer -- i'm touched. I'm trying to work it out with my guy but based on what soonenough said, it seems like they can't do anything if you've 'checked the box'. I just wish we COULD sit back and go, 'yep, checked the box, it's a comin'..." just a real drag.
FYI, DC, check the box means that as CR/IR1 visas, we check a box in one of our forms that says, "yes, I would like a SSN sent to me once i enter the US on an approved Visa." So basically, they should be sending us one as soon as we POE.

I'm going to wait a few more days. Yes, I know it's the govt. but it' still freaking frustrating -- if you don't want to send us the SSN, fine but don't confuse the issue by making us assume we're going to get one as you offered us one, you dumb-dumbs.

Early morning Sunday rant -- not enough coffee yet. Regardless, Darkchilde, you're a sweetie and thank you. :D

So first off I dont know how the SSN production is for your situation, as I came in the country through K1 and had to apply from here.

Anyway, theres a social security office in Columbia and it should be about half hour or so from where you are. They have weird hours but if your hubby can take the morning off, you can be one with it! Its not crowded in the morning and Ive been able to come there at 9 and be done by 9:30. When I came there, they said they had to check my identity with USCIS and filed some papers in my behalf... anyway card came in the mail yesterday roughly 3 weeks after I came in the office.

As for MD license, you might be able to get a temporary one or at least schedule your written exam without your SSN and GC. You have to take the mandatory classes if youve never had a license before though. And if you and hubby live in a one car household (like us!), then maybe you can drive him to work as practice (you gotta fulfill the hour requirements anyway).

Good luck my friend! If hubby does not need the car this Thurs, I can take you to the Columbia SSN office.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-21 08:32:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
Thanks for chiming in there! It's actually good to hear stuff like this as this way, I/we don't focus on the "oh my gawd, so and so got theirs in 2.5 weeks!" Like others have said, each case is different and the govt. does what i wants when it wants.

On another note... I checked the USCIS site with my old NOA1/2 number from the I-130 and that is how I'm tracking the process of my GC. It says that it is in Post Decision Activity.

For all of you who didn't know about this feature -- I sure didn't...

The wife came here on Feb 6th... Feb 8th we went to the SSN office and applied for a card (yes we checked the box but thought we would try there anyway). The lady told us she would have to check the system in 10 days to do a full sumbital. We even tried to change the last name for the wife to the married name which they said was ok just would be a little more complicated when trying to apply for jobs and what not based on the different last names. On Mar 10th she received a welcome letter, on Mar 15th we received the SSN number. With the maiden name on it so i assumed they processed it from the visa petition not the SSN office. As far as the license she had a temp license... but for some reason when she went to go and get a new one they thought that her temp license was a FUll license and they gave her a full one... Which is fine

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-20 07:55:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
I bake you some cookies too, okay? I am a pretty good cook. It's one of the things I love to do. I really should sit back and enjoy this time but I am way too energetic to have things hold me back. I bet you a dollar that once all the stuff is rolling that I totally bvtch about OH MY GOD, too busy to cook and blah, blah and blah...
The fickle nature of us humans, eh?
Eh, Wyatt? Cannot turn the corner on your Canadian-ness -- you is that.

And good job with using the stamp in your passport for your drivers stuff -- i won't be able to do that in MD, I already called and asked. I know about all the drivers here too -- can't wait to get into that crazy traffic spin of the DC circle! And that was the most sarcastic thing i've ever said.

Cookies for all of you, BTW for making me feel a bit better about fretting...

Mmmm. Cookies.

And yes...keep studying for that driver's license. It's probably best that you just throw away the book after you get on the road, though. In the short time that I've been in the DC-Baltimore Metro area, I've already seen pretty much every rule broken!


You know what? When I had to read a line of text for my eye test at the DMV today I managed to say "Z" as ZEE and not ZED. I thought I turned the corner away from all my Canadianness then. Apparently not. :(

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 15:10:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
This is true, this is true -- my husband's like, 'you're dealing with the government, the right hand has NO idea what the left hand is doing..."
I suppose it would be worth my while to just sit back and let it happen but easy enough to say, SO much harder to do. :D

You're helping just fine, Huggles by being sweet and chatty...

I'll just sit by and bake another batch of cookies, muffins or some more soup and study for my drivers' license and such.

