K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet

Zedayn says:

What VJ has in their "guides" is a general reference and does not apply to all situations.  If you want to know what you should bring to an interview, you should be following an official source and not a peer generated guide.  As was stated earlier, a copy of the I-129F petition is not needed.  I didn't need it, and I'm sure many others that have went through USEM didn't need it as well.


Maybe you are correct.  I guess that is why the word, "IMPORTANT!", was in red and CAPS.  The self-proclaimed rockect scientist has spoken.


carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-25 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet


The initial question was regarding not having a copy of the packet for the interview, your first reply stated - it is best to have a copy of the I-129F packet at the interview because in your case in HONG KONG  (not MANILA) the CO asked for something you had put in the I-129F package.


So there are three things that drew my attention; 1) you stated the CO can ask for "anything", that is not true, the requirements are cleared listed in the instructions letter.  2) you didn't process in Manila - every embassy is different.  3) What you stated the CO asked for from the I-129F package was not a required document for the I-129F it is just something you added extra when you filed.  What the CO asked for was relationship evidence and would be part of the visa application process.


One other thought -  If your fiancee hadn't mentioned it the CO wouldn't have asked for it.  


Not trying to pick on you, just want the OP to not stress and to know that a copy of the I-129F packet is not needed for the interview .. irregardless of what you stat


- and good suggestion for the interview with the CO is "never DO-DO when DO will DO", meaning answer the questioned asked don't become "chatty Kathy" . ;)



Thanks for your reply.  The reason(s) I ask is because your original question was "answered" in reply #13,  I just added some addition rhetoric to my gals situation in the reply that got this started.  Would you like to enlighten me as to why VJ asks the petitioner the following?: (copied from the VJ website Guides for K1) 

Make TWO copies of the entire package before you send it in. This includes the money orders too. You want to have a perfect replica of the package you are sending in. All Forms that you submit must be originals with original signatures. Supporting Evidence that you submit may be photocopies. Retain ALL original supporting Evidence since the USCIS has the right to check them by issuing an RFE (Request For Evidence). If you receive an RFE, follow the direction exactly, and make two copies of what you sent back. During any future interviews the USCIS may also want to examine the original supporting evidence." 

To not have one of these copes present at the K1 interview is not logical, from my perspective anyways...  I try to teach my college students to "always" be prepared..., but then again this is just me.

I will assume that the two (2) copies of the entire package is for the petitioner and the beneficiary. 

Yes, I do believe that you are picking on me because your replies have came along late in this posting.  Maybe I "spanked" one of your friends in one of my  earlier replies.

Again, Hank, this, for a lack of a better word, "####### for tat" can go on and on for a long time.  I do not think this posting is the place for it.


carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-24 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet


What did the CO ask for from the I-129F?  


Only requirements for the visa process are listed in the embassy instructions letter



I had some time to think about your question...

Are you trying to make a statement here?


What happens in HK stays in HK ;)


An email between you two has no bearing on the I-129F petition process for showing evidence of having met in person within the past two year, but it would fall into the category of ongoing relationship evidence, and that is asked for the instructions letter, at least for Manila,    I have no idea with HK as each embassy is different.



I will also ask the question here...

Are you trying to make a statment here?

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-24 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet


What did the CO ask for from the I-129F?  


Only requirements for the visa process are listed in the embassy instructions le


As you already know, the CO can ask [for] anything...  My gal did the K1 in HK where she was an OFW.  The process there was much easier and simpler than the Phil, no CFO, the medical was much easier, might have cost less (I don't remember), and there were a few other things that were easier and less fees.  Also, no long lines at the US embassy for visa applicants.  A chinese woman interviewed my gal first and I am sure it must have been a novelty item for her to interview a filipina in HK for a US fiance' visa.  During the conversation my gal must have mentioned that we first met and emailed each other back in Dec. 2005.  The chinese woman asked to see the first email we exchanged in my gals packet.  The chinese woman had the packet that I submitted for the K1 but either was too lazy or just wanted to see if my gal had it with her.  VJ does encourage that the petitioner make 3 (complete) copies of each petition..., and that is what I did.

I will add my gal had much less home sickness being an OFW for many years.

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-23 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet


With all due respect, sounds like a bunch of BS coming from the CO. So WHAT IF she did not have the email? Does that mean your entire petition is invalid? Like someone said earlier, laziness by the CO just trying to find something, anything to give a denial excuse.


Call it what you wish.  Those guys can do whatever they want...   You have 2 choice, either play the game or not.

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-23 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet

Do you mind telling me what document the CO asked for?


