Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)How to get an international driving licence in France?
Hello French people!
I'm just wondering, where should I go to get an international driving licence? is it at the "prefecture"? can it be done by mail/internet/some other way? is it free?
How did you do guys?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-04-16 13:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Birth certificate from France for K1 visa
I don't think so either, but I'm still waiting for NOA2...
So maybe someone who already went through the interview could confirm?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-04-04 10:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What needs to be translated?
You didn't need to try to be more clear than you were: by "other people's advice", I meant your advice (and the other ones who answered). Sorry if you misunderstood, now that I read my previous post, I see that it was quite confusing.
What I wanted to say was: "it's always good to hear what people (other than myself) think"

I appreciate your help and I will translate everything myself, as you said good.gif

Edited by Cecile and Bryan, 17 June 2008 - 10:32 AM.

Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-06-17 10:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What needs to be translated?
OK. Thank you again, it's still good to hear other people's advices.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-06-17 10:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What needs to be translated?
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Jun 17 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For those who didn't see I will repeat..

For USCIS purposes, if the OP is competant in both languages, they absolutely CAN translate it themselves... All that is required is for them to sign a simple "certification" statement as to there competancy....

Thank you fwaguy!
I found an example of "certification statement" on another thread, and several people said they did it, so I guess this is what I will do.
Then, other than my birth certificate, do you know what else I'll need to translate? I can't think of anything else.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-06-17 10:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What needs to be translated?
Actually, my question isn't for the embassy/consulate purpose, but for USCIS. I'm asking for the AOS process, once we will be married.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-06-17 09:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What needs to be translated?
And other than the birth certificate, what do you think I need to get translated?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-06-17 09:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What needs to be translated?
Hello everyone. I am still in France, waiting for packet 3 for my K1 visa and I would like to know what documents will need to be translated in the future.
I don't know if I am going to find a professional translator for these or if I will do it myself (any suggestion on that subject would be welcome too!), but since if I do get a professional translator, then it would probably be cheaper in France than in the US. Hence my concern now.

I know that I will need to have my birth certificate translated for AOS in a few months.
What else would I need to translate?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-06-12 05:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)name change after marriage
In France you can either take your husband's name or keep yours, or even take both. But that's quite new. Traditionally, the woman takes her husband's name.
My mother asked me if I was going to keep my name. She said that if I don't, she would feel like I give up my identity. I told her that if I was going to marry a French man, I would have taken his name and that therefore, I don't see why I would not do it with my American husband. That's why I'm going to take his name. (I also told her that I still want to be a French citizen, and that I will not give it up, that made her feel better)
So I would say just do what you think is best for you.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-04-04 10:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Petit Petit Belgium
We do have these around where we live, and yes I agree, it is very good. Their baguette is my favorite American "French baguette".
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-09-14 10:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Petit Petit Belgium
oh well, I guess I'll have to try at least once in my life. Or maybe I'll just continue to buy the fake French baguettes they have here.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-09-12 13:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Petit Petit Belgium
Thank you for that trick! I'll definitely try that soon :-)
I am probably going to try to bake my own French bread too. I have plenty of time to do so but I'm a little lazy... wink.gif
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-09-12 10:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Petit Petit Belgium
I am not Belgian, and have not felt homesick yet (I have only been here for a month and a half) but I find so many similarities with me in your message that I had to answer!
I wish I could have big French (Belgian) fries, and GOOD mayonnaise and mustard. I miss mussels and other seafood that were available everywhere where I lived in France. I miss real French bread even though the American French breads are not too bad. But they are not the same. Good chocolate lacks here too, and I would love to drink a Kriek.
I know that soon, I will miss walking on the shores of the ocean and the way French cities are (with everything downtown, no need for a car, etc.) And French food.
I will probably miss some people too but so far it hasn't been a problem yet.
I like it here, I'm getting used to driving everywhere, used to new people, I even like the food here except that there is too much meat for me. The way I view it is that I started a new life. I left a lot of things behind and don't think of it very often. I am learning a new way of living.
But I would kill for some French bread, a good beer and a bottle of wine, good pastries coming from a real bakery and seafood. Damn I feel like a food freak! wink.gif

I hope you can visit your family soon (or they can visit you). You should try to plan a trip to Belgium and fill you up with all the things and people you are missing. And then, who knows, you may miss American things too wink.gif
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-09-11 11:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Personnellement, ce qui me fait peur, c'est le peu de vacances, ou alors il faut avoir un boulot qui autorise les congés non payés.
Et vous, ça vous a fait quoi de passer de 5,6,7 voire 10 semaines de congés (RTT comprises), à seulement 2? Est-ce que vous trouvez le temps (et l'argent) pour vous faire des petits week-ends loin de la maison, comme on peut le faire en France pour aller découvrir tel ou tel coin de notre beau pays?

