Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

hi jess
you wont get into trouble at your POE if you put a different date than you arrived...
just put july 2007 .. its only an estimate to when you think you will be leaving australia

as for the photo's put them on the front of the form what does your intstructions say to do..i cant remember if i cut them up or not...maybe tamzo knows or hammy they were the current interviwee's

I wanted to put just JULY 2007 but it wouldn't let me! It made me put a day as well, so I put the 31st ... now I'm thinking I might be leaving closer to the 11-16th (Did you know Kath that they're getting you to fill that form out online and print it off now? I think it might be new since you did yours)

It says "stick or staple photos here" in the big box on the form... but I haven't heard anyone else mention that they actually did. I'll see if anyone else has an answer for me on that one.

you do know that they are suppose to be U.S. sizes for the passport photo's..just checking...

I sure do :D
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-21 01:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I've got a question that maybe someone can shed some light on...

On the form DS-156 Q. 22 "When do you intend to arrive in the U.S." What happens if I put an exact date in, then I actually arrive in the U.S. on a different date. Will the POE people kick my ###? (Oh please don't let the POE people kick my ###).

Another question... did you attach your photos to the DS-156's or leave that for them to do on the day? Are the two passport photos requested the same as those attached to the DS-156's or are they two separate photos?

Sorry, I know I'm nit-picking.

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-20 01:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:cry: Paul, I'm so sorry to hear about Lakota, it must be so difficult saying goodbye to your faithful friend. Tears came to my eyes. It reminds me of my 3 Germs I had growing up. I loved them a lot and they've sinced moved on also, but I still remember them. :cry:
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-20 01:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
How rude! I guess they thought they were legitimately going to miss their flight... still, I get fired up when I see injustice like that.

I had a funny experience at the airport coming home from the US. Tony and I made a little bit of a scene at the airport because I couldn't stop crying... and he was getting a little misty to be honest. Anyway, after tearing apart I walked away, determined not to look back. When I joined the line and the lady in front of me turned around and said "oooh its okay, when you were walking away he looked just as sad as you!" Dern lady, I didn't look for a reason! :D After that she said "You'll see each other again, don't worry, I've been away from my husband as well and I'm missing him terribly, but I'm heading home now". "Oh really?" says I "how long since you saw him?". "Oh, I've been gone the whole week!". Well, you can imagine the look on my face :o And this was back when we didn't know whether we'd actually see each other ever again. Hahaha I loved that kind lady. It wasn't till 10 months later we were back on the same soil.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 23:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:D Saying its about 2 hours drive south of Baltimore isn't as fun.

I'm itching to get my interview date, I know I have to be patient though, from browsing other peoples timelines I'll be waiting a while even just to be notified. I knew that already, or at least guessed it, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking "but the paper says don't send it in until you've got everything... and what if there's a freak occurence and I'm not ready". Oh well. I know I keep going on and on... its just cos I'm excited. I'll pipe down.

Thanks so much for the drivers licence links Kath, I don't know why I wasn't able to find them myself, I guess I wasn't looking in the right place! After your post I think I might stick with Air NZ. I looked at flights down in July and the difference is about <$200 anyway... if it was more (like the deal Paul got) I'd definately consider China Airlines. I've got a NZ$5 note that I've been holding onto for the event also :) I've sort of had my heart set on spending it.

Has anyone ever ended up with interviews on the same day on this forum? That would be so strange.

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 22:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Paul: I'm so excited for you! :dancing: Who are you flying with? I reckon that Air New Zealand is awesome and I was planning to fly with them when I go back to the US. Only have to go through Auckland which is no big deal. Only adds 3 or 4 hours onto the trip. Congrats!

Elle: Ooops! I thought you were in MD already! :blush:

wow, since 2001 hey? I'd be going crazy! Tony and I are getting really sick of being apart.

I'm not deferring graduation exactly, I'm just not attending the ceremony. I'll be making arrangements for them to send my certificate to me in the US.

How did you guys meet? Did he live here for a while or have you guys been going back and forth? Are you still studying and finishing your degree this semester also? that'd explain flying out late June without a doubt. My Tony visited over Christmas and New Years... was really nice introducing him to my whole family... they really love him too. :) And of course, he popped the question too :thumbs:

Since you don't have a licence here in OZ you never know, might be easier learning in the US :D Although, didn't take me too long to adjust when I was over there last. Driving was lots of fun. Actually, coming back here I had to remind myself I was back on the left hand side!

