K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd RFE

What is the significance of the "A" number? Why are you looking at it?

I am not sure. Somebody (thread by Uling) asked about getting an A-number on the IMBRA RFE form, so I thought I'd mention it.

The A number is the number the alien gets on his or her file with the government. It doesn't matter at this point of the process, but people were curious about it.

I recieved a second RFE myself. Same questions on IMBRA but as you say a little different format. Also a second question that could have been sent to me in April when i filed.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-07-23 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre We Affected by IMBRA too?
My timeline is similar to yours and i don't knbow where i am stuck. I am an Imbra, sent in the info which was no criminal record or restraining order. That was in June and the last thing i heard.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-07-31 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresneed advice here
I sent in 129F in April with NOA1 arriving then RFE . Sent it back on 7/24 and have heard nothing. Should i be calling Vermont? if so what is number. Seems the 800 number doesn't even answer. Thanks
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-08-23 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVCS stopped touching??


I received my NOA1 on 6/ touched on 6/24...and nothing since then...

Did VCS stop touching or do they update there servers on certain days? I'm leaving in afew days and I'm worried I wont be around by the time my IMBRA RFE will get here.

Any advise?

I've signed up for email updates. I used my personal email at USCIS online status check and my work email on my I-129f............does that matter? which email will receive the updates?

Thank U

I don't think so. i have been touched every day since they sent me an email telling me i was getting an RFE. Also every day since i sent it back but no NOA2 as of yet.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-28 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED

WOW! You two have been waiting since April! THANK GOD! Let's hope they get all these older cases cleared up soon, pray for E&K!

I know it has been one damn long wait.

Partly my fault though. i sent in a final xdegrtee of divorce that the court made an error on. They said i divorced myself. Good trick, wonder how much alimony i should have asked for?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-10-02 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-10-02 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved--just wait?
We have been approved but what now? Just wait to hear that it has left vermont for the embassy?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-10-12 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIF I DONT MARRY AND GET BACK,


This brings up a point of curiosity!! Now what if while she was here on the origional K1 she married someone other than the origional petitioner? Would there be a procedure where she could seek to stay here?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-20 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help on problem

I need some help. I was told to use this really good lawyer in CA for a k1 visa. well they filled out all the papers and said they sent it out in july and charge me $1000
Well for 4 months i have not hear anything, no check cash from INS no info on anything in-till 11/9. I got the packet back from the INS. The lawyer used the outdated I 129 F forms and to update the form and mail it back. So the lawyer is going to mail me a new form filled out so i can re-mail it, Also i found some other info errors like wrong address, wrong ex wife last name which the lawer fixed but its got me thinking.
So i called another lawyer that my friend used and she said she would charge me $2500 to redo the paper work to make it sure it done right, I have called more lawyers and gotten so many different answers i don't know who to believe. One lawyer said the only way to bring a girl back from colombia was to married her there and fill out the forms for a wife. Another one said that colombia is the hardest place to get a K1 visa. I am not sure if they are trying to scare me to pay them $2500 to have it done.
So my question is. Do i check the new form over and put the packet together again and mail it out my self or should i pay a lawyer $2500 which i really don't have to have a piece of mine and make sure there will be no more problems? I wasted 4 months and already really mad about it, Everything i read i line i have in packet,
pictures, phone calls airline tickets,
I 129F
both birth certificates. her baptismal certificate
I-134 affidavit of support
three years of tax forms
Please let me know if i need a lawer or i can do this without anouther one. Thanks. Kyle

I am a lawyer and have been for longer than i care to remember. i do not sdpecialize in immigration work but have talked to some that do. I agree that if it is a straight case and you have all the inof then send it in yourself. You vcan learn more on this site than any lawyer can learn going to a seminar on immigration law.

Remember a lawyer can call himself an expert, in most states, when he knows diddly about the subject.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-23 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI hate VSC

Strange one there, I read all the time about people having to use the other service center wishing that they could use Vermont. I also read of posters asking if they could get away with moving temporally to an area covered by VSC, just to save a month or so in processing time, (Not a good idea though).

Probably something came up during name check that is hanging them, remember they have up to 6 months to process before they will respond to your inquiries.

