CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Thanks everyone smile.gif

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Nov 19 2008, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ozone 1974 should fill out his timeline. smile.gif

Will def do good.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-11-20 10:12:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Hello everyone

Just an update :
We finally received the NOA2 from the Vermont service center (approx 4 months later) and our petition (I-129F) has been APPROVED, they will now forward the petition to the Montreal consulate for the next step yes.gif
We will post status of the next step soon smile.gif

Thanks again to everyone who helped us in this journey smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-11-19 12:37:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Thank You for your responses to all my questions.

I do have another question: On the I-129F question 10 states "My citizenship was acquired through", my fiancee was born abroad in Germany of a Citizen of the United States of America and does have a form FS-240, but under the answer of Parents there are two other questions that we are unsure about the first one is "Have you obtained a certificate of citizenship in your name?" Which all she has is her birth certificate and the form FS-240 and the second question is "If "Yes," give certificate number, date and place it was issued". Any advice on these two questions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You in advance for all your assistance.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-06-15 15:03:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures

Thank you for your help everyone.
In the letter of intent, they ask about the embassy address, if the fiance is filling out the letter, should the embassy information listed be the one that he/she will be going to for the interview? If the US citizen is filling out the letter which embassy should they be placing on the form?

Thank you very much in advance for your help
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-06-09 21:07:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 25 2008, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your American fiancee starts the ball rolling by sending in an I-129f petition form along with all of the requested attachments and additional documents that are listed to the Texas Service Center (that is the service center that is responsible for Florida applications.)

Hello, Thank you for your help happy.gif

I do have another question.

We've checked on the USCIS website and they state the service center for the Florida location is Vermont. Here is the link that I have found to the direct filing addresses for the I-129F's.
Here is the link

Which one would be the correct bureau location considering she lives in Florida?

Thank you in advance for your help
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-06-03 19:22:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures

I have another question .. On the form I-129F question 18 states "Has your fiancé(e) met and seen you within the two-year period immediately receding the filing of this petition?" The word "receding" seems wrong, can someone please give some clarification to this question?

Thank you in advance for all your help good.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-06-02 19:53:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Ah oki biggrin.gif .. was just wondering so I thought I would ask before we start the procedures, you know the saying : "better be safe than sorry" blush.gif
Thanks a bunch everyone for your help biggrin.gif

Best regards
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-05-27 00:01:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Hello everyone,

Thank you for the warm welcoming happy.gif

I do have a question that popped into my mind last night blush.gif
I have 2 citizenships already, French (because I was born in France) and Canadian. I think I've read somewhere that United States do not have any rules for dual citizenships but would it be a problem for me considering the fact that I already have 2 ?
If that is the case then I will promptly drop my French citizenship and keep my Canadian one, as I want to minimize the risk of problems during the visa filing process happy.gif

Also, if I do drop my French citizenship, what documents should I provide during the visa filing process, my french birth certificate or my Canadian citizenship certificate ?

Thanks everyone biggrin.gif
Best regards
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-05-26 12:44:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Hello everyone happy.gif

Sweet Jebus that was quick, thank you soooo much for your help everyone, this is greatly appreciated biggrin.gif
It feels so good and reinsuring to know that others are going through the same process with success yes.gif. My loved one and I are so excited at the thought of finally be together heart.gif biggrin.gif
Once we start filing, can we post the progress of our visa journey on the website ?

Once again, Thanks a lot for your great help everyone biggrin.gif
Best regards
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-05-25 19:22:00
CanadaCanadian marrying American, Procedures
Hello everyone happy.gif ,

My name is Nicolas and I am a Canadian citizen living in Montreal, my girlfriend is American and live in Florida.
We met online 2 years ago, and after 2 years of traveling (me to USA and her to Canada to spend time together and meet each other's family), Chat sessions every day, phone calls every day, we finally decided to get married and live together, (in United States, so I would move there permanently) biggrin.gif
We searched online for documentation on the procedures to follow, but all we can find online is rather "not clear" to us and we really want to do it right the first time yes.gif . Seems that our best option would be via a K1 Visa from what we've read.
It would be sooooooooooooooo appreciated if you could help us clarifying the procedures to follow, delays for procedures and such... yes.gif