If you find some info that'd be awesome if you post it, but don't sweat it, just thought you might already know. :)

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 05:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Kath, I found your Australia Post receipt on page 99 (for future reference) thanks for the tip :)
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 03:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oh, by the by, I have a question for the MD people only... Elle, I reckon you could help me out with this one...

What steps do I take to get a drivers licence for MD? How easy was it for you?
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 02:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

jezz -- which uni do you go to? u mentioned u had school until june. sounds like eric and i a couple of yrs ago lol. how long have u and ur fiance been together? when do u think u will be moving to bmore? sorry for the 20qs - just excited sum1 else on here is moving to bmore lol.

Hey I don't mind 20 questions at all :) I'm in my last semester at Macquarie, doing a social science degree. Tony and I have been an item for two years, we met in May of 2005 on a train going to Epping station of all places... hahaha. We got to chatting and I invited him to meet me at Epping Club later in the week and things sort of went from there.

I'm looking seriously at dates around July 10-16. Uni finishes 29th of June and then after that I've allowed a couple of weeks to tie up all the loose ends and spend time with my mum. Mum is on school holidays then so its good timing. So, if I hit LA for a week, I'll be in MD by the end of July and married around the same time :) So excited! Its nice to know that there are plenty of other aussies rambling about MD.

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 02:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Yay! Thats great! I can't wait until thats me.

Soo... When are you travelling then? :D

I remember when I was waiting for the application to be approved. Seemed like it would take forever. We got a request for more evidence... what sucked was they asked us for something that wasn't even on the list of required documents. The request came in the mail literally a couple of days after Tony flew here to visit, so we couldn't put it in until after he got back, a month later! Still, it was pretty quick after that, then suddenly the package 3 arrived in the mail and I've been running around getting everything ready every since.

Quick question, have you considered getting your birth certificate, police check and medical prior to getting your package 3? Does anyone else end up doing that?
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-19 02:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oh, and I live about a hours drive north of the city, more like 2 hours by public transport as you would expect. Thats why I'll probably do the 3kg sachel thing. Still, much more convenient than if I lived in other states like you guys.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 22:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

IM SO EXCITED!!!! Two people from or going to Baltimore??? **waves** to jezz and mugz

HEY!!! I'll be moving to Baltimore County!!!

jezz - Not sure where Pax River is...but I'm just glad there are aussies in Bmore heeheehee..edit: which part of Sydney you from??
mugz - which part of Bmore you from?

Paul - congrats on selling the car!
Kath - thanks for the info re: customs! I will read it very shortly!

Becuz im a dork...


Hey that is exciting! :D *waves back*

Okay, the city is Lexington Park in St. Marys County, I'll give you directions... start in Baltimore, follow the Chesapeake river south... no, keep going... keep going....still not there yet.... okay, that little river is the Paxuent river... swim across and you're there! (watch out for navy folk though;) ).
If you keep going south you're swimming again, and then you're in VA... and you've gone too far :D

I'll be flying into Baltimore but I'm starting off in LA, Tonys family live in LA and they're looking forward to meeting me so I'll be there for about a week to get aquainted before I move into my new home in MD.

*waves again to all the MD people*

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 22:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Dr Waks said to me "I sent your results in an envelope straight to the consulate so that they will have it there already when you get there for your interview". Maybe this is a new procedure? Well, we shall see. When he sends me a copy of the results that I requested I can always take those with me too, to have all my bases covered.

I'm located in Sydney... much more convenient for me than it is for you guys, I was so amazed when I read they only do the interview in Sydney... still, Sydney is a great place! ;) Hope you guys are enjoying your visits.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 21:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I think you can call up Australia Post and get them to track where it is for you.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 21:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

hi jezz
there are a few aussie that are either marrying or married to miltary your gunna be in kentucky huh
the doctors give you the medical in an envelope they dont send it off to the consulate...the melb doc gives you a copy in an envelope that contains everything that is given to the your brown envelope is everything that you sent in originally and everything that you submitted at the interview so its an important part of the whole process...they enter all the details into the system at the POE and then forward it to homeland security ready for your next step which is AOS... :time: just go HERE to do so others in you have questions outside the aussie thread and stats for the website too...

hi ya moonie
how you doing..go


My doctor definately sent my medical stuff straight to the consulate. He told me so. Although, I think I got duplicates. I'm currently following it up.

