
I agree...if you don't have any felonies in your background, you don't have to worry about IMBRA.
And I guess at the end it really won't affect a lot of people here.
BUT...what about those where you have 15+ years from the conviction to now and who says, the fiancees of those men want to get married just to get to the States?

I think the idea of IMBRA, protecting the woman, is good, but the way they started this (right forms unavailable, just "freeze" cases, not letting people know what's going on, basically being totally un-organized) was ridiculous and caused so much unneccesary headache, heartache and trouble...and THAT'S what I didn't like about IMBRA.
And I am not even effected by it, but just to read about all these stories here, is frusterating, I can't imagine how it must feel to be stuck in the middle of it.


I agree with you. I hope, they would expedite sending RFEs.

The way I read IMRA a criminal record for a US citizen only means the potential fi8ence must be told about it. It does not disqualify the US citizen from applying for a 129F
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-19 18:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWhy is a DUI associated with Violence to Women?

My Fiance and I are getting close to submitting our I-129F Yes the latest rendition! I am 41 and at a younger age I made bad decisions when it came to drinking and driving home. Even though this was years ago, of course I told my Fiance about my past mistakes. That's what people in love do. I knew of IMBRA and the criminal background checks would be required, but I was SHOCKED to see that the Gov. put an extra Billet mark and also asked if you had any convictions for drugs/alcohol 3 times. Here is the original clip from VTWA:

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005, of which IMBRA is a part, are designed to continue Congress’s efforts to prevent domestic violence and spousal abuse. Immigrants who have been victims of domestic violence have long benefited from VAWA immigration provisions, which allow abused spouses and children to self-petition for lawful immigration status. Under IMBRA, Congress has further extended those protections by regulating more closely the international marriage broker market and by requiring disclosure of violent criminal history, such as domestic abuse, rape, or murder, of which a fiancé(e) may be unaware.

Sorry but I missed the part of how a night of drinking and bad judgment now turns into the preposition that I am violent, have abused Women, or worse I have killed? Even if you have never made this bad judgment, why wouldn't it be OK for the Gov to include a person convicted of Bank Robery? Burglary? Shoplifting? Deffinetly in each of these mentioned cases, there is a high probability of violence NOT to mention these can all be classified as FELONIES!!!

As I said, My girl knows everything as that is the proper way to start a life together. Yes I have already researched these past charges and have managed to get Certified Copies of the Court Sentence and also Police reports. NOTE: Police Departments DO NOT CERTIFY POLICE REPORTS!!! Even though that is what IMBRA is clearly asking for on the I-129F.

I feel the pain of the people with NO record at all having to be apart from the one that keeps their smile going everyday. I will do anything I have to and have started. I don't want to "Raise my name as a problem Person with USCIS". It is all KISS A&@ till my girl is where she wants to be. After that, look out congress people!!!! I promise to join the crusade against this cruel but well intended law!!! It just needed more thought!!!

BradLuvsMaria Now and for Eternity:)))

The interesting thing about IMRA is that it does not disqualify you as a petitioner. It just makes sure the berneficiary knows that one has killed his whole family with an axe.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-23 18:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont and RFE (involving IMBRA)

vermont, NOA1 April 25, IMBRA RFE June 19

MOA! May 3, email on RFE 6/16. Recieved RFE in mail 6/22 r3eturned same day
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-23 13:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont and RFE (involving IMBRA)

VSC ................NOA1..........RFE
Frequent Flyer..05/10/06...06/16/06
Luis&Laura .....04/19/06....06/19/06
Ssica Molanay..06/01/06....06/19/06
Igor Brukker....03/08/06....06/16/06

I got my RFE in mail 6/22 and sent it back to VT on the same day

VSC ................NOA1..........RFE
Frequent Flyer..05/10/06...06/16/06
Luis&Laura .....04/19/06....06/19/06
Ssica Molanay..06/01/06....06/19/06

Hey Luis&Laura,

nice job organizing it!! what do u think of all these dates??? It looks like just a mass email was sent to every1?

How many ppl on the list...have there RFE in there hands?? Any1 get from snailmail???

edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-23 13:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsVermont and RFE (involving IMBRA)


Lets try to oraganize all the members (filing at Vermont) that got RFE due to the IMBRA....i see a lot of scatered postings.

If you can please post the date u filed and the date u recieved ur we can see what there up to.....


Is Vermont the only one sending out the RFE up to now?