Personnellement, je n'ai jamais eu 5 semaines de vacances en France, car j'ai travaille juste un an apres mes etudes, et je suis partie avant de pouvoir vraiment profiter des vacances... Deux semaines, c'est court. Surtout quand on veut voyager, et que ca prend une journee pour retourner en France (avion, train, etc.). Le pire, je trouve, c'est d'entendre tous mes amis restes en France parler de tous les voyages qu'il font. Tunisie une semaine, Espagne une autre, Bretagne, et hop, encore en vacances. Je trouve que c'est ca le plus dur.
Concernant les horaires de travail, je fais 8h-17h, avec une heure de pause dejeuner. Mais je suis "salary", donc comme cadre, les heures supp ne sont pas payees, et il y a plus de boulot pour notre equipe que de personnes pour le faire (informatique... mais qu'est-ce que je fais la-dedans !). Donc c'est minimum 40h. Pour l'instant j'ai eu de la chance, je n'ai pas eu a vraiment faire des heures supp, mais parfois je dois bosser le soir.
Ah, et le nombre de semaines de vacances, en general, dependent de combien de temps on reste dans l'entreprise. Les 5 premieres annees, c'est 2 semaines, puis de 5 a 8, ca passe a 3 semaines, etc, jusqu'a 5 semaines.

Et une autre chose a prendre en compte, j'ai 8 "sick days". Mine de rien, 8 jours ca peut partir vite... depuis que je suis ici, entre le systeme medical et le fait que je n'ai que 8 jours (et encore avant ca faisait juste partie de mes vacances), j'ai tres peur de tomber malade !
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2011-02-04 18:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Cécy, j'ai vu Food Inc, et c'est clair que ça fait peur... Comme toi, je savais plus ou moins comment c'était, mais le fait de le voir et de voir le pouvoir de ces entreprises, ça m'a vraiment dégoutée.

S&AA: Je suis plutôt d'accord avec tout ce que tu dis. Même si je suis arrivée dès la fin de mes études à 25 ans, je n'ai jamais vraiment pensé que la vie aux USA serait paradisiaque. Les films c'est chouette, mais on sait bien que ce n'est pas toujours vrai. Au fur et à mesure de la vie ici, on se rend compte de tous les inconvénients (financiers, culturels). Oui, la France est un pays vraiment génial, quand on a la possibilité de voir comment c'est ailleurs. Je suis quand même contente d'être ici, mais c'est clair que si mon mari n'était pas là, ou si on se séparait, je n'aurais aucune envie de rester ici. Sauf pour les amis que je me suis faite ici. C'est vrai que les gens sont plus abordables aux USA qu'en France. Ce que je trouve dingue, c'est que les Américains pensent que leur pays est le meilleur au monde. Aucun pays n'est parfait, certainement pas la France, mais ça me fait rire quand on me vante la vie américaine.

Sinon, j'ai pensé à un autre avantage de la nationalité américaine, ou plutôt, d'avoir la double nationalité : si on repart vivre en France, et que dans 10 ans on veut revenir aux USA, si j'obtiens la nationalité US avant de partir, ça veut dire qu'on peut revenir quand on veut, pas besoin de s'embêter avec visas, paperasse, etc.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2011-02-01 21:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Je n'ai pas fait changer mon nom sur mon passeport, et ma carte d'identite a expiree, donc je ne peux pas t'aider. Mais je suis curieuse de connaitre la reponse aussi.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2011-01-23 16:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Moi aussi j'avais fait la publication des bancs. Pour l'adresse, indique juste que tu viens d'arriver aux usa avec ton visa et donne ta nouvelle adresse. Et les dates (le faire x semaines avant le mariage) ne comptent plus trop, puisque tu es obligee de te marier en 90 jours, donc ne t'inquietes pas pour ca.

En ce qui concerne l'apostille, moi je ne me suis pas deplacee, j'ai envoye mon marriage certificate avec une lettre expliquant ma demande et une semaine apres mon marriage certificate etait de retour avec l'apostille.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-11-22 16:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Voici des notes de ce qu'il a fallu que je fasse pour obtenir l'apostille, car elle n'etait pas delivree par la courthouse du comte ou je me suis mariee :

- En ce qui concerne l'acte de mariage, le site Internet du consulat de France a Chicago mentionne le fait qu'il faut une "certified copy of marriage license", et que celle-ci doit avoir l'apostille. Je suis allee au Secretary of State et ils m'ont dit que pour les mariages effectues dans le comte de St. Louis, il faut que les signatures sur le marriage certificate soient notarisees. J'ai donc appele le Recorder of Deeds et ils m'ont dit que ce qu'il me faut (certified copy + notarization) est une "authenticated copy", et qu'ensuite je pourrai obtenir l'apostille.
Il a donc fallu que je paye pour une "authenticated copy" et que je l'envoie au Recorder of Deeds de mon Etat pour qu'ils y appliquent l'apostille.