I'm going to be in southern Maryland in a place called Pax River Naval Air Station. Kentucky is in Virginia... so a little south of southern Maryland :)

Currently attempting to fill in my timeline as we speak.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 21:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Paul!

I went back and read your experience and I was highly entertained :) It had me in stitches with the bit about the Low 5! Sounds like they would have been happy to have you there to pick things up since it turned out to be a bit of a nightmare day.

Oh I read your comments on the Mysterious Brown Envelope (MBE). I swear I won't open the MBE as much as I will want to. ;)

The K-1 Visa also has six months to activate. That is, I must travel on it within six months of me receiving it. It won't be a problem since I'm planning on scooting out of the country around mid July.

Paul - What is your favourite kind of chocolate? :)

Hi Kath!

I bet being able to say "no more USCIS till next year" is so great! :)

I believe that I got a full copy but I'm not sure so I got in contact with them to ask whether I have everything or whether I can get a copy of any additional documentation they may have already sent to the consulate. Thanks for the advice on that one, I don't want to get it all done again when I get to the US!!! :D

It'd be more convenient for me to have it posted... unless I get really over excited and just *have* to have it the following day. It'll depend on what day the interview is I guess...

I am moving the southern Maryland. A little place called Pax River Naval Air Station. :) I think we can all fill in the blanks on that one. Yep, an American sailor stole my heart away. :)

Hi Moonie!

You know, I think the Kev should consider it. In fact, when I went to see Dr Waks he asked me when my interview date was. I said to him "I wasn't going to organise my interview until after my medical was all done" and he said "Well you know, you probably could have, as long as the interview wasn't less than a week after the medical". That was just his opinion. I suspect it'd probably be safe, but I didn't do it. I didn't because I wanted to play it safe, also I'm in not a *huge* hurry since I still have to finish school (not till end of June). It makes no real difference to me if my interview is a month away or not, since I'll still be firmly planted here in Sydney. *sob*

Moonie, if it were me I think that I would consider sending the letter now.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 20:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks! Thats really helpful! I guess I was right, Packet 4 DOES contain the answers I seek. I'm going to stop sweating it ;)

Actually, I went to see Dr Waks. He was really nice and he made the whole medical part of it really easy. (still $$$ though LOL)

Oh, and I DO like chocolate... chocolate is sooo good. But hey, I'm getting married, I can't eat chocolate (much).

I'm curious to know whether the announcement that the consulate will be closing down/slowing down for the summit will effect how long before my appointment is sceduled. Can't help but think I should have sent the letter earlier, but the letter said not to send until I had everything in my hand, so thats what I dutifully did :)

I'm not toooo desperate for my visa because I have to stay here in Sydney to finish my degree (finished end of June). But I still really want it, so I can stop stressing (as much) and I can buy plane tickets and all that fun stuff.


jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 09:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Everyone!

My name is Jess and I'm on this crazy mixed up Visa Journey too :) I'm the Australian fiancee of a gorgeous American man named Tony. I currently live in Sydney and I'm close to getting my K-1 visa *fingers crossed*. I sent the US Consulate my letter to announce that I'm ready to be given an interview day today!

So I've been checking and rechecking, randomly photo copying, organising and re-organising my various bits and pieces of paperwork more times than is healthy... I guess you probably know exactly what I'm talking about :)

I've got a couple of Q's for you guys if I may...

1. What is the fee to get my K-1 visa and how does one pay the fee?
2. What is this 3kg sachel I'm hearing about?

Uh... are the above two questions answered when I get my interview appointment? I'm suspecting so, sorry if this is the case LOL.

Oh, another question, in your opinions, whats the best way to send my stuff to the US. We're talking books, CDs and small things, nothing big, and no furniture.

I've been lurking around for ages and only just found this Aussie thread (its well hidden isn't it? or at least it seemed that way to me). So I thought I'd introduce myself. :innocent:

Catch you later,

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-18 07:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat is the cost for the medical as well as the actual interview
Hi LonaD,

Check out the links for more info you need, including the contact details for doctors in Canada :) Hope this helps.

Varies by Doctor, about $180 Canadian
$250 for Dr. Weiner in Ottawa
$310 for Dr. Stewart in Ottawa!!!!!!!
$185 at Dr. Seiden's in Toronto
$190 in Montreal
$210.00 in montreal if you go to Medisy's health group on sherbrooke st.;cty=Montreal

$275 For an adult and $125 for a K2 child in Vancouver BC (The cost varies by doctor)$260 for Dr Viljoen in Calgary, AB

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-04-30 07:39:00
Asia: East and PacificAussies and Centrelink

It doesnt matter what the beneficiary is on assistance or if they arent working or if they are a student etc. Its all about the US citizen and if they can support their beneficiary. So don't worry!

