IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
APPROVED! So happy, I was jumping around! Can't sit still!!!!!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

I didn't get any email or text yet, just checked my case online and it finally was online and approved at the same time!

Edited by coltoasty, 12 February 2013 - 08:07 PM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-12 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I know its crazy i saw it this morning and i was like ####### !!! I feel bad for my 4 months wait but then i feel worse for those who recently have applied and are new to this hott mess

Grrr, it really upset me, mine is past 4 months and not even online! Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-09 18:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Congrats to everyone who was approved!

Sigh, officially 4+ months and case still not online... I think they threw my case out of the window or something. Posted Image

Edited by coltoasty, 06 February 2013 - 11:35 PM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-06 23:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Coltoasty my prayers are with you too for a fast response inshallah

Thank you so much, IA soon, pray for a quick visa interview approval for you and yours as well!
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-02 14:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

you should call them.
Heck, you should see if even the same fella is in office, aye? There was a changeup in January.

The office I spoke to in December wasn't the office I spoke to today, at all.
Whole new set o folk , today.

Yeah but in my district, the same congressman was reelected. Same staff. They had sent me the form on Jan 10th, and I sent it back to them right away via email.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-01 22:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

You've not heard anything back, yet? Ouch.

I mean, you've not heard of anything back at all from the Congressman's Office?


I spoke with two folk in Marc Veasey's office today.
I explained a lot about this shifting of casefiles to local offices and how it mucked up stuff for trying to track what's what.

One of those conversations actually scared me - as I am thinking that no one is MV's office will be successful in getting to the local office to obtain any status.

Only the form they send me to fill out (basically giving them permission to look into my records and contact the USCIS), but haven't heard back since, it's been a month now I think.

Yeah, not sure if they can't do anything, it's just a shot in the dark.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-01 22:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Officially started a new congressional inquiry with Marc Veasey's Office, moments ago.
Talked with one of his staffers (not the right one, yet) and gots the ball a rollin.....

Wish me luck !

Good luck. I had started that process in December, I got a letter asking for a waiver and access to my records, sent it back, haven't heard anything yet. Still no case online, still no updates, just frustrated. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-02-01 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Thank You

It is slightly longer than usual because there is no American Embassy in Iran (and Vice Versa) so there are one of either embassies that your application gets sent to. On top of that my wife is living in India for the past several years so I am not sure if that adds to the complexity or not but I hope things move fast - it's already been 2 years since we got married and it's getting hard for us

Oh alright, 2 years, I can only imagine, hopefully things are smooth and everything works out for you guys! Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-29 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

immigration is a complicated process, I hope they don't differentiate countries based on their politics with US. Everyone hang in there, it'll be over before you know it....just trying to inject some positive light in this forum :P

Best of luck to all.

Agreed, I would hope USCIS/Dept of State are indifferent to country aside for actual reasons of fraud/etc.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-28 23:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hi everyone,

I am also an October 2013 filer. I was married to my wife (who is Iranian) back in 09/2010 but waited till I became a USC (08/2012) to file for her.

I filed on 10/02/2012 and got the NOA1 on 10/05/2013

Just hoping we can clear this stage soon. As I wait I am doing some research on the next steps. If any of you guys have any help, I would very much appreciate it.

Best of luck and welcome. Is the Iranian process longer than other countries or the same?
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-28 23:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I have faith that it will be approved soon , i have been postponing my trip to go see him cux in NY we are getting smaller paychecks due to te taxes sooooo you already know its getting harder in ny to do anything financially

Yeah, between the 2% federal, and the increase in local taxes, it hurt quite a bit...
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-28 18:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I am on the page and it says last updated is that the touched date ? If so then it would b 1/26/2013 coaltsty

Oh okay... just wondering, I hope my case shows up this week, hopefully you'll get another update/approval soon, it looks like it's being worked on now, best of luck!Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-28 03:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I am msc13900194 xx
Not sure if dat helps

Just curious, so your receipt # is after mine. Gives me hope that mine should show up any day now, and it looks like the cases are just backed up at NYC. When was the last "touch" on the file?
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-27 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hey guys so today i checked online and i can see my case , am happy about that i mean its not an approval but at least i can see my case is in Initial review and that they supposedly changed the address request lol.

but am still waiting !!

BTW what range is your case# in? I'm curious if we're in the same range.

Mine is within MSC13900187xx
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-27 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hey guys so today i checked online and i can see my case , am happy about that i mean its not an approval but at least i can see my case is in Initial review and that they supposedly changed the address request lol.

but am still waiting !!