Donc, attention, ca depend d'ou tu te maries !
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-10-16 08:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Personnellement, le pire est de n'avoir aucune idée du temps d'attente. Je suis dans une période bizarre, sur le départ, mais sans "timeline", difficile de faire des projets et difficile d'avoir une vie "normale" puisque psycholgiquement j'ai déjà un pied ailleurs :wacko:
J'imagine que ceux qui sont déjà aux USA sont passés par cette étape...?

Oui on est passes par la. Nous, on a attendu 5 mois notre NOA2, alors que ceux qui etaient au VSC attendaient juste 1 mois et demie. Je pense que le secret, c'est de se dire que ca va prendre du temps. Je m'etais dit qu'on en aurait pour 6 mois pour le NOA2. Apres ca, deux mois et demie de plus pour obtenir le visa.
Ma carte verte a mis 6 mois aussi.
On s'y fait. Et puis une fois qu'on a les papiers en main, on oublie que ca a mis autant de temps.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-10-12 12:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Hello Ferline, I had pretty much the same guilt feeling, although at different times. The first Christmas without my family was very hard, I was depressed for the full month of December. Just knowing that I would not be with them (and that it was my fault) made me so sad. And a month ago, I was in France visiting them. When I got to say goodbye to my mom the evening before our flight back to the US, she started crying and I cried too, and all I could think was that I was a horrible person, that I always make people I love sad. That was really hard.
But overall, aside from these few moments (there were others, of course), I know I am just living my life, and that they are happy for me too. Once you start building your own life, it gets better.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-09-22 18:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Je confirme, j'ai fait la traduction de mon acte de naissance moi-meme et je n'ai eu aucun probleme. J'ai bien sur fait le "serment" comme quoi j'etais competente pour faire la traduction.
Apres, je ne sais pas si je suis une exception ou pas, mais il y a plein de personnes ici qui l'ont fait soi-meme.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-09-20 20:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
C'est marrant, moi ca ne s'etait pas du tout passe comme ca a mon POE. En 20 minutes j'etais passee. C'etait a Minneapolis, il y avait trois lines: US Citizens, New immigrants et Visitors. Donc je suis allee a la New immigrants, il y avait 3 ou 4 personnes devant moi. C'etait un bureau comme toutes les autres lines. Le gars a pris mes papiers, on a papote un peu, il m'a dit "welcome to america", et voila. Ca m'etonne que ca prenne autant de temps a Philadelphia !
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-08-01 19:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Je n'ai rien fait du tout pour la secu avant de partir (ni depuis que je suis partie d'ailleurs). Ca doit etre LE truc que j'ai completelment zappe !

coucou ici!

deux heures et demie avant notre interview GC.... j'ai peur!Posted Image
voila bonne journée
*se ronge les faux ongles*

J'espere que ca se passera bien !
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2010-07-23 12:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Happy Belated Birthday Nat!

and Happy Birthday to all May Yardies!
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2010-05-01 18:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

LOL… I talked to Nev and I told him I was getting slack for the pic with his shirt off. He was like yeah did you tell dem why I was like Nope!!! I know now he did that on purpose. Part of me doesn’t want us to get serious because later on down the line if I file for him and what not that means no more trips to JA… Ugh….

I second that emotion! I fell hard for Jamaica and will always long for it. Can't wait to retire there...
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2010-05-01 18:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Happy Birthday to July Yardies! May this be the beginning of only great things to come.
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2010-07-04 18:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


FOR THOSE INTERESTED, CAN WE MEET UP IN LANHAM, MD? I'd like to try this place called muffin man (carribean food)
Im going to ask on FB too...


