CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Awwwwww... you miss your widdle wuv muffin!

don't hurt me, i'm sick and not functioning at a very high level lately.

I take the dog for a walk about 2 hours before I go to bed. This is actually about when I started having troubles with my sleep. It is also coincidentally when my wife left for her trip to visit her family. :blush:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-19 10:43:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Thanks OBX, I haven't been this sick in years, it sucks. I am, however, having really great, vivid dreams. Oh my god, last night i was stuck in a boat on the stormy seas and we'd fall in the water and hammer head sharks would toss us around. us being a friend of mine that I haven't spoken to in months and my husband and a few other people.


That explains it then! I notice a few hockey decals on cars here in Central Jersey but the big thing here is soccer. Probably doesn't help that my husband coaches/manages three teams and his son plays in college. I still prefer hockey though :)

Sorry things are so rough Ashen...hang in there sometimes things happen when you least expect it. Sounds like your husband is in a negative place; as everyone else said if he can approach looking for a job as if it were a job he night be able to turn things around. Good luck!

I'm just getting over it. Hope you feel better is not fun being sick.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-18 08:58:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
yep, totally agree. I do that now and I'm not even able to really job search yet. but my resume is done, my portfolio, the prelim version, is ready to go and I'm in the midst of compiling portfolio stuff and putting it on online. I always am otu of bed with my husband at 7am and my day starts early and I never watch Tv or chill until 5 pm or after. I mean I clean and run and garden during the day too but i've set up a work day kinda thing. It'll get way more rigid once I have my license and the car running. Then it'll be for real. I won't stop until i'm employed. And then? Gardening and cleaning and such gets put into second place.

I kinda can't wait for the searching to begin. OH and today? i'm still in bed as my vent is, I'm sick as a dog. i haven't been cold/flu/sinus sick in years. i got it bad.


It's very true. Even when you're unemployed, try to stick to a working routine... wake up early, job hunt from 9 and on to whenever. Take breaks to eat, clean, and then back to work. I am sure it's really difficult to be unemployed in this economy but there's jobs out there, you just need the motivation to find them.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-18 08:39:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Aw Ashen... that sucks. Sending you guys some good vibes. Job searching is a real pain but it's like a job in itself. When I've looked for work, employed or not, I would devote a set amount of hours to it, like a job, draw up a list of things that I needed to do and researching that needed to be done and it always made me feel better and gave me hope. Mind you, I've done most of my job searching while having another job save for one time when I moved from Montreal to Toronto. Then job searching was my job. Like it will be here when I get rolling with the car and such.

I guess my point is is that making it a job and giving yourself/himself deadlines and tasks to accomplish make it more fulfiliing and easier to put your heart into it.

Chin up... it's a rough patch, it'll get fixed.

Well, sadly he's never actually looked for a job before, even though he's in his mid-30s. He's only had 2 jobs in life, and both were just dumb luck. He didn't actually really search for either one of them (one literally came knocking at his door). So, I can't blame him entirely, but I gave him a big binder full of job hunting tips that I got at a previous job when HR gave us job hunting tips (they said they were shutting us down and it was their way of helping us move on). And I've job searched a lot, and there are TONS of resources online too. There are no excuses! If I could just blame it on the economy that's one thing, but the 1/2 assed effort really annoys me.

Anyway, yeah I really think it's a case of lost hope. I'm really losing hope too. He hasn't even tried going to any local employment agencies either! Well, he went to ONE, but they wouldn't help him unless he paid them, because it was more about training, but he never bothered to check any of the other ones (they're not all like that!). ARGH!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-18 06:36:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
That's hilarious! I'm going to put one on my car and 'sides... who 'hates' Canadians? I haven't met anyone who hates canadians!

where are these people and why are they saying these things??????

Rob? Gimme some of that sparkly unicorn meat, I'm gonna smash it!