Also can you do a timeline? :time: And fill out your profile with some more details, like filling for... ect It helps understand your case a bit more.

Look atr my timeline and then stopcomplaining. This process is nt instant gratification
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-27 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeneficiary's Passport

The fiance(e) also needs a passport, valid for at least 6 months from the time the visa is issued.


Just have him renew his passport while in his country. Otherwsie when he gets here it will be an enourmous hassle to get it renewed
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-02 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow should I submit pictures??

It's me again to pester all of you awesome people with superior experience.

How should I submit my many pictures of my fiance and I together (not the passport style ones, the ones to show that we've met) with the I-129f?

I seem to remember reading that I should never put something together in such a way that they can't easily take it apart. This keeps me from gluing the pictures on paper (in case they want them separate), but I also don't want to submit them loose.

So... What I've done is to buy photo corners that people use to make scrapbooks. I can then mount two pictures per sheet of paper and they can be easily removed if necessary. I also have information about the picture (date/place taken, names of all people in photo) on the back of each photo and on the paper to the right of each photo (so they don't have to pop out each one to look at the info on the back).

Would this be okay? Did I miss something somewhere saying a different way that pictures should be prepared?

Also, I'm trying to write the names of everyone in each picture but is it necessary?

Thanks a million to everyone!!

Mine were digital images that I had on my computer so I simply used a color printer and printed 4 per page on 8.5 x 11 paper.

Thats what I did also, just printed them on the computer. I didn't label them or anything just sent them in and no one complianed. I was approved
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-03 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures

Hi, I am trying to apply for my fiance to come to the US and I had a quick question. When sending in your pictures for the I-129F do you write the description of the picture on the back of the photo? Also would you recommend writing it or typing it and pasting it on the back of the pictures. I would appreciate your reply.


I didn't put anything on them and still got approved
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-06 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce certificate


What you've got is a certified copy. Don't know how to overcome the fact that the stamp won't photocopy. Maybe try playing with the darkness and contrast (if any) adjustments on the copier. Or go to someplace that has a very fancy copier that might be able to bring out an image of the seal.

How did you get a notarized copy of the divorce certificate? What person, of any relevant authority, signed the certificate in the presence of the notary here in the USA?


Thanks for the response. The trouble is that the Tanzanian divorce certificate doesnt have a gold seal. It was stamped with the Tanzaninan government stamp thing - but its an imprint in the paper and doesnt show on the copy (aparentley alot of the countries and courts now use stamps that show up but Tanzania isnt as advanced).

First off I don't think they need a notarized copy, what they require is a decree absolute or fnal decree. I don't know what they givein your country but in the sates ou get it from the court in which you wre divorced. NO gold seal doesn't make much difference. You can shade it with black dust for the copy machine.

I would agre with the prior poster. Who would notorize something without the erson being in front of hm? That is a criminal offense in my state
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-06 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSmells like an RFE for us?

Take all this worrying energy and put it towards preparing for the interview! ;) Getting together documents, writing snail mail letters to each other and saving the envelopes, you could even have the USC start quizzing the Filipino about questions they might ask at the interview - search through the forums to find possible interview questions, I remember seeing posts about them a while ago.

Don't worry about that! If you gt one it will be or something you never thought of, like i d1d. (lol)
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-09 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa sent

i sent my stuff certified on 12/13/06 and it got there 12/16/06 from this point on anything i send i will take advanatage of the discount fedex gives my job ...

i did not know i could use fedex until i see ppl on visa journey saying they fedexed their package

sign up at usic for email notification. You will always get that days before the mail
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-21 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!! NOA2!!!

Oh thank I God for all his help we are finally approved!

I can't beleive it! I was so depressed last night about not being with my fiance, then I wake up to check my email to find 3 emails from the UCIS saying our petition was approved!

I was an October 12th NOA1

God bless The California service center!

I wish everyone the best of luck with their peteitions, and everyone that filed in october, I would say that your time is coming very soon.

I hope everyone gets a nice present this year that can only warm the heart

Take care everyone!!

Congrats you are on your way!

edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-21 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmotional roller coaster

:dance: Congratz! :dance:

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas you skipped over the NOA1 and got what you needed. A brighter day for sure!
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-22 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Website

It keeps telling me that my user id and password are wrong, but they aren't! I copied them directly from the original email they sent to me!