My gal had stated that she and I had been communicating for 3 years before I visited her by email, phone, text, etc..., and the CO asked to see the very first email that could verify this 3 year period.  And, that email was also included in the original, submitted, packet.  My gal stated that she, the CO, had that email in our original packet she had in her hands, but the CO wanted to see the email in the packet, total petition, my gal brought with her.

Unlike one poster stated that there was no need ot bring the whole original packet - fortunately I am not a "self-proclaimed" rocket scientist that he is.  It was to my gal's advantage to bring thw "whole original packet" with her so she had everything in her hands that the CO did if the CO needed to see or verify anything - original documents, artwork, and copies.  You never know what might be asked for so I tried to make sure my gal was prepared.  FWIW, my gal has never had an interview except for the K1.  This includes the AOS and ROC petitions.  She is looking forward to her citizenship interview that should occur early next year.  So, we must be doing something right...

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-23 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLoss of the original K1 packet

I have read it some where to keep two copies.,..,.,.,"of all completed documents submitted to the immigration process".,.,.,.,. just not sure where I read it.,.,.,


I hope good luck for you, and will be OK..,.,.,.,but, learn from this..,.,."IF" you get by  this time.,.,.,.,.,


Yes, you are correct.  During my gal's K1 interview the CO did ask to see documents in her packet, even though the CO had our original packet in front of her.  There should always be 3 copies made:  one submitted, the petitioner keeps a copy and the beneficiary keeps a copy.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-23 05:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Request Samples

Have you applied for the CRBA for your son with the USEM?  Once that has been done and approved, get him a US passport and bring him to the US for treatment.  I am sure there might be a few more things to do also...

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-26 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfairness?

Some people get shown favoritism.  Why, I don't know.  It just happens...

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-30 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-129F RFE: Marriage termination document but no marriage took place. Help!

I think you are going to need to write a letter to the USCIS and explain what happened with the previous relationship.  Also, the previous petition has expired...  The USCIS just wants either divorce paperwork or, in your case, an explanation.  Others may not share my thoughts...

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-09-30 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA question


I have to say this is some of the best advice I have read on here.  I especially like the part about self proclaimed rocket scientists.  I happen to work for a different branch of the USG (not going to say where so please do not ask) and you never know when someone new is going to rotate in or someone is going to go strictly by the book and require everything instead just what has traditionally been required by case officers.  I see this happen all the time where I work and If this occurs the self proclaimed rocket scientist will say oh so sorry that is what has happened in the past. While you and your fiancée must wait while you two gather the information, get it to the consulate and then wait for a second interview or for a decision and then for the visa,  and who would be burdened here you two or the self proclaimed rocket scientist??


If it is requested by consulate in their packet 3 and/or 4 they are going to get it from us.


My gal already has everything she needs from me and will get updated documents every couple of weeks until the interview occurs.  I put together a cover sheet and divided each category listed on packet 3 & 4, showing what is inside each category.  then each category has a cover sheet and is tabbed. My parts are already inserted and me fiancee will insert her portions.


When she gets there and they tell her we only need this and/or that and hand her back the rest, she will either shred the extra documents or burn them as soon as we see we do not need them.  Better to destroy than to toss in the trash and have some low life get them and cause you problems later by having your information.  Also, by organizing stuff the case officer does not have search for anything in he folder.  I know when I get an organized file at work it gets processed quickly and if I am short on time one day I will do the organized file and get it out quickly rather just a portion of an un-organized file and having to come back to it in a few days and figure what I was doing with it all over again.


Very well stated and explained!


carton025MalePhilippines2014-10-16 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA question

You petition has been approved at the USCIS service center level here in the US.  However, you could encounter requests for documentation at a later time, such as the interview.  Just bring everything with you at the interview.  There are several self-proclaimed "Rocket Scientists" here on the website that will tell you to "NOT" bring everything with you.  But, just to make sure my gal did bring everything with her and it paid off.  And, it won't hurt to bring everything with you.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-10-16 00:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNoa1 notification

Depending on the center's workload, it may take a few weeks.  For example, when I filed my gals I-129f it was received on July 8 and my NOA1 was not mailed until August 1.  So, please be patient and give it some more time.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-10-16 00:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need to call NVC center?

If you have any questions you can call the NVC.  But, if you don't have any questions there will be no need to call the NVC.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-10-16 00:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswe just starting k1 visa process

thank you guys for some of the advices here, and we will keepupdating our status here i mean the process. is there anyone here from georgia?this is really a great site.


