IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

You will receive a hard copy of transfer that will tell you which UCSIC office your file is transferred to. Mine went to Texas. I received same emails like you.

before I left for Costa Rica, I think about a week, I asked my senators office to inquire for me. I was actually pissed off that I didn't get a response before I left but now I'm ok. Lol the senators office said My case was transferred to TSC. My daughter told me there are two letters from immigration waiting for me. They came today

Edited by LoveMyTico, 03 December 2013 - 05:49 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-12-03 17:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
I just got my fourth email stating my file is now being I am assuming it means it was just received by the TSC. Can someone post the google spread sheet link so I can update my info. I'm on my smartphone and its almost impossible to search the thread. Thanks
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-12-03 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
Just found out i was transferred to Texas Service Center . I was hoping for California. Dang it !! Oh well, just thankful my file isn't lost

Edited by LoveMyTico, 03 December 2013 - 04:25 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-12-03 16:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

i got an email saying
"Your Case Status: Initial Review"
The I130..was transferred and is now being proce4ssed at a USCIS office.  Your will be notified by mail when a decision made, or if the office needs something from you".
This must mean they have started my review.  I was originally at the NBC, then recently transferrred to Cali. 

it just means its now being processed at another office. They don't send out notices when they pick up each file to process. You could be approved tomorrow or in 2 months. The actual transfer could take 2 weeks depending on the batches they load on the truck and how often they ship them.
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-12-03 07:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
Just received the third transfer email at 10am EST. I HOPE THIS MOVES ALONG . I won't get the hard copy until I'm home. I'm hoping for CSC. From what I read, they seem the fastest. But, knowing my luck, my file will get there and the processing will come to a screaming halt.
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-12-02 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
Waiting for something good this week. I suppose I will be receiving the third email about my transfer sometime today. An approval right before Christmas would be a great Christmas gift.

What day is it? Say it with me!
Lol, ok so it's Monday but if u've seen the commercial with the camel then u get my drift....
Let's see those approvals!!!!

Cheers my friends!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-12-02 08:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
I received the second wave of transfer emails this morning. Glad they are open today. I'm in Costa Rica right now. It's really hot. It's a nice change from the Philadelphia cold weather. Happy to be here with my husband.
I received the second wave of transfer emails this morning. Glad they are open today. I'm in Costa Rica right now. It's really hot. It's a nice change from the Philadelphia cold weather. Happy to be here with my husband.
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-29 11:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I will now step down from my presidency and leave it up for grabs....  I have to say... I will not miss it !!  LOL   I wish I could bring all my non-transferred friends with me.... Come one    LET's GO  ! ! ! !


What a relief it was to get those messages.    I can't wait to talk to my husband....  Maybe I can hope for a Christmas Approval.. They have a month...  ( hee hee )   one step at a time !!     SOOOO HAPPY  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 19:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

 Hopefully all goes smooth now smile.png

THANKS !  !! !! ! !

Woooohhhoooooo!!!! So hapy for u!!!!! But u have now been stripped of ur president status for us in the no man's land! tongue.png hihihihihi .... Way to go and just in time for ur trip!
Best of luck now!!! Hope Tico gets his visa pronto! wink.png

THANKS ! ! ! ! !!   My husband just got home from his mountain expedition... I just sent him the email...   

Yes yes yessssss... I'm so happy for you

THANKS ! ! ! !

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

FINALLY ! ! ! ! ! !





On November 27, 2013, we transferred this case I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN to another office for processing and sent you a notice explaining this action. Please follow any instructions provided on the notice.  We will notify you by mail when a decision is made.  If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.



On November 27, 2013, we transferred this case I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) to another office for processing and sent you a notice explaining this action. Please follow any instructions provided on the notice.  We will notify you by mail when a decision is made.  If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.






LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 18:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Yea, that's what she told me too. She didn't even know where i got the 7.4 months from. I had to explain to her where i saw that. So yes they go by Feb, so if u filed any time after feb you're considered "within normal processing time" - which makes me want to ...... !
My i-129 however is outside normal processing time of 5 months so she put in a request for status on it. I'm pretty sure it's gona tell me that it's traveling with the i-130 and will be adjudicated together....

Yea, I can hear it now.....  " it doesn't matter the date on your K3 because they are being processed together"     Call your senator's office and ask them to inquire. Also, the Ombudsman's office will help you if you outside the processing times.


You can put in a request online


Do it all and do it often.....


I'm leaving for Costa Rica in 12 hours.   I'll be reading posts but I may not be able to post because i'll be on my cell.  I'll try though.  Hopefully I will hear something next week.  I'm bringing a bottle of Tequila just incase !! 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

 So you are NOT beyond the Posted Processing time?..I thought the Posted Processing time is 7.4 Months now..that is what i see on USCIS Web site...

They USE  Feb 12th  not the 7.4 months.   How convenient for them  RIGHT???

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

wow.gif WOW, so.... I was told that tier 2 cannot give out any information regarding whether or not any case is assigned to adjudicator OR if it passed a check point. ( we all know its a bunch of #######)  The ONLY way that information can be given out is if the file is beyond posted processing times.  She told me they are currently processing February 12th and I have 2 more months to wait.   GRRRRR girlwerewolf2xn.gif  She thought she was done witht he call but  I started  asked specific questions about my old WITHDRAWN case and why it was never revoked back in 2009 when I withrew it. ( she had no answer, only that it takes a long time, unfortunately)  and I asked if someone was looking into my case since they issued that notice yesterday . At first she said they have nothing to do with each other... but I kept asking questions and I finally got out of her that they had to issue the revoked notice before they could move on the the current case because you can't petition for 2 people at the same time  ( duhhhh)    so I guess I can read between the lines here.     Somebody screwed up back in 2009 and never closed out the old one. She told me that will NOT hold up my current case and if they need additional information or an explanation they will send me a letter.     Its like pulling teeth to get any info.  wow.gif  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 14:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Just talked to a tier 2. I got lucky - she was polite!!! Yea, wow. But i really got no tangible info. Just that my i-130 went through a "check point" on nov 14th and that is still is at nbc (i was affraid it was lost, so at least i know it's not) She said the check point could mean anything, she can't tell from what she sees what it is. I can be that cases got shuffled or it could be something specific to my case, no telling....
She also put in a request for my i-129 to find out the status, i'm supposed to get something in writing in the next couple of weeks.
So, i still wait....

I-130 noa1 apr 9
I-129 noa1 apr 18

I just attempted to call again..  Tier 1 gave me the regular BS ####### they have to read.. Then I asked ( very politely) can you please bump me up to a tier 2 rep who can maybe  give me a little more information.. She says " exactly what more info are you looking for?" I told her I would like to know if someone was assigned to my case considering the update I received yesterday..  and she says " They can't tell  you anything more than what I just told you" ( which was nothing )   so I politely said, well, maybe that is the case but I would still like to be transferred.   She was cordial but I know she was irritated.    The wait time is 45 minutes. Waiting for a call back. 


I love how they  and tell  you  there is no information  when other reps hand out all kinds of information.    Just friggin tell me where my file is for God's sake.   Jeeze.   Its obvious someone was looking at my file.  All they have to do is verify that. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


Here is an approval close to yours MSC139096115*


On November 25, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thats SUPER close   I hope Im in that box or on someones desk.... 




Today is good for me... anytime now... come on

PD 25 I got text msg and email, My case has been transfer to my local office, So guys what's next?

well,  you could wait....







or you could just wait...

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I've been tracking random cases and this is an April 22nd case that got approved yesterday without a transfer. MSC13910341**


On November 26, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.



hmmm.. interesting   Im   MSC1390961..... maybe they are close      COME ON NBC...... VAMOS ! ! !