Count me in for the MD link up. I will be in Upper Marlborough (sp?). Looking forward to putting faces to the names I have come to know.
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2010-07-04 18:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hi to New and "Old" Yardies alike. I missed you all and wanted to stop by and say hello! :thumbs:
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2011-01-31 23:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hey Everyone! I miss being on here. I thought the thread was gone. BTW someone posted a request for books for OAJF(?) but I do not remember how to make a donation. Please let me know on FB or email. Thanks,
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2010-10-21 19:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hi Yardies ( I love this greeting "Come As You Are")
Anyway, thanks for all the condolences and kind words regarding my mom's passing. I have been numb until now and just want to give her a wonderful send off from her friends in the US and then send her back home to rest in peace. For those who have been through this any advice would be appreciated. I still have to comfort my daughter and keep her from getting scared. Since my mom died in her room, she refuses to go in there and we have switched her room for now and she seems to be getting better each day.
Thanks again!
Tosh LoveFemaleGhana2010-08-13 19:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPlane Tickets from Peru to U.S.
You can also try , it is a search engine for air tickets. If you are in the States and want a roundtrip to Peru (or almost any other country in the world) you can try very good deals if you know when to stop your bidding (my husband uses for that).

Good luck

Jessi+RichFemalePeru2007-04-10 15:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Guys, you can't beat finding all the available tickets prices in a one single search when using or In this last one, for the same month (June) and same airport (JFK), Taca offers the flight for 509 dollars... If flying Lacsa+TACA 478 dollars (or something like that, 2 stops though). Don't fall for sAAvings before comparing.

Buen viaje!

Jessi+RichFemalePeru2007-04-14 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Hi Jess,

I hope you are having a good dinner, I assume I am a little bit late replying... hehehe... There is this website where you can buy peruvian products,, I love it! They have all kinds of products and the delivery is super fast... :)

I ordered some canchita and maiz morado...

Hi maquilart, thanks for responding. My aji de gallina was delicious :thumbs: So far, no guest has reported poisoning or something :dance: I will check that website later. I couldn't find yucca anywhere so had the papa a la huancaina instead of the fritters.

Congrats on your pregnancy!!! You must be super happy!

God bless

Jessi+RichFemalePeru2007-04-11 12:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi guys

This thread is great, although I have not had the time to read it completely. I have guests to dinner tonight and want to delight them with my favorite dish Aji de Gallina :devil: And since it is a lot of time I cooked this I am not sure if I should add palillo or not, also palillo = turmeric?.

I found aji mirasol in paste (inca foods) and thats the only peruvian spice I would be using. I am also having some yucca fritters with salsa a la huancaina :devil: I prefer the fritters instead of potatoes.

Any suggestions are welcome!! Wish me luck! :innocent:

Jessi+RichFemalePeru2007-04-10 14:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBest/cheapest way to mail things to South America?

I agree don't use USPS. None of the smaller things letters and post cards arrived. Most of my larger packages arrived, but sometimes my relatives had to go to inquire about the package at serpost. Use DHL or UPS its more expensive but you can track your packages and personally I would rather pay more and be sure the documents got where I needed them to go.

...come to think of it. Only a small fraction of my letters/postcards ever arrived using USPS, 25-30% at best. The one time I paid more (~$30) for some docs (for my mother in law's tourist visa interview). USPS delivered it, but because no adults were home to sign for the package it was sent back to the airport. I ended up just sending her scanned copies of the docs..but if it's very important I would agree to send it using Fedex or DHL.
missouriviaperuMalePeru2011-03-22 18:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBest/cheapest way to mail things to South America?
I've always used USPS to send docs to Peru..worked out perfectly well! Much cheaper than the alternatives. Whenever she sent stuff to me it was FedEx.
missouriviaperuMalePeru2011-03-22 00:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americapassport expiring

All she needs to enter the U.S. again is her Green Card.
But she will need her old passport and any and all travel data since becoming a resident when filing for naturalization.

Thank you for the info ...the issue has been bugging us for a little while.
missouriviaperuMalePeru2012-01-12 20:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americapassport expiring she's going to be renewing it soon before she returns from our vacation in Peru...she received the GC back in August. I know the process in Peru for passport renewal is fairly straightforward... but will this affect re-entry to the US at all? I was wondering if anyone has been through this. Will she need to bring her old passport around with her just in case?

Edited by missouriviaperu, 12 January 2012 - 01:18 AM.

missouriviaperuMalePeru2012-01-12 01:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

He isn't too old to join the military. I think my brother told me after 9-11 they made it so you can join up until you are 45. I am pretty sure that is what he told me when we were talking about it a couple of weeks ago. I did read somewhere to be a police you have to be a US Citizen and pretty sure but not 100% about being a fireman too.

Yes on fireman.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2010-05-26 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

It is nice and encouraging hearing about the job situations, while my husband thinks about joining the service....Posted Image whatever he does i will support him...

Can he without being a citizen?
*JG*FemaleJamaica2010-05-26 14:28:00