Its sooo gross. I have a small but noticeable Toronto Maple Leafs sticker on the back of my car too, it's a yaris hatchback so when birds poop on the back it surrounds this sticker and yea I get a lot of jokes about that around these parts. The latest was yesterday at the car wash: "Even our birds hate em see?"


lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-17 17:14:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
hahahahahahahahahaha! Okay.... NOW I work here.
I am the same way, I hated it when some eager beaver would be standing at my desk at 8:45am and I'd still have my coat on, no coffee and they'd be rambling on about this and that for the latest project. I'd just say, lemme go get a coffee and settle in and then I'll come see you. ~fool~. That fool part said in my head but probably showing on my face.

Yea so I came into work and grabbed some glass cleaner and paper towels and this guy is like: "Do you work here? Do you know where this person is...?" I haven't even officially arrived yet, I still need to clean my window off and park my car... I always arrive early so I can just enjoy my morning and have a coffee here and there's this guy talking a mile a minute in the most chipper of ways. So I said: "I don't work here" and walked out with the window cleaner and the paper towels.

I clean my window and then I go to park and come in the back doors, I make my coffee, shoot the ####### with the maintenance guy and then go upstairs and the guy who was there before looks at me all confused and I smile and say: "Okay... now I work here..."

It was probably not the best way to handle the situation but when you're morning starts out sh1tty (no pun intended) that's what you're going to get.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-14 10:14:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I'm sorry sprails but, lol

Yeah, people shouldn't talk to me, i hate giving directions and i am seriously bad at it. even if i know the place inside and out.

It's sad, really.

So I get in my car this morning and there's bird ####### all over my window. This happens to me ALL of the time... so I start running my wipers and fluid and try to get it off... while driving... but it's not really wiping, it's just smearing bird ####### ALL over my window. Then I run out of wiper fluid.... so nothing is coming out and I'm driving with ####### smeared ALL over my window. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Yea tgif.

Yea me too!

I think I just hate it when people talk to me... period. :P

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-14 08:22:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Oh friends yes, yes but a stranger's tummy, never! I have HUGE personal boundaries so I would never impinge on anyone else's. And only friends when invited then yeah, the ole hey baby how are you type thing.

I've seen strangers touch a pregnant woman before and it gave me the creeps!
I would never do it.

Really??? I would never touch a strangers, but if it's family or friends I love just putting my hands on the belly and just shooting the ####### with the old fetus... always great conversation!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-13 17:00:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Ah minnew! Hope you're doing better with your head and allergies and stuff. Sucks about the poor scheduling with your guy...
Vent away, lady...

Its been a while since I vented so here we go.......

Maybe I should just list them in

Got a mild concussion during training at work (i was the teenager) being restrained and the two "employees" were supposed to break my head hit the mat pretty hard. Workers comp paperwork, trip the doctor....the next week I start feeling shortness of breath and dizzy.....ER hospital visit with CT problems except sinus cavities FULL! "chronic sinusitis"

Doctor follow up yesterday....prescribed me allergy meds....forgot to say i preferred non-drowsy (I have damn job!!) Forgot to ask for a release to finish my physical part of TCI due to the mild concussion. Feel very tired and trying to study for my self paced med transcription course is hell on wheels when you are drowsy!! My bathroom is now a pharmacy!!

Have an allergy test at the end of the month....I CANNOT take ALLERGY MEDS for SEVEN days prior to the test! :crying: Oh boy that is going to be a dreadful week!! I have never had allergy problems like this until moving to the USA! Some of it may be from the puppy we got in October...I hope not:(

Work is well....going good just when I am on my last day of 4 I am completely burnt! I can't deal...I've listened and had to play damage control at work enough that more emotional stuff is too much! Friends marital problems when the SO is overseas really tough.

Most of all I just want my hubby home!! :crying: Not getting to talk to him enough (2x week??) because of our work schedules & time zone diff is really sucking! Skype and IM....gosh I feel like I am in the middle of an immigration process again! But at least then I got to talk to him almost everyday!

Thank you for listening...

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-13 16:44:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Me too, rev!!!!
I kid, I kid....

Yeah, i think pregnancy is pretty awesome -- I don't know first hand but i think it of others. I would never touch a pregnant lady's belly. How weird.

