IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


did they give any reasoning why they won't accept it?

They said it is not the original..  so instead of arguing for days, my husband just went to get a certified copy.  It is the original. It has the stamps and book and page written on the side. Parents names   The papers is thin yellow paper with Civil registry on the top, a registration number... the whole 9 yards... they say no.  so now they will have the original and the certified copy.  They accepted our marriage certificate and the birth cert now looks exactly like that.   I think I'll  call again...  Maybe they did some work today

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 18:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


will it cause any issue if my supervisor review resolves my checklist, but i had another package received at NVC and pending review?

I didn't think about it when I sent the new Birth Cert.  I just didn't want to waste time if they decided it wasn't good enough.  Turns out it is a good thing I sent it.  They reviewed it 3 times and they won't accept it.  And it is the original.   I didn't want to play games. Every minute counts

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 18:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


sounds like my situation then.  are you including a letter or something saying this is the only document that is offered from the officials in CR?

You can if you want.  I just sent the barcode sheet, the checklist the birth cert and an explanation. The checklist also asked for a police certificate but I had that removed  because it says all over their instructions that the police certificate is not required at the NVC. CR asks that you bring it to the interview.  


Just send it ASAP unless you get a review and they decide to accept it before you can get the other certificate.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 17:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


hm that is interesting.  how did you know the supervisor review took 2 days each?  i agree, i'm going to try to get another certified copy of the certificate.  best of luck

I know because I call twice a day.  Yes, I am the one everyone hates on this thread..   But I like to know what is  going on and that is how I find out.


Just ask for an update. They will read all the notes to you. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


by the way, if they kept checklisting your original doc, how did you move forward?

I sent my husband to get a certified copy from the civil registry in CR.   It looks exactly like our marriage certificate so they better accept it. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 17:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


I've divorced once before, so I just wanted to make sure the CO is not going to question her a lot.

My wife is very shy and she might panic undeer pressure. So I just wanted to make sure I set the tone the CO gets a good impression before even calling her to the window for the final interview.

The IR interviews are usually easy and straight forward in Morocco, but just in case!!

I was married twice before..  I am sooooo not worried.  My husband is very shy too but he knows everything, They could separate us in different rooms and we would be fine 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 17:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


When i found out yesterday i basically said "that can't be possible, i sent the original".  so the operator put in for a "supervisor review".  now that I have the checklist, I'll call again tonight..

you'll still get a review by a supervisor. They say it takes 30 days... Mine took only 2 days each. The most recent review was requested yesterday.. Hopefully I'll hear something tomorrow.  That will make my weekend very pleasant  :idea:  :luv:   IF you can get another marriage certificate fairly fast, I would suggest just getting it. You don't know what the review will bring.  They reviewed ours 3 times and each time they rejected it EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE ORIGINAL.. This is all so frustrating.  I wonder if they are doing random Quality Assurance checks.. Maybe that is the reason for the checklists.

Yessssss!!!! CC as of may 21st!

AWESOME  ! ! !  CONGRATS !!!  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 16:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I sent wedding/reception pics, benefits paperwork showing that I added my wife to my insurrance plan, Bank statment showing her as the beneficiary of my investments

Im sure you didn't need to send all that. Are you worried because her country is high fraud???

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 16:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


But photos are not required.. correct???

not for NVC. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Oh my!!


I will send the same evidence I sent with my I-130.


we sent 8 photos to uscis with our I-130 and they were sent back to my husband after we were approved with a letter saying they are returning our originals that was submitted for evidence in our case.

you probably got your photos back because you aren't supposed to send originals. We sent copies of the pics. and we only sent about 10 pics.

annnnnd Packages are sent.. ** Good luck to meeee no checklist pleaseeee*** .....


Let the waiting game begin ... :clock:

congrats :pop:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 13:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


I think you win the award for having the most supervisor reviews. I don't think I've ever seen someone with so many!  :rofl:


I asked for one on May 1st when they told me over the phone that they will not accept the Birth Cert. .  Then I received my checklist on May 2nd.  Then 2 more reminders for the checklist within 24 hours. Then  another review on May 5th or 6th and then again on the 12th and then yesterday.  I even spoke to a supervisor on May 2nd in the evening and he told me to call back on Wednesday the 7th and ask for him. He told me he would personally review my file...     I don't understand why they are reviewing my file so much if the mail isn't even opened.  But today they told me there is a request for the mail to be located and brought to the supervisor for review.     SOOOO strange.     too much drama for me.   so nerve wracking 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 13:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

How is it that some people get to pay the AOS and IV invoice at the same time and others (like me) have to wait for each one to be invoiced separately? I am quite frustrated with the process! Does anyone know the difference and why? Cheers!

usually those who pay the fees  together have an attorney. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Finally.. Case Complete!!!  :joy:



May 1st  thats soooo cool

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 12:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


I know girl...I'm going to call them tomorrow though.


