US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

On August 20, 2013, we placed your application in the oath scheduling que. We will send a notice when the ceremony is scheduled. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

Final I'm done with waiting with uscis
In feb 20 I got the approval in my green card and after 6 mothe in same day I got the approval in my citzian
I love number 20
It was very long waiting but it's over

Thanks to all admin in this site it was very helpful and make it easy for waiting and I'm telling all the people waiting
Soon or later you will got what you want then just be happy and every thing is will work
Thank to all


Congrats and best wishes to you.

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-20 15:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

Hello Good morning, Happy Friday smile.png


So i went for my Naturalization Interview yesterday and I passed the test, thank God.

I arrived at Chicago Downtown office at 1:10 pm (my interview was scheduled at 1:45pm) and after going through security, i was asked to go on 2nd floor. I went there, showed my interview letter to the lady sitting at the reception, behind a glass window. She noted my name and asked me to sit and wait at Door#1 (For Naturalization interview area). There were already 5/6 people sitting theer. I sat there, started to review the questions/answers and after 10 minutes, my name was called. All other people who were already there and waiting were still waiting. At the door, a USCIS officer greeted me and told me that I need to follow her to her room. She introduced me (told me her name), asked me to raise my right hand and say i will say the truth etc. Then she opened my file and all documents+evidence i sent earlier were there. Then she asked me to sign & print my name on N-400 form that i sent earlier, the last section, i think Section#13. Then she gave me a paper with 10 questions with three answers and asked me to sign and date at the end. I was unable to look at the questions as it was done very quickly.

After that, she kept that paper in front of her and started the questions as below.


  1. What is the supreme law of the land?
  2. Who is in charge of the executive branch?
  3. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
  4. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?
  5. What is one reason colonists came to America?
  6. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?
  7. Why does the flag have 50 stars?*

After question#6, she told me I passed that test ( after reading test....then she said OK let me ask one more question, lol). She was writing my answers on that sheet she asked me to sign.

After that, she asked me to write- Washington is the father of our Country. Then she asked me to read one sentence- What is the old Capital of United states.


Then she asked me to sign on my pictures that i sent earlier with my I-751 with a black marker (not pen) and then she checked my Green card, my passports and birth certificate, my marriage certificate, my son's birth certificate and asked some general questions like when & where did i get married (date) , where are my in-laws,  where do i work, where does my husband works, is my husband with me for this interview (i said no he is at work), what is my son's name, how many times i visited out of USA since i got my green card and for how many days, she asked all questions from N-400, the Yes/No questions like have you ever been arrested, deported etc etc. She asked are we renting a place or owned, i said we bought our town home in Dec 2013, she asked are we filling our taxes every year and is there any debt on us from IRS, i said No.

BTW, she didn't even saw my yellow letter.secret7vf.gif

Advice: Please don't talk too much with the officer as then you may run into issues, like after she asked me 6 questions, she already told me that I am passed but during my reading test, when she asked me to read, What is the old Capital of United states, i just said i know the answer of this question too. Then she said OK, let me ask you one more question (question#7 above). SO BE CAREFUL


Once she handed off the Form N-652, Naturalization Interview Results, with a tick on Congratulations, she told me you will get a notice via email in next 3/4 weeks for Oath ceremony and it will be here in the same building. I just asked carefully, can i bring my husband and my borther with me, she said YES. I said can i take pictures, she said YES. and then i thanked her, picked up my stuff in my bag and she accompanied me to the exit door. At the door, she smiled and said i like your shirt, it is pretty smile.png I just said thanks and stepped out of that room and came  back to my work.


So all in all it took me 20 mins or so, as i was outside the building at 1:48 pm smile.png



S. Umer


Great news and congratulations!

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-16 21:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

Just received this e-mail!


On August 15, 2013, your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION was scheduled for interview.   You will receive a notice with a time and place for your interview.  If you have not received the notice within 30 days of the date the notice is mailed, please call customer service...


Finally!!! Yay!!!! dancin5hr.gif


Very excited for you; great news!

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-16 21:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

Oath Ceremony

On August 14, 2013, we scheduled you for your oath ceremony and sent a notice providing the date, time, and location. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.



Congrats you're so close to the finish line :)

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-14 21:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

I got a phone call just now from the Immigration feild office . I'm driving back to get my passport. 

I got a phone call just now from the Immigration feild office . I'm driving back to get my passport. 



Phewfff!  Good stuff!

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-14 14:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers



Oh really sad.png I should go back , I'm just like 20 minutes drive away from it . 