I filed my 129F last part of April, got NOA1 on 5/3/06. Just got email that RFE is coming my way on 6/19/06
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-19 18:23:00
IMBRA Special Topicsadmitted IMRA

Yes i admitted we met on one of those sites. Today i got a second RFE. When i find out what is in it i will let you know

Please post as soon as possible. What deserves a 'yes' has been an ongoing topic that we do not have a definitive answer on. I put yes with a letter of the information. It was and I am not 100% sure it should be a yes. I explained that in the letter.

As did I. Email sent to me troday. I suppose i will get ther mail thursday.

May I ask what place you met? As I said, mine was filipinoheart. I included a mailing adr, office adr, ph number, and fax number. In addition to an explaination why it could have been a 'no' but that I wanted to be as forthcoming as possible.

Yes i admitted we met on one of those sites. Today i got a second RFE. When i find out what is in it i will let you know

Please post as soon as possible. What deserves a 'yes' has been an ongoing topic that we do not have a definitive answer on. I put yes with a letter of the information. It was and I am not 100% sure it should be a yes. I explained that in the letter.

As did I. Email sent to me troday. I suppose i will get ther mail thursday.

May I ask what place you met? As I said, mine was filipinoheart. I included a mailing adr, office adr, ph number, and fax number. In addition to an explaination why it could have been a 'no' but that I wanted to be as forthcoming as possible. Also, how do you know your RFE is related to the 'yes' in the marriage broker box?

I met on a site run by some russiam woman in Maine. It was 10 mo0nths ago and since then have deleted the email address and all other info. All i could give immigrationswas the email address. I don't see what difference it made though since i have no record
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-07-11 14:14:00
IMBRA Special Topicsadmitted IMRA

Yes i admitted we met on one of those sites. Today i got a second RFE. When i find out what is in it i will let you know

Please post as soon as possible. What deserves a 'yes' has been an ongoing topic that we do not have a definitive answer on. I put yes with a letter of the information. It was and I am not 100% sure it should be a yes. I explained that in the letter.

As did I. Email sent to me troday. I suppose i will get ther mail thursday.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-07-11 13:23:00
IMBRA Special Topicsadmitted IMRA
Yes i admitted we met on one of those sites. Today i got a second RFE. When i find out what is in it i will let you know
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-07-11 12:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsViolating restraining order question

I was convicted of violating a restraining order about 9 years ago, given PTI and a few months' probation.

Just wondering if this is considered domestic violence and if I should disclose it on my I-129F form.

How did you violate it?

If I was you, I wouldn't disclose it anyway.

Disclose it!!!

Any background check, resocrds check will show the conviction. If you fail to list it then you can be in trouble. A violation of restraining order is no big deal anyway to immigrations.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-16 11:12:00

I want to know how the USCIS defines as a "INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER" in I-129F? I met my fiance on a personals website, I do not know if this site is deemed as a "International Marriage Broker" service as defined by the USCIS. I paid for a year-long membership with unlimited membership contact. They do not monitor or censor letters, instant messenging, etc. She contacted me first with a positive message through this website. We immediately moved to using Yahoo Instant Messenging because I can log our chat sessions. But I did not know this would come in handy later on as our relationship had progressed to love and the discussion of marriage.
If anyone has a detailed description from USCIS that defines an "INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER", I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks for your time! ;-)

I am not sure and I don't think USCIS is either. If i were youI would say yes and list it. It reallyisn't a big deal unless you have a serious criminal record.At first it slowed everone down because immgrations wasconfused but i think it moves quickly now
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-31 20:55:00
USCIS Service Centersvermont K1's timeline
I was just looking at the Vermont timeliunes for K1's. It seems that vermont came to a screaching halt right after the middle of April and not many 1 or 2's have been issued. Is that true of the other centers also?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-05-19 20:51:00
USCIS Service CentersMovement in Vermont

Does your online status show that you're being sent an RFE ?

