IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Dddddaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnn ughhhhhhhh!!!!! Saddened by this news !!!

Yeah i'm sorry YA 1127, but I guess knowledge is better than nothing.

Although it still doesn't excuse USCIS from not having our cases available online, that is still a problem. I'm just hoping because they haven't touched the case, not because there's an actual problem.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-31 00:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I'm convinced dallas is just sitting on the casefiles.

I wouldn't be surprised. Check out the processing time estimates at: http://www.visajourn...m/content/times

New York City, NY is the farthest behind I can see from the 10 that I randomly checked. For Darnell, Dallas, TX is a little behind too. I'm perhaps considering cancelling my infopass appointment, but a part of me wants to go to the office and crack a whip and get the ball rolling, not sure if it'll do any good. They don't have I-130's listed, although that is probably because they never used to process them, and this workload transfer thing is temporary just to handle the extra applications for illegal immigrants applying for deferred action.

Sigh, I knew being transferred to the NYC office was going to be bad, I just tried to be optimistic. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-30 23:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

did a number range run up moments ago.
My # ends in 3, I ran from 4 to 10.
Everyone above me has been approved, between the 10th to the 18th o December.

grrr ..

I did the same except I did a range of like 40 around my receipt number, 75% of them are case not online, it's frustrating. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-30 15:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Prior to the MSC Migration ;)

If an I-130 was sent to a local office, it was solely because USCIS wanted an interview with the petitioner, for what ever reason.
Getting pegged for a local interview was usually the kiss of death, as the Petitioner might be wanted on some Federal Charge, or the FBI was looking for them, or something else legal-istic.

A Local Interview was never to 'garner more information' on the casefile, that's what an RFE is for.

However, since casefiles have been sent to local office, I'm assuming that these two things, as data points, are paired in the USCIS system:
1. casefile sent to local office and
2. petitioner pegged for interview at local office

and the programming was never changed once casefiles were at MSC.

So, if you are reading this, and really have an interview at a local office thats NOT from an infopass - heads up !

If your casefile is AT the local office, an infopass appointment makes sense - but - from my experience with it - I strongly suggest once you are there, to ask the desk clerk for the head of the I-130 unit, and start asking pointed questions about THEIR workflow , and ask WHY they are sitting on the casefile, reminding them that FBI checks only take 24 hours now..

Thanks for the info, thankfully, I setup an Infopass appointment, if they were looking for me, i'm right here, a productive law-abiding citizen of the US, not worried about that at all! Posted Image

I remember after I got married and flew back into JFK, I got pulled aside for a check of some sort, took an hour, they managed to pull up a ton of info in a matter of just a few minutes from when the officer took my passport to when he called me up to the desk, he had a lot of info on screen. I didn't fly back to Pakistan in 12 years, must of raised some red flags, he asked me 4 or 5 general questions, and I was on my way to grab my luggage. Long story short, yeah, it doesn't take months to do a background check on my, maybe longer for my wife, but she's an angel, no worries there either. Posted Image

I'm going to prepare a packet and questionaire this weekend too, I want to push them to look at the case file immediately and get the process going.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-29 00:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Lmaoooo i hope it shows up before the 3rd

Agreed, I don't want to line up in the cold and have to go through hell at 7am just to be told 'it's being processed and nothing's wrong'. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-28 19:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hey Amigis

I called today and I am a little confused ,

The operator informed me that eventhough i sent it to the Chicago Lockbox i was assigned to Missouri , Now she informed me that on November 28, 2012 Local Field office in NY has the case therefore i need to go get an appointment to speak to them directly , she said this usually means that they will call me in for a interview or they may just send me an approval letter. I am not happy nor sad am just confused at this point.

I got an appointment for the 3rd so I hope i get the answers i need asap. anywho i am going to start today putting all my documents together in a neat binder just in case they call me in to interview me. I am praying that they dont but if they do i want to be prepared.