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 10:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I hope they get moving on ur current case Tico's luv smile.png i have the same experience with calling them - don't want to tell me anything and just repeat what i can see on the website anyway. And just tell me that i have to wait till they contact me..... They r useless and rude for the most part. I in awe of those who have been able to get a polite and helpful person on the phone.

in 7.5 months, I have only had ONE really nice, helpful guy.  He asked me what else I wanedt to know.. told me everything he could. Apologized for the long wait.  But it seems most of those people hate their jobs... They are only a call center. If they don't have any info to give, then at least they could be nice.  Just sayin !!!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

So am I the only April filer who got no transfer and no word yet at all?
@ Sashy - did you get transfered yet?

NO, you're not the only one.  I'm still hanging out...   Still no transfer

Tips when calling USCIS if you want them to provide you with detailed information about your case:


Act like you care about their well-being by saying the following:


Tier 1:

1. Good morning

2. How are you doing today

3. Could you please transfer me to a tier 2


Tier 2:

1. Good morning

2. How are you doing today

3. Always use the word PLEASE and try as much as you can to be polite


These tips have worked for me everytime and I have not come across any nasty officer; as a matter of fact we tend to have lengthy discussions


I always try to treat them like I already know them. I try to carry a conversation.  I kill them with pleases and thanks yous.  But this lady I got yesterday was the spawn of satan.  I tried to be nice. She just didn't want to answer any questions. ... 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

@LoveMyTico, I called yesterday and this nice tier 2 lady told me it was assigned to someone and I should hear something before Christmas.

wow,  I talked to the nastiest tier 2 yesterday.. She didn't want to tell me anything   and I was nice as pie to her. 


I know someone is working on my case due to the status I received yesterday  BUT that tier 2 woman was a BEOTCH... I honestly don't  understand  why people work in customer service if they don't like dealing with the pubic .  Its nice to know the money I spent filing my petition gets me such wonderful customer service...( super sarcasm)

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Actually someone working on my file - hope to see something positive soon.


04/01/13: I-130 Sent --------------------------------------------------------------- $420.00
04/03/13: I-130 Package received by CIS
04/04/13: NO1 Email received
04/08/13: Check cashed
04/08/13: NO1 Hardcopy received
11/14/13: Case transferred from NBC to another office (After 7 months 11 days from NOA1)
11/15/13: Case transferred from NBC to Local office (After 7 months 12 days from NOA1)
11/18/13: NSC Transfer notice hardcopy received

11/19/13: Case transferred from NBC (Email/Text) notification

11/25/13: Case assigned to adjudicator

11/26/13: Email/Text notification (Alien Registration Number was changed relating to your I129F & I130)

xxxxxxxxx: Waiting

VERY COOL   an nice Thanksgiving gift !!   ( MAYBE )

maybe this is a stupid question, but how do you know it was assigned to an adjudicator? Did you call tier 2?

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 08:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


 Thanks.. Ours got tranferred on texas. On the spreadsheet it wasnt updated yet.
April Google doc is here -


Because you have to update it yourself.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

This is on behalf of my friend his case just got transferred. His PD is April 22nd. I wonder how long it takes for an approval with who got their cases transferred.

On November 26, 2013, we transferred this case I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN to another office for processing and sent you a notice explaining this action. Please follow any instructions provided on the notice. We will notify you by mail when a decision is made. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

There are March and April spreadsheets floating around. ( maybe someone can post them if they can find them )  Nobody knows how long it takes.  Read the March and April threads.  There is no rhyme or reason to the madness but  you can get an idea by reading other posts. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-27 05:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Call back and ask for a Tier 2 supervisor due to the behavior of that Tier 2. 


These people... I swear...


I will but I am so angry.  I don't want to flip out on her..( I am at work)   Its  not really a good time of the month to be reasoning with these people.    LOL

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-26 14:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

LoveMyTico,  Keep us up on the suspense!  Maybe it will give an Idea where our lonly lost files are. 

OK, I just hung up with probably the rudest TIER2 so far.


I was calling about a case from 2008 The  case number begins with EAC because it was at the Vermont Service Center back then.