I love my big boobs!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-13 16:41:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Oh yeah, so Nevada's not that bad! ;)
i think it's a mother/son thing too, no? My husband's mom died many years ago, I never met her, actually. But I think it'd be the same thing. I really love my extended family to bits. I really do, there's potential for some really great drama there for sure but since my guy is like, nope, leave 'em be, we'er never involved and they know better than to involve us.

Mother's and sons though, nev... it can be quite a weird relationship to handle, eh? Well, at least family gatherings are interesting to say the least, huh?

At this point in time, they have all turned their attention to my husband's uncle who has a gf who has proven herself to be absolutely psycho. Like has threatened suicide if he leaves her... so I think right now I'm flying under the radar and I think they look at her, look at me and think: "Okay Nevada isn't bad at all" I would never threaten that and I never have expected my husband to choose me over his family. In fact I try to encourage him to see his mother... even though she drives me crazy at times. It's his mother.

The problem with my husband is that he doesn't really communicate with her, he feels she hasn't always treated him fairly, and doesn't call her or go over too much. He loves her, but doesn't always like talking to her because he says she's hard to talk to. I think she thinks I have something to do with this, and I don't. He also thinks it looks bad when we both don't show up hand-in-hand for functions, whereas I just believe that if one can't make it, you both don't have to stay back. But again I think she believes in her mind that this is all my influence and not her doing with the way she raised him.

They're very interesting.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-13 08:18:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
reading about your stuff, darkchilde and sprail's stuff, I consider myself VERY lucky. my husband has an enormous family
-- he's one of 8 kids but he has the mentality of, I don't want any drama, I don't like busy bodies or sticking my nose in other people's business and I don't want them meddling in mine. we live a very simple life with no hassle. We see the family on occasions, we have dinner and hang out and chat but no one is involved on our life. It's pretty amazing. I consider myself very, very, very lucky. all my drama and b.s. seems to be centred on my closest friends who are like my family as I have very little of my own.

I have learned, keep your mouth shut and don't meddle. works really well. For me, that is.

I had a hard time saying no, and telling people exactly how I feel. I grew up in a very passive aggressive household and we hid our feelings with smiles and kind words. It was sooooooo fake. Fortunately, I married a man who has no tolerance for bullsh*t, and in the 4 years of being with him, I grew a spine and learned my still favorite word, "no" :P

However, his family are all about shying away from what is really going on, and sweeping things under the rug. Like this ####### between my husband and his brother. After hearing what happened between MIL and BIL, I just wanted to go to BIL and say, ok ####### is your problem???? But I cant do that... I also have to hide this bullshit from my husband, because "his feelings will get hurt". Well this lack of communication is definitely helping everyone's f*cked up cause.

I think I made a mistake moving here. I am seriously considering moving back to TO with my husband, and just living away from family. Or even moving to the west coast... as hubby loves it there. Maybe that is what you should do Sprailenes -- move really far away and just see your in-laws 2x a year.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-13 08:00:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Oh man... saying no is the hardest thing ever. Or, it used to be. I found that despite my strong character, i'd pretty much bend over backwards for people I cared about, no matter how wrong they were or how much 'no' they deserved. Really ended up biting me in the butt. As when I needed some bending over, they were shocked, appalled and would in no way accommodate me. Lesson learned? Just say no when your gut says so. It works so much better that way.

It's hard sam and ben... but you'll get there and yeah, seconded about Wyatt. It's really sad, I'll be honest.

My vent is that I need to learn how to say no.

I've been taking a look at a lot of things I've done in my life, and a great portion of it has to do with my inability to refuse someone I cared about. And while that isn't a terrible flaw... it's one that greatly strains me.

It's weirdly contradictory, too... I've always been a vocal person, I say how I feel, what I want, etc. I'm too honest for my own good some days. So why is this something I seem to be completely incapable of?

My second vent is that Wyatt vented about everyone leaving and then he left us. So there.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-05-13 07:55:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I don't give a crikey about stepping on grass but stepping on ####### is so awful especially when it's some jackass who doesn't know how to pick up after their own pet.

Come and walk on my lawn, DO IT. Just don't ####### on it.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 18:29:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Whips out bb gun!!!