Huh? UserID and password they sent you?

Silly website!!! Is anyone else having this problem? :angry:

Works fine for me, I just logged in...

Be sure the capitals are no on if you made an id using small letters
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-25 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf petitioner is on welfare

Some embassies won't accept a cosponsor for a K1 applicant, so I'd suggest the OP do some research on this first.

The minimum income required by the Affidavit of Support is quite generous towards the sponsor. I could never support my wife if I was only making the minimum income required by the form. That said, when my fiancee arrived, I owed over $12,000 on my credit cards. I tried talking my fiancee into waiting until I had paid down my debt a bit first. She insisted on coming as soon as she could. Her rationale was that I'd be spending less money because I wouldn't have to travel to see her and that with two incomes, we'd be able to take on my debt much faster. Two years after she got here, that $12,000 debt has been eliminated and we now have close to $20,000 in savings. Much to my surprise, getting married turned out to be the smartest financial decision I ever made.

I think it works best when both individuals each have the other's best interest in mind when reaching a joint decision about when they're financially able to marry.

It is amazing how frugal and intelligent some ofthese fiances are with money. They even worry about the exchange rate. MYself, I just spend it thinkingthere will always be more coming in. Of course most americans spend it before they make it. Damn credit cards will be the destruction of america. If the terrorists want to hurt us they shpould just buy master card and call in all the loans
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-26 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1/Fianc'e visa

Hi list,
I have a question:
do we have an option of choosing interview date online or this is just default comes directly from the US embassy?

If I have an option of choosing interview date online then when do I block those dates, I just received email on Dec 27th that application approved and NOA2 is mailed.

Thanks in advance


YOu will get an email or letter telling you when the interview date is. Youcan change it upon receipt. If you look on the website for the US embassy, for whatever country is applicable, the date ight already be there or you can email them at the embassy andthey usually reply with te date within 48 hours.
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-02 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS156K in Russain

I have a question about the DS156K for the Moscow Embassy when filing a K1 Visa Application

The embassy website says that the form must be filled out in Russian. But is that Russian text on an English form, or Russian Text on a Russian form. My attorney sent a copy of the 156K in English, so i translated it. But my fiancee said her 156K form from the embassy is in Russian. Which one do I need? Russian on English, or Russian on Russian. If so;

Does anyone have the DS156K Russian Form?

Thanks Shawn

:dance: :dance: Interview is only 8 days away!!!!!! :dance: :dance:

I don't kinow the answer to that butwould be interested in knowing it. My fiances interview is the next day on the 11th. Good luck
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-02 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent question

I would say that losing college financial aid is the least of your friend's problems. If she is a student, how is she going to prove she can support your friend in America. It looks to me like her parents are going to be the responsible ones and therefore will need to show adequate income or assets.

I do agree that the financial aid situation will be affected, but that will depend upon what kind of job your friend can get and how soon everything gets done. Generally the financial aid reports are due in February of each year so 2007 isn't likely to be impacted, but 2008 will.

This is right on. If a student she will not meet the 125% of poverty level necessary and any petition will not beapproed without sufficient sponsors
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-03 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresso confusing!!!

For the proof of relationship part, the only requirement for that is that you've met in the last two years. All the stuff that you've mentioned the flight tickets, pictures, passport stamps (majorly good to have) will all help support the fact especially if they have dates on them etc. It will probably be a bit harder at the interview because you have to show your continued relationship, so when you get to the interview part you will need a lot more. By that point though you will probably have been to see him again so you will have more proof.
Where he was denied entry into the US should have no effect on his being approved for a visa.
These last two parts im not completely sure on, but for the sponsor part i'm pretty sure you do need to still send in your tax returns because even if you have a co-sponsor you are still the primary sponsor, so you have to show in some way you can support them. The address part, I would think you should put the address you live at now if you do not know a new address, you can always update it later on in the process?