- I guess since my husband is 5 yrs younger than me this may be a red flag for them.

but who knows. I hope that I get approved soon so i can plan my vacations to go see him but till then I WAIT!!!

am a little bummed out !!

I think since our cases still aren't online:
a) I don't think they've touched them since they were transferred
b) Since they weren't, the new process involves offloading cases to local offices to speed up processing and spread workload, so the comment about the required interview would have happened anyway if there was an issue, except before August, the case would be transferred as an abnormality, see:
c) I wouldn't worry about it, i'm more worried about both of our cases not showing up online yet, and hence i'll be there on Jan 3rd unless the case mysteriously shows up before that time.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-28 19:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I know well am praying we get approved am going crzy doing all these checking numbers online but it seems loke there is no actual system as to how they are approving the cases . So i am praying that we get approved by friday pr before the 3rd if not you already know we got that appoinmemt coming up .

I havent been able to sleep eat or go about my dialy routines without thinking about the case or checking that online #######.

Exactly, if they could just fix the damn system we could relax knowing the cases are being "touched" and worked on. Instead I have to go by someone saying, "it looks good" or "it's in the system", or "rest assured"... Rest assured my *** lol
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-26 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I feel ur pain its not easy . I also called today waited for 45 minutes only to have the second tier operator tell me the same ####### that its been transferred and that i have to wait . I asked bout the application online etc.... They said they working on it .
Uffff am planning on calling tomorow again to see if it was approved or not am annoyed by this , they recieved my application on october 3 and still nothing.
All that money paid and the horrible customer service we get. Looks like i just gotta keep hoping it gets approved

Exactly. It's practically 2013, we have this technology called the "Internet" where you can do practically anything, yet the USCIS seems to not be aware of it's magical existence. Almost three months and case isn't online yet. I mean, come on. If they would have fixed it quickly, they wouldn't have these rediculous hour long queues to speak to someone, because I would just in less than a minute check online and not have to call just to check status. UGH. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-26 22:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
That's it, I spent over an hour on the phone today, after spending 10 minutes convincing the level 1 USCIS rep that I still can't view my case online, and that I need real information about my case, waited over an hour in queue, only to then all of a sudden hear silence, and then the call is dropped. What a waste of my evening. I just wrote a letter to my congressman, this is frustrating. Posted ImagePosted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-26 20:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I am 43 and i still cant see my case . I checked the online how u guys are doing it and i mUst say that it drove me crazy.
Numbers 37 to 50 are not approved and u can see online
Number 36 has been approved on december 3

I guess we really cant tell how they are approvinh d cases and its annoying . Coaltoasty you are number 26 and stoll not approved
Ughhh we got a few days left until january 3 lol

I know, and with the holidays upon us, I hope they make some progress, but I think it'll be a huge hit on efficiency, which is why I was hoping we'd get approved before this week.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-25 17:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

The last two numbers of my case is 22 and it's in initial review.
I've checked 20 and 21 and they're in initial review.
23, 24, and 25 have been approved in the last 1 to 2 weeks.
26 is in initial review.
27, 28, 29, 30 is for form I-90 Application to Replace Alien Registration Card and they're in initial review.

Hope this means I get approved soon. :yes:

The last two numbers of my case is 26 and I can't view it online.

I checked all the others, only 25 is online, and it was an i130 approved on Dec 21st.

I'm more confused than before. Posted ImagePosted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-25 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Omg reAlly... Thats the only date that was available , hopefully we get an answer before the yr ends lol and we wont have to go on d 3rd . Ufff pls keep me posted

Exactly. I have no desire to go to the office if I don't have to. I'm kind of expecting if I do go, I get a "your case is fine, and is being processed, there's nothing to worry about" response, and i'll have wasted my time going, just like the hours spent calling and waiting in a 1 hour or longer queue.

I just hope the case shows up online, at least I'll have some sort of confidence that there's progress being made.