Posted ImagePosted Image

I'd get my poop bag out just to use it to smear it into the grass in your yard :devil:

j/k :rofl:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 16:50:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I would be one of those people but ONLY if I got the feeling that said dog owner was just going to walk away. Most people are good about having a dog but those that aren't? Not cool. But yeah, i'd be puffing out my chest feathers too until I saw the deed get done.

I always pick up after my dog,but I just love the false bravado you see from some people when your dog craps on their lawn. I always steer my dog to the strip of grass that is in between the street and the sidewalk, but none the less, people will make their little comments. I call them out on it each and every time I hear them.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 16:16:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Yeah, yeah, yeah... bags, I gotcha! but it sure made for a funny mental images.

I used to carry a pack of squirrels with me at all times but then i began to think that was a little nuts!!!1


Yes I keep a pack of dogs on me at all times,lol sometimes if I leave the pack of dogs at home, hand them over a dog bag,lol

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 14:52:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
You offer them a dog?

Posted Image

It's just so un-neighborly. hey there, howz about I let my dog take a ####### in your yard? There are two people on our street whose dog could have done it. I am going to tell both of them that we put down poisonous fertilizer on our grass and they should their dogs away. It's a little passive aggressive but apparently you're not supposed to accuse your neighbors of being effing pigs to their faces so...

That ticks me off as well. I always pick up after my dog, but have seen others that don't! If I'm close by I just offer them a dog! Do I care if they are offended? hell no, not as if I would want to be friends with people like that,lol

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 14:33:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
oh gaaaaaah! I almost s'ploded with the rage!


I let my dog ####### wherever it wants to...


haha almost got you there didn't I? Ribbit!

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 13:58:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Dog owners out there do you let your dog ####### in someone else's back yard? well down into our backyard like they would have had to circle around our house to get to the backyard. i was out doing some gardening stuff and i noticed a big pile of dog #######. I nearly lost my mind with anger.

It's obvious in our back yard that there are children that play and there are gardens and some fvckwit lets there dog ####### there?

Can anyone recommend anything? I swear to god, if you don't hear from me for a very long time, it means that I caught the person and their pet responsible. I wouldn't harm the dog though, it's not its fault.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-27 13:49:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I agree with this Saph... my husband and I have been together for 7 years and neither of us is 'young'... but I was/am so used to doing everything on my own all the time that it took a bit of getting used to. I am just now settling into the, oh yeah... it's US! This is what WE do, independent of what we both do as individuals -- I believe that that needs to be maintained as well.

I've been here two months nearly and it's only this past week or two that i can honestly say, I LOVE it. I am very, very happy to be here. That being said, a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am getting MY stuff sorted out and feeling more put together as LGG, you know? It's only then can I expand and see the 'US'. It's pretty great but it takes work and yeah, living together IS work and you have to still respect someone for who they are and love them "earwax" and all, the whole ball of it. It's a nice experience but not without its trials and tribulations.

I think the situations that we're all in are slightly unique. tons of time being together but a whole lot of time apart and when we finally are in the same dwelling, it's as new as it is old, if you know what I mean?

Hope that makes sense.

^^ I agree with the dynamic thing. No one can prepare you for marriage and what it really means to live with eachother. I think it's taken time for us to both realize (actually me more than him) that everything I do, affect BOTH of us If I work late, then it affects him too, if I buy myself a new top, even if I use my own money, it still affects us BOTH. I think we even have it especially bad because we come from long distance relationships, where we are so used to doing things alone and not having to be around eachother constantly... therefore getting away with thinking just about ourselves.

The few months were so great - the honeymoon phase is soooo sneaky! I know as every day passes for us, the reality seems to set in more and more. Every major event or new thing in our marriage is something new to work through. Hate to sound corny, but marriage really is HARD WORK.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-22 10:43:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Oh man, OBX, you just gave me a shiver! Cannot wait to get there! I feel settled with the dress decision -- it was NOT a lot of money and it's not like I'm broke with a lot of debt -- I have none. I have a hard time sometimes justifying silly things -- comes from growing up poor, I think.