And yes, I have been calling them every other day and I realize nothing will change by doing that and that I will get an email when my Case is Complete, etc etc. But I need closure darn it! I need to know that this stage is ending and we are moving on to the next one. So don't judge me people.


When do you think they will start scheduling July interviews LoveMyTico? 

I have read that the CC email could take a week to be sent. I would rather call everyday and find out right away. It will take away some stress for sure.   Also from what I read, interviews start getting scheduled the last week of the month and the first week of the next month. But it seemed like the June interviews were well into the second week of May this month.    If I am worng, somebody please correct me.. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 12:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

ok, my update... 

I suggest acting very confused.. then they act confused  then they request a supervisor review... LOL


so yes, I call everyday. I can't help it.   Yesterday the guy told me that it shows in the system as "In review"    but the mail was not reviewed yet. 


so just to clarify, my file has had 4 supervisor reviews since May 1st.  LOL  I only requested the first on on May 1st..  My file has pages of notes It always takes them a long time to read and catch up.  


I talked to Lisa today, When I gave her SNJ for my case number, she asked me to repeat it. I said " SNJ for Costa Rica.. she started laughing and said she doesn't get many for Costa Rica because they call the spanish line.  I explained I would love to do that but my spanish is horrible.   She thought that was really funny.   so she took a minute to read the notes. Finally she said someone put in a request to find my package.  I was like.. you mean they just haven't reviewed it yet? she says NO, sometimes they put in requests for the mail to be located and brought to the supervisor. Another supervisor review was put in yesterday and they requested the mail that was received on  May 8th.   


SOOOOOO, she rattled off the 30 day BS.  I just find it strange that they keep putting in supervisor review requests.  Maybe they are tired of me calling.... HAHAHAHAHAHA    I can't figure these people out.  Lisa told me sometimes they do this . She has been there a long time she said...  Funny cuz other operators told me they are not allowed to go get the mail . and I had another operator tell me that the mail was combined with my file back on May 12th...  soooo who do I believe????     I hope it doesn't take them 30 friggin days to find my mail....  :rofl:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


thanks for the laugh  :thumbs:

Just curious because this happened to Lucybelle too. She got 3 checklists.  2 were for the marriage certificate.  


Do they have the certificate and just won't accept it or is it missing from the file?   If its there, ask for a supervisor review because it is the ORIGINAL.. maybe a derp was reviewing your file and just wasn't familiar with what it should look like. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Thanks!!! I guess I will wait until lunch time to see if I receive something otherwise I will mail it off during my lunch hour 

I am on hold now.... 40 minutes so far... :clock:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Like Fargo, North Dakota  <_<

yea,  Like Fargo.  :rofl:    I always talk about getting out of the "one horse town" I live in , but I think I would really miss the Philly area if I moved.  My husband celebrates Christmas in 90 degree weather in Costa Rica.      To me ... that is just wrong.  I need snow and Santa Claus for it to feel like Christmas.  But I also need beaches for it to feel like summer.  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


you got your checklist the day after it was reviewed (which you found out over the phone)?

yes. I found out May 1st , over the phone, that they were not accepting my husband Birth Cert. At that point, I asked for a supervisor review . I called my hubby and told him to run to the city and get a certified copy. Due to a holiday in Costa Rica on May1st, he had to go early Friday Morning May 2nd.  He Fedex'd the document on Firday morning. I received it Early Monday morning and immediately fedex'd it right back out to the NVC. Delivered May 6th. Scanned May 8th  and here we are....    I am on hold right now because when I calle dlast night, I was told my file shows in review in the system.. so of course I have to  find out more.  I held off til now to give them time to look at my file (  ha ha  I'm dreaming... I know)

Edited by LoveMyTico, 22 May 2014 - 11:34 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

lol.. come on.. it's not "that" bad. 

its not that bad.. It could be worse.  at least Jersey has beaches.  They aren't pretty beaches but its better than being stuck somewhere in the middle of the US.   LOL

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I wonder if I will get the e-mail about the checklist for AOS package today.. I need to send the bar code cover sheet with the response right? I already know what I did wrong

my checklist was emailed  like 12 hours after I found out about it over the phone.    I sent a revised AOS 2 days after the lawyer sent the incorrect AOS and I used the original bar code page.   Just write a cover letter and mail it off.  If they are going to play games then you can just mail it off and get it received so you don't have to waste time.  At least that is what I would do

Edited by LoveMyTico, 22 May 2014 - 11:25 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


It takes me about 2 1/2 hours to get to Cape May. Have you ever been? It is so beautiful! I spent every summer until I was 16 there.