Awesome, that seems to imply you should be approved soon! Posted ImagePosted Image

Am thinking about doing another info pass :/
Not sure if its even worth it
Nyc is moving so slow

I was going to say don't bother, even if the case doesn't show up online, but yours is online!
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-27 17:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Sigh... I'm just really not doing well, it'll be 4 months since I mailed the application soon (like many of you), and still, no new updates, and still case not showing up online, and not a shred of information beyond Nov 28 transfer to NYC, meanwhile people who filed last month are getting approved. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-27 02:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Well its been 3 months and a half and still lol

Yeah... 4 months for me in 10 days. :(
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-25 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers


Ok here is the story : I went today for an interview. The officer just went through the I-130 and asked some basic questions and after 10min said ok you are approved and you will get the notice this week. He said the system was down otherwise he would have done it right away.

So, if you get an interview don't worry... and don't listen to the ones who tell you you must be a criminal:-)....

Hope everyone get's approved very soon!

Congrats, that's great news!
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-23 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
Nope, the wait continues...
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-22 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

No I can't... certainly not his either. I can pull off a decent southern chick but trying a southern man is a WHOLE other ball game.

He just won't call until it's past a normal processing time. Because he's ex military and because he currently works for the govt... he knows they're always "hurry up and wait." lol . If in 2 months we haven't heard a peep, I'll get his butt moving, trust me. ;)

You have all of his information (DOB, address, full name, date filed), if you have a male relative in the US, have him call... then again your husband may not be too pleased with that. lol

Edited by coltoasty, 19 January 2013 - 09:18 PM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-19 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

ISOs can't see info on cases while they are at the local office. Unless your case was never sent to the local office, he can't see any information on it past the transfer date. My best guess is that he was quoting you some estimated time. My second best guess is that he is blowing sunshine up your :whistle: . I would resist putting any emotional bets on that date, though I absolutely hope you are approved as soon as possible!! :)

I was told the same thing by an ISO the other day, that they can't see what's going on when the case is at a local office. Although some people report that they've been told their case gets assigned to an adjudicator, not sure if it's true or just some ISOs reveal info that others won't.

another ISO call today.
Stuff I've gleaned so far:
casefile arrive in local office on 4 DEC 2012
i show up for infopass appointment on 20 DEC 2012, get the I-130 unit supervisor to review my expedite request
20 DEC 2012 - casefile assigned to adjudicator
21 DEC 2012 - audit started on casefile
11 JAN 2013 - audit still in process

1. service request filed in october was useless - all i wanted a human to do was to yank the expedite request, review it, decide to expedite or deny the expedite. No movement. No word back after 60 days.
2. infopass appointment at the local office seems to have done the most good, so far. I got the I-130 unit supervisor to pull my casefile and review my expedite request that was inside of the I-130 casefile.
3. second service request response wording read to me today by an ISO - general fluff and no word of any action on the expedite request.
going forward
30 days from 21 dec 2012 is today - and there's a holiday on monday plus was other holidays inbetween, so maybe i'll have some answers on the I-130 approval by 25 JAN 2012.

grrr. I so hate these disconnects at MSC and at the local offices.

Wow.... yeah, hopefull you'll get the case approved soon with the infopass expedite. It really is frustrating watching some people get approved in 2 months, and the rest of us nearing the 4 month mark. It should be more fair, more streamlined. Posted Image

I doubt anyone in Denver has even glanced at our file and my husband definitely won't call anytime soon. I might be able to push in a call after 5 months have gone by or he's starting to get annoyed but as of yet, he's not. Posted Image

On the plus side... In one week I get to fall asleep in his arms. I'm very very VERY happy about that and trying to concentrate on things like that.

Same, mine is still not available online, and no matter how much I complain, they give me the stupid "we're aware of the problem and working hard to fix it" no matter how much I insist that's outrageous. Oh, and 1.5 hours on the phone to talk to someone each time, I should send them a bill for my precious time wasted. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-19 01:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I was on hold for over an hour and they picked up at 8:02pm was on the phone until 8:35pm with them. I have had both rude and friendly. Last name was Felix of the ISO.

That's odd... I would think that the local office would be closing or closed at that time.

Today i guess i am feeling ok :blush: the cases below me and after me are starting to get approved as of January 8, 2012 so hopefully they are starting to approve these cases fast ! :huh:

That's good, I just checked mine and nothing changed at all, my case is in a sea of cases that aren't available online.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-10 22:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Just FYI, when I called this week, my ISO asked me to hold while he contacted the local office for information. I was really surprised he offered to do that but he did. This might be how they got the information.

That's awesome, but it's disheartening to go from dealing with sometimes rude, non-informative, dismissive, hurrying ISOs to having one that will go that far to get information.

What time of day did you call?
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-10 01:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

OK guys i don't know what to make of this but the receipt number after mine as been approve TODAY so i don't know if that's good or it doesn't matter. Just trying to look for some hope anywhere i can find it :unsure: :blush: :bonk:

Doesn't matter. The one before me was approved more than a month ago. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-09 20:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Hmmmm so tomm . I will call to ask if my case has been touched . Am prayinv we get approved this month . I want us all to b a step closer to our babes.

coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

It's a particular character trait, I think so,
to quietly whisper in full sentences, showing the right amount of righteous indignation.

