Canadavisa approved YAY!
i'm so glad everything went well for you and thank you; from those of us who are up to bat next for the review
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-29 07:21:00
Canadaholy effin drama
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Sep 29 2009, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats nuts.

Btw....Where in Michigan do you visit?

my fiance is from the Grand traverse area so just outside traverse city
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-29 16:18:00
Canadaholy effin drama
well, i just hope she genuinely does love the older brother because i would hate for him to have to suffer another divorce because of her immaturity. the whole family can see how she's changed him, she's made him into a door mat.

oh well, atleast family events will have enough food to distract anyone from any drama lol

cheers i'm off to work

oh and peachy , i definitely will stop by one of these day. i seem to spend most of my time in thornloe this semester but i'll make a trip ^.~

MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-28 13:25:00
Canadaholy effin drama
thanks guys.

i keep trying to stay positive, thinking maaaybe when we actually meet face to face we'll laugh about it or actually become friends. but who really knows. my future MIL already warned her not to start ####### when i move there and she's a scary woman (when she's angry)
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-28 13:01:00
Canadaholy effin drama
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Sep 27 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow... What a crazy psycho. And your fiances brother must be living in his own world not to see she's unstable and clearly not over his brother. How can you marry someone that's still hung up on their ex? How is that a good idea?

And a very interesting question may your fiances brother going to invite his own brother to the wedding, or is she controlling too?

the problem is that the brother has been single for over 15 years now since his first marriage ( he's um, quite a bit older than my fiance and the ex) she has him so wrapped around her little finger. we will most certainly be inviting both of them to the wedding because after all, its still his brother but will they come? thats another thing, my guess is probably not. i know for sure that my fiance and i will not get an invite to their wedding.
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-28 08:39:00
Canadaholy effin drama
i could totally take her in a fight lmao when we get married my fiance and i plan to move away from that community, that solves that, oh and they don't celebrate xmas so that won't be akward but birthday uugh and thanksgiving /cringe. its going to be weird.

p.s she looks like chris crocker in the leave britany alone video
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-27 21:27:00
Canadaholy effin drama
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Sep 27 2009, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, what does the rest of your fiances family say about all this? They must dislike her too

i'm not sure what they think about this new engagement because i just found out but i can tell you they were none too happy to find out about her dating another one of their sons. their father even talked about disowning him lol though he never would.
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-27 21:10:00
Canadaholy effin drama
hey guys, i don't normally like to air out the dirty laundry so to speak but this is just bugging me.

so just to clear things up, i am Canadian my man is American. Before we met he was with this girl for about two years, live with her and everything obviously it didn't work out. when they broke up she took it hard, i mean crying, pounding at his door every night ( she had agreed to move out) she did some nasty things to his family, stole money and such, caused drama not to mention stole half of everything she thought she was entitled to from my fiance when she left including birthday presents from his own family. anyway... he meets me, we fall in love and so you might think she would get the hint? maybe not, she started hanging around with his older brothers (so she could have an excuse to come to family events maybe?) She eventually finds out about me and when i was in Michigan visiting she arrives at his house and starts pounding on the door demanding i show myself cause she was going to kick my #### and called me a home wrecker lol she's gotten random guys to call my phone and they called me every name imaginable ( she stole my fiance's phone book one day) she's waited outside of restaurants and movie theatres just to scream horrible names at me. Repeatedly my Fiance has told her he wants nothing to do with her , that they're over and to move on, so finally 6 or so months later she stops the harassment.

Things are pretty quiet. my fiance knows that she's still hanging around his older brother but whatever he's forgotten about her. we get engaged a year later! she finds out and apparently bawls and locks herself in the bathroom at my fiance's brothers house for hours. the oldest brother consoles her and they eventually start dating ( eww ). clearly she's not ever my fiance because of constant crying she does whenever she sees him even to this day , two years after they've broken up.
What more could happen with this strange girl whom I've never actually met you ask? well, she and the oldest brother are now getting married, so after all of this time and harassment she will be my sister in law. how the hell am i supposed to act civil to someone like this? maybe she won't come around because she still can't bear to look at my fiance and see us together? she still won't go into stores or to their parents house if she knows he's there, she'll wait in the car.
i had hoped that she would; like the senseless spoiled brat that she is just disappear or drive the oldest brother away but apparently he likes being emasculated and mistreated.

sigh , thanks for reading, i hope this entertains at least
MissaFemaleCanada2009-09-27 21:00:00
CanadaWoman lets Child ride on top of Van
oooh them crazy southerners lol i can tell you from experience that people like that just don't think, at all, ever...
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-06 16:31:00
CanadaFor Hugglebuggles
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 4 2009, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We aren't crazy, really.

Just don't post this picture around school Missa tongue.gif

oh no ! all the cheerleaders will laugh at you if i do lol
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-05 08:06:00
CanadaFor Hugglebuggles
lmao this made my night
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-04 20:10:00
CanadaTaking a trip
i don't know, unless you have someone checking your mail for you at your house and you can come back quickly in case. no plans are set in stone after all AND after you get the letter you have time before you actually Have to go so its not like 1.2.3 letter ok HURRY GO! *cough* excuse me i've had too much coffee

oh and Varba if you're coming to Sudbury, avoid paris street and lasale good lord construction lol
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-01 17:26:00
CanadaHow easy is it to regain your Citizenship if you relinquish it?
If you are a former Canadian citizen and now want to become a citizen again, you must apply to resume your citizenship.

However, you should be aware that a new law came into effect on April 17, 2009, amending the Citizenship Act. The new law gives Canadian citizenship to certain individuals who lost it and to others who will be recognized as citizens for the first time. Citizenship will be automatic and retroactive to the date of loss or the date of birth, depending on the situation. People will not have to apply for citizenship, or apply to resume citizenship, but may need to apply for a citizenship certificate to prove their citizenship. All individuals who are Canadian citizens at the time the law comes into effect will keep their citizenship.
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-07 19:11:00
CanadaHow easy is it to regain your Citizenship if you relinquish it?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 7 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You would no longer be a Canadian citizen, therefore you would have to apply, first, for permanent residency (like any immigrant) and after spending the required amount of time living in Canada you could apply for citizenship.

Also have to keep in mind that you would have to have the qualifications to apply as a PR to Canada - so under the skilled worker class or investor class.

i thought i read somewhere about special conditions for former citizens who wish to return.
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-07 19:04:00
CanadaGardasil (HPV) Being voted on by CDC on October 21st 2009, Gardasil
i am officially too old for it! but yeah i hope it gets taken off the list but i'm with huggle on that one, i doubt it will be
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-15 18:12:00
CanadaHappy Birthday Missa!
awe thanks guys!

MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-16 12:52:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
my bro in law noticed the little guy kept jumping up at the fridge handle so he wrote that out in colorful magnets ^__^ the cats name is Dumplin but dumps for short.
MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-16 16:05:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
did someone say ... kittens?! (this is actually my nephew)

MissaFemaleCanada2009-10-16 12:48:00