Still April 30th? They've been stuck on that date for a few days now. Keep moving NVC... I am May 5th!!! 

I think you are really close !!  no mail delivery for May 3&4.. I bet you get CC today or tomorrow....   Then its my turn !

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 11:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

It does seem quiet today.. maybe the calm before the storm  ( a huge wave of CC's)      PLEASE PLEASE let's get some momentum going.   Hoping they want to clear off their desks before the 3 day weekend.. I also hope there will be a full staff tomorrow. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I will not reply to this! and I will ignore any further posts!!!!!!!!!

:rofl: Good boy. you may now come off of the  Timeout chair.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Case Complete!!!  



another 4/30       Now you're in for a July interview !!   YAY


you wouldn't state such things few days ago. you would try to find a way to speed up the process of your case. you would have the craziest ideas, maybe even stupid.



stop playing a smart as_s now, let people have those thought and ideas, maybe they make them feel better, maybe they bring back the hope.

Please stop going back and forth with each other.   It is very difficult to read emotions on a forum.   Let's not fight. We are all here to help each other. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 09:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

OMG I just realized you were in Philly!! Idk why I was thinking you were in Texas  :bonk:


If you ever come to Jersey let us know!!  I'm like 2.5-3 hours away from Wildwood too.


lol awwww but at least you'll get to have the first cook out of summer!! Make a burger for me, i'll swing by after the park lol


We'll see if it's true their working on 4/30 cases.  Because my case was complete 4/30 and I still have no interview   :(

I'll send you a PM in a minute !!


I think they are referring to reviewing files from April 30th.  If your case is complete then you are just in limbo land waiting for the scheduling to begin.  I am praying everyday to get my CC so I will be in the scheduling this month. Costa Rica seems to be pretty easy. They aren't a busy embassy..      


 I should have attached  $20 to the last package as a bribe to HURRY UP...  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Hmmm..... because Deep just got a case complete and his last document was scanned in on 5/1.


BUT kudos to Vanessa for avoiding the "30 day" schpeel lol

OK  so May 1st was a Thursday..   May 2nd Friday.... No mail 3rd and 4th.    Getting closer and closer.    Wasn't the CEAC down for a while during that time?  I wonder if it prevented people from mailing their documents because they couldn't access their barcode sheet?     Just  wishful thinking.... 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


and who said that i expected them to correct anything?

are you lost your mind?

it's obvious that they cannot do it!

maybe you should re-read some posts.

WHOA WHOA    let's play nice today.    I don't think Etrangais was off base.  Just making a statement.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 08:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

NVC is claiming to be reviewing files from Apr 30, per my call 4 seconds ago. However Vanessa did not once say the words 30 business days, so this call went better than usual :)

can't really rely on their BS...  When I first submitted my documents , they were received April 15th.  On May 1st they had reviewed my docs and issued that stupid checklist for my husbands birth cert. Someone called and they were told that docs with the date April 1st were being reviewed...  They were 2 weeks off. So the NVC just ratteled off a date  ...   Someone else reported April 30th  at the beginining of the week..  


It seems to be  taking about 2 weeks + 1 or 2 days. 

All papers sent to nbc one week ago. Now what should be my next step?


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 08:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Woooooo!!!!!!!!! 3 NJ People! Even though today is a stay in bed day, it looks like Monday 82 and sunny. I might just head on over to Great Adventure  :dance:

I really want to go to Wildwood this weekend.....  Jersey shore is awesome !! It takes me about 2.5 hours to get to  Wildwood.  Wish my hubby was here . We love the shore...  ( big big sigh)

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hey guys im about to Mail The Iv packet just we observing for the 2x2 picture can I write on the back in pen or pencil does it matter ?

I wrote lightly along the bottom ( on the back)  with a fine tip sharpie marker. You can also write on a piece of tape and then stick it on the back of the photos .  I also put them in a ziplock bag and clipped them to the packet. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 08:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

well, mvc received it on May 3rd and when I called on May 7th, they said it was received on may I assume 'scanned.'

ok, yea....the clock starts ticking from the day they say it was received..  So you should be hearing something today or tomorrow. I am one day behind you.  Who knows how many days of mail they process each day.


  I would love to assume they process 2-3 days of mail per day.. but I think that is a dream. 

Edited by LoveMyTico, 22 May 2014 - 08:13 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

last night I was chatting with my husand and a light bulb turned on in my head....  as much as I NEED to hear Case Complete, Interviews won't start scheduling until next week anyway.. so we would be waiting just the same.    