I use it to get an ISO and when talking with an ISO.

or maybe I'm just an arrogant, obnoxious a$hole...


Darnell, nah, you have a right to ask questions, maybe if they were more forthcoming, people wouldn't be calling as often, and their queues would be lower since people would be more relaxed and less in the dark about their cases.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Well, some fun today with the phone call into an ISO.

I was calling to initiate an expedite request with an ISO. Got that done, should hear back by 01-22-2013, but
the ISO looked a bit more on the computer, and told me
that the casefile was pulled and assigned to an adjudicator on 12-20-2012 at 2:20 PM and
the casefile was audited (scanned completely) on 12-21-2012.

So maybe the namechecks have started and the expedite request that I went over in person, on the 20th of last month, actually worked.

ISO today also told me that a casefile can be adjudicated within 30 days after being assigned to an adjudicator, so I've some ray o hope ,

I'm holding off on major knee surgery till she gets here, alas.

Happy Monday !

That sounds like great news Darnell! Good luck, hopefully much less than 30 days... Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 22:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

God, I didn't realize that. I completely understand. Try this.

First go to the case status checker on and enter the 10 numbers before and 10 numbers after yours (yours will not show up, but you know the number from the NOA1 that you received). For example, say that your number on the NOA1 was MSC1234567890. That means you'll check numbers MSC1234567880 through MSC 1234567900. If they don't show up, then your case is one of many that they've dropped the ball on for your filing date and you can relax. Some people's numbers actually never show up at all, and the first thing they know about their case is a piece of mail. If the other numbers do show up, then you should call the USCIS and ask to talk to a Tier 2 official "who can see exactly what the status of my case is". You should be transferred to one after the Tier 1 rep asks you some preliminary questions. The Tier 2 will probably say it appears to be processing normally. Politely push a bit and make sure that the Tier 2 sees no "red flags" on the case (there will probably be none). Ask the Tier 2 to put in a service request for your case; they may even offer to do this without you asking.

Alternatively, I heard that you can now use the e-request form online for cases where there is no case status. (Start here: https://egov.uscis.g...equest/ I recommend you do the phone thing first though.

I've done this check a few times, no difference.

i90 - 4 cases
approved - 1
rfe - 1

The remaining 16 are all not visible online... if 5 months pass, and it ends up they just neglected a box of cases, i'm going to lose my mind. Posted Image

I've called Tier2's and complained, I get the usual BS, case is fine, no problems, it's a problem, we're working on it, 2 or 3 of them have taken service requests, it's been more than a month since that.

I wrote a letter to my congressman, and i'll fill out the e-request form too.

This is very annoying I wish they would not have made those changes as of august 15 2012 so that the cases can be taken cared of in a faster manner.

i just continue to imagine my case sitting in a box with thousands of others and a agent sitting there with a big cup of coffee and a big #### donut just sitting on his behind deciding wether or not to approve my case today.While am sitting here at work checking the website every hr on the hr .

:o :help: :blink: :bonk:

At this point, i'm convinced that's what's going on, maybe not the big #### donut part, but yeah... lolPosted Image

yup, that's the indication I got when I went in for my infopass appointment - they just be collecting files at the local office, storing them in some filing system, with no actual work done. Methinks they are trying to figure out the 6 month average processing time, when in fact it takes no longer than 3 weeks . I also think that the adjudicators at my local office have not been trained for I-130 adjudication for USCitizens married to a foreign spouse .

But that's just opinion and conjecture.

Opinion and conjecture is what we need to vent our anger... lol
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Yes, I am in exactly the same boat you are in. My case was transferred to "the local office" one week before yours. I have heard nothing since then. My local office is Houston. The only progress chart I have seen for Houston shows that work is starting to pile up. I don't know any more than you do.

As far as I understand, once your case shows up online after being transferred to a local office, it's a good sign that it's due to being looked at, what bothers me is that our case still isn't online. my fear is that it's in some corner somewhere or in a box thats being neglected, and we're just losing precious time for no good reason.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

I don't know, coltoasty. It's just a sample. My own number didn't show up for 2 months. If you are worried about your case, you should probably call the USCIS and ask to speak to a Tier 2 person who can see where your case is now.

It's been 3 months for our case now... I call but the last thing they tell me is that it was moved to the local office on Nov 28, nothing beyond that. Judging by the case load statistics and YA 1127's infopass appointment, our cases are just sitting in a box along with hundreds if not thousands more, waiting to be even looked at.