I got an email today, 6/19, saying i was getting an RFE. I assume it is an IMRA one since I got nothing from NOA1 in May till today
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-19 18:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Pending in London and so nervous

:help: Hi all

I am a woman from Denmark and a nervous breakdown waiting for an approval from London DHS after filing waiver I-601 and alot of hardship letters.
I am now under pending at the list.
My problem is that for 13 years ago I was convicted and now CIMT.
My concerns now is that I don't have any clue if I will be rejected or approved and don't know how to think about my coming future with my american fiance.
Will I ever have any chance to be with him.
It's very frustrating and I need to hear about other peoples maybe same situation.
And hopefully be more relaxing in this waiting time.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Love Sweetie

All i can say is good luck with a happy ending
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-05 11:57:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

I know I am the only one who can answer this question, but I just need some gut feeling answers from you guys. Please be kind as this is the only thing that seems to make me up tight at the moment! :) Ohh and thanks in advance.

Packet three is sent in...Medical is next week...we expect packet 4 with-in 3-6 weeks time (providing a little extra time because of holidays)
So that guestimates in my mind a visa by the end of Jan or Feb. there abouts.

Do you all think it would be okay to go ahead and set a June wedding up? The third weekend. That is several months away. But the problem I am coming too is the booking of our venue and the rooms. Neither of which require a deposit..or a huge deposit. But they are filling up fast.

Both places are in high demand and they can't wait for me. I am from a very small time and venues are VERY limited. We would hold out on tickets for his family..just to be sure. We wouldn't order invites or anything personalized!

So what do you think? Is it a bad risk...or is it a calculated risk?

Thought I'd post a question to all the Uk'ers rather then the off topic.
Please give me your gut feelings!! :whistle: I am really overly insane on this topic!

Looking at you timeline i would say yu already have an interview date at the embassy. i don't know if UK embassy posts them on their webite but many do according to the numberyou recieved from NVC. I would say a JUne wedding is very realistic but remember you have to be married within the 90 days.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-07 16:32:00
United KingdomArrived Safely!

Glad to know you arrived safe and sound! :)

DAMN!!! She does drywall also. No wonder he is marrying her!!! Have a great life
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-09 16:02:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR

Ok, I didn't know where to put this, but I'm guessing you all might not yell at me ;) I am really irked that all these men who want wives and go on dating sites and find women from Russia and Phillipines etc are clogging the visa process up and those of us who ACTUALLY love the person we are with have to wait even longer!!! I looked on one of those stupid sites and here's a paragraph I found on the first page:

The Russian woman's attitude about herself is feminine. She expects to be treated as a lady, she is the weaker gender and knows it. The Russian woman has not been exposed to the world of rampant feminism that asserts its rights in America.

#######!!! If you believe that then move to Russia, dont bring her here! No offense to those who have met a SO from one of those countries and have a relationship. I just wish there was a seperate process for those who went out looking for a wife so we could get our fiance's here faster. Granted we have it easier than some other countries since our fiance speaks english and the flight is a lot cheaper so I shouldnt complain too much, but :-P Ok, thanks for letting me rant :) Hope we all get our visa's SUPER FAST!

It must be wonderrful to know you are always right and perfect and not have any prejudices or bias or make generalizations.
This country is for all of us not just you. Grow up!
edsperfectMaleRussia2007-01-30 08:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUS Embassy location in Moscow

Walking from Arbat (new or old) to the embassy is in theory, do-able.

For those of us who've been in the States too long, and drive our cars to our next door neighbors houses, it would be a hike. For those of us who grew up taking public trans everywhere (like all of our nice young ladies), it wouldn't be an extremely long journey.

That said.... Moscow is really cold right now, and walking anywhere outside, whether across the street or across town is not something I'm really interested in doing. The Metro will get you from one place to the other in less than ten minutes. There are only a couple of stops between them, so if you decide to stay somewhere near there (Arbatskaya?) you can get to the embassy fairly quickly at any given time of day.

Guys, I can't stress this enough.... USE THE METRO!!! It is awesome! Sure taking a cab on interview day, and to and from the airport is probably well worth the money, but every other time, the metro should be used to the fullest. Get to know the map and the color lines and where they run. Most Muscovites can't tell you what neighborhood something is in, but if you tell them the nearest metro stop, they'll be able to help you out very quickly. Funny that even when I got in cabs, they wanted to know the nearest metro stop of my destination. Coincidence?

I stayed at the Gozilla Hostel in Moscow. Clean room, tiled bath (shared), internet connection on their computer for 30 rubles 1/2 hour or 100 for a week. Good location and the people runnig it were great. All for 60 US dollars
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-04-17 10:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother visa application question

for me, it was more convenient to spend the extra $200 and go through the agency so I could get my visa issued more quickly.