Also, just a quick question : from what we gathered online, it states that she would have to be able to support me at 150% or something like that. But we are wondering what exactly do they mean by that huh.gif ? .. She have a job and live in an appartment right now and that's where I would move so she would basically provide a roof over our heads during the time for me to find a job in United States .. we mean, how do they calculate that and what is the 150% based on ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help biggrin.gif
Best regards

PS: Big Big thanks to cattattude for pointing me out the Canadians forums and the 2008 Poverty Guidelines wink.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2008-05-25 13:39:00
It is the MTL case number smile.gif
And I put 70 or 60 years
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-08 17:21:00
CanadaCanada's current economic situation- a comparison
QUOTE (VJ's Opportunist @ Feb 8 2009, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Because here in US they pay for lazy people and haunt hard workers. laughing.gif

uhm they do that here in Canada too huh.gif but the population in USA is far greater than in Canada so IMO it is hard to compare Canada vs USA

USA population (approximately 305,776,875 residents)

Canadian population (approximately 33,547,852 residents)

There are a lot of factors that makes a financial situation like this happen...

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-08 17:50:00
CanadaLooking for Support, or Not!
Hi Carla

Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents smile.gif

It is normal to feel guilty about the things you mentioned in your post, it is human and perfectly normal. But as it has been said before by other members, you are in a relationship and a relationship is a teamwork, a partnership. You do contribute in many ways and it is OK, no matter if you contribute financially or take care of the house or whatever else, it is OK. You both talked about this before getting married and I do not see any reasons why he would change his mind. He loves you and wants you to be happy !
I know what it is to take care of others for so many years and all of a sudden be in a position where you have to take care of yourself instead, it is really tough. But do not feel like you're stuck doing something you do not want. Remember that you are NOT stuck, I am sure whatever it is, he will understand, just because he loves you and wants you to be happy smile.gif Talk to him and explain exactly how you feel, be honest with yourself and talk to him, he'll understand.
You might be leaning on him right now but later on, he probably will lean on you too and that is exactly how things should be. That's a partnership, that's love, that's a sharing between 2 people. You both support each other in many ways, and that is a good thing.

Share with him, share your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts. Never doubt him, but trust him instead and share ! smile.gif .. It does not matter if you cry, crying is not a sign of weakness, it is a state of emotion and it is OK. Don't hold it inside but share it with him instead smile.gif

I am sure you will feel so much better after doing this smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-12 12:58:00
CanadaLoss of Citizenship?
No you do not have to give up your Canadian citizenship smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-19 13:44:00
CanadaDitching/Abandoning Canadian Debt while living is U.S.
QUOTE (thetreble @ Feb 20 2009, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And I'm sure 99% of us are in agreement that abandoning debt in any country is probably not a good idea.

Oh yes, I definitely agree with that smile.gif

OP, just remember the saying .. "what goes around comes around."
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-20 13:44:00
CanadaDitching/Abandoning Canadian Debt while living is U.S.
LOL, that was funny to go through all this thread and see how it got slowly but surely off topic laughing.gif

First .. OP post his "unusual" question
Next .. People are like huh.gif and don't seem quite sure if they can say what they truly think or if they should just take it slowly and go with the flow
Next .. OP is like .. "oh cool they seem to agree with me, let's push it farther and show them who I really am".
Next .. Strong reaction from shocked people who start to say what they really think ohmy.gif
Next .. OP is feeding the fire with some more shocking comments devil.gif
Next .. People start to get pissed off ranting33va.gif
Next .. OP don't even want to bother answering anymore seeing that anyway he won't win this one on this forum and just reply with a sort of "Oh well, I don't care what you guys are saying anyway" emoticon like " :-) "
Next .. offtopic45vn.gif People not having anymore to talk about since OP is out of the discussion start drifting slowly but surely talking about cellphones.

Sorry guys but it was just too funny to see the evolution of this thread ... laughing.gif

That was sort of entertaining eb0dfafc.gif .. lol
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-20 02:21:00
CanadaLiving Together
QUOTE (SpiritAlight @ Feb 22 2009, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I made an agreement with myself a long time ago to be brutally honest AND forthcoming.
If someone cannot stand the heat, they need to leave the room I'm in.
Needless to say, my partner has a lot of problems with that....poor man. A warning was not enough.