I am not sure if the guides point this out but i do not beliee you need three years of tax returns all you need in the nformation concerning your income at present. A letter from your employer or present W2 when you get it along with some paystubs.
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-04 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresgREAT news from MOscow
Woke up this morning and was af4aid to look at my emails because Marinas interview was today. BUT, SHE WAS THE FIST ONEIN AND WA APPROVED.

What a wonderful day!!!

Good luck to everyone!!!
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-11 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAirline tickets in I-129F package

Thanks guys! I think I would lose my mind without this website!

I sent copies of the boarding passes
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-14 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start K1 Journey - Attorney question

I am the UK citizen (male) and she is the US citizen. I was on a J1 visa, but I have double and triple checked that my J1 visa did not require me to stay in the UK for 2 years. I was not supported by the US government at all during my stay in the US

Thanks :)

Without knowing all the facts of our particular situation I would still think youmight be as well off doing it yourself after studying the vguides carefully and reading the immigration law sections.

An attorney would or could be helpful if you had a complicated situation. If it is not then do it yourself since you are going to do most of the work anyway. You have to accumulate all the documentation, pictures, forms, etc and fill out the forms for te attorney. All they do is type them freash and mail them in.
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-14 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarried 1/1/07 back from honeymoon

Just married...what an adventure!!! First...the 9-months it took to get my fiancee here. Then planning a wedding and everything else. Just got back from a whirlwind that took MY breath away, and one can imagine the impression left on a Cuban woman who had been on an airplane only once before, and that a military jump prop that took her from one province to another.

Married in Santa Monica...drove up the California coast, stopping for dinner in Santa Barbara...then overnight at the Madonna Inn, complete with kitch red naugahyde couches, rock fireplace, waterfall shower, like being in a cave!! Then, on to Pebble Beach/Monterey, where we stayed alongside the 18th fairway in an incredible cottage for 2 nights...private jacuzzi and all. Then, off to Hawaii...Honolulu for 6 days, and then Maui for 7 days. Now back to reality...but things are working out great. Now I have to figure out how to PAY for all this!!!

WOW, rswal nygahyde furniture. That stuff is getting expensive because they have been illing off all the NYHGAS
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-22 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of intent to marry

I am seeing that some have had their letter of intent to marry notarized but when I went through the guide it doesn't say that it needs to be notarized.

I'm in Canada---does it need to be notarized?


Mine was not notarized and ws approved
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-02-06 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRussian daughter for visit
I am not sure where this post belongs so i put it here. My wife would like to bring her russiaqn daughter, 25, and her boyfriend here for a 2 week visit sometime this summer. They own an apartment in Russia, he has a business, she a job, own two vehicles, money in the bank. What are their chances of being able to come? do they need an invitation from me like when i went to Russia?

I would appeciat any helpon this matter.
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-02-12 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved and leavng
Everything looks like a go. Just hope no probems at JFK tomorrow or her switching planes for WPB. i will be on pins and needles until i see her walking down the ramp.

Good luck to all of you. I hope you all are successful in your journeys
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-02-06 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiled for K1 VISA - Filipino Fiance Pregnant - Advice

Hello all,

I have filed for the K1 Fiance VISA for my Filipino Fiance. I was there working for 5 months on business and we met and the rest is history. To make a long story short my Fiance was 2 months pregnant when I returned to the USA. When I filled out the application it asked for "Children" but it never did specify "Is your Fiance pregnant" hence I left this section as "None".

With that being said the due date for our child is August 2nd, 2007. I just received the receipt for my application today on Jan 22, 2007. They are stating on the website that my application has been sent to the California Service Center and is pending. The website is also stating that they are currently processing applications from July 17, 2006. I expect that our child will be born before the VISA process is finished.

Can you please advise what steps to take? Should I notify the US Immigration that my Fiance is pregnant? Will this adversely effect our ability to get her VISA approved? If her VISA is approved can she bring the newborn with her to the states or will we have to file another application?

Please advise as this seems serious! :D

hat is aninteresting question and I don't have the answer for you. However, since your K1 has already been fildi would think she would recieve her visa well before the birth

Thanks for any help or insight you can offer!

edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-22 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question 10
Just check birth if naturally born US citizen
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-11-21 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting for K1
Send the photo's. They may not be dated but at least they show you were together
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-11-21 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGive me your opinions or Facts.

