IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I have this sick feeling deep in my stomach. This whole process is stressing me out. I can't do a dang thing to move it along.. I can't concentrate. I feel so horrible about all of this. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-26 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

this is the response from the Senator's office this morning after my plea for help AGAIN.




I realize this is stressful but I trust the latest update from my liaison at the Texas Service Center.  They are adjudicating both the I-130 and the I-129f per their correspondence to me.  I have no reason to believe my liaison would not be telling the truth.  In addition, customer service is not always able to see the full updates on pending cases; Congressional liaisons do have access to the full files though.  In addition, when cases get held up due to security checks or requests for evidence, the processing times posted are no longer applicable.


Thank you for your Tuesday, February 18, 2014, email on behalf of your constituent, Ms.Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx , regarding Form I-130  Petition for Alien Relative and I-129F Petition for Fiancée.


USCIS records show this case is in transit to the unit where it will be assign to an officer.  The background checks have been resolved, therefore a decision or some type of action will be made within the next 30 business days.


Thank you,


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-26 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I just booked a flight for the end of March to go see my husband. I was supposed to wait til April but the tickets are $1000 in April.  I had enough miles to get a free ticket for March.  SIGH ...  I miss him so much. We are arguing alot and I really think its because of the distance. I feel extremely bad for the waiting . The lawyer told us 6 months when we first filed.  its already double that and still we haven't heard anything. Only lies from everyone I call.  We still have a waiver to file.  I can't take this process anymore.  I feel terrible that it is taking so long.   Its been a rough couple of days for me  cray5ol.gif


OMG I really need an approval .  I need something good to happen. I have lost hope.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-25 22:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
Come on TSC. I'm tired of waiting

Edited by LoveMyTico, 25 February 2014 - 03:25 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-25 15:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
My files probably have a thick layer of dust....that's why they couldn't find them. Lol it's not funny but I can't think of any other explanation.
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-25 15:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
I was notified last week that our extra security checks were resolved ave my files are now with an adjudicator. I think they lost our files and ran out of excuses so they used the EXTRA SECURITY CHECKS as the excuse. That's just my opinion though. Hopefully this week for us DVMAN
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-25 10:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I wasn't able to log on from work yesterday but I was reading from my cell.  This is the response I received from TSC yesterday

I received something similar last week via Senator Toomey's office but saying 30 days instead of 60 days



The status of this service request is:


We have received your service request and researched the status of your case. We have had to perform an additional review and this has caused a delay in processing time. Your case is currently with an adjudicating officer. You should receive a decision or notice of further action within 60 days.



LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-25 05:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Thinking about you LoveMyTico, hope you hear something soon. Think we're all depressed by this hell. We've gone from waiting at the USCIS to waiting at the NVC...waiting waiting waiting!!!!!! So sick of it all.


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-24 15:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
That's why I'm glad I filed a k3. I hope it flies to the embassy before they ever get to my i130. I am hoping for something this week. 10 1\2 months is way too long
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-24 15:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers
I've been reading from my phone today. I received 2 e-mails from tsc answering my January 13th service requests. Both said the same thing. The delay was due to additional processing but now my file is with an adjudicator. A June aoproval makes me sick. I have been so depressed lately. God help us all
LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-24 13:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Just dropped in to see how you are.

Just hanging around.. Can't do much more that this.




Cross everything for me. I hope this week will be my week.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-22 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Oh how I wish TSC was opened today doing some overtime.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-22 09:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

BS of the day.


I called tier 2 today to find out if there was anything new.  To my surprise. in the system it states my K3 was only transferred on Feb 10th.  although I have a hard copy that says it was transferred on November 27th . tier 2 was even confused so he OFFERED to do another service request . He also noted that the TSC never replied to the other service requests I put in on January 31st.


Everyday its something new.  SO VERY TIRED OF THIS ENTIRE PROCESS


I'm starting to think they lost my files and used the background check as an excuse. Maybe on Feb 10th they found them. then I get this on the 19th:


USCIS records show this case is in transit to the unit where it will be assign to an officer.  The background checks have been resolved, therefore a decision or some type of action will be made within the next 30 business days.


They used the word "RESOLVED"....

Edited by LoveMyTico, 21 February 2014 - 05:20 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-21 17:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

HI fellow April sufferers !   its Friday again.  I am so hoping to hear something today...  sleepy.gif  same as the last 10+ months. ClockWatch2.gif


My husband said that sneezing is good luck.. I sneezed 4 times yesterday. He sneezed during our conversation last night. I sneezed again this morning and the girl at my job is sneezing this morning !!     ( yea, I know it sounds stupid but I need something to brighten my days )  



COME ON TSC... pick up my files today  ! !  ! 




LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-02-21 09:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


Thank you LoveMyTico. Makes sesne I guess. But what I fail to understand is that if NVC has the schdule of all theor embassies across the board, why do they wait to schdule the interviews. I mean they already know who they have schduled so far and what opening they have in their emabssies then why wait for days or weeks to give out the dates?

they don't have a special time. When the embassy provides the dates, they schedule ... if your embassy doesn't fill up on the first week of scheduling, then the scheduling is on-going. 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 08:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Anyone got interview scheduled either on Friday 05/30 or yesterday 06/02. My cases have been completed but they havent scheduled or given me any date for visa interview.

it depends on what the embassy provides.   Your embassy might have 30 openings and another embassy might have 50 openings... They schedule according to what they have.  Its not limited to the last week and the first week of the month . It is  ongoing

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 08:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


Thank you Saylin! I appreciate it that you still dedicate your time to help others with their visa! 

I second that!! 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 07:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Maaaaan, I miss me some DD!!! I remember being in Boston a few years ago and there was literally one on every corner!
Now the closest DD is in Illinois (booooooo).

I told Agent Meg she made my week and told her to have a great day, I could tell she was smiling when we hung up. I hope everyone who gets her gets good news and a pleasant attitude!

I spoke to Leigh last night.. I could tell she was smiling too. She said CONGRATULATIONS.. and I said OMG like 15 times. And I asked " are serious?"    My husband got up early and sent me a message on Whatsapp saying he is so EFFING happy. And when he told his mom, he sent me another message saying how happy his mom is for us !!     I am so tired  but today its a GOOD TIRED... 


I love DDC ( Dunkin Donuts coffee)  They are at every corner around here.  PM your address and I'll send you some !!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 07:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Looks like i have 2 more weeks of waiting (they need a month to review packages). So extremely upset :(


Congratulations to everyone who got CC!



I am hoping the overtime speeds things up for everyone.  I think it will !! especially if the fees are still delayed.

People can't print the barcode without the fee being paid...  Maybe the mail will slow up a little

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 07:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

just called NVC .. they received my cases on June 2nd . and i got the case # for my K3 , not really sure if theres any use for the K3 case # at this moment,  and no case number for my CR1 yet. . :cry:

I got both case numbers the same day they were received  so call multiple times a day.. Once they search and see you have a K3 they will give you a case number for your I-130 and close the K3.    GOOD LUCK !!!   Read the wiki in the first post so you don't make silly mistakes and lose precious time !

I hope so. Me and Bdrew want July interviews!!  :rofl:

sending GOOD VIBES for both of you !!  

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 06:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I can't wait to go hang out in Costa Rica with my sweet husband and his awesome family. I want to eat homemade tortillas w/ natilla  and drink coffee.  The simple things make me HAPPY !!  And its Mango season... OMG  I'm gonna comeback looking orange from eating them everyday !!


OMG I want to book my flight RIGHT NOW !!!!  I wonder how long it will take to get an interview appt since its June 3rd??   My husband is sooooo ready to get his medical ! 

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 06:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

@jsumner86  you have been a huge cheerleader for me !!   I really appreciate that..


If the overtime continues, I think you'll be joining us next week.  follow me on facebook !!


Edited by LoveMyTico, 03 June 2014 - 06:42 AM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 06:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Shut the front door!!! CONGRATS!!!!!

I am pulling for you !!  Hopefully since the overtime started they will get a move on and review your file !  You are awesome. And you did me a huge huge favor.  You made me soooo happy.   You are an angel !   Look for me on facebook, you can get a look at my husband and keep in touch !!  :luv:  :luv:  :luv:  :luv:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 06:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Yayyyyyy!!!!! Case Complete!  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 06:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Soooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



So happy for all my L-girls out there - LoveMyTico, LucyBelle, and LifeOnHold!!!  Congratulations!!!  And all the others, too!!!!


I'm in Australia - so I cannot call until much later tonight (if I can stay awake that long!) - but I checked my CEAC page and both my AOS and Civil Documents say "N/A" at this point. AOS has been complete for over a month now - it was the IV packet that was holding us up.  So I don't know what to make of the N/As on our screen - but I will call as soon as they open (which will be 7 a.m. on Tuesday EDT US - and 9 p.m. Australian Eastern Time Tuesday night), and find out if we have good news too.


Praying that LindyStephan gets good news soon, too.  Steve and I have been neck and neck since we got our Case Numbers....





Thanks SUKIE !!   I am a May 8th girl like you so I think today is your day !! 


Hope the Best for you on Your Next Step.!!



Congrats! :joy:

THANKS !    I am pulling for you !!  Its been a long hard journey !!


Congratulations LoveMyTico! Very happy for you :)





I can tell you were reading from where you left off..   you're so funny..   Let me know when you are free..  We have a cup of coffee waiting for us at the Mall.   



CONGRATS! very happy for you! LoveMyTico's turn now!!!!!!!!!!



I am So So happy for you. Fantastic news.

Thanks !