I really wish it was just handled at NBC and never transferred, it could be months before we get any movement on the case. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Folks, I just did a spreadsheet of a large sample of about 600 USCIS cases with MSC numbers, from the same mid-October day we filed (our own case fell in the last 50 of that range). There were around 2500 total cases assigned MSC numbers that day (as far as I can tell), including I-130 and non-I-130 cases.

Of the sample of ~600 I pulled, 325 were for immediate relative I-130s that were accepted for processing. I did not count cases that were not I-130s, or that were rejected because they were improperly filed (wrong fee, no signature, etc.). All the cases that were rejected for improper filing were rejected no later than two days after receipt.

Of those 325 cases accepted for processing, one quarter were in either Decision (three cases) or Post-Decision Activity (the rest). All of the decided cases were approved. The earliest approval was November 27, and the most recent was yesterday. Of the three quarters not yet approved, only five were RFEs, with one of them showing as RFE-Response Review (they are looking at the evidence that the petitioner sent them). All of the rest are still showing as Initial Review.

That's great, but where does it leave us whose cases aren't even available online yet? Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-07 01:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

ok i did it now !

Timeline looks okay now, but profile also has to be updated:

Click your name at the top right and choose "My Profile", Then click "Edit my profile" near the top right. Scroll all the way down near the end of the page and set Immigration Status to "IR-1/CR-1 Visa", and also choose your local office and then click "Save Changes".
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-05 21:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Ok done !

It's still showing "other" on your profile/timeline... Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-04 22:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

But am not living abroad it says that check here if petitioner lives abroad

Am a lil confused ??

Click your name at the top right corner of the screen and choose "My Timeline (Add/Edit)", then click "View/Edit My Entry", Click "Edit Timeline" on the next page. Under Visa Type, change it from "Other..." to "IR-1/CR-1". Leave the IR-1/CR-1 Visa Filed by US Citizen Petitioner Living Abroad? part BLANK and then click Submit Changes all the way at the bottom.
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-04 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Ufff i know i wished i had cancelled it too !!!

Oh well, hopefully soon!

Do you mind modifying your timeline to show that you're applying for an IR-1/CR-1 Visa, so it doesn't skew the results and adds to the correct data group. Posted Image

Ugh, I keep seeing this on my timeline... Posted Image
Based on timeline data, your I130 may be adjudicated between December 5, 2012 and December 11, 2012*.

Edited by coltoasty, 04 January 2013 - 12:02 AM.

coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-04 00:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Ok so i just left my infopass appointment , i asked all my questions waited for the head of the i 130 dept and the person simply said NYC has been hit with this new project simce august 2012 we are trying our best to be productive and establish this new system . All i wanted to do is cry ! Your cases are here if they were transferred they are here and we dont have an agent assigned to your case yet.

Am sad I knew that transferring to NY would not b good !!!! So all my NYC people lets not loose faith !!!

So sorry to hear YA 1127, I cancelled my appointment at 5am today, I just had a bad feeling that was the answer I was going to get and all my time would be wasted, I knew it for a while now.

So basically we're stuck checking once a day the USCIS website to see when the case shows up online, which essentially means an agent has finally touched it., which could be in a week, a month, or longer. Posted Image

All of a sudden I wish I lived somewhere in a small town near no major urban areas. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-03 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers
More bad news for us whose cases are at the NYC Field Office, check this link, and see the data in October of receipts and pending cases skyrocketing. I bet November and December will look even worse once published. Posted ImagePosted Image

coltoastyMalePakistan2013-01-02 21:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Thanks ..... I really thought it would be faster but i guess am going to just relax and let it happen on its own . When it happens it happens and that will b it . Am going to stop checking the online thing and calling every other day

Doesn't hurt to check once a day online, the calling I keep to once a week at most, the one hour waits are frustrating. Posted Image
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-31 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Where are you guys looking? When I look at those district offices, I don't see anything referring to the I-130. We filed a standalone I-130. Are you talking about the I-145? For our office, that shows on schedule at 4 months, but from what I'm reading that's unrealistic.... where do we find something useful?

When I check the numbers 10 behind and 10 ahead, I find they are all I-130s in Initial Review on the same date as our app. Two very close to me have been approved but the rest are still in Initial Review.

Speedwell, if you read my original post, the 2nd paragraph outlines that yes I130s aren't listed, but we know for a fact that they are processing I130s. When you switch between different local offices and compare them, you get an idea of which offices are farther behind in workload than others, it's the best way to judge.

I just got the text and email from uscis. Post Decision Activity - On December 31, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. :dance: :dance:

coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-31 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2012 I-130 Filers

Dddddaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnn ughhhhhhhh!!!!! Saddened by this news !!!

Yeah i'm sorry YA 1127, but I guess knowledge is better than nothing.

Although it still doesn't excuse USCIS from not having our cases available online, that is still a problem. I'm just hoping because they haven't touched the case, not because there's an actual problem.
coltoastyMalePakistan2012-12-31 00:39:00