Definitely go back :)

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-14 14:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

I thought I would share my husband's oath ceremony experience with you.  It was today dancin5hr.gif

I flew in from Montreal to share this moment with his because it really means a lot to us.  I was prepared for any potential inquisition from immigration at the airport but they didn't even ask me what immigrant status my husband had.  They asked me where am I going and who am I visiting, stamped my passport and voila hello USA


The oath ceremony was held at the Eastern District Court of NY which is at 225 Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn.  Our time was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. and we got there a little before that.  There were already so many people.  You do go through a search and no cameras or cellphones are permitted past security.  So we handed over our phones and they gave us a square piece of wood with a number on it so that we'd collect them on our way out.


The naturalization court is on the 2nd floor.  From there, the guests were separated from the intending citizens and the guests were told to wait upstairs in the cafeteria on the 3rd floor and watch the events in the courtroom via closed circuit tv until the ceremony was done.  That was a letdown as I had hoped to be able to be in the courtroom but there were just too many intending citizens; close to 300 people from 75 different coutries took the oath today!   I guess they should get the courtroom seats after all the years of stressful immigration proceedings eh :)


It took forever and a day ClockWatch2.gif until the actual ceremony started which was nearly 11:45 a.m.!  However I did tear up when I heard all in the courtroom voicing the Oath of Allegiance and the Pledge of was very moving and all us family & friends upstairs clapped loudly when they had finished!  The judge was very warm and seemed genuinely excited for all the new citizens and had wise words of wisdom and advice to share.  She also welcomed them by calling up people to stand as she announced each former country of citizenship, and everyone else would clap for them as they stood.  The judge told of her immigration roots as her grandparents immigrated to NY from Russia and her grandmother who was 14 years old at the time is listed on Ellis Island intake records.

She said that the Eastern District Court gave the oath to over 50K people in 2012, second to only the Los Angeles District Court!


So that's how our morning went.  We are off to celebrate this afternoon and enjoy a nice dinner. 

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-14 14:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2013 Filers

On August 14, 2013, we placed your application in the oath scheduling queue. We will send a notice when the ceremony is scheduled.


Whohoo!!! dancin5hr.gif

Terry JFemaleCanada2013-08-14 13:46:00

Signed and Shared.

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-06-17 10:23:00
USCIS Service CentersCalling all NYERS!!
That's where my appointment is for my biometrics. Did I post in the wrong forum? My apologies.
Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2014-01-13 15:04:00
USCIS Service CentersCalling all NYERS!!
I am going at te end of the month to the Brooklyn service center and my husband won't be able to attend with me. I dont know Brooklyn very well an am going to take a taxi there. My question is; do they have a place to put cell phones like the us consulate?! I I don't want to go to an area ii don't know very well without my phone.

Thanks :)

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2014-01-13 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfaxing ds-230

You need to know that your consulate has your file. You can not fax it before they have received your file.


Using this website https://ceac.state.g...ker/Status.aspx You can see where your file is. Once it gets to the consulate you can then fax in your ds 230. I faxed mine in without receiving packet 3 in the mail and everything went smooth for me.

So I just checked that website under non immigrant visa and it said invalid case number so i checked under immigrant visa just cuz and it says:

Your case is ready for you to schedule an interview at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal. If you have already scheduled an interview appointment, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the Consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: http://travel.state..../info_3731.html


why is it at montreal? is this not my case then? the letter i received from the NVC says the case will be processed in vancouver and they have given me a vac number? 

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-08-24 16:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfaxing ds-230

do I need some sort of permission to fax the ds-230? I have my VAC number but i havent received anything from anyone. Can I just fax it or do I have to wait to get something from the consulate?

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-08-23 19:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionweekends

Hey everyone!


I was wondering if they allow medicals and interviews on weekends? I'm not sure if taking more time off during the week is going to be possible without quitting my job lol so I was just wondering if it's possible?


I'm waiting to hear back from both embassies to find out who has my paperwork before I start planning ( letter in mail says Vancouver and online says Montreal even though I have a vac number) sigh :( 

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-08-26 09:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview proof of ongoing relationship

Hey guys


So i'm looking at everything I have to bring with me to the interview and I have a lot of personal items like emails, birthday cards and letters. I have tons of pictures, phone records and everything. I'm trying to some how extract my skype records and what not. 


I have 2 questions: is this enough?

and: do they give me my stuff back or do they keep it? I don't want to leave my letters and cards and stuff with them, the pictures i can make endless copies of but the physical stuff is valuable to me. I would like to get it back from them.


Thanks everyone

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-09-08 18:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionproof of ongoing relationship

Hello everyone, 


For the proof of ongoing relationship i'm currently trying to extract my skype records, and I'm curious;

do i need all my history or talking to him at this stage or just since we've applied? I have over 300 pages of skype records and i'm not sure exactly how to whittle it all down and if i only have to start from december that would make it muuuuuch easier lmao


same with phone records, i have from 2010 till now and i don't know how much to bring! 


Thanks everyone! 

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-09-14 20:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat does the embassy keep?

