Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian cell working in new york

E-mail her a prepaid phone card and have her call you from a pay phone when she arrives. Did that with my step daughter when she arrived this summer. A lot easier than trying to send phones or SIM cards for phones that probably won't work here.

Thats perfect.


I will just give my calling card num that i use to call her, any toll free phone will work.


edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-30 14:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian cell working in new york

Your best bet is to buy one locally and send it to her. The odds of her being able to buy one there and use it here are very, very low. Even if she could, she needs a tri or quad band phone.

My fiancee had no problem using her existing sim card in Egypt, but that's a different market, etc. Her phone didn't work in the U.S (not tri-band or better) and we sent it home with her parents.

Your best bet would be to DHL her a phone to use when she arrives, all set and ready to go. Probably not really necessary though.

Good luck!

Why not just buy one when she gets to JFK?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-29 19:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew ideas on a place to stay for the interview?

We stayed at hotel Delta Gamma when I was there. When my wife went for her interview, she just stayed at a friend's flat.

Good luck!


Last time i wa in Moscow April, i stayed at Gozzilla, not far from red square. Roomms were clean, ok. Had internet access for free, communitybathrooms but really nice. 64 US a night
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-20 18:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Interview Dates

I can shed light on your uncertainty. NVC does not schedule the interviews at Moscow. The consulate does it themselves. I asked them about this.

Makes sense to me. I honestly have no idea how the state department works. A large amount of their work is rather secretive -- I wouldn't expect to find out exactly their inner workings.

I got my interview date, Jan 11, by emailing the embassy in Moscow. next day they emailed me the date
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-16 17:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusinterview on 11th
Well, the day is upon us. Marina's interview in Moscow is on the 11th. Needless to say we are both somewhat anxious. She has the medical onthe 9th and then there is nothing much for me to do other than wait for all the results. I have confidence in her so i am not worried. Of course, she is a nervous wreck right about now. lol

I will let everyone know what she was asked and the results.

Havea great weekend VJ's.
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-06 08:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Interview

I had plans to be with my fiancee for her interview, but my official invitation from OVIR will not be ready in time (they changed the processing times)
and I will miss the interview.
I will fly to Moscow shortly after.

You know you can pay for expedited service and have a tourist visa in just a few days... Even next day if you pay...


Please!!! Everyone knows that a US Fiance has No bearing on the Moscow Embassy as He/She can not access the embassy nor play a part in the interview. Real paper work and documentation of a relationship, airfare, apartments rented, Pictures with her and her family, etc... this is all that matters!!! Don't try to save her from the Embassy bad guys as you will only be dropped at the door.

Only partially true. Yes, you may not attend your fiancee's interview, but you do have access to the embassy. I was very glad that I was there as I was able to immediately correct a problem when my fiancee's daughter was told she would not get the visa without another interview. Also my fiancee told the consular that I was waiting outside and the consular was very interested in this. Especially good for you guys who have only visited one other time. I believe this shows more about the relationship than a stack of e-mails.

edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-13 08:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCome late January I am off...

I just got my tourist Visa back from the Russian Embassy in DC and have my plane ticket. My fiancee is securing us an apartment and she has scheduled her medical. The interview is on Jan 30th and we will have a wonderful week in Moscow. I crossing everything (fingers, legs, eyes) and hoping nothing goes wrong.

I am having a hard time concentrating.

Paul Misses Anna

Have a great trip and a succesful one. marina has her interview on the 11th and is flying out on Feb 7th
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-29 18:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustrip to Russia

Well, tomorrow I leave for my 4th trip to Russia. :) I will be there for 2 weeks. It will be cold there but I am looking forward to this trip. I have been to Russia now for 3 of the 4 seasons of the year. This trip will be the 4th, winter. Also, this trip seems alittle bit more special than the first 3 because this is the first trip after submitting my I-129f to Nebraska. I can't really explain it but it does feel alilttle different. I think my fiance is alittle bit more exicted too. I think after the extra 6 month wait we had both of us feel like things are moving forward now. :D Talk at ya later............................

Was there last January it was -30
Now Anna is here with me and laughing at the temps...

NO way would I go there in the winter. March was cold enough for me
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-20 23:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa denied 01-16

Our visa was denied. 2 trips(with proof)....9 calling cards(only showing the pin and back of the cards) 4 emails ( printed) a week since March.....maybe 10 or more letters and

She didn't get a chance to show her ring and receipt.

They said they needed more emails and phone cards. What more do they want?