For some reason it seems like USCIS goes in waves. For a while it seems to take them forever to get the GC's out, and then for a while they'll be super fast. There is no balance, but I guess we should expect that when dealing with the government! :lol:

I have no idea how to help lgg, but I wish you luck! I'm sure it will arrive soon.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 14:48:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
I found this and called -- right number but the petitioner has to call, just in case any one else needs it!
USCIS Contact Link

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 13:43:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
What? you mean you don't have some random 11 digit number memorized to give out to people whom you've never met on the internet??? For shame, Flames... for shame! ;)

This is a start, now I need to know if this is through NVC or USCIS... but I've got something to go on and that's a start. If I knew they hadn't forgotten me, I'd be happy.
Thanks, Flamy, you rock.

I forget the #, but after soo long no grrencard, there is a 1800# one can call

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 13:25:00
CanadaWaiting, waiting and still...
So, mail person has come and gone -- as of this coming Monday, I will have been in the US for 3 weeks ( I say Monday as I POEd on Friday and I'm sure that's not counted as a business day for me) and I'm still waiting for my GC and SNN. I feel like I've been forgotten. I called the SSN people today and they were NO help whatsoever.

I downloaded the form for the SSN number but the thing is, it's far from where we live and my husband works every day and such so it's not like it's going to be easy to get there. It's such a bummer as I'd like to start getting things done and such.

Also, is it possible that they might not send me my green card? I know I can fix the SSN situation but what happens if they just 'forget' to send a GC, what does one do then?

anyway... sorry for the ramble, I'm just starting to get a little antsy as the little steps I need to take (Oh, like HUGE steps of driving and such) can't be done without a SSN.

I know Flames said to just go into the SSN office and whatever and this I know but it's not that easy for someone who doesn't drive and i'd like to think that since I checked the box, that maybe they would send me a SSN?

Thanks all... .

PS can one check online or something for the GC? I heard you could check 'Card Production' but I assume that takes a number that they send you in the welcome to the US letter that I, of course, still have not received.

Edited by lgg, 18 March 2010 - 01:20 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-18 13:17:00
CanadaGot my Green Card today!
Hey Biglos!
today is actually officially 3 weeks -- I don't count the FRiday I POEd as it's not like it would have made any official list on a Friday afternoon.

So far? Nada. No SSN, no welcome letter, no GC. I was just reading Zansgirls stuff, she waiting like a month for both things?

not to sound like a broken record, but I sure wish this stuff would get a move on. we would have went and applied the monday after I got in if we'd known that they weren't going to send me anything.

hate it when people/places/institutions say they are going to do things and then don't.

Will try and be more positive next post, promise!

LGG! I haven't checked in for awhile....hope you get all your cards this should be the week considering the time frame so far, right?

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 14:15:00
CanadaGot my Green Card today!
Hey zansgirl... when did you POE again??

I'm waiting for all my cards and stuff too -- I've been here exactly 2 weeks yesterday! I haven't even got a welcome to the USA letter yet!
Can't wait to get all my docs in order so I can go and get my license and stuff like that!
Hope you're doing well!

Checked the mailbox today.........GREEN CARD!

Now all I need is that darn SSN number!!!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-13 09:26:00
CanadaGot my Green Card today!
wow, that's cool and painless! Did you have to do anything to get your SSN or was it just as easy as checking the box on your visa forms? I've heard that some people have checked the box and not gotten their SSN!

good job, Biglos -- i hope my luck is as good as yours.
Good to hear you're doing well.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-08 17:47:00
CanadaGreencards came in today.
Hey Trailmix...

I called them today actually -- totally did not even think to check my address as we've got everything else that they've ever sent so I didn't think of that.

*sigh* it's such a drag as this means my poor very, very, VERY busy husband has to take time off work to run me around. He'll do it and all but I just feel bad.

The guy at USCIS said to wait until 32 days had gone by from POE and then check into it. It just feels so panic-y that everyone who POEd after me has all their cards already.

I think I'll call USCIS again tomorrow and verify our address and seriously? If they don't send it and the address is right, I have to pay a fee? What a bunch of b.s. I'm sick of all this red tape and running around -- I just want to live my life, pay my taxes and stuff. So exhausted trying to get all this b.s. done.

Congrats SDW!