I have the same question because my fiancé is a bit nervous about me taking her original birth certificate and other docs. They surely won't keep our original birth certificates will they? Or should I take the original AND copies to the interview so they can keep the copies but still see the original?


I'm bringing copies because my fiances birth certificate is his original from 84' lol. he's kept it this long i would hate to lose it

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-10-07 05:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat does the embassy keep?

Good morning everyone! 


I'm getting ready to take my trip to vancouver for my interview in just a few days and i'm just finishing up what I need to bring with me. I have more paperwork and proof than i thought lol, my question is: what does the officer keep?


I know he/she will obviously keep the required i-134, ds-156/156k...etc but do they keep my fiances tax records/transcripts, or bank receipts? I know it can all be replaced, it's just all stuff that he keeps on file and I want to know if i should make copies?


Thanks everyone!

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-10-05 07:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfreaking out - interview in less than 24 hours.

How bout DS157 ?

Where did it ever say I needed that? It's not on my checklist?! What is it for?

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-10-08 21:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionfreaking out - interview in less than 24 hours.

Hello all, this will be my last post as an applicant, in 15 hours I will be CONFIDENTLY (not), walking through the doors of the vancouver consulate and hopefully being told the news we have all been wanting desperately to hear "Your application has been approved". 


so basically I'm sitting here looking at a pile of paper and freaking the ####### out. 


I have in 3 seperate folders;


1) forms needed including; affidavit of support, co sponsor affidavit, deposit history, tax transcripts, birth certificates, and letters of employment. ds 156, ds 156 K, ds 230, passport, photos, medical package, letters of intent. 


2) proof of relationship including; letters, emails, cards, chat records (skype, facebook), ring receipt, pictures, wedding plans, itineraries and other flight documents, ticket stubs from plays and movies we've seen.


3) original package i-129f sent to texas lockbox back in january. 


I also have all the letters we have received from nvc, embassy, uscis. 


Do I have enough? am i missing anything? 


You guys have been amazing, will post the outcome tomorrow :D 



Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-10-08 21:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionStill no NOA??? 19 Aug 13 mailing date

IT sometimes takes a while, ours took 7 -10 days, if they only cashed the cheque on the 27th, you can probably expect a notice in the mail next week after the long weekend :) did you sign up for email notifications? 

Steph and GeorgeFemaleCanada2013-08-30 18:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)All PD, F2A Category From 2010 till Mar-2014

not easy to predict... your table actually proves that there is no real pattern here.. 

depends on supply and demand rule.. 


from what i have read in other websites and predictions.. it will retrogress in 3-4 months.. 

c2aNot TellingCanada2014-02-12 23:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa dened, what can I do (split topic)

Dear tsepal,
She was not satisfied bcoz we have no kids, that time I had my marriage movie and album but she was not looking this, I told her that Mam I took Oath and I can take one more time Oath that if my marriage is fake or if minimum one also is fake so u can perminant reject me and pls look my album n movie but she was not interested for giving me visa. After one day my marriage my wife go back USA that's why we could not creat sexual relation between us but after this issue we lived together one year and in this period we lost our baby bcoz she was take tension about ur family and she was eye witness of bomb blast on Hydri Shoping Cetre in Karachi then she was there for Shoping. We have posted all of things of US Embassy and all medical reports of my wife about her pregnancy and miscarriage but not reply until yet. I m very honest that my case is 100% original and I can take oath again, I told to my wife that u go back USA bcoz her Visa was one year for Pakistan so right now she is in USA. You can't understand that how am I spending my time without my wife, after her miscarriage baby we was again try for baby but now it has stop. So pls u do something for us we are extra ordinary disturb she is leaving her college and her father has diabetes patient and mom often sick too. Pls for GOD sake you do some positive for us. Thanks

so sorry to hear your situation.. i hope you get your visa soon.. 

in my opinion.. having no baby is not sufficient ground to reject visa.. i suggest you contact an experience attorney in usa if possible... 

Edited by c2a, 01 December 2013 - 02:19 AM.

c2aNot TellingCanada2013-12-01 02:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case complete!!!! 12/26/13


Hello sanju90,

It is good to here that another SL is there. How far have you been now?

NVC received my case on Jan 8, 2014...  waiting for my case number.... :)


Hello sanju90,

It is good to here that another SL is there. How far have you been now?

NVC received my case on Jan 8, 2014...  waiting for my case number.... smile.png

sanju90Not TellingSri Lanka2014-01-31 17:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case complete!!!! 12/26/13

Thank uuu buddy :)


my case took almost  a month to get to nvc but no all cases are the same you might get your case number on the next week


sanju90Not TellingSri Lanka2013-12-29 18:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case complete!!!! 12/26/13

Hi , my case was shipped to NVC on 12/16/13 to DOS... when was your case shipped to NVC??? :) I am waiting for the case number.. thank you buddy


sanju90Not TellingSri Lanka2013-12-28 07:53:00