I'll update if I get any notice. Jan 3rd is just around the corner... Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-24 01:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Exactly, good luck to them and us. I also am going to the NYC field office on Jan 3rd... it's rediculous that it's been nearly 3 months and my case is still not visible online, yet was transferred almost a month ago to the local field office.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-23 22:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Has anyone from NY been approved so far i only heard of the cases being transferred to the field office

Nope, at this point i'd be happy just being able to see my case status online, but that isn't even the case yet.... sigh. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-23 21:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Well, nothing today. Officially Nothing Today™.

Next week would be nice.

coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-21 22:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Congrats!!! I got mine last night and I am still dancing :D :dance: :dance:

Congrats to both of you!!!
I hope my case shows up online and I get approved soon, i'm just constantly worrying every day now... Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-21 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hey coaltoasty

Yea hopefully we will get our approvals soon and that we don't have do an interview. At the site .

It took me a whole week to get an infopass appointment . Just check now I think they have available for.January 3, 2013 only . That's the only date available as .of today for nyc

Thanks, I hope so too. I see an appointment available for today (12/20/2012) at 8am but I can't make it. I guess someone cancelled. I scheduled for January 3, 2013 as well in the morning!

Has anyone been to one of these infopass appointments? What should I expect?

Edited by coltoasty, 20 December 2012 - 01:49 AM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-20 01:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hi am new but I wanted to say Congrats !!!! keep us posted on the status of your case.

WOW i thought that i was alone in this journey but I see that there are alot of people just like me that are patiently waiting to be with their loved ones. I been patiently waiting but i need answers!!!!

--- hopefully i get some answers about my case - UFF ITS DRIVING ME INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE LMAO !!

12/24/2011 He proposed to me!
8/25/2012 We got Married in Dominican Republic
9/28/2012 I - 130 Petition is sent
10/3/2012 NOA is received
10/15/2012 Address and DOB is changed
10/22/2012 Change of Address confirmation letter is received
11/09/2012 No status change at the present moment
11/28/2012 Case Transferred to Local Field office NYC
12/19/2012 STILL CANT SEE MY STATUS ONLINE - Got an appointment through infopass January 3, 2013

Hi there! Yeah you're definitely not alone there, both of our cases were transferred to the NYC local field office on 11/28/2012, and I can't view my case online either. I think maybe they might just be backlogged. If I don't hear anything by Jan 1st, i'm going to setup an infopass appointment as well.

Edited by coltoasty, 19 December 2012 - 10:34 PM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-19 22:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

My case was transferred to NYC local office A DAY BEFORE YOURS: 11/27/2012 so I am hopeful you will hear from them soon.

Thanks, i'm hoping I get approved soon too. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-18 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Congrats to those who got approved, it makes me hopeful! Posted Image

I called today and after an hour wait (of course), I got a lady who was more than hurrying me off the phone.

Anyway, she said that cases are transferred to local offices and sometimes just for one small thing and then transferred back (although mine is still in the NYC office since Nov 28th). She also said don't worry about not being able to track it online, and if you want, you can email the webmaster at for assistance, to include your receipt number. She then quickly said thank you for calling and CLICK.... hung up. Sigh. Posted Image

Everyone who's been approved, how many days did your case get transferred to your local office before you got notice of approval? I am just trying to be hopeful... it's been 3 weeks already... Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-17 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I didn't want to start a topic for this question that I have so I'm just going to ask it here, please tell me if you know what I should do in this case. So when our lawyer filed our I-130 petition he put down "Toronto" for consulate, today I found out that Toronto doesn't handle immigrant visas as "Montreal" does. Should I contact USCIS and let them know? should I contact my lawyer and let him know?? Someone on this forum already told me the visa will end up where it is suppose to, but I'm worried and I wan't to know what other people think. Thanks :)

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think the USCIS will send it where they decide its best anyway. It wouldn't hurt calling them and speaking to an ISO about it, it may be nothing to worry about at all.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-17 00:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Damnit, Oct 5th NOA1 and still not able to check online, nor an NOA2. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-14 23:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

It SEEMS like people with Oct 1-10th NOA1s are getting to see their cases online. Hopefully they keep moving down that list!