I just wanted to add that I too would use the agency if:
1. I needed to stay in Russia longer than 3 months, because I am not sure how someone from my wife's family would go about getting a business invitation for a year. And it is very difficult to near impossible to extend the visa in Russia beyond 10 days.
2. If my trip was planned less than 2 months in advance.
3. My financial circumstances improved greatly.

Try to book the tickets, but do not buy them until you get the visa.

This is excellent advice but for some of the great specials available online or through an agent the money must be paid in full within a short period of time when placing a reservation.

Much easier to go through a service. I think the extra cost for mev was 60 dollars and they got the invitation letter and the visa for me. It was for 45 days even though I was gone for only 16. I used a tgravel agents service based in Seatle.

I needed an address also where i was staying. Just buy the ticket, arrange for where you are staying and apply for the visa.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-04-17 10:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia, consulate or Embassy?

They are only held at the embassy in Moscow, I wish they had the interviews in Ekaterinburg since that is where my fiancee lives. :( Moscow is a long way from Ekaterinburg!

True a long ways but a much prettier city. More expensive also for certain.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-05-12 13:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia, consulate or Embassy?
The interviews for K1 in Russia, are they held only at the Moscow Embassy or do they also have them at the consulates in St petersburg or Ekaterinburg?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-05-11 20:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian/American vacation spot
Many in Ruyssia go to Turkey, also the Black sea. Both because it is very reasonable in price and a Russian woman can get a visa to Turkey quite easy.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-05-05 18:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternational Banking

Based on my observations I saw citibank in both countries. I have no idea how well the ATM / Checking accounts are recognized between the two branches. I also want to know the answer because it would be amazing to deposit say $100,000 on one side and withdraw on the other.
Good luck.

The problerm with moswt ATM cards is you can only draw out 250 or 300 dollars a day
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-06-07 12:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone who you know or heard who lived in ekaterinburg...

Just wondering if someone's fiance(e) lived in long it took the visa to ship from moscow to ekaterinburg via DHL...


Can't tell you how long from Moscow but when i send stuff from states to Ekat it gets there in less than 10 days
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-10-17 16:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusaeroflot...finally

Ugh...Aeroflot...god help you guys. Worst experiance I have been through.


Actually i find the food on Aeroflot better than on deltas
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-08 16:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview, finally!

There may just be some more "we got the visa" posts on here in the near future!

Good luck to everyone!

Fiance called the embassy. Our interview date is Jan 11th. She won't be leaving Russia though until around feb 7th
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-14 17:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview, finally!

I also got an e-mail from the embassy today, stating the appointment date for Jan 10th. Not yet posted on the moscow site. I thought it would only be sometime in february due to russian holidays. Thanks all! Dardislake - congrats to you :)


I have not recieved any word yet but mine was approved about the same time.

Good luck
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-08 16:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting Married in Yekaterinburg

People do buyon credit and use credit cards. Almost everyone I know in Moscow and other big cities have credit cards, buy cars by getting cradit and loans. It is just not as widespread as it is in US.

Like all other topics, Moscow is truly a country within in a country. I and a few rich businessmen were the only ones who ever used a credit card for anything in Siberia, where I spent the majority of my combined 6 months in Russia.
Back in 2004 the only kind of credit cards being offered to the majority of average income earning Russians was secured credit. Place $200 in the bank and get $200 on a visa card. Might as well as call it a debit card at that point.

When I was in Saratov which is a rather big city every where we went they were cash only. I would see signs for credit cards but they would say cash only. Anna said cash is better. I even paid my hotel bill in cash.

The same trend I noticed in major Siberian towns of Novosibirsk and Tomsk.

As far as I am aware there is buying on credit for cars and real estate. But to qualify you need a US salary. How many Russians outside of Moscow make a US salary?

Just got back from Ekat a couple of months ago. Mastercard and visa signs on all good eating places. ATM machines all over the place. Bought a few things with credit cards.

Getting a mortgage is still a problem but they are catching up quickly. What better way to keep the people quiet than to get them deeply in debt.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-15 17:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow interview

Elena had her interview last week the day before thanksgiving and they asked how we met, how many times we have seen each other, has her family met me, and then some very general things, nothing specific like my sisters birthdays or my cats name or anything silly. The interviewers main goal is to determine if the relationship is real(I am not making any assumtpions) and they are more interested in the body language and the general conversation. They understand that people are going to be nervous and they expect it a little bit this is a big deal. Just tell you fiance to relax and pretend she is talking to someone at a bus stop and just have a conversation.
We hit one small snag but that has been taken care of and her visa is due to arrive on december 6 and she will arrive in the US shortly after.