Thanks TheTreble.

You said it yourself .. You chosed to be "brutally honest and forthcoming" tongue.gif .
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-22 22:54:00
CanadaLiving Together
QUOTE (SpiritAlight @ Feb 21 2009, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People do not change.
We all fall back on our "default characters".

We are all who we were in our essence from the time we were 5 or maybe even 3 years old.
Think about it.

I have done a lot of work to come to this conclusion.
Up to my 20s or maybe even my 30s I believed people could truly change.
They cannot.

You love them or your don't.
You are who you are.
That's it, that's all.

Do I need to soften this? Hee, hee. blush.gif

yes and no ...
While genetics can't be changed, you can change the way you behave. This is a question of choices, everything happening in your life is directly or indirectly related to the choices you've made.
There are many obvious examples on this subject.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-22 16:30:00
CanadaLiving Together
QUOTE (to_hope @ Feb 21 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyways, it made me realize that I have a strongly held belief/hope that anyone can change.

Agree that people can indeed change smile.gif BUT ..
You can not change (and there is nothing you can do about it) someone who do not want to change. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, if that person is not willing to change or is not ready to change, it won't happen.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-21 17:02:00
CanadaLiving Together
I think we can't be the same all the time and there has to be differences, otherwise it would be pretty boring. I mean can you imagine having a carbon copy of yourself in front of you all the time ? You would turn nuts in no time : why ? because you would see all your defaults and your qualities. Unfortunately for us humans, we tend to remember the defaults better than the qualities, and our own defaults are certainly not something we want to see every day .. lol

The main question is how we deal with the differences, how we adapt to the differences, how we learn to be patient and comprehensive and how well we work together in order to have a healthy balance and make our relationship work. It sure is an every day work cause if it was that easy, civilizations would not fight all the time.
We each bring positive and negative things in a relationship whether it is intentional or unintentional. I think one important thing in a relationship is communication, if we do not communicate, then we do not let our loved one know what is wrong .. so our loved one might do or say something that irritate us again, not because he or she wants to hurt us, but simply because he or she is unaware that we are irritated .. Then the piling up begins and when there is too much, well that is when often things go wrong. Communication is what help understanding, and when we understand then we can work together to keep a balance for both to be happy smile.gif It is exactly like a maths problem, you've got to understand the problem before you can work to solve it smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-19 02:09:00
CanadaLiving Together
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 17 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived with my fiance two years before in Canada, still nothing prepares you for what you are about to embark on.

That is entirely true and I agree, but in another hand, nothing prepares you to live a long distance relationship either (which is a pretty tough situation to live).

Imho, living a part is also a very good test for a couple and you've got plenty of time to get to know your loved one and see who he/she really is while being exposed to such stressful situations .. it often bring a lot of tests, depending on individuals it can be fears, trust, patience etc (the list can be very long) ...
Of course living together every day is a complete different thing and brings another kind of tests, but I think that if you are able to live a long distance relationship and go through all this process together without your relationship being negatively affected, you pretty much have a solid and good base for a successful relationship. As to_hope said, the rest is (like every relationship) a teamwork and choices from both partners.

The words "what if" bugs me a little bit though, cause with these 2 words you can rebuild the entire world. Some people will say it is being "careful" to think that way : I agree in a certain way, but you can never be 100% sure of what will happen in the future so what is the point of getting all worked up on something that might never happen ? As a couple, analyze the situation, make your choices and do what you have to do, the rest will come by itself depending on your choices smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-18 02:22:00
CanadaGot a job
Wow that is good news smile.gif Congrats and good luck with the new job good.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-10 00:24:00
QUOTE (eyoa @ Feb 27 2009, 01:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Vancouver instructions state to fax DS230 straight away. If it is different for Montreal, then I apologize for speaking out of turn.