Are you going to OBX this year? Or is this the year that you are going to have to miss. I believe we're in Corolla, right on the beach.

I am a natural born beach comber and I grew up on vancouver island so, this is gonna be a treat for me.

Thanks all for your gentle dress encouragement -- everyone needs a pretty, flowy sundress.

I had this image of myself standing there in jeans going, "flow pant legs, FLOW, damn you!"


You absolutely need that summery flowy dress! You have to have something romantic to wear when standing on the Outer Banks with the breeze blowing in off of the ocean so that flowy dress can swirl around your legs. It just doesn't work the same way with jeans.:no::D

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-22 07:48:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Ah... thus your screen name! I get it. This will be my very first time. I missed the trip last year as i didn't have any time off left at my job!

I'm excited. Tell me that I'll need that flowy summery sun dress then, k?

I am SOOO jealous. Please take me with you.... we missed our annual trip to the OBX last year not knowing when USCIS would be done with us; first time in 10 years. :cry:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-21 20:09:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I am here to vent about...


I bought a new dress today. I bought it online. I love it. It's a maxi- sundress. We're going to the Outerbanks this summer and I just wanted a nice, flowy, summery, long sundress.

It was only 60$ with all the shipping and stuff. but WTH!?! I don't even have a job and i'm buying frou-frou things.


I need clothes, right? RIGHT?

Edited by lgg, 21 April 2010 - 07:25 PM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-21 19:25:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I just typed out the hugest PM of life here on VJ and for some freaking reason, it wouldn't sent it and then it was just gone. I couldn't go back to it and it was just gone.

It was one of those catch up, how's life in the US PMs to a friend and it was literally 20 paragraphs long. seriously.

We really need an auto draft or something. that was a big bummer and now I do NOT feel like retyping the email. Made me cranky.
lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-20 15:28:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I've been watching a show called Breaking Bad, it's really, really, really good but I find that I have been adding "yo" gangster style to the end of my sentences, yo.

At first my husband and I did it for giggles but now it's starting to take. Please help me, I seem to have a problem, yo.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 13:14:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I know, I'm going to go and flagellate myself with some bacon now...
see ya...

It WAS your fault. We took a vote. Posted Image

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 11:58:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I as the Canadian get blame for all this as well. I was made to feel like the entire Opening of the winter olympics was my fault!

I, as an American, get blamed for the actions of my nation, so whenever Celine Dion or Justin Bieber come on the radio or t.v., i just point at my wife and say "This is your fault" :lol:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 11:45:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
You made me laugh out loud!

She was my case in point about noise pollution!

*beats chest in show of French Canadian chanteuse angst!*

:Cough: Bullsh!t :cough:

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 11:04:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE dogs, I really do. Like a lot and I understand that yes, dogs bark -- it's what they do... I just don't understand the dog owner that just lets the dog barkbarkbarkbarkbark super early in the morning or late at night. I am sure when I have a dog, it's going to bark and I'll be happy to have neighbors that don't freak out over it, but I wont' let it just stand there and bark and bark because my wittle fwuffy bunny baby's sooooooooooooo cute! :D

I am one of those people that think, "k, I live in the midst of others, i can't just run around naked with Celine Dion blaring off the porch while my dog barks its nuts off in the front yard. Cuz people might not dig that, ya know?

It's a horrible image, I admit and I don't even like Celine but you get my point. ;)

But you guys get that and yes your dogs bark but it's not like you don't care about it -- that's the dif. Some people have no concept of basic courtesy. YOu guys do. natch. :)

Edited by lgg, 19 April 2010 - 10:51 AM.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 10:49:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
People who let their dogs bark and bark and bark and bark. I love dogs, i hope to have one one day but what I have never understood is people who toss the dog out into the back yard or the porch and let the dog bark its head off all day or whatever. Do they not realize what noise pollution that is? I can't imagine letting my dog do that, I'd be horrified at disturbing the neighbors or whatnot.
Must just be me. I can't wait until we get a house that's even further in the country so I don't have to hear the results of other people's lace of respect and courtesy...


lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-19 07:41:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Oh yeah, course! Wood! I have some hickory chips that I'll soak and lay in the coals if I want that. and what? Places dont' allow charcoal grills? I suppose it might be because of the smoke, I'd imagine.
That sucks the suck...