I have an Oct 5th NOA1, can't view mine... Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-13 01:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

so at 830 they just cut the lines and did not try to finish helping the calls on hold? WOW :bonk:

I think it might just be a problem with cell service or phone service, or just a mistake. I once called at 7:45pm and was on hold for like 1 hour and 20 minutes before I spoke to someone for about 5 minutes, I always only call near the end, as i'm at work the other times.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-13 01:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

just called USCIS now and of course the first lady gave me the generic answer of my case being at NBC and processing time as per service center is still May...I soflty but adamantly requested to speak to second level officer and I was transferred. After a wait of abt 20 something minutes this very pleasant speaking lady comes on and takes my info then puts me on hold to review my file. She then apologizes for the delay in updating their case status system and assures me they have my case and it is pending( of course i did not mention that I can see the status online). Just as she was abt to end to end the call, I ask " so where exactly is my file now"? she said "well it shows here that it was sent to a field office on Nov 27th and that is a good sign that there is some progress so hopefully you will hear from them soon...good luck on your case and do feel free to call us again with any more questions".:whistle:

So I continue to wait.......hmmm NY field office. I just hope they are up to date with their knowledge of I130 requirements and just approve my case without any issues.

I hope so too, my case is in the NY Field office as well, lets hope we both get a nice letter with good news this month. :)

The worst part of it is not knowing if it'll take 5 months or 2 months, it's difficult for a new marriage, just wish it was more streamlined and not a new process. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-13 01:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I am officially grumpy about all this now.

coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-08 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
I called today and spoke to a Tier2, mine was apparently transferred to my local office, but when I asked for a date when that happened she said she doesn't see a date! She was nice and told me that they are still having the technical issue with the online case status not working for Sept - Nov filers and understood that its a long hold to speak to them, and they are complaining to their superiors because most of the calls are to inquire about case status.

I don't know what to think about being transferred to the New York City field office... Posted ImagePosted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-07 21:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hi Folks, another October filer here.

We received both NOA1s (130+129f) fairly quickly, with MSC receipt numbers. No status available online.

I've been on that roller coaster just reading the VJ forums this evening. Having a least a firm timeline, no matter how long, would be preferable! We've got so much going on now that the unknown state of all this is driving us mad! (I'm moving to US to start a new job in January, my wife is pregnant and due in March, we need to close up life here in Switzerland at the end of April, etc. Ugh.)

Lots of changes, best of luck for a quick turnaround!
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-06 18:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
This is like a rollercoaster ride, one day i'm thinking might get an NOA2 in less than 2 months, the following day realize it could be several more months! Posted ImagePosted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-05 02:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Yeah it's really an unfair game

You said it, that person filed almost at the end of the month too!Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-04 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

hey coltoasty - i use this one for MSC filers - http://www.visajourn...tion=2&sortby=2

Darnell, YOU ARE THE MAN! That is an awesome list with perfect data filtering! Posted Image

NOA2 any day now... I am hopeful! Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-30 00:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Check this search out (Darnell, I know you probably did this already! Posted Image )

Go to http://www.visajourn.../filterlist.php and then use the criteria below to fill out the form. Then look at the avg days between NOA1 and NOA2 for the results, i'm getting REALLY happy about it. Posted Image

Visa Type : [IR-1/CR-1], Service Center : [National Benefits Center], Beneficiaries Country : [All], Consulate/Embassy : [All], I130 NOA 1 After 2012-08-15, I130 NOA 2 Before 2012-11-28, Local Office : [All] and then change max entries to 100.

If you want, you can change the "NOA1 after" date to something closer to October, but I remember Aug 15 is when the NBC/MSC stuff began from what I read.