I was at the interview because my (then) fiancee wanted me there. I do no tthink it made ANY difference in the decision to grant us a visa without asking a single question. THAT is an opinion. I know it helped the most important person in the world feel better and more comfortable and less nervous and know that the man she was going to move across the world for and live with would do ANYTHING he could for her. THAT is a fact.

My boss didn't like it either. He got over it.

Do what you think is right.

I didn't go to my wife's in Russia. Since you can't go into the interview the only good you are is moral support asnd hold her hand in the waiting room. My wifes daughter went with her.
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-11-21 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference & divorce
The age difference you cite is nothin g to worry about. Fact she will be divorced for only 9 months is no problem either
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-11-21 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs an immigration lawyer a good idea?

According to some of the people here, and some of the red flags they have offered to stall or have your application denied, are in my case. However we recieved our NoA2 mid August. I would always start the process on your own, no one knows the two of you better or your family history better than you. Just read ( alot ), get familiar and comfortable with the process, dont be afraid to ask any questions on this board ( I found my questions were answered within minutes of my post - the people here are amazing, knowledgeable and helpful ) .. its a long journey .. so be prepared to hurry up and wait ( alot ). If you run into a problem ... and no one can help you .. then get the lawyer, but other than that, the process is very straight forward.

Best of luck on your journey, and please keep your timeline updated so the people to follow in your ( our ) footsteps also have valid and current information.

As an attorney that has personally gone through the process and that has done many of these for clients the answer to that question is not that simple. It depends a great deal on the facts of the case and probably more so the individuals involved. TOO MANY TIMES the client is so anxcious to get it filed he does not take the time to think it through and do it right. Patience is an important element here and generally americans have little
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-12-01 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems filling out the I-129F

Use the description on the G325a and the PO box on the I-129F

I know of no government agency that accepts a PO as an address. INS wants to know where he or she lives not where he or she gets the mail. Put down the street and town if no number.
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-12-04 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance in UK and children stuck in Nigeria!!! HELP

Since they are in Nigeria, you will k=have to do K-2 to follow visa OR CR-2 visas. I would try the K-2 to follow if you can. AFTER your fiancees visa is approved, the petition needs to be sent to the Lagos consulate and you can make an interview date for them there. The interview there will need to be within 12 months of when your fiance's visa was approved. Discuss this with the London consulate and they should be able to forward the petition to Lagos. I qm not sure if they need to go through NVC to do this or not. I did work with a similar case where the fiancee was in Canada (Vancouver) and her children were in Manilla. It worked out OK but I am not sure of the exact details or forarding the petition. Start with the London consulate visa section.

Be advised, Lagos, an extremely high fraud consulate is going to require DNA tests to prove the children are his. They have a reputation of taking SO long to do this that the opportunity to file a K-2 to follow expires. The other option would be that once you are married you can file an I-130 for each child and do a CR-2 visa IF the children are under age 18 when you marry AND they have never been married. They will still require a DNA test but there is no time crunch as there is with the K-2 visa.

In any cae, there is no time to waste since you are dealing with an extremely difficult consulate

Interesting though that on your petition you listed the children as living in UK when in fact they were not. With the wrong examiner you could have a real problem with that.Many examiners would consider that fraud
edsperfectMaleRussia2010-12-08 19:18:00

I agree...if you don't have any felonies in your background, you don't have to worry about IMBRA.
And I guess at the end it really won't affect a lot of people here.
BUT...what about those where you have 15+ years from the conviction to now and who says, the fiancees of those men want to get married just to get to the States?

I think the idea of IMBRA, protecting the woman, is good, but the way they started this (right forms unavailable, just "freeze" cases, not letting people know what's going on, basically being totally un-organized) was ridiculous and caused so much unneccesary headache, heartache and trouble...and THAT'S what I didn't like about IMBRA.
And I am not even effected by it, but just to read about all these stories here, is frusterating, I can't imagine how it must feel to be stuck in the middle of it.


I agree with you. I hope, they would expedite sending RFEs.

The way I read IMRA a criminal record for a US citizen only means the potential fi8ence must be told about it. It does not disqualify the US citizen from applying for a 129F
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-19 18:29:00