I thought not! Thank you :)
curvebellFemaleAustralia2010-11-28 10:05:00
Asia: East and PacificAussies and Centrelink
Hi all,

Just a quick Q.

I'm on Newstart Allowance which is basically govt assistance whilst I look for a job. Would this have any affect on my K1 application? I don't even know if the US consulate would have access to that kind of information anyway, but I've been curious since my fiance brought it up.

Thanks in advance.
curvebellFemaleAustralia2010-11-27 10:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report question
Just out of interest when is it recommended that you start to collect the police reports and medical history for Australians?. Should you wait until you are approved or start the process earlier so that you are ready as soon as the documents are received in Sydney?

Should we start to work on the I-134 documents as well or is it just simply to early and i shouldnt worry about this stuff yet?
NewYorkSydneyFemaleAustralia2009-08-19 05:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 - Changed jobs
Thank you for this information so basically if we are a household of two people we need to ensure we meet the $18,212 threshold?

I am going to try and obtain all this information ahead of time so that I am ready once we get the NOA2.
NewYorkSydneyFemaleAustralia2009-09-23 18:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 - Changed jobs
Just a quick question on the I-134 does it need to be notorized at all??

Do you need to also provide pay slips, letter from the bank, letter from employer etc if you make over the poverty line?
NewYorkSydneyFemaleAustralia2009-09-23 00:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC - IVR Process Changed?

You just got it yesterday. Give them some mailing time - at least 3-4 days before you start calling. Your application will be bundled with others, then sent to NVC to be logged for the embassy and given a case number. This could take as long as 15 business days.

I understand. However, if it's automated, it's not going to bother anyone if I call up to check each day.

However, given that..

The AVR system was deactivated earlier this year.

..I will indeed wait a few days. I don't want to bother a live person every day so soon in the process.

Those guides need updating!

Edited by callsignapollo, 07 August 2012 - 07:00 PM.

callsignapolloMaleAustralia2012-08-07 19:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC - IVR Process Changed?
Hi All.

We received our NOA2 yesterday and as per recommendations in the guides, and wiki, we have been prepared to call up each day looking for our case number.

However, if you call (603) 334 0700, you can no longer "press 1" after selecting English.

Are you still able to reach the IVR or must you now go through an operator each time?

callsignapolloMaleAustralia2012-08-07 18:42:00
Asia: East and PacificAustralian Police Checks
How do you go about getting a Australian Police check ? and how long does it take I read some where 4 weeks is that right ?
DavisNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-06-10 07:15:00
Asia: East and PacificPacket 3 checklist - Sydney
Kym, it was about 10 days between when I got my fingerprints taken and when I received my police certificate.

Don't be worried, its quick and its easy! :) I'm from Sydney too... just ring up your local police station and ask to come in to get your fingerprints taken for a national police certificate. Its very important that you get fingerprints, not just a name check. On the phone they will tell you how much it will cost and when to come in. Usually you don't have to book but if they're always too busy to do it (like they were for me) you might be able to book ahead on Sunday.

They ask for the fee in cash and theres a form to download online and fill out. Or you can fill it out on the day I hear. You need to take a few forms of identification too. They'll cover all that on the phone I'm sure. Call your local police station and ask for "A National Police Certificate with fingerprints".

Also, I saw Dr Waks too, I liked him, he's very friendly.

Edited by jezz85, 21 June 2007 - 08:37 PM.

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-06-21 20:35:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificate question

I am from Sydney and did the K-1 so I know what I'm talking about :D

Yes you MUST get the fingerprints!

Hollywood is right, the DOWN UNDER forum is the place to be for all the good info :)
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-06-21 20:42:00
Asia: East and PacificImmigration through Point of Entry in U.S.
Hi Adam,

First of all, congrats on your wife getting approved! Also, good on you for all that you're doing over there in Iraq. I hope you get to come off deployment sooner rather than later to be with your lovely wife!

It won't be a problem that your wife is coming into the country alone. A lot of people come across together but many more come by themselves! (Myself included, also in July).