Just trying to make myself feel better. The holiday sucks !!   It wastes more time.  Problem solved if they would just REVIEIW MY FREAKIN MAIL !!!!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Our NOA2 was approved on 6 May. The NVC received the case on 14 May. I called yesterday, I called today, I am calling tomorrow....I will be calling everyday until I get my case number. I called at 700 EST promptly and it took 25 minutes to get through (that is crazy btw!). By reading other peoples timelines and the google spreadsheet, It seems like it is taking 3-4 weeks to get a case number, on average. Is it a waste of my time to call every day? Do they log these calls and see that someone is calling every day? Will me being persistent help? Any other advice besides being patient, as well as courteous on the phone? Our one year anniversary is August 31 and we both really want to be together by that date. I have all of my paperwork and documentation ready to go now, crazy amounts of documentation/proof of our relations. We also have a lawyer btw...

This is my take on this


1. yes, it is taking 3-4 weeks for a case number. start calling about 2 weeks in..

2. they do have a log of how many times you call.

3. no, being persistent does nothing... unless it makes you feel better by calling.. but it does nothing on their end

4. You attract more flies with Sugar... always be nice... they deal with many a-holes.  Many operators are not so nice, others are amazingly helpful

5. we all want to be together... alot of us are 13 -14 months in ... you can dream, but the average time at NVC is 3-4 months. Just hope you don't  get  a checklist

6. my lawyer did nothing but slow me down. I ended up doing the entire NVC process.

7. you are already approved... NVC only processes the visa . You don't need to send any proof of relationship... save it for the interview. Those   are the people you have to prove something to.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 07:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Good morning VJ family,

I read some posts this morning talking about "why can't NVC correct "small" mistakes" in the forms they get" or why can't they just write the correct income if the petitioner makes a mistake or why can't they check a box we left blank, and so on.

One very obvious reality we sometimes fail to take into prospective: NVC processes millions of packets. Most of us think that they should focus on our packets, but THEY CAN'T. If they start correcting things it will take double or may be triple the time it takes right now to turn around and review packets.


I'm not defensing the NVC as they make some stupid mistakes: they lose docs, they don't even follow the instructions on their forms.... but don't expect them to correct our mistakes.


I just wanted to throw that out there, food for though

One more thing.... NVC cannot correct the AOS because it is a contract. YOU have to complete the form and sign it. All info must come from you. You wouldn't want them changing things around without your approval. You signed it. You are stating your income and you are sponsoring the beneficiary.    Not sticking up for them, just explaining why they don't do corrections...

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 07:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Today is 2 weeks since they scanned our last package....  Does anyone have a best guess for what day they are processing for mail? 


I am dying for a case complete...  My poor husband has lost hope !!  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 06:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

good morning every one.  wish you all luck in getting case completes today.


NVC accepted both of my packets on may 7th, so I'm very very anxious to hear from them....


no RFE please!!!

do you mean they were scanned in ?

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-22 06:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

did you attach an explanation why you did not fill up 2012 and 2011? My husband is lost his 2011 tax details and he's having a hard time accessing his tax info online and hon't have time to go to h and r block as well.

no explanation. I just didn't fill them out

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-21 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

11 tries and 45 minutes later and no Case Complete.

I'm starting to get worried... As in it will never happen worried. I'm also starting to think that the 30 business days blab is true (and only for me) and if it is, I'm screwed.

I feel the same...   you should be up very soon...there are still 2 days left this week.  I don't see mine coming this week. I think they are working on the April 30th and May 1st.   My package was scanned May 8th.  I'm mad about the holiday on Monday...Another lost day (BIG SIGH)

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-21 21:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hello All,


I have a question. I'm currenlty trying to immigrate my wife and son to san diego im at the NVC stage. I applied for an expedite request and on May 15th the consulate in Montreal denied my request. Does anyone know why they would deny such a request?


Here is what I wrote:


"I?m currently on active duty in the United States Navy and stationed in San Diego, California. At any moment I can be chosen to obligate an ?Individual Augmented billet? a.k.a. I can be deployed at any time. I would be very thankful and appreciative if you expedite my case because I need to have my family prepared for such an event.  Also, my wife is 20 weeks pregnant and it?s very hard on her not having me there because she also has a four year old to take care of (case MTLxxxxxxx). Furthermore it would be a lot better for us financially if she were here in time to give birth at the Naval hospital because we are covered by my job.  Attached is statement of service. I appreciate your time and effort in reviewing my request"




Pregnancy is not a reason to expedite... also, you have not been given orders to deploy. you just said you can be deployed at any moment.  You pretty much have to be on you death bed to get an expedite...

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-05-21 21:31:00