Yes, I am from Georgia.  I filed all the paperwork for my gal including:  the K1 visa petition, the AOS, the ROC, and have recently filed the Citizenship application/petition and have had no problems - no RFEs and no interviews so far.  My gal will have an interview for the Citizenship application.  So, if I can be of any help let me know with a private message.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-10-16 00:13:00
PhilippinesTraveling to Korea with GC

Please keep in mind until your gal gets her US passport she is not a US citizen.  Yes, like a previous poster stated she will be traveling with a "valid" philippine passport and will need a visa to enter Korea.  I hope you know that the GC gives your gal LPR status and permission to leave and re-enter the US within limitations of the GC.  Best of luck! 

carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-02 14:59:00
PhilippinesFilipino travling to the Philippines on US passport

As long as her US passport states her  country of birth as the Phil.  She will get at least a 1 yr. BB visa stamp.

carton025MalePhilippines2013-07-31 02:41:00
PhilippinesTickets to the USA

i would suggest you call a local travel agent, US and the Phil., and ask them how its done.  Best to have current information.

Best of luck!


carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-11 14:00:00

On average it will take 10 business days or two weeks to get your passport with visa in it back.  Some people get theirs quicks and some take longer.   Patience...

carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-02 15:15:00
PhilippinesReporting Marriage in Philippine Consulate Chicago

Just my opinion, as long as your name on the plane tickets matches your passport/EAD/AP there will not be a problem.  Name changes in the US are very common - just make sure all the information matches...  Best wish!


carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-06 03:09:00
PhilippinesConfused on the Visa Issuance


carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-13 02:08:00
PhilippinesWhat are the first things you should do when you arrive in the USA

I definitely agree with the above poster!  Find your gal a place where she can shop for stuff she likes.  Imagine being in the Phil. and not being able to find american food...  If there is a Costco nearby, get her a big bag of jasmine rice.  The biggest bag available.  For me, a 2lb bag of walmart rice will last me a year.  For my gal, a 25lb. bag of rice might last her 1.5 month.  Also, a rice cooker - at Walgreens it should cost less then $10.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-18 17:01:00
Philippinesproblem with my cenomar

As a previous poster stated, "it is highly unlikely that it will be an issue."  Misspellings and other insignificant mistakes of this nature are very common in the Philippines.  You can get it fixed but that will take time and $money$.  Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2013-08-02 15:02:00
PhilippinesPhil Medical : Need Help

I will just add this as a "side note."  If you are concerned about your gal getting the needed immunizations/vaccines, when she gets here (USA) take her to the local county health department and they will make sure she gets all the shots she needs and at a much cheaper price that what the civil surgeon (CS) will charge.  This is what my gal and I did.  And, with the paperwork from the health department and the I-693 it was taken care of by the CS front office at "no charge."  Yes, I couldn't believe it either...  I did try and offer to pay but the lady would not take any money.  Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2013-09-22 19:51:00
PhilippinesI-134 issue

If I were him, I wouldn't.  This could and probably would cause delays and confuse the USCIS...  If there are any questions now or later, he can tell them then.  Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2013-10-08 03:44:00
PhilippinesWill a DWI prevent me from getting a work visa in the Phillipines?

This is what I found out by just doing a google search.  First, I found out what you are going to need is a Philippine Alien Employment Permit (AEP),  I then did a google search for "how do I apply for a Philippine Alien Employment Permit (AEP).  A website I found contained the following information:

Alien Employment Permit

It is not enough to secure an employment visa before moving to the Philippines. The government requires non-resident foreign nationals to apply for an Alien Employment Permit (AEP) if they plan on working in the Philippines. The department responsible for this permit is the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

You can try to apply for an AEP at your nearest consulate or embassy. However, an application will be more successful if it is done through your prospective employer at one of the regional offices of the DOLE. The period of validity of your AEP depends on the duration of your work contract and the nature of your position in your company in the Philippines.


Website:  http://www.internati...-requirements-2


You may also need an ACR-1 card.  This website also contains information for this.

If you check out this website, you will need to scroll down until you see the heading, "Alien Employment Permit."


Best of luck!


carton025MalePhilippines2013-11-03 22:38:00
PhilippinesPhysical Files at USEM

Maybe, what you might want to learn is "patience..."  For example, it can take up to 30 days or longer for your "file(s)" to reach USEM.

It's a long process, as I know you haved already learned.  A little more patience is going to be needed...