Hopefully someone can answer your question about the Texas POE, I'm heading to LAX myself.

Good luck!

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-06-23 10:02:00
Asia: East and PacificConcerns about Sydney...
Awww! *hugs* it won't be long (I'm falling apart at the seams too :) 11 days to go!) I'm glad you brought up the craziness that is APEC. Its something to factor in :)
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-01 18:59:00
Asia: East and PacificConcerns about Sydney...
I'm thinking that APEC will be over or nearly over before your application is approved, I wouldn't worry too much about it since its something you can't change even if it does clash a little. My advice is don't try and rush the application, just take your time and make sure everything is there :)
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-01 08:45:00
Asia: East and PacificConcerns about Sydney...
I'm so glad you discovered that you don't have to have your medical in Sydney. What a load off. Getting to Sydney just for the interview is tough if you live on the other side of the country. I was lucky since Sydney is my home.

Regarding rescheduling your interview... I didn't do it myself, but I would suggest that you attach preferred dates to your letter of readiness (the one you send in when you've got everything on the big list :D). It makes sense that they will try to accomodate you as best they can.

If you DO have to reschedule, I wouldn't hesitate to email them. In my experience they have been very good with the email. Both times I received a reply within 24 hours. Again, give them the preferred dates in the email. I hope you can organise a decent time.

Best of luck!
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-01 04:34:00
Asia: East and PacificAnother Police Certificate Question
You're almost there! In Asia:East and Pacific (Except China) right at the very top (pinned) you will see...

Pinned: LAND DOWNUNDER 123» 189
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Thats us! :D
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-02 07:01:00
Asia: East and PacificA question fellow Aussie's could help me with...
Hey Katz, put your suburb mate :D
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-02 08:16:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview extention...
There is a biographic detail form that you get in packet 3 that you send back to them right away... everything else you save for the interview. I guess sending back that biographic detail form would count as your 'response'. :D
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-09 21:34:00
Asia: East and PacificPolice Certificates In Aussie Land
Hi Peta,

First of all, I can't tell you whether it will or won't be on your Police Certificate.

What I can tell you however is that in my opinion you should include it in the application as it is always the best policy to be as transparent and honest as possible with the anyone dealing with your visa application. Not only is it the best route, this will give you peace of mind throughout the process. I have heard time and time again on Visa Journey the value of honesty. It is when they discover later that you hid some facts that you run into trouble. In all likelyhood, the drink driving thing won't worry them as long as you're upfront and honest.

So my opinion is, if they are asking if you've had prior offenses, yes, do include it in the application. It will save you a whole lot of bother further down the track with personal worry on your side, and if they DO find out about it on their side.

Best of luck!

Edited by jezz85, 01 July 2007 - 04:22 AM.

jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-01 04:21:00
Asia: East and PacificWanting to marry an Australian and live in the US...HELP!
Yes, as long as your ceremony does not include the legalities of marriage (marriage license, marriage certificate etc.) you are free to have a ceremony and still petition for a K-1 visa. BUT don't confuse the consulate, don't refer to each other as husband and wife, don't wear rings until legally married, you don't want the consulate to smell *bullshit*. That's just my thoughts and advice though, others may contradict me.

I'm curious though, why not get legally married at the same time as the ceremony? The K-1 and K-3 have a pretty similar time frame. It sounds like you have nothing to gain from waiting till you're in the US. If you marry in Australia there is a different class of visa you can get which may speed the process further and mean you don't have to do "Adjustment of Status" later on. Just a thought.

I know everything seems confusing now, but as you read the guides on this site, inspect some of the timelines and chat to members things will become clearer. You're welcome to come post in the DOWN UNDER thread (pinned at the top of this forum) that's where all the Aussie/American couples hang out.

Best of luck!
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-07-27 08:34:00
Asia: East and PacificTax transcripts and military tax free zones
No worries, I'm glad I could help out.

Here is the link, you don't need any special login, it's just another part of this forum


It is over 200 pages long, so go ahead and skip to the end, and start posting smile.gif
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-08-21 05:31:00
Asia: East and PacificTax transcripts and military tax free zones
Hi, I just looked through my husbands stuff and we've got 1040 for 2005 and 1040A for 2006 (can't find 2004). The forms have pretty much the same information on them so logic suggests that just one from each year will surfice (it did for us).

Also, double check to see whether you have to get these tax forms notorized or not.
jezz85FemaleAustralia2007-08-20 09:39:00