Yeah, but in May, you can tell them to go ** themselves when you move into your new place.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 15:30:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Though I get the 'gas' people nothing beats charcoal, man! nothing1 I love my Weber grill so much.

Peachey prefers gas grills or I'da prolly went with a charcoal one as well. =)

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 13:35:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Awwww, well the effort was certainly there, that's for sure. I think it's nice that you went through all that. I'm the cook in the house and I prefer it that way -- makes me very happy to cook good, healthy things for us.

We got a grill too, a charcoal one as I prefer that adn i learned that anything that's been marinated needs to be drained REALLY well before you place it over the fire otherwise you douse your own fire out. yeah. Happened. last week. had to keep the chicken in the oven for a bit while I refired up the grill.

Yes. I have learned it's a good thing to listen and pay attention when Peachey says she wishes she had X.


I try to cook up something nice once a week for date night.

Last week was a colossal failure - we were supposed to watch the blue jays game together - I thought it was at 7... so I decided to grill up some chicken in pretend tailgating style - and then serve popcorn and pop during the game.

When I got home, I found out it was the top of the 7th inning (game started at 3, not 7). So I cranked up the grill, and threw the chicken on quick.

Then I came in to cut up the limes, pineapple, asparagus, and zucchini (I was trying to make a nice sweet flavor to go with the sharp jerk seasoning I rubbed into the chicken).

I looked out on the porch, and there was a LOT of smoke. Ran out and opened the lid to flames shooting 3ft high and my chicken being black. =(

The legs dropped too much fat too quickly and started a fire, so we killed the gas as best we could and let the fire burn out (took about 10 minutes) and then I tried to skin the black off the chickens and re-fire them (as they were ice cold on the inside).

Afterwards, I realized I singed off most of the hair on my right arm trying to save the chicken.

The game ended before I managed to get everything cooked, and when I served it, I realized that the foil had ripped on the veggies draining all the lime/pineapple juice so the veggies tasted bland... and the veggies hadn't cooked the whole way through. That plus the chicken had that distinct burnt to a crisp flavor going.


We ate it anyhow, and Peachey pretended she liked it. You had to imagine what it should have tasted like.

This week Peachey offered to give me a break from date night surprise cooking.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 13:28:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Yeah, i'd been saying since I got here that I needed a few more things for my kitchen and my husband very sweetly ordered them and had them delivered here --- i was very touched by his paying attention and kindness so... he gets his very own chocolate bundt cake.

MMM... cake.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 13:09:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I haz a sad.
Posted Image
rob you are aPosted Image
but your hilarity makes me Posted Image

Posted Image

You have breached Interwebz Netiquette by inserting far too many emoticons per post. You get a 30 second time out to read lolcat captioned pix. :lol:

Varba, I can relate.

I baked a bundt cake today. Chocolate. Want me to slice a piece on your mother board?

I hate when my boss who's in charge of technical stuff has to go offsite.

Everytime he does, everything dies.

Today, my work laptop won't boot (looks like the motherboard fried), we lost a router for an hour (afterwhich it randomly booted and connected), we lost vpn connectivity for an hour or so, and now one of my VM servers tanked for no apparent reason.


lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 13:00:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Choking on my lunch over here!
lol, lol, lol, lol!

Well I don't know what I'd do! Lol Posted Image
It's such a sticky situation you know? Posted Image

I'd just mind my own business...but that's just me. Posted Image

Posted Image I spilled coffee on my pants. Posted Image


lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 11:02:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Posted Image
Yay! I have always wanted my own 'member'.....


WHoa, total mindfvck.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 10:39:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
I do NOT like it!!
I am a guuuuuuuuuuuuy!

Roflmao. I guess I can understand why women like it. Singing and musicals. But guys? Not so much :P

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 10:23:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Word on that, sister.
40 IS the new 30....


Doubtful OBX...I hadn't heard of them either until I googled....40 is the new 30....that's what I'm going with this year.

lggNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 08:23:00