Sorry to hear about the denials. But I think there is more at play than just what time of the month it is and what CO you get. Other factors contribute to painting a solid relationship. Such as the age between USC petitioner and the Russian beneficiary. -AK, The tone of the conversation during the interview if it isn't all love and "stuff". -Slim. The CO's aren't that stupid; they are trying to prevent the divorce after immigration benefit scenario the best they can. I still give them benefit of the doubt. Remember, the burden of proof lies with the applicants seeking a visa.

Our age is difference is 7 years. You are right ....I think she didn't do so good on the questions...she was nervous so she didn't answer with love in her eyes.

I'll write later have to print 500 emails.......

It was not a denial but you have to show more proof. My fiance went through last week and was approved with less evidence than you had, a bigger age difference, only one trip on my part.

I am sorry to say it would appear to me it was just the luck of the draw for you as to who you got at the embassy.

edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-16 18:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanges in Russian Visa Registration...


Looks like they are shifting the burden onto the inviting party...

Several of us out here certainly appreciate the foot work you're doing on this subject. Five of us have decided to travel to Russia together in May at the same time, three of us to visit our fiance's and two to meet their girls for the first time. All of us will be met by our girls in Moscow, spend a night and then do the overnight train ride to their city.
All of us have contacted our girls, and they know each other, and told them about this new visa thing....none of them knew anything about it so they're going to try and find out the details in their city.
My fiance actully sounded dumb founded when I ask her about it.
As soon as I hear back from my fiance I'll post on it.
Thanks again,

Last time i as in Russia I forgot to register when i arrived. Caused a small problem when i ws `ready to leave. Cost me 50 bucks foran vexit visa
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-02-06 12:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslanguage problemsd

While she's still in Russia: maybe she could read English books and magazines, watch English movies- all that helps, too.

Last idea: maybe you could get started on learning a little Russian. I know it's not an easy language- but it might be very worth the effort.

Good advice. A public library or International Studies department at a local university would be the first place I would look for information about ESL classes in the US. Unless you live someplace fairly remote, this should be easy to find.

It was easy for me to find a native speaker in Russia to help me study (and free). We speak English for an hour, then Russian for an hour by phone - cheap too at 2 cents/minute. Look around online at language forums, it should be easy to find a university student studying Russian who speaks English natively. They will be happy to trade lessons. I find this very helpful.

My wife's English is about 10 years more advanced than my Russian, I wouldn't say that it helps in our case. If you are both at about the same level in English/Russian, studying both will make things easier.

It is worth studying Russian in any case, as it will be difficult to watch the same movies, read the same things, have the same friends, etc. After about 500-1,000 hours of study, you should be able to at least follow a converation.

This a gfreat suggestion and thank you. I have tried to learn some Russian. For some reason my brain doesn't work with languages. Almost flunked french in High school but teacher passed me provided i didn't take any more frtench.

Since then i have tried the best Italian and russian cds etc. I am afraid i am a lost causer
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-27 18:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruslanguage problemsd
My fience can speak some English but of course is self-concous about it and also worried.

HOw did you complete the education in english? Was it just learn as you go or were you able to obtain a tutor? I have been looking in my area for someone to teach it but have been unsuccessful todate
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-27 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisiting Russia

Hey guys
I've never posted on this forum before because my husband is from Ireland, but I was hoping you guys could help us out with something. We are planning a trip to Russia this summer. For non-citizens going into Russia, I know you need some kind of medical insurance to cross the border. For those of you who are non-Russian citizens who have visited there, how does this work? Does my usual HMO cover it? Do we need letters of proof? Do they really check this out? Any and all advice about travelling to Russia would be appreciated! TIA!

Your HMO MAY cover you overseas, I did not check with my medical insurance, I found a travel insurance policy that was only $15 for the 8 days I was traveling...

They did not check this information in Vladivostok, where I entered Russia and I had no problems though I spent my time with my (then) future wife in her home town and in Vladivostok.

I wish I could return and visit other places such as St. Pete's or Moscow but Olga's immigration had all our disposable income occupied atm.

As for advice about traveling there, it would be helpful to know what part you were planning on visiting since I could help with the far east but am clueless about the rest of Russia.

Also not sure how much, if any Russian you know but the immigration forms (similar to the US form I-94) were only available in Russian but there was a man there with me that said in Moscow he was able to get these forms in English.

Lst time i went I had to send into the counsel a copy of insurance for foreign travel before i got the visa. It was cheap thopugh.
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-04-06 20:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMail to Russia
I have used USP_S exprerss mail and never had a problem
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-06-16 15:39:00