I see 9 people who have their NOA2 with an average of 56 days, and ONE lucky person who even has an interview days 46 days after their NOA2!!!
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-29 00:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Filed from the USA, Petitioner lives IN the USA.

Sorry, my final bit for analysis was to study all of his prior posts using the advanced search tool.
He's absolutely in the USA, front-loaded his I-130, Vietnamese Spouse.

No indication of local office anything.

so - that's 2 , so far, from the October 2012 filers group.

The first was a military expedite , in/out within 10 days.

Wow, I guess that's good news for some of us in the US... I front loaded the I-130 somewhat as well, hopefully it helps others who did the same. Feel bad for overseas USCs if they are indeed prioritizing one over the other...
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-28 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

ya, was a bit o flux..


When I called this week they said they has some issues with some specific numbers : MSC139xxxxx...
Does anyone have a different MSC number that works?

I fall under that MSC139xxxxx... group and can't view mine.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-24 21:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Gentle Reminder for October filers with MSC #'s.

Please update:
1. your timeline, showing National Benefits Center (MSC) and
2. your profile, changing filing location to National Benefits Center.

Thanks !

Done, thanks for pointing it out, they must have just added the option!
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-23 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Yes I called as well this week and got this generic answer :-(

Yeah, it's frustrating, having to wait 45 minutes to speak to someone when instead all I could have done was just login to the uscis website and just after two clicks seen the status of the case...
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-23 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I just made my second call since receipt of NOA1 and my call was stepped up. I asked very direct questions concerning the problem with MSC receipts and where our files were.

Question 1 Where is my file?

Answer: It is physically in Missouri

Question 2 Will my file be transferred?

Answer: Only if there is a problem with the file and a Local service center needs to see the applicant, otherwise, we will be adjudicating here in Missouri.
NOTE: I beat this one like a drum and was assured the file will stay in Missouri unless have a request or problem with the file. I was also told I WILL get a notice if forwarded to local office, unlike the statement online. She was aware of that statement, but assured me its intention is outdated hmmm, interesting statement.

Additional information from operator: We understand the frustration with the receipt numbers, there is a problem with our system with the receipt numbers from late September to early October and we are still working on correcting the problem. We hope to resolve it very soon Others are slowly being able to check status and you will also in the near future.

I felt I had a very knowledgeable person on the phone and she was very kind and told me to call and get updated every couple weeks if I like, but not to worry the file is in process.

I basically got the same response to both questions, and got an answer of "hopefully it will be fixed in the next 30 days, they are aware of the problem and are working to fix it", referring to the USCIS online case tracking system.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-23 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Looks like maybe they will fix the issue with cases not being available online using my case status? Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-17 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Inshallah - God Willing I am hoping for the same!!

Inshallah :)

Question, Did you receive a notice saying your case was being transferred to local office? I didn't get any such notice, as far as I know it's still in the National Benefits Center... :(
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-17 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Well I think that any conclusion from the article I posted would only be speculation. I just felt it was worthy information to have. In one way more employees would be good, but they are looking at a hiring of time over a period of 10 months, so thats not good news really for us, but maybe for future VJ's. If this was the private world, I would be jumping up and down, but transition in Government, I never have found to be very good. I think the OBAMA actions are certainly not going to help us either. I know they are saying it will not take priority on us, but it is still a huge burden on the current resources for just intake and moving files around. I guess we are all just still in the same situation...WAITING and HOPING!

Agreed, although considering that us getting MSC numbers will get transferred to local offices, it will speed up the process considering the MSC transfer process is only a few months old, before it gets a backlog like the previous methods.

Check this link out... USCIS Office Reopening If my case was already sent this way, I wonder if it made it there in one piece... I know the NYC offices are downtown, and it's a mess there... Posted Image Now i'm super worried, going to call to check on the status on monday!

Edited by coltoasty, 16 November 2012 - 11:21 PM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2012-11-16 23:18:00