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2013-11-05 01:53:00
Philippinespassport tracking
Patience... The finish line is in sight! Just try to remember that you are dealing with a poor, 3rd world country. Our ability to track and have tracking info. updated is very different than the Phil. I have no doubt that the "carrier pigeon" is in route with the passport. Your gal should have the passport in hand in about 10 days after release from the embassy.
Best of luck,
carton025MalePhilippines2012-09-15 12:07:00
Philippinesmedical at st. lukes

I will also add that you might want to get a copy of all paperwork from SLEC's.  Especially the vaccination report, this report can in handy for my gal during her medical for her AOS.

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-01 22:32:00
Philippinesmedical at st. lukes

Your medical is one price that covers everything, vaccinations and all - for 15 yrs and older $223/USD.  You might want to visit


carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-01 22:03:00
PhilippinesCivil wedding

Yes, you can get married in Ormoc City.  There is a process you will have to go through, but I am sure you and your gal will not have any problems.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-08 02:35:00
PhilippinesF2A - Preparation for Interview

Yes, the ITR for 2012, W-2s and any supporting documents should be fine.  My gal and I had the same situation and this is what we furnished and had no problems.  Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-21 17:36:00
PhilippinesHas anyone ever used a company called Service?

If you have the honey money sure go ahead and use this 3rd party.  I considered using a 3rd party firm to help me bring my gal here.  But, my gal encouraged me not to and I saved $1800usd just for thinking about the privilege of having an outside party make mistakes causing delays RFEs and heaven knows what other kind of potential problems.  I used 2 sources of help/information for my gal's packages (I-129f, AOS, and ROC, so far).  Those sources of information was here at VJ and a yahoo group called MAG-ANAK.  Best advice, like others have already told you, do the paperwork on your own and save the money,  Even if you hire and pay a 3rd party for assistance you and your gal will still be doing all of the work.  The only work the hired 3rd party will be doing is assembling your paperwork and filing it.  Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-21 17:56:00
PhilippinesNew Baby - US or PHL?

Like others have already told you, the average timeline is about 6 months for the CRBA to be processed and provided there are no hiccups during the process.  I am basing my opinion from what I have heard from others here and a yahoo group called MAG-ANAK that I am a member of.  Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-21 18:01:00
PhilippinesK-1 .. Fee's and More Fee's

there is going to be the CFO seminar and fee.  Maybe a PDOS seminar/fee, maybe not.  Welcome to the Philippines...

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-21 17:24:00
PhilippinesFrom AP to Ready to Ready then back to AP

As Hank stated above,  usually after any issue(s) encountered during AP is cleared your visa should go to the "issued" stage.  Please keep in mind that AP usually take at least 30 days and can take up to 90 days.  Some people get cleared through the AP process in just days.  However, in my opinion, that is not the norm.  Just be patient.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-23 11:55:00
PhilippinesStarting Friday, NBI clearance can be done online for PI

Keep in mind that while the application for the NBI clearance can be completed online,  "After the online registration, applicants may proceed directly to any of the 55 sites nationwide for payment and biometric enrollment for the release of the clearance. A list of these areas is also available at NBI's website."  Taken directly from the OP message.

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-24 11:48:00
PhilippinesQuick & inexpensive Annulment for my fiance?

an annullment process can take about 2 years and about $2,000 USD or more.  Just wondering since she was still married, your marriage to her should be consideered illegal, therefore, null and void.

carton025MalePhilippines2013-12-30 03:51:00
Philippinesmarriage in phil

A simple answer would be No.  But, for what purpose would you want to or need to report your marriage in the US?  For example, you report your marriage to the IRS when you file a tax return as married.  You report your marriage to your employer when you add your spouse to your health insurance and any other stuff that your employer might offer to you that your spouse would need to be added to.  By virture of your married status, you report your marriage in basically everything you do with your family, friends, church, civic organizations, and so on.  So, again you don't have to report your marriage.  You do report your marriage in your everyday life.  Now, to bring your spouse to the USA you will have to, for lack of a better work, "report" your marriage to the USCIS for the immigration process.  I have not doubt others will have their own opinions. 

Best of luck!


carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-29 22:55:00
PhilippinesPREPAID SIM CARD...any suggestions?

I use Net10, a Tracfone company.  On the Net10 website, there is a micro sim card for sale, less than $10 that you can use provided your cell is "unlocked."  What I like best about Net10 is no activation fee, only pay for minutes than I use, and can purchase a monthly plan and there are several different plans to chose from.  Also, if I were to purchase a plan I can cancel it at any time and incur no penalties. you got nothing to lose by checking it out.

Best of luck!

carton025MalePhilippines2014-01-31 20:14:00