I told her I received a status update about my case being revoked. But I explained I withdrew that case back in 2009.  She rattled off this ####### about it being approved in 2009 and the NVC sent it back to the USCIS and asked them to reaffirm it. ( even after it was withdrawn and I received a notice confirming it in 2011. I never ever even inquired about that case again until today because I thought it was dead and burried)  So I guess somewhere along the line, it was re-approved without my knowledge... HA HA  and she said NOW  they have to revoke that before they can approve my current petition.  So I asked her if my case was assigned to someone.. she was soooo nasty and kept saying it is in process. They are working on Feb 12th. I said I know that, I can read that online. Can you tell me if they are working on my ase since they revoked the old case... and she repeated the same info about the feb 12th #######.. And I said nicely, I already know that information.  then she said (extremely rude and sarcastic)... " Then what can I tell  you that you don't already know?"   and before I could get another word out  " thanks for calling the USCIS ! ( rudely) CLICK  hung up on me......

So this is what our fees pay for. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-26 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I'm still in the same boat as Tico girl! sad.png  PD April 12, and no word.   I just know we will be approved  very very soon.  Perhaps by Thanksgiving!!! ;-)

I'm waiting on a call-back from a tier 2 just so I can clarify what the status change this morning is all about. Maybe my case is assigned to someone.  My lawyer said they are probably working on my case

Edited by LoveMyTico, 26 November 2013 - 01:38 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-26 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Oh WOW!!! Yea, i'm sending u my best set of vibes and realy hope u get approved now, they just never cease to amaze me at the good ol' uscis!!! Just wow!

THANKS ! ! ! ! ! ! !


This is why I thought in the back of my mind that our case would NOT get transferred.. I guess there are a few extra  wack-a-doodle things they need to do with our case.  But who knows. This could be another smoke screen to buy some time.  Maybe they will put it back in a box and wait the 14 days the notice says to wait if I don't receive the hard copy in the mail.  I sent a message to my lawyer.  I'm sure I know more than he does at  the moment since I sit on the email and wait for something...  ( bad habit) 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-26 08:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Ok, are you ready for this ?    I received a text message about my PREVIOUS case from back in 2008 of which I withdrew. 

So I check my status  and this is what it says....   But remember, I WITHDREW this case  Officially. I hope they got their ####### straight.   The only thing I can think of is that my OLD I-130 was approved back then.  Now they are revoking that in order to proceed with my current petition


Post Decision Activity

On November 26, 2013, the previous decision made on your case was revoked and we mailed you a notice explaining the decision. If you have not received the notice within 14 days of the date above, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address


I am all nervous now... I am happy they are looking at my case.    Hopefully I get an approval out of this one instead of a transfer....  BUT a transfer is ok too. 

Edited by LoveMyTico, 26 November 2013 - 07:40 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-26 07:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I was hoping to wake up to an email... but still nothing today.  The day is young... Maybe something will come through later today.  There is only tomorrow... then they all go home to be with their families... GRRRRR  I guess I would feel better if I just knew my file was on someones desk.    I really wanted a reason to drink that Tequila...  LOL  Just kidding...  I don't even drink... but I see how this process might do that to some people !!   HAHAHAHHHA




And I'm watching that storm coming up North...  I'm flying out of Philly on Thursday  morning.  That storm better be gone by then. So far it looks like Mother Nature is being a good girl

Edited by LoveMyTico, 26 November 2013 - 05:33 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-26 05:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

w00hoo 3 members!


..I'll be secretary lol.


On a more serious note: maybe they will just approve us right away. right?




LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-25 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


Come on Lady, keep up the positive thinking! may be you'll get approved at the NBC! there were reports of approvals from the NBC lately!

Good luck

I'm trying...


Its funny... my husband is working wayyyyy up in the mountains with no cell service. He's not coming back down until Wednesday afternoon...  If we get transferred I would just BURST if I couldn't call him with good news... OMG  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-25 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Think we should make a club for the people who were skipped over.