Good luck on your interview and rest assured everything will be fine.

I have told her not to worry, what the questions most likely would be, tell them the truth, etc, etc, etc.
We all know that won't stop the anxiety. She will just hasve to live with it until it is over. Thanks for the many goos suggestions.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-30 21:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow interview

DHL her some Paxil.


Don't know why she would need that. They have half the worlds supply of vodka
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-29 19:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow interview

Well I got the date...

Anna's interview date is Jan 30th!!!

She is out of town on a business trip so she will not get my email until she returns but I am sure she will be thrilled to finally have a date for the interview.

Paul misses Anna

That's great Paul.

Actually marina is flying here on Feb 7th into NYC on russian airlines. When do you plab oin having Anna come over?
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-29 15:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow interview

Anna finally started to relax when I got her in contact with someone who had been through this process. I actually asked for volunteers on this forum and they wrote emails back and forth. I have to say I think it was very re-assuring for Anna and helped her understand what was going to happen.

Paul misses Anna

Thanks paul i will look intyo that. i notice from your timeline you are tight about where i am in the process. You must have an interview date by now

Not yet...Moscow has not confirmed they have the package from the NVC yet. Hopefully soon.

Well check on the embassy site for appointment dates. I never got any info from them either. I looked there and my MOS number had a date. The first thingwe heard from Moscow was when marina got the packet
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-28 15:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow interview

Anna finally started to relax when I got her in contact with someone who had been through this process. I actually asked for volunteers on this forum and they wrote emails back and forth. I have to say I think it was very re-assuring for Anna and helped her understand what was going to happen.

Paul misses Anna

Thanks paul i will look intyo that. i notice from your timeline you are tight about where i am in the process. You must have an interview date by now
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-28 14:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow interview
Poor Marina is scheduled for her interview on January 11th and is so scared i think she will have a mental breakdown or drop 30 lbs from not eating. Well the brerakdowen anyway, she loves those cakers too much to stop eatring those.

Anyway, she is asking for crazy information from me to study and memorize for the interview. LIke my whole life history with dates, birthdays of every relative. hell, I don't even know them!

I assume they will not ask any information that they don't have and the only info they have is whatever we put on the forms. Anything else they wouldn't know if the answer was true or false. Am i correct on that? Iwould like to ut her mind at ease but i know she will still worry till sher gets that visa in her little hand.
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-28 10:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInconsiderate update!!

To explain what I feel is inconsiderate.

Leaving in the morning without a goodbye.

Going to sleep without a goodnight.

Driving around St. Petersburg without knowing where
we are going.
And she drives like a nut too!

Everything possible to make you feel unwanted.

The lady watching her son is from the north
of Russia. Where my friend is from. Her best childhood friends mother.
They are constantly talking. I ask where are we going?
Answer.. To an interview, I have to meet someone. ?????????

Today we went to a shopping mall.
She says lets go this way... Then she disappears!!
The lady... Galina. Is frantic, I am pissed. I found her an
hour later shopping in a store. I asked why she left us?
She offers to give me one of her cell phones to give to Galina.

Galina is a very nice lady.. We comunicate through a dictionary.
She is constantly apologizing to me about my friend. She says
that I am a good man))
Her son is great also.. I am his best friend))

But, she is a complete different person than before.

I said today to her. " You seem different than before "

She says... " I am different, I don't know why. Maybe you to "

She says that I probably need a fat ugly wife that will sit home and
worry about when I will be home.

All I want out of anyone in my life is to be considerate!!
What is wrong with saying.... I am going to shop. I'll meet you wherever
in an hour???

I told her to find a flat and I would send money to pay.
Guess what!! I did!!

I guess I am asking to much from this one((

We have known each other for 7 months. We talked regularly on the
phone and emailed at least 3 times per week.

I had a great time in July with her and her son.
She was a relaxed and caring person. Now she runs around like
a chicken with it's head cut off and doesn't seem to care about others.

I am sorry if this doesn't make sense. If I was in a country where I
could read)))). I would have a good time anyway. Since I paid for the flat
I will continue to stay here...and suffer))

After my relationships with American woman. I thought alone was the
way for me.