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-03 06:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014








LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 22:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

one more thing.... 4 years ago May 8th, Carlos and I started dating. :luv:  (L)  (L)  (L)   Kinda weird how things happen. I sure wish we didn't need a stupid waiver.  I still have another wait at the NSC... but hey,  this part is OVER :joy:  :joy:  :joy: (L)  (L)  (L)  (L)  


My last piece of mail was dated May 8th    incase people want to start calling tomorrow morning... watch he AOS fee that changes to N/A  .I think it really does man something




Thanks for being cheerleaders for me.. You all ROCK

Edited by LoveMyTico, 02 June 2014 - 10:08 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 22:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014






HOLY C*** (Christmas!)  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :energy:  :dance:  :energy:  :dance:  :energy:  :dance:  :energy:  :dance: 


And after your follow-up paragraph, I actually had and still have tears in my eyes for you.... this night is yours to CELEBRATE!!!! 



THANK  YOU!!! :luv:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 22:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


YESSSSS, I KNEW IT!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:



Saylin was right!! Congrats







Congrats! :)



This has been long overdue for you. Enjoy tonight! Celebrate!!!

YESSSSS Long overdue



Double win! Case complete and free dinner! I'm sure the former is much more important though  :lol:




congrats :)

THANKS EVERYBODY !!!    Where is etrangais !!!!!!!!   UGHHHHHHHHHH  I want my free coffee too !!!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

@ Lucybelle.......   now you can give notice at your job and relax with your hubby. Next step is interview.  Since we got case complete on the same day....  I wonder I we'll get an interview on the same day too :wow:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 21:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

So, LoveMyTico hasn't posted in close to an hour :unsure:  I'm betting she got excellent news and is sharing with her hubby!!  :goofy:

I was on hold for an hour... talked to Lee.  I acted all dumb asking about the N/A on the AOS fee all of  sudden and she said " Oh don't worry because your case is COMPLETE. You are waiting for an appointment now"   My heart dropped.  and then I had to gather myself and call Carlos because he was waiting for me to call him back.   We are sooooooo  happy. 


After 11 months at USCIS. I never thought this day would come.  I won the bet with my husband too.  He has to buy dinner and do shots of tequila with me.    I can't wait to see him... OMG OMG

Edited by LoveMyTico, 02 June 2014 - 09:50 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 21:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

I am so happy right now




LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 21:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

CASE COMPLETE !!!!!!!!!!

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

 Same here in CR, eggs not refrigerated. I was weirded out at first, but look it up! No reason to keep eggs in fridge! (We buy eggs at farmers market and then do put them in fridge, because of my gringa habits!!)

My mother-in-law has chickens. We eat them the day they are laid !!   and boy do they look and taste  different than store bought in the US...


I was skeeved out by unrefrigerated eggs too,  There are expiration dates on the egg cartons in the US . Maybe you don't have to refrigerate them but I don't think I would eat them otherwise.  Gringa habits die hard :rofl:  :rofl:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 20:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

confirmed!  scanned in on May 7th.  as of May 30th, case complete!


LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Are you still waiting until 10pm? I'm so hesitant to call again and get the same schpeel again :/

Im dialing now.... 20, 21, 22   ughhh.



ok, dial 25  they  finally pick up... Its now 9:40   



I so don't want to hear the same shizzzzz again.. Please Lord let the CEAC be a sign.... 

Edited by LoveMyTico, 02 June 2014 - 08:41 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 20:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014


1:30 pm EST today.


I will try calling again in about an hour.

CALL ! ! ! ! ! :wow:

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 20:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

So I think it is safe to say that when AOS changes from PAID to N/A that your case is complete because I just spoke to Ivette and she was like "We have reviewed your documents ma'am and everything is fine. Your case is COMPLETE!!!!!!!!"

And then I yelled, "FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!" ::insert dancing emojis with sunglasses which I have been saving for Case Complete and now can't use them because I am on a mobile device::

Thank you so much to all of you with your patience and well wishes. I will continue checking VJ and commenting to support the ones that have supported me.

Let the PARTY BEGIN!!!!!! Lovemytico.... CALL girlfriend!!!!!

OHHHHHHH CONGRATS !!!!     SO happy for you !!  What did  your husband say????

Edited by LoveMyTico, 02 June 2014 - 08:11 PM.

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 20:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

You sure? I found it too much of a coincidence.. Maybe I start to hallucinate.. lol

Just means you completed the D260

On the website my wife's changed from Paid to N/A on Saturday.

I called today still no case complete.



Last document was scanned on 5/6/14.

when did you call?

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 20:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - June 2014

Just logon here and you will notice a different interface. I can see that the IV is complete and the AOS is still ongoing :)

I get the same thing when I us the link...  It takes me back every time



I  sooooooooo want to call right now...  I know for sure my AOS said Paid today... And I just happened to check again because it was posted here  again...  The N/A for the AOS instead of paid is not clickable either.     I have to wait  to call because if I don't get an update, I'll want to call later  ....

LoveMyTicoFemaleCosta Rica2014-06-02 18:08:00