April 15th PD sad.png.

I'll be the president !! LOL  April 12th sleepy.gif

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-25 19:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers



 I really think my case will not get transferred..    




I just have that feeling.

Edited by LoveMyTico, 25 November 2013 - 06:56 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-25 18:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


Ok, so I just checked cases between MSC*******694 andMSC*******770 (my case is MSC*******724).


From MSC*******694 to MSC*******712 they're all I90 cases  (don't even know what that is lol).


After that only 1 case has been approved and only 1 case has been transferred. All they other cases are still on initial review, no transfer, no nothing.


Just sharing... I'm beyond tired of waiting, but somehow VJ helps me relax. 

Im *****343    so many transfers and approvals.. from the summer....  I swear they just skipped over me.  The dust must be so thick, they didn't see my file at the bottom of the box

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-25 14:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

So, I decided to check other receipt numbers close to mine...


so far, I only checked within 40 or 50 before and after.   some as little as 3 after me were approved in June and July and some as little as 5-20 before were approved and  transferred.  Some as close as 30 after me were approved back in June and one 39 after me was approved Nov 15. It sucks you can't see where the case is. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-25 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Back from Vacation, got to spend 10 days with my love, wish I didn't have to leave,

went to the internet cafe a few times there to check USCIS case status, still nothing.crying.gif

PD is 4/26 still nothing yet. Almost 7 months since NOA1


Hopefully we all hear something ASAP, this week time

It would be nice to get an approval before ChristmasClockWatch2.gif

Just want to see an approval.cray5ol.gifcrying.gifClockWatch2.gif


I'm leaving on Thanksgiving day for 11 days.  I hate visiting and then having to leave him.  I will be checking the status every day.. Probably several times a day.. 

Our NOA1 is April 12. Nothing for us either. Not a transfer or touch.    Its hard to see the 19 day and 15 day approvals from VSC... They must be training on the new files.    WHO  KNOWS.... its hard to watch on VJ. 


My vacation will get me away from it for a while. Its hard to use VJ on the cell. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-24 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you !    luv.gif


I have been through a lot of ####### in my day. More than I care to think about.  It has made me who I am today.  I used to be painfully shy as a young kid. I learned that gets me nowhere.  I  am very opinionated on issues I feel strongly about.yes.gif   I have less patience than I did when I was younger.  I know sometimes I come off as an ####### on this forum, but Im really a nice person.  I am "too nice"  sometimes and it sometimes gets me walked on....  its hard for me to find the positive sometimes  but I'm working on it !  headbonk.gif blink.png blink.png blink.png


So  Im the loud mouth and my husband would prefer to not speak at all... Opposites attract I guess. 



I am a Virgo BTW...   I do like things to be MY WAY... and I will do whatever I can ( and more) to get what I want !!   Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.  That is why this long immigration process is so painful.  girlwerewolf2xn.gif

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-24 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

The Costa Rica Police Cert is only good for 30 or 60 days . I am leaning toward 30 days tho.      I think they are required for employment over there too.   My husband even said they aren't valid for very long.   I am sure every country is different.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-24 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Love my Tico, are you by chance an Aries?

NOT EVEN CLOSE.... why do you ask?

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-24 07:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


I like your analysis. I would be more than happy with 8.3 months to approval, I feel like as soon as there's a transfer I'll be able to start preparing my life here for the move. Get the police check done, things like that. I just want to be transferred so bad so we can at least have someone to call and info pass etc!! 


If I am 250 days to approval I'd be approved a few days before xmas! Factoring in holidays though, I'll prob be January.

I wouldn't get the police cert until you get the approval. At least my lawyer told me not to do that til then because they expire in a short period of time. Not worth doing it twice since it has to be translated. In Costa Rica it only takes a few hours to get the cert.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-23 21:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Im April 12th....  There are more than tumbleweeds passing by over  here.   No transfer, no nothing.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2013-11-23 19:53:00