Hey lgg,

You might want to call USCIS at this point an double check the address they are sending it to - just to make sure they have the right one. If so then you might want to wait another week, if you haven't got it yet it would be a good idea to make an infopass appointment and see if they can shed any light.

If you still don't receive it then you have to pay a fee - but before doing that, I have read it's a good idea to contact your senator to have them inquire and to support you in not paying that fee!

Anyway, that's further down the road, USCIS will hopefully help you out. 1-800-375-5283 good luck!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 20:36:00
CanadaGreencards came in today.
Oh my god! That's great for you sdw...

I am beginning to think that I have been totally forgotten about.
Who should I call? I'm wondering if there's a number that people can call and say, uh, i think my GC has gone missing.

Sorry for the hijack, sdw! Congrats to you and the kids!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 16:51:00
Yes, yes you should! It's what I'm thinking now too as the received date on my letter was well over two weeks after I POEd. Hey question for you mikey78, did you happen to get your SSN number without having to go into a centre? I could go and search and stuff but I figured I'd just ask...

and LOL!!! Make good use of Wyatt's magic wand! That conversation could digress quite rapidly.
Posted Image

I know, I know. Mind, gutter, get out.

OK Lgg, I am opening a regular business then ;) I guess I would have a lot of clients here on VJ LOL...for all uninformed, related to magical powers so I might make good use of Wyatt's wand.

I received 2 welcome letters and my GC arrived 5 days after the first letter. It seems like when you POE thru Pearson it usually takes 4-5 weeks to get your card in mail. It might be related to the fact that they actually physically transport the documents to the US. But then again, I though it was all done/activated by them doing something in the computer system...I know that people who POEd at the US border at the same time I did, got their cards quicker.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-24 09:02:00
#######, Wyatt... that magic wand worked! And mikey? I think you found your calling re: youre PM to me. Posted Image

I got my welcome to the USA letter in the mail today! Now that's cool as it means that they have my right address and know that I'm here and hopefully, my GC will arrive soon. I was most worried about that as it seemed like it would be a hassle to rectify if I never got it.

The SSN? We'll go and get on friday if it's not here by then.

WHEW!!! I feel SO much relief. They didn't forget me or lose my stuff.

I want to ask some of you guys though, when you got your welcome to the USA letter (especially those of you that POEd close to my time) what date does it say for Receipt Date? Mines says March 15th which is quite awhile from my POE on teh 26th of Feb...

Makes me think that Pearson airport took their time. If anyone wouldn't mind telling me, it might make me think that the SSN is processing too

Thanks you guys. I feel craploads better right now.
Posted Image
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 11:10:00
Oh thank you!!! I love it so much! I will use it only for good and will hide it on the days when I'm feeling stressed and cranky!

On another note, husband set up my office last night -- first time we fired up my work PC since we moved and that hardy little sucker made it! My husband made it for me about 2 years ago and shipped it to me to Canada and it was fine and now it got packed up and shipped again right back from where it came on the POD and it made it -- good little machine.

Good luck with your stuff today Wyatt, my webbed fingers and toes are crossed for you!


Thanks to leafgirl too -- this place is invaluable in the fact that I know people here, regardless of their type of visa and specific journey will at least understand the frustration and such that can come about. It's why I stick around -- this kind of understanding and camaraderie is a good thing.

Here. Wave this.

Posted Image

Edited by lgg, 23 March 2010 - 09:01 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 09:00:00
Thanks guys, and Darnell, WTH? That's not so cool. But whatever as i learned recently, don't take the interweb too seriously. I also don't do malls and my husband's assistants are waaaaaaaay too busy with crack and whores to drag my butt around so yeah...Posted Image

But yeah, I don't drive yet so even if he left me the car I'd be useless with it with no license or whatever. and yeah, FlamesRN you've been right all along about everything -- it's just such a bummer.

You guys are great and NO, ashen I haven't read your posts, I think I will though so I can commiserate and such. :D
And yeah huggles, they stamped my passport and that'll be my greencard for a year.

To be honest? I woke up this morning feeling a crapton better and decided that well, can't let it all wreck my life and such and we'll fix it -- going down to the SSN office on Friday i think and get 'er done.

But you guys are great, thanks for letting me vent as other people not in this process do not get it at all.