Aww cmon .. there is no need to apologize at all, I was just saying that this might be another possibility to handle it through the Montreal consulate. Maybe it is different in Vancouver, I have absolutely no idea.
You should not apologize for giving advices, this is OK wink.gif after all maybe I am wrong unsure.gif but this is the way I did it, I sent the DS-230 along with the checklist and a cover page mentioning my case number in the same envelope to the Montreal US consulate.
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-27 02:21:00
QUOTE (eyoa @ Feb 27 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am ready to send back my checklist tmrw with my DS230. I only send the checklist right? I don't give them photocopies of all the documents until my interview?
The DS230 should have been faxed to them immediately. Make sure you fax this asap even if you don't fax your checklist tomorrow. Also, you are correct not to fax all of your supporting documents. Bring all documents/photocopies to your interview. They only want the checklist & DS230 signed and faxed.

I'm not sure how accurate this is, but here's an estimate anyway:
Montreal Wait Times for Visa Interviews

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you can also just send your DS-230 along with your checklist to the Montreal consulate .. You do not have to necessarily fax it.
Just to be on the safe side though, I would send both DS-230 and the checklist together. Sometimes documents tend to get lost.

Last time I checked, interviews waiting time in Montreal are around 4 months this time of the year.

Also, don't worry too much about the NOA2 expiration date. As long as your case is active and moving forward they will extend that date automatically. That would be a complete different story if you did not send them anything before the NOA2 expiration date I believe, but this is not your case so you should be fine. good.gif
PS : Big thanks to Krikit for the NOA2 info wink.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 27 February 2009 - 01:26 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-27 01:22:00
CanadaWanting to start the I-130 process
Sweet Jesus, Carla ohmy.gif
Situations like that are really, really, really exhausting. Two thumbs up goes to you Carla for getting out of this whole "mess" successfully and be stronger than ever wink.gif

Kaya, hope this situation will be over soon for you so that you can finally move on and live happy with your other half good.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-27 01:50:00
CanadaNew to the board
Welcome to VJ smile.gif
Funny to see how people who moved to USA never really left Canada .. they seem to be in USA physically but in Canada Spiritually tongue.gif

Edited by ozone_1974, 02 March 2009 - 10:58 AM.

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-03-02 10:58:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (Krikit @ Feb 9 2009, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Which area of Florida? (Sorry if I seem like a pest..... trying to give you specifics on good/bad places to eat but there's no point in mentioning them if you're not anywhere close to that area.)

lol np at all Krikit, I will be moving to Tampa smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-09 13:24:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (Eternal Love @ Feb 9 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
but wait... in GATLINBURG, TENESSEE..they have the PANCAKE PANTRY.'s the best restaurant I have been to outside Florida... that when we got home , my wife is craving for panckaes the same as what we tasted there....

I LOVE pancakes smile.gif Oh and Belgium waffles with REAL (of course the Canadian one) maple syrup too biggrin.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-09 11:38:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (Krikit @ Feb 9 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you moving to Florida? If you are, I totally recommend the Pollo Tropical chain. Let us know where you're moving to and I can be more specific. lol

Yes I will be moving to sunny Florida biggrin.gif

I've noticed too that the portions they serve in USA are huuuuuuuuuuuuuge, although I LOVE food and can eat quite a lot, I don't know how they are doing to eat all of it at once .. Most of the time I just can't finish my meals .. lol, so we often bring the leftovers back home to eat it later smile.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-09 11:27:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
Wow .. thanks everyone, we'll def have to try some of these restaurants smile.gif Makes me hungry just to read what you guys say about these restaurants smile.gif

I remember we went to a place once that specialize in bagels and cream cheese but I can't remember the name of it .. I had bagels with strawberry cream cheese (never tasted strawberry cream cheese in my life before) .. Omg I loved it !

I love food ! biggrin.gif

ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-08 22:29:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
Hey everyone smile.gif

when I was in Florida, I was looking for good and not too expensive restaurants. One I found (very well known though), not too expensive and they have quite a nice choice is Olive Garden. Their food is really good and tasty and the ambiance is fantastic ! smile.gif

My fiancee and I love to go to restaurants sometimes (just to relax at the end of a long day at work, get out of the house and eat great food when we don't feel like cooking or just to break the routine) so I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on good restaurants to try.

Thanks in advance wink.gif
ozone_1974MaleCanada2009-02-08 21:55:00