By accident I saw and wrote to this girl ( she did not have the most beautiful picture )
She just seemed like a nice woman. When I saw her for the first time I was amazed
at how beautiful she was.

Now she wants to marry a rich Russian man and she will reimburse me))).

Any advice on where or how to meet a nice considerate woman??

Again I am sorry about the rambling letter.


I think you have a serious problem with that relatrionship. I would quit, NOW
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-10-16 17:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCheck out the AirFares...

Feb 6 Moscow to Atlanta is $961(non-stop) or $914 (with stops) on Delta.

YUp or aeroflot t NYC for under 900
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-11 20:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCheck out the AirFares...

I was blown away at what a round trip from St. Petersburg to Jacksonville Florida is in February too (about $2,300 - $2,800). However, a round trip from Jacksonville to St. Petersburg can be had for less than $700 :thumbs: . I am going to check the restrictions, but I think whe can just use the return segment, and I'll save over 66%!

Last week I purcahsed a oneway ticket from ekaterinburg to Moscow to JFK (refundable) for 850 n auroflot the russian airline. They are pretty ood, the food is better than on delta

Have your fiance in Russia contact aeroflot, she mght get a better deal there
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-09 16:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCheck out the AirFares...

I was blown away at what a round trip from St. Petersburg to Jacksonville Florida is in February too (about $2,300 - $2,800). However, a round trip from Jacksonville to St. Petersburg can be had for less than $700 :thumbs: . I am going to check the restrictions, but I think whe can just use the return segment, and I'll save over 66%!

Last week I purcahsed a oneway ticket from ekaterinburg to Moscow to JFK (refundable) for 850 n auroflot the russian airline. They are pretty ood, the food is better than on delta
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-09 16:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOscow Hotel
I am looking for a hotel in Moscow near the American embassy that is good quality for on night. Any suggestions? prefer a 4 or 5 star place as a surpirse for Fiance after intervew
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-07 18:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian cell working in new york

You can check the status of her flight's arrival/departure via the internet. Use the carrier's website (,, etc.) then enter the flight number.

There's probably no doubt about her getting here, I'm assuming you're trying to have her call you when she clears customs so you can pick her up or arrange for her next step in travel. To do that, a pre-paid card is best, or she can do the old-fashioned pay phone, or believe it or not... you can still call collect too!

There were some Koreans renting cell phones to tourists there when I passed through.... but the signs were all in Korean, so that probably won't help her. (Unless she can read Korean!) She might be able to use their phone for a minute though.

Your best bet is to hook her up (via e-mail) with a toll-free access number, (which would be free, as opposed to the $.50 call from a payphone to a local number) and a pre-paid pin number that you could even add speed dial to, so all she'd have to do is step up, dial 1-888-123-4567, then the operator says (in English) "Please enter your pin code now." She does, then is prompted (once again in English) to "Enter your destination number or pre-selected speed number now." She pushes one button... then gets you on the line.

Easy as cake.

I don't know a card that you can do this on, but 5 minutes on Google and you should be hooked up. Elena and I, when she passed through JFK, did the extremely difficult process of what we call "patience" then I just met her at CVG when her flight arrived. There was no contact from the time she left home until the time she arrived here. I gave her my home and cell number and said: "hey, you're a big girl. If you have any problems that you can't sort out... you call me. If not, see you at CVG. Goodluck, and Godspeed." She showed up just fine, and we saved the money that she would've used to say "now I'm in New York... see you in 6 hours" for her to tell her mom and 'nem "now I'm in Cincinnati. See you when I see you."

(I'm continually surprised by the resourcefulness of the average Russian woman. MacGyver would've never made it in Moscow, the women would've said "what he doing? I do this ###### every day? Why he is special? I will not watch this TV show.")

(And just another quick aside..... When I read the title of this post, I immediately assumed you were referring to a group of terrorists, not a girl that needs to make a call!)

So true, Russian wmen arevery rersourceful, strong and can get where they have to go without us holding them back. lol
edsperfectMaleRussia2006-12-20 18:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian cell working in new york

E-mail her a prepaid phone card and have her call you from a pay phone when she arrives. Did that with my step daughter when she arrived this summer. A lot easier than trying to send phones or SIM cards for phones that probably won't work here.

Thats perfect.


I will just give my calling card num that i use to call her, any toll free phone will work.


edsperfectMaleRussia2006-11-30 14:06:00