I just got really bummed and frustrated yesterday. and yes Flames, I'm going to go the SSN office -- you're right. :)

You guys are awesome and thank you.

Edited by lgg, 23 March 2010 - 06:53 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 06:52:00
Sorry all, I am just so freaking bummed and tired of waiting -- I know you all have waited/are waiting too -- it's not just me but I think I am just plain out of patience.

Sorry for being the HUGEST downer of life but I am NOT feeling the joy. My husband thinks I need to just chill out -- he's right but he can drive and has a job so nyah!

Anyway. Sorry for the p1ssy post. Like I said to Nev, I should really be embarrassed about how sorry I am feeling for myself right now but I am too annoyed to even care about what an whiner i look like.

Edited by lgg, 22 March 2010 - 09:06 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 21:03:00
if I don't get my GC and SSN? Do I need the GC to get the SSN? What a mess this is turning out to be. Every place I call, no one know the answer to my questions. I called USCIS, some guy had no idea if my GC was produced or anything. I called SSN office and no one knew what I was talking about and my name is no where in any system.

Good GRIEF!!! My husband works at a very important job and can't just take day after day off running around after stuff. we run the real risk of going to one office and being refused because we don't have the card or document from the other office.


I've about had it with this. Things were NOT this hard in Canada for me ever. not to mention I could get around myself and take care of my own business without having to rely on someone to take care of me and do t hings for me.

Sucks so bad.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 20:41:00
CanadaVisa: Denied
Just wanted to say that I'm so sorry to hear this news. I really am. I don't have much more than that but it's fixable, right?
Good luck to you and we're here to support you, okay?
Best of luck...

lggNot TellingCanada2009-10-13 18:04:00
CanadaKind of an odd question
Oh yeah, we got a plan that includes "international texts' as Canada is considered international. Will try it again tomorrow or I'll call. But yeah, I would get anyone to check the rates --- without this plan, text messages would be obscene!

In cost that is. Not in content.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 18:44:00
CanadaKind of an odd question
Oh I agree, huggles! I agree...

I'm with AT&T. I think I'll just give them a call tomorrow and see what the dealio is. Just thought someone could say, Oh yeah, flip that switch!

I don't have an iphone, but I text to Canada all the time and I've never had to put a 1 in front of the number. Maybe it has something to do with your service provider? What company do you use in the US? I dunno, that's pretty weird...

An iphone is much more useful then shoes any day :P

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 17:12:00
CanadaKind of an odd question
I just got an iphone -- it's craploads of fun BUT when i'm texting to Canada, do I have to put a 1 in front? I don't remember having to do that to text to the US from canada but when I tried to send my best friend a text message it came back saying please use proper 10 digit code. Okay. tried that, still didn't work.

I don't want to use up all my international texts trying this . Anyone with an iphone that texts to Canada?

Odd question, I know...

What's a girl with no job doign buying an iphone? I don't buy shoes, how's that for justification!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 16:50:00
CanadaGood Luck, La Souris
in the words of Rod Stewart:

Today's the daaaaaaaaay!

Good luck my friend, you guys are going to be great!
Can't wait to read your review.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-24 07:01:00
CanadaGood Luck, La Souris
*petite bump*
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 21:32:00
CanadaGood Luck, La Souris
Just wanted to start the Good Luck thread for my lovely mouse friend, La Souris... I'm sure you're all ready to go, ma belle, but a thread started just for you to ensure your good luck never hurts, right?

Good luck! Bonne chance and bring home the visa!

LGGPosted Image
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-22 21:16:00
CanadaVisa on its way!
whew! Good to read that! Congratulations!
Happy moving and moving on!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-24 06:59:00
CanadaMy Interview at the Montreal Consulate
Felicitations, Little Mouse! SO good to read this and can't wait to read about the rest of your journey!
Great, news!
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-25 07:14:00
CanadaIR1/CR1 interviews at Montreal this week and next!
Good god, girl! Barely had time to set up a good luck thread for you! CONGRATULATIONS!! It's a relief, eh? Glad to hear and I'm glad you're on your way!
So happy to read this.
Posted Image


I will definately post my review in a minute!!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 09:47:00
CanadaIR1/CR1 interviews at Montreal this week and next!
Good luck everyone! Can't wait to read your successful reviews and such... hope you all get some lovely